To Install WinAux: 1. Copy the WINOX.SYS program to your root directory. 2. Add a line to your config.sys file: device=winox.sys 2. Reboot your computer. You should see the following: ÚÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÂÄÄÄ¿ ³===³ WinAux ³  ³  ³ ÃÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ´ ³ Driver has been ³ ³ installed. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 3. Get into Windows, and run the WinAux program. If you get a client area that is completely BLACK, then you have a working setup. To test WinAux, run a program that sends output to the AUX port, (ie, a program which uses OutputDebugString). Your output should appear in the WinAux client area.