Canberra The OzGIS system was designed with the idea that you need to display maps to help you make decisions. Hard copy maps are produced only to show other people. Data analysis is the aim. In particular, maps enable you to consider "where" as well as "how much". Where are the best markets? Where should a new hospital be built? Are retail outlets performing according to the people living near them? Are areas with high insurance claims justifiable? Do wombats always live near swamps? OzGIS provides the facilities to manipulate maps to produce displays that best show the features of the data. For example, many ways are provided to assign data to classes (and hence colours), and many ways to add other data to maps, change map layouts, and to interrogate displayed maps. Many facilities are also provided to import data, prepare data for display, export data to other systems, and to print and plot maps. Nice maps are not always good maps; but OzGIS enables you to explore your data and display it in appropriate ways. For example, the next map is of Canberra. Its a nice bright map, and looks nice as it has approximately equal areas of each colour because the classes were quantised using deciles.