M O Z A R T --------------- Version 1 ------------- V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N ---------------------------------------- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, BBS Sysops and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the MOZART package. ----------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: Program Information: ----------------------------------------------------------- Program Name, Category: ----------------------- MOZART, Windows, Music Processor Application Preferred File Name For BBSs Etc: _________________________________ MOZART is normally distributed as two ZIP archives (so that it will fit on two 720K floppies if required). These should be called "MOZRT10a.ZIP" and "MOZRT10b.ZIP" for version 1.0.x, "MOZRT12a.ZIP" and "MOZRT12b.ZIP" for version 1.2.x, etc. (Version information is found from "About Mozart" on MOZART's Help menu.") Of course, other file name extensions are perfectly acceptable when compression programs other than PKZIP are used. The package must be distributed "as is". You may add your own short promotional files to the package, but no files must be removed from it. Permission to distribute applies only to the "unregistered version" also denoted "evaluation version". The "Standard Edition" and "Virtuoso Edition" are licensed to indiuviduals or sites and are NOT freely distributable. (Edition information is found from the "About Mozart" command on the help menu.) Short Description: ------------------ MOZART is a Music Processor for Windows 3.1. Using only the computer keyboard, you can create and edit sheet music. This can be printed with high-quality TrueType symbols on printers supported by Windows, and appears on the screen in standard notation as a WYSIWYG display. The primary objective of MOZART is to print parts for musicians, but MIDI files can be exported to provide an "aural preview" on multimedia PCs. Features include: instant transposition; automatic default quaver tail groupings; automatic bar-line entry; exporting MIDI files either "straight" or with "swing"; extensive on- line help. MOZART is Shareware. Long Description: ----------------- MOZART is a Music Processor for Windows 3.1. Using only the computer keyboard, you can create and edit sheet music. This can be printed with high-quality TrueType symbols on printers supported by Windows, and appears on the screen in standard notation as a WYSIWYG display. The primary objective of MOZART is to print parts for musicians, but MIDI files can be exported to provide an "aural preview" on multimedia PCs. Features include: - automatic alignment of notes in parallel parts; - automatic bar-line entry; - automatic default quaver tail groupings; - cut, copy, paste; - dotted and double-dotted notes/rests; - editable titles, headers, and footers; - exporting MIDI files either "straight" or with "swing"; - instant transposition; - keyboard shortcuts for most common commands; - note accents available include: ^ > - (tenuto) . (staccato); - note/rest symbols from breve down to hemidemisemiquaver; - rapid note positioning using the cursor keys; - treble, bass, alto, and tenor clef options; - triplets and other multiplets; - TrueType symbols; - up to 3 simultaneous parts on the Shareware version; - up to 64 parts on the "virtuoso" non-shareware version; - user-definable "swing" styles; - extensive on-line context-sensitive help. MOZART is Shareware. A "virtuoso" non-shareware version is available. System Requirements ------------------- MOZART will run on any computer supporting Windows 3.1, although a fast 486-based computer is strongly recommended. MOZART does a lot of drawing (blitting) to the screen and an accelerated video card enhances scrolling speed. MOZART runs under both Windows NT and OS/2 without problems. Music can be printed on any dot-matrix, ink-jet or laser printer supported by Windows. Reasonable quality results can be obtained even from a 9-pin dot-matrix printer. MOZART requires less than 2MB of disk space. Registration information: ------------------------- For full information about registering MOZART, please refer to the separate registration file (register.wri) and to the topic "Mozart versions available" in the on-line help of the evaluation copy. Author/Publisher Information: ----------------------------- MOZART is written by: Dave Webber 484 Warrington Road Culcheth Warrington WA3 5RA UK Internet: dave@musical.demon.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: Distribution Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------- Disk Vendor Information: ------------------------ Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who wish to distribute MOZART must comply with the following restrictions: Permission to distribute is granted only for the "unregistered version" also denoted "evaluation version". The "Standard Edition" and "Virtuoso Edition" are licensed to individuals or sites and are NOT freely distributable. (Edition information is found from the "About Mozart" command on the help menu.) If the version of the program that you have is more than 12 months old, please contact the author before distributing the package, since it is likely that a more recent version will be available. You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogues, or other literature which describes our products as "FREE SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software; it is not free. CD-ROM Distribution: -------------------- MOZART may be incorporated in CD-ROM collections provided that the complete package is included, and it is made clear that it is NOT "Free Software". If the version of the program that you have is more than 12 months old, please contact the author before distributing the package, since it is likely that a more recent version of the program will be available. Please Help Us Serve You Better: -------------------------------- We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding MOZART. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalogue descriptions, or other information you print or distribute regarding the MOZART package. Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware marketing concept. -oOo-