Editor's Note: Received, 7/14 - attendee list will be appended later. CURRENT_MEETING_REPORT_ Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics Minutes of the Internet User Glossary Working Group (USERGLOS) The Userglos Working Group met twice at this IETF. The final include/exclude pass was completed on the entries in the Glossary. In particular, networks were excluded. Several definitions were found to be wanting and will be worked on. It was also decided that there will be no indices. Agenda o Discuss format. o Discuss inclusion of networks and standards levels. o Weeding-out Process (which definitions should be excluded?). o Discuss indices. The only format decision was whether or not to right-justify the document. Joyce pointed out that RFC 1111 requires ``ragged edge''. The column width will also be increased. It was decided that it was impossible to draw a fair line to determine which networks (e.g., NSFnet, Ebone, AARNET, NEARnet, etc.) should be included and which should be excluded. Therefore, no networks will be included. The exception is ARPAnet, for historical reasons. It was decided to remove the definitions for standards levels (e.g., Experimental, Historical, Recommended, etc). Overall, the number of entries was decreased. Given the intended audience, and the use to which they will put this Glossary, it was decided that indices based on an entry category would not be useful. That is, the document will be used by people to find the meaning of a word used by a guru. We decided that anyone interested in a list of networks, organizations or protocols would have much more definitive sources from which to work. 1