CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO FOR WINDOWS v2.2 -------------------------------------- ** WINNER OF PC PLUS MAGAZINE'S GOLD AWARD (U.K., APRIL 1995) *** (c) 1994-1995, Dr. Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) -------------------------------------------------------------- To install this package, you can either run INSTALL.EXE or SETUP.EXE. If you want to see a sample of the full range of features, then you need to run SETUP.EXE. Files in the package -------------------- 1. INSTALL.EXE (Chief's Installer Pro main executable) 2. SETUP.EXE (loader for INSTALL.EXE) 3. WINSTALL.INF (the INF file) 4. UNINSTAL.EXE (Chief's Windows UNinstaller) 5. WINSTALP.DLL (binary for the "banner" routines) 6. WINSTALZ.DLL (optional binary; required for the UNZIP functions) 7. WINSTALC.DLL (optional and sample ICONS DLL for the installer) 8. WINSTALL.HLP (optional and sample help file for the installer) 9. CTL3DV2.DLL (OPTIONAL DLL for 3D dialogs) 10. WINSTALL.ZIP (contains resource script for WINSTALL.DLL, and (a number of precompiled language DLLs) 11. UNINST.ZIP (contains resource script for UNINST.DLL, and (an English version of the DLL) 12. AUTOCALC.EXE (The Chief's Installer Pro IDE and Project Manager) 13. AUTOCALC.HLP (documentation for AUTOCALC.EXE) 14. AUTODLL.EXE (additional binary for AUTOCALC.EXE) 15. CHIEF.HLP (Help file for Chief's Installer) 16. README.TXT (This file) 17. SHOWLOG.EXE (DOS utility to show contents of LOG file) 18. SHOWLOG.TXT (documentation for SHOWLOG.EXE) 19. SAMPLExx.INF (sample INF files for WINSTALL.INF) 20. FILE_ID.DIZ (ID file for BBS SYSOPS) 21. REGISTER.TXT (Registration information) 22. ORDER.FRM (Order form) 23. TOTOOLZ.EXE (encryption program for credit card orders to Todd Merriman) What is CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO? ------------------------------ Chief's Installer Pro for Windows (hereinafter referred to as "ChiefPro") is an AWARD WINNING program for the installation of Windows applications (i.e., an "off-the-shelf" installation suite). The program will copy files from floppy disks (or a directory on a hard disk) to the destination directory. If the files are compressed with Microsoft's COMPRESS.EXE they will be decompressed automatically. In this respect Chief's Installer Pro uses the routines in LZEXPAND.DLL. If the files are not compressed, they will simply be copied. Chief's Installer Pro also supports ZIP archives with a $UNZIP command. INSTALLATION ------------ You can either; [a] simply copy all the files into a directory, or [b] run SETUP.EXE from Program Manager or File Manager or [c] run INSTALL.EXE from Program Manager or File Manager FEATURES -------- 1. You can install into any combination of the following; (a) ONE destination directory, and subdirectories under it (b) the Windows directory (c) the Windows SYSTEM directory (d) the TEMP directory (e) any other specified directory 2. A maximum of 64 installation disks are supported. 3. ChiefPro will optionally offer to put the destination directory into the "PATH" statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT 4. ChiefPro will optionally create a Program Manager group file, and icons for any supplied file(s) - .EXEs, README files, etc. 5. ChiefPro will optionally run any supplied program(s) during the installation, as part of the installation process. 6. ChiefPro will optionally run any supplied program(s) immediately after the installation is complete 7. The stipulated format of the WINSTALL.INF file must be followed strictly. 8. ChiefPro allows you to supply on-line help for the installation. 9. ChiefPro will check whether there is sufficient space on the target drive 10. ChiefPro will make entries in any INI (or other) file(s) specified by you. 11. ChiefPro provides support for non-English languages 12. ChiefPro provides support for PARTIAL INSTALLATIONS of program. 13. ChiefPro provides support for displaying a "banner" in the background. 14. ChiefPro provides support for displaying a bitmap file, stretched to fill the screen. 15. ChiefPro will optionally check the disks being inserted by the user to verify that they are the correct ones. 16. ChiefPro provides an UNINSTALLER, 17. ChiefPro will check the target directory for the existence of any copy of each file being installed, and will prompt the user for overwrite permission. 18. ChiefPro will check for version information in existing copies of shared binary files, and for date stamps in non-shared files. 19. ChiefPro will use the 3D dialog effects in CTL3DV2.DLL. 20. ChiefPro provides support for restarting Windows if any active shared file was overwritten. 21. ChiefPro provides support for displaying a README file to the user when the installer is executed. 22. ChiefPro provides support for making entries into the the Registration Database. 23. ChiefPro provides limited support for the installation of TrueType fonts. 24. ChiefPro will recursively create subdirectories under the directory tree of the target directory. 25. ChiefPro features a batch language for optional batch file processing. 26. ChiefPro supports UNZIP 27. ChiefPro functions properly under Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, Windows NT 3.x and OS/2. 28. ChiefPro has a new GUI front end (or IDE) and a Project Manager, for managing your installation projects. 29. ChiefPro has support for converting VB Setup Wizard .VBZ files to the Chief's INF format. 30. ChiefPro features a new compiler for INF files and batch files. LICENSE ------- Chief's Installer Pro IS *NOT* FREE SOFTWARE. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chief's Installer Pro is released as SHAREWARE. This means that you may use it, and/or supply it as the installation routine for any of your applications, as long as; ----------- [1] You PAY THE REQUIRED REGISTRATION FEE AND, [2] My name does NOT appear ANYWHERE in your application's documentation - I can not answer questions from any of your customers. The REGISTRATION FEE is £39.99 (U.K. Sterling); or $59.99 (US); or equivalent. SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION ---------------------- You may distribute the package freely to FTP sites, Bulletin Boards, Shareware/Freeware/Public Domain archives, CD-ROMS, Magazine Cover Disks and CD-ROMS, etc. Shareware disk vendors also may also freely freely distribute the package. Distribution of the package in any form (other than as the installation program for your Windows applications), is subject to ALL the following conditions; [1] ALL the files which I have supplied must be included, and [2] NO ATTEMPT must be made to modify or alter ANYTHING in any of the files, and [3] You must not charge ANYTHING for distributing this package (disk vendors may charge a reasonable fee, not exceeding $5 (US) - or equivalent - for media and duplication). Please note the disclaimers below. DISCLAIMER ---------- I DO NOT WARANTEE ANYTHING CONCERNING ANY OF THE PROGRAMS OR FILES WHICH MAKE UP "CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO FOR WINDOWS". I ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSSES OF A PHYSICAL, MENTAL, SOCIAL, FINANCIAL, MARITAL, OR OF WHATEVER NATURE, RESULTING FROM THE USE, OR THE PURPORTED USE OF CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO FOR WINDOWS", OR ANY OF THE FILES IN THE PACKAGE, FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. I DO NOT EVEN WARANTEE THAT THE PROGRAMS WILL NOT KILL YOU. YOU USE CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO FOR WINDOWS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND YOU SUPPLY IT TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS, FAMILY, ACQUAINTANCES, OR ENEMIES, ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF THESE TERMS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO YOU, THEN PLEASE DELETE ALL THE FILES FROM YOUR DISKS IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY. Contact address: ---------------- Dr. Abimbola Olowofoyeku 268 HORWOOD NEWCASTLE STAFFS ST5 5BQ ENGLAND Email: -------------------- Dr. A. Olowofoyeku October 1995 --------------------