Network OSI Operations (noop) Charter Chair(s): Susan Hares Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Network OSI Operational Description of Working Group: The working group is chartered to work on issues related to the deployment of CLNP in the Internet. The first area of this group's work has been the learning necessary to start deploying OSI in internet networks. This phase has includes: Planning OSI deployment by creating routing plans for regional networks and education of groups on using OSI routing protocols. This first area of the group's work will be on-going as we continue to deploy OSI in the Internet. This step has lead to people deploying OSI for Pilot projects and demonstrations of OSI. The second step of deploying OSI will need to OSI from a Pilot service to a Production service. During this phase we will work on specifying the network debugging tools and test beds. We will need to track the level of OSI support in the internet. We will need to provide documentation for new users of OSI on the Internet. Goals and Milestones: Ongoing Provide a forum to discuss OSI routing plans by email or in group discussions. Jan 92 Post as an Internet Draft of a tutorial for CLNP OSI routing protocols, including ES-IS, CLNP, IS-IS, and IDRP. Apr 92 Post as an Internet Draft a requirements document specifying what OSI network tooks are needed on every host and router. Jul 92 Post as an Internet Draft a collection of regional Routing and Addressing plans. Jul 92 Post as an Internet Draft a list of OSI Network Utilities available in the public domain and from vendors. This list will be passed over to the NOC tools Group effort for joint publication. Jul 92 Post as an Internet Draft a description of OSI network layer debugging methods. Jul 92 Post as an Internet Draft a list of OSI Network Layer NOC tools available in the public domain and from vendors. This list will be passed over to the NOC tools group effort for joint publication. Jul 92 Submit to the IESG for Proposed Standard a requirements document specifying what network tools are needed on every OSI host and router. Aug 92 Submit to the IESG as an Informational RFC a description of OSI network layer debugging methods.