Welcome to ExeCute. This is my first Windows program, and also the first time that I have used Visual Basic. I would, therefore, be grateful for any comments and advise concerning this program. It has taken about 15-20 hours over the last fortnight, and although it looks simple, it has quite a few 'nice' touches to it. Ultimately, it is a fast program executer, and is best used by including it in the startup group. Double clicking on its icon brings up a simple file choice window, and clicking on an executable file will minimise ExeCute and launch that program. With a standard Windows setup, the only other way to do this is with the File Manager or the Program Manager RUN command. ExeCute is quicker than FileMan and simpler than ProgMan. As with both ProgMan and FileMan, when ExeCute finds a file that cannot be executed, it will check the WIN.INI file for associations. For example, if you try to launch SYSTEM.INI and you have asssociated .INI files with NOTEPAD, it will execute NOTEPAD with SYSTEM.INI as the document. There is also a delete facility, and if you select a file and then click on the delete button, it will give you the option of deleting that file or cancelling. The delete button also works with wildcards, so if you select delete with the *.EXE file mask, it will list all of the files that will be deleted if you select OK. As well as mouse support, there is also an input field that can be quickly selected using Alt-F. This allows you to manually change directories, select file masks and launch programs. In the input field, if you type a filename without an extension it will try to work out which file you mean. It will first check in the current directory, and then check all the directories on your PATH. If it doesn't find an executable file, it will try to change to that directory. If it fails this it will give a 'Directory does not exist' error message. This will seem a strange message, but I haven't figured a way around it yet. Any ideas ? :) Finally, I have added a time display to the title bar, so that when minimised, you can have the time on the screen. This utility was written with my needs in mind, however, if there is anything you feel could add to its usefulness, please feel free to contact me. My details are behind the ABOUT button. ExeCute is FREE so do with it as you wish. It has been tested under most resolutions, but only with Windows 3.1. If you do use it under Windows 3.0 I'd like to know how well (or badly) it works. This was written using Visual Basic 1.0 (can't afford 2.0), and although I can program in C, C++, Mumps, COBOL, and Pascal, it has been a while since I used BASIC. For a few hours work, I'm amazed at what I have achieved. If you want to write quick utilities for Windows invest in VB, its worth it.