1280bnch.txt Benchmarks for Orchid ProIIs vs Fahrenheit 1280 Card 14851141.zip MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [1.2mb] 1 of 2 14852141.zip MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [730k] 2 of 2 24x204.exe Speedstar 24X v2.04 drivers [954k] 5426_d2.zip Ver 1.32 drivers for the Cirrus logic GD-5426 card 542xvga.exe Cirrus CL-GD542X Display Drivers and Utilities 5434wn.exe Ver 1.02 SpeedStar 64 drivers 678win3b.zip Everex EVGA Drivers (1024x768x16/800x600x16/640x480x16) 80x241.zip 86C801 and 86C805 v2.41 drvrs for 801/805/928 chipsets 864141b5.zip 1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c864 86413b7.zip Vision864 Ver 1.3B7 driver for Windows 3.1 864dos.exe Stealth 64 DRAM Utilities/CAD/NT 3.13 v1.03 864w22.exe v1.22 Stealth 64 DRAM for cards running bios rev 2.01 868141b5.zip v1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c868 90c0031.zip Paradise/WD SVGA 640x480x256/1024x768x16/1024x768x2 964133.exe Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM Drivers v1.33 [1.22m] 968141b5.zip v1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c968 actix131.zip GraphicsENGINE Software Driver Rev. 1.3 (1 of 2) actix132.zip GraphicsENGINE Software Driver Rev. 1.3 (2 of 2) aheadvdd.zip Ahead VGA Video Driver for Windows 3.1 aticpl.zip Control panel applet for Mach FlexDesk driver atiult59.zip Win 3.1 Drivers for ATI Ultra series as of 22-Feb-93 ativg3.zip ATI Wonder{Plus,XL}, Integra Video Drivers for Win3.1 atiw300.zip New (08-29-91) ATI Windows 3 Drivers atiw3256.exe 256 Color Drivers for ATI Cards atiw3400.exe Upgrade for ATI 640x400x256 Driver (needs atiw3256.exe) atiult.exe ATI 8514/Ultra drvr for Win 3.1 dated 4/6/92 bigwin21.zip Spea V7 - S3 Videodrivers (6/94) [1.25mb] blitfix.zip Speed Up Windowing on Large (1024x768) Displays bocasx31.zip Boca SXVGA drivers for Windows 3.1 (Tseng 4000 compat.) bwlit22.exe v2.2 SPEA V7 Mirage BigWin/V7Setup/SPEAview Dvr [1.1m] bwmep22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO PCI/VL/ISA bwmer22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PCI/VL/ISA [1.2m] bwmip242.exe SPEA V7-Mirage P-64 PCI/VL with S3 Trio64 Chip bwmir22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MIRAGE VL/ISA [1.14mb] bwpro22.exe BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO [1.17mb] celsius.zip Orchid Celsius VLB driver v1.3 (Oct 1993) cirruswd.zip VGA drivers for Cirrus Logic VGA controllers dib.zip Windows 3.0 DIB display driver eizow30.zip Eizo Windows Video Drivers et3_w31.zip Tseng ET3000 - Windows 3.0 and 3.0a Display Drivers et4_w32p.zip Tseng, W32p Windows 3.1 Video Drivers [622k] et4_dyna.zip "DynaLink" for the Orchid ProDsgnrII (chgs rfresh rate) et4cview.zip ColorView Windows 3.1 Video Drivers et4kw32.zip Tseng Drivers for the W32/i/p cards [604kb] evga800.zip EV-673 Windows 3.0 Drivers fah60.zip Version 6.0 drivers for Orchid Fahrenheit 1280+ fah601u.zip 01/13/94-Fahrenheit disk 6.0->6.01 update g1221w.exe Hercules Graphite 1MB Drivers rel 2.21 [536k] ge64v122.zip Driver is for ACTIX Graphics GE 64 VL and PCI boards gemvp.zip S3 Carrera Display Driver for GEM genoadrv.zip Genoa SVGA Drivers (800x600x256/1024x768x16/800x600x16) gr221i.exe Hercules Graphite Series Installation Diskette gss1000.exe Updated DGIS firmware for AT1000 series video card gstune31.zip Tweak Crystal Fonts w/the ATI Graphics Accel Cards gxe64mod.zip GXE64 and GXE64 Pro DOS refresh rate setting util gxe64win.exe Number #9 GXE64 Windows 3.1 drivers v1.45 [690k] gxewn415.exe #9 HawkEye for Windows v4.15 [736k] hznwn31.zip STB Horizon VL Video Card drivers v1.32b igc10tig.zip TIGA 2.05 files for HP IGC-20 video card (1 of 2) igc20tig.zip TIGA 2.05 files for HP IGC-20 video card (2 of 2) jwin2628.zip Cirrus Logic GD542x JWindows 3.1 Drivers [1.18mb] loader.zip ATI driver installation utility k5426_d2.zip Win 3.1 drivers VER 1.32b for cirrus 5426/5428 v1.41 k542x_d1.zip Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 1 [576k] k542x_d3.zip Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 3 [1.30mb] k542x_d4.zip Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 4 [390k] k5422_d2.zip Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5422 [720k] k5422_d5.zip NT drivers for Cirrus GD5422 k5426_d2.zip Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k] k5426_d5.zip NT drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k] k542xvga.zip Cirrus Logic drivers 542x based video cards k64_14.exe Orchid Kelvin-64 driver set (27-dec-94) m32utl.zip Install/Config Utils for ATI Mach32 Cards v2.3 m32w23.zip ATI mach32 Windows drivers v2.3 [612k] m8wr30.zip ATI mach8 revision 3.0 drivers [574k] mgetiga.exe TIGA 2.05 Driver for the NEC MGE board mgewn31.exe DGIS Display Driver for NEC board mi64bw21.zip SPEA Mirage P-64 BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows [1.2m] miro140a.zip Miro Crystal drivers v1.40 dated 12 dec 94 (1/2) [711k] miro140b.zip Miro Crystal drivers v1.40 dated 12 dec 94 (2/2) [904k] mir221a.zip Miro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s drivers v2.21 (1/2) mir221b.zip Miro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s drivers v2.21 (2/2) mirbw21.zip SPEA Mirage BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows [1.13m] mmdisp.exe Drivers from the MS DL BBS for all VGA cards newtseng.zip 9-91 Tseng Drivers (640x480,800x600,1024x768/16+256) ntrident.zip Drivers for most all Trident video cards oakdrv.zip OTI-067/077 Oak Drivers (3/95) op9000.zip Orchid's P9000 Windows driver release date November 93 orchfa51.zip Orchid Fahrenheit VA/VLB video cards (v5.1) orchid31.zip New Orchid Video Drivers for Windows 3.1 (5/19/92) p2win31.exe 6/15/93 drivers for Orchid ProdesignerIIs video card p9000.exe Orchid P9000 release disk v1.3 [947k] parad31.zip Paradise Drivers for Windows 3.1 paradise.zip Drivers for most of the Paradise video cards pm4drvrs.zip PageMaker4 (?) 640x480x32768/800x600x32768 VGA Drivers pvga1024.exe All Paradise/Western Digital 90c30 drivers (1/18/93) rmdd100.zip Remove Display Driver: lists/deletes unwanted drvrs rtvga01.zip RealTek VGA display card drivers [1.01mb] s3_24b8.zip S3 86C805 Flat Memory Model Win 3.1 Driver 2.4B8 [541k] s3_924.exe drivers for S3-924-based Video cards [1.09mb] s3_928.exe drivers for S3-928-based Video cards [550k] s32win.exe Diamond Stealth 32 Drivers for Windows v1.02 [955kb] s3c805.zip S3FLAT.DRV v2.21 for S3C805 VLB card [692kb] s3nt35.zip STB's S3 NT Drivers for Pwrgrph X-24,VL-24,Pegasus VL s3ref212.zip Util to set refresh on 86C864/868/964/968/764/732 s3refrsh.zip Util to set refresh on 86C801/805/928 s3t13b8.zip S3 764, Trio 32 and Trio 64 Windows 3.x driver v1.3B8 s3win174.zip v1.74 drivers for S3 86C911 and 86C924 chipsets s3win230.zip 2.3B11- S3 Flat Model Windows Driver Disk1-04/25/94 sd1024.zip 1024x760 ProII Driver for Ventura Publisher setbus.zip Speed up Tseng-based video cards with dual monitors sko1430.exe Tweeks 800x600 ProDesigner board w/Seiko 1430 Display ss64_201.zip SpeedStar 64 drivers (ver 2.01) [1.2m] sspro.exe SpeedStar PRO Drivers st2430.exe v3.00 drivers for the Diamond Stealth 24 [883k] stbwin31.zip STB PowerGraph and ERGO Video Drivers stl24201.zip Stealth 24 drivers (v2.01) for bios 2.00 stl24v30.zip Ver 3.00 of the drivers disk for Diamond Stealth 24 stlben.zip Diamond Stealth VRAM Benchmark Results stlbwn31.zip BETA windows 3.1 drivers for the Stealth VRAM cards stlp30.exe Diamond Stealth Pro Video Drivers - Version 3.00 stpro2.exe Beta drivers V3.0 for Diamond Stealth Pro [835k] sv800.zip Generic 800x600x16 SVGA Driver for Windows 3 svga.exe Generic SVGA drivers (4/93) svgapen.exe SVGA drivers that are compatible with PenWindows switch.zip Switcher: Windows Video Mode Switcher swan.zip Swan Computers VGA Video Drivers t3600256.zip Tseng ET-3000 800x600x256 Windows3 driver tds3.zip S3.DLL File for S3 Chip Support tri141b5.zip S3 86c764/732 (Trio64 and Trio32) drivers trident.zip Ver C4.50S/May 1993 TRIDENT TVGA8900CL/9200CX Drivers tvgaw31a.zip Final Drivers for All Trident8900c/9000 Cards (1 of 2) tvgaw31b.zip Final Drivers for All Trident8900c/9000 Cards (2 of 2) tweak3.zip Run 800x600x16 on Standard VGA Cards twinet54.zip Diamond SpeedSTAR video drivers (dated 10-31-91) uc51_1.zip 12/93 Util/DOS drv for 8900CL/D + 9200CXr (1/2) [537k] uc51_2.zip 12/93 Util/DOS drv for 8900CL/D + 9200CXr (2/2) [553k] ul61_2.zip Trident 9400CXI chip set Beta drivers v7m1293.exe Latest (12/93) SPEA V7 Mirage Windows Driver Disk v7mirage.exe (rel. 993.0) for the SPEA V7 Mirage graphics card vfwrun.zip Microsoft's Video for Windows runtime vlwn3117.zip STB VL-24 graphics adaptor drivers vmode.zip Select the SONY 1304/Crystal Scan 1024NI as Monitors. vpciwn31.exe Viper PCI Win 3.1 v.3.02 + utilities [603kb] vpr200.exe Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 drivers vprm202.exe version (2.02) of viper vesa drivers and mode setter vpros21.zip A Collection of Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 Drivers vprvesa.zip B rev of VESA driver for the Diamond Viper vprvsf.zip ShareWare VESA driver for the Diamond Viper,v1.2 rev F w256_31.exe Ahead Wizard VGA Drivers for Windows 3.1 w31_3000.exe Orchid ProDesigner+ (512K) Drivers for Win3.1 w31_b13.zip Beta Trident 3.1 Video Drivers (4/27/92) w31dgis.exe Win3.1 Drivers for DGIS Spectragraphics Cards w31et4.zip Windows 3.x drivers for ET-4000 chipset w31ncr.zip NCR 77C22E Chipset Video Drivers w31vga.zip Windows 3.1 ATI video drivers (08/92) w31w32fe.zip ET4000/W32/W32i/W32p Windows 3.1 Video Driver w31w32au.zip Tseng labs ET4000 w32p drivers [638k] w32wnt.zip Tseng Labs W32 Accelerated drivers for Windows NT v3.5 wd_31.zip WD90C31 drivers (March '93) [1.1mb] win22.zip Windows drivers for Actix GE 32 (v2.2c Nov93) win3_16.exe Paradise 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win3_16f.exe Paradise Fast 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win3_256.exe Paradise 256 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win30drv.zip Latest Paradise Chipset Extended Video Drivers win31.zip Video 7 Drivers for Win3.1 (6/12/92 ver) win31acc.zip ATI Windows 3.1 Accelerator Drivers win31xtl.zip ATI Crystal Font Driver for Win31 (7/16/92 ver) win3prod.zip Orchard VGA Drivers win3r17.zip TIGA Windows drivers (Jul 93) win3xdrv.exe Win31 Drivers for Video7 Cards windrvc.zip Latest (03/92) Trident VGA Drivers (8900 chipset) winflow.txt Flowchart for Video Driver Trouble (Trident) winmax.zip VidTech (Weitek) WinMax VGA card drivers (533k) wizard.zip VGA Wizard VGA Drivers wyse700.zip Wy-700 Video Drivers xgav210.zip XGA Windows Drivers Version 2.10 zyvgaw3.zip Zymos Poach VGA (Northgate) Video Drivers