What is DeskTools?

DeskTools is a PIM, a Personal Information Manager. It has similar features as 
the commercial packages but with a much smaller price. DeskTools is a shareware 
program with a fee of US $35. DeskTools offers the following features:

	* Multiple document application
	* Telephone directory lists
		* Unlimited number of records
		* Three phone numbers per record
		* Home and business address
		* Dial out capabilities
		* Print mailing labels of any size
		* Print envelopes of any size
		* Print rolodex cards
		* Print telephone directory in compact and expanded format
		* Sort telephone records by first name, last name and company
		* Import text files
		* Export lists to text or database format
		* Merge two existing lists
	* Reminder lists
		* Unlimited number of records
		* Recurring events in calendars
		* Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly calendars
		* Prioritized to-do list
		* Print calendars in different formats
		* Alarms
		* Color coded days in monthly calendars
	* Glossary Lists
		* Unlimited number of records
		* Store chunk of text up to 4K in each record
		* Sort records by date and title
		* Print diskette labels (3.5')
		* Import text files
		* Export lists to text or database format
		* Merge two existing lists
	* Small text editor
		* 32K limit on each document
		* Word wrapping

Installation notes.

The archive comes with a program called setup.exe which will install DeskTools 
for you in the following manner. Double-click on setup.exe. It will create a 
sub directory called DESKTOOL, it will then copy the files desktool.exe, 
desktool.hlp, readme.txt, and order.txt in this sub directory. It will then create a 
program group called DeskTools 1.0 and within this group it will create items 
for the files desktool.exe, desktool.hlp, readme.txt and order.txt. 
The setup.exe program will also copy two additional files into your 
windows/system sub directory.
These files are c4dll.dll (database routines) and ctl3d.dll (3D control 
routines). After setup finishes installing DeskTools you can safely delete 
all files in the archive. 

If you wish to install DeskTools manually, keep in mind that the only important 
files are the following:

	c4dll.dll	database routines
	ctl3d.dll	3D control routines
	desktool.exe	latest version of DeskTool
	desktool.hlp	on-line help document
	readme.txt	this file
	order.txt	order/registration form

All other files are used by the setup program and can be deleted. The DLLs 
should go to your windows/system sub directory. However, they can stay in the 
same sub directory with the application.

Additional Information.

DeskTools is shareware. This means that you are entitled to use DeskTools free 
for 30 days. After 30 days, you must either pay the registration fee ($35), or 
delete the program from your hard disk. Thank you for supporting the shareware 

For additional information read the on-line help document. 

Thank you for using DeskTools.

GMIS Associates