Territory Definition OzGIS allows new zones (polygons) to be formed by accumulating basic zones (usually Census or postal districts). Both the geographic boundary line segments and the related attribute data can be accumulated into the higher zones. Common applications are the definition of sales territories and design of franchise areas. The basic requirement is to define a list of base zones for each territory e.g. a list of Census districts in each electorate. The list can be input as data into OzGIS and/or can be interactively generated on the screen. This map was generated by displaying the base zones (red lines) on the screen, giving the territories names, and selecting the zones with the cursor. A common requirement is to "balance" territories (e.g. so all salesmen have similar numbers of clients) so an attribute is usually used to quantise and colour the map during the process. Zones can be shuffled interactively between the territories. The results are stored as files for subsequent modification and the data preparation facilities are used to accumulate the base zone data.