pv.doc Powerview Image Viewer documentation qpeg386.doc QPEG Image Viewer documentation catalog.txt Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog (text format) catalog.fre Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French catalog.ger Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German catalog.ita Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Italian catalog.spa Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Spanish catalog.pdf Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe Acrobat format view.doc Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on this CDROM acc_in.zip Utility for acc_kb.zip acc_kb.zip Knowledge Base for Microsoft Access for Windows acc20ann.zip Access 2.0 Fact Sheets and Press Releases, March 1994 accessv.zip .dbf file of add-ons for the MS-Access DBMS accpac.zip compact or repair your MS Access databases accpan.zip Maintain common settings in the MSACCESS.INI file accsvc.exe Microsoft Access Version 2.0 Service Pack accu22.zip dbf of PD/SW Access Products on BBSs in USA accv15.zip ASCII ver of accu15.zip acexpo.zip Access Export v1.3 adst2.zip ADSTools is a developer's tool for Microsoft Access aphac2vb.zip MS Access 2.0 add-in to convert forms to VB 3.0 forms beercan.zip Access 2.0 db to maintain beer cans and labels [2.76mb] carry.zip Access database tool chgprn.zip Sample code to change certain printer settings dbtips.zip Outlines diffs on dBase and Access programming ddl110.exe Microsoft Access Data Definition Language DLL dejean.zip DeJean music dbms for classical and non-classical CDs export.zip Access db tool first.zip FIRSTLIB is a Microsoft Access library database hlpanl.zip Access Help Analyzer instruct.zip An Access tutorial in Winword format inummdb.zip Increment numbers in a mdb with code litbas20.zip DISSERT1.MDB is an academic reference database lnddb1_0.zip Access db stores and manipulates your land sales data maxs11.exe Maxess 1.1 is a communication utility for MS Access mdbgu.zip MDBGuru gens VB, Access 2.0 or SQL stmnts to create db mmlit132.zip Acad lit reference database for MS-Access (German) msajt110.exe Updated Access Engine Library, v 1.10.0001 mslb.zip Multiselect List Box OLE Control for Access 2 [503k] outputas.zip Add-in to simplify report exports to winword,Excel,txt qbetest1.zip Demo copy of the adhoc query builder for Access 2 refnote.zip Academic reference database interface for Access repl2.zip Find and Replace for Tables,Queries, Forms, Reports,etc secwiz.zip A Security Wizard which will secure your database secure.zip SECURE Lan Manager security checking for SQL Server selfstud.zip An Access tutorial file in WinWord format spelrite.zip Help with spelling of object names, field names sql2va.zip Fmt long SQL stmnt and assign to Access or VB variable tab.zip Tab OLE Control for Microsoft Access 2.0 [621kb] tdm20e.zip Technical Department Manager Businessware toolbx11.zip ToolBox V1.1 Access Library Toolbox uniadr20.zip Uniadres is a german address-manager for Access vbfix.zip Fixes some bugs with Crystal Reports in Access _grafsdk.zip Know-How X-Y Graphics 6.0 Demo _xygraf.zip Know-How Graf 6.0 Business/Scientific diagrams Demo 05rw_102.zip 05R/W editor/librarian Demo 123demo.zip 1-2-3 Demo for Windows 3dmenus.zip Control Works Demo of Custom Controls for Win Apps 3drender.zip Demo of 3D RenderLib for Windows accentwm.zip Accent Working Model - multilingual word proc [1.2m] accsdemo.zip DOS Graphics Demo of Access for Windows amipro31.zip AmiPro for Windows 3.1 Demo (Disk 1) amipro32.zip AmiPro for Windows 3.1 Demo (Disk 2) ant_demo.zip Word 6.0 to HTML Conversion Utility Demo bardemo.zip Computer Bartender Demo [1.18m] bars3.zip Bar Code Label Printer Demo Program bib30.zip Demo of Bibliotech Version 3.0 (10/27/92) bothside.zip Print ASCII Bothsides on DeskJet (crippled demo) btdemo.zip Demo of ButtonTool button.zip Ancillary Files for ButtonTool cadwdemo.zip Demo of Cadenza: A MIDI Sequencer cardscan.zip Addr/ph-book app scans, reads and organizes bus cards cbdemo.zip SQL Windows ComboBox DLL demo chemwin2.zip ChemWindow version 2.1 demo chessnet.zip ChessNet Shareware/Demo version 1.1 cmotion1.zip Eval copy of Windows Fax/Data Communications Program cmotion2.zip Eval copy of Windows Fax/Data Communications Program cmotion3.zip Eval copy of Windows Fax/Data Communications Program csheet1.zip CleanSheet: Demo of modeling type spreadsheet (1 of 3) csheet2.zip CleanSheet: Demo of modeling type spreadsheet (2 of 3) csheet3.zip CleanSheet: Demo of modeling type spreadsheet (3 of 3) cubase_d.zip demo for the Cubase midi sequencer [540kb] cura22.zip Simu of Sterile Insect Release Method of Pest Control cwdemo.zip CakeWalk (Midi) Demo daub15.zip DAUB Dynamic Brush Demo dbd20_d1.zip SerraCorps Database Designer Demo v2.0 (1/2) [1.4m] dbd20_d2.zip SerraCorps Database Designer Demo v2.0 (2/2) [693k] dbdemo.zip dbFast Demo (1.1Mb Zipfile) demo3d.zip Sculptura Demo: a 3D modeling package demow32s.zip BMPEF : Win32s/NT/Win3.1 rotate bitmap demo devdict.zip Demo of Devil's Dictionary, cond ver, by Ambrose Bierce diespain.zip Demo of Medical and Diet programs in Spanish docmgr20.zip Demo version of Empower Document Manager dynahlp.zip Interactive Help Dynamic Help demo [2.03m] ecodemo.zip Full-Featured demo of ECCO Simplicity 1.1 PIM [2.0Mb] ed3demo.zip ED: Adv Configurable Editor Demo V3.00 22Jun94 [1.14mb] eikdemo.zip EIKONA image processing program demo extradem.zip Demo of EXTRA! for Windows faxdemo.zip WinFAX PRO Demo for Windows fgw1.zip Lotus Freelance Graphics (working demo/no save) fgw2.zip Lotus Freelance Graphics (working demo/no save) fgw3.zip Lotus Freelance Graphics (working demo/no save) fljap.zip demo version of Free Light Japanese [854k] flowdemo.zip FLOWDEMO v1.0 - FLOW Research Demo Disk [1.3mb] fmdemo.zip FM Demo Sound Kit for Windows for2c10.zip Demo Elec Book: "From Fortran to C" by James Kerrigan forehelp.zip Demo of ForeHelp 1.03: WYSIWYG Win help writer [1.4mb] formfact.exe Demo of combo DOS/MS-Windows and GEOS PDA [1.13mb] fshtdemo.zip FullShot 1.0: Demo of Image Capturing Utility fswindem.zip Demo of Fittingly Sew, pattern drafting software ftw2demo.zip Family Tree Maker for Windows 2.0 Demo [2.6m] fw10demo.zip Font Works 1.0 demo [1.2mb] fxpro.zip FXTools demo of image control VBXs from ImageFX g2i12.zip DEMO: Edit Windows GRP (group) files gcp_24.exe Demo of VBCControls: TCP, UDP, TFTP, TELNET and VT220 gmwdemo.zip GoldMine 2.5a - Advanced Contact Mgmtware Demo gpc4win.zip GPCDat Demo: molar mass extrapolation [617k] hcf2demo.zip Head Coach Football Version 2.0 Demo hgdemo.zip Harvard Graphics for Windows Demo (1.1Mb Zipfile) hierlb.zip Demo VBX that displays a hierarachy hi_demo.zip Hi, I am HM-Card (hypermedia demo) [958k] hlpbrz_d.zip Demo for HelpBreeze a Windows help authoring tool hlpdkpr.zip WinHelp file demonstrating HyperAct's HLPDK/PA Product hmidemo.zip Sound Operating System Demo by Human Machine Interfaces hyperdmo.zip HyperAct Demo ig16_102.zip Internet Global Phone project 16bit sound demo igps_102.zip Source code for IGP, Internet Global Phone version 1.02 illumend.zip Illumen 3D Renderer WorkingDemo ReqMathCo [979k] informs.zip WPCorp Demo of Informs Form Design/Filler System inspdemo.zip Demo of Inspiration v4.0: Idea development tool iso9000.zip Q_demo: determine need for ISO 9000 certification kidpuz.zip Kiddie Puzzles Demo Program ks3_arc.exe Kanji Sensei interactive Kanji Study Aid Program Demo lchess2d.zip LCHESS 2.0 for Windows demo version llabc20.zip Living Letters-ABC edition MM ABC program demo [523k] lotorg.zip Lotus Organizer Demo (Personal Info Manager) macdraft.zip Demo version of MacDraft for Windows (CAD) mapmak.zip Demo of Mapmaker, a map drawing program mc50demo.zip Music Companion 5.0d: Real time midi arranger demo mcademo1.zip MathCad 3.0 Working Model Disk 1 mcademo2.zip MathCad 3.0 Working Model Disk 2 mcademo3.zip MathCad 3.0 Working Model Disk 3 mhdemo11.zip MiniHost Mail System Demo for Windows v.1.1 meddll.zip Multi-feat edit control demo from Magma Systems 1/3 medmfc.zip Multi-feat edit control demo from Magma Systems 2/3 medit.zip Multi-feat edit control demo from Magma Systems 3/3 medowl.zip Magma Editor OWL DLL for MEDIT mornstar.zip Morning Star Demo: Screen Saver VGAMoire movdemo.zip Windows Movie Demo movie40.zip MOVIE Animation Utility for Windows [1.32mb] msproj1.zip Disk 1 of MS Project Working Demo (File is 892K) msproj2.zip Disk 2 of MS Project Working Demo (File is 704K) musicato.zip Musicator for Windows 3.1 Demo mwpiano.zip Demo of Musicware Piano: Music Ed system [1.19mb] netdemo.zip NetMinder Internet address book program neurdemo.zip Neuralyst for Excel working demo news.zip Windows NT is a 32-bit Internet newsreader (Demo) nfs_demo.zip demo version 3.3 of Winsock NFS client and server nioshdem.zip App performs calcs for the Revised NIOSH Guide nndt120.zip Neural Network Dev Tool Eval v1.20 [825k] nwave1.zip HP NewWave 4.0 Demo Part 1 (1.11Mb) nwave2.zip HP NewWave 4.0 Demo Part 2 (1.06Mb) odbcman.zip v1.1 of ODBC Manager ODBC tool (demo) [924k] orgplus3.zip OrgPlus: organization charting app demo (v3.0) [1.15m] originfx.zip OriginFX Demo osf112.zip OSF Demo for Windows packrat.zip Polaris Software's PackRat Demo (hypercard-like) pcdb.zip Pop Culture Day Book Demo: track entertainment/culture pfpd100c.zip PowerFleet(TM) Pro v1.00c Demo pg_demo.zip Demo version of Power Graph v1.0 for Windows pidctrl.zip PID Control Demo (Deutsch) pmelcore.exe PMEL Motorola FPGA Layout Software - Exe/help pmelmpa.exe PMEL FPGA Layout SW - Motorola MPA1000 support files pmelfe1.exe PMEL FPGA Layout SW - Designworks & Synthesis support pmelfe2.exe PMEL FPGA Layout SW - Viewlogic support & examples ppdemo1.zip MicroSoft PowerPoint Demo Part 1 ppdemo2.zip MicroSoft PowerPoint Demo Part 2 prodemo.zip ProVoice for Windows Demo progen11.zip ProGen 1.1 Genealogy Demo for Windows [1.19mb] protelw.zip Version 1.0 of Protel Circuit designer demo ptp_demo.zip Comparison of the cost of living for Major U.S. cities pwplus1.zip Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 1) pwplus2.zip Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 2) pwplus3.zip Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 3) pwplus4.zip Trial Version of Professional Write Plus (Part 4) pwrtcp11.exe PowerTCP Tools for Windows - SDK Demo [490k] quasrsql.zip QuasarSQL Server for Windows (DEMO) recdemo.exe Recipes for Windows 2.0 Demo by Odyssey Computing reunion.zip DEMO of Reunion for Windows a Genealogy db program rocks.zip Demos of MicroApps Manager and the Rocks MicroApp rwknig.zip Renderware animated 3d texture mapped demos for WinG rwmaze.zip Renderware animated dungeon walkthrough demo [678k] rwroll.zip Renderware interactive 3d txmapped roller coaster demo sbdemo.zip ShowBasic demo Tutorial/Demo/Training/Presentation Kit sc20d_w.zip demo for SearchCity 2.0, a text retrieval util [500k] scanwm15.zip Geomarket analysis software demo [2.03m] sf171dem.zip WinScenario SF171 demo for Windows sitev10.zip Demo of SiteView 1.0 3D Visualization System sketch.zip 30-day trial of SmartSketch Drawing App soshp201.zip SOS Help! for Windows v2.01 (Demo version) [1.3mb] sphmail.zip Demo of Mini-Host: UUCP for Windows spp21dem.zip demo of a score notation and printing program spssdemo.zip SPSS/Win Demo sqlcode1.zip SQL Code Profiler for Windows Test Drive (1/2) [1mb] sqlcode2.zip SQL Code Profiler for Windows Test Drive (2/2) [614kb] sqlgen.zip Demo Util Generates SQL Queries sqlsniff.zip SQL Sniffer for Windows Version 1.1 Sample statemkr.zip StateMaker: C/C++ CASE tool, state diagrams, code gen stwdemo.zip SMARTrader v1.8 analyze stocks and commodities [1.3m] tappdemo.zip TAPP property db for thermophysical property data tbkdemo.zip Asymtrix ToolBook version 1.5 Demo Disk td25demo.zip Type Designer 2.5 Demo tgdemo.exe TrueGrid, a bound database table control demo for VB therm.zip The Circuit Board Thermometer Demo timwin.zip TIM For Windows: An Image Processing Tool (demo) truelist.zip Eliminates Mailing List Duplicates Demo App tscdpro2.zip TommySoftware CAD/Draw Pro 2.01 [1.27mb] tskrdemo.zip Tasker groupware demo to track-analyze tasks [4.1M] ucdwdemo.zip Demo of UsenetCD Windows Edition vbdemo.zip Demo of Versions/VB version control for MS VB v3 vbextdem.zip VB/Extender 1.0 Demo adds 100+ funcs and subroutines vbxdem.zip VB Demos for Microhelp Products vecrel11.zip Vector Reality 3D Rendering and Modeling Demo [1.15m] vlib20.zip VISUALIB (c) Graphics Library Demo vmon3d.zip DEMO of Virtual Monitors version 3.0 vox_alph.zip Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (NT) [870k] vox_fast.zip Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (Win SVGA) [1M] vox_intl.zip Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (NT) [770k] vox_mips.zip Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (NT) [840k] vox_smal.zip Vox-L Inc Interact Volume Visualizer (Win VGA) [415k] upmsaver.zip Cirrus Logic Power Management Demo Version 1.04W vsepr11.zip A 3-D Molecular Modelling Set Demo vt220.exe VT220 terminal emulator demo for Winsock vt420.zip VTx20 terminal emulator demo for Winsock vtskt10i.zip Visual Products VTSocket VBX ver. 1.0i Demo warfare.zip Demo for the latest electronic book pub by OmniMedia wemdemo1.zip Win-Emacs 1.35 (Lucid GNU Emacs), 1 of 4 [888k] wemdemo2.zip Win-Emacs 1.35 (Lucid GNU Emacs), 2 of 4 [1.33m] wemdemo3.zip Win-Emacs 1.35 (Lucid GNU Emacs), 3 of 4 [695k] wemdemo4.zip Win-Emacs 1.35 (Lucid GNU Emacs), 4 of 4 [940k] winbody.zip Body Insight from Informative Graphics wincake1.zip Cakewalk Pro Midi Sequencer Demo Ver 2 (1 of 2) wincake2.zip Cakewalk Pro Midi Sequencer Demo Ver 2 (2 of 2) wincrib.zip Demo of Windows Cribbage Game windraw.zip Working Model of WinDraw Drawing Program wineb_28.zip v2.8 demo of Winebase, a cellar management package winflow.zip Groundwater flow model demo app winfo.zip Demo of Information Manager (uses multiple databases) winstik2.zip WinStick 2.0 Demo-Use a joystick with all Win games winsmart.zip Lotus SmartPic Sampler Working Demo (Windows Graphics) winsp3_d.zip WinSpell 3 Demo for Windows [627k] wintss.zip Demo of GIS and spatial library routines for Windows wisesw.exe Wise Installation System 3.0 wit472.zip WiT visual programming env for image proc [1.3m] withclas.zip C++ CASE tool, object diagrams, auto. code generation wmortpro.zip Demo of loan and mortgage calculation tool wmpdemo.zip Blue Sky Software's Demo for Windows Maker Pro wrap10.zip DEMO: Runs programs automatically before Win exits wripdm13.zip Demo of WinRIP Lite, RIPscrip-based drawing program wwdemo.exe Worktime Workout Demo v1.01 [964kb] xl3_demo.zip New MicroSoft Excel 3 Demo (12/90 version) xwave.zip Plots of 3-D Mesh Surface Oscillating in Real Time xwindemo.zip Functional PC X server v2.8.8 [1.4m] zfax40.zip Zetafax v4.00b Evaluation of Fax app for Win,NT, OS/2 24pin.zip Enhanced Drivers for 24-pin Epsons (and compatibles) bj200drv.zip Canon BJ-200 Windows Printer Driver (10/1/92) bjc600_2.zip Canon BJC-600 v2.0 printer drivers [640k] brohl.zip Brother HL Laser Printer Drivers calcomp.zip CalComp ColorMaster Plus (PostScript) printer driver cit24.zip Citizen GSX-140 Drivers (ver 2) citizen.zip Ver 1.05 Citizen printer drivers ctrld10b.zip produce a leading Ctrl-D in the pr data stream (PS) d5w3us.exe Version 5.0 of HP DeskJet 5xx deskjets (1/1) d5v5drv.exe Version 5.0 of HP DeskJet 5xx deskjets (2/2) d5wn31.exe Deskjet 500 Series Printer Driver Version 4.1 escp2.exe Epson LQ-570/870/1070/1170 esc/p 2 Win 3.1 (4/92) ep24.exe Epson 24pin Printer Drivers (08/12/92) ep9.exe Epson 9pin Printer Drivers (07/27/92) eplq.exe Epson LQ-570/870/1070/1170 Scalable Fonts Driver epsdrv.exe Epson Stylus 800 & updated printer drivers (4/15/93) epson.exe Epson Printer Drivers (Mar 93) epson.zip More Epson Printer Drivers fuji24dr.zip Drivers for the Fujitsu 24 Pin B&W/Color Printers gendrv.exe IBM (Lexmark) laser printer drivers hp4win.zip v3.1.27 drivers for the HP Laserjet 4s (11/93) [360k] hpdjw30a.zip DeskJet 500C, DeskJet 500, DeskJet Plus for Win3.1 hpdrvrs.zip 07/93 Versions of HP line of printer drivers hpljets.zip Drivers for all HP LaserJet Printers hpother.zip Drivers for all HP non-LaserJet output devices hppcl5.zip HPPCL Driver Version 10-22-92 hppjet.exe HP PaintJet Drivers Version 8/12/92 hppcl5a.zip PCL5A Driver Version 10/25/91 (Supports IIIP/IIISi) hppscrpt.zip HP PostScript Driver 3.4 for IIP,IID,III,IIID and IIISi hpqjet.zip HP QuietJet 192x96 DPI Driver hpwfwg01.zip W4WG: print to HP net prns with JetDirect/EX pserver ib2390.exe IBM 2390 Series Printer Drivers l4win3.exe LaserJet 4 Family printer driver version 31.v.1.35 lanprt.zip Connect/Disconnect Network Printers in Windows lino.exe Linotronic Drivers for Windows 3.1 (08-12-92) lj_drvrs.zip Various drvrs for the HP range. LJ4 inc, dated 7/14/93 lj4win31.exe Windows 3.1 driver for the LaserJet 4 necp24.exe NEC Drivers (CP{6,7},P{5XL,6,7,9XL,2200,5200,5300},etc. necpin.exe NEC P3200/3300/6200/6300/9300 Win 3.1 Driver necpnser.zip Driver for NEC 24-pin Pinwriters oki24.exe Okidata 24pin Printer Drivers (08/12/92) oki400.zip Oki L400 Windows 3.0 Driver ver .31 pan24.exe Drivers for 24pin Panasonic printers pan31dmp.zip KX-P1xxx,2xxx KX-P 3123,3124 or 3624 Panasonic drivers pan31dms.zip Panasonic KX-P 3123, 3124 and 3624 printer drivers pan31lbp.zip Panasonic Laser and LED printer drivers (mar95) pan9_w3.zip Panasonic 09-Pin Drivers panakx.exe Panasonic Printer Drivers for Win3.1 panasonc.zip Drivers for most all Panasonic printers panaw31c.exe More Panasonic Printer Drivers for Win 3.1 panawdrv.zip Panasonic Laser Drivers prninfo.zip PRNINFO v0.5: the Windows Printer Investigator pscrip.exe PostScript Printer Driver (07/23/92) star.exe Win 3.1 Drivers for all STAR printers (from MS BBS) star_24.zip Star Micronics Driver starclr.zip Jan91 Star Micronics 9 pin driver starsg10.zip Windows drivers for the old Star Gemini 10X printer sty104.zip Epson Stylus Color/800+/400 Windows drivers unidrv.exe Microsoft 6-29-92 Version of Unidrv.Dll winprt.zip NWWINFIX - Fix for Windows Garbage Printing on NetWare wravndmp.zip Roland 9/24 Pin Drivers 1280bnch.txt Benchmarks for Orchid ProIIs vs Fahrenheit 1280 Card 14851141.zip MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [1.2mb] 1 of 2 14852141.zip MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [730k] 2 of 2 24x204.exe Speedstar 24X v2.04 drivers [954k] 5426_d2.zip Ver 1.32 drivers for the Cirrus logic GD-5426 card 542xvga.exe Cirrus CL-GD542X Display Drivers and Utilities 5434wn.exe Ver 1.02 SpeedStar 64 drivers 678win3b.zip Everex EVGA Drivers (1024x768x16/800x600x16/640x480x16) 80x241.zip 86C801 and 86C805 v2.41 drvrs for 801/805/928 chipsets 864141b5.zip 1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c864 86413b7.zip Vision864 Ver 1.3B7 driver for Windows 3.1 864dos.exe Stealth 64 DRAM Utilities/CAD/NT 3.13 v1.03 864w22.exe v1.22 Stealth 64 DRAM for cards running bios rev 2.01 868141b5.zip v1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c868 90c0031.zip Paradise/WD SVGA 640x480x256/1024x768x16/1024x768x2 964133.exe Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM Drivers v1.33 [1.22m] 968141b5.zip v1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c968 actix131.zip GraphicsENGINE Software Driver Rev. 1.3 (1 of 2) actix132.zip GraphicsENGINE Software Driver Rev. 1.3 (2 of 2) aheadvdd.zip Ahead VGA Video Driver for Windows 3.1 aticpl.zip Control panel applet for Mach FlexDesk driver atiult59.zip Win 3.1 Drivers for ATI Ultra series as of 22-Feb-93 ativg3.zip ATI Wonder{Plus,XL}, Integra Video Drivers for Win3.1 atiw300.zip New (08-29-91) ATI Windows 3 Drivers atiw3256.exe 256 Color Drivers for ATI Cards atiw3400.exe Upgrade for ATI 640x400x256 Driver (needs atiw3256.exe) atiult.exe ATI 8514/Ultra drvr for Win 3.1 dated 4/6/92 bigwin21.zip Spea V7 - S3 Videodrivers (6/94) [1.25mb] blitfix.zip Speed Up Windowing on Large (1024x768) Displays bocasx31.zip Boca SXVGA drivers for Windows 3.1 (Tseng 4000 compat.) bwlit22.exe v2.2 SPEA V7 Mirage BigWin/V7Setup/SPEAview Dvr [1.1m] bwmep22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO PCI/VL/ISA bwmer22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PCI/VL/ISA [1.2m] bwmip242.exe SPEA V7-Mirage P-64 PCI/VL with S3 Trio64 Chip bwmir22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MIRAGE VL/ISA [1.14mb] bwpro22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO [1.17mb] celsius.zip Orchid Celsius VLB driver v1.3 (Oct 1993) cirruswd.zip VGA drivers for Cirrus Logic VGA controllers dib.zip Windows 3.0 DIB display driver eizow30.zip Eizo Windows Video Drivers et3_w31.zip Tseng ET3000 - Windows 3.0 and 3.0a Display Drivers et4_w32p.zip Tseng, W32p Windows 3.1 Video Drivers [622k] et4_dyna.zip "DynaLink" for the Orchid ProDsgnrII (chgs rfresh rate) et4cview.zip ColorView Windows 3.1 Video Drivers et4kw32.zip Tseng Drivers for the W32/i/p cards [604kb] evga800.zip EV-673 Windows 3.0 Drivers fah60.zip Version 6.0 drivers for Orchid Fahrenheit 1280+ fah601u.zip 01/13/94-Fahrenheit disk 6.0->6.01 update g1221w.exe Hercules Graphite 1MB Drivers rel 2.21 [536k] ge64v122.zip Driver is for ACTIX Graphics GE 64 VL and PCI boards gemvp.zip S3 Carrera Display Driver for GEM genoadrv.zip Genoa SVGA Drivers (800x600x256/1024x768x16/800x600x16) gr221i.exe Hercules Graphite Series Installation Diskette gss1000.exe Updated DGIS firmware for AT1000 series video card gstune31.zip Tweak Crystal Fonts w/the ATI Graphics Accel Cards gxe64mod.zip GXE64 and GXE64 Pro DOS refresh rate setting util gxe64win.exe Number #9 GXE64 Windows 3.1 drivers v1.45 [690k] gxewn415.exe #9 HawkEye for Windows v4.15 [736k] hznwn31.zip STB Horizon VL Video Card drivers v1.32b igc10tig.zip TIGA 2.05 files for HP IGC-20 video card (1 of 2) igc20tig.zip TIGA 2.05 files for HP IGC-20 video card (2 of 2) jwin2628.zip Cirrus Logic GD542x JWindows 3.1 Drivers [1.18mb] loader.zip ATI driver installation utility k5426_d2.zip Win 3.1 drivers VER 1.32b for cirrus 5426/5428 v1.41 k542x_d1.zip Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 1 [576k] k542x_d3.zip Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 3 [1.30mb] k542x_d4.zip Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 4 [390k] k5422_d2.zip Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5422 [720k] k5422_d5.zip NT drivers for Cirrus GD5422 k5426_d2.zip Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k] k5426_d5.zip NT drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k] k542xvga.zip Cirrus Logic drivers 542x based video cards k64_14.exe Orchid Kelvin-64 driver set (27-dec-94) m32utl.zip Install/Config Utils for ATI Mach32 Cards v2.3 m32w23.zip ATI mach32 Windows drivers v2.3 [612k] m8wr30.zip ATI mach8 revision 3.0 drivers [574k] mgetiga.exe TIGA 2.05 Driver for the NEC MGE board mgewn31.exe DGIS Display Driver for NEC board mi64bw21.zip SPEA Mirage P-64 BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows [1.2m] miro140a.zip Miro Crystal drivers v1.40 dated 12 dec 94 (1/2) [711k] miro140b.zip Miro Crystal drivers v1.40 dated 12 dec 94 (2/2) [904k] mir221a.zip Miro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s drivers v2.21 (1/2) mir221b.zip Miro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s drivers v2.21 (2/2) mirbw21.zip SPEA Mirage BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows [1.13m] mmdisp.exe Drivers from the MS DL BBS for all VGA cards newtseng.zip 9-91 Tseng Drivers (640x480,800x600,1024x768/16+256) ntrident.zip Drivers for most all Trident video cards oakdrv.zip OTI-067/077 Oak Drivers (3/95) op9000.zip Orchid's P9000 Windows driver release date November 93 orchfa51.zip Orchid Fahrenheit VA/VLB video cards (v5.1) orchid31.zip New Orchid Video Drivers for Windows 3.1 (5/19/92) p2win31.exe 6/15/93 drivers for Orchid ProdesignerIIs video card p9000.exe Orchid P9000 release disk v1.3 [947k] parad31.zip Paradise Drivers for Windows 3.1 paradise.zip Drivers for most of the Paradise video cards pm4drvrs.zip PageMaker4 (?) 640x480x32768/800x600x32768 VGA Drivers pvga1024.exe All Paradise/Western Digital 90c30 drivers (1/18/93) rmdd100.zip Remove Display Driver: lists/deletes unwanted drvrs rtvga01.zip RealTek VGA display card drivers [1.01mb] s3_24b8.zip S3 86C805 Flat Memory Model Win 3.1 Driver 2.4B8 [541k] s3_924.exe drivers for S3-924-based Video cards [1.09mb] s3_928.exe drivers for S3-928-based Video cards [550k] s32win.exe Diamond Stealth 32 Drivers for Windows v1.02 [955kb] s3c805.zip S3FLAT.DRV v2.21 for S3C805 VLB card [692kb] s3nt35.zip STB's S3 NT Drivers for Pwrgrph X-24,VL-24,Pegasus VL s3ref212.zip Util to set refresh on 86C864/868/964/968/764/732 s3refrsh.zip Util to set refresh on 86C801/805/928 s3t13b8.zip S3 764, Trio 32 and Trio 64 Windows 3.x driver v1.3B8 s3win174.zip v1.74 drivers for S3 86C911 and 86C924 chipsets s3win230.zip 2.3B11- S3 Flat Model Windows Driver Disk1-04/25/94 sd1024.zip 1024x760 ProII Driver for Ventura Publisher setbus.zip Speed up Tseng-based video cards with dual monitors sko1430.exe Tweeks 800x600 ProDesigner board w/Seiko 1430 Display ss64_201.zip SpeedStar 64 drivers (ver 2.01) [1.2m] sspro.exe SpeedStar PRO Drivers st2430.exe v3.00 drivers for the Diamond Stealth 24 [883k] stbwin31.zip STB PowerGraph and ERGO Video Drivers stl24201.zip Stealth 24 drivers (v2.01) for bios 2.00 stl24v30.zip Ver 3.00 of the drivers disk for Diamond Stealth 24 stlben.zip Diamond Stealth VRAM Benchmark Results stlbwn31.zip BETA windows 3.1 drivers for the Stealth VRAM cards stlp30.exe Diamond Stealth Pro Video Drivers - Version 3.00 stpro2.exe Beta drivers V3.0 for Diamond Stealth Pro [835k] sv800.zip Generic 800x600x16 SVGA Driver for Windows 3 svga.exe Generic SVGA drivers (4/93) svgapen.exe SVGA drivers that are compatible with PenWindows switch.zip Switcher: Windows Video Mode Switcher swan.zip Swan Computers VGA Video Drivers t3600256.zip Tseng ET-3000 800x600x256 Windows3 driver tds3.zip S3.DLL File for S3 Chip Support tri141b5.zip S3 86c764/732 (Trio64 and Trio32) drivers trident.zip Ver C4.50S/May 1993 TRIDENT TVGA8900CL/9200CX Drivers tvgaw31a.zip Final Drivers for All Trident8900c/9000 Cards (1 of 2) tvgaw31b.zip Final Drivers for All Trident8900c/9000 Cards (2 of 2) tweak3.zip Run 800x600x16 on Standard VGA Cards twinet54.zip Diamond SpeedSTAR video drivers (dated 10-31-91) uc51_1.zip 12/93 Util/DOS drv for 8900CL/D + 9200CXr (1/2) [537k] uc51_2.zip 12/93 Util/DOS drv for 8900CL/D + 9200CXr (2/2) [553k] ul61_2.zip Trident 9400CXI chip set Beta drivers v7m1293.exe Latest (12/93) SPEA V7 Mirage Windows Driver Disk v7mirage.exe (rel. 993.0) for the SPEA V7 Mirage graphics card vfwrun.zip Microsoft's Video for Windows runtime vlwn3117.zip STB VL-24 graphics adaptor drivers vmode.zip Select the SONY 1304/Crystal Scan 1024NI as Monitors. vpciwn31.exe Viper PCI Win 3.1 v.3.02 + utilities [603kb] vpr200.exe Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 drivers vprm202.exe version (2.02) of viper vesa drivers and mode setter vpros21.zip A Collection of Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 Drivers vprvesa.zip B rev of VESA driver for the Diamond Viper vprvsf.zip ShareWare VESA driver for the Diamond Viper,v1.2 rev F w256_31.exe Ahead Wizard VGA Drivers for Windows 3.1 w31_3000.exe Orchid ProDesigner+ (512K) Drivers for Win3.1 w31_b13.zip Beta Trident 3.1 Video Drivers (4/27/92) w31dgis.exe Win3.1 Drivers for DGIS Spectragraphics Cards w31et4.zip Windows 3.x drivers for ET-4000 chipset w31ncr.zip NCR 77C22E Chipset Video Drivers w31vga.zip Windows 3.1 ATI video drivers (08/92) w31w32fe.zip ET4000/W32/W32i/W32p Windows 3.1 Video Driver w31w32au.zip Tseng labs ET4000 w32p drivers [638k] w32wnt.zip Tseng Labs W32 Accelerated drivers for Windows NT v3.5 wd_31.zip WD90C31 drivers (March '93) [1.1mb] win22.zip Windows drivers for Actix GE 32 (v2.2c Nov93) win3_16.exe Paradise 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win3_16f.exe Paradise Fast 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win3_256.exe Paradise 256 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win30drv.zip Latest Paradise Chipset Extended Video Drivers win31.zip Video 7 Drivers for Win3.1 (6/12/92 ver) win31acc.zip ATI Windows 3.1 Accelerator Drivers win31xtl.zip ATI Crystal Font Driver for Win31 (7/16/92 ver) win3prod.zip Orchard VGA Drivers win3r17.zip TIGA Windows drivers (Jul 93) win3xdrv.exe Win31 Drivers for Video7 Cards windrvc.zip Latest (03/92) Trident VGA Drivers (8900 chipset) winflow.txt Flowchart for Video Driver Trouble (Trident) winmax.zip VidTech (Weitek) WinMax VGA card drivers (533k) wizard.zip VGA Wizard VGA Drivers wyse700.zip Wy-700 Video Drivers xgav210.zip XGA Windows Drivers Version 2.10 zyvgaw3.zip Zymos Poach VGA (Northgate) Video Drivers astute.zip Astute Statistics Add-In for Microsoft Excel 4 and 5 bestfit.zip Best Fit Line and Curve Excel 5.0 Worksheet bpmwin10.zip Business Plan Master, creates small business plans clnt_tx3.zip Spreadsheet Calculates Clinton's effects on taxes cltx2e.zip Another Sheet for Clinton's Tax Plan excrak.zip Find lost Excel spreadsheet passwords (Quattro+123,too) iterate1.zip Create value tables or calculate iterations with Excel runner11.zip EXCEL RUNNER for MS Excel 4 shadei.zip Excel Macro to Shade Alternate Lines in Spreadsheet toolba.zip Toolbar Util for Excel 3 we0125.exe MS App Note: Excel Cell Referencing from a Macro we0127.exe MS App Note: Excel Dates and Times we0146.exe MS App Note: Excel Most Frequently Asked Questions we0404.exe Excel Custom Help File Conversion Utility we0801.exe excel macro for reading in text files (delimited) we0820.exe excel macros for interpolating smooth curves w/beziers xl_click.zip Double-Clicker for MS Excel 4.0 xl3qa.exe Questions and Answers for Excel 3 (install,print, etc) xlbarsav.zip Toolbar Saver for MS Excel 4.0 xlbeep.zip Restore system sounds to Microsoft Excel 5.0 xlmth30.zip Excel add-in for matrix manipulation, smoothing, etc xlrunner.zip Excel Runner for MS Excel 4.0 xlpowr20.zip Power Utility Pak v2.0 for Excel v5 2000nt39.zip Always IN2000 SCSI Driver for NT 4mms2.exe winNT driver for 4mm DDS2 DAT drives 4nt25c.zip 4dos for Windows NT (4nt) version 2.5c 6plus.zip 6 NT apps:2CPO,CHAT2,DENET,TRASH,WINDESK,WINNER 82595.exe winNT driver for Intel PCLA82xx ethernet adapter 864wnt.exe v1.04 of the Stealth 64 Install/Utils/Drivers for NT aclk2.zip Astronomy Clock 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s agx_nt.zip Pre-beta Hercules Graphite drivers for Windows NT alt35b.zip 32 bit version of almanac 35b, written for NT anagnt.zip Anagram finder for Windows NT anicurs1.zip Another collection of .ANI animated cursors anicurs2.zip Collection of .ANI and .CUR animated and normal cursors ami48.exe WinNT drivers for AMI SCSI card appcmp.zip Application Compatibility Guide for Chicago artgrp.exe WinNT drivers for Artist Graphics video card atib2.zip ATI Drivers (3/26/93) for Windows NT atrls16i.zip Ataman Rlogind, Telnetd and Rexecd Services (Intel) autoex.zip Start a batch file at boot w/o the need to logon axp_dpml.zip Digital Portable Math Library (DPML) for Alpha AXP w/NT bctex.zip C version of TeX 3.1415, Metafont 2.71 for NT beta2fix.zip Fix exe/dlls that were built for NT prior to Beta 2 bg.c Util to put an NT program in the background bignt201.exe Win NT 3.1 Drivers for all SPEA V7Mirage/Mercury Cards bignt302.exe Win NT 3.5 Drivers for all SPEA V7Mirage/Mercury Cards bitmap.zip Bitmap Changer for NT v1.0 (Intel) blat11.zip Blat is a command line SMTP mail client for Windows NT bog2.zip Boggle Game for Win 4.0, NT, or Win32 bombs2.zip Bomb Squad Game for Windows 4.0, NT, and Win32s c320nt.exe winNT drivers for Crescendo C320 FDDI/CDDI NIC caplib.zip Microsoft Windows NT Call Profiler ccd150.zip NT App to Quickly Change Subdirectories cdp.zip Windows NT console CD player control utility chincdnt.zip WinNT drivers for Chinon CD-ROM w/ unsupported SCSI cinnti.zip SuperMatch Cinepak Codec for Windows NT for Intel x86 clckr12a.zip Clicker v1.2a middle-button utility for NT v3.5 cmd600.exe WinNT drivers for CMD EISA CSA-6000 SCSI card concol10.zip Set Color of your Console in Windows NT copyreg.zip Cmd line app copies registry keys between NT systems cordine.zip Windows NT freeware button accordion csh_doc.zip Documents describing Hamilton C shell for Win/NT csh_ps.zip PostScript User Guide/Lang Ref for Hamilton C shell csh_txt.zip ASCII User Guide/Lang Ref for Hamilton C shell cshalpha.zip Hamilton C shell and utilities (Alpha) [2.3mb] cshintel.zip Hamilton C shell and utilities (Intel) [900k] cshmips.zip Hamilton C shell and utilities (Mips) [1.7mb] cshppc.zip Hamilton C shell and utilities (DEC Alpha AXP) [1.5m] ctf30.exe WinNT drivers for Cabletron F30XX FDDI DNI NIC ctf70.exe WinNT drivers for Cabletron F70XX FDDI DNI NIC ctt20.exe WinNT drivers for Cabletron T20XX token-ring NIC ctt30.exe WinNT drivers for Cabletron F30XX token-ring NIC cxxp4w.zip C++ Programming for Windows Oct NT dd32_10.zip Colorized DIR program with Unix LS command support ddklic.zip License agreement for the DDK ddkmk.zip Updated MAKEFILE.DEF for MS VC++/NT on x86 deskfo.zip Desktop Font and Icon Spacing Control Panel Applet dlock.zip Lock all system devices: fdisk,floppy, com, lpt ports dmpacl.zip Dump permissions (ACLs) for file system and registry downtug.zip Info on Delphi Online Windows NT User Group dtc3290.zip Jan93 drivers for the DTC3290 controller for NT dyndlg.zip Sample to show how to create Win32 dialogs dz17fn.zip DeZkTop v1.7f Shell/program launcher for Windows NT ed15nt.zip Editeur V1.5 text editor for Windows NT ee16nt.exe Intel ethernet adapter drivers for WinNT elink3nt.zip NT driver for 3Com Etherlink III (3C509) adapter em996nt3.zip e-Mail Notify for NT 3.5 v0.99.6 em996w32.zip e-Mail Notify for Win32s v0.99.6 em996w95.zip e-Mail Notify for Win95 v0.99.6 emacs.zip *emacs v19.17 WinNT port. intel, mips, alpha binaries emacssrc.zip *emacs v19.17 WinNT port. source embh_n.zip Embedded animated Help-Objects for *.HLP files ex2501.exe winNT driver for exabyte 2501 tape drive faxsrv.zip Windows NT Fax Server [851k] fileeat.zip trash can like utility for Windows NT on Intel-Systems finger32.zip NT 32 bit port of windows finger program fingrd12.zip NT Finger Daemon fioben.zip File I/O Benchmark fl32nt.exe WinNT drivers for intel etherexpress flash32 NIC flag2.zip Flagger - A batch porting tool for Oct 92 Beta fm_ext.zip DLL for File Manager Extensions for Oct 92 Beta fmant11d.zip FM Applic (NT) 1.1d - Applications menu for NT frac2.zip FracView 2 for Windows 4.0, NT, and Win32s fragcknt.zip FragCheck For Windows NT gd25s.zip Modified sources to build GNU diff v2.5 for NT gnugrep.zip NT sources of GNU grep and Intel binaries gnurcs.zip Revision Control System for NT gp41i.zip GrabIt Pro 4.1 for NT/Intel gr564b.zip GNU Diff and GNU RCS Binaries for NT gr564bnt.zip exe/docs for NT GNU RCS v5.6.4 w/exes of GNU diff v2.5 gr564s.zip modified sources to build GNU RCS v5.6.4 for NT grep16.zip Gnu grep and egrep 1.6 (src+MIPS-EXE) grep32.zip Grep for NT gs261.zip Port of Ghostscript 2.61 to Windows NT [1.5mb] gzip.zip *gzip v1.2.4 WinNT port. intel, mips, alpha binaries gzipsrc.zip *gzip v1.2.4 WinNT port. source hang2.zip Hangman 2 Word Game for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s he32.zip HEdit32 v1.2, Hexadecimal Ed for Binary Files (Intel) help.zip Convert OS/2 IPF files to Windows RTF hhg_ani.zip A Windows NT/ Windows 95 animated cursor hg_nt.exe Beta NT display driver for the Hercules Graphite cards holep.zip HOLEPORT porting tool homedrv.zip NT app to change drive ltr of a domain user's homedir hop.zip Hop check and IP trace route util for NT hpisa.exe winNT drivers for HP ISA ethernet adapters hpmca.exe winNT driver for HP MC LAN adapter/16 TP hpscan2.zip HP ScanJet drivers 10/93 update for NT [1.09mb] ibison.zip NT GNU Bison for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) ibm4mm.exe WinNT drivers for IBM 2gig 4mm tape drive ibmsyn.zip IBM Multiprotocol Adapter Driver SRC icompres.zip NT GNU Compress for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) iconbar.zip IconBar for Windows NT Version 2.00Beta idiff.zip NT GNU Diff for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) iflex.zip NT GNU Flex for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) iftpd.exe 03May93 Ver FTP-Daemon for NT (runs as a service) 80x86 igrep.zip NT GNU grep/egrep for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) imnt34.zip Icon Manager for Windows NT version 3.4 ised.zip NT GNU Sed for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) iunzip.exe NT Unzip for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) izip.zip NT Zip for i386+ processors (Feb 1993 build) jx4nt125.zip Jax4th Forth Compiler for Windows NT k5426_d5.zip GD5426/28 Drivers for Win NT 3.1 release 1.41 kb_ren.zip Script renames WinNT KnowledgeBase files to full names kbuser.txt How to use the MS Knowledge Base on CI$ keyclick.zip KeyClick Utility for Win 4.0 and NT keylay.zip Utility to switch keyboard layouts from any NT app kill.zip Kill and PS to assist in killing applications klotz4nt.zip Klotz game for NT version 3.05 kmglos.zip Replacement Tables of Contents/Glossary for NT Beta littles.zip Three little NT console apps (kill,ps,nice) lkbackup.zip Tape backup program for Windows NT lkstart.zip Replacement for NT 'start' command lmousent.exe Logitech Windows NT mouse drivers lpr10.zip lpr, lpq, lprm - TCP/IP printing to remote hosts ls_nt14.zip ls - unix DIR command for windows NT nz321n.zip NoteZ is a varient of the Post-It idea for Windows m93nt1.zip ATI MACH8/MACH32 MARCH 93 BETA Windows NT Drivers makfon.zip Oct 92 Beta version of the source to make a FON file mar93hcl.zip Hardware compatibilty list for March beta of Windows NT mapmem.zip Device Driver to map physical Memory mbison.zip NT GNU Bison for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) mcompres.zip NT GNU Compress for MIPS R4000 (Feb 1993 build) mdiff.zip NT GNU Diff for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) mdipad.zip MDI Template medit1.zip Programmer's Editor w/multiple windows for NT melt.zip Melt Screen Saver module for NT Oct 92 beta mewn1m.zip MicroEMACS for Mar93 NT exe mews1m.zip MicroEMACS for Mar93 NT src changes for 1.1a mftpd.exe 03May93 Ver FTP-Daemon for NT (runs as a service) R4000 mypal.zip Updated Example from the October SDK mflex.zip NT GNU Flex for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) mgawk.zip NT GNU Awk for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) mgrep.zip NT GNU Grep/Egrep for MIPS R4000 (Feb 1993 build) midij2.zip MIDI JukeBox 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s mipbez2.zip October beta WINBEZ demo program for MIPS platform miro100.zip NT 3.1 drvr(v1.0 7/94) for Crystal 10sd,20sd,20sv,40sv miro210.zip v2.10 2/94 drvrs for Miro s3 801, 805, 928 based cards miront35.zip v1.00 10/94 drvrs for Miro 10sd, 20sd, 20sv, 40sv mjb_nt.zip MIDI JukeBox for MS Windows NT, October Beta or later mrcs.zip NT GNU RCS for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) mpegnt.zip Port of Berkeley Public Domain MPEG player for NT msed.zip NT GNU Sed for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) msg1.zip Messages from Week 1 of the MSWIN32 forum on CompuServe msg2.zip Messages from Week 2 of the MSWIN32 forum on CompuServe msg3.zip Messages from Week 3 of the MSWIN32 forum on CompuServe mtm_nt.exe Mitsumi CD-ROM Device Driver for NT mudwhont.zip Connects to RWHO server/grabs WHO lists of every mud munzip.exe NT Unzip for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) mzip.zip NT Zip/Unzip for MIPS R4000 processors (Feb 1993 build) mxxnt8.zip ATI's NT drivers for 8514/Ultra, Ultra+, Ultra Pro,etc nbody3.zip Gravitational N-Body Simulation (version 1.6) ncrpci35.zip NCR SCSI SDMS PCI Windows NT 3.5 Drivers nethaknt.zip NetHack 3.1.2 for NT newmk.zip Build environment. New make file for shrmem nflex.exe WinNT drivers for compaq netflex NIC ni6510nt.zip Win NT drivers for Racal-Interlan NI6510 ethernet card notent2.zip A Windows New Technology Text Editor for Huge Files notez3.zip NoteZ is a simple information manager. nrlogind.zip rlogin client/server for Windows NT (x86 src/exe) nt_130.exe Trantor NT drivers for T130 SCSI adapter,etc. nt_logo1.zip Alternative WinNT logon screen nt_logo2.zip Another alternative WinNT logon screen nt_logo3.zip Yet another alternative WinNT logon screen nt_13.zip comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 news (Oct 3-10) nt_14.zip comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 news (Oct 10-17) nt_doscl.zip DOS client software for WinNT [4.6mb] nt_intro.zip Intro to NT (DOS program) nt111.exe Mitsumi CD-ROM driver for NT nt16faq.zip FAQ to list Win-16 Software that will run under NT ntbanner.zip Freeware memory montor for x86 NT ntcgrp.zip Customize DLL for controlling NT Dialog Editor ntchkmem.zip Memory monitor for Windows NT ntcmd62.zip WinOne - Super Command Shell ntcrn1.zip Windows NT ntcrond Version 1.0 A2 ntdrag.zip Drag 'n' Drop and EXETYPE Utilities for NT ntexit.zip Quickly Exit Windows NT Icon version 1.0 ntff.zip File finder for Windows NT ntfi15.zip Freeman Installer & Uninstaller for NT v1.50 ntfiles.zip List filename, owner and size of all files on NTFS dev ntjade.zip winNT logon screen (.bmp) ntkb.zip All WinNT KnowledgeBase files as of 3/11/94 [2.1M] ntlpr.zip Berkeley LPD client for the NT console ntls.zip ls - Windows NT directory listing utility (version 1.7) ntpdate.zip Sync NT time with clock server ntperf.exe NT Perfomance utils for NT ResKit (2.1mb file) ntperls.zip Source for Perl for windows NT ntqv12d.zip NT viewer/converter for JPEG/BMP/GIF/TIFF/FAX/PCD ntremote.zip Provides the remote start function in NT ntreskit.exe Windows NT Resource kit (Note: a 4.2mb file) ntreskit.txt Listing of files in the Windows NT Resource kit ntroach.zip NT adaptation of the X program, xroach (alpha/intel) ntsh01.zip Korn-like-Shell for NT ntslrtme.zip SOLARTME 1.2 for NT: worldmap showing the terminator ntspin.zip Spin control for NT Dialog Editor nttardis.zip NT service that provides RFC868 time sync client nttools.zip Windows NT Tools (logoff,shutdown,reboot,etc) ntunzip2.zip Windows NT Unzip Utility ntutil.zip clySmic Drag 'n' Drop Utils for Win NT / Win32 ntvip.zip Phonebook for NT (supports BMPs and AVIs) ntwhich.zip Find first matching executable in path (w/src) ntxsta.zip XStatic control for NT Dialog Editor ntz31n.zip NoteZ Application for NT ntzip201.zip WinNT Unzip utility nwc_x86.zip NetWare redirector public beta release 2 [1.06Mb] onote32.zip Object Notes 3.501 - A Win NT Note Manager os2ss.zip Porting NT to OS/2 os2_06wr.zip OnScreen/2, shareware fileviewer, v2.06 p9_nt.exe Windows nt drivers for orchid p9000 perf.mak Nmake macros for building Windows 32-Bit apps pfe0507i.zip v0.05.007 of Programmer's File Editor for NT/Intel pixfnt.zip PixFolio Image Catalog System NT version 2.0.156 polyv170.zip PolyView JPEG and GIF graphics viewer for NT pov22_nt.zip POVray v2.2 raytracer WinNT port psacrdnt.zip PSA Cards 2.3 for Windows NT 3.5 Address Manager pshdr.zip Replacement psheader.ps missing from Oct Beta psview.zip Win32 PostScript Viewer pt04bp22.zip NT 32 Bit Terminal App -- Temporary fix for Win NT 3.5 ptnt.zip Two multi-processor benchmarks for Windows NT pwatch.zip PWatch reports usage of NT system resources pzl82.zip Puzzle-8 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s qlogic.exe winNT driver for Qlogic SCSI adapters qrlogind.zip TCP/IP rlogin daemon for NT qvtn3989.zip 3.989 release of WinQVT/Net for Windows NT or Win32s qws3270a.zip QWS3270 3270 terminal for winNT version 2.0a queue.zip DosQueue functions of OS/2 ported to NT rcalc2.zip Talking RPN Calculator 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s regfind.zip RegFind - a win32 registry search utility regmps.zip Utility (for MIPS platform) to Capture Sysinfo regsrch.zip Registry Search & Replace v1.00 regx86.zip Utility (for x86 platform) to Capture Sysinfo resc.zip Updates to the tools in ResConv and Annotate resdll.zip Oct Beta Ver of samples\resdll files resfmt.zip Win32 Binary resource formats ripbnt60.zip RipBar 6.0: Iconbar program for Windows NT (Intel) rips32.zip RipSpace 2.5: Analyze disk space usage s4mm.exe WinNT drivers for Sony SCSI tape drive sankyo.exe WinNT drivers for Sankyo SCSI tape drive sb_nt.exe Final Release of Creative WinNT drvrs: SBP2/SB16/CDROM scrcapa.zip Screen (desktop) capture for Windows NT on DEC Alpha scrcapi.zip Screen (desktop) capture for Windows NT on Intel servic.zip Simple Service Example for NT setsbvol.zip Sets the volume of your sound card (w/src) for NT setshell.zip Set the login shell on a per user basis smc16.exe WinNT drivers for SMC 16-bit ethernet NIC smc32.exe WinNT drivers for SMC ethercard elite 32 ultra NIC smtpgate.zip SMTP Gateway for Windows NT snap220.zip SnapShot/32 screen capture for NT/Intel, ver. 2.20 sossntr3.zip A port of the SOSS NFS server program to NT source.exe winNT POSIX utilities source code sp2i86.exe WinNT US Service Pack 2 for Intel [10.03Mb] sp3_31.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (1/9) sp3_32.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (2/9) sp3_33.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (3/9) sp3_34.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (4/9) sp3_35.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (5/9) sp3_36.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (6/9) sp3_37.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (7/9) sp3_38.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (8/9) sp3_39.exe Win NT US Service Pack 3 [1.4m] (9/9) spi386.exe Win NT US Service Pack 1. 11/1/93 NT update (6.4Mb!) spin_ani.zip NT animated cursor of a spin Wait cursor spooks.zip Spooks Screen Saver module for NT Oct Beta srvnw_a.zip WinNT netware services rel version for alpha [1.83mb] srvnw_i.zip WinNT netware services rel version for intel [1.34mb] srvnw_m.zip WinNT netware services rel version for mips [1.66mb] sslaunch.zip SaveScrn - Windows NT screen-saver launcher w/src ssp_nt.zip NT Screen Saver Pack st_gra2.zip Stereograms v. 1.00 Generates random-dot stereograms startras.zip Keep the ras connection to an internet service up sw2.zip Stopwatch 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s swtchz.zip SwitcheZ is a simple task switcher for NT tape.zip Tape utility to use with win32tar tar.zip tar v1.11.2 WinNT port. intel, mips, alpha binaries tcfax.zip 32 bit native client-server based Class 2 Fax software tcloc2.zip Talking Clock 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s tctok.exe WinNT drivers for thomas-conrad token-ring NIC telpz2.zip Telephone Puzzle 2 for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s times10.zip Time Synchronizer v1.0 for Windows NT tinycad.zip Entry level Electronic Circuit Diagram design program tmtn14.zip Time and Money-Tracker tools.zip Available NT Development Tools in Excel and Word Format toshpcd.zip Read PhotoCD's under Windows NT w/Toshiba 3401 CDROM tr32_2.zip Trash Manager for NT Help Contents tty32.zip TTY Sample allowing TELNET connections ue312n.zip MicroEMACS 3.12 for Windows NT (i386) uedit32.zip UltraEdit-32 TXT/HEX editor using MDI umiami.zip Windows NT Animated Cursor uniput.zip Input Unicode characters with the mouse unmnt10.zip Allows safe removal of removable media devices unzipnt.zip unzip 5.0p1 compiled for NT upc12bn1.zip UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT upc12bn2.zip UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT upc12bn3.zip UUPC/Extended UUCP Clone for NT v7mirnt.exe Latest Spea V7 Mirage Video drivers for Windows/NT vershow.zip Version Information Viewer v1.0 view11.zip PostScript TEXT viewer - NT version: Beta October 92 vivo32.zip Conway's Life for WinNT vlt32.zip Vault v1.03 Stores your notes in a hierarchy (for NT) vmail104.zip VanceMail: SMTP Send mail agent for NT vnt101.exe Viper VLB Windows NT release 1.01 vpcint.exe Viper PCI Windows NT drivers v.1.00 vprnt100.exe Diamond Viper drivers for MS Windows NT,version 1.00 w31_32.zip While You Were Out Msg System for NT w32ss.zip Windows 95 & NT Screen Saver Pack wavlan.exe winNT driver for NCR WaveLAN AT and MCA adapters wavout.exe Wave Output Controller for NT wch100i.zip Waits for a file attribute to change wd7000dr.zip Western Digital WD7000FASST SCSI controller NT driver we32d30d.zip WinEdit for Windows NT Ver 0.99D (DEC Alpha) we32i30d.zip WinEdit for Windows NT Ver 0.99D (Intel) we32m30d.zip WinEdit for Windows NT Ver 0.99D (MIPS) week15.zip Messages from Week 15 of the WINNT forum on CompuServe week16.zip Messages from Week 16 of the WINNT forum on CompuServe week17.zip Messages from Week 17 of the WINNT forum on CompuServe whaley.zip Intel bins for cat,chmod,cp,du,head,ls,mv,pr,rm,etc. wimamp20.zip WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager WinNT Mips R4000 wimant20.zip WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager Windows NT Intel wimaxp20.zip WinImage 2.0: Windows Disk Imager Win NT Dec Alpha winbez2.zip October beta of WINBEZ demo program for x86 platform windesk.zip Read and set system vars, list boxes, etc. w/src winf01.zip Available NT Development Tools in OS/2 .INF Format winner.zip NT Programming Environment winnt.txt Contents of WINNT forum libraries on CIS (31 Jan 93) win32tar.zip GNU tar NT console app winntnet.zip Win-NT-Net File Distribution Network Info wm_frn.zip Mind pour Windows 3.1 et NT wmodnt10.zip MOD-Player for Windows/NT wn0789.zip WinNT disabled users access info wnt001.zip NT, Beta October 1992 - Boot Workaround wnt003.zip Fixes for HP Deskjet printing with NT wnt004.zip Fixes bug with Floppy based install of NT wnt005.zip Fixes the problem with Cirrus Video Cards wntdl.txt Microsoft Windows NT Driver Library contents 10/28/93 wntw32.zip WinNT Tseng W32/W32i/W32p Video Driver 12/30/93 wtalpha.zip WAIS Toolkit for NT [467kb] wvn926nt.zip NNTP newsreader for Windows/NT wywo32.zip While you were out NT Version wznt56.exe WinZip For Windows/NT Version 5.6 xboard.zip Clipboard enhancement tool for Windows NT xmpl.zip Holeport OS/2 to Nt porting example xvi.zip xvi for WinNT [470k] xvi.exe Port of xvi for NT (exe) xvidiff.zip Port of xvi for NT (src diffs) xvisrc.zip port of xvi for NT (src) zkf102.zip C++ interpreter for NT [785k] zm5nt.zip Zip Manager for Windows NT zip_nt.zip Info-Zip zip v1.9 and unzip v5.0 for WinNT calcreat.zip Calendar Template creation program for PM5 gifimp.zip Installs a GIF graphics import filter for PM (any ver) pm50a.zip Aldus Pagemaker 5.0a Interim Release Update Files pm5tips.zip Aldus Technical Docs on Pagemaker pminfo.exe Print info about Page Setup and Styles in a PM5 File pmtags.exe Check/fix style tags in PageMaker ASCII import files table.zip Update for Aldus Pagemaker Table Editor wd6.zip Word 6 Import Filter for PM 210211.exe Procomm Plus for Windows update v2.10 to v2.11 40a_b_d1.zip Corel DRAW 4.0a -> 4.0b patch (1/7) [1.2m] 40a_b_d2.zip Corel DRAW 4.0a -> 4.0b patch (2/7) [1.4m] 40a_b_d3.zip Corel DRAW 4.0a -> 4.0b patch (3/7) [1.4m] 40a_b_d4.zip Corel DRAW 4.0a -> 4.0b patch (4/7) [1.4m] 40a_b_d5.zip Corel DRAW 4.0a -> 4.0b patch (5/7) [1.4m] 40a_b_d6.zip Corel DRAW 4.0a -> 4.0b patch (6/7) [1.4m] 40a_b_d7.zip Corel DRAW 4.0a -> 4.0b patch (7/7) [800k] 40b_c_d1.zip Corel DRAW 4.0b -> 4.0c patch (1/3) [1.2m] 40b_c_d2.zip Corel DRAW 4.0b -> 4.0c patch (2/3) [1.4m] 40b_c_d3.zip Corel DRAW 4.0b -> 4.0c patch (3/3) [356k] adw20c.zip Patch from v2.0-2.0b to After Dark v2.0c ami301a.zip Maintenance Update to AMIPRO 3.0 (1 of 3) ami301b.zip Maintenance Update to AMIPRO 3.0 (2 of 3) ami301c.zip Maintenance Update to AMIPRO 3.0 (3 of 3) bbs401.zip PowerBBS FOR Windows v4.01 Patch c7ptch.zip Microsoft patch file for C/C++ 7.0 cm_64gm.zip General Midi Patches for Roland CM-64 cvw305.zip Updated MS CodeView Modules (5-16-91 version) db101u.zip Patch applicable to Dashboard for Windows 1.0 dcr721.zip Microtek TWAIN Scan Module 1.72 rel. 1 & 2 dpxlib.zip DocuPower Pro Supplemental Utility Pack ds4aptch.exe Micrografx Designer upgrade 4.0 to 4.0a [1.5mb] excel5.exe DLLs for PC Tools for Windows 2.0 to view Excel 5 files fifixnd.zip Patch for Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v1.1 beta fin302.exe Finale 3.0.2 updater updates Finale 3.0 to Finale 3.0.2 fix32b.exe Patch for PC Tools Win 2.0 Disk-Fix 32bit access W4WG ide130.exe Mitsumi Drivers to use their IDE CDROM w/32 bit access ipmgr20a.zip Patch for the IPMGR.EXE included in util/ipmgr20.zip mod1.zip Patch to Fix WinFax to Work on High Speed Modems msdrv191.zip Updated HIMEM.SYS, RAMDRIVE.SYS, SMARTDRV.SYS from MS netrm302.zip Netroom 3.02 Free Upgrade Patch nfs50b.zip PC-NFS 5.0b upgrade patch ole2_32s.zip Win32s 1.20+OLE 2.0 Redist: Add OLE 2.0 to Win31 [2.3m] patchv11.zip Alloallo! Patch Version 1.1 for previous versions pgmakr4.zip PageMaker 4 Filter/Driver Update (7/12/92) pw100.exe Procomm 1.00 to 1.02 upgrade pw101.exe Procomm 1.01 to 1.02 upgrade pw1118.exe Version 1.20 of Microsoft Win32s Libraries pw211.exe Procomm Plus for Windows update v2.0 to v2.11 [1.26mb] pwi211.exe PROCOMM PLUS for Windows IE Version 2.10 to v2.11 quantum.zip Fix to run Quantum LPS540AT IDE under 32bit access qw3r7.zip Upgrade Quicken for Windows Version 3.0r7 [711k] qw4r6.zip Upgrade Quicken for Windows Version 4 qw4r7.zip Patch file for Release 7 of Quicken (disk ver) qw4r7cd.zip Patch file for Release 7 of Quicken (cdrom ver) r1p_fix.zip Route 1 Pro version 1.1c fix s32bfa.exe Updates Stacker for Win4WG 32-bit File Access threed.zip Upgrade to threed.vbx for Visual Basic 3.0 upda.exe Update from Lotus Improv 2.0 to Improv 2.1 (1 of 3) updb.exe Update from Lotus Improv 2.0 to Improv 2.1 (2 of 3) updinf.exe Update from Lotus Improv 2.0 to Improv 2.1 (3 of 3) vcp1_3.zip Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patches vcp2_3.zip Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patches vcp3_3.zip Additional Visual C++ Ver 1.0 Patchesb wc094pch.zip WinCIS patches. wcl_bug1.zip Corrective Service Diskette for WCL v7.70a wfnpch.zip Corel Draw Patch for Converted WFN to ATM fonts wfx304.zip Patch for Derina Winfax for Windows V.3 [432k] wfx305.zip WinFax PRO 3.0 Maintenance Release (1 of 2) wfx306.zip WinFax PRO 3.0 Maintenance Release (2 of 2) wfx401.exe Patch for WinFax Pro 4.0 wfx4note.zip Technical support files for Delrina WinFAX PRO wmodem.zip Modem configuration file for Procomm Plus for Windows word6.exe DLLs for PC Tools for Win 2.0 to view Word 6.0 files. wprocom.zip ProComm for Windows Patch wsfax41e.zip Updated WinFax software for IBM MWave WindSurfer Card ww0548.zip MS App Note: Win87em.dll Patch for Intel 80387 ww0981.exe Win 3.11 Upd:COMMDLG,GDI,KRNL386,PSCRIPT,UNIDRV,SHELL ww1138.exe Win 3.1: Updated Calculator Accessory xbs110.exe Updated XBase driver, version 1.00.0002 xtc113.exe Patch to take VBXtasy v1.10.1 or greater to v1.10.3 xtcn1.exe TechNotes for VBXtasy on a 256 color system z254up.zip Zip Studio 2.54 - UPGRADE 30a02.zip NAV 3.0's definitions update 2 for AntiVirus Lab 30a03.zip NAV 3.0's definitions update 3 for AntiVirus Lab 30a04.zip NAV 3.0's definitions update 4 for AntiVirus Lab 30a08.zip Norton AntiVirus 3.0 Virus Definitions update 30a08b.zip Norton AntiVirus 3.0 Virus Definitions Interim update cmpa15.exe Symantec C++ 6.00 COMPILER patch to ver 6.01a15 com611.exe Symantec C++ Compiler update to version 6.11 idde_a5.exe Symantec C++ 6.00 IDDE patch to ver 6.01a5 lnka08.exe Symantec C++ 6.00 32-Bit Linker patch to ver 6.01A8 ndw3up.exe Updates Norton Desktop for Windows 3.00 to 3.02 mfclib.exe Latest version of the Symantec C++ 6.00 MFC libraries mfcsim.exe Symantec C++ MFC SIM update mfcsm2.exe Symantec C++ MFC SIM update n1a08.zip June update for network version of NAV pro61.exe Symantec C++ Professional Edition 6.1 Update (4.37MB) rtl611.exe Symantec C++ version 6.11 update to Run Time Libraries rtlall.exe Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt) rtldos.exe Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt) rtlinc.exe Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt) rtllib.exe Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt) rtlsnn.exe Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt) rtlsrc.exe Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt) rtlwin.exe Symantec C++ Patch Series (see rtlupd.txt) src611.exe Symantec C++ version 6.11 update to Run Time Lib Srcs std61.exe Symantec C++ Standard Edition 6.1 Update (2.25Mb) updcvp.exe Latest version of CVPACK Symantec C++ 6.00 ezdial2.zip EZDialogs Demo for PdoxWin ezdoc2.zip EzDoc v2 Demo for PdoxWin mom20.zip Menu Object Manager v2.0 for PdoxWin pdxcica.zip Load/Display version of cica INDEX using Pdoxwin 4.5 pdxu15.zip Public Domain and Shareware Paradox products listing pdxv15.zip Public Domain and Shareware Paradox products lst (DBF) pi0195.zip Paradox Informant files for January 1995 issue pi0395.zip Paradox Informant files for March 1995 issue pi0495.zip Paradox Informant files for April 1995 issue pi0595.zip Paradox Informant files for May 1995 issue pi0794.zip Paradox Informant files for July 1994 issue pi0894.zip Paradox Informant files for August 1994 issue pi0994.zip Paradox Informant files for September 1994 issue pi1094.zip Paradox Informant files for October 1994 issue pi1194.zip Paradox Informant files for November 1994 issue pi1294.zip Paradox Informant files for December 1994 issue pi0295.zip Paradox Informant files for February 1995 issue scorcard.zip Sports Card Database for Paradox Engine spy20.zip ObjectSpy 2.0 Demo sqlgen.zip Demo version of SQLGEN, a utility for PdoxWin 5.0 wxb50e.zip WorXBench 1.1 Groupware PdoxWin Code Development Sys 3dvcp30.zip ViSuAL Calendar Planner 3.0 for Windows adbook15.zip Address Book - booklet, labels, envelopes, lists adressen.zip Adressverwaltung V0.99 for Windows 3.1 (German ver) adrs10d.zip Adressverwaltung V1.0 German Address Book for Win 3.1 alm35b.zip ALMANAC v3.5b A powerful calendar application am_bb13.zip Bank Book for Windows - bank account tracker am_bc13.zip Catalog your library (books and/or magazines) am_ca11.zip Keep track of all car records (mileage/expenses/etc) am_cb13.zip Contact Book Plus for Windows am_cc13.zip Coin Catalog for Windows am_dn13.zip Daily Notes for Windows -keep track of your notes am_hc13.zip Catalog your computer hardware am_mc13.zip Catalog your movie library am_mu13.zip Catalog your music library (LPs, CDs, casettes, etc.) am_pb26.zip Phone Book for Windows am_sc13.zip Catalog your software am_so12a.zip Student Organizer: Course, Reference, Terminology Books am_sp13.zip Catalog your Sport Card Collection am_st13.zip Catalog your stamp collection bcr220.zip BusinessCards freeform database/organizer bdata304.zip BirdData database program for bird breeders v3.04 bgtman10.zip BUDGET MANAGER Version 1.0 brktimer.zip Keep track of your 15 minute and 30 minute breaks budget11.zip MultiUser Windows Oriented Secure Bank Account Manager buleye41.zip CLR BullsEye v4.10 stock charting & portfolio mgmt calmst12.zip CalendarMaster prints Calendars with remembered events conatcts.zip A database for phone numbers, and companies cri_stat.exe Track your cricket club's statistics, etc. dclg2eng.exe Docloger: The documents manager (English) dclgrjpn.exe Docloger: The documents manager (Japanese) diary26.zip Journal your day to day thoughts and activities dw4win10.zip Daywatch v1.0: Personal Events Reminder System edesk42d.zip Executive Desk for Windows v4.2 (German) edesk43.zip Executive Desk v4.2 Address Book Conversion events10.zip Keeps track of birthdays, anniversaries,appts, etc exchng20.zip Exchange 2.0 World Currency Converter for Windows famcal13.zip Family Calendar for Windows v1.3 fc021ea.zip Full Contact v 2.1 - An advanced customizable PIM 1/2 fc021ea.zip Full Contact v 2.1 - An advanced customizable PIM 2/2 ffbmgr.zip FF Billing Manager v2.10 for Windows flopycat.zip A Floppy disk cataloger and database fundmn72.zip Fund Manager 7.2 for Windows gc218.zip The Grocery Consumer v2.18 recipe and grocery manager gmw231.zip Grocery, Menu and Food Shopping Organizer hbcl713a.zip Hebrew Calendar for Windows v7.13a homeacct.zip Windows Home Accountant program ic2_30.zip IC2 v3.0 workgroup-ready contact manager info41.zip InfoRecall 4.1 Information System iq21.zip Import on-line stock/mutual fund quotes inyto Quicken lifeplan.zip Create and maintain the framework of life plans loan11.exe LoanCalc is a powerful loan calculator mcalend.zip Simple and compact calendar only utility mftc10.zip Mutual Fund Tax Calculator mindmap.zip Mind Mapper is a thinking-aid, studying guide app mking11.zip Mortgage King 1.1 for Windows 3.1 mscpls34.zip Music+ 3.4 for Windows: Music Collection Cataloger natk12rt.zip Neiki's Astro Tool Kit draw/print astrology charts 1/2 natk12s1.zip Neiki's Astro Tool Kit draw/print astrology charts 2/2 org162.zip Organize!: Windows 3 Personal Information Manager psacards.zip PSA Cards is an easy to use address program pta11.zip Personal Time Arranger (PTA) version 1.1 qual10so.zip Qualis 1.0 - Windows ODBC Addressbook sctodo11.zip Spud City To-Do List Manager shrorg10.zip Shareware Organizer: Organize your shareware business smtdte10.zip Windows Perpetual Calendar stax94.zip Prepare your 1994 1040 Tax Form (IRS approved output) stockmn5.zip StockManager for investors and shareholders v1.05 supernb.zip SuperNotebook for Windows v1.01 tchao405.zip Time and Chaos 4.05: Appt/Cal/Phonebook Util for Win timema.zip Time Master V2.0 Time Manager timewin.zip TimeWin is shareware time management app txtime16.zip TraxTime 1.6-personal punch clock for Windows vlt16.zip Vault v1.03 Stores your notes in a hierarchy vphone18.zip Personal Phonebook and Pager dialer for Windows wbe42b.zip track and valuate Series E bonds wbd42b.zip track and valuate Series EE bonds wcn21.zip Coin Collectors: Tracks/reports inventory, orders,etc wdates12.zip WinDates is a MS-Windows reminder program wincat41.zip WinCat/PRO 4.1 Disk & CDRom Cataloger wingen.zip WinGen - Windows Genealogy Application winle201.zip Library for Windows Personal (book) Library Mgmt System winphone.zip Address Book, Automatic Search, To Do List,Alarm List winstats.exe TurboStats: baseball and softball statistics program ww10b.zip Window Works v1.0b Shell,Todo,Phonebook,Timer,Pager xantippe.zip Xantippe is an hypertext index card system 3dlib30a.zip C++ & Pascal 3D graphic animation package (1/2) 3dlib30b.zip C++ & Pascal 3D graphic animation package (2/2) addend.zip Unicode 1.0.1 Addendum adoc2140.zip AutoDocumentation System for Windows Version 2.01.40 ainet100.zip Artificial Neural Network; exe+manual+examples ainps100.zip Artificial Neural Network Documents in Poscript ani11.zip Animated Cursor Resource (.ANI) File Format Compiler appmaker.zip AppWizard-like utility for use with MS Visual C++ appsrcs.zip The complete sources of AppBar 4.00.6 [532k] atbsb002.zip DLLs to create Tool Bar & Status Bar v1.2 w/demo atc15.zip Advanced Toolbar Control developer library demo atcopy.zip DLL to copy, del, rename, set attribs for files atool201.zip ToolBar & StatusBar Control DLL v2.01 w/demo atre27.exe Atree Adaptive Logic Network (ALN) Simulation Package barcodes.zip barcodes.dll is a comprehensive barcode drawing library barole2.zip OLE 2.01 barcode server gens barcode objs for OLE apps blandmdi.zip Examples (in C) of a Mimimal MDI Application blrplt.zip BiolerPlate: Startup for OWL Programming brainw32.zip Win32 System Services: The Heart of Windows NT bstate.zip CBStateButton is an MFC class based on PushButton cat_doc.zip Cell Automaton Tool build/visualize cell automatons 1/2 cat_exe.zip Cell Automaton Tool build/visualize cell automatons 2/2 catch.zip Catch Batch Programming Language for Windows cdbw.zip Database Toolkit for Windows Programmers cenviw1.zip C-like batch language for Windows check02.zip C Syntax Checker for Microsoft Windows (Alpha Release) cktblmfc.zip Cktbl16 Spreadsheet Control for MS Foundation Class 2.5 clean_wp.zip Same as cleanup.zip as a WPWin file cleanup.zip List of routines req'd after a Win Resource is used clgraph1.zip C++ Graphics Class Library for MS Windows code_cnt.zip Code Counting Utility codekp12.zip Code Keeper for Windows [869k] codelib4.zip Code Libararian for Windows version 4 [695k] codepad.zip Windows Programmer's Editor (80386 only/Crippleware) compress.zip Compress for Tkern 1.0 (w/src) cppsum.zip functions to get summary info from OLE 2.0 docs cppu15.zip Public Domain and Shareware C++ products listing crctol16.zip CRC Object-Oriented Design Tool V1.0 Beta (Win) crctol32.zip CRC Object-Oriented Design Tool V1.0 Beta (Windows NT) cstr22.zip String Studio 2.02: MFC 2.5 CString extension and more cxtw106.zip C Exploration Tools for Windows [520k] cxx_faq.zip C++ Frequently asked questions in WinHelp (3.1) format ddeapp.zip Position Paper on Dynamic Data Exchange Spec ddesc012.zip Takes DDE script and passes to a specified DDE Server des3.zip Libraries for the NBS Data Encryption Standard devel201.zip Spell Check for Edit Boxes DevKit (version 2.01) diagext.zip Microsofts redistributable 3d library diff.zip Diff for Tkern 1.0 (w/src) dom102.zip Object Oriented Design Analysis/Design Tool (Booch) dosutils.zip DOS Utilities for Tkern 1.0 (w/src) dpmi_lib.zip C-Library for the DPMI 0.9 dpmigcc5.zip RSX DPMI-extender for EMX and DJGPP apps rel 5 [467k] drdobbs.zip Info on the internal structure of window .hlp files drfrank.zip Dr. Frank: Windows Postmortem Debugging Tool drwat079.zip Dr. Watson UAE Interpreter Version 0.79 dxtw106.zip DBASE Exploration Tools for Windows ecjdll11.zip JPEG decompression library, Windows 3.1 DLL editada.zip Ada programmers editor for Windows 3.1 editron.zip Editron source-code editor [1.02mb] ew256bmp.zip DLL for displaying 256-color bitmaps in .HLP files except.zip Windows NT - Exception Handling Example f4w3api.zip Fortran for the Windows 3.0 API kit faultw.zip Trap Application Exceptions flute.zip Scripting language for Windows 3.1x font_bld.zip Font Builder program for Windows programmers fwave1.zip FastWave is a DLL that manages WAV files fxtw104.zip FORTRAN Exploration Tools for Windows gap.zip Graphically Assisted Programming Interface genmix1b.zip A 17-function API allows full control over sound mixing gnused.zip GNU Sed grafsdk.zip SDK for XYGRAF DOS/Windows graphics lib graphz11.zip dll implements dynamically updated 2d-plot graph grep.zip Grep for Tkern (w/src) hag.zip Windows Help Authoring System (get whag.zip too) hdk100l.zip HLPDK V10.0+ System Extension Library hdk110a.zip Hypertext Help Development Kit (part 1 of 2) hdk110b.zip Hypertext Help Development Kit (part 2 of 2) hdk110l.zip HLPDK System Library Documentation hwa11.zip Help Writer's Assistant v1.1 for Windows [1.25m] hyplk2.zip HyperLink: Link between src code and SDK online system icebeta2.zip Beta 2 of ICE.DLL - the Windows compression library il2hdk31.zip Interrupt List to help dev kit conversion program indy.zip Index for the 32-bit API help file (api32wh.hlp) intlb010.zip Intl Controls Lib v1.0-Time,Date,Number controls,etc intw42a.zip Ralf Brown's interrupt list V42 as winhelp (1/3) [1.1m] intw42b.zip Ralf Brown's interrupt list V42 as winhelp (2/3) [1.1m] intw42c.zip Ralf Brown's interrupt list V42 as winhelp (3/3) [916k] iwf12.zip Image WorkFrame v1.2: Image Proc Prgrmmrs Tool [502k] jfklib.zip Class Library for Borland C++ kputil.zip KnowledgePro Compile Utility (ver 1.0) krnlkb.exe Win SDK Knowledgebase for API calls to Windows Kernel lowpass.zip Sample MultiMedia File I/O Svcs to r/w RIFF Files (C) lxtw104.zip LISP Exploration Tools for Windows lzsslib.zip Windows LZSS Compression library makemdi2.zip MDI adaptation of the MAKEAPP application template mapwin.zip Examine API funcs, .DLLs, and Device Drivers mathstud.zip MathViews Version 1.71A Student version [1.08m] mb_view.zip Create/Display Message Boxes menuba.zip menubar.dll: allows custom toolbars for programs. meta2.zip A Discussion of Metafiles metaed10.zip MetaEdit, a multi-method graphical CASE tool mhplus32.zip MiniHelp Plus v3.21: create HLP files from ASCII txt mmpp010.zip Maurizio Maccani Productivity Pack V 1.0 [554k] mndfra11.exe MindFrame for Windows: app to help learn obj modeling msd11036.zip WW0440: The Dr. Watson and MSD Diagnostics msdn200.zip FreeWare MSDN/SoftLib Index Reader msjv6_5.zip Microsoft Journal Vol 6 No 5 Listings multipad.zip Demonstrates an MDI Application with Edit Control netbios.zip NetBIOS DLL/Network Chat Utility for Windows newexe.zip Provide More Information about Windows NE exe file newspy.zip Clone of MicroSoft's SPY Program odbc.zip ODBC Interface Documentation odbcsnif.zip ODBC Sniffer for Windows Version 1.1 oew_proj.zip The Object Engineering Workbench for C++ ole2book.zip Implement OLE 2.0 features into your application olespec.zip OLE 2.0 Design Specification Document (Postscript) oot_104d.zip Object Oriented Analysis Documentation Tool opttree.zip Option Tree custom control for BC4.0 and VC1.5 oshtls12.zip Olson Software Help Tools Version 1.2 patchedt.zip Fixes the bug with a multiline editbox /w sources pbase20.zip PowerBase 2.0 - Sybase/SQl Server db dev tool [2.45m] pfe0507.zip Ver 0.05.007 of Programmer's File Editor pff1_3.zip Programmer's File Formatter pfo10d.exe PrintForm module for print/preview struct docs (2/2) pfo10h.exe PrintForm module for print/preview struct docs (1/2) pfp219.zip Windows Programmer's File Printer Utility pipes.zip 32bit app spawns 16bit app/talks via named pipe (w/src) plpak1.zip The Plumber Custom Control Pack progwin.zip Many Examples of Windows Programming Source Code ptrp25dm.zip Free Pascal-like interpreter qcard2.zip A DLL for writing card games with Visual Basic or C++ qdhelp.zip Quick and Dirty Help writer's assistant rc2hdk30.zip Takes Win Res Desc files and makes a HLPDK template refresh.zip Sends a Repaint Event to Every Window rsxwdk2b.zip Build 32bit Win apps with GNU-C/C++ (1/2) [binaries] rsxwdk2s.zip Build 32bit Win apps with GNU-C/C++ (2/2) [source] rsxwin2a.zip Run EMX/GCC programs in a MS-Windows 3.1 window rtfprsr.zip RTF PARSER module for applications rtx2000.zip Forth cross compiler for Harris RTX2000 chip runtime.exe Runtime module for ObjectVision 2.0 rx.zip RX - a reverse Windows(tm)3.0 resource-compiler sanity.zip Schedule Rest Stops While Programming sdkhlp03.zip Provide quicker access to the SDKWIN.HLP help file segheap.zip Implements a Segmented Heap in Global Memory (C) shtdll11.zip dll file opens/reads cells in Excel/Lotus spreadsheets smpi.zip Win32 SCSI Miniport IOCtl Program sample, SMPI.C snoopy13.zip Snoopy Version 1.3 - Debugging monitor for Windows spell201.zip Provide Spell Checking within Edit Dialog Boxes spmate13.zip Spelmate DLL allows you to add spelling to your App sqlws30.zip SQL Workshop 3.0 - Database development tool [787k] ss010.zip Super Spy V 1.0 an advanced Spy utility status.zip DLL to display status information in a window stdg44.exe Stdg is a cross-platform graphics library stp010.zip build demo and training scripts for Windows apps svga.zip DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows swtools.zip 9 functions to give your programs an expiration date t_bcinfo.zip Misc Tips/Tricks for TurboC tabdlg2.zip Implement Word 6.0-style tabs in a dialog box tabvie.zip Visual C++ MFC-derived tabbed dialogs w/source tar.zip Tar for Tkern 1.0 (w/src) taskview.zip A task viewer for Windows w/C src tdwgui.zip New Turbo Debugger Video DLL tdwin.zip Borland TurboDebugger Patch for Win3 tee.zip Tee for Tkern 1.0 (w/src) telep010.zip formatted telephone number control telsock.zip Port of WSOCK from 32-bit Visual C++ compiler template.zip Windows Application Template Sources textview.zip TextViewDLL:Tools for Writing Text to a Window tkern10.zip Tkern 1.0: Standard I/O system for Windows w/src tkquick.zip Tkern 1.0 applications without sources toolbar.zip Library to Implement Tool Bars (C source) toolhelp.zip TOOLHELP.DLL Alpha Release 2, May 9, 1991 tran02.zip Return the Ascii Values of Each Character in a String tsh10.zip Troy's Shell For Windows, command line shell w/Source ttips2.zip Microsoft Foundation Class Library : Tooltest ukeng.zip SPELL CHECK FOR EDIT BOXES: UK Dictionary file uniq.zip BSD uniq for Tkern 1.0 w/src upc12bs1.zip UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x source (1 of 2) upc12bs2.zip UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x source (2 of 2) useng.zip SPELL CHECK FOR EDIT BOXES: US Dictionary file userkb.exe Windows SDK Knowledgebase for USER.EXE func calls 11/93 utexec2.zip How to exec and wait for a program in WIN32S (w/src) vdt.zip Screen expander, hiercl group mgr, grphcl disk manager vfygrb.zip Displays version numbers of DISPLAY/GRABBER/VDD visrcs10.zip A windows front end for GNU RCS [934k] vlib250.zip VISUALIB v2.50 Graphics Library vlibbc.zip Windows Graphics Library (for SDK or BCC) vwfd.zip Determine whether app is full-screen or windowed vwpd.zip Virtual 386 Write Protect Device System wa010.zip Window Analyser V1.0 disp classes,styles,placemnt,etc wcb105a.zip Windows CodeBack (WCB) disassembler wclass21.zip Object-Oriented CASE Tool with Script Language [933k] we_30d.zip WinEdit programming editor w/button bar wedl20.zip Windows Enhanced Dialog Libary (C) wftp.zip DLL donnant acces aux fonctions FTP wfwhlp.zip Info on Constructing Windows Help Files whag.zip Windows Help Authoring System (get hag.zip too) whag_toc.zip DOC-file of the Microsoft Windows Help Author Guide what.zip Tools and templates for Help Authoring Guide (hag.zip) whndb.zip 3500 articles from comp.os.ms-win.programmer.winhelp win32kb.exe Windows SDK Knowledge base for Win32 API spec 11/93 winapi3.zip Use Win API function calls as custom WinHelp macros winb30a.zip Windows Batch Language Version 3.0a wincap.zip Code from MS on working with bitmaps (capture to file) windes.zip Windows DLL for Data Encryption Standard (DES) winexit.zip Quickly exit Windows (.exe with source) winnn096.zip Neural Networks (NN) package for windows 3.1 [756k] winprog.txt Join a Windows Programming Discussion Magazine winsock.zip Windows Sockets: Interface for Network Programming winsockc.zip files needed for building winsock 1.1 compliant apps winspect.zip Winspector v1.0 A debugging tools for Windows wpa06.zip WPEdit: Programmer's Editor for Windows (ver 0.6) wparse00.zip WinDevKit:inspect the format of a WordPerfect document wpj_mag.inf Calls for Submissions: Win Prog Journal wpjv1n2.zip Issue #2 of the Windows Programmer's Journal wpjv1n3.zip Issue #3 of the Windows Programmer's Journal wpjv1n7.zip Issue #7 of the Windows Programmer's Journal wrip143.zip Intercepts FatalExit Msgs from Windows Debug Ver wthrds.zip Complete Multithreading Library for Windows wtj006.zip WinTech Journal code listings July 1992 wtj007.zip WinTech Journal code listings August 1992 wtj008.zip WinTech Journal code listings September 1992 wtj009.zip WinTech Journal code listings October 1992 wtj201.zip WinTech Journal code listings January 1993 wtj208.zip WinTech Journal code listings August 1993 wxwindem.zip Portable GUI toolkit for X and Windows 3 xrayodbc.zip X-Ray/ODBC - ODBC API trace/debugger for Win3.1 v1.14 xraysql.zip X-Ray/SQL Server - SQL Server API trace/debugger v1.20 xygraf.zip Calls to func libs/common code for DOS/Win graphics z255up.zip Zip Studio API/Shell upgrade to 2.55 z3dc.zip 3D Controls Driver for Windows Programmers zs20a.zip Zip Studio 2.01: The Windows 3.x Zip/Unzip API (1/2) zs20b.zip Zip Studio 2.01: The Windows 3.x Zip/Unzip API (2/2) appmaker.zip App for Visual C++ based on dialog not Doc-View arch atoolbar.zip DLL to create ToolBar ctrl from resource script w/src bachtocc.zip BACHTOCC.C: Bach Toccata in D Minor Prog Example bmploadr.zip C Source to Load BMP onto Desktop button.zip design BWCC style bitmap buttons bwcc.zip latest version of BWCC.dll classlib.zip Doc on TC++ container class libraries clikbr15.zip A Borland Resrc Workshop Custom Control Toolbar DLL cmmdlg.zip Implement Descendant Shells around CommonDialogs ctrlz131.zip ControlZ is a custom control library (DLL) for C progs ddispatc.zip How OWL Does Dynamic Dispatch Virtual Tables grepbrws.zip GrepBrowser from Oct93 Windows Tech Journal [700k] isam120.zip ISAM Manager v1.20 Database Programming System for C++ lltest.zip Linked List Test Workbench for C++ mclbk100.zip Allows C++ apps to use member funcs as callback funcs mfc_bc.zip How to use MFC 2.0 with Borland C++ 3.1 mksym.zip Create valid symbol files (*.SYM) from a BCPP map file modem2.zip Simple serial communications app (.cpp) owlbwcc.zip Examples of Custom Controls with ObjWinLib (OWL) owldlgs.zip Examples of Using Dialog Boxes with ObjWinLib owlgen.zip OWL Template Code Generator spheres.zip Screen saver (w/src) based on OWL screen saver splash.zip Splash BC++ Application tgraf011.zip Tiny Grafing C++ class for Windows wsupd1.zip Updated to BC++ WinSight Files blx12.zip Borland Language Express Spring 1991, v1 #2 blx13.zip Borland Langauge Express, v1 #3: blxv1.zip Borland Language Express Winter 1991, v1 #1 ptv2n5.zip Source code from PC Techniques (v2n5) wintech1.zip Source code from WinTech Journal (v1n1) 3dlib25.zip 3D Graphic objects library V2.5 for Turbo Pascal arrays.zip Implement Huge (64k+) Data Arrays calunit.zip Objects for Creating a Simple Calendar chkwin.zip Code to Check if Windows is Running coldem.zip Borland demo routines for colordialogs ctl3dpas.zip TP Module to let you use CTL3D.DLL from Microsoft custom.zip Custom Bitmap Buttons for TPW dllmkr11.zip Assemble Turbo Pascal for Windows Units into a DLL. dnd.zip Two Drag & Drop demo programs dndlb11.zip Drag&drop listbox subclassing w sources (TP) docdem.zip Illust use of Icons, Strings, Menus and Dialog Resrcs dprin101.zip TP Routines to access installed printers drovtb.zip Drover Toolbox: Input validation routines for TPW foyeh201.zip DLL of Turbo Pascal commonly used routines hugecoll.pas Implement Huge Collection in TurboPascal for Windows janusw.zip Dialogs as MDI childs version 1.31 list10.zip TheLister v1.03 source lister for Pascal modem.zip TP Modem Routines ownrdraw.zip TP OwnerDrawDemo orntdll.zip TP DLL for Changing Printer Orientation (port/land) parstp30.zip Recursive Decent Expression Parser for Turbo Pascal pasock10.zip Pascal WINSOCK programming examples percnt.zip TP Routines for Control Windows in Dialog Boxes pchart.zip TPW Charting Program printbmp.zip BitMap Printing Routines printit.zip Windows Print Routines plife.zip TPW Implementation of the Game of Life ribbon.zip Setup non-MDI Child Window in MDI Window rubber.zip Rubberband Demo sird.zip Calculate single image stereograms in TP (w/src) splash.zip Splash Demo sycolor.zip Set System Colors toolpa.zip PowerCode: Extensible Code Generator Sample tooltip.zip ToolTip unit for Turbo Pascal for Windows tpu2tps.zip Extracts SYSTEM.TPS from TP6.0/TPW1.0 Runtime Library tpwfort.zip Combine TP for Windows Program into Fortran Subrtns tpwin31.zip Updated files for TP for use with Windows 3.1 tpwmi2.zip Samples of useful source code files for TPW tpwpxeng.zip Paradox Engine 2.0 under Turbo Pascal For Windows tstrings.zip Implement Null Terminated Strings tpw_mmex.zip TP4WIN Multimedia Extensions DLL-Link Units upconv22.zip Turbo Pascal Case Converter Version 2.2 wint_t.zip Tips and Techniques for TP for Windows wintl100.zip TP module to obtain country specific info on PC/Win ver wsound.zip Turbo Pascal Sound Routine wtch11.zip Update Time/Date Stamps on Files (w/TP src) 3dctrl.zip Using CTL3D.DLL from Excel to apply 3D effects 256vbcol.zip VB Picture Box Control w/256 colors afxvbx.exe Display a VBX control in a dialog box resource AFXDLL airvb101.zip Aircraft Instrument Controls (VBX) alarm14.zip Alarm Custom Control (VBX) apiref.zip Xref of Win API Calls to Their Defining DLL assoc.zip Freeware VBX control for associative arrays atx_pa.exe edit box VBX allows mult fonts, colors, styles, fmting barcod15.zip Bar Code Control (VBX) bascde12.zip Code Librarian store/retrieve to/from file/clipboard bc_cdk.zip Doc Using BC++/IDE w/MS VBASIC Control Development Kit biblio.zip Browser for Biblio.MDB file in VisualBasic 3.0 Pro bigfoot.zip BigFoot read-only large file viewer for VBX apps blaster.zip Message Blaster Custom Control Modifications bmpkit.zip Routines for .BMP Files From Within Visual Basic. bmplst19.zip List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX) bstrcw12.zip BasStruc v1.2 for VB Win Basic Source Code Formatter bv0442.exe Huge array support for Microsoft Visual Basic bv0447.exe WINAPI.TXT: Win 3.0 API Declarations for Visual Basic bv1.zip Basically Visual Issue 1 (.HLP fmt magazine) bv2.zip Basically Visual Issue 2 (.HLP fmt magazine) calendar.zip Calendar VB App canimate.zip Visual Basic Animation Control cargauge.zip CARGAUGE.VBX - Automobile Gauge Custom Control (VBX) clpsib.zip Set WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style bit for all a Form's windows cmdlg2.zip Using common dialogs from Visual Basic codelbvb.zip CodelbVB: A ver of Codelib that doesn't have data DLLs colors.zip VB Color Editor Demo comstat1.zip COMSTAT.DLL - COM Port Status version 1.0 containr.zip VBX for storing and retrieving bitmaps in VB programs copystop.zip Util to encorp into VB apps to discoure illegal copies cursor.zip Load icon as custom cursor w/source dataex.zip Example of using the Visual Basic 3.0 Access engine datamgr.exe Source code for the Visual Basic Data Manager db2bas.zip Gens VB code for creating an MDB by reading MDB struct db2stff.zip DB freeware VBXs for dbpush,dbappmon,dbttip,dbhots ddeuti.zip VB Tool for Testing DDE Code dfinfo23.zip Disk and File Info Control (VBX) dskinf.zip DLL to get disk info from VB emed16b.zip Improved edit control (VBX) supports much larger files entask.zip DLL callable from VB to end a task enumfont.zip Allows Visual Basic to Call Windows API Font Functions expvbx11.zip Infix arithmetic expression parsing VBX filebox.zip Fake a Windows Style File-Open Box From Within VB flabel10.zip Formatted Label Custom Control (VBX) fld2_16.zip Use Folders in your Visual Basic programs. No VBX! fmdrop12.zip File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX) fssocket.zip FSSocket Custom Control for Winsock communications fxtool.zip vbx file with various visual effects, fades, etc generic.exe Missing files from Professional Features Book 1 grid.exe Updated GRID.VBX, version 3.00.0538 gticon.zip GTICON.DLL is a VisualBasic 3.0 DLL gttbar01.zip GT Toolbar Kit v1.0 is a Visual Basic VBX health.exe HEALTH: VB 3.0 Pen Healthcare Application hierlb.zip Hierarchical Listbox contained in a VBX huge.zip VB & DLL for Creating Arrays <64K hugary.zip Enhanced huge array for VB huge2.zip Enhanced huge array for VB update with addl features hw199u.exe VB HelpWriter "Lite" hypervb.zip Create multi-font formatted text boxes and hyper links icifd10.zip Utility for Visual Basic programmers using Integra VDB icondemo.zip Demo of Icon Drawing with Vbasic inicon32.zip INI File Manager Custom Control (VBX) inpout.zip InpOut.dll: INP and OUT Replacement for Vbasic insure2.exe Insure2: VB Pen Insurance Application ipdvbx.zip IPDaemon (TM) Custom Control Version 1.0 ipport09.zip IPPort VBX Control Version 0.9 ipxspx.zip IPX & SPX Custom Controls for Visual Basic 3.0/Win 3.1 itgraph.zip Add diagrams to your application joystk13.zip Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX) js3pak20.zip JS3PAK - IniCon,PerCnt,DFInfo VBXs kpini.zip Visual Basic source code for .INI file mgmt led11.zip LED Custom Control (VBX) leninp.zip VB source file for keystroke detection loanapp.exe VB Pen Loan Application manyth31.zip ManyThings 3.1 -- Example screen saver in visual basic mbboot21.zip MB-Boot Quickbasic Program mdidmo.zip VB Source for MDI Background/Hidden Child Demo menuev32.zip Menu Event Notification Control (VBX) metalib.zip Routines to create, draw, save SDK Metafiles mhctl.zip Get a menu's control handle in a custom control mhelpvb.zip Demo programs for Microhelp's tools for VB mhfs200.zip MhFormScroll allows controls to be scrolled on VB form mlist110.zip enhanced listbox control for Visual Basic mscomm.exe Updated MSCOMM.VBX, version msgblast.zip Updated Message blaster custom control msgbox.zip VB MsgBox Places the Corresponding Code on Clipboard mslot12.zip W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) msmega10.zip Mabry Software Mega Pack (VBXes) mtext120.zip vbx allows text to have hyperlinks,fonts,styles,color mulpik.zip Multiple Selection ListBox for VB mwatch.zip Mouse monitor .dll for Visual Basic version 1 naming.zip Visual Basic Naming Conventions Cheat Sheet (.wri) noboot10.zip Ctrl-Alt-Del Disabler Control (VBX) opendl.zip VB custom control to use some of common dialogs real_ltd.zip Realizer Limited: A Basic Interpreter for Windows receipt.exe VB Pen Order Application rw2vb10.zip X-lates Resource Workshop RC dialog scripts to vb forms pbcwin.zip General Purpose DLL for VB (78 different routines) percent.zip Another Percent Bar VBX percnt26.zip Percentage Bar Custom Control (VBX) picbtn11.zip Picture Button Custom Control (VBX) picvwr25.zip View Visual Basic icon, bitmap or metafile collection pixel10.zip Executable and source code for a pixel board pmgr32.zip Program to manage VB 3 Win projects pprtr44.zip Windows Printer Control Library probe11.zip Control Probe/Debug Control (VBX) prompt11.zip Prompt VB Control allows users command-line input qcard.zip dll with playing card faces and backs rotext13.zip Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX) scroll.zip One of 2 Scrolling Picture VB Demos sdoc210.zip Tool to doc VBWin src code; Catalog/displays/prints,etc setup1.exe Updated SETUP1 files setupkit.exe Updated SETUP.EXE & SETUP.INI, v1.00.002 setupwiz.exe Updated SETUPWIZ.EXE, version 1.00.0544 simcomm.zip Simple COM Device Control Block (DCB) data structure sizer.zip Free VBX to size windows in Visual Basic sndex.zip Create String Functions for VB soundx14.zip Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX) spsoun.zip VB & DLL for Making Sound srcpri12.zip SourcePrinter ver. 1.2 for printing Visual Basic code stdpro.zip PropView Tool for VB subvbx.exe Windows subclassing on a VBX control using MFC 2.0 tabbed21.zip VBX enables VB apps tabbed-style dialog boxes tabdlg3.zip Control (w/src) to implement Word 6.0 style tab tbox100.zip Visual Basic Toolbox demo with mini title bar tips11.zip Tool Tips Custom Control (VBX) tl_demo.zip Demonstration of the TList Visual Basic extension tlstvbx2.zip GT Tabbed List Box Custom Control (.VBX) togvb101.zip Toggle Switch Control (VBX) toolb145.zip Button-bars and status-bars in any Visual Basic App vb2del.zip Moving from VB to Delphi: A technical discussion vb2sql.zip Visual Basic to DB-Library Interface API vb3d.zip Custom control to give a 3-D look and feel to VB vb4ctrls.zip Four Design-Mode Custom Controls vb_kbase.zip Create a System-Modal Program/Window in Visual Basic vb_run10.zip Issues the File/Save Project and Run command in VB 3.0 vbasic.zip First 2 InfoWorld Tech Talk Columns on VB vbasicv.zip .dbf of Vendors providing VB related tools and code vbawk.zip vbx file that simplifies parsing of text files vbbakres.zip VB Backup/Restore your VB project files vbbas10.zip Visual Basic Module Files v1.0 common modules vbcal.zip Calendar.vbx: pop-up calendar vbcards.zip DLL for card faces and backs for use with VB vbcomdem.zip Visual Basic Communications Demo vbfindid.zip Determine or Define the IDs of Controls in VB Forms vbgetdec.zip Create a File Containing DLL Procedure Declarations vbhelp.zip VBHelper v1.0 Integrated VB Help system vbhw.zip VB HelpWriter "Lite" edition vbhw198.zip VB HelpWriter Lite v.1.98 vbhw196.zip VB HelpWriter Lite edition [1.10m] vbhwdic.zip American/English dictionary for VB HelpWriter PRO vbhwnd.zip Support function for getting the hWnd of any control vbio.zip File/Disk I/O functions in a VBX file for Visual Basic vbit120.zip VBIT 1.20 Visual Basic Invisible Tools vbkb_bug.zip VB Knowledge Base 12/93 Bugs and work-arounds (.hlp) vbkb_tip.zip VB Knowledge Base 12/93 Tips and Hints (.hlp) vbknowlg.zip Visual Basic Online Knowledge Base vbli9502.zip Visual Basic List Inspector February 1995 vblsting.zip dBase .dbf of vbu22.zip vbmask.zip Display Bitmap with Center of it Being Transparent vbmdixpl.zip Genric Visual Basic MDI-Application. REQ: VB2.0, VBX vbo100.zip VB Office ver 1.00 Full release vbptr.zip DLL for Pointer Support vbprimer.zip Microsoft Visual Basic Version 2.0 Primer Edition vbprint.exe Demonstrates Printing in Visual Basic vbpxen.zip Visual Video/Paradox Engine for database access vbrc10.zip Generate Dialog Templates from VB Forms vbre150s.zip VbReader application vbrotfnt.zip allows you to rotate fonts (tt only!) in a vb text box vbrowbuf.zip A VBSQL module? should be removed for no docs vbscfil2.zip allow vb to view files larger than 32k vbscri11.zip VBScript 1.1 - Scripting language for Visual Basic vbscrl.zip Second of 2 Scrolling Demos (see scroll.zip) vbsock11.zip VBS assists in creation of TCP/IP Winsock apps vbterm.zip Visual Basic VT100 Emulator (w/src) vbtbox.zip demo of a floating toolbox in VB vbtool20.zip vbx file and dll to allow you to create toolbars in vb vbtools.zip MicroHelp VBTools Demonstration Program vbtips19.zip Aug94 VBTips magazine in Word 2.0 format vbtrans.zip Demo use of transparant pictures in Visual Basic vbtt20.zip Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 2.0-Help File [370k] vbtt94.zip Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 94 vbtt95a.zip Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 95 electronic newsletter a vbtt95b.zip Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 95 electronic newsletter b vbtt95c.zip Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 95 electronic newsltr 4/95 vbtt95d.zip Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 95 electronic newsltr 5/95 vbu15.zip Txt list of known Public Domain and Shareware VB prods vbv15.zip DBF list of known Public Domain and Shareware VB prods vbw9408.zip VBWin Magazine - tips from Internet (8/94) (Word2 fmt) vbwm9409.zip VBWin Magazine - tips from Internet (9/94) (HLP fmt) vbwp9408.zip VBWin Magazine - tips from Internet (8/94) (PS fmt) vbwsk01a.zip A Winsock Custom Control for Visual Basic (V0.1 alpha) vbxstd12.zip VBX Studio 1.2: The ultimate VBX package [750k]` vbxtrw95.zip VBxtras Catalog, Winter 1995 Edition vbz01.zip A sample issue of VBZ- a visual basic digest pub ver10.zip Version Info/File Install VBX vh.zip MicroHelp VBTools Demonstration Program vlib205.zip VISUALIB global declarations for Visual Basic vprint22.zip VPrint v2.2 (rel) VB/Win Source Format/Print vsvbx.zip VideoSoft's V4.0 Elastic,Folder-tab,AWK custom controls vsview.zip VBX to create reports in VB vxbase.zip VB Custom Ver of xBase DLL functions vxbdoc.zip Documentation for vxbase.zip w31api.zip 3.1 Ver of Windows API Declarations for VB wave10.zip WAV File Playing/Info Custom Control (VBX) wbasic14.zip BASIC development system wecjvb10.zip DLL to display JPG pics w/src; get desktop/ecjdll11.zip winapi.zip Complete Definition of the WIN API for VB winfo.zip Routines for Getting Windows Info (mem, etc) win_vw11.zip VBasic program to snoop around a window's attibutes wp_demo.zip Demonstration of the ALLText Visual Basic extension zipinf12.zip ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX) zzhot.zip ZZHOT.VBX does shaped hot spots in VB 3d.zip Routine to give a frame a 3D-look basfun.zip Functions for complex and real 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