WinDIG Version 2.0 WinDIG is a data digitalization program. Load a Windows bitmap, define a reference system on this bitmap, and get point coordinates. Very useful if you have a scanner. Main features: - Get bitmaps from a file or from the clipboard - Basic bitmap edition functions for small corrections - Manual or fast automatic curve digitalization mode - Configurable data format (normal or exponential) - May handle up to 32767 data - Save digitized data on file or into the clipboard - Any axis system allowed, even tilted, rotated or non-orthogonal ! - Automatic search in any of the 4 directions - Allow also colored curves digitalization - Zoom window for higher pointing accuracy - Supports drag and drop of Windows bitmap files - Full description in a Windows help file - FREE OF CHARGE: no billion of $ to send all over the world... New in version 2.0 : - TWAIN protocol interface, to get bitmaps directly from TWAIN scanners - Load up to 15 different graphic formats, thanks to a great DLL by Joe C. Oliphant - Save and print the current bitmap - Print data - A "grid remove" command, to hide background grids - Bitmap stretching - Undo last digitize - Data numbering option This zip file contains : windig.exe The Windows 3.1 executable windige.hlp The Windows help file grafiles.dll A DLL to load many graphic files example.bmp A little .bmp to use as an example readme.txt This file To install WinDIG : create a new directory, unzip these files in this directory, and add an icon in one of your program manager groups. WinDIG will create a windig.ini file in the same directory, but nothing elsewhere. For network users: you may specify another path for the windig.ini configuration file by specifying the /I option on the command line, i.e.: WINDIG /I=C:\MYDIR will use a windig.ini file in C:\MYDIR To uninstall WinDIG, just remove this directory and the program manager icon. WinDIG is written in TPW 1.5 Uploaded by the author. I would be very glad to know about users of this program. The author : Dominique LOVY Dept. of Physical Chemistry University of GENEVA 30 Quai Ansermet CH-1211 GENEVE 4 SWITZERLAND E-Mail :