Curve fitting with nonlin regression & splines, D.Hyams
Index of /unzipped/science/cvxpt114/
Curve fitting with nonlin regression & splines, D.Hyams
- beanroot.da_
- 231 12-02-95
- bwcc.dl_
- 43434 12-02-95
- car.da_
- 169 12-02-95
- ctl3dv2.dl_
- 10325 12-02-95
- curves.in_
- 778 12-02-95
- curvlib.dl_
- 8799 12-02-95
- curvres.dl_
- 38501 12-02-95
- curxpt.ex_
- 133572 12-02-95
- curxpt.hl_
- 208162 12-02-95
- density.da_
- 556 12-02-95
- diagext.dl_
- 19612 12-02-95
- eta.da_
- 1514 12-02-95
- file_id.diz
- 565 12-02-95
- fimain.ex_
- 89561 12-02-95
- history.txt
- 9143 12-02-95
- install.exe
- 35344 12-02-95
- install.hl_
- 6818 12-02-95
- kcopper.da_
- 60 12-02-95
- kviscous.da_
- 243 12-02-95
- llatsni.ex_
- 56632 12-02-95
- lzpunz.dll
- 19984 12-02-95
- onion.da_
- 448 12-02-95
- prandtl.da_
- 225 12-02-95
- readme.txt
- 5908 12-02-95
- reynold.da_
- 8828 12-02-95
- sales.da_
- 163 12-02-95
- tank.da_
- 4949 12-02-95
- tconduct.da_
- 234 12-02-95
- temptime.da_
- 427 12-02-95
- vendor.txt
- 3602 12-02-95
- viscous.da_
- 253 12-02-95