ORDER FORM #GC002010044 Type in the information required on this form and select "Print" from the "File" menu to print it. Name: Company: Address: Country: Phone: GammaCAD PRO is $28.00 ($25.00 + $3.00 shipping) for destinations in the US, Canada and Mexico. It is $36.00 ($25.00 + $11.00 shipping) for all other destinations. If you are a resident of Colorado (USA), add $0.84 (3%) sales tax. Price: Include check or money order (payable to Gamma Software) for the total above or complete the following credit card information. Amounts are in US dollars. Click on the order dialog help button for information on payment options outside the US. Date: Disk Size: __ 3.5" __ 5.25" (type an "x" to select disk size) Payment Method: __ VISA __ MasterCard __ Check __ Money Order Credit Card Number: Expiration date: Name as it appears on card: Mail to: Gamma Software P.O. Box 8191 Fort Collins, CO 80526 U.S.A. Fax to: 970-490-2928 start fax immediately after dialing. Credit card orders: 800-747-9960 or 970-490-2928 Prices and product availability subject to change without notice. Orders shipped within the next business day after receipt. First class mail used within the US and air mail outside the US. Call for alternative shipping charges.