This document contains information pertaining to ChemWindow Classic only--not ChemWindow 2. This document contains the following: Order Information Install Instructions Fonts, Windows, and ChemWindow Classic Using ChemWindow Classic with WordPerfect New Features Not Discussed In The Manual To Install ChemWindow Classic Using Windows 3.x: ------------------------------------------------- 1. From inside Windows 3.x, open the File Manager. 2. Create a directory on the hard disk called "CW" 3. Place the ChemWindow Classic diskette in the exterior drive. 4. Drag the "CW.EXE" file from the exterior drive directory to the new CW directory on your hard drive. 5. Close File Manager and open Program Manager. 6. Select New from the File menu to create an icon. 7. Enter "ChemWindow Classic" for the description and the path name for the command line. (Example: C\:CW\CW.EXE) 8. Double click the ChemWindow Classic icon to start. To Install ChemWindow Classic Using Windows 2.x: -------------------------------------------------------- 1. At the DOS prompt, enter "MD CW". 2. Go to new directory by entering "CD CW" at the DOS prompt. 3. Place ChemWindow Classic into floppy drive, we'll call it Drive A. 4. Copy ChemWindow Classic to hard disk by entering, "COPY A:CW.EXE". 5. Enter "WIN CW" to run ChemWindow Classic. To Install ChemWindow Classic Using the Windows 2 Runtime: ________________________________________________________ CAUTION: THIS PROCEDURE IS FOR USERS THAT DO NOT HAVE WINDOWS INSTALLED ON THEIR COMPUTER. THE RUNTIME IS ONLY PROVIDED TO THOSE THAT HAVE PURCHASED CHEMWINDOW CLASSIC. THE DEMO VERSION DOES NOT INCLUDE THE RUNTIME. TO INSTALL THE DEMO VERSION, YOU MUST HAVE WINDOWS ON YOUR COMPUTER. 1. Insert the Setup Disk into floppy drive, we'll call it Drive A. 2. Go to floppy drive by entering, "A:". 3. Start installation by typing, "SETUP". 4. The computer will instruct you on how to complete the installation. Fonts, Windows and ChemWindow Classic ---------------------------------------------- In the Windows environment, you have fonts for your screen and others for the printer. ChemWindow Classic displays all fonts supported by your printer in the Font menu. This includes fonts that are permanently stored in your printer, cartridge fonts, or "Soft" fonts that are sent by your computer to the printer. The font sizes enabled in the "Size" menu are those supported by your printer for the currently selected font. When you use fonts in a document, the text displayed on your screen will use a screen font. Windows will use a font that is as close in appearance as possible to the selected printer font. You may have to purchase fonts to get the screen display of text to match the document better. Adobe sells screen fonts that correspond to those found in Postscript printers. Bitstream (800-522-3668) sells "Soft" fonts that support the HP LaserJet printers and the screen. If you're going to use Windows 3.0, verify with the vendor that their fonts are compatible with 3.0 before ordering. Windows 3.0 contains a font with Greek symbols (Symbol) for the screen. This font cannot be used for the LaserJet printer. If you have Windows 3.0, the best way to obtain good-quality scaleable fonts for the screen and printer is to purchase Adobe Type Manager. The Courier, Helvetica, Times, and Symbol fonts are included when you buy Adobe Type Manager. Using ChemWindow Classic with WordPerfect _________________________________ If you'll be printing on a Postscript printer, create an encapsulated Postscript file (EPS) with ChemWindow Classic and import it into WordPerfect. For all other printers, use the WordPerfect graphics file (WPG). WPG files support only three fonts: Courier, Times Roman (Tms Rmn in menu), and Helvetica (Helv in menu). These can be any size, but they are all represented as stick figure-like fonts (they are not really Courier, Times, and Helvetica). For best results, create the document with the Postscript printer driver. Even if you do not have a Postscript printer, install the Postscript printer driver with the Windows Control Panel. If you have already drawn the structures, change the font to a Postscript font for EPS documents or to Courier (it looks best) for WPG documents. If you want to import the structure into WordPerfect with the same size as drawn in ChemWindow Classic, use the size command with the auto both option. Features not found in the manual. --------------------------------- This new version fixes a number of recently discovered bugs and makes a few needed modifications. Version 1.36 adds two new tools to your drawing palette Ä a chair of the opposite orientation to the existing chair and a Benzene ring in the K‚kule form. Both rings were attainable in previous versions, but convenience dictated they be made more accessible. You will also notice in your version 1.36 that the dialog boxes for the online help command have been rewritten to better explain drawing tools. The default directory for saving documents can be set in the WIN.INI file. WIN.INI is found in your Windows directory. Edit it with NOTEPAD or any other text editor after running ChemWindow Classic once. Find the section starting with "[ssCt]". Insert the line DIR="PATH", where PATH is the path for the default directory. For example, if you want all ChemWindow Classic documents to be saved in C:\CW, your WIN.INI file will look like this: ... [ssCt] DIR="C:\CW" ... "Breaking" bonds that cross: Crossing bonds, as in norbornane, are broken automatically to give a three dimensional effect. Clicking the hit box for a bond will bring the bond to the front. It may be necessary to click more than once if the click changes the bond type, too. Postscript files: The Save dialog box includes a new radio button for EPS files. Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, PageMaker, and many other programs import this graphics format. When used with the required Postscript printer, publication-quality documents will be produced. Select the Postscript print driver when creating Postscript files. At the present time, the fonts supported are Avant Garde, Bookman, Courier, Helvetica-Narrow, Helvetica, New Century Schoolbook, Palatino, Symbol, Times Roman, Zapf Chancery, and Zapf Dingbats. Control Panel: The Microsoft Windows Control Panel application lets you change fonts, printers, and the Windows environment. It can be started with the "Control Panel" command in the "File" menu. Its use is generally self-explanatory. Users that do not have Windows 3.0 may need to change printers or the communication port settings with the "Connections", "Printers", and "Communications Port" commands in the "Setup" menu. You can also add new printers with the "Add New Printer" command in the "Installation" menu (the drivers for printers are on the Windows disks). Windows 3.0 users should start "Control Panel" and use the "Printers", "Add Printer", "Install", and "Configure" commands. Make the printer or plotter the currently active device by highlighting the name and double clicking on it. Creating HPGL files: HPGL files can be imported into Microsoft Word and many other programs. Create them by following these steps. Add the line "OUTPUT.PRN=" with any editor to the "[ports]" section of the "WIN.INI" file (it is in the Windows or ChemWindow directory). Users without Windows 3.0 may install the HP Plotter Driver with the "Add New Printer" command in the "Installation" menu of Control Panel. Use the "Connections" command in the "Setup" menu of Control Panel to set the port for the HP Plotter to "OUTPUT.PRN=". Use the "Printer" command in the "Setup" menu of Control Panel to select the HP Plotter as the currently active printer. Windows 3.0 users should start "Control Panel" and use the "Printers", "Add Printers", "Install", and "Configure" commands. Make the plotter the currently active device by highlighting the name and double clicking on it. Set the line thickness for bonds and arcs to 1/4 point with ChemWindow's "Customize" command in the "Options" menu. Draw the structure. Print the document with the "Print" command in ChemWindow's "File" menu. An HPGL file is "printed" to the disk file: "OUTPUT.PRN". This file can be renamed, if desired, andimported into Microsoft Word. After importing the graphic into Word oranother program, it might be rotated by 90 degrees. If this is the case, you can change between "Landscape" and "Portrait" page orientations withthe "Page Setup" command in ChemWindow's "File" menu to correct the orientation. The Microsoft Word documentation recommends that the Plotter device be a "ColorPro". Select "ColorPro" in the "Device" menu of the"Page Setup" dialog box for best support with Microsoft Word. Show Clipboard. The "Show Clipboard" command in the "Edit" menu displays the contents of the Windows Clipboard. Symbol Font Name. The name of the font with Greek symbols, if any, should be entered in the text edit panel within the Customize dialog box. The default name is "Symbol". Style Menu. This now appears as two menus, Size and Style. Font Menu. The "Fonts..." command allows you to choose from the entire list of available fonts. The rest of the menu displays the 10 most frequently used fonts.