Nutty Edit version 1.1 ---------------------- Copyright 1995 right? Joshua Chan This is basically a text editor. It has a few more functions than the normal text editor (Notepad) that comes with Windows. Eg. Font changing, insert an ASCII character, search and replace (notepad could not replace), and the status and button bars. This program is ThankYouWare. To say thank you, please send $5 to the following address: Joshua Chan 12-G St Martin's Drive Singapore 1025 Internet: License Agreement ----------------- You may not make any changes or modifications to Nutty Edit. This program may be freely copied and distributed, as long as this text file is always included with the executable. Disclaimer ---------- All standard disclaimers and stuff apply. Revision History ---------------- Nutty Edit v1.0 -May 1995 -Initial Release Version -This version had some bugs with the Find & Replace. Nutty Edit v1.1 -August 1995 -Find & Replace bugs fixed. -The source code for v1.0 was lost, so I had to do this one from scratch again. -Changes were made to the button bar, status bar, Find & Replace and Insert ASCII Character.