This was rendered on a Sun SPARCstation 2, mostly on my lunches, and a couple of late nights. I used a shareware program called Rayshade to do the rendering, and then "hopped it up" so that we could do the animation. I took the individual pictures off the Sun, converted them to mac picts, used a workware piece of software called pics compiler 0.6 by Midnight Oil to convert it to a pics file, then used an example piece of software I got from apple to convert it from pics to quicktime. In the case of exploding cube, I used video compression set pretty high. It resulted in a really neat, grainy sort of image. Exploding cube is also the more complicated of the two pieces to create, since each side was defined separately, as were the rotations and translations. Anyway, these couple of pieces (Exploding cube & Buckyball) are workware. In other words, I'm looking for work in the Reno, NV area. I've got a lot of experience with a wide range of computers, and a strong interest in moving into the animation field. You can always write me at ror on AOL. Thanks.