October, 1994


Since I am interested in the Virtual Reality field myself and I'm also an enthusiastic user of Virtus Corporation's Virtus VR program. I wanted to include on this CD-ROM a Virtual Reality folder. Luckily there was disc space left on the CD-ROM before it's completion. So as a special treat you will find QuickTime movies that were generated using Virtus VR and it's demo files. Yes, Virtus VR permits you to generate a QuickTime movie of your Virtual Reality worlds.


Eric "E.T." Tremblay


In this special and bonus section of the CineClips CD-ROM you will find several files related to the Virtual Reality field.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Richard Boyd and all the other people at Virtus Corporation for making and giving me special permission to include QuickTime movies of the demo files found in the Virtus VR program.

Please take note that Virtus Corporation and the authors of these demo worlds retain all copyrights to their work.

The QuickTime movies are included here on the CD-ROM with special permission.

I hope that you will enjoy these files and that you will see what a little imagination and a little time can accomplish in the Virtual Reality world...

Eric "E.T." Tremblay