** Using Freelance Graphics with HP NewWave ** To use Freelance Graphics with HP NewWave, you first need to install the NewWave Freelance Bridge. To install it on NewWave version A.03.04 or before: 1) Select the NewWave Office window and then press the CTRL+ALT+DEL keys. 2) In the NewWave Office window select the Settings - Installation menu command. 3) In the Install dialog box go to the drive and directory that contains the Freelance bridge files and select the FLS.IN$ file, then press OK. To install on NewWave versions after A.03.04: 1) From the NewWave window select the Settings - Install Application menu command. 2) In the Install Application dialog box change the file type to NewWave (IN$) and then go to the drive and directory where the Freelance bridge files are located, and then select the FLS.IN$ file and press the OK button. FREELANCE GRAPHICS NODE EDITION USERS: Your network administrator does not need to install the NewWave Freelance Bridge. You can install the Freelance Bridge yourself as long as you are connected to the network drive on which the Freelance Graphics server is installed. Please note the following when using Freelance Graphics with HP NewWave: - Be sure to set your Freelance Graphics presentation directory to the NewWave directory \HPNWDOS\FLW. By doing this, new presentation (.PRE) files that you create in Freelance Graphics (by choosing File New or File Save As) will automatically be attached as objects in your NewWave Office window. They will be attached when you close any presentation object that you opened from within NewWave. Note, however, that they will only be attached automatically if you save them to the NewWave directory \HPNWDOS\FLW. Do NOT save them to the default Freelance Graphics presentation directory (\FLW\WORK). Use the DOSFileAttach tool in NewWave to attach any presentation files that are not automatically attached. If you do not see your Freelance Graphics files as objects on the NewWave desktop, this indicates that you did not specify the correct presentation directory during installation. To specify the correct directory, in Freelance Graphics choose Tools User Setup and click Directories. Then specify the NewWave directory \HPNWDOS\FLW in the Working text box. Then click OK. - If you install Freelance Graphics without installing ATM and then you create a NewWave object and try to open it, you may see two messages. One informs you about a mismatch between your ATM fonts and PostScript printer; the other tells you that you cannot open this object. To resolve this problem, click OK for each message. Then install ATM before you proceed to work in Freelance Graphics and NewWave. See the Freelance Graphics Installation Guide for more information. - If you use Freelance Graphics File commands during a Freelance Graphics session, you may get unexpected results. For example, if you choose File New to create a Freelance Graphics presentation file (.PRE) during a Freelance Graphics session and then choose File Close to close it, the presentation file will not be attached as an object on the NewWave desktop. If this happens, use the NewWave DOSFileAttach tool to attach that file as an object. See your NewWave documentation for more information. Note that it is always recommended that you use the NewWave Create A New command to create a new object. If you choose File Close to close the last Freelance Graphics object during a Freelance Graphics session when no other files are open, the Freelance Bridge disconnects from NewWave. If you created any new files during that session (after closing the last Freelance Graphics object), you will not receive a NewWave DOS file attach message when you close Freelance Graphics. As a result, these files will not be added as objects on the NewWave desktop. To avoid this situation, close your Freelance Graphics session each time you finish working on a presentation file. If you have created new Freelance Graphics presentation files while the Freelance Bridge is disconnected, use the NewWave DOSFileAttach tool to attach these files as objects on the NewWave desktop. See your NewWave documentation for more information. - If you print a Freelance Graphics object using the NewWave Printers tool, a blank page prints before the first page of your Freelance Graphics presentation file. You might also notice a delay between when the blank page prints and when your presentation prints. Also mote that the Freelance Graphics presentation file will always print to the default Windows printer, regardless of which printer icon you choose in NewWave. If you experience problems printing your Freelance Graphics presentation files in NewWave, it may help to enable the Window Pint Manager by using the Printers utility in the Windows Control Panel. You should not use the Tools Save Default Presentation command in Freelance Graphics to save a default presentation file. (Normally, in Freelance Graphics you use this command to make a template for creating new presentation files.) Instead, NewWave uses a "master" as a template that you can use to create new objects. See your NewWave documentation for information on creating masters for new objects. - If you place a Freelance Graphics object into a NewWave compound object (such as NewWave Write or AmiPro), you will only see the first page of the Freelance Graphics object. To see a different page, go to the Page Sorter view in Freelance Graphics and select the page that you want to see in the NewWave compound object. Move this page to the upper leftmost position in the Page Sorter view so that it becomes the first page in your Freelance Graphics presentation. - In Freelance Graphics, the NewWave Agent does not record mouse movements; it only records keystrokes. Since some Freelance Graphics features are only available through mouse movements, the use of those features cannot be recorded by the NewWave Agent. Some of those features include the Freelance Graphics Toolbox, the rotation of objects, certain Edit Select commands that require mouse input (such as Edit Select Touching), and the rotation of a point on a curve in Edit Points mode. Also note that no keystrokes will be recorded in Freelance Graphics after the last Freelance Graphics object is closed.