NOTE: One character in all laserfonts is not porportional to the bitmapped screen for! That character is the "space", so never adjust your page layout by the use of the space character for any Postscriptª printer, but use a tab instead. It requires a little more work, but the results are spectacularly accurate.You can thank the wonderful folks at Adobeª for the Postscrptª language that makes today's desktop publishing a reality. ¥ The Laserfonts I am producing are being distributed on the SHAREWARE system. I have tried to keep the fees nominal so that everyone can afford my fonts. Thank you for your support! Please send in the $5 for each font you keep (so that I may continue to produce high quality Laserfonts) to: Gary Garrett 11330 Pine Acres Road Jacksonville, Florida 32217 ¥ If you want to make your own laserfonts, you can by using Atsys's Fontographer, or several other font (logo) generation programs.If you want to design printer resolution dependant graphics, try Adobe Illustratorª, FreeHandª, Cricket Drawª, MacDraw IIª or other object oriented (vector-based) drawing program.¥ PAGEMAKER NOTES *******When using these fonts in PageMakerª, better results are obtained by turning OFF the auto kerning feature of pagemaker after "selecting" the type."HAPPY FONTING!"