Splot v2.20 the pen plotter simulator (HP7475A) (good)
Index of /unzipped/plot/splt220w/
Splot v2.20 the pen plotter simulator (HP7475A) (good)
- about.txt
- 4038 06-01-93
- ascii.plt
- 6173 06-01-93
- demo.plt
- 17842 06-01-93
- file_id.diz
- 394 06-01-93
- licence.txt
- 7031 06-01-93
- order.txt
- 2384 06-01-93
- plotters.txt
- 30521 06-01-93
- readme.txt
- 1519 06-01-93
- splotc.dll
- 23678 06-01-93
- sploten.hlp
- 275783 06-01-93
- splotl.dll
- 33280 06-01-93
- splotp.dll
- 11264 06-01-93
- splotw.exe
- 112640 06-01-93
- tests/