NewWave Bridge for Freelance Graphics Known Problems 1/16/92 000012 When a presentation (.PRE) file is saved from within Freelance to a directory other than the default directory for Freelance object data files (typically \HPNWDOS\FLW), the file is not automatically attached to NewWave. Comments: This is consistent with the way other encapsulated applications work in NewWave (e.g. Gallery). It is only noted here because users may have questions about it. Remedy: Use the NewWave DOSFileAttach tool to attach the file to NewWave, or save the file in the \HPNWDOS\FLW directory. 000013 When new presentation (.PRE) files are created and saved from within Freelance (by using the File - New / File - Save menu commands, or the File - Save As menu command), the file is not saved in the \FLW\WORK directory (unless the directory is specified). Comments: The file will be saved (if no directory is specified) in whatever directory is specified in the Freelance Graphics user settings. To see (or change) what directory is specified; in Freelance select the Tools - User Setup menu command and then click the Directories button. The directory specified in the Working text box is the directory where new files will be saved by default. The reason that this directory should be set to \HPNWDOS\FLW, instead of \FLW\WORK, is so that new files that are created will be automatically connected to NewWave. Remedy: The user can change the working directory back to \FLW\WORK if they want to. 000017 After the last Freelance object is closed no more keystrokes are recorded in the Freelance main window. (This means that if the user records a File - Close (Alt+F C) and then attempts to record a File - Exit (Alt+F X) to close the Freelance main window, the File - Exit keystrokes will not be recorded [because the last Freelance object had already been closed]). Comments: This problem stems from Freelance being a one- instance MDI application. Since only one instance of Freelance can ever be running, all objects are linked to child MDI windows contained in that one instance. When the last child MDI child window is closed, NewWave's link to Freelance is ended, but the Freelance main window may still remain open. Because NewWave's link to Freelance has ended, no more keystrokes can be recorded, even though the Freelance main window may remain open. Remedy: Use the File - Exit (Alt+F X) keystrokes to close the last Freelance object. This will close the Freelance object and the Freelance main window, and the keystrokes will be recorded. 000021 After a Freelance object is opened and then closed, leaving the Freelance main window open, and then a new presentation file is created and saved into the \HPNWDOS\FLW directory. The new file is not automatically attached to NewWave. Comments: This is consistent with with way other encapsulated applications work in NewWave. The new presentation file is not automatically attached because no Freelance objects remain open to check for the existence of a new file in the \HPNWDOS\FLW directory. Remedy: Don't close the Freelance object until the new presentation file is created and saved into the \HPNWDOS\FLW directory, or use the NewWave DOSFileAttach tool in NewWave to attach the file. 000026 Trying to close the Freelance main window (by double clicking on the system box) while a Freelance object is in the process of opening causes the error "NewWave is unable to open this object. (FL003)". Remedy: Wait until the Freelance object is finished opening before trying to close it. 000043 When playing back keystrokes in the legend area of the Graph Data window of Freelance Graphics, some keystrokes may not play back. Comments: This happens because the keystrokes are not buffered when playing back in the legend area of the Graph Data window of Freelance Graphics. Remedy: Split up the keystrokes into small groups in the agent task and insert a PAUSE command between them. (See NewWave Agent documentation for more information on editing the task and on the PAUSE command.) 000047 When drag/drop printing a Freelance object to the open NewWave Printers tool window, a blank page prints on the selected printer, but the Freelance object prints on the default printer (as set from within Freelance or the Windows Control Panel). Remedy: Change the default printer by using the Windows Control Panel before drag/dropping the Freelance object on the NewWave Printer tool, or open the Freelance object and print from within Freelance. 000051 When Adobe Type Manager (ATM) is not installed (it is installed by default with Freelance), no NewWave Freelance object can be opened. The error message is "NewWave in unable to open this object. (FL003)". Comments: This happens because Freelance puts up an error message every time Freelance is run if ATM is not installed. Because the error message is displayed the data file cannot be loaded by Freelance. Remedy: Install the Adobe Type Manager. 000092 After doing a File - Save As from within Freelance and then closing Freelance so that the message "One or more new DOS files have been created. Do you want to attach them to new objects of type: Freelance Graphics?" is displayed, the response to this message box is not recorded by the NewWave Agent. Remedy: None. 000117 When a Freelance object which contains DDE links for which the source objects are not open, is drag/dropped to the NewWave Printers tool, the Freelance object will not print. Remedy: Open the Freelance object and print it from within Freelance.