Statistics Help File (STATS1.HLP) --------------------------------- This file is a Microsoft Windows Help file designed to work with version 3.1 of Windows. It should also work with later versions. It can be operated from a floppy disk or a hard disk in one of the ways given under a. INTALLATION below. It was written by Dr. John Fry and Miss. Rebecca Playle (School of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales College of Cardiff, P.O. Box 915, Cardiff CF1 3TL, UK. E-Mail: FRY@CARDIFF.AC.UK) in the summer of 1992 with the financial support of a teaching grant from the Society for General Microbiology. You are free to use this file or to pass it on to others. If you do pass it on please give the readme.txt file as well. The help file and those that accompany it must not be sold. You can use them on any number of machines for personal use or for teaching. USING THE HELP FILE a. INSTALLATION ***** Make a copy of the file before use! ********* Ways of using the file after loading windows. 1. Double click on the filename in the File Manager window. 2. Select an appropriate Program Group in Program Manager. Click the title bar of that group. Click the File and then Properties commands from the Menu bar. Type the following into the dialog box lines as follows: Description: Statistics Help Command Line: c:\utils\stats1.hlp Working Directory: c:\utils N.B. This assumes the File is in the a subdirectory called UTILS on drive C:. Then click the OK box. You can then run the program by double-clicking on the ? Statitics Help icon that appears in the Program group selected. 3. Click on or create a program item (see 2. above) for the WINHELP.EXE file, that is in your Windows directory. Using the File/Open command from the menu bar of Winhelp you can run STATS1.HLP or any other Windows Help file (they all have the extension .hlp). B. GENERAL INFORMATION This file works like an ordinary Windows Help file. Intructions for use will be found by clicking BEGINNERS in the first screen. A list of Contents is found by clicking CONTENTS in the first screen. Detailed Help on using Help files is found by clicking Help on the Menu bar while running the file. Basically, you move from place to place in the file by clicking the green underlined text or the 3-D buttons with words like DETAILS, CONTINUE, FINISHED etc. A small hand shaped icon appears over these active jump switches when the mouse pointer is moved over them. The Help file covers topics in Oneway and factorial analysis of variance, and bivariate and multiple regression. WARNING: This is not a perfect product, as there are a few minor errors in it. There are also a few jumps that do not lead anywhere. However, the Help file should still be very useful. If you like the style of the Help file then more detail of these and other statistics can be found in the following book. This book uses the same style of approach and my students have found it very useful. Fry, J.C. (1993) Biological Data Analysis a practical approach. IRL Press, Oxford. Price paperback £27.50, hardback £50 in 1994. [N.B. A computer disk accompanies the book which has all the data files and small program files (e.g. Minitab macros etc.) used in the book. These files come on a disk with the hardback edition but not with the paperback, although they are available free from the publisher. For convienience I enclose them on this disk in the subdirectory called BOOKFILE.] John C. Fry 17 April 1994