RTrace-Fly-Thru.movie NOTE: QuickTime-1.5 is required to play back this movie. It was created with the new "Compact Video" compressor using the "high quality" setting. This animation was created by a new freeware photorealistic rendering and animation application called "RTrace". Full source code is included with the release. RTrace was written by Antonio Costa at INESC-Norte in Portugal. The MacIntosh version was written by Greg Ferrar at Ohio State and myself (Reid Judd at Illuminati). RTrace supports these capabilities: point lights directional lights spot lights with fall-off extended lights 2 ways of defining surfaces spheres axis-aligned parallelipipeds cylinders cones bicubic patches polygons polygonal patches (normals are interpolated from corner points) 3D text with high quality CSG operations 4x4 matrix transformations textures depth of field diffuse distribution stereoscopic pair creation Procedural textures (with 4x4 matrix transformations) are also supported: checkerboard color blotches marble bump map fbm fbm bump map wood gloss image mapping waves (and many others...) And, outputs Mac-PICT, PPM images, and QuickTime movies. Enjoy, -- Reid Judd ILLUMINATI@AppleLink.Apple.Com 2617 Sweetbriar Rd. Durham, NC 27704