Educational games
Index of /unzipped/educgame/
Educational games
- 1merlin/
- Board style game - find treasures and get them to destination
- amaze321/
- Amazeing v3.21 3D, find a way out of the maze
- aquiz00/
- Quiz program with facility to create your own questions
- arachnid/
- Arachnid card game, I.Heath
- bcubes/
- BrainCubes, remember and repeat button sequences, M.Dvorkin
- bg4win30/
- Traditional Backgammon against computer, G.Sutty
- bog/
- Bog, Boggle-like word finding game, E.Bergman-Terrell
- butmad/
- Button Madness puzzle, D.Palmer
- carom10/
- A carom billiards simulator with C source, C.Markus
- cartiv20/
- Cartivor, package of 100 solitaire type games
- crypto20/
- Cryptogram puzzle game, K.Reek
- cstone1/
- Cornerstone puzzle by F.Poulin
- deapsea/
- Familiar grid game - find ships before yours are found
- draw530/
- Draw 5 v3.0 video poker
- eurwin22/
- "Europe!" Version 2.2 for Windows
- gaz1/
- Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman
- gaz2/
- Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman
- gaz3/
- Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman
- hangman/
- Hangman word guessing game for Windows
- math090/
- This is a Windows math program for anybody 2-years & above
- maxit101/
- A Game of skill, wit, mathmatics, G. Klemans
- mind12b/
- Another MasterMind for Windows, D.Slamnig
- mines/
- Minefield game, I.Heath
- mrmind/
- MasterMind Logic Game
- poker/
- Draw Poker, A.Haroutunian
- puzzle11/
- Sliding Tile Puzzle (pictures, BMPs as tiles), P.Beckingham
- pzl8/
- Sliding puzzle (numbers as tiles), E.Bergman-Terrell
- stwv150/
- Story Twister for Windows Version 1.50
- taipei/
- Taipei (mahjong), by D.Norris
- w_hop/
- Hop-Over puzzle, D.Feinleib
- watorw/
- Windows fish & sharks population evolution game, L.Kovach
- winpoker/
- Windows Poker v1.0
- winpool3/
- Winpool v1.3 billiards
- winprobl/
- Finger problems puzzle
- winzee/
- Yahtzee dice game for windows v2.21
- wmake5/
- Wmake5 v1.0 5-in-a-row game
- yat105/
- Yet Another Tetris v1.05 for Win3