StarWindow is a short animation, showing stars passing a spacecraft window. It's reminiscent of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The scene was rendered using RTrace, cleaned up in Photoshop, and animated using the stack facility on NIH Image. It was then converted to a QuickTime movie using Movie Converter. The best quality is seen using Image to animate it. The QuickTime movie uses the system palette, and as such doesn't show all the colours on an 8-bit display. Change to greyscale for a better picture. As I have a bit more time on my hands, I may try some more ambitious animations. Stay posted! Source code for the RTrace scene is included should you want to mess around with it. © T. R. Coldwell, July 1993. (10 KingsMoor Rd, Stockton-on-Forest, York, YO3 9TY, England, UK) Posted to the net by his good friend Lloyd. (