CAUTION: Do not use with Windows 95 long filenames! 1. Installation --------------- List of supplied files: 1) BACKER.EXE executable file for Windows 3.x 2) BWCC.DLL dynamic link library for Borland look, (c) by Borland 3) BACKER.HLP online help 4) SYSTEM.BAC demonstration file: Backing up system files to disk 5) TMPBAK.BAC demonstration file: Removing unnecessary files 6) README.TXT this file 7) FILE_ID.DIZ standardized description for BBSes 8) VENDINFO.DIZ standardized description for all purposes First the archive must get decompressed. It is a PKZip archive. Then copy BWCC.DLL into your Windows system directory (usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\), but only if you do not have a newer or same version already. Files 4 thru 8 are not required for operation. 2. Legal information -------------------- This is an unregistered version of the Backer. The only drawback in comparison to the registered version is a reminder screen upon program start. Thus usability is only slightly reduced. This program and its accompanying documentation are Shareware. The Shareware principle states that you may use the product for a limited time or to a limited extent freely, on violation of these limits, however, either erase the product completely from your system or convert it into the registered version by paying the registration fee, then being subject to normal copyright rules without the limitations mentioned. In the case of the Backer the limitation is that you must not use the unregistered version for more than 30 days. Remember: Trust is the foundation of the Shareware principle! All users of the unregistered version of the Backer are granted a limited license to copy the product only for the trial use by themselves or others, provided that the Backer is copied in its full and unmodified form. The copy must include all files necessary to permit full operation of the program. It must also include this documentation. Use of unregistered copies of the Backer by any person in connection with a business, corporation, educational institution, or government agency is forbidden. Such users must register this product. By using the unregistered version of the Backer you acknowledge that you have read and understood this limited license and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. The registered version must not be distributed. 3. Improvements on version 2.7 ------------------------------ Copying up to 20% faster. The main window shows the present configuration. The archive is now named destination directory. Selection allows non- existing and unavailable directories, too. Update actions can be logged: Configuration / Log... Up to 12 workfiles can be loaded and started with the function keys: Configuration / Top Five... The last 4 workfiles used appear directly in the file menu. Position and size of the main window are remembered. The height of the main window is variable. The online help file is compressed and more lucid. New parameter /suppress suppresses messages in automatic mode. Bug corrected: Update onto the same data medium 4. Author --------- Bernd Cordes, Wiesingerweg 34, 20253 Hamburg, Germany Phone/Fax +49 (40) 494370 CompuServe 100334,375, Internet The author is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).See online help, topic 'Registration, legal information, support' / 'ASP ombudsman statement' for information on what the ASP can do for you. -------- 11/18/95