**Generic ToolBook Open Dialog Box** TBKOPEN.DLL is a Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that adds generic open dialog box functionality to ToolBook. This document provides the information necessary to use the DLL from OpenScript, ToolBook's programming language. **linkDLL Statement** You must link to the DLL with the following control structure: linkDLL "tbkopen.dll" STRING OpenDlg(STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING) end linkDLL **Return Value** OpenDlg returns a string that contains the fully qualified path name of the file the user chooses to open. If the user dismisses the dialog box without choosing a file, OpenDlg returns NULL, and sysError is set to -1. OpenDlg does not open the selected file. It simply returns the fully qualified path name of the file the user chooses. **Parameters** OpenDlg requires four string parameters. The first parameter is the search path, the second parameter is the file specification, the third parameter is a prompt string that is displayed at the top of the dialog box (not on the caption bar), and the fourth parameter is the dialog box caption. If the first parameter is null, the current search directory is used. If the second parameter is null, *.* is assumed. The prompt string is blank if none is provided. **Example** [Put this handler in your book script] to handle enterBook linkDLL "tbkopen.dll" STRING OpenDlg(STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING) end linkDLL end enterBook [Put this handler in an object script] to handle buttonUp get OpenDlg("c:\lotus", "*.txt", "Please choose" && \ the text file you would like to open...", "Open") openFile it [more statements...] end buttonUp 7/9/90 Jeff Day, Asymetrix Corporation Updated 1/30/91