This animation was created with FloÕªÑdigital distortion and animation software. FloÕ allows you to create rubbery free-form distortions and animated distortions. You can distort any part of an image without digital artifactsÑleaving the rest of the image unmodified. Stills or animations can be rendered to any size or resolutionÑsuitable for film, video, or print. FloÕ supports PICS, PICT, TIFF and direct support for QuickTimeª. It also imports and exports 32-bit PICTs with an alpha channel (mask). This animation was designed to play in a continuous loopÑinstruct your player to play it in a loop. The source image is of the author's intrepid brother.For ordering and information contact:VALIS1001 W. Cutting BlvdRichmond CA, 94804(510) 215-3512