DIGITIZE - 0.99 This program does the reverse job of a plotting program, it can take a scanned X,Y plot and digitize it to end up with a text file containing the X,Y points. INSTALLATION This program is written in Visual Basic which requires the VBRUN100.DLL to be placed in you windows directory. the VBRUN100.DLL is available in may BBS places and in ftp.cica.indiana.edu ( in the directory /pub/pc/win3/util. Create a directory and copy all files to that directory, You can now use the file manager to drag and drop the program icon into a group in the program manager. Select the program icon (in the program manager) by clicking on it once, select PROPERTIES from the FILE menu and make sure that the WORKING DIRECTORY points to the directory with all the files. TO RUN Click twice on the digitize icon.