/~~~\ /\ !~~~~\ /~~~\ !\ /! ( / \ ! ) ( ) ! \ / ! ) !____! !____/ ) ( ! \/ ! ( ! ! ! \ ( ) ! ! \___/ ! ! ! \_; \___/ ! ! Version 1.0 (C) Copyright Csaba M rkus, 1994 This program lets you play the CAROM billiard game within Windows. I tried to make it as realistic as possible and keep it simple, too. This means that I put as much physics into it as I thought it was reasonable. The only thing I couldn't figure out from the theorems of physics is what happens with the top spin and the backward rotation of a ball when it hits a cushion, so this part was made on an experimental basis. I don't include any comments on how to use the program, you just try it and see. Have a look at the help text as well, it's worth it... Sorry, but there is a small pause after pressing the "Take Shot" button. However, it's all right on a 40 Mhz 386 and if you've got a 66 Mhz 486 or a Pentium, you won't know what I'm talking about... !~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~! ! To those who are interested in the source and the making of this program: ! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! \ The program was developed in Borland C 3.1, in the integrated / ) environment under Windows. So there is no makefile, but there is ( / the project file which you should use if you want to recompile. \ ! ! !___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___---~~~---___! I am looking forward to hearing your comments about this software. Just drop an e-mail. Thanks! Enjoy carom. Comment #1: I've never played carom in the reality, but I play snooker once a week. I suggest trying snooker as well as watching top players to everybody. It's great! Comment #2: The best billiard program for the pc is Archer Maclean's "Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker". If you disagree, let me know. Csabi (pronounced exactly as the *word* "chubby") E-mail: ethcms@duna.ericsson.se Home: H-9600 S rv r, Szatm r u. 4, Hungary