ISOMEDIA, Inc. 14808 NE 31st Circle Redmond, WA 98052 (206) 869-5411 Voice (206) 869-9437 Fax ISOMEDIA Utilities v1.1 ----------------------- The ISOMEDIA Utilities are not a free set of utilities. If you enjoy these utilities please support the concept of shareware by sending a 'paltry sum' to ISOMEDIA, Inc. We intend to continue upgrading these utilities, and your support would be appreciated. Installation: 1. Copy the file ISOCTRL.CPL from the distribution floppy to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. 2. Copy the file ISOSTRT.EXE from the distribution floppy to your WINDOWS directory. 3. Re-start Windows. 4. Run the ISOMEDIA Utilities Aplet from inside the Windows Control Panel.