--------. TRUETYPE. -------------------------------- PATH:. ------------------ --------. NAME. Description --------. ---------------------- 3OF9.ZIP 3 of 9 Barcode Font for Windows (TrueType) BARCOD39.ZIP Barcode Font BLN_TTF.ZIP Beth-Luis-Nion Celtic ogham characters BURGTT.ZIP Burgundian v.1.0 - Scriptorium Font Library (TT) CYRTTF.ZIP Cryllic TrueType Kit EGLATT.ZIP Eglantine v1.1 - Scriptorium Font Library EMP_BLDR.ZIP Empire Builder 1.0 TT Font ENYA.ZIP Inspired by Enya's Watermark Album ER1252.ZIP English Russian CP 1252 True-Type Fonts ER866.ZIP English Russian CP 866 True-Type Fonts ERKOI8.ZIP English Russian CP KOI-8 True-Type Fonts GAELACH.ZIP Irish/Gaelic/Gaeilge TrueType Font GAL_TT.ZIP Gallaudet TrueType font GC0651.ZIP Latest update of the MS LineDraw font GOODTT.ZIP Goodfellow v. 2.6 - Scriptorium Font Library HERATT.ZIP Heraldry v 1.0 -- Scriptorium Font Library (TT) JUGETT.ZIP Jugend v 1.3 -- Scriptorium Font Library (TT) KASHMIR.ZIP Houses Of The Holy/Led Zepplin Font PARSZIBA.ZIP Persian/Farsi True Type Fonts for Windows 3.1 PIE4MAP.ZIP Pie charts for maps - TrueType symbol font QUENYA11.ZIP Win3.1 Truetype font, Tengwar-Quenya ver 1.1 RR_ROMAN.ZIP AKA Railroad Roman TrueType Font, version 1.0 SAFATT.ZIP Romulus and Safari Demo True Type Fonts SIL_IPA.ZIP SIL Encore IPA Fonts (includes Type 1 fonts) SORA.ZIP Korean (Hangul) truetype font THEOTT.ZIP Theodoric v. 1.0 - Scriptorium Font Library TTPRSPRO.ZIP Prospero TrueType Font