01000 0000 0000 UNK UNK Ars Longa Group 01001 AS YOU LIKE IT (tm) LIBRARY 02000 1838 1926 UNK PHI Abbott, Edwin 02001 Flatland 02800 -599 -500 GRE KID Aesop 02801 Aesop's Fables 03200 1832 1888 USA KID Alcott, Louisa May 03202 Flower Fables 03400 1832 1899 USA DRA Alger, Horatio 03401 Cast Upon The Breakers 04400 0000 0000 UNK KID Anonymous 04404 Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp 04400 0000 0000 UNK UNK Anonymous 04401 The King James' Bible 04406 The Book of Mormon 04407 Deutercanonical Books of the Bible/Apocrypha 06400 1775 1817 ENG DRA Austen, Jane 06401 Mansfield Park 06402 Northanger Abbey 06403 Persuasion 06404 Emma 06405 Sense and Sensibility 06600 1561 1626 ENG PHI Bacon, Francis 06602 The New Atlantis 06800 1860 1937 SCO KID Barrie, James Matthew 06801 Peter Pan 07200 1856 1919 USA KID Baum, Lyman Frank 07201 The Marvelous Land of Oz 07202 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 08000 1640 1689 ENG UNK Behn, Aphra 08001 Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave 11200 1818 1848 ENG DRA Bronte, Emily 11201 Wuthering Heights 11800 1628 1688 ENG DRA Bunyan, John 11801 The Pilgrim's Progress 12200 1829 1924 USA KID Burnett, Frances Hodgson 12201 A Little Princess 12202 Sara Crewe 12203 The Secret Garden 12400 1875 1950 USA ADV Burroughs, Edgar Rice 12401 At the Earth's Core 12402 The Beasts of Tarzan 12403 The Gods of Mars 12404 Jungle Tales of Tarzan 12405 The Lost Continent 12406 The Monster Men 12407 A Princess of Mars 12408 The Return of Tarzan 12409 The Son of Tarzan 12410 Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar 12411 Tarzan of the Apes 12412 Thuvia, Maid of Mars 12413 The Warlord of Mars 13400 1568 1639 ITA PHI Campanella, Tommaso 13401 The City of the Sun 13600 1832 1898 ENG KID Carroll, Lewis 13601 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 13602 The Hunting of the Snark 13604 Through the Looking Glass 13800 1873 1947 USA DRA Cather, Willa 13801 Alexander's Bridge 13802 O Pioneers! 13803 The Song of the Lark 14800 1874 1936 ENG PHI Chesterton, Gilbert Keith 14801 Orthodoxy 14802 The Innocence of Father Brown 14900 1851 1904 USA DRA Chopin, Kate 14901 The Awakening and Other Short Stories 16000 1772 1834 ENG POE Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 16004 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 16400 1824 1889 ENG DRA Collins, Wilkie 16402 The Moonstone 16403 The Haunted Hotel 17000 1857 1924 ENG DRA Conrad, Joseph 17001 Heart of Darkness 17002 Lord Jim 17005 Secret Sharer 17800 1871 1900 USA DRA Crane, Stephen 17803 The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War 18800 1809 1882 ENG SCI Darwin, Charles Robert 18803 The Voyage of the Beagle 19600 1596 1650 FRA PHI Descartes, Rene 19601 Discourse on Reason 19800 1812 1870 ENG KID Dickens, Charles 19801 A Christmas Carol 19802 The Chimes 19803 The Cricket on the Hearth 19805 Second Violin 19800 1812 1870 ENG DRA Dickens, Charles 19806 A Tale of Two Cities 20400 1817 1895 USA HIS Douglass, Frederick 20401 The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave 20402 Collected Articles 20403 My Bondage and My Freedom 20600 1860 1937 FRA UNK Doumic, Rene 20601 George Sand, Some Aspects of her Life and Writings 20800 1859 1930 ENG ADV Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir 20801 A Study in Scarlet 20802 The Sign of Four 20803 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 20804 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 20805 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 20806 Hound of the Baskervilles 20807 The Valley of Fear 20808 His Last Bow 20809 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 20810 The Lost World 20811 The Poison Belt 20800 1859 1930 ENG UNK Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir 20812 Through the Magic Door 22000 1819 1880 ENG DRA Eliot, George 22001 Middlemarch 24401 Autobiography 24800 1856 1898 UNK UNK Frederic, Harold 24801 The Damnation of Theron Ware 26000 1860 1935 USA UNK Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 26001 Herland 27400 1757 1804 USA HIS Hamilton, Alexander 27401 The Federalist Papers 27800 1840 1928 ENG DRA Hardy, Thomas 27801 Far from the Madding Crowd 27802 The Mayor of Casterbridge 27803 Return of the Native 27804 Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman 27805 Jude the Obscure 28000 1804 1864 USA DRA Hawthorne, Nathaniel 28001 The House of the Seven Gables 28002 The Scarlet Letter 28400 1862 1910 USA DRA Henry, O. 28401 The Gift of the Magi 28800 -460 -377 GRE PHI Hippocrates 28802 Hippocratic Oath and Law 30000 1863 1933 ENG DRA Hope, Anthony 30001 The Prisoner of Zenda 30300 1837 1920 USA DRA Howells, William Dean 30301 The Rise of Silas Lapham 30600 1802 1885 FRA DRA Hugo, Victor 30601 Les Miserables 30800 1711 1776 SCO PHI Hume, David 30801 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 31400 1783 1859 USA DRA Irving, Washington 31402 Legend of Sleepy Hollow 31600 1842 1910 USA PHI James, William 31601 Essays in Radical Empiricism 31800 1843 1916 USA DRA James, Henry 31801 Confidence 31802 The Europeans 31804 Roderick Hudson 31807 The American 35200 1865 1936 ENG DRA Kipling, Rudyard 35201 The Jungle Book 36400 1844 1912 SCO KID Lang, Andrew 36401 The Arabian Night's Entertainments 37000 1868 1927 FRA DRA Leroux, Gaston 37001 The Phantom of the Opera 37200 1885 1951 USA DRA Lewis, Sinclair 37201 Our Mr. Wrenn, or The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man 38000 1807 1882 USA POE Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 38002 The Song of Hiawatha 39800 1818 1883 GER PHI Marx, Karl 39801 Communist Manifesto 40600 1819 1891 USA DRA Melville, Herman 40603 Moby Dick 40800 1806 1873 ENG PHI Mill, John Stuart 40801 On liberty 41000 1892 1950 USA POE Millay, Edna St. Vincent 41001 Renascence, and Other Poems 41400 1608 1674 ENG POE Milton, John 41402 Paradise Lost 41403 Paradise Regained 42200 1874 1942 CAN KID Montgomery, Lucy Maud 42201 Anne of Avonlea 42202 Anne of Green Gables 42203 Anne of the Island 42400 1779 1863 USA KID Moore, Clement Clarke 42401 The Night before Christmas: A Visit from St. Nicholas 42600 1478 1535 ENG PHI More, Thomas, Sir 42601 Utopia 42800 1890 1957 USA SAT Morley, Christopher 42801 Parnassus on Wheels 42802 The Haunted Bookshop 43000 1834 1896 ENG POE Morris, William 43002 The Well at the World's End 43600 1870 1902 USA DRA Norris, Frank 43602 McTeague 43800 1865 1947 UNK DRA Orczy, Emmuska, Baroness 43801 The Scarlet Pimpernel 44200 1737 1809 USA HIS Paine, Thomas 44203 Common Sense 45600 -428 -347 GRE PHI Plato 45602 Crito 45603 The Republic 46200 1809 1849 USA DRA Poe, Edgar Allan 46201 The Cask of Amontillado 46203 The Pit and the Pendulum 46206 The Tell-tale Heart 46400 1868 1920 UNK KID Porter, Eleanor Hodgman 46401 Just David 47300 1883 1959 UNK DRA Rohmer, Sax 47301 The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu 47900 1762 1824 USA UNK Rowson, Susanna 47901 Charlotte Temple 50000 1771 1832 SCO DRA Scott, Walter, Sir 50002 Ivanhoe 50200 1874 1958 UNK UNK Service, Robert William 50202 The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses 50400 1564 1616 ENG DRA Shakespeare, William 50401 The Comedies 50402 The Histories 50403 The Tragedies 50404 The Poems and The Sonnets 51000 1797 1851 ENG ADV Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 51001 Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus 51400 1878 1968 USA DRA Sinclair, Upton 51401 The Jungle 52600 -496 -406 GRE DRA Sophocles 52604 The Oedipus Trilogy 53200 1808 1887 UNK UNK Spooner, Lysander 53201 No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority 54000 1850 1894 SCO ADV Stevenson, Robert Louis 54002 Treasure Island 54004 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 54005 A Child's Garden of Verses 54200 1845 1912 ENG ADV Stoker, Bram 54201 Dracula 54300 1811 1896 USA DRA Stowe, Harriet Beecher 54301 Uncle Tom's Cabin 54400 1863 1924 UNK KID Stratton-Porter, Gene 54402 Freckles 54403 A Girl of the Limberlost 55000 -599 -500 CHI PHI Sun-tzu 55001 On the Art of War 57000 1817 1862 USA PHI Thoreau, Henry David 57001 Civil Disobedience 57005 Walden, or Life in the Woods 57800 1835 1910 USA HUM Twain, Mark 57801 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 57802 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 57803 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 57804 Extracts from Adam's Diary 57805 A Ghost Story 57806 The Great Revolution in Pitcairn 57807 Mark Twain's Speeches 57808 My Watch 57809 A New Crime 57810 Niagra 57811 Political Economy 57812 The Prince and the Pauper 57814 Tom Sawyer Abroad 57815 Tom Sawyer, Detective 57816 The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson 57817 A Tramp Abroad 57818 What Is Man? and Other Essays 57819 The $30,000 Bequest 58800 1828 1905 FRA ADV Verne, Jules 58801 Around the World in 80 days 58802 From the Earth to the Moon 58805 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 59000 -070 -019 ITA POE Virgil 59001 The Aeneid 60000 1856 1915 USA HIS Washington, Booker T. 60001 Up from Slavery: An Autobiography 60300 0000 0000 UNK UNK Webster, Jean 60301 Daddy-Long-Legs 60400 1866 1946 ENG ADV Wells, H. G. 60402 The Time Machine 60403 War of the Worlds 60404 The Island of Doctor Moreau 60900 1862 1937 UNK UNK Wharton, Edith 60901 Summer 62400 1759 1797 ENG DRA Wollstonecraft, Mary 62401 Maria, or The Wrongs of Woman 62600 1882 1941 ENG DRA Woolf, Virginia 62601 The Voyage Out 62800 1770 1850 ENG POE Wordsworth, William 62801 Collected Verse