Blizzard of '93 QuickTime Animation - March 1993 The animation contained in this archive is a loop of infrared satellite images showing the path of the storm that many on the East Coast of the United States called "The Blizzard of '93" This animation covers all of Friday, March 12 and Saturday March 13, 1993. Images are roughly every other hour -- 24 frames. The images ] were downloaded from the Internet site "" which posts hourly infrared and visible satellite gif images. The gifs were converted to PICTs, then NIH Image 1.44 was used to touchup a few missed scan lines in several images, and compile the images into a PICS animation file. The utility "PICS-to-Movie" was used to turn this PICS file into a QuickTime movie. The movie is about 3 seconds long, about 380 kb, and was compressed with the Graphics compressor. This movie may be freely distributed. If you like it, drop me a line. If you use it in a class or other research or educational setting, I'd really appreciate a postcard from your university. Nathan Gasser 1020 Lindale Ave. Drexel Hill, PA 19026 USA P.S. Thanks to the folks at the U of I for making these images available!