$ TXT2RTF K txt2rtf # main_index TXT2RTF Text to Rich File Format This following is a list of available topics: - Control Codes - [ control_codes ] - File format - [ file_format ] = Bitmaps = [ bitmap_ref ] $ Control Codes # control_codes Control Codes The following is a list of control code characters: * \- Build Tag # \- Context String $ \- Title K \- Keyword + \- Browse Sequence $ File Format # file_format File Format The text file should began with the control footnotes. The body of text should come next. A formfeed must be placed at the end of each topic. $ Bitmaps K Bitmap Reference # bitmap_ref Bitmap Reference Bitmaps = {bmc txt2rtf.bmp} = [ control_codes ] can be included in your help file. Press the bitmap to jump to the control code topic.