Index of /unzipped/misc/
- 16550_10/
- Ignore the FIFO enable bits in the 16550A IIR
- ahandy11/
- 30 utilities, games etc. in one single program, nag
- arch308/
- Archives v3.08; the compressed file manager
- ayli12/
- As You Like It Windows E-book reader
- ccizip20/
- CCiZip v2.0 archive file manager (good)
- ccwin31/
- Crossword Compiler for Windows, A.Lewis
- color12/
- Color My World - multimedia tutor abt colors for children
- elana11/
- Elana v1.1 sys config tool
- enigma11/
- Enigma v1.1 (german version) encrypt/decrypt
- fixgrp/
- FixGroup; fix group files when moving
- freemem/
- Freemem v1.0 show amount of free memory
- fundmn83/
- Portfolio management with graphs and reports
- gander10/
- GANDER v1.0 text and binary file viewer (ASCII & HEX)
- lifepl5a/
- LifePlan for maintaining your personal goals
- mod1/
- Delrina's (Winfax Pro) beta release of mod.exe V.32bis
- morecn/
- More Control v1.1 Control Panel enhancement (good)
- ot170/
- One Touch II glucometer data application, K.Uusitalo
- paramd15/
- Paramind, configurable brainstorming program
- qnzip21/
- QuinZip v2.1 Windows Zip/UnZip util
- strack12/
- SofTrack - software/hardware inventory database
- tm/
- Taskman v1.0 replace Windows task manager
- ucook10/
- The USENET Cookbook in WinHelp format
- wexit12e/
- Windows Exit Button v1.2 (good)
- winzoo21/
- Zoo v2.1 for Windows
- wnspd/
- Winspeed v1.0 Windows 3.0 performance anal tool
- wotd_201/
- What happened on this day (historical database)
- wuna222/
- Windows Unarchive v2.22 (ZIP ARJ)
- wunz20x/
- Freeware windows unzipper version 2.0 (good)
- zm301/