641.135 Sortation. See Exhibit 641.135. *viewer dmm620.pcx* Exhibit 641.135 (NOT SHOWN) DMM620Exhibit 641.135] a. Five-Digit Sacks. When there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail (or more) packaged to the same 5-digit ZIP Code destination, the packages must be placed in a 5-digit sack or sacks labeled to the 5-digit destination. See 641.132 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. Five-digit sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds of mail are not accepted. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: (1) Nonmilitary Mail Line 1:City, 2-letter state abbreviation, and 5-digit destination Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of the post office of mailing Example: PHILADELPHIA PA 19118 3C FLATS BOSTON MA (2) Military Mail Line 1:Letters APO or FPO, followed by AE (for 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes 090-098), AA (for ZIPs 340), or AP (for ZIPs 962-966), and complete 5-digit APO or FPO ZIP Code Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: APO AE 09128 3C FLATS BAKERSFIELD CA Note: If a mailing consists of both machinable parcels and irregular parcels as defined in 128 and as provided for in 623.2, the contents line of 5-digit sack labels must read "3C MACH AND IRREG." When there are 10 pounds of material for a 5-digit ZIP Code destination, it must be placed in a 5-digit sack. Sacks containing less than 10 pounds of mail may be prepared. Pieces in a 5-digit sack that contains machinable and irregular parcels need not be packaged as required by 641.122b. b. Optional City Sacks. If, after preparing required 5-digit sacks, there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail (or more) packaged to the multi-ZIP Coded cities listed in Exhibit 122.63a, mailers are encouraged to place those packages into city sacks. See 641.132 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. City sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds are not accepted. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: Line 1:City, two-letter state abbreviation, and lowest 5-digit ZIP Code served by the city (see Exhibit 122.63a) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by the word "CITY," directly under the ZIP Code on Line 1 Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of the post office of mailing Example: FALMOUTH MA 02540 3C LTRS CITY SUBURBAN MD Note: An optional city sack may contain both machinable and irregular parcels (as defined in 128) when there are at least 10 pounds of material for the optional city sack. The contents line for optional city sack labels for sacks which are part of a mailing containing machinable and irregular parcels must read "3C MACH AND IRREG" followed by the word "CITY." Pieces in an optional city sack which contains both machinable and irregular parcels need not be packaged as required by 641.122c. c. Three-Digit Sacks. When, after preparing required 5-digit and optional city sacks, there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail (or more) packaged to the same 3-digit ZIP Code destination, the packages must be placed in a 3-digit sack or sacks labeled to the 3-digit destination. See 641.132 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. Three-digit sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds of mail are not accepted. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: (1) Nonmilitary Mail (a) Unique 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefixes Line 1:City, two-letter state abbreviation, and unique 3-digit prefix (see Exhibit 122.63b) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of the post office of mailing Example: PHILADELPHIA PA 191 3C FLTS ROCHESTER NY (b) Other 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefixes Line 1:Name of SCF and two-letter state abbreviation of the SCF, followed by the 3-digit prefix of the pieces in the sack (see Exhibit 122.63c or Exhibit 122.63d for the name of the SCF serving the 3-digit ZIP Code area) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of the post office of mailing Example: NORTHERN VIRGINIA VA 221 3C LTRS BAKERSFIELD CA (2) Military Mail Line 1:Letters APO or FPO, followed by AE (for 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes 090-098), AA (for ZIPs 340), or AP (for ZIPs 962-966), and 3-digit APO or FPO ZIP Code prefix Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: FPO AE 095 3C LTRS BAKERSFIELD CA Note: ZIP Code prefixes 094, 096-098, 340, and 962-965 contain both APO and FPO addresses. Therefore, the destination line for 3-digit sacks for destinations containing both APO and FPO mail must show the prefix APO/FPO before the state code and the 3-digit prefix. Example: APO/FPO AA 340. (All 3-digit sacks for ZIP Code prefixes 090-093 should be labeled APO, and 3-digit sacks for ZIP Code prefixes 095 and 966 should be labeled FPO.) d. Optional SCF Sacks. When, after preparing required 5-digit, optional city, and required 3-digit sacks, there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail (or more) packaged to post offices served by the same sectional center facility serving more than one 3-digit ZIP Code area, mailers are encouraged to prepare SCF sacks. See 641.132 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. A list of SCFs serving more than one 3-digit ZIP Code area, the 3-digit ZIP Code areas served by each, and the proper destination line (line 1) for sack labels is shown in Exhibit 122.63d. SCF sacks must always contain packages for two or more 3-digit ZIP Code areas served by the same SCF. The mailer may prepare SCF sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds of mail. SCF sacks must be labeled in the following manner: Line 1:Letters "SCF" followed by name of SCF, two-letter state abbreviation of SCF, and 3-digit ZIP Code prefix for SCF as shown in Exhibit 122.63d Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: SCF PHILADELPHIA PA 190 3C IRREG ENDICOTT NY e. Optional SDC Sacks. When, after preparing required 5-digit, optional city, required 3-digit and optional SCF sacks, there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail (or more) addressed to post offices in the same state distribution center (SDC) service areas listed in Exhibit 122.63g and Exhibit 122.63h, mailers are encouraged to prepare SDC sacks. See 641.132 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. SDC sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds are not accepted. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: (1) Nonmilitary Mail Line 1:Letters DIS or other required prefix, if any, followed by name, state, and code of destination SDC as shown in Exhibit 122.63g (letterand flat-size pieces) or Exhibit 122.63h (irregular parcels) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by abbreviation for state or states served by SDC, and additional codes if appropriate, as shown in Exhibit 122.63g or Exhibit 122.63h. Additional codes must be right-justified. Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: BMC PITTSBURGH PA 15193 3C FLTS PA 000 SAN FRANCISCO CA (2) Military Mail Line 1:Letters APO, FPO, or other required prefix, if any, followed by name, state, and code of destination SDC as shown in Exhibit 122.63g (letterand flat-size pieces) or Exhibit 122.63h (irregular parcels) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by letters APO, FPO, or APO/FPO, as shown in Exhibit 122.63g or Exhibit 122.63h Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: APO SAN FRANCISCO CA 962 3C LTRS APO BAKERSFIELD CA f. State Sacks. When, after preparing required 5-digit, optional city, required 3-digit, optional SCF, and optional SDC sacks, there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail (or more) packaged to the same state, the packages must be placed into state sacks. See 641.132 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. Sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds may be prepared. Each sack must be labeled under Exhibit 122.63j or Exhibit 122.63k, as applicable, and in the following manner: (1) Nonmilitary Mail Line 1:Letters DIS or other required prefix, if any, followed by name, state, and code of SDC for state as shown in Exhibit 122.63j (letterand flat-size pieces) or Exhibit 122.63k (irregular parcels) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by two-letter abbreviation of state to which pieces in sack are addressed, and additional codes as appropriate, as shown in Exhibit 122.63j or Exhibit 122.63k. Additional Codes must be right-justified Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: DIS KANSAS CITY MO 640 3C LTRS KS BAKERSFIELD CA (2) Military Mail Line 1:Letters APO, FPO, or other required prefix, if any, followed by name, state, and code of SDC for state as shown in Exhibit 122.63j (letterand flat-size pieces) or Exhibit 122.63k (irregular parcels) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by letters APO, FPO, or APO/FPO as shown in Exhibit 122.63j or Exhibit 122.63k Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: APO SAN FRANCISCO CA 962 3C LTRS APO BAKERSFIELD CA g. Mixed States Sacks. Packages remaining for two or more states after state sacks have been prepared must be made up in mixed-states sacks. Mixed states sacks must be labeled to designated origin distribution centers. A list of origin distribution centers for processing mixed states mail and their origin entry ZIP Codes is shown in Exhibit 122.63q or Exhibit 122.63r, as appropriate. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: Line 1:Letters MXD followed by city, two-letter state abbreviation, and ZIP Code of origin distribution center as shown in Exhibit 122.63q or Exhibit 122.63r, as appropriate Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by the words MIXED STATES Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: MXD ST LOUIS MO 630 3C LTRS MXD STATES JACKSONVILLE IL Note: The last sack in a mailing may not necessarily be a mixed-states sack. For example, if there are 10 pieces remaining for a 3-digit ZIP Code area which could not be placed in any of the required or optional sacks prepared, those pieces must be placed in a sack and labeled to the 3-digit ZIP Code destination. Equally, the last sack of a mailing could be for any level of sortation and is dependent upon the mail remaining after all required and optional sacks have been prepared. The last sack must be labeled to the appropriate destination, depending on the mail for which the sack was prepared. 641.136 Loose-Pack Sack. The term "loose-pack sack" refers to the placement of unpackaged, unbound mailpieces in a receptacle such as a mailsack. Management sectional center (MSC) managers may authorize mailers to loose-pack pieces in full No. 3 sacks without packaging, when all material in a sack would normally be "worked" at the point where the sack is opened, e.g., if a 3-digit sack contains no more than nine pieces for any one 5-digit destination. Pieces must be placed to maintain orientation of the pieces while in transit. Mailers desiring to loose-pack pieces must request authorization through the post office of mailing. Pieces prepared in loose-packed 5-digit sacks may qualify for the 3/5 presort rate subject to the applicable requirements in 624.2. 641.137 Rate Eligibility. Pieces in packages prepared under 641.122a (firm), 641.122b (5-digit), 641.122c (optional city), and 641.122d (3-digit) may qualify for the 3/5 presort rate if there are at least 10 pieces in each package, and the packages are correctly sacked to qualifying destinations (5-digit, optional city, and 3-digit) as required by 624.2 and 641.135a through 641.135c. Pieces in other packages, pieces in packages of less than 10 pieces, or pieces packaged under 641.122a through 641.122d but not sacked under 641.135a through 641.135c, are not eligible for the 3/5 presort rate and must have postage paid at the basic presort rate. 641.138 Trays. Except for ZIP+4 and ZIP+4 Barcoded rate mailings as provided in 647.11, trays (or other containers) may be used to prepare mailings at the basic presort and 3/5 presort rates instead of sacks only if the postmaster of the accepting post office grants an authorization. Authorization is granted only when the mail to be trayed is for delivery within the SCF of mailing, and the requirements of 641.12 and 647 are met. Traying is not authorized for non-ZIP+4 or non-ZIP+4 Barcoded rate mail to be delivered outside the origin SCF area. Mailings verified under plant-verified drop shipment procedures for entry at post offices within various SCF areas may be trayed if postmaster approvals for each drop point are obtained, the mailings entered at each drop point contain mail only for delivery within the SCF area of the drop point (office of mailing), and the requirements of 647 are met. 641.2 Machinable Parcel Preparation Requirements 641.21 General 641.211 Preparation. Machinable parcels as defined in 128 must be prepared under the following sacking requirements, except for mailers authorized to palletize under 644.2. There are no packaging requirements. 641.212 Rate Eligibility. Subject to the provisions of 624.2, pieces may be eligible for the 3/5 presort rate when prepared under 641.221 and 641.222. Mailers wishing to claim the 3/5 presort rate must presort to 5-digit destinations (as required by 641.221) before presorting to destinating BMCs under 641.222. Pieces correctly presorted and labeled under 641.222 to the origin BMC are eligible for the 3/5 presort rate. Pieces correctly presorted and labeled under 641.223 to the origin BMC (Mixed BMC sack) are eligible for the basic presort rate. 641.22 Sacking Requirements for Basic Rate See Exhibit 641.22 *viewer dmm625.pcx* Exhibit 641.22 (NOT SHOWN) DMM625Exhibit 641.22] 641.221 Optional Five-Digit Sacks. When there are 10 or more pounds of mail addressed to the same 5-digit ZIP Code destination, it may be placed in 5-digit sacks. Sacks containing less than 10 pounds of mail are not accepted. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: Line 1:City, 2-letter state abbreviation, and 5-digit destination Line 2:Class and processing category (3C MACH) Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: BINGHAMTON NY 13901 3C MACH WASHINGTON DC Note: Irregular parcels may be commingled with machinable parcels (see 128) in 5-digit sacks as provided in 623.2. When machinable and irregular parcels are commingled, sacks containing less than 10 pounds may be prepared. The contents line of the 5-digit sack must read 3C MACH AND IRREG. 641.222 Bulk Mail Center (BMC) Sacks. If, after preparing 5-digit sacks there are 10 pounds or more of mail to a destination BMC delivery area as described in Exhibit 122.63l, it must be placed in a destination BMC sack. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: Line 1:Letters BMC followed by BMC name, two-letter state abbreviation, and code of destination BMC as shown in Exhibit 122.63l. Mailers claiming DBMC rate must prepare and label sacks as shown in Exhibit 122.63s. Line 2:Class and processing category (3C MACH) and, if appropriate, followed by processing code (right-justified under Line 1 BMC code) as shown in Exhibit 122.63l Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: BMC LOS ANGELES CA 90901 3C MACH 000 ATLANTA GA 641.223 Mixed BMC Sacks. After any 5-digit and required destination BMC sacks have been prepared, the remaining pieces must be placed in sacks labeled to the origin BMC in the following manner: Line 1:Letters BMC followed by BMC name, two-letter state abbreviation, and code of origin BMC as shown in Exhibit 122.631 Line 2:Class and processing category (3C MACH) and, if appropriate, followed by processing code (right-justified under Line 1 BMC code) as shown in Exhibit 122.631 Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: BMC KANSAS CITY KS 64399 3C MACH TOPEKA KS 641.224 Sack Label Preparation a. Color. Sack labels must be white or manila (other colors are unacceptable). b. Size. Sack labels must not be less than 3-5/16 inches nor more than 3-3/8 inches long (parallel to the printing), and not less than 15/16 inch nor more than 31/32 inch high (perpendicular to the printing). c. Method of Preparation. The Postal Service prefers machine-prepared sack labels to ensure legibility, although legible hand-printed labels are acceptable. Illegible labels are unacceptable. d. Trailing Zeros. Two zeros may appear following 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes on sack labels. e. Abbreviations. The destination and office of mailing lines may contain abbreviated information, provided such abbreviations are as shown in Publication 65, National Five-Digit ZIP Code and Post Office Directory. In addition, the following authorized abbreviations may be used on the contents line of sack labels: Mail Processing Category Machinable Parcels MACH Other Mixed Machinable and Irregular Parcels (see 623.2) MACH AND IRREG f. Line 1. Line 1, the destination line, must be the first visible line on the label. It must be completely visible and legible when placed in the label holder or otherwise affixed for use. To ensure such visibility, the Postal Service recommends that mailers print the top line so that it is no less than 1/8 (0.125) inch below the top of the label when the label is cut and prepared for use. The destination line must contain only the information described in 641.221 through 641.223 and 641.231. g. Line 2. Line 2, the contents line, must be the second visible line on the label. It must contain the appropriate contents information (i.e., 3C MACH). h. Line 3. Line 3, the office of mailing line, must be prepared as described in 441.322c. i. Extraneous Information. Extraneous information is prohibited from the destination and contents lines. The mailer may place it elsewhere as provided in 441.323a and 441.323d through 441.323f. j. Barcodes. It is preferred that sack labels include a barcode, prepared as required in 646. 641.225 Sack Weight. No more than 70 pounds may be placed in any one sack. 641.23 Combined Mailings of Thirdand Fourth-Class Machinable Parcels 641.231 General a. Applicability. The following procedures and requirements apply when a mailer combines thirdand fourth-class machinable parcels in the same sacks under the provisions in 623.64 and 721.3. b. Preparation. See 641.211. c. Rate Eligibility. Subject to 624.2, third-class parcels in the combined mailing may be eligible for the 3/5 presort rate when 10 or more pounds of third-class parcels are packed to a 5-digit ZIP code destination (under 641.232a) or to a destination BMC (under 641.232b). Mailers wishing to claim the 3/5 presort rate must presort to 5-digit destinations as required by 641.232a before presorting to destinating BMCs under 641.232b. Pieces correctly presorted and labeled under 641.232b to the origin BMC are also eligible for the 3/5 presort rate. The documentation required by 624.645 must accurately record those pieces claimed at the 3/5 presort rate. 641.232 Sacking Requirements a. Destination Five-Digit Sacks. Where there are 10 pieces, 20 pounds, or 1,000 cubic inches of thirdand fourth-class machinable parcels addressed to the same 5-digit ZIP Code, they must be placed in a 5-digit sack. Each sack must be labeled as follows: Line 1:City, two-letter state abbreviation, and 5-digit ZIP Code of destination Line 2:Class and processing category (3C/4C MACH) Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: ROCHESTER NY 14623 3C/4C MACH WASHINGTON DC b. Destination Bulk Mail Center (BMC) Sacks. After the required 5-digit sacks have been prepared and there are 10 pieces, 20 pounds, or 1,000 cubic inches of parcels to a BMC delivery area, the remaining pieces must be placed in sacks labeled to the destination BMC delivery areas as follows: Line 1:Letters BMC followed by BMC name, two-letter state abbreviation, and destination BMC code shown in Exhibit 122.63l. (Mailers claiming DBMC rate must prepare and label sacks as shown in Exhibit 122.63s.) Line 2:Class and processing category (3C/4C MACH), followed by processing code (right-justified under Line 1 BMC code) shown in Exhibit 122.63l, if required Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: BMC LOS ANGELES CA 90901 3C/4C MACH 000 ROCHESTER NY c. Mixed BMC Sacks. After the required 5-digit and destination BMC sacks have been prepared, the remaining thirdand fourth-class machinable parcels must be placed in sacks labeled to the origin BMC as follows: Line 1:Letters BMC followed by BMC name, two-letter state abbreviation, and origin BMC code shown in Exhibit 122.63l Line 2:Class and processing category (3C/4C MACH), followed by processing code (right-justified under Line 1 BMC code) shown in Exhibit 122.63l, if required Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: BMC KANSAS CITY KS 63499 3C/4C MACH TOPEKA KS 641.233 Sack Label Preparation. Sack labels must meet the requirements prescribed in 641.224. 641.234 Sack Weight. No more than 70 pounds may be placed in any one sack. 641.3 (Reserved) 641.4 Additional Presort Requirements for Carrier Route Presort Rate Mailings Exhibit 641.4 (NOT SHOWN) DMM635Exhibit 641.4] 641.41 Packaging. See Exhibit 641.4. *viewer dmm625.pcx* 641.411 Carrier Packages. When there are 10 or more pieces addressed to the same carrier route, rural route, post office box section, highway contract route, or general delivery unit, the mailer must prepare them in packages of 10 or more pieces. A package of letter-size mail should not exceed 4 inches in thickness. All pieces in a package must be securely wrapped or tied together. Except as provided in 641.123b, all pieces in a package must be faced in the same direction. Rubber bands are the preferred method of securing packages. Whenever a carrier package is not placed in a sack labeled to show that it contains only packages for the same carrier route, rural route, highway contract route, post office box section, or general delivery unit, the mailer must use one of the following procedures to label the package: a. The mailer may prepare packages with a facing slip which must be affixed to the front of the package and marked as shown below: Line 1:City, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code of address Line 2:Type of route (carrier route, rural route, post office box section, highway contract route, or general delivery unit) and route number Line 3:Office of mailing Example: SAN FRANCISCO CA 94133 RURAL ROUTE 12 BOSTON MA 021 b. Packages made up to individual carrier routes, rural routes, highway contract routes, post office box section, or general delivery units may be prepared without facing slips when the following conditions are met: (1) The carrier route information consisting of a descriptive prefix (or its abbreviation), plus a route number of numeric code, must be on the top line of the address, either alone (the preferred format) or with other information (addressee, account data, etc.). Alternatively, the carrier route information may appear with the "Carrier Route Presort" endorsement on the line above or two lines above the address when the "Carrier Route Presort" endorsement is located in the address area in accordance with 629.63a and 629.63b. (2) The descriptive prefixes "carrier route, rural route, highway contract route, post office box section," or "general delivery unit" must either be spelled out (the preferred format) or abbreviated as follows: Carrier Route CR Rural Route RR Highway Contract Route HC Post Office Box Section B General Delivery Unit GD (3) The descriptive prefix must be followed by a 2-digit route number or 3-digit post office box section number when the ZIP Code is included in the address. If the ZIP Code is omitted from the address, the descriptive prefix must be followed by numeric route code. This route code must consist of the last two digits of the ZIP Code followed by the 2-digit carrier route number or 3-digit post office box section number. (4) The carrier route information must be right-justified. (5) The carrier route information must be preceded by at least two asterisks (**), or other distinctive nonalphabetic or nonnumeric character. The following are examples of address formats: **CARRIER ROUTE 11 RESIDENT 1300 WATERFORD DRIVE DISTRICT HEIGHTS MD 20747 **CR 11 RESIDENT 1300 WATERFORD DRIVE DISTRICT HEIGHTS MD 20747 RESIDENT **CR 11 1300 WATERFORD DRIVE DISTRICT HEIGHTS MD 20747 **RURAL ROUTE 05 POSTAL CUSTOMER 1602 COUNTRY LANE BURKE VA 22015 POSTAL CUSTOMER **RR 1505 CAR-RT SORT **CR 11 RESIDENT 1300 WATERFORD DRIVE DISTRICT HEIGHTS MD 20747 (6) At least 10 spaces must be allowed for carrier route information, if it is included with other information on the top line. c. The optional endorsement line may be used to label carrier packages as described in 642. d. Carrier route information prepared under the requirements in 641.411b(1) through 641.411b(6) may be shown on all pieces within the mailing regardless of the level of presort. 641.412 Residual Packages. All residual packages must be labeled with a red Label D to facilitate postal verification and handling and must be placed in 3-digit carrier routes sacks. Residual packages must be prepared in one of the following ways: a. When there are fewer than 10 residual pieces to a single carrier route, they may be secured in packages under 641.411. In addition to the red Label D, residual carrier route packages may also be labeled to the carrier route under 641.411a, 641.411b, or 641.411c. b. Residual pieces for an individual carrier route not packaged to a carrier route as provided in 641.412a, must be made up into 5-digit packages and labeled with a red Label D. 641.42 Sacking. See Exhibit 641.4. *viewer dmm625.pcx* 641.421 Sack Preparation. All qualifying packages of 10 or more pieces to the same carrier route must be placed in sacks under 641.425 through 641.427, except for a. mailers authorized to bundle or palletize, who must prepare packages and bundles under 644.1 or 645; and b. mailers who Express Mail drop ship bulk third-class mailings under 136.7, who may prepare sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces or less than 15 pounds of mail. 641.422 Minimum Quantity a. General. Mailers must prepare a sack whenever the quantity of mail reaches either 125 pieces or 15 pounds, whichever occurs first. A single-piece weight of 1.92 ounces (0.12 pound) results in 125 identical weight pieces weighing 15 pounds. Mailers must note on the mailing statement accompanying the mailing whether they applied the 125-piece or 15-pound threshold in sacking the mailing. b. Identical weight Pieces. Identical weight pieces that weigh 1.92 ounces (0.12 pound) or less must be prepared using the 125-piece minimum; identical weight pieces weighing more than 1.92 ounces (0.12 pound) must be prepared using the 15-pound minimum. c. Nonidentical weight Pieces. Mailings of nonidentical weight pieces must either (1) use the minimum that applies to the average piece weight for the entire mailing; (i.e., divide the net weight of the mailing by the number of pieces; the resulting average single-piece weight determines whether the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum applies); or (2) sack based on the actual piece count or mail weight for each sack, provided documentation can be supplied with the mailing that shows (specifically for each sack) the number of pieces and the total weight of those pieces. 641.423 Sack Label Preparation a. Color. Sack labels must be white or manila (other colors are unacceptable). b. Size. Sack labels must not be less than 3-5/16 inches nor more than 3-3/8 inches long (parallel to the printing), and not less than 15/16 inch nor more than 31/32 inch high (perpendicular to the printing). c. Method of Preparation. The Postal Service prefers machine-prepared sack labels to ensure legibility, although legible hand-printed labels are acceptable. Illegible labels are unacceptable. d. Trailing Zeros. Two zeros may appear following 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes on sack labels. e. Abbreviations. The destination and office of mailing lines may contain abbreviated information, provided such abbreviations are as shown in Publication 65, National Five-Digit ZIP Code and Post Office Directory. In addition, the following authorized abbreviations may be used on the contents line of sack labels: Mail Processing Categories LettersLTRS FlatsFLTS Irregular ParcelsIRREG Other Optional Carrier Sacks @@@Carrier RouteCR @@@Rural RouteRR @@@Highway Contract Route HC @@@Post Office Box Section B @@@General Delivery Unit GD Other Sacks @@@MixedMXD @@@Carrier RouteCR-RT @@@Carrier RoutesCR-RTS f. Line 1. Line 1, the destination line, must be the first visible line on the label. It must be completely visible and legible when placed in the label holder or otherwise affixed for use. To ensure such visibility, the Postal Service recommends that mailers print the top line so that it is no less than 1/8 (0.125) inch below the top of the label when the label is cut and prepared for use. The destination line must contain only the information described in 641.425 through 641.427. g. Line 2. Line 2, the contents line, must be the second visible line on the label. It must contain the appropriate contents information as described in 641.425 through 641.427. h. Line 3. Line 3, the office of mailing line, must be prepared as described in 441.322c. i. Extraneous Information. Extraneous information is prohibited from the destination and contents lines. The mailer may place it elsewhere as provided in 441.323a and 441.323d through 441.323f. j. Barcodes. It is preferred that sack labels include a barcode, prepared as required in 646. 641.424 Sack Weight. No more than 70 pounds of mail may be placed in any sack. 641.425 Optional Carrier Route Sacks. When there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of qualifying mail to the same carrier route, the mail should be placed in a carrier route sack. See 641.422 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. Carrier route sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds of mail for the same carrier route are not accepted. Each sack must be labeled in the following manner: Line 1:City, two-letter state abbreviation, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by type of route (carrier route, rural route, post office box section, highway contract route, or general delivery unit) and route number Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: SAN FRANCISCO CA 94133 3C LTRS--CR 18 PORTLAND OR Exception: Carrier route sacks are not optional and must be prepared if the mailing is claimed at a walk-sequence rate. 641.426 Five-Digit Carrier Routes Sacks. When, after preparing all carrier route sacks, there are at least 125 pieces or 15 pounds of qualifying mail (or more) to different carrier routes within the same 5-digit ZIP Code area, the mail must be placed in 5-digit carrier routes sacks labeled to the 5-digit ZIP Code destination. See 641.422 for a definition of how the 125-piece or 15-pound minimum is applied. Five-digit carrier routes sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds of mail may only be prepared under the following exception: Exception: Saturation mailers of carrier route presorted mail may, at their option, prepare 5-digit carrier routes sacks containing fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds of mail for those 5-digit ZIP Code areas that do not have a sufficient number of residential deliveries to meet the 125-piece minimum at a 90% saturation level. A saturation mailing is defined as a mailing sent to at least 90% of the total residential addresses within a 5-digit ZIP Code area. Five-digit carrier routes sacks must be labeled in the following manner: Line 1:City, two-letter state abbreviation, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by words CARRIER ROUTES or abbreviation CR-RTS Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: SAN FRANCISCO CA 94133 3C LTRS CR-RTS SYRACUSE NY 641.427 Three-Digit Carrier Routes Sacks. After all carrier route and required 5-digit carrier routes sacks have been prepared, all remaining qualifying carrier route packages must be placed in 3-digit carrier routes sacks labeled to the 3-digit ZIP Code destination. Three-digit carrier routes sacks may contain qualifying carrier route presorted mail and residual mail. The last sack to a 3-digit ZIP Code destination may contain fewer than 125 pieces and less than 15 pounds of qualifying carrier route packages. If such a sack is prepared, any residual mail to the 3-digit area must be placed in that sack. All packages of residual pieces must be placed in 3-digit carrier routes sacks labeled to the 3-digit ZIP Code destination. Each 3-digit carrier routes sack must be labeled in the following manner: a. Unique 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefixes Line 1:City, two-letter state abbreviation, and unique 3-digit ZIP Code Prefix (see Exhibit 122.63b) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by words MIXED CARRIER ROUTES or abbreviation MXD CR-RTS Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: BINGHAMTON NY 137 3C FLATS MXD CR-RTS WASHINGTON DC b. Other 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefixes Line 1:Name of SCF and two-letter state abbreviation of SCF, followed by 3-digit prefix of pieces in sack (see Exhibit 122.63c or Exhibit 122.63d for name of SCF serving 3-digit ZIP Code area) Line 2:Class (3C) and processing category, followed by words MIXED CARRIER ROUTES or abbreviation MXD CR-RTS Line 3:City and two-letter state abbreviation of post office of mailing Example: SPRINGFIELD MA 011 3C LTRS MXD CR-RTS BALTIMORE MD 641.43 Trays. Trays (or other containers) may be used to prepare mailings instead of sacks only if the postmaster of the accepting post office grants an authorization. Authorization is granted only when the mail to be trayed is for delivery within the SCF of mailing, and the requirements of 641.41 and 647 are met. All pieces in trays must be oriented and faced in the same direction. Traying is not authorized for carrier route mail to be delivered outside the SCF area of the post office of entry. Mailings verified under plant-verified drop shipment procedures for entry at post offices within various SCF areas may be trayed if postmaster approvals for each drop point are obtained, the mailings entered at each drop point contain mail only for delivery within the SCF area of the drop point (office of mailing), and the requirements of 647 are met. 642 Optional Endorsement (Package Label) Line in Address Block or Label 642.1 General. Mailers may prepare mailings without applying pressure-sensitive package labels to the top copies of packages by using a specific optional endorsement line above the address block or on the address label on the top copy of a package. 642.2 Format Specifications 642.21 First Line. Except when an address block barcode is placed above the optional endorsement line (see 551.252a), the appropriate makeup information must be the first line to appear at the top of the address block or label. Publishers receiving address corrections via address change service (ACS) may use up to the first six positions on the left side of the optional endorsement line for placement of the ACS publication code. 642.22 Clean Address Required. If the address block or address label contains any information other than the name of the recipient, street, street number, apartment or suite number, building name, post office box, or other established address, and city, state, and ZIP Code, it is recommended that a blank line be left between the address block and the optional endorsement line. 642.23 Size of Letters Used in Optional Endorsement Line. The information in the optional endorsement line must appear in capital letters, with letter size and line spacing not less than the size and line spacing of the largest letters or characters in the address block or in any portion of the address label. Letters in the endorsement line must be the same type font as those in the address block. 642.24 Alignment of Right Margin (Right-Justified). The optional endorsement line must be placed so that no characters in any portion of the address block or on the address label are to the right of the last character in the optional endorsement line. 642.25 Alignment of Left Margin (Left-Justified) 642.251 Non-ACS Format. The optional endorsement line must be filled with asterisks from the left margin of the label or address block (as defined by the position of the first character printed in the address block or on the address label) up to the first character in the optional endorsement line (see Mailing Label A in Exhibit 642.25 *viewer dmm425.pcx* ). 642.252 ACS Format. Publishers receiving address corrections via address change service (ACS) must place the delimiter symbol (#) in the first position at the left margin of the optional endorsement line and follow that symbol with the twoto five-character ACS publication code assigned to the publication by the Postal Service. The remaining space between the ACS code and the first character of the makeup information must be filled in with asterisks (see Mailing Label B in Exhibit 642.25 *viewer dmm425.pcx* ). (NOT SHOWN) DMM425 Exhibit 642.25, Left Margin Alignment] 642.26 ZIP Code. With the exception of carrier route packages, state distribution center (SDC) packages, state packages, and mixed-states packages, the optional endorsement line must include the applicable ZIP Code information. 642.27 Prescribed Letters or Characters. Only capital letters of the alphabet, Arabic numerals, or asterisks may be used in the optional endorsement line. 642.28 Valid Address, Including Correct ZIP Code. Each piece in the mailing must bear a valid address, including a correct ZIP Code. Pieces bearing the optional endorsement line and an invalid address are handled under 159. 642.3 Examples of Optional Endorsement Lines and Formats 642.31 Optional Endorsement Line Examples On FIRM PACKAGES use ***********FIRM 12345 On CARRIER ROUTE PACKAGES use ***********CAR-RT-SORT**B-001 On 5-DIGIT PACKAGES use ***************5-DIGIT 12345 On OPTIONAL CITY PACKAGES use **********MIXED CITY 123451 1The lowest five-digit ZIP Code served by the city must be shown. On 3-DIGIT PACKAGES use ***********3-DIGIT 771 On SCF PACKAGES use *********SCF 7502 2The proper 3-digit ZIP Code prefix for the SCF, as shown in Exhibit 122.63d, must be used. On OPTIONAL SDC PACKAGES use **********ALL FOR SDC On STATE PACKAGES use **********ALL FOR STATE On MIXED STATES PACKAGES use **********MIXED STATES Note: A unique 3-digit ZIP Code is defined as any 3-digit ZIP Code prefix which is assigned exclusively to a single large city, with the last two digits of the ZIP Code identifying a delivery area within the city (see Exhibit 122.63b). 642.32 Optional Endorsement Line Format and Address Examples a. This format may be used when nothing other than the addressee's name and address are printed on the label or the face of the piece in the address block. *****************FIRM 20045 JQD COMPANY INCORPORATED 529 14TH STREET NW SUITE 1399 WASHINGTON DC 20045 b. This format must be used when information in addition to the addressee's name and address are printed on the address label or the face of the piece in the address block. **************FIRM 20045 XLQ987NOV 81ZNJDMNYDEMRAS3712345# JQD COMPANY INCORPORATED 529 14TH STREET NW SUITE 1399 WASHINGTON DC 20045 642.33 Prohibited Formats. The following are examples of formats containing information or structures not permitted. a. Keyline printed above optional endorsement line. Optional endorsement line not properly aligned on right side (not right-justified). 017 00 000 00 004157 GARCIA * * * * * * * * *5-DIGIT 20013 J GARCIA PO BOX 289 WASHINGTON DC 20013 b. Keyline on same line as optional endorsement line. Optional endorsement line must be the top line and, if there is keyline information, it is recommended that a blank line be between the address block and the keyline. ME 01 BIL* * * *5-DIGIT 20013 J GARCIA PO BOX 289 WASHINGTON DC 20013 c. Stray characters in optional endorsement line. Optional endorsement line not aligned properly in address block (neither rightnor left-justified). 1 * * * K* * * 5-DIGIT 20013 9 8 26* !439* 1 J GARCIA *B PO BOX 289 8 WASHINGTON DC 20013 643 Irregular Parcels (SPRs) 643.1 Exemptions From Packaging Requirements 643.11 Same Destination. Irregular parcels 1/2 inch or more thick need not be made up into packages (as required by 641.11), if the packages would be made up to the same destination as the sacks in which they would be placed. For example, 10 or more such irregular parcels which are addressed to the same 5-digit destination need not be packaged if placed in a 5-digit sack; but, they must be packaged if placed in an optional city, 3-digit, optional SCF, optional SDC, state, or mixed states sack. Likewise, if there are 10 or more pieces for the same 3-digit area, but not to the same 5-digit ZIP Code (nor to the same optional city, if optional sorts are made), they need not be packaged if placed in a 3-digit sack; but, they must be packaged if placed in an optional SCF, optional SDC, state, or mixed states sack. Each separate mailing of irregular parcels must meet the minimum volume requirements for mailing at the bulk third-class rates. 643.12 Ten or Less Per Sack. Items which are so large that 10 or less pieces fill a sack need not be packaged. 643.2 Authorizing Commingling. Rates and classification centers may authorize the commingling of several permit mailings of irregular parcels in order to achieve a finer presort, provided adequate means are available to ensure that proper postage is paid. This normally requires that the mailings be made under the provisions of 145.7, 145.8, and 145.9. Each separate bulk mailing which is commingled must meet the minimum piece or minimum weight requirements for bulk rates. 643.3 Waiving Bundling Requirements. When authorizing commingling, regions may waive the requirements for bundling to 5-digit and 3-digit destinations if doing so results in a finer makeup of at least 50% of the mail. 643.4 Labeling Sacks. Sacks labeled for commingled irregular parcels must be identified with the words 3C COMM IRREG on the second (contents) line. 644 Palletization Requirements 644.1 Packages and Bundles Presented on Pallets Exhibit 644.1 (NOT SHOWN) DMM645Exhibit 644.1] 644.11 Application 644.111 General. The general manager, rates and classification center (RCC), serving the post office where the mailer is located, may authorize the preparation of third-class mail in packages and/or bundles presented on pallets instead of in sacks. The owner of the mail or the mailing agent, on behalf of the client, must submit Form 3856 for each product to be palletized to the field division general manager/postmaster of the division serving the post office where the mailer's plant is located (see 132). The owner/mailer may obtain Form 3856 from the field division director, marketing and communications. 644.112 Approval or Denial a. Division. The division must sign the application with a recommendation for approval or denial, stating the reason for the recommendation. Applications recommended for approval must be sent to the TMSC. Applications not recommended for approval must be sent to the RCC stating the reason for the recommended denial. b. TMSC. The TMSC works with the division and the mailer to determine the equipment and transportation needs associated with the application to palletize. If equipment and transportation are available by the projected startup date, the TMSC notes the date of availability on the application, signs it, and sends it to the RCC. If equipment and transportation are not available by the projected startup date, the TMSC notes this in the comments portion of the application. All applications must be sent to the RCC. c. RCC. If the general manager, RCC, finds that the mailer qualifies under and can comply with the regulations governing mail preparation and palletization, the general manager issues an authorization to palletize. If the RCC authorizes palletization over a division's recommendation for denial, the RCC initially calls the TMSC and coordinates the effective date. The RCC must notify the owner/mailer, in writing, of the approval and the effective date. If the RCC grants an authorization, the mailer must be prepared to submit information for future mailings, such as that required on the original application, at the request of the general manager, RCC. The RCC must immediately notify the TMSC by telephone of the approval and forward copies of the authorization to the division, the TMSC and all affected RCCs. The RCC must deny the application if it finds that the mailer cannot comply with the regulations governing mail preparation and palletization. If the RCC denies the application, the RCC must immediately notify the TMSC of the denial by telephone, and must send a written copy of the denial to the mailer, the division, the TMSC, and all affected RCCs. d. Length of Authorization. Authorization is granted for a specific period of time, not to exceed 2 years. 644.12 Package Preparation 644.121 Definition. A package is a group of pieces that are secured together as one unit. 644.122 Weight and Volume a. Except as provided in 644.122b and 644.122c, each package must contain a minimum of 10 pieces and must not exceed 20 pounds. b. Firm packages may contain as few as two pieces and do not have to be consolidated into bundles with other packages to the same 5-digit destination. c. If, after all required and optional packages have been prepared, there are fewer than 10 pieces remaining which are destined for a single 5-digit, optional multicoded city, 3-digit, or optional SCF, those pieces may be made into a package and placed on an appropriate level pallet. Example: If after all required and optional packages have been prepared, there are five pieces destined for the same SCF and there are no 5-digit, optional multicoded city, 3-digit, or optional SCF packages into which those pieces should have been placed, those pieces may be made into a package and placed on an appropriate level pallet. 644.123 Sortation. See Exhibit 644.1. *viewer dmm645.pcx* a. Mailers must presort pieces and secure them into packages as required in 641.122a through 641.122e and 641.41. Note: While SCF packages are an optional level of package sortation for sacked mailings, it is strongly recommended that mailers prepare SCF packages for palletized mailings. b. When there are 10 or more pounds of mail for a destination, mailers must secure the pieces together in packages weighing from 10 to 20 pounds. While mailers are required to prepare packages in 10- to 20-pound increments when there are 10 or more pounds of mail to a destination, they are encouraged to prepare the largest size package possible (as close to 20 pounds as possible) to minimize the number of packages prepared and handled. Exception: The last package to a destination may contain less than 10 pounds of mail. For example, if there are 45 pounds of mail for a 5-digit ZIP Code, the following packages would be acceptable: (1) One 20-pound, one 15-pound, and one 10-pound package; or (2) One 20-pound, one 12-pound, and one 13-pound package; or (3) Two 20-pound packages and one 5-pound package. c. When there are less than 10 pounds of mail for a destination, the pieces must be secured together in a single package, provided there are a minimum of 10 pieces in the package as required in 644.121. For example, if there are 9 pounds of mail for a 5-digit ZIP Code, the mailer must prepare only one package weighing 9 pounds. d. State distribution center (SDC), state, and mixed states packages or bundles must not be included in the palletized portion of a mailing. Mailers must sack such packages or bundles under 641.135e through 641.135g. 644.124 Package Labels. Mailers must label packages with either pressure-sensitive labels as provided in 641.122a through 641.122e and 641.41, or the optional endorsement line as provided in 642. Exception: When pressure-sensitive labels are used, a red Label D must appear on 5-digit packages if the copies in those packages bear the carrier route information as permitted in 641.411b. 644.125 Physical Characteristics a. Packages on BMC Pallets. All packages that are placed on BMC pallets must be machinable on BMC parcel sorters and must be prepared using shrink-wrap. Since shrink-wrap alone may not make a package machinable, it is recommended that each package be both banded around the length and girth and shrink-wrapped. The mailer must satisfy the Postal Service that the packages are machinable. This may be verified by having the mailing post office test-process 10 or more packages of each representative package size expected in the mailings on two or more passes through the BMC. The potential of the packages to cause damage to other mail must also be tested while the packages are being processed on BMC primary and secondary parcel sorters. b. Other Packages. Mailers must secure packages to withstand handling without breakage or damage and to prevent injury to postal personnel. The use of heavy-gauge shrink-wrap over banding is the recommended method of securing packages. However, use of only banding material or only shrink-wrap is acceptable. Banding material, if used, must be applied at least once around the length and once around the girth of each package. The use of metal strapping or wire to secure packages is prohibited. Note: Mailers must not include packages for SDC, state, and mixed states destinations in the palletized portion of a mailing. Mailers must sack packages for these destinations under 641.135e through 641.135g. 644.13 Optional Bundle Preparation 644.131 Definition. A bundle is defined as a group of two or more packages that are secured together as one unit. 644.132 Weight and Volume. Bundles must contain a minimum of two packages. The maximum weight of a bundle is 20 pounds. 644.133 Sortation. Mailers may consolidate packages into bundles in the same manner as sacks are prepared (see 641.135a through 641.135c and 641.42.) Pieces for optional SCF destinations must be prepared into packages only. Note: Mailers must not include bundles for SDC, state, and mixed states destinations in the palletized portion of a mailing. Mailers must sack bundles for these destinations under 641.135e through 641.135g. 644.134 Bundle Labels a. Bundles Placed on BMC Pallets. Except for firm, carrier route, and 5-digit bundles, mailers must label all bundles containing packages for levels of sortation finer than the bundle destination with a facing slip containing only the destination information required for sack labels in 641.135b and 641.135c, 641.426, 641.437, and a contents line. Two zeros must be added to the end of all 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes that may appear on the destination line of bundle labels. These requirements assist processing on BMC parcel sorters. (The facing slip must completely cover the address and package label on the top piece in the bundle to prevent confusion concerning the contents of the bundle.) Five-digit bundles, not labeled with a facing slip, must bear a red Label D or the 5-digit optional endorsement line if the pieces in the bundle bear the carrier route information as provided in 641.411b. b. Other Bundles. Bundles containing packages for levels of sortation finer than the bundle destination must be labeled with a facing slip containing only the destination information required for sack labels in 641.135b and 641.135c, 641.426, and 641.427. Examples of bundles requiring facing slips are (1) a carrier routes bundle containing carrier packages for different carrier routes within the same 5-digit ZIP Code area, (2) a 3-digit bundle containing all 5-digit packages for the same 3-digit ZIP Code area, and (3) a 3-digit bundle containing a 5-digit package and a 3-digit package for the same 3-digit ZIP Code area. 644.135 Physical Characteristics a. Bundles on BMC Pallets. All bundles placed on BMC pallets must be machinable on BMC parcel sorters and must be prepared using shrink-wrap. Since shrink-wrap alone may not make a bundle machinable, it is recommended that each bundle be both banded around the length and girth and shrink-wrapped. The mailer must satisfy the Postal Service that the bundles are machinable. This may be verified by having the mailing post office test-process 10 or more bundles of each representative bundle size expected in the mailings on two or more passes through the BMC parcel sorters. The potential of the bundles to cause damage to other mail must also be tested while these bundles are being processed on BMC primary and secondary parcel sorters. b. Other Bundles. Mailers must secure bundles to withstand handling without breakage or damage and to prevent injury to postal personnel. The use of heavy-gauge shrink-wrap over banding is the recommended method of securing bundles. However, use of only banding material, or only shrink-wrap is acceptable. Banding material, if used, must be applied at least once around the length and once around the girth of each bundle. The use of metal strapping or wire to secure bundles is prohibited. 644.14 Pallet Preparation 644.141 Weight and Volume a. The minimum mail load for a pallet is 650 pounds of mail. Exception: Up to 10% of the pallets in a mailing may contain less than 650 pounds of mail. b. The gross weight of a pallet (the combined weight of the pallet and the mail) must not exceed 2,000 pounds. 644.142 Sortation. Mailers must place packages and bundles on pallets as described below, beginning with pallets for the finest sortation level (5-digit pallets) through the largest authorized sortation level (optional bulk mail center (BMC) pallets). When there are 650 or more pounds of mail for a destination, the mailer must prepare the appropriate level (see Exhibit 644.1). *viewer dmm645.pcx* a. Five-Digit Pallets. Whenever there are 650 or more pounds of packages and/or bundles for the same 5-digit ZIP Code area, they must be placed on a pallet labeled to that 5-digit destination. Pallet labels must be prepared and affixed to the pallet under 644.143. The labels must contain the information required for 5-digit sack labels in 641.135a in the format required by that section. When a pallet contains copies claimed at destination delivery unit (DDU) rates and copies claimed at other rates (e.g., DDU and SCF rates), the copies claimed at delivery office rates must be placed on the top of the pallet and must be physically separated from the other copies. Any effective method of separation (e.g., a slipsheet) may be used (see 624.744c). b. Optional Multicoded City Pallets. If, after making up all required 5-digit pallets, there are 650 or more pounds of packages and/or bundles remaining that are destined for the same optional multicoded city, mailers may prepare an optional multicoded city pallet labeled to that city. Exhibit 122.63a includes a list of optional multi-ZIP Coded post offices and the ZIP Code areas served by each. The pallet labels must be prepared and affixed to the pallet under 644.143. The labels must contain the information required for optional multicoded city sack labels in 641.135b, in the format required by that section. When a pallet contains copies claimed at destination delivery unit (DDU) rates and copies claimed at other rates (e.g., DDU and SCF rates), the copies claimed at delivery office rates must be placed on the top of the pallet and must be physically separated from the other copies. Any effective method of separation (e.g., a slipsheet) may be used (see 624.744c). c. Three-Digit Pallets. If, after preparing all required 5-digit and optional multicoded city pallets, there are 650 or more pounds of packages and/or bundles remaining that are destined for the same 3-digit ZIP Code prefix area, mailers must prepare a 3-digit pallet labeled to that 3-digit destination. The pallet labels must be prepared and affixed to the pallet under 644.143. The pallet labels must contain the information required for 3-digit sacks in 641.135c in the format required by that section. When a pallet contains copies claimed at destination delivery unit (DDU) rates and copies claimed at other rates (e.g., DDU and SCF rates), the copies claimed at delivery office rates must be placed on the top of the pallet and must be physically separated from the other copies. Any effective method of separation (e.g., a slipsheet) may be used (see 624.744c). d. SCF Pallets. If, after preparing all required 5-digit, optional multicoded city, and required 3-digit pallets, there are 650 or more pounds of packages and/or bundles remaining that are destined for ZIP Codes served by the same sectional center facility (SCF) serving more than one 3-digit ZIP Code area, they must be placed on a pallet labeled to that SCF. Exhibit 122.63d includes a list of SCFs serving more than one 3-digit ZIP Code area, the 3-digit ZIP Code areas served by each, and the proper destination line (line 1) for sack/pallet labels. SCF pallets must always contain packages for two or more 3-digit ZIP Code areas served by the same SCF. The pallet labels must be prepared and affixed to the pallet under 644.143. The pallet labels must contain the information required for SCF sacks in 641.135d in the format required by that section. When a pallet contains copies claimed at destination delivery unit (DDU) rates and copies claimed at other rates (e.g., DDU and SCF rates), the copies claimed at delivery office rates must be placed on the top of the pallet and must be physically separated from the other copies. Any effective method of separation (e.g., a slipsheet) may be used (see 624.744c). e. Optional BMC Pallets. After all required 5-digit, optional multicoded city, required 3-digit, and required SCF pallets have been prepared, a BMC pallet may be prepared when there are 650 or more pounds of packages and/or bundles remaining that are destined for ZIP Codes served by the same BMC. Pallets must be labeled to the destination BMC in accordance with 644.143. The pallet label must contain the information required for destination BMC sacks under 641.222 in the format required by that section. Packages and bundles placed on BMC pallets must be machinable (see 644.124 and 644.134). Mailers wishing to take advantage of the DBMC rate must prepare and label pallets as shown in Exhibit 122.63s. All other pallet preparation requirements apply. Note: The contents line on pallet labels must reflect the processing category of the addressed pieces. Note: BMC pallets may contain pieces that are eligible for the DBMC rate and pieces that are ineligible for the DMBC rate destined for the ASF ZIP Code ranges served by that BMC as shown in Exhibit 624.721. The mailer must provide documentation showing the pieces that qualify for the DBMC rate. (Example: A BMC pallet for BMC MPLS/ST PAUL 55204 that is deposited at the Minneapolis/St. Paul BMC can contain mail for MPLS/ST PAUL BMC ZIP Codes shown in Exhibit 624.721 as well as mail for Fargo ND ASF ZIP Codes 565, 567, 580-588, but, in that circumstance, the pieces for the Fargo ND ZIP Codes would not qualify for the DBMC rate.) 644.143 Pallet Labels a. General. The mailer must affix at least two clearly visible labels placed on two adjacent sides of each pallet. Pallet labels must be white and at least 8 by 11 inches, with letters at least 1/2 inch high. Labels must contain the information required in 644.142a through 644.142e. b. Destination Line. When the destination line of a pallet label does not provide sufficient space for all required information, the destination ZIP Code may be placed, right-justified (far right-hand side), on the line immediately below the destination line and above the contents line of the pallet label. As an alternative, a standard abbreviation for the destination city name may be used. c. Contents Line. In cases where the contents line of a pallet label does not provide sufficient space for all required information, the contents information may be continued, right-justified (far right-hand side), on the line immediately below the contents line and above the office of mailing line of the pallet label. As an alternative, the following authorized contents line abbreviations may be used: MixedMXD DigitDG Carrier RouteCR-RT Carrier RoutesCR-RTS LettersLTRS FlatsFLTS d. Additional Information. If a 5-digit pallet contains only carrier route packages and/or bundles, the contents line of the pallet labels must show the words CARRIER ROUTES, or the authorized abbreviation, after the description of contents (3C Flats, 3C LTRS, etc.) If a 5-digit, optional multicoded city, 3-digit, or SCF pallet contains copies claimed at delivery office rates and copies claimed at SCF zone rates, the contents line of the pallet label must show the designation DDU/SCF after the description of the contents. This information may appear on the line immediately below the contents line in accordance with 644.143c above. Note: Five-digit presort level rate packages and bundles and third-class carrier route rate packages and bundles may not be part of the same mailing (see 652.2) and they may not be palletized on the same pallet except when authorized under 644.17. e. Extraneous Information. Extraneous information is information placed on a pallet label by the mailer or list house providing the labels, which is not required by the Postal Service. Extraneous information is allowed on pallet labels if it meets the following criteria: (1) The print size is smaller than the 1/2-inch height specified for Postal Service required information. (2) No extraneous information appears on or between the lines reserved for Postal Service required information. (3) A 1-inch clear space is maintained around the lines reserved for Postal Service required information. Note: It is recommended that extraneous information appear only on the bottom portion of the pallet label. 644.144 Physical Characteristics a. General. Pallets which are used in a palletized mailing (whether provided by the Postal Service or the mailer) must be constructed of high-quality material, designed to handle loads equal to a gross weight of 2,200 pounds with volume up to 65 cubic feet. The dimensions must be 48 by 40 inches. The pallets must be designed for four-way entry by fork trucks and two-way entry by pallet jacks. Mailers must wrap pallets of mail with shrinkable or stretchable plastic strong enough to retain the integrity of the pallet throughout transportation and handling. It is also recommended that the pallets be banded. b. Top Caps. Top caps are required on loaded pallets weighing less than 1,000 pounds gross. Top caps are also required on pallets that are double-stacked during staging or transit, regardless of weight. A top cap must be secured to the pallet with strapping or banding sufficient to keep the cap in place so that it protects the mail and maintains the integrity of the pallet. c. Double Stacking Pallets. Pallets must be double-stacked whenever possible, under the following conditions: (1) The combined gross weight of double-stacked pallets must not exceed 2,200 pounds. (2) Both pallets must be top-capped. (3) The pallets must be banded together with appropriate strapping material to maintain their integrity throughout transportation and handling. (4) The heavier pallet must be on the bottom. Note: Triple-stacked pallets are not accepted under any circumstances. 644.15 Presentation of Mailings. Sacks containing packages for SDC, state, or mixed states destinations, or containing packages or bundles remaining after all possible pallets have been prepared, may be presented along with the palletized mailing (i.e., on the same mailing statement), if the sacks are physically segregated from the palletized portion of the mailing. 644.16 Renewal or Cancellation of Authorization a. Renewal. Each authorization expires 2 years from the effective date of the authorization. The mailer/owner must submit a new request if a renewal of the authorization is desired. b. Cancellation. An authorization may be canceled if the mailer has not complied with the regulations governing mail preparation and palletization. 644.17 Commingling Mixed Rate Level Mailings on Pallets 644.171 General. The following procedures and requirements apply to mailers who want to present packages of third-class mail which are subject to more than one presort level rate--basic presort, 3/5 presort, or carrier route presort--on the same pallet. 644.172 Eligibility Requirements. The following prerequisites must be met prior to a mailer receiving an authorization to commingle third-class mixed level rate mailings on pallets: a. The mailer must be an authorized plant-load mailer with a detached mail unit located at the mailer's plant. b. The mailer must be authorized to palletize each specific type of mailing under 644.1. Exception: A mailer that cannot meet the minimum palletization requirements without commingling mixed level rate mailings may still qualify under 644.172b, if (1) the mailing meets minimum pallet requirements with a commingling authorization, (2) the mailer applies for and receives authorization to palletize after commingling has been authorized, (3) a copy of the authorization to palletize is provided to the post office where the mailings are to be entered, and (4) no mailings are prepared or submitted under the commingling procedures until the authorizations for commingling and palletization have been granted. 644.173 Request for Authorization a. General (1) Mailers must submit requests in writing to the rates and classification center (RCC) in the region where the mailings are to be entered. Mailers cannot commingle third-class mixed level rate mailings on pallets until they have received written authorization from the RCC to do so. Except as provided in 644.173b, requests must contain the following information: (a) Name of mailer preparing the mailing. (b) Plant location. (c) Name of product, publication, or mailpiece. (d) Name of owner of mail. (e) Permit number to be used on mailings. (f) Anticipated date of first mailing when authorized. (g) A copy of Form 3815. (h) A copy of the authorization to palletize. (i) A sample of the required computer-generated pallet listings. (2) A separate request must be submitted for each different mail product which is prepared under these procedures. Authorizations are not granted to a mailer or mailer's plant for all third-class mailings prepared. Each authorization is only for a specific mail product. However, if the documentation for more than one product is derived from the same computer software program, more than one request may be submitted on one application, provided the name of each mail product is listed on the application. b. Concurrent Filing with Form 3856. Mailers may concurrently apply for authorization to palletize under 644.1 as well as to commingle mixed level rate mailings of the same mailpiece/publication on pallets. In order to do this, mailers must submit the following: (1) A completed Form 3856 under 644.111, for each different mail product. Item 8D must be checked YES. (2) The information required by 644.173a(1)(e), 644.173a(1)(f) (if the date is different from the one shown in item 4 on Form 3856), 644.173a(1)(g), and 644.173a(1)(i). 644.174 Termination of Authorization. Each authorization to commingle mixed level rate mailings on pallets expires concurrently with the pallet authorization and may not exceed 2 years from the effective date of the authorization. A new request must be submitted if a renewal of the authorization is desired. 644.175 Preparation Requirements a. Summary Listing. At the time of mailing, the mailer is required to provide a computer-generated list, in ZIP Code sequence, which describes the contents of each pallet, and is numbered identically as the corresponding pallets. At a minimum, the list must contain the following information: (1) The number of pieces to each carrier route within each 5-digit ZIP Code. (2) The number of pieces that qualify for the basic presort rate and for the 3/5 presort rate for each 5-digit ZIP Code. (3) The number of pieces that qualify for the basic presort rate and for the 3/5 presort rate for each 3-digit ZIP Code prefix. (4) A summary listing of the total number of pieces qualifying for each rate category contained on each pallet. (5) A summary listing of the total number of pieces qualifying for each rate category within each mailing or mailing segment. (6) The name of the mailer, mailer's location, the owner of the mail, the mailing segment and the entry post office. Note: The mailer must retain, for possible postal inspection, an additional copy of the individual detailed summary listings up to 90 days after the mailing is dispatched. b. Carrier Route Endorsement. The endorsement CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT or its authorized abbreviation CAR-RT SORT may only be printed on pieces which qualify for the carrier route presort level rate. The mailer may, however, print carrier route information (CRO1, for example) on each piece in the mailing. c. Pallet Preparation (1) Labeling (a) The pallet label and the corresponding computer-generated list must be identically numbered so they may be identified and used for presort and postage verification. Mailers must place this number in the lower right-hand corner of the pallet label in a print size that can be easily recognized. (b) Mailers must prepare pallet labels under 644.143. (2) Preparation (a) In order to facilitate postal verification, the mailer must, at the time of mailing, indicate to postal employees how packages and bundles are placed on the pallets. For example, are all carrier route packages for all ZIP Code destinations placed on the pallet, followed by all 5-digit packages, 3-digit packages, etc., or are carrier route and 5-digit packages for a 5-digit ZIP Code destination placed on the pallet followed by carrier route and 5-digit packages for the next 5-digit ZIP Code destination placed on the pallet, etc. (b) The mailer must shrink-wrap, stretch-wrap or otherwise secure mail to pallets after mail on the pallets has been verified by Postal Service employees. (c) When top caps are used on pallets which weigh less than 1,000 pounds, the mailer must write the top cap's tare weight on the pallet label or in another prominent location. d. Nonidentical Weight Mail. Nonidentical weight pieces may only be included in a commingled mailing if the mailing is prepared under an optional procedure authorization or if correct postage is affixed to each nonidentical weight piece.