The Shohl-Fold font (what a silly name) is © 1992 by D. Rakowski, all rights reserved. The letters look like they are on a continuous fanfold -- some facing left, some facing right. To get the visual effect of a continuous fanfold, then, a left-facing letter should follow a right-facing letter should follow a left-facing letter, etc. To wit, there are two versions of each character in the font -- the left-facing version and the right-facing version.Here are the rules for where to find the characters:ALPHABETIC CHARACTERS:All capital letters face LEFT.All lower-case letters face RIGHT.NUMBERS AND PUNCTUATIONKeyboard mapping was a little difficult for punctuation; in general, the normal keys to produce a number or punctuation mark will produce a letter facing LEFT. The RIGHT-facing versions add the option key (e.g., pressing 3 gives you a left-facing 3; pressing option 3 gives you a right-facing 3). However, for PC users of the font, these are high ASCII characters that you have to produce using the NUM LOCK/ALT shuffle. Therefore, keep in mind the following rule:ALL NUMBERS AND PUNCTUATION FACE LEFT.Right-facing versions of numbers and punctuation are at the following ASCII values:0 - 1881 - 1932 - 1703 - 1634 - 1625 - 1766 - 1647 - 1668 - 1659 - 187. - 179, - 178' - 190" - 174! - 218? - 192& - 224$ - 221There is also a combined apostrophe-S ligature on the Mac Keyboard at option-s and shift-option-s; the ASCII values for this ligature are 167 and 234, respectively. BLANK SECTIONS OF FANFOLDThe spacebar produces only white space; to get a blank section of fanfold, use left parenthesis, left bracket or left brace for a LEFT-facing blank fanfold; use right parenthesis, right bracket or right brace for a RIGHT-facing blank piece of fanfold.SHAREWARE INFORMATIONShohl-Fold, the font, is distributed as freeware, without limitations as to its distribution. Nonprofit organizations such as user groups may distribute the font freely; for profit companies are prohibited from distributing the font without permission.Shohl-Fold comes from Insect Bytes, a place where 17 megabytes seems to be fine for now.