2DOV11.ZIP 2Do 1.1B Personal Task Manager (PIM) for Windows 3X3_10.ZIP easy-to-use method of producing labels for 3 1/2" disks 4ACALC.ZIP Calculator Utility 4ALNCH11.ZIP File Launcher Browses Disk Drives 4WIN110.ZIP A 4DOS-Like Shell for Windows (ver 1.10) 5IN1.ZIP Collection of Utilities for Windows (shell,memory,etc) ACCENT.ZIP Accent Version 2.0a - The Diacritic Key Translator ACCESS21.ZIP Accessess 2.10 for Windows Desktop Organizer ACCIS11.ZIP Windows Access CompuServe Manager (Beta version) ACCLIP.ZIP Ack Clip: Text Format Clipboard Stack Saver ACCOUNT.ZIP Simple checkbook program ACCTMN13.ZIP Account Manager 1.3 -- Time usage tracking program ACHART12.ZIP ASCII Chart for Windows ADDER21.ZIP Accumulated-sum calculator ADDMNU41.ZIP AddMenu: Add options to your system menus (w/src) ADDRES17.ZIP Address Manager, Envelope Printer, Phone Dialer ADRBK101.ZIP AddressBook 1.01 address organizer/lbl printer [WinMag] ADRBK13U.ZIP AddressBook is an address manager for Windows 3.1 ADRBOOK.ZIP 1/4 size pocket address booklet, labels, envs, lists ADRESSEN.ZIP Adressverwaltung V0.99 for Windows 3.1 (German ver) ADRS10D.ZIP Adressverwaltung V1.0 German Address Book for Win 3.1 AIMSPICE.ZIP AIM-Spice simulator package ALLINI21.ZIP INI file editor ALLOV10A.ZIP ALLOALLO! V1.0a Communication Software for Windows ALM31.ZIP Version 3.1 of Almanac for Windows 3.1 ALW114.ZIP Astronomy Lab v. 1.14:Prediction, Graphing & Simulation AMORTW28.ZIP Master Amortizer for loan analysis AMPS13.ZIP Print Screen 1.3 for Windows AMW10.ZIP ArcMaster for Windows: Pkzip Front-End ANSMACH.ZIP Answering Machine for Windows APDOCK2C.ZIP A NeXT-like Tool Bar/App Dock for Windows (w/icons) APLANR22.ZIP A project/event planner v2.2 APPAD40A.ZIP Application Pad: Formerly NeXT App Bar (ver 4.0a) APPBAR46.ZIP Win3.1 update of Application Bar (ver 4.6) APPSHL.ZIP App Shell 1.0 - Template for File-oriented Applications ARCH11.ZIP Archon Desktop Information Management Tool ARCHIVES.ZIP Archives: Pkzip/unzip Front-End for Windows (ver 3.08) ARCSHL13.ZIP ArcShellL zip/arc/lzh/arj shell for Windows (ver 1.3) ARJNDW.ZIP ARJ File Interface for Windows ASC_10.ZIP ASCII Table and Font Viewer ASS_A01.ZIP Kill one Windows COM app so you can run another ASSOC1.ZIP Easily edit file association settings ATALK.ZIP A-Talk multi-featured telecomm package [660k] ATT302.ZIP All The Time: Customizable Clock w/Resource Mon AUDIT.ZIP AUDIT.ZIP: Stats on GDI/User heaps/MemMgr (w/src) AUTOK21.ZIP AutoSave Feature for Window Applications AUXIL15.ZIP DOS device driver that directs AUX output to CON AWIN220.ZIP Archiver shell for windows AXESS210.ZIP OpenAccess File Selection Dialog Enhancement BACKDESK.ZIP Combines BackMenu and BigDesk BAIL_20.ZIP BailOut v2.0 - Windows Quick Exit Utility BBASE11.ZIP BioBase: bibliographic database for Win (req vbrun200) BCALC.ZIP BCalc! is a replacement calculator for Windows BCALC2.ZIP Business Calculator V2.00 for Windows 3.1 BCARDS20.ZIP BusinessCards free form database program BEDIT14.ZIP Bedit v1.4: MS-Windows text editor w/drag-drop [648k] BEDSHR13.ZIP Configurable editor for Windows with good vi emulation BENVELOP.ZIP Print Envelopes/Labels via Windows BFILE1A.ZIP buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (1 of 5) BFILE1B.ZIP buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (2 of 5) BFILE1C.ZIP buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (3 of 5) BFILE1D.ZIP buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (4 of 5) BFILE1E.ZIP buttonFile 1.0. Easy to use Windows database (5 of 5) BIBFIL12.ZIP BiblioFile Version 1.2 is a reference library manager BITMAN.ZIP View bitmaps in .EXE or .DLL files BIZWIZ.ZIP Business/Financial Calculator BKWRM091.ZIP Bibliographic Database Manager for Windows 3.X BLINC204.ZIP The Total Mailing List Manager for Windows BONDS20.ZIP Tracks U.S. Savings bonds BOOKBASE.ZIP BOOKBase: Win3.1 Database Manager for Books BOOM10.ZIP Create Dialog Boxes to open/save freq used files BOXPLT13.ZIP Create Box Plots for Loudspeakers Version 1.3 BPRINT12.ZIP BinaryPrinting is a drag-and-drop utility for printing BPUTIL.EXE Win3.1 Update of Barry Press Window Utils BPWIN10W.ZIP Blood pressure monitor, chart your measurements BROWSER.ZIP NeXT Program Manager/File Manager Replacement BTNGO.ZIP One-click launching (PCMAG) BWE.ZIP Windows Quick exit utility C_LINE11.ZIP Command Line, a program launcher for Windows CALCPD10.ZIP Windows scientific calculator program CALMST11.ZIP version 1.1 of Calendar Master CAPCN10.ZIP CapsControl: Config CapsLock/Ctrl Key CARDMAT1.ZIP Extract useful info from a cardfile (.CRD format) CARDXLT2.ZIP Translates Wincard files to Text and back CASEMAKR.ZIP Audio Cassette Label Maker CASLNR39.ZIP Print Audio Cassette Liners CBILL12.ZIP Client Biller v.1.2 for Windows 3.1 CBWLITE.ZIP Colorado Backup for Windows Lite, Version 1.10 [887k] CCIZIP20.ZIP ZIP File Management Utility for Windows CCPLUS12.ZIP Credit Card Plus 1.2 for Windows [473k] CDLAB202.ZIP CD Jewel Box Label Maker CHANGEIT.ZIP Change drive letters in any .GRP, .INI, or .PIF file CHASTITY.ZIP Prevent Children from Accessing Areas of Windows CHCOMB.ZIP Cherry Hill VM Replacement COMM Buffer Driver CICA2DB2.ZIP Converts Master Index file to comma and quote file CICADIR2.ZIP Manipulate CICA Index Files CIRCUL10.ZIP Circular File v1.0: Drag and drop deletion utility CLEDI09A.ZIP CoolEdit-Win Command History and Filename Completion CLEN.ZIP Three apps to organize your icon, sound and .BMP files CLICK13.ZIP Click! 1.3 Filer Util for Windows CLINR39C.EXE Print Cassette Tape Liners CLIPDIAL.ZIP Windows Clipboard Phone Dialer CLOCKR23.ZIP A personal/network program scheduler for Windows 3.1 CMM21F.ZIP Cinetic Internet Mail Mgr (was EZ-Mail) Win3.0 Engine CMM21S.ZIP Cinetic Internet Mail Mgr (was EZ-Mail) Win3.1 Engine COD100.ZIP Clock of Doom: Clock with U.S debt, murder rate, etc. CODEP220.ZIP CodePrint, ascii file print utility w/fmt controls COMMODEA.ZIP Delete (flush) files using drag-n-drop technique COOK.ZIP Freeform Recipe Database Manager for Windows CP_80G.ZIP Command Post Text-based Shell 8.0g for Windows CPTAPE13.ZIP Utility for Central Point Backup for Windows v7.x CPUUSE16.ZIP CPU Usage Indicator Version 1.6 CQWK14.ZIP CmpQwk v1.4 Win 3.1 QWK off-line mail reader [1.6mb] CRAM11.ZIP Print up to four text pages per sheet w/TT fonts CRD2TXT2.ZIP Convert Cardfile (.CRD) files to text files CRED10.ZIP Personal Credit Repair and management software CRLF10.ZIP Convert Unix style text files to DOS files CTAMER20.ZIP Chart Tamer: Creates graphs and charts CUPD131.ZIP CMPQWK Version 1.31 Update Module Only CVTIT200.ZIP Convert It! measurement unit conversion program DAGW.ZIP Disk at a Glance, hard drive usage charts DATER.ZIP Set Date/Time on Range of Files DAYCROSS.ZIP DAYCROSS v. 1.10 Calendar (req VBasic Runtime DLL) DBANKWIN.EXE GUI OS 4 time-series data (filer/editor/exporter) DCOPY21.ZIP Disk Copier for Windows DDP20A.ZIP Drag and Drop Printing, Version 2.00a DDWIN13.ZIP DingDang Chinese word processor for Window 3.1 DEBTBSTR.ZIP Debt Buster Financial Program for Windows DEFKEY.ZIP Preliminary Keyboard Macro Program DELTA3_0.ZIP Delta reports on changes in your drive due to installs DESC20.ZIP View/Edit 4DOS File Descriptions in Windows DIALEXE.ZIP General purpose dialer for Windows ver1.0E DIGI135.ZIP Take a Scanned X,Y Plot and Digitize it (ver 0.9)9 DIGITAL.ZIP Digital Architech, a circuit simulation program DIRCLM15.ZIP Directory/File Utility for Windows DIRINFO.ZIP dirinfo lists all directories on the hard drive DIRUTIL.ZIP manipulate directories, Size, Delete, Change Attributes DISKFAC.ZIP DiskFactory:multitasking copy/compare/format utility DISKFREE.ZIP Display Free Disk Space Utility DISKTOOL.ZIP Compliments FileManager (Disktool Ver 1.50) DITTO11.ZIP Directory Copy Utility for Windows DJBOTH13.ZIP Print Double Sided Pages on DeskJet500 DLLCHK10.ZIP Reports which DLLs are called by an app and vice versa DLLMAN32.ZIP Windows Dynamic Link Library Investigator v1.9 DMENU.ZIP Right click brings up launch menu DOCRUN13.ZIP Create Multiple Associations for Document Files DOORS.ZIP Provides a Gateway to a Directory in DOS or App DOSHLP11.ZIP Puts Menu Bar with Help Dialog into Windowed DOS DOUPRO20.ZIP Dough Boy Install Program and Disk Set Builder DRAGFL.ZIP Drag And File File Manager [896k] (WinMag) DRAGVIEW.ZIP File Viewer DRAGZP30.ZIP Drag and Zip, ZIPfile manager add-in for File Manager DRVWTCH.ZIP DriveWatch: Monitor hard disks and system memory DRWATS75.ZIP MicroSofts Diagnostic Tool for UAEs (ver 0.75) DSIZ10.ZIP Dsize: A Win3 Utility to Manage Drives DSKTRK26.ZIP Diskette Cataloging Program DSWEEP.ZIP Tracks file usage/accesses to identify unused files DSWVB1.EXE Disk sweep: moves old files out to floppy (nagware) DT0120.ZIP Print directory tree DTAPHN12.EXE Quick access to phones, fax, internet addresses [1.4mb] DTP23.ZIP Detect Changes to Your Hard Drive(s) DUMP31.ZIP Dump files to printer DUMPV12.ZOO Print Files in Background (v 1.2) DUPE14D.ZIP Find duplicate files on your system and clear off DVIMSW26.ZIP TeX .dvi Previewer Util for Windows3 (ver 2.6) DVIWN271.ZIP TeX DVI viewer and printer with graphics support DWORKS.ZIP xBase File Manager for Windows DZ21.ZIP Drag and Drop Files into PKZIP'ed 2.04g Files EASYREF.ZIP Pop-up help of system.ini settings EDIT14.ZIP EDITEUR V1.4 text editor for Windows 3.1 EDOS365D.ZIP Enhances DOS in Windows 386 Enhanced Mode EGRESS12.ZIP Quick-exit from Win or Reboot or Restart or run DOS App EHI10.ZIP Essential Home Inventory for insurance purposes ELEMENT3.ZIP Periodic Table of Elements ELIZ097.ZIP WinEliza v0.97 AI application ENCRYP.ZIP Private Cryptographer, version 1.19 (WinMag) ENHPCP1.ZIP Three Procomm Plus for Windows scripts ENIGMA20.ZIP Enigma v.2,0: A Win3.1 Data Encryption Engine (DES) ENVEL233.ZIP PrintEnvelope V2.33 prints any env or lbls (WinMag) EQUATR13.ZIP RPN Calculator for Windows ETC120.ZIP Et Cetera, Macro Language to Automate Windows Apps EWEXEC15.ZIP Exit Windows, Run a DOS App then Restart Windows EXECFILE.ZIP ExecFile Manager Version 1.0 EXPLOGO.ZIP Create your own screen saver from a 16-color .GIF file EXT_PC.ZIP ExtractorPC Expands Files in CompactPro archives EXTRCT34.ZIP Windows UUEn/Decoder EXW31A.ZIP ExitWin 3.1a - Utility to exit Windows (WinMag) EZADR12.ZIP Easy to use address book using vbrun100.dll FAX_V133.ZIP FaxMail for Windows (V1.33) Fax App for Windows [600k] FBUILD14.ZIP Folder Builder for Windows (ver 1.4) FC_20C.ZIP FileCommander 2.0c: FileMgr Extender for Windows FCLIP41.ZIP FileClip, File Manager substitute w/clipboard features FEDEZ13.ZIP Prints Federal Express airbills on dot matrix printer FF10.ZIP Send Commands to EPSON compatible printers on LPT1 FFW200A.ZIP Fast File Find for Windows FGRAPH.ZIP Shareware X-Y plotting program for Windows FILECLIP.ZIP Rplcmnt for FileMgr plus provides a Clipboard stack FILEMA21.ZIP Small File Mgr for (copy/move/rename/delete)-ing files FILER.ZIP Util to find files, print out dirs, etc. (vbrun100.dll) FILES104.ZIP Save files automatically in all active apps FILESAVE.ZIP Utility to Autosave your Work FILEWORK.ZIP Easy to Use File Manager for Win (req vbrun200.dll) FINANC.ZIP Windows Loan Amortization Program FIND11.ZIP FIND.DLL: A Text-Search Utility (PCMag) FINDIT36.ZIP File finder, even searches inside archives FINST11B.ZIP Freeman Installer v1.1 beta FIXGRP.ZIP Repair Windows 3.x Program Groups Files FLINE110.ZIP Util that predicts your typing, lets you complete it FLOWS300.ZIP Create Q.71 and Q.73 information flow diagrams FLASH_30.ZIP Flash Card Memorization Program FLSHCRDS.ZIP Flash Cards program to aid in vocabulary memorization FMAGIC2.ZIP File Magician, dual-screen file manager FMAPP11D.ZIP Applications menu for Win File Manager FMDU12.ZIP File Manager Extension adds analysis by file types FMSTEP20.ZIP File Manager StepUp Additions v.2 for Windows 3.1 FMTBAR10.ZIP File Manager Toolbar v.1.0 for Windows FMV3_5.ZIP File Mgmnt sys, 116 custom Buttons, Menus, & Macros FMW12.ZIP FormatMaster 1.2 floppy formatting util FOLDER.ZIP File management system for Windows FOLDER31.ZIP Folders: Allow Groups within Groups Ver 3.1 FONEW30.ZIP DiaLog phone dialer with logging feature FORNR321.ZIP Foreigner: Copy Spcial Characters to the Clipboard FREE101.ZIP Continuously displays the amount of free disk space FREEMEM.ZIP Metz Free Memory Utility FREEV11.ZIP GDI,System and User heaps display FREEZE.ZIP Windows Compression Utility (Ver 1.0 Beta) FRES131.ZIP Free System Resources in Icon FRONTW20.ZIP FrontWindow: Sophisticated File Manager FRUN100.ZIP Tracks last 15 programs run; launch with mouse click FSD130A.ZIP File Seek & Destroy 1.30a FSR.ZIP PCMAG's Free System Resource Utility and source FTASK122.ZIP FTaskman is a replacement for Windows Task Manager FUNDMN61.ZIP FundManager:monitor your investment's performance FV01.ZIP FrameView: desktop publishing software (alpha ver) GANDER10.ZIP Windows File Viewer GETSET20.ZIP Select Different Configs at Windows Start up GETVER.ZIP Reads the resource version information out EXE/DLLs GFILE20A.ZIP GFile combines often used features of the Prog/FileMgrs GILA110.ZIP GilaMenu: small popup menu system GLOBLABB.ZIP Type less with Global Abbreviations v1.5 [690k] GLOMED01.ZIP Medical abbreviations for globlabb.zip GLUE.ZIP Glue v1.0; glues DOS programs to Windows programs GLVIDEO.ZIP Fast/powerful dbms that uses internal SQL Statements GOSLIP10.ZIP Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Dialer App GPAPER.ZIP Graph Paper Printer for Windows GPT34DOC.ZIP GNUplot for windows and dos ver 3.4 GPT34SRC.ZIP GNUplot for windows and dos ver 3.4 GPT35WIN.ZIP GNUplot for windows and dos ver 3.5 GRAMXPRT.ZIP Grammar Expert Utility GREP15.ZIP Windows Grep Version 1.5 GRMAT13W.ZIP Graphmatica equation plotter GRPED11.ZIP Edit Program Manager .GRP files GS260FNT.ZIP GhostScript Fonts GS261EXE.ZIP GhostScript Execs for DOS/Windows, docs, ini, examples GS261SRC.ZIP GhostScript Sources GS26WI3A.ZIP Ghostscript for Windows 2.6.x Command Line Interface GSVIEW10.ZIP Graphical interface for MS-Windows Ghostscript GSWNGUI2.ZIP A Command Line GUI for Ghostscript for Windows GTTSKMGR.ZIP GT Task Manager is a replacement for the TaskManager GWINFO.ZIP Trouble Shooting Util for Windows HA11.ZIP Heap Alert 1.1 GDI Snooper (VBRUN100.DLL req) HANGUL.ZIP Hangul (Korean) Editor for windows v.3.1 HCALC.ZIP Handicapping calculator for horse races HDC320.ZIP hDC MicroApp Manager Upgrade (ver 0x0212) HEDIT.ZIP HEdit v1.2, Hexadecimal Editor for Binary Files HELPED19.ZIP Help Edit V1.9 Windows Help File Generator HEXCNV10.ZIP Hex/Decimal/Binary File Converter for Windows HEXEDT15.ZIP Hex Editor for Windows HGOPH22.ZIP Gopher Client For Windows 3.1 (Version Beta 1.0) HIFI201.ZIP High Finance Personal Financial Management System HKFR110.ZIP Yet another system monitor/free res reporter HLPDK40.ZIP Help System Development Kit for Windows HLPPCP30.ZIP Windows Help files creator HNGOP22.ZIP Gopher+ Client For Windows 3.1 Version Beta 2.2 HNTER30A.ZIP File Hunter and Finder for Windows HOMEACCT.ZIP Windows Home Accountant HOTLIN12.ZIP Windows 3.1 Diagnostic Utility/Error Handler HRMETR12.ZIP Track your Windows usage (in hours) HTMED10.ZIP HTMLed - An HTML Editor for Microsoft Windows HWAB40_1.ZIP Help Writer's Assistant for Windows 1/2 [509k] HWAB40_2.ZIP Help Writer's Assistant for Windows 2/2 [429k] HYDK431.ZIP HyperDisk Cache for Windows/DOS Apps HYPER.ZIP Program for analysis of enzyme-kinetic data IFA301.ZIP Adds file management to any application IKK.ZIP International Keyboard Kit: switch languages in Winapps INBOARD.ZIP An Electronic In/Out Board INCTRL.ZIP InControl: PCMag App to Control App Installations INDXIT10.ZIP Index-It V1.0 Windows Text file Index Program INFORM1A.ZIP Performance Meter for MS-Windows 3.1 INFORMER.ZIP Resource Monitor for Windows 3.x INFSPY.ZIP Shows Heap, Windows, Tasks and Modules INI10.ZIP INI 1.0: PCMag DOS-based command-line INI-File Editor INIED102.ZIP IniEdit: WIN.INI Editor INIP10.ZIP Another .INI file editor/manager INSTALL.ZIP Automate Windows program installation simply INSWIN.ZIP EDI Install for Windows (Version 1.3) INVEST.ZIP Version 1.00 of Investment Manager INVIT200.ZIP Invoice-It makes sales invoices, uses .dbf format INWINEQ2.ZIP Batch Utility: test if Windows is loaded IPMGR_12.ZIP Keep track of IP addresses IQW.ZIP I-Queue Print Queue ISSUMN11.ZIP Issue Manager 1.1 -- An issue/problem tracking system IT15A.ZIP The It Utilities: File Manager Add In (1 of 2) IT15B.ZIP The It Utilities: File Manager Add In (2 of 2) JNAL10.ZIP Journal Program: Daily Information Manager for Windows JNL101.ZIP Sensible Home Journal Database System JREHOME.ZIP Home Inventory System for Windows (vbrun100.dll req) KEYPRO12.ZIP KeyPro Text File Editor Version 1.2 KFREE511.ZIP Kfree - free memory & disk space monitor Util KRM075.ZIP Kermit for Windows Ver 0.75 KYMOUS20.ZIP Turn Keyboard into Mouse for Windows LABELP21.ZIP Makes] labels for 3,5" disks LANPRT2.ZIP LAN Print Manager for Windows LBLWIZ23.ZIP All-purpose label utility program LOADMON.ZIP LoadMon: Yet Another System Load Monitor for Windows LOCK.ZIP Lock Your Windows Terminal LP102.ZIP Windows Line Printer Utility LU2_1.ZIP LaserUser prints a cover page for any document MA11.ZIP Memory Alert 1.1 WinApp (VBRUN100.DLL req) MACAW103.ZIP Multiple Alignment Construction & Analysis Workbench MACSEE4B.ZIP Read/Write Macintosh Disks on Your PC MATCH110.ZIP Un*x like "diff" Utility for Windows (ver 1.10) MBOOT61.ZIP MicroBoot, multiple-boot and sys conf utilities MBVIEW13.ZIP Micro-View File Viewer for Windows MC.ZIP PCMag Masters of Ceremony App Launcher MD140.ZIP Mortgage Designer Tool for Windows MEDIT209.ZIP MegaEdit 2.08, ASCII/Binary Text Editor for Windows 3.X MEKANIX.ZIP A Cornicopia of Utils: WIndows Mekanix Ver 1.1 MEMPRO12.ZIP MemoryPro: Memory Analyzer/Status Utility METER.ZIP Windows Magazine disk space meter METRIX44.ZIP METRIX Metric/Imperial Converter METZ_LCK.ZIP Metz Desktop Lock Utility MEW11.ZIP MicroEmacs 3.11c Port to Windows (.exe package) MEWH11.ZIP MicroEmacs 3.11c Port to Windows (help file) MEWR11.ZIP MicroEmacs 3.11c Source for Help Files MEWS11.ZIP MicroEmacs 3.11c Full Sources MF_DB.ZIP MF is a high-performance Windows 3.x database MINIDB10.ZIP Gizmo Mini-DB, small, all-purpose database program MIXCS136.ZIP Change the Case in Text Files MLK105.ZIP MicroWerks Microlink Version 1.05 Comm Software MMAKER21.ZIP Match files between two diff drives and/or directories MMTYPE04.ZIP MasterMind Typing Tutor for Win 3.x (Ver 1.04) MODMAN2.ZIP Utility to Display Loaded Windows Modules MOMATH.ZIP MoneyMath,v1.1, Financial Analysis Tools for Win3.1 MOMWN20A.ZIP Mom for Windows PIM v2.0a, Events, Alarms,Names,dialer MONTOR.ZIP Disk, resource, memory monitor (PC Mag) MOUSKY13.ZIP MouseKey V1.3 - Assign keys and command to mouse bttns MRFORMAT.ZIP Background disk formatter MRMCI13F.ZIP MailRoom Manager for MCI Mail v1.3f [490k] MRUN211.ZIP MailRun PROCOMM+4Win ASPECT script for auto BBS work MSCALC1.ZIP Money Smith Financial Calculator MSCPLS21.ZIP Music Plus:database to track your music collection MSGM300.ZIP MessageMaster Fido/BBS Message System MSGPAD.ZIP MAPI Message Pad 3.0a Telephone Message System W4WG MSWEXT35.ZIP MswLogo Version 3.5 for MicroSoft Windows (1 of 3) MSWLGO35.ZIP MswLogo Version 3.5 for MicroSoft Windows (2 of 3) MSWSRC35.ZIP MswLogo Version 3.5 Source (3 of 3) MTM20.ZIP Metz Task Manager MTOOLS11.ZIP Micro-Tools v1.1 Tool Box Launcher MUSICLIB.ZIP Updated Music Librarian Tool/Music Media Management MWMENU3E.ZIP MiddleWorld Menu is an enhanced shell for MS-Win 3.x MYCLOCK.ZIP Simple Clock and Reminder NAG6.ZIP Date Reminder Program for Windows 3.x NAGME8.ZIP NagMe 1.0 - With 8-bit Samples NAVOBS.ZIP Align your Clock with the Naval Observatory NDW2_CLK.ZIP Puts Clock in Norton Desktop's Title Bar NDWFRESH.ZIP Norton Desktop Util: Deletes Old Drive Info Files NEEDV10B.ZIP Addr bk, note mgr, journal mgr, schedlr, task mgr, PIM NEWSRD20.ZIP A Newsbyte reader for Windows NGCHR105.ZIP Chartist: Create and Print Org and Flow Charts NIBUILD2.ZIP Util for Norton Desktop: create .NILs from ind icons NOCR025.ZIP Delete the Final CR/LF from the Clipboard NODEE1A.ZIP Strip ^D's (reset) from PostScript Print Jobs NOEXIT.ZIP Hinders the user from exiting Windows NONAG2.ZIP Removes Nag Screen from Apps NOTBK110.ZIP Information storage system NOTEBK16.ZIP A Windows Text Editor NOTEBK1J.ZIP Notebook text editor handles large files NOTFY11B.ZIP Notify for MS MAIL (version 1.1 beta) [520k] NVELOPE.ZIP Prints envelopes, and serves as a contact manager OBJORG.ZIP Mail-Aware OLE-Object Manager ODMETR12.ZIP Reports sys,GDI,Usr Res,Mem, disk, etc. OLEDGER.ZIP Credit and debit journal editor OMNICN10.ZIP OmniCon 1.0 - Powerful and fast unit converter ONEXIT.ZIP Execute Commands on Windows Exit OPPWIN10.ZIP Opportunity for Windows 1.0 PIM ORA112.ZIP Orator: Off-Line Mail Reader for Windows ORG162.ZIP Organize!: Windows 3 Personal Information Manager OTSC16A.ZIP OttoSource 1.6a:Search/browse files with stream editing OTSK10.ZIP OttoTask - An Enhanced Task List for Windows 3.1 PASTE113.ZIP Fast-Paste clipboard function enhancer PAYOFF22.ZIP Calculate Payments for Loans PAYWIN10.ZIP PayWindow, automated payroll package PBBSW25.ZIP PowerBBS System for Windows PBNOTEPD.ZIP Powerbook Notepad Editor with Toolbar PBOY190.ZIP Offline SLNP/Helldiver news reader PBWRITE5.ZIP Button Bar for Windows Write Editor PCFA.ZIP PC Financial Advisor Version 2.0 PCOMM200.ZIP PowerBBS Frontend PERFM202.ZIP Windows Performance Meter (Histographic Icon) PENGYTXT.ZIP PenGy is a Windows text editor [414k] PFLD.ZIP Drag-Drop File Delete Util/Pattern File Delete PFTIME04.ZIP Switch Printers without using Control Panel PHMSM1.ZIP PhoneMessage Utility (need vbrun100.zip too) PHNVIEW.ZIP PhoneView: address and telephone dbms for Win [877k] PHONEMAN.ZIP Phonebook Manager V0.5 PHONES34.ZIP Metz Phones for Windows PHONEV11.ZIP PhoneVu, phone call tracking database PIFHLP20.ZIP PIF Helper Ver 2.0: Start App from PM w/one icon PIFINFO.ZIP PIF Viewer PINUP12.ZIP PinUp Notes Version 1.2 PINS099B.ZIP Install application for windows (beta freeware) PKBACK2.ZIP PkBackup is a utility acting as a front end to PKZIP PKTMUX12.EXE TSR to Allow Multiple TCP/IP Stacks in Windows (v1.2b) PKTWIN21.ZIP Packet controller program for Amateur Radio [390k] PLUGIN13.ZIP Plug-In Enhancements for Program Manager PMAST17.ZIP The Phone Master for Windows PMTLS1.ZIP PageMaker4 Toolkit: tool bar for PM4 POLLTAKR.ZIP Poll Taker 1.1 automated questionnaire for Windows 3.x POPCAL.ZIP Month-at-a-time perpetual calendar with clock POSTMAN.ZIP Postman -- Windows PostMessage Utility (w/src) POW10.ZIP PowerLine offline .QWK reader POWCOM15.ZIP PowerBBS Front End for Windows PPINTRO1.ZIP Page Plus Intro: desktop publishing pkg (1/2) [620k] PPINTRO2.ZIP Page Plus Intro: desktop publishing pkg (2/2) [703k] PRACT11.ZIP Integrated To-do list and program launcher PRENV232.ZIP Complete Windows Mailing System (envelopes/barcodes) PRINTF16.ZIP PrintFlip is a quick printer changer and setup PRNTRE30.ZIP Print a copy of your drive's directory tree PROGSET.ZIP Progset: Clean Up Your win.ini (PC Mag w/src) PROQWK11.ZIP Rename .QWK packets in ProComm Plus/WIN PSHEL29F.ZIP A Command Shell for Windows PSPIC54A.ZIP v5.4 of PSpice elec circuit sim app (1/3) [1.0mb] PSPIC54B.ZIP v5.4 of PSpice elec circuit sim app (2/3) [1.2mb] PSPIC54C.ZIP v5.4 of PSpice elec circuit sim app (3/3) [930k] PSW13.ZIP PrintSwitch 1.3 utility to switch default printers PTABLE.ZIP Periodic table for windows PTAS12.ZIP Parity Technical Analysis System Ver 1.2 PTOOLZ.ZIP Collection of Windows Power Toolz v1.00 PULSAR3.ZIP LaserJet printer utility PWF20.ZIP A front end for Phil Zimmermanns PGP QDEX108.ZIP Replacement for Cardfile QDHELP.ZIP Use DOS Editors to Create WinHelp Files QDTOOL.ZIP Searches Win EXEs to Create Help QFCS24.ZIP Prints fax cover sheet, keeps log, db of addressees QFIND22.ZIP QFind, index-based fast file finder QINST11.ZIP Fast & easy Install Program for Windows QLIST1A.ZIP App to view attribs of files and launching apps QREAD12.ZIP Read text files quickly and easily in Windows QS.ZIP QuickSwitch: Switch Between Windows QUIK10.ZIP Quick Notes for Windows QUIT302.ZIP Quickly exit Windows QUITWIN.ZIP Another Windows Shutdown App QVTNE397.ZIP QVTNet 3.97: TCP/IP Services (Telnet/Ftp/Rcp) for Win QZIP21.ZIP Windows zip and unzip (Pkzip 2.04 compatible) RAISE110.ZIP Raise and Lower Windows by Placing Pointer RCALC105.ZIP Talking RPN Calculator for Win 3.1 v. 1.05 RCFUNDS.ZIP Database Tracks Mutual Fund Transactions RCKFRD25.ZIP Util to Design/Print Business Cards RECBSE10.ZIP RecBase 1.0d Windows Database System REDBTN.ZIP Yet Another Quick Windows Shutdown Util REFS741.ZIP Util for create/browse/maintain reference databases REMIND18.ZIP Yet Another Reminder Utility REMINDER.ZIP A Reminder Utility REPHONE.ZIP Windows Phone Book Utility REQUIRES.ZIP Tell which DLLs an application requires (PC Mag) RESCNG.ZIP Resource Changer: animates the arrow cursor RESGAUGE.ZIP Windows Resources Gauge (w/src) RESTPM.ZIP Restores Program Manager RFDML120.ZIP Windows-based front-end to ASCII-based email services RITEON01.ZIP Right mouse button emulates any keyboard key RKINST23.ZIP RK-Install 2.3 : Install program with data compression RM_20A.ZIP Windows Reminder 2.0A RMNEWL1A.ZIP Removes hard returns within paragraphs w/drag-drop RNDST10.ZIP Random Configuration Program for Windows 3.1 RNPRG200.ZIP Run programs maximized, minimized, normal, etc. RPTP40.ZIP Ron's Print To Printer program, RPTP V4.0 RRR20.ZIP Rapid Exit and Restart of Windows RS232MON.ZIP Monitor Serial Port Activity RSERV1.ZIP Allows a DOS PC to execute NT commands remotely RSXWIN2A.ZIP RSXWIN2a:run EMX/GCC programs in a DOS window RTIMR140.ZIP Execute Tasks For at Specific Times (ver 1.40) RUMMAGE.ZIP Duplicate file finder and deleter RUN18.ZIP Run a Windows App from a DOS prompt w/in Windows RUNIT10.ZIP Alternative to ProgMgr "Run" Command SABDU240.ZIP SAB Diskette utility; copy, format, compare diskettes SAFERASE.ZIP Manage/Recover Deleted Files SALVTN.ZIP Salvation: Combination File and Program Manager SBLITE.ZIP SitBack Lite: Backup/Restore Utility SCANNER.ZIP Scanner .TXT editor Program SCOPY.ZIP Automatic backup of important system files SE100.ZIP SpellEdit 1.0 SEARCHIT.ZIP Full Text Retrieval Program SECGP113.ZIP SecureGroup - Protect your program manager groups SECLAU.ZIP Security Launcher w/passwd, also disables "file...run" SETUSER.ZIP Allows up to 4 custom user profiles in Windows 3.1 SFTCAT10.ZIP Software Catalog Program for Windows SHOW_PIF.ZIP Info on any .pif file SHOWCARD.ZIP View/print your cardfile SHRD11.ZIP File Shredder SIMPLE.ZIP Simple replacement/add-on for Program Manager SKYMP20A.ZIP SkyMap 2.0 Windows 3.1 Planetarium (1 of 2) SKYMP20B.ZIP SkyMap 2.0 Windows 3.1 Planetarium (2 of 2) SKYVIEW.ZIP SkyView 1.00 is an astronomy application SL_10.ZIP Superload: Another way to launch Apps at startup SMARTCAT.ZIP Disk cataloguer with scanner, archive interfaces SMESME12.ZIP Xfer files from one computer to another via floppy SMI20.ZIP SmilerShell v2.0 - Windows commandline SMISHL12.ZIP SmilerShell v1.2 - Windows commandline SMTACC13.ZIP Smart Accounts V1.3 - Personal Account Mgmnt SMTADR12.ZIP Smart Address V1.2 - Address Management [231k] SMTCAT16.ZIP Smartcat Plus V1.6 - Windows Disk/File Cataloger SMTDOC12.ZIP SmartDoc 1.2 - Converts Windows Help to PlainText SMTSUM12.ZIP SmartSum 1.2 - Windows Printing Calculator SOFTERM1.ZIP SoftTerm Plus Terminal Emulator (w/Zmodem) 1 of 3 SOFTERM2.ZIP SoftTerm Plus Terminal Emulator (w/Zmodem) 2 of 3 SOFTERM3.ZIP SoftTerm Plus Terminal Emulator (w/Zmodem) 3 of 3 SOLARW11.ZIP Daylight Position Map for Windows SOLUTIO2.ZIP Algebraic Mathematical Software for Windows [968k] SOTCALC2.ZIP SOT-Calc v2.0 Calculator for Windows SPEEDER2.ZIP Change PC speed by modifying refresh rate SPEEDY.ZIP Graphics and display speed test for Windows SPELL.ZIP Spelling Sentry; spelling checker for TXT and WRI files SPELLSEN.ZIP Win spell checker: checks/corrects .wri/.txt/clipboard SPARTA10.ZIP A Macintosh like File Manager for Windows 3.1 (ALPHA) SPLT221W.ZIP SPLOT V2.21: HP-GL (or DXY-GL) pen plotter simulator SPRBAR2H.ZIP SuperBar 2.0h Toolbar App SRCHR135.ZIP Search BBS file lists for filename or string STAMPB.ZIP StampBase: Stamp collection inventory system STAMPER.ZIP Change the Date/Times on a range of files START11.ZIP Utility to selectively bypass programs in Startup group STARTUP.ZIP Analyze Windows Startup Config (via load= statement) STATS20A.ZIP Statistical Package for Windows (needs VBRUN100.DLL) STDM15.ZIP Create demo or tutorial for any Windows 3.x app STICKY13.ZIP Very simple inter-PC comm using PostIt Notes Metaphor STIKUM.ZIP Micro Message Object Compiler (OLE) STOPTHAT.ZIP Controls shift, num, scroll lock keys on keyboard STOPW13.ZIP Windows Stop Watch: Measure tim in apps STRACK12.ZIP SofTrack is a software/hardware inventory database STRIP10.ZIP Calc Transmission Props of microstrip/strip lines SUPRRM.ZIP SoftBlox Resource Monitor for Windows 3.0 SW.ZIP Stopwatch for Win 3.1 v. 1.04 SYSBCK30.ZIP Windows System Files Backup Routine SYSGRAF4.ZIP System Load Average as a Graphic Version 4 SYSRES15.ZIP Yet Another System Usage/Loadmon Utility SYSUP15.ZIP Utility for Showing Windows Uptime SYSUSE13.ZIP Utility for Showing System Resources SYSWIT.ZIP Switch Between Five Alternative SYSTEM.INI File Configs T2CD10.ZIP Txt2Crd: Create .CRD files from ASCII input TABSTAT.ZIP Statistical Table Generator TAKENOTE.ZIP TakeNote: Rolodex/Note System for Windows (Buttonware) TAME260.ZIP Speed Up your Multi-tasking Environment TCC100S.ZIP Total Control Converter unit converter for Windows TDL_V11.ZIP Maintain a list of "to do" items TENKEY.ZIP Judy's Tenkey calculator with onscreen tape feature TEXTPRT.ZIP Windows utility for printing text files TGREP20.ZIP GNU grep for TKERN port of GNU's UNIX grep for Win THINDI11.ZIP THINDISK v1.1: File Deletion Util (PCMag) THINGZ.ZIP Organizes info on people, tasks projects, meetings, etc TIM_1.ZIP Tron Invoice Manager TIMCRD22.ZIP TimeCard: track time spent on multiple projects TIME.ZIP Metz Time Utility TIMECALC.ZIP A time calculator TIMEKE23.ZIP TimeKeeper: clock program with several alarm settings TIMELOG1.ZIP Track Time Spent in Windows Apps TISK.ZIP Tisk Printing/Spooler Utility TINYUTIL.ZIP Two Utils: Uptime and Reset for Windows TM200.ZIP Enhanced TaskManager Replacement TMPLUS.ZIP Another TaskManager Replacement TODOW105.ZIP Simple To-Do manager for Windows 3.x TORQUE.ZIP Windows video subsystem test from Steve Gibson TRAXTIME.ZIP TraxTime 1.0a is a personal time/punch clock [772k] TRAXX32.ZIP Calculate time necessary to download files (modem) TRMNAT.ZIP Terminate Apps and Tasks (with C source) TSH091.ZIP Command line shell w/Source (needs programr/tkern091) TSYNC1_0.ZIP Synchronizes the local PC clock with a remote unix host TTDW11.ZIP Things To Do task list and reminder TTRAC11B.ZIP Time Tracker for Windows TURBOED.ZIP TurboEditor for Windows TW112.ZIP TextWatch: Monitor/Log Document Changes TXTMAN21.ZIP Text Manager Editor V2. TXTSCN12.ZIP TextScan: Reports Stats on ASCII Files (word count,etc) TXTVU120.ZIP Text View, file viewer for ASCII text files TYPEMATE.ZIP Set Typematic Speed U2D.ZIP Convert Unix text files to MS-DOS UC3G_1.ZIP UniCom 3.0g: Windows Communications Pkg (NagWare) UE312DEV.ZIP MicroEMACs-Complete development SRC-all platforms 1/2 UE312INS.ZIP MicroEMACs-Install kit for OS/2,DOS, DOS Win3.1 2/2 UN4WIN15.ZIP Uninstall for Windows UNARJSW.ZIP Shell to extract/list .ARJ files UNIQWK3A.ZIP Windows .QWK Mail Reader (Multilanguage) UNIXCN12.ZIP Adds Windows commands to any DOS prompt UNMACIT.ZIP UNSIT and UNHQX for Windows (Mac utils) UPC12BW1.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x executables (1 of 3) UPC12BW2.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x executables (2 of 3) UPC12BW3.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x executables (3 of 3) UPD8R_30.ZIP Manage files on two machines via floppy UPDT15.ZIP Keep newest ver of data with you and all computers USHER14C.ZIP Usher Assists Windows Users Find/Launch Applications. UUCODE20.ZIP Uuencode/Uudecode for Windows UWIN.ZIP U/Win Utilities Ver 1.1a UWSERVER.ZIP Source Code for UW Server (see uwwin102.zip) UWWIN104.ZIP MultiWindow Interface to Unix Connected to Windows VBAHA124.ZIP utility for writing Windows help files VBBOOK.ZIP Print ASCII files to LaserJets in Booklet Format VBRDR14.ZIP VBReader: .QWK format offline mail reader VBRE201S.ZIP VbReader 2.01 is an off-line QuickMail reader VBRUN100.ZIP MS Visual BASIC Runtime Library (vbrun100.dll) Ver 1 VBRUN200.ZIP MS Visual BASIC Runtime Library (vbrun200.dll) Ver 2 VBRUN300.EXE MS Visual BASIC Runtime Library (vbrun300.dll) Ver 3 VBRUN301.EXE MS Visual Basic Library 3.01 fix for vbrun300.dll VBSCFILE.ZIP quickly browse large text files VEHPRO.EXE Vehicle management software for home or business VFILE.ZIP Simple Text File Viewer for Windows VIACOM10.ZIP Via Commander, resizeable toolbar launcher VIAPRINT.ZIP ViaPrint prints labels, business cards, more VISMOD30.ZIP Examine/Alter Settings Visually for USR/HST Modems VLFM10.ZIP Volume Library File Manager VOCABB2C.ZIP Popup vocabulary builder VPRT22B2.ZIP VPrint v2.2 Public Beta #2 VSW14C.ZIP VidSwitch 1.4c - allows quick changing of video res VT100.ZIP Remap Terminal Program Keypad for VT100 Compatibility W_BCS03B.ZIP Basic Checking System V0.3a W_ONE49.ZIP Win_One Enhanced DOS Command Shell for Win 3.1 [1.7m] WAB2B.ZIP Strings-like Util for Files (uses Notepad for Display) WASC310A.ZIP WinASCII: Ascii File Viewer WB31C.ZIP WINBACK 3.1c Windows Backup Program WB_41E.ZIP WinBatch Interpreter version 4.0Q Win Batch Language WBANK22.ZIP Bank Expert, home accting and pers financial management WBAR15.ZIP Windows Bar Code Generator WBASE20.ZIP Win3 Data Collection, Storage, and Retrieval Utility WBT31C.ZIP Wilson WindowWare's WinBatch version 3.1c WCHEM14.ZIP Chemical for Windows Version 1.4 WCHG10.ZIP Globally change data in .INI, .PIF and .GRP files WCLIB.ZIP PCMAG dynamic link library for the WINCMD utility WCMD130E.ZIP Windows Commander V1.30, NC-like winfile-replacement WCRON23A.ZIP Windows Task Scheduler (ver 2.3) WCTRL110.ZIP Access Windows faster, Watch Mem, Task Manager WCUTIL10.ZIP WinCIS Utilities (a.k.a. WCUTIL) version 1.0 WDASM15.ZIP Windows Disassembler Ver 1.3 WDIAL11.ZIP Auto-dialer for XTALK WDK411TD.ZIP WinDisKlone v4.11: one-pass diskette copier WDLITE11.ZIP Windows zip file ID generator WDRM2_9C.ZIP Windows Directory Comparison Utility WEXIT14.ZIP Quickly Exit Windows Util WFILX120.ZIP WinFileX V1.20 - A Filemanager Extender WFIND22.ZIP Windows File-Finder v2.2 WFW13.ZIP Wyndfields: A Relational Database System for Windows WGREP12.ZIP Windows Grep-Like Utility WH307C.ZIP Windows HelpFile Viewer (Win 3.0) WHELP.ZIP Command-line Interface to Win .HLP Files WHERE12.ZIP File finder for Windows WHISK26A.ZIP Program Mouse Macros WHIZNOTE.ZIP Super-notepad for Windows WHRMETER.ZIP Track your Windows usage (in hours) WIN100.ZIP Kermit Communications Package for Windows WIN32S.ZIP Run 32-bit Apps (w/no NT features) under Win3.1 WIN3LOAD.ZIP Win3Load: Multiple Statements WIN.INI "load=" WIN4HIER.ZIP Create Groups w/in Groups in Program Manager (Win3.0) WIN86.ZIP Another Series of Windows Benchmarks WINAGAIN.ZIP reboot/exit/restart Windows Automatically WINBATT.ZIP Win3.x Battery Monitor for Toshiba Laptops WINBEN.EXE WinBench 4.0 from PCMag WINBN311.ZIP PC Labs WinBench Version 3.11, Feb 16 1993 WINBOOT1.ZIP A Windows multi-reboot program WINCAT.ZIP WinCat: Disk&CD Catalog/FileManager WINCD.ZIP WinCD 1.1 E: Make Apps Run in Specified Directories WINCHEM.ZIP Another periodic table: Smaller than ptable.zip WINCK30N.ZIP Windows Checkbook Program WINCMD12.ZIP Version 1.2 of Doug Boling's PC Mag Utility WINCMD WINCMD75.ZIP Windows/Win-OS/2 Command Line Processor (WCL) [422k] WINCODE.ZIP WinCode, freeware UUencoder/decoder WINCRON.ZIP Windows Cron-like Task Scheduler WINDEBT.ZIP displays the National Debt in real time WINDOCK.ZIP Drag-Drop WinApp Launcher WINDOS.ZIP Closes windows, runs dos app, then restarts windows WINDRU4.ZIP WinDirUsage V1.4 Pie chart of disk usage stats WINDRY.ZIP Dhrystone Benchmark System for Windows WINDU12.ZIP Disk Usage Utility for Windows WINDUPE.ZIP Windows Disk Copier, Formatter, and Comparison Util WINE02BX.ZIP Win-Emacs 1.00.02 beta (req 12Mb free disk space) WINEXIT.ZIP A very short way to exit windows WINEXT.ZIP Windows Exit Version 1.1 WINEZ31.ZIP Windows Shell/Launch Utilities WINFIN16.ZIP Windows Financial Calculator WINFIT10.ZIP Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting Program WINFLASH.ZIP Windows Flashcard Program WINFND10.ZIP File Finder for Windows WINFO.ZIP Windows Information Utility (video, sys, etc.) WINFSR21.ZIP Monitor Windows Free System Resources WINFST21.ZIP Graphical Program Launcher for Win 3.1 WINGB.ZIP Read Chinese GuoBiao Coded Files Under Windows WINGRAB2.ZIP Telephone Contact Manager, Envelope and Label Printer WINHOG12.ZIP compute the space used by directories WINHV20.ZIP WinHV 2.0: Windows HexView WINIMA20.ZIP WinImage 1.0:Powerful Windows disk copy tool WINIMAN.ZIP configure INI files based on any DOS env variable WINK.ZIP Continuously displays the amount of free memory WINKIL11.ZIP Restarts or quits Windows or Reboots PC WINKNOW.ZIP WinKnow: knowledge index util to store/find info WINLITE1.ZIP Rosenthal Winlite compresses MS-Windows programs WINLOCK.ZIP Windows Terminal Locking Program WINMAT10.ZIP Windows 3.1 program for comparing two text files WINMDM3.ZIP WinModem V 3.00 WINMODE.ZIP Displays the Mode in Which Win is Running (PCMag) WINNAV.ZIP Windows Navigator WINNET02.ZIP W-Net: A user-oriented network manager WINNETUK.ZIP UK Version 2.04 of WinNET Win Mail and UUCP [670k] WINPHN12.ZIP Windows Telephone Book WINPOEM.ZIP Windows Poem Program WINPROF1.ZIP Windows Grammar checker WINQ200A.ZIP WinQwk: Win-based message reader for Qwk packets WINREC13.ZIP Selectively updates two directories both ways WINRIP.ZIP Converts GIF, PCX, & others to RIP icon format WINRUN.ZIP Specify Programs at Windows Startup WINSET1.ZIP Windows installation utility for authors and vendors WINSP05.ZIP Windows Print Spooler WINSP201.ZIP Check Your Spelling in ANY Windows Application WINST215.ZIP Winston Install:Install your programs into Windows 3.1 WINSTART.ZIP WINSTART/WINGO:Start WinApps from DOS Cmd Line (PCMag) WINSWEEP.ZIP File Browser for Windows WINTCH12.ZIP Wintach video benchmark WINTEX20.ZIP WinTeX:text editor dedicated to TeX or LaTeX files WINTIDE.ZIP Linear Tide Clock WINTIMER.ZIP Wintimer is a timer and alarm program for Win3.1 WINTUNE.ZIP Windows Magazine Test and Tune-up Suite WINUP9.ZIP Updated Windows client package for Novell NetWare WINWAIT.ZIP Selectively Boot Windows at Startup (w/PAS src) WINWEALT.ZIP Wealth Management System for Windows WINZIP5B.ZIP WinZip version 5.0b w/Built-in ZIP & UNZIP;Drag & Drop WINZOO21.ZIP 2.10 of ZOO Compiled for Windows WIPEW10.ZIP WipeForWin 1.0 wipes out files dropped on its window WIZFMT30.ZIP Wiz Format, diskette formatting and one-pass copying WLIT21.ZIP Create a light version of Windows 3.1 on a floppy WLOAD.ZIP Asynch Loader for Win3+Topclock (time on all windows) WMC.ZIP Multiple configurations for Windows WN100K.EXE Windows3 VT100 Terminal Emulator Util WN32S115.ZIP MS Win32s Ver1.15 [1.2m] WNBFF20B.ZIP Mail Notice for UUPC,Waffle,FSUUCP,Pegasus,MHS, PC-NFS WNCOD23.ZIP Drag and Drop Windows File UU{en,de}coder WNDC111.ZIP Single Pass Disk Copier for Windows WNDERS22.ZIP Winders: Chose to Run Windows at Boot WNGRD_21.ZIP Prevent Program Manager groups or items from damage WNKERM23.ZIP Windows Kermit 2.3 WNLIST10.ZIP Drag/Drop File Printer for LaserJets and Compatibles WNMAIL10.ZIP Mail System for Windows WNOT141B.ZIP Netware Util for Win: Inform Others of Your Whereabouts WNOTE21A.ZIP Will Notes v. 2.1a WNQVT480.ZIP WinQVT 4.80 Windows Communications Package WNRG11.ZIP Windows Gradebook Utility WNSPD.ZIP WinSpeed 1.0 - Windows 3.0 Performance Analysis utility WNVEL41.ZIP Windows Envelope Printing Utility WORDS.ZIP Words and Terms Util for Windows WPCRACK1.ZIP WPcrak Password Retrieval Software for WPCorp Files WPRINT.ZIP Win 3.1-specific: Print a text or bitmap files WPRTSCRN.ZIP Windows Print Screen Management System WPV12.ZIP McAfee Windows Integrated System Analyzer and Viewer WQH111.ZIP A Quick Help viewer for Windows WR120SET.ZIP Wave Rider, .QWK and BlueWave-format mail reader 1.20 WR30.ZIP WinRefer v3.0 - A Reference Management Sys for Windows WRCRAMP.ZIP Writer's Cramp word proc, keeps db of letters [1.3mb] WRESTART.ZIP Exit Windows/Reboot PC WRKSPA11.ZIP Windows Group Application Launcher WRN093.ZIP Waffle News Reader for Windows WRNSR094.ZIP WRN... Windows Read-News WRU311.ZIP Extensive File Finder Utility for Windows WRV300.ZIP Windows Restart Version 3.00 WSCN115B.ZIP McAfee Viruscan for Windows 3.1 ver 1.15b WSEND11.ZIP Front-end for Netware's SEND.EXE command WSEND14B.ZIP LAN Broadcast Message Utility WSHD10.ZIP Windows File shredder (drag and drop) WSHEL202.ZIP Command Line Shell for Windows WSIM20.ZIP Windows 3.x based Simtel/CICA Index Search Program WSK320.ZIP Windows Performance Meter Util WT1.ZIP WinTune tests CPU, FPU, video, disks (1 of 3) WT2.ZIP WinTune tests CPU, FPU, video, disks (2 of 3) WT3.ZIP WinTune tests CPU, FPU, video, disks (3 of 3) WTEL1B2.ZIP NCSA-Telnet for Windows (ver 1.0 beta 2) WTI386.ZIP WAIS Toolkit for Windows WTIME.ZIP Synch the clock in your PC with AutoComputerTimeService WTPKT10A.ZIP Trumpet NNTP news reader/POP mail interface for Win WUBENCH.ZIP Windows User Magazine Benchmark Suite WUNA222.ZIP Windows Archive Extraction Utility WUNZ20X.ZIP Windows Info-ZIP Unzip, Version 2.0 WWAGES1A.ZIP WinWages v1.0a - Wage Calculator for Windows WWAIS103.ZIP WAIS client for Microsoft Windows 3.x WWW201.ZIP Time & usage monitor: track your tasks in Win [582k] WXLSLIB.ZIP WXLS: Xlisp-Stat for Windows WYWO.ZIP While You Were Out Messaging System for Windows WZBETA.ZIP WinZip(TM) version 4.0 beta - PKZIP front-end WZMGR11D.ZIP Windows 3.1 File Manager add-on WZIPV2.ZIP ZZZip Shell 2.0 for Windows [842k] WZUN11SR.ZIP Windows Info-ZIP Unzip, Version 1.1 (source code) X_IT10.ZIP Exit Microsoft Windows v3.1 quickly X10WIN11.ZIP Win3 Application for Driving the X10 Powerhouse XANTIPPE.ZIP Hypertext/hypergraphics authoring environment v2.03 XCALC12.ZIP Reverse Polish Calculator (requires bwccdll.zip) XNOT16.ZIP NotGNU is a lightweight emacs style editor for Win&NT XTIMLOG2.ZIP Application for personal time usage recording YAPTABLE.ZIP Periodic Table for Windows (.HLP) YEAR.ZIP Windows Calendar Program ZBWIN110.ZIP Win app to catalog .ZIP files ZDODA103.ZIP Zippity Do Da: Windows PkZip 2.04g shell/util ZIPIT1.ZIP Another zipit shell for pk{un}zip{fix}, zip2exe v2 ZIPIT21.ZIP Zipit Shell for PKware's PKZIP 2.04g utility ZIPMGR40.ZIP Zip Manager 4.0 for Windows ZIPW13.ZIP Flashpoint ZIP/ZIPX Utility for Windows (ver 3.01.03) ZM50.ZIP ZipManager version 5.00, self-contained archive manager ZMW10.ZIP ZipMaster v1.0 for Windows ZPS310.ZIP ZipShell Pro 3.1, archive manager for ARJ,ZIP, LZH, ARC