** ** Index of Windows Desktop Apps, Screen, Image, and ** BitMap Files in /zipped/desktop ** ** Last Updated: Wed Oct 28 21:00:25 1992 ** ants.zip 920705 Ants Scurry Around the Desktop atlus.zip 910722 Computer-based Atlas Program for Windows (VGA required) ballsvr.zip 921015 Ball Screen Saver for Windows bkgfade.zip 911008 Faded Colors as a Background blank.zip 910328 Yet Another Windows Screen Blanker bmp2bgi.zip 910626 BMP->BGI Conversion Program bmpldr25.zip 921012 Update of Random Bitmap Loader (ver 2.5) bounce.zip 920714 AfterDark Screen Saver Module bouncer.zip 921021 Win3.1 Screen Saver Module (with source) bstar22.zip 921021 ButtonStar Button Bar Program (ver 2.21s) bugs.zip 921023 Bugs Screen Saver (PC Mag) capclock.zip 910707 Dynamic Caption Clock Display in Active Title Bar cfgsave.zip 911011 Save Desktop Configuration cloak10.zip 920915 Hides Unwanted Icons from View clock5.zip 910530 Configurable Analog Clock Display Version 5 (demo) cman11.zip 920723 Clockman: Intelligent Alarm Clock for Windows co39.zip 920903 Chez Otto 3.9: Windows 3.1 Menuing System colpal21.zip 921022 Interactive 16/256 Color Palette Display cview097.zip 920512 Color View: JPEG/GIF/BMP Viewer for Windows cview386.zip 920424 Color View: JPEG/GIF/BMP Viewer for Windows (386 req) desknav.zip 921001 Metz Desktop Navigator for Windows desktop.zip 921001 Metz Desktop Manager deus.zip 910511 Mac-like Interface For Windows dh14a.zip 920717 Desktop Helper: Windows Desktop Utility dialer.zip 921001 Metz Telephone Dialer digitl.zip 910409 Yet Another Digital Clock digitize.zip 921012 Take a Scanned X,Y Plot and Digitize it drop04.zip 921005 Drag and Drop to Win Desktop (ver 0.4) drpdsk.zip 920829 Yet Another Drag and Drop Utility dsktop.zip 920916 Desktop Bitmap Randomizer (ver 1.0) dustbn13.zip 920701 Windows Macintrash-like Garbage Can Utility dz15.zip 920827 Drag and Drop Files into PKZIP'ed Files earth.zip 910513 BMP of the Earth (A Keeper) epqs.zip 901005 Eyes/Position/Qtime/Status Util for Windows executor.zip 910818 Quickly Launch Windows Apps explosiv.zip 920222 DOS/Windows Screen Blanker fedpro.zip 920503 Launch Frequently Used Apps from Pick List fire54.zip 910312 Fireworks Screen Saver fracpain.zip 910623 Fractal Paint 1.04 fracview.zip 920718 View the Mandlebrot Set freemem.zip 921001 Metz Free Memory Utility gcp42s.zip 910820 Display, Manipulate, Convert Picture Files gif2bmp.zip 910820 Convert .GIF Files to .BMP Files gobrz.zip 920912 Go Bears Screen Saver gonew11.zip 920415 Display Away Messages on Windows Screen grabpro.zip 921025 GrabIt Pro Ver 3.1: Screen Capture Utility graf10.zip 920503 Grafiti: Auto Change BMP at Regular Intervals gwswin10.zip 920512 Graphic Workshop for Windows hider10.zip 920807 Hide Windows or Icons from Windows Desktop hotpop.zip 910517 HOTPOP: Complete Pop Down Menu Kit hotspot.zip 920810 HotSpot: Hot Screen Corners for Win3.1 Screen Saver hshl11.zip 920512 HalfShell: Minimal Replacement for Win ProgMgr htspt1.zip 920124 HotSpot: Quickly Launch Frequently-Used Apps icobr151.zip 920910 NeXT Like App Icon Docking Bar image.zip 911008 Read and Write 256 Color Windows Bitmaps imgprep.zip 921027 ImagePrep: Graphics File Converter and Image Editor imposter.zip 921025 Command Shell Enhancement for Windows inform.zip 921006 Informant: Oh no another performance meter jview090.zip 920801 JPEG Viewer for Windows kbdock.zip 920924 AppBar Replacement for ProgMgr (vbrun100.dll req) kc_res.zip 910412 Color Registration Codes for Windows kdraw131.zip 921015 Kwikdraw: An Object Oriented Drawing Program kswin.zip 920718 The Kitchen Sink AppBar AppLauncher lathe15.zip 920518 MicroLathe/MiniMovie Image Program layout.zip 900812 Automatically Arrange/Save Window Positions Util lens13.zip 920818 Lens 1.3 : A Windows Magnifier launch11.zip 920512 Launch Programs from Desktop (3/92 ver) li122.zip 920818 LI: File viewer/finder/editor/remover/printer,etc. logogo31.zip 920826 Change your startup logo with this program magic111.zip 920305 Magic Windows Screen Saver Version 1.11 makeover.zip 920920 Makeover for Win: Changes look of 2-D Win to 3-D mandlb.zip 920503 Produces a display of the Mandelbrot Set mathgraf.zip 920101 Ver 2.4.1: Plot the Graph of User Defined Functions mazespx.zip 900920 Maze Pattern for Screen Peace Util mbar11.zip 920515 MenuBar Toolbar Version 1.1 mbw.zip 920305 Mandelbrot for Windows mclock1.zip 920415 Clock/Alarm for Windows mempro11.zip 920831 MemoryPro: Yet Another System Resource Monitor metz_dn.zip 910820 Metz Desktop Navigator Util (ver 2.50) metz_dt.zip 910820 Metz Desktop Util (ver 3.20) miata.gif 920731 Miata GIF miataguy.gif 920731 Another Miata Gif missm.bmp 920831 Marilyn Monroe in 640x480 256 grey scale BMP file mkh12spx.zip 910504 MKH (ver 1.2) Screen Peace Saver Module morecn11.zip 920924 More Control: Enhanced Control Panel for Win31 morespx.zip 900925 Can of Worms/Life Saver SPX Files for Screen Peace mpegxing.zip 920610 VTMotion Scalable MPEG Player ms20b.zip 910820 Monitor Saver 2.0b Windows 3 screen blanker Util nail.zip 920718 Force a Window (nail it) to the Top of the Stack navigate.zip 910710 Metz Desktop Navigator newscren.zip 920809 System.Ini Rotator for Various Video Configs nin1.zip 920629 Nine Inch Nails Album Cover (BMP) np20.zip 920605 Button's Random Wallpaper Util (with C source) Ver 2.0 newspxs.zip 900812 Two New Patterns (dragon, solids) for Screen Peace odbtn.zip 921021 BTNBAR.DLL: create buttons and button bars oriole.zip 921013 Oriole BMP pals.zip 920904 Windows Color Palette Exerciser pegif.zoo 920803 Windows Desktop Menu Program pixf14.zip 920805 Windows Image Viewer and Catalog Manager plsmabmp.zip 920721 Plasma Fractal BMP pprboy.zip 900719 PaperBoy: Random Presentation Utility of Wallpaper prggrp11.zip 920709 Allows Groups within Program Groups profft.zip 920530 Transform BMPs via Fast Fourier Transfer ps202.zip 911215 Paint Shop Version 2.02 pshape11.zip 910820 ProShape 1.1: A Paint Program for Microsoft Windows psp101.zip 921001 Paint Shop Pro Ver 1.01 qixspx.zip 910830 Another ScreenPeace Saver Module qrunner.zip 920725 Simple File Launcher resta22.zip 920920 Resta Powerful Windows Screen Saver restrt10.zip 920829 Restart button for windows rolisa02.zip 910526 Windows 3 program to draw Lissajous-type figures. route122.zip 920927 Another Sophisticated Icon Bar App runner.zip 920925 Double Click Desktop to Get Favorite App List saver.zip 910719 Screen Saver (Randomly Displays Chinese Chars) savers.zip 920530 Windows Screen Saver savscrns.zip 920907 Collection of Windows Screen Blank Modules (.SCR) scap11.zip 920702 Windows Screen Capture Utility 1.1 scavengr.zip 920318 Allow Drag/Drop Routines into a Trashcan scribble.zip 920912 Scribbler/Doodle Pad for Windows scrnac12.zip 920927 Activate Windows Screen Blanker with Hot Spots scrpe12.zip 900831 New Screen Peace Windows3 Screen Saver Util scrutl91.zip 910823 {S,V,E}GA Screen Blanker Util Ver 9.1 (was egautil) shf12spx.zip 910214 Screen Shuffler SPX File (ver 1.2) for Screen Peace shoot12.zip 920601 Shoot!: Yet Another Screen Image Grabber shutle1s.zip 910914 1023x800x256 BMP of the Shuttle (A Keeper) sizeit.zip 910518 SizeIt Util Make Apps Remember Window Size/Position sizer110.zip 920415 Sizer Remembers Windows Size/Position slpman12.zip 920518 Sloop Manager: Complete Graphical Replacement ProgMgr snagit16.zip 910421 SnagIt Ver 1.6 Screen Capture/Print Utility snapsh17.zip 920415 Screen Snapshot Utility spx_logo.zip 910925 Personal LOGO Saver extension for Screen Peace spextn.zip 900717 Package to Create Screen Peace Saver Extensions Util spinner.zip 920520 Spinner SPX Module for Screen Peace sprclk.zip 920823 SuperClock: The "Definitive" Alarm/Clock System spx2.zip 900831 New SPX Graphic Images for the New Screen Peace Util ss14.zip 910412 Yet Another Screen Saver (version 1.4) ssblind.zip 920730 Screen Saving "Blinds" for Each Window stars.zip 910820 Moving Stars for Windows Background stat30.zip 920501 Date, time, free memory, percent of "system resources" statln26.zip 920208 StatLine: mode, day, date, time and freemem stkynote.zip 920913 Sticky Notes Util for Windows supertm.zip 920928 SuperTaskManager: Replacement for Win Task Mgr syscolor.zip 910808 Change the 256 colors from 256,000 color pallette tchao303.zip 920809 Time and Chaos: Appt/Cal/Phonebook Util for Win tclk.zip 920723 Talking Clock for Windows term20.zip 920904 Terminator: An Electronic File Shredder textanim.zip 920728 Animated Text: Moving Message Display for Windows thetrash.zip 920807 Yet Another Trashcan Utility for Windows time.zip 921001 Metz PopUp Clock Alarm Utility timefram.zip 910518 Digital Clock for the Topmost Window's Caption Bar timepict.zip 920720 Cosmic Wristwatch BMP/GIF tits.zip 920913 The Interactive Task Switcher Utility toilet.zip 920503 Mac-like Trashcan Utility topdesk.zip 920723 Virtual Windows for Windows tracan.zip 920515 Mac-Like Trashcan Utility (w/sound) tracks.zip 921028 Windows Screen Saver Module trashcan.zip 920414 Mac-Like Trashcan Utility trontank.zip 921003 BMP from Disney Tron Film turtle.zip 920413 Teenage Mutant Ninja Bitmaps uclp13.zip 920921 UltraClip: Clipboard Extender (OLE aware) unitil11.zip 921021 Universal Toolbar Utility utl105.zip 900731 Clean, Closer, Run, Win 3 Utils to manage your desktop vgacolor.zip 910719 Allows Selection of 16 Colors from 262,144 Pallette vt.zip 920503 Virtual Tablet Interfac: high performance digitizer waaplay.zip 920418 AAPLAY.DLL: play Autodesk Animator Animation Files wallppr.zip 920805 Miscellaneous Homemade BMPs wb21.zip 920819 WAV/BMP Randomizer wincolor.zip 910724 PCMag Utility to Customize Colors winblank.zip 920413 Win3.x Screen Saver for Toshiba Laptops windim12.zip 920723 Windows SVGA Screen Dimmer (Blanker) wingif14.zip 910820 WinGIF: View GIF Files wininit.zip 911022 Init Desktop from list of apps/window sizes in WIN.INI winjp120.zip 920707 Windows JPEG File Viewer winptr.zip 920316 Configure Windows Pointer (PCMag) winres.zip 910614 Change Your Multisync's Resolution On-the-fly winsaver.zip 910425 Restore Windows Session as You Left It winwall1.zip 920603 A Collection of 40+ BMP Patterns wp_spx.zip 910902 Yet Another ScreenPeace Saver Module wpost32a.zip 920928 PostIt Notes for Windows Version 3.1a wrksft16.zip 920915 WokShift Graphical Virtual Desktop (ver 1.6) wtime11.zip 910930 World Time Clock for Windows xvtdraw.zip 901117 Drawing Program yak101.zip 920913 Talking Clock for the Desktop zipapr12.zip 920226 Zip Paper: Displays Random BMPs