BRAZILIA.MOV A wooden textured airplane COPTER.MOV A nice helicopter landing DROPCAR.MOV A car being dropped by a helicopter DROPCARB.MOV A helicopter dropping a car in the air Bigger version F15.MOV An F15 fighter flying by F15B.MOV An F15 fighter flying by Bigger version F16TAXI.MOV F16 taxi on the runway F16TAXIB.MOV F16 taxi on the runway Bigger version FLYBY.MOV A plane switching into a van FLIGHT.MOV Jet planes flying in formation FLIGHT.TXT Read me file for HERCUL2.MOV A Hercules airplane flying by HERCULE.MOV A Hercule airplane taking off PLANE1.MOV An A-10 Airplane with nice nose graphics PLANE1B.MOV An A-10 Airplane with nice nose graphics Bigger version PLANE2.MOV Airplanes, airplanes PLANE3.MOV An airplane PSHOW.MOV One airplane flying upside down over another flying plane PSHOW2.MOV Again upside down but over the runway this time PSHOW2B.MOV Again upside down but over the runway this time PSHOWB.MOV One airplane flying upside down over another flying plane Bigger version SHORTFLT.MOV A nice airplane animation TFLYBY.MOV Two airplanes flying by TSHOW.MOV Twin airplanes making a little trick