Spatial Operations Some basic spatial operations can be carried out between the objects in two input geographic files, with the resultant objects being output to a new geographic file. . Intersection of points with polygons For example, extract all sightings (points) of the wedgetail eagle within vegetation type 100 (polygons). For example extract all retail sites within competitor's store catchments (polygons). This is a point-in-polygon operation i.e. the points in one file that lie inside any of the polygons in the second file are selected. . Intersection of lines with polygons For example, select all roads that are within the franchise area. (then match addresses) This is a crossing operation i.e. the parts of any lines that cross (are inside of) the polygons in the other file are output. . Intersection of polygons with polygons For example, Extract polygons that have soil types (feature codes) 500 to 600 and forest trees feature codes 77 to 88. For example, Extract Census districts within the digitised areas covered by all hospitals. The polygons that are the overlapped parts of any pairs of polygons from the two files are output (an AND operation) . Union of polygons with polygons. For example, Extract polygons that have soil types 500 to 600 or forest trees feature codes 77 to 88 Pairs of polygons from the two input files that overlap are merged to form new polygons. Those that do not overlay are output as is. The example map shows (white lines) the polygons that are in both fields and wet lands.