----------------------------------------------------------- Root Directory path: / ----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= Walnut Creek CDROM Butterfly CDROM ============================================================================= readme.txt Documentation regarding this disc docs\ Walnut Creek CDROM documentation and catalog vbrun\ VBRUN Library files for Visual Basic programs unzipped\ Uncompressed Ready-to-Run files zipped\ Compressed files ----------------------------------------------------------- Walnut Creek CDROM documentation and catalog path: /docs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pv.doc 15441 04-22-95 Powerview Image Viewer documentation qpeg386.doc 14434 01-15-95 QPEG Image Viewer documentation acrobat.txt 25981 08-27-95 Adobe Acrobat documentation catalog.txt 45732 07-17-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | English catalog.fre 40520 03-25-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French catalog.ger 44521 07-24-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German catalog.ita 38525 06-15-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | Italian catalog.spa 40882 06-10-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | Spanish catalog.jpn 29684 09-07-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | Japanese catalog.pdf 3374815 04-05-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe | Acrobat format view.doc 6832 03-24-95 Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on | this CDROM ----------------------------------------------------------- Uncompressed Ready-to-Run files path: /unzipped/ ----------------------------------------------------------- artifici\ Neural networks and related material astronom\ Astronomy related programs and utilities bitmaps\ Bitmap pictures comm\ Communication programs and utilities demo\ Demonstrations desktop\ Desktop utilities dlls\ DLL doc\ Various documents drivers\ Drivers editor\ Editors for windows educgame\ Educational games fonts\ Bitmap fonts fontsatm\ atm-fonts fontstt\ TrueType fonts graphics\ Graphics programs and utilities icons\ Icons and related utilities misc\ Warehouse multimed\ Multimedia related programs and utilities plot\ Plotting related material printer\ Printer utilities programm\ Programming material science\ Miscellaneous science related material screen\ Screensavers and screen handling utilities sound\ Sound utilities and some samples source\ Source code material turbopas\ Turbo Pascal material util\ Utilities from broad category winsock\ Windows Sockets (Winsock) applications and utilities ----------------------------------------------------------- Neural networks and related material path: /unzipped/artifici/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ainet100/ Multi-purpose artificial neural network neural22/ Back propagation neural net simulator w/src, | C.Marais ----------------------------------------------------------- Multi-purpose artificial neural network path: /unzipped/artifici/ainet100/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ainet.exe 836064 03-30-95 ainet.hlp 42283 03-30-95 bwcc.dll 157472 04-20-94 exampl2a.csv 119 01-08-95 exampl2a.prd 1093 01-08-95 exampl2b.csv 148 01-08-95 exampl3a.csv 2289 01-18-95 exampl3a.prd 460 01-10-95 exampl3b.csv 1396 01-18-95 exampl3b.prd 276 01-10-95 example1.csv 3295 01-31-95 example1.res 48735 02-01-95 example4.csv 16394 02-05-95 example5.csv 16316 01-08-95 example6.csv 1444 01-18-95 example6.prd 288 01-18-95 file_id.diz 463 03-30-95 hole-ns.csv 5630 01-25-95 hole.csv 6281 03-30-95 hole.prd 2080 01-24-95 manual.doc 1065984 03-30-95 order.txt 2863 03-30-95 readme.txt 8035 02-27-95 register.txt 3686 03-30-95 xor.csv 100 03-30-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Back propagation neural net simulator w/src, path: /unzipped/artifici/neural22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152304 08-11-93 dosdemo2.exe 41728 01-05-94 dosdemo2.pas 6932 01-05-94 readme.txt 1687 04-16-94 slug3.exe 80128 04-16-94 slug3.inc 1812 01-20-94 slug3.pas 41253 04-16-94 slug3.rc 15011 01-20-94 slug3.res 4426 01-20-94 slug3.rws 80843 01-20-94 slughlp3.hlp 21515 01-29-94 toc.rtf 2693 01-05-94 toolkit.inf 2592 04-16-94 toolkit.rtf 647068 01-05-94 xor.dat 126 01-06-94 xor.log 1545 01-29-94 xortest.dat 528 01-06-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Astronomy related programs and utilities path: /unzipped/astronom/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hubble19/ Astronomy Planetarium Simulator, G.Lee skymap30/ SkyMap Win3/Win95 planetarium, C.Marriott ----------------------------------------------------------- Astronomy Planetarium Simulator, G.Lee path: /unzipped/astronom/hubble19/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 24hr-day.mnu 598 04-06-94 bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 cities.dat 423936 06-04-94 cometfil 2140 05-08-94 default.mnu 598 04-17-94 horizon.mnu 598 03-21-94 hubble.exe 447392 01-29-95 hubble.hlp 37384 01-29-95 jupmoons.mnu 598 04-21-94 orbital.mnu 598 04-24-94 order.frm 1242 05-30-94 polaris.mnu 598 04-06-94 starfile.dem 22740 12-11-93 starmap.mnu 598 07-09-94 sunyear.mnu 598 04-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- SkyMap Win3/Win95 planetarium, C.Marriott path: /unzipped/astronom/skymap30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 302 12-21-94 setup.exe 1454080 10-20-95 setup.w02 277368 10-20-95 vendor.txt 12044 12-21-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap pictures path: /unzipped/bitmaps/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bride/ Bitmap (256 color) earth/ Whole Earth in picture (bitmap) hr_012/ 1024*768*256 (neat) mst3k/ Silhouette of Joel & the 'bots from MST3K, | A.Bouvier shutle1s/ 1023x800x256 wallpaper from shuttle1.gif (good) univcolr/ Bitmap wallmac/ Macintosh desktops (BMP) wallppr/ Wallpaper Bitmaps ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap (256 color) path: /unzipped/bitmaps/bride/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bride.bmp 308278 03-07-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Whole Earth in picture (bitmap) path: /unzipped/bitmaps/earth/ ----------------------------------------------------------- earth.bmp 371830 06-09-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1024*768*256 (neat) path: /unzipped/bitmaps/hr_012/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hr-012.bmp 787510 12-04-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Silhouette of Joel & the 'bots from MST3K, path: /unzipped/bitmaps/mst3k/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mst3k.pcx 30580 01-29-94 mst3k640.pcx 15078 01-29-94 mst3k800.pcx 19244 01-29-94 read.me 1260 01-29-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1023x800x256 wallpaper from shuttle1.gif (good) path: /unzipped/bitmaps/shutle1s/ ----------------------------------------------------------- shutle1s.bmp 819994 09-14-91 shutle1s.doc 864 09-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap path: /unzipped/bitmaps/univcolr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- univcolr.bmp 153718 06-15-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Macintosh desktops (BMP) path: /unzipped/bitmaps/wallmac/ ----------------------------------------------------------- colormac.bmp 153718 07-19-90 monomac.bmp 38462 07-19-90 readme.txt 1152 07-19-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wallpaper Bitmaps path: /unzipped/bitmaps/wallppr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atom.bmp 9718 07-08-92 chain.bmp 2518 07-08-92 comp.bmp 2518 07-06-92 dots.bmp 2518 07-06-92 home.bmp 2518 07-06-92 install.bat 557 07-06-92 mirabito.bmp 1558 07-06-92 mug.bmp 2518 07-06-92 readme.txt 608 07-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Communication programs and utilities path: /unzipped/comm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- allov12/ Serial communication program for Windows, | H.Mansur cmm21f/ Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (full) for internet | mail cmm21s/ Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (short) for internet | mail comt101/ Use COM port as telnet modem, req. WinSock 1.1 courier/ Send and receive mail between MS Mail and the | internet fax_v501/ Adds a button to all Windows Programs, | J.Krahmer hottrm01/ A Windows Terminal Enhancer, I.King mlk105/ Microlink term comm program modsta17/ MODEMSTA Modem status iconic indicator, | T.Johansson opmail11/ Windows-based MIME mailer for UUPC, O.P. Jensen pcucp101/ PCUCP v1.01 comm prg between PC & Unix, serial | line Dos+Win pcucp11a/ PCUCP v1.01a comm btw PC & Unix, serial line, Win | 3.x send10a/ IRC - "half-client" for Windows terminal and | dialup IRC snuz100/ Snuz v1.0; simple netnews reading program | (NNTP&SMTP) softerm4/ Complete internet communications package for | Windows uc3d/ Unicom v3.0d term comm program uniqwk21/ UniQWK QWK off-line mail reader v2.1 (multimedia) vcomm225/ Windows telecom program with good interface, T. | Liverseed vocg21_1/ Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 1/3 vocg21_2/ Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 2/3 vocg21_3/ Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 3/3 wdial110/ Wdial autodialer for modems win30k/ Win100 Terminal Emulator v2.4 (Kermit) (only | Com1&2) wmail11a/ WinMail v1.1a; Windows UUPC mail reader wnbff20a/ Windows 3.1 mail notification for | UUPC/Waffle/PMail wnkerm23/ Win100 v2.3; basic comm program wnmail10/ Internet mail prgm wnqvt478/ WinQVT VT220 comm & terminal program v4.78 (good) wr13/ WinRead v1.3 off-line mail reader (good) wrn093/ Windows/Waffle read news v0.93 wv169903/ WinVN Windows news reader version 0.99-3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Serial communication program for Windows, path: /unzipped/comm/allov12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _default.pi_ 191 05-19-94 alloallo.ex_ 138027 08-25-94 alloallo.in_ 1170 08-22-94 allocomm.hl_ 8684 07-21-94 allocomm.tx_ 3045 05-18-94 alloedit.ex_ 14844 08-22-94 alloguid.tx_ 12170 05-15-94 allomain.hl_ 12416 07-24-94 alloport.tx_ 1194 05-18-94 alloreg.tx_ 2308 08-22-94 cmdialog.vb_ 10865 04-28-93 commdlg.dl_ 54547 11-01-93 ddeml.dl_ 23560 04-28-93 fileman.ex_ 41338 08-22-94 files.txt 1530 06-30-94 mmsystem.dl_ 35478 11-01-93 msaes110.dl_ 18931 04-28-93 msajt110.dl_ 424588 05-20-93 opinion.wr_ 1255 05-19-94 pdqcomm2.vb_ 27521 06-16-93 pdqcommx.xf_ 33397 06-16-93 phoneb.md_ 35021 08-03-94 problem.wr_ 1084 06-28-94 readme.tx_ 4142 08-22-94 setup.exe 19056 08-23-93 setup.lst 49 06-30-94 setup1.ex_ 14737 08-22-94 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 share.ex_ 9316 09-30-93 sharewar.wr_ 2501 05-15-94 threed.vb_ 33489 07-16-93 vbdb300.dl_ 59761 04-28-93 ver.dl_ 9696 03-10-92 zipallo.hl_ 8716 07-20-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (full) for internet path: /unzipped/comm/cmm21f/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 129904 03-26-92 clicense.txt 1295 05-10-92 cmm.exe 258560 05-21-92 cmm.hlp 56151 05-21-92 cmm.txt 7560 05-21-92 commdlg.dll 89248 04-14-92 fsuucp.pif 545 05-17-92 ftpsoft.bat 55 05-10-92 ftpsoft.pif 545 05-10-92 licenses.txt 988 05-10-92 pathway.bat 55 05-10-92 pathway.pif 545 05-10-92 pcnfs.bat 52 05-10-92 pcnfs.pif 545 05-17-92 poster.txt 389 04-15-92 readme.txt 1566 05-17-92 uupc.pif 545 05-17-92 winhelp.exe 256192 03-10-92 winhelp.hlp 26960 03-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (short) for internet path: /unzipped/comm/cmm21s/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 129904 03-26-92 clicense.txt 1295 05-10-92 cmm.exe 258560 05-21-92 cmm.hlp 56151 05-21-92 cmm.txt 7560 05-21-92 fsuucp.pif 545 05-17-92 ftpsoft.bat 55 05-10-92 ftpsoft.pif 545 05-10-92 licenses.txt 988 05-10-92 pathway.bat 55 05-10-92 pathway.pif 545 05-10-92 pcnfs.bat 52 05-10-92 pcnfs.pif 545 05-17-92 poster.txt 389 04-15-92 readme.txt 1566 05-17-92 uupc.pif 545 05-17-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Use COM port as telnet modem, req. WinSock 1.1 path: /unzipped/comm/comt101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bugs.wri 1664 08-02-94 commt.drv 45056 08-10-94 comtcfg.exe 10752 06-21-94 hostname.exe 9728 06-22-94 install.bin 51798 03-18-94 install.bmp 3142 08-03-94 install.exe 14336 03-09-94 install.inf 524 08-10-94 instlib.dll 18944 06-20-94 manual.wri 29312 08-10-94 readme.txt 7280 08-03-94 regform.wri 2816 08-10-94 register.wri 4096 06-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Send and receive mail between MS Mail and the path: /unzipped/comm/courier/ ----------------------------------------------------------- base64.dll 6144 10-11-95 binhex.dll 7680 10-26-95 courier.exe 368896 11-19-95 courier.hlp 35416 10-03-95 courier.wri 23040 10-03-95 file_id.diz 348 10-03-95 quoprint.dll 7424 09-19-95 register.txt 757 10-03-95 uucode.dll 9216 09-22-95 vendor.txt 654 10-03-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adds a button to all Windows Programs, path: /unzipped/comm/fax_v501/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bbs-mode.co_ 236 11-25-95 comtest.com 16896 11-25-95 fax-mode.co_ 235 11-25-95 file_id.diz 255 11-25-95 fm_ad_pn.ex_ 12288 11-25-95 fm_clas1.co_ 58730 11-25-95 fm_ct_lb.dll 29536 11-25-95 fm_ct_mn.ex_ 89600 11-25-95 fm_ds_in.cfg 679 11-25-95 fm_el_mn.ex_ 52736 11-25-95 fm_em_mn.ex_ 28160 11-25-95 fm_fax.dll 128368 11-25-95 fm_fb_mn.ex_ 77824 11-25-95 fm_fv_mn.ex_ 60416 11-25-95 fm_fx_bs.ex_ 19968 11-25-95 fm_help.hlp 386333 11-25-95 fm_help.ico 766 11-25-95 fm_mv_mn.ex_ 33792 11-25-95 fm_np_mn.ex_ 91648 11-25-95 fm_pa_mn.ex_ 30720 11-25-95 fm_pd_mn.ex_ 54272 11-25-95 fm_pn_95.drv 6400 11-25-95 fm_pn_dx.drv 6176 11-25-95 fm_pn_nt.dll 14336 11-25-95 fm_rock1.co_ 58412 11-25-95 fm_rock2.co_ 57586 11-25-95 fm_sf_mn.ex_ 109568 11-25-95 fm_sq_mn.ex_ 38400 11-25-95 fm_tutor.ico 766 11-25-95 fm_tutor.wri 152832 11-25-95 fm_wn_fd.ex_ 71680 11-25-95 install.exe 160256 11-25-95 manual.ico 766 11-25-95 manual.wri 188416 11-25-95 q_a.ico 766 11-25-95 q_a.wri 38912 11-25-95 readme.ico 766 11-25-95 readme.wri 63104 11-25-95 register.ico 766 11-25-95 sample.cvr 595 11-25-95 sample.dcx 47158 11-25-95 sample.pbk 5021 11-25-95 sample.txt 403 11-25-95 setup.ico 766 11-25-95 urgent.pcx 19262 11-25-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- A Windows Terminal Enhancer, I.King path: /unzipped/comm/hottrm01/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 151968 01-14-93 dungeons.men 2445 01-26-94 hotdll01.dll 9216 01-27-94 hottrm01.exe 84480 01-27-94 hottrm01.hlp 26327 01-26-94 hottrm01.txt 640 01-27-94 internet.men 792 01-26-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microlink term comm program path: /unzipped/comm/mlk105/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 21008 11-24-93 host.msl 11189 02-20-94 manual.wri 187008 02-19-92 mlink.exe 325536 04-18-94 mlink.hlp 124913 01-04-94 modems.dat 14191 12-30-93 mwutil.dll 80512 04-18-94 problems.wri 7680 04-18-94 readme.wri 1792 04-18-94 register.wri 2816 04-18-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- MODEMSTA Modem status iconic indicator, path: /unzipped/comm/modsta17/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 20976 03-01-94 file_id.diz 410 04-25-95 help.ico 766 04-25-95 modemsta.exe 185344 04-25-95 modemsta.hlp 90926 04-25-95 modemsta.wav 14878 04-25-95 readme.txt 3872 04-25-95 setup.exe 29952 04-25-95 vendinfo.diz 10575 04-25-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows-based MIME mailer for UUPC, O.P. Jensen path: /unzipped/comm/opmail11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 89248 08-17-92 history.txt 436 10-13-95 msafinx.dll 31744 04-28-93 opmail.dll 9619 10-12-95 opmail.exe 79150 10-13-95 opmail.hlp 40145 10-13-95 readme.1st 1649 10-12-95 shell.dll 41600 03-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- PCUCP v1.01 comm prg between PC & Unix, serial path: /unzipped/comm/pcucp101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- config.doc 8340 04-02-93 d-pcucp.exe 90016 04-22-93 d-use.doc 6793 03-09-93 faq.doc 4848 04-20-93 pcucp.exe 98832 04-20-93 pcucp101.tar 163840 04-20-93 read.me 3074 04-20-93 relnotes.doc 11316 04-22-93 use.doc 5538 04-01-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- PCUCP v1.01a comm btw PC & Unix, serial line, Win path: /unzipped/comm/pcucp11a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- config.doc 8123 07-29-93 faq.doc 5497 07-29-93 pcucp.cfg 2094 08-09-93 pcucp.exe 93712 08-08-93 pcucp11a.tar 174080 08-08-93 read.me 3141 08-09-93 relnotes.doc 16495 08-09-93 use.doc 10862 07-29-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- IRC - "half-client" for Windows terminal and path: /unzipped/comm/send10a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mhgchk.vbx 44816 11-11-93 mhgcmd.vbx 39632 10-22-93 mhglbl.vbx 37232 10-22-93 mhgtxt.vbx 33792 11-11-93 mhsp_ae.dct 442984 07-07-93 mhspell.vbx 38032 09-23-93 read.me 6081 01-02-94 send.exe 36892 01-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Snuz v1.0; simple netnews reading program path: /unzipped/comm/snuz100/ ----------------------------------------------------------- custom.exe 29090 02-01-90 dsmtp.exe 46270 02-10-91 netdev.sys 578 02-20-91 snuz.cfg 495 02-12-91 snuz.doc 8435 06-24-91 snuz.exe 72276 06-24-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Complete internet communications package for path: /unzipped/comm/softerm4/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 156544 12-06-93 dunzip.dll 35520 01-19-95 install.hlp 16545 08-31-95 license.txt 7536 07-20-95 setup.exe 95984 09-19-95 setup.ini 5568 09-19-95 softerm1._az 817241 09-19-95 softerm2._az 1272681 09-19-95 softerm3._az 1296124 09-19-95 softerm4._az 917665 09-19-95 wsftctl.dll 130768 08-02-95 wshrins.dll 73168 09-18-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Unicom v3.0d term comm program path: /unzipped/comm/uc3d/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bitblt.scr 401 06-06-92 compusrv.scr 129 06-06-92 ellipse.scr 107 06-06-92 gdi.scr 354 06-06-92 lines.scr 199 06-06-92 mci.scr 599 06-06-92 modemreg.scr 214 06-06-92 pcboard.scr 367 06-06-92 playnote.scr 98 06-06-92 pro2uni.exe 16208 06-06-92 rbbs.scr 308 06-06-92 remotacc.scr 291 06-06-92 setpixel.scr 117 06-06-92 srchlite.scr 437 06-06-92 uc3order.txt 2019 06-06-92 uc3order.wri 3072 06-06-92 uc3read.me 17654 06-06-92 unicom.cfg 1683 06-06-92 unicom.dir 3097 06-06-92 unicom.exe 379936 06-06-92 unicom.fon 16384 06-06-92 unicom.hlp 232165 06-06-92 unicom.key 1936 06-06-92 unicom.mnu 224 06-06-92 unicom.snd 31 06-06-92 unicom.xlt 516 06-06-92 wildcat.scr 237 06-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- UniQWK QWK off-line mail reader v2.1 (multimedia) path: /unzipped/comm/uniqwk21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bcwterm.fon 72400 07-12-93 leame.doc 11851 07-12-93 leiame.doc 11468 07-12-93 mrpack.pif 545 07-12-93 mrunpack.pif 545 07-12-93 readme.doc 11284 07-12-93 sendme.txt 1454 07-12-93 talk.txt 13710 07-12-93 unikey.qwk 21111 07-12-93 uniqwk.exe 198000 07-12-93 uniqwk.hlp 41588 07-12-93 uniqwk.tag 908 07-12-93 what_is.new 1597 07-12-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows telecom program with good interface, T. path: /unzipped/comm/vcomm225/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bivbx11.dll 81920 02-15-95 file_id.diz 365 11-07-95 modem.lst 9950 09-15-93 readme.wri 2432 11-07-95 saxcom.vbx 25568 12-09-94 saxcom10.dll 53376 12-09-94 saxxfr10.dll 66384 06-22-95 vcomm.exe 388240 11-13-95 vsetup.exe 264912 11-13-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 1/3 path: /unzipped/comm/vocg21_1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- anibuton.vb_ 60914 04-28-93 cmdialog.vb_ 10865 04-28-93 ctl3dv2.dl_ 12279 06-10-94 dbview.ex_ 41176 12-29-95 file_id.diz 350 12-29-95 grid.vb_ 27975 06-16-93 modemrec.ex_ 48817 12-29-95 msaes110.dl_ 18931 04-28-93 msajt110.dl_ 424588 05-20-93 null.wa_ 58 10-05-95 picclip.vb_ 9948 04-28-93 readme.txt 1221 10-06-95 register.tx_ 1197 09-20-95 setup.exe 19056 08-23-93 setup.lst 27 09-18-95 setup1.ex_ 21742 12-29-95 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 threed.vb_ 33489 07-16-93 vapiriff.dl_ 8037 10-01-92 vbdb300.dl_ 59761 04-28-93 ver.dl_ 9696 01-12-94 vg_cnvrt.dl_ 54867 09-18-95 vguide.hl_ 76136 12-29-95 zerolen.wa_ 68 12-27-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 2/3 path: /unzipped/comm/vocg21_2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0end.r4_ 4733 05-25-95 0mid.r4_ 4733 05-25-95 1end.r4_ 5370 05-25-95 1mid.r4_ 5370 05-25-95 2end.r4_ 4271 05-25-95 2mid.r4_ 4271 05-25-95 3end.r4_ 4538 05-25-95 3mid.r4_ 4538 05-25-95 4end.r4_ 3827 05-25-95 4mid.r4_ 3827 05-25-95 5end.r4_ 5474 05-25-95 5mid.r4_ 5474 05-25-95 6end.r4_ 4736 05-25-95 6mid.r4_ 4736 05-25-95 7end.r4_ 5332 05-25-95 7mid.r4_ 5332 05-25-95 8end.r4_ 4602 05-25-95 8mid.r4_ 4602 05-25-95 9end.r4_ 5782 05-25-95 9mid.r4_ 5782 05-25-95 cirrus.in_ 3304 12-29-95 ddeml.dll 39424 10-12-93 nc_sm_v8.in_ 3420 12-17-95 norec.r2_ 6235 10-27-94 norec.r4_ 11269 10-27-94 pblaster.in_ 3496 12-11-95 rockwel2.in_ 3408 12-29-95 rockwell.in_ 3420 12-29-95 sndfax2.r4_ 14370 04-30-95 sndfax3.r4_ 11323 04-27-95 sndfax4.r4_ 26021 04-27-95 sndfax5.r4_ 21490 04-27-95 sndfax6.r4_ 51709 04-27-95 sndfax7.r4_ 12033 04-27-95 sndfax8.r4_ 12976 04-27-95 sndfax9.r4_ 11730 04-27-95 sndgns2.r4_ 11335 05-18-95 sndgns3.r4_ 19700 05-18-95 ssformfx.vb_ 39432 10-07-94 truegrid.vb_ 159551 02-17-95 tyin.in_ 3398 11-05-95 usr.in_ 3161 12-17-95 vg.ex_ 135136 12-29-95 vg.in_ 4873 12-29-95 vgconvrt.ex_ 13917 12-29-95 vguide.ex_ 97106 12-29-95 vmb2.r4_ 3937 04-27-95 vmb3.r4_ 7392 04-27-95 vmb4.r4_ 51329 04-27-95 vmb5.r4_ 10025 04-27-95 vmb6.r4_ 11732 04-27-95 z2864nid.in_ 3343 12-29-95 zyxel.in_ 3254 12-17-95 zyxl2864.in_ 3302 12-29-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 3/3 path: /unzipped/comm/vocg21_3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- answerm.vg_ 570 09-18-95 booking.vg_ 2135 09-17-95 ccpay.vg_ 847 09-20-95 d101.r4_ 19924 04-29-95 d103.r4_ 6504 10-27-94 d201.r4_ 45647 10-27-94 d202.r4_ 32490 10-27-94 d203.r4_ 32616 10-27-94 d204.r4_ 34331 10-27-94 d205.r4_ 23280 10-27-94 d301.r4_ 53277 10-27-94 d401.r4_ 50444 10-27-94 d405.r4_ 15736 10-27-94 d41c02.r4_ 20269 10-27-94 d41c03.r4_ 19841 10-27-94 d41c04.r4_ 22175 10-27-94 d42c02.r4_ 12923 10-27-94 d42c03.r4_ 11288 10-27-94 d42c04.r4_ 13266 10-27-94 d43c02.r4_ 32129 10-27-94 d43c03.r4_ 31517 10-27-94 d43c04.r4_ 34184 10-27-94 d501.r4_ 37063 10-27-94 d503.r4_ 46733 10-27-94 faxb1c03.r4_ 16778 09-15-95 faxbac01.r4_ 22523 05-02-95 faxbac04.r4_ 51435 05-02-95 faxbac05.r4_ 22286 05-02-95 faxback.vg_ 1126 09-20-95 gns2.r4_ 12774 09-15-95 infoline.vg_ 700 09-20-95 pager.vg_ 844 09-20-95 rvuser.ex_ 3384 11-17-95 rvuser.fr_ 2095 11-20-95 rvuser.fx_ 311 11-20-95 rvuser.ma_ 213 11-20-95 tones.vg_ 789 09-18-95 vgfax_1.do_ 8017 09-19-95 vgfax_2.do_ 5847 05-25-95 vgfax_3.do_ 8914 09-19-95 vgfaxidx.do_ 14254 09-19-95 voicma01.r4_ 58483 05-02-95 voicma02.r4_ 13602 04-27-95 voicma03.r4_ 16089 05-02-95 voicma04.r4_ 24893 05-02-95 voicma05.r4_ 30678 05-02-95 voicmail.vg_ 978 09-19-95 xfer.vg_ 595 09-19-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wdial autodialer for modems path: /unzipped/comm/wdial110/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wdial.doc 7102 08-17-93 wdial.exe 19472 08-17-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Win100 Terminal Emulator v2.4 (Kermit) (only path: /unzipped/comm/win30k/ ----------------------------------------------------------- win100.exe 101686 05-20-91 win100.msp 43617 05-20-91 win100.wri 19330 05-20-91 win100e.fon 20866 05-20-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinMail v1.1a; Windows UUPC mail reader path: /unzipped/comm/wmail11a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 3826 11-15-91 windlg.dll 10473 09-05-91 winmail.exe 83456 11-15-91 winmail.hlp 28669 11-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 mail notification for path: /unzipped/comm/wnbff20a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 449 02-06-94 winbiff.exe 83984 02-06-94 winbiff.hlp 43862 02-06-94 winbiff.wri 30720 02-06-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Win100 v2.3; basic comm program path: /unzipped/comm/wnkerm23/ ----------------------------------------------------------- exe/ font/ src/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/comm/wnkerm23/exe/ ----------------------------------------------------------- keyboard.drv 7075 10-27-91 win100.exe 108141 10-27-91 win100.wri 24194 10-27-91 win100e.fon 40450 10-27-91 wkaaaa.doc 6028 10-25-91 wnkerm.wri 21121 10-27-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/comm/wnkerm23/font/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wke100.def 117 10-25-91 wke100.mak 296 10-25-91 wke100.rc 154 10-25-91 wkeabn.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkeabw.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkeann.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkeanw.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkesbn.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkesbw.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkesnn.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkesnw.fnt 4754 10-27-91 wkfont.doc 3809 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/comm/wnkerm23/src/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wkasci.h 730 10-25-91 wkkdeb.h 3587 10-25-91 wkkdlg.h 2030 10-25-91 wkkerm.c 15876 10-25-91 wkkerm.def 639 10-25-91 wkkerm.dlg 11979 10-27-91 wkkerm.h 15748 10-25-91 wkkerm.ico 767 10-27-91 wkkerm.mak 1037 10-25-91 wkkerm.w 9729 10-25-91 wkkfns.c 42351 10-26-91 wkkint.c 7559 10-26-91 wkkmnu.rc 4015 10-26-91 wkkmsc.c 38623 10-26-91 wkt100.c 8933 10-26-91 wkt100.def 1253 10-26-91 wkt100.doc 2631 10-26-91 wkt100.h 17816 10-26-91 wkt100.lnk 126 10-26-91 wkt100.mak 1799 10-26-91 wkt100.rc 668 10-26-91 wktdlg.dlg 16296 10-27-91 wktdlg.h 3030 10-26-91 wktfns.c 21988 10-26-91 wktint.c 17308 10-26-91 wktmnu.rc 11773 10-26-91 wktmsc.c 44936 10-26-91 wktsmi.c 4188 10-26-91 wktsmt.c 37920 10-26-91 wktsmt.h 3975 10-26-91 wktv10.l 19714 10-26-91 wktv52.l 8274 10-26-91 wkwart.c 13829 10-26-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet mail prgm path: /unzipped/comm/wnmail10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- account.001 2290 11-30-92 account.ex_ 59392 11-15-92 bwcc.dll 194622 11-09-92 commdlg.dll 89248 11-09-92 daemon.ex_ 34816 11-09-92 decode.ex_ 21172 11-09-92 encode.ex_ 16778 11-09-92 file_id.diz 428 12-10-92 mailcall.ex_ 26368 11-09-92 mailman.ex_ 41216 11-09-92 megaed.dll 3072 11-09-92 read-1st.txt 7173 12-11-92 release.txt 806 11-30-92 setup.001 1751 11-30-92 setup.002 704 11-30-92 setup.003 1336 11-30-92 setup.004 4105 11-30-92 setup.exe 71424 11-15-92 terms.txt 3534 11-30-92 trouble.txt 4196 11-30-92 uucico.ex_ 70400 11-23-92 vendor.txt 2805 11-30-92 viewer.exe 70400 11-09-92 wnmail.ex_ 365312 11-30-92 wnmail.hl_ 88752 11-09-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinQVT VT220 comm & terminal program v4.78 (good) path: /unzipped/comm/wnqvt478/ ----------------------------------------------------------- default.vt 5138 09-24-91 qvt.ini 1290 09-28-91 readme.1st 544 11-03-90 readme.wri 34688 12-14-91 relnotes.wri 46080 12-14-91 vt220.fon 102912 11-30-90 winqvt.exe 286720 03-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinRead v1.3 off-line mail reader (good) path: /unzipped/comm/wr13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- showbmp.exe 15201 11-01-90 winread.exe 141824 11-13-90 winread.wri 25600 11-03-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows/Waffle read news v0.93 path: /unzipped/comm/wrn093/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme 428 10-28-92 wrn.exe 50015 10-28-92 wrn.hlp 13573 10-28-92 wrn.ini 478 10-26-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinVN Windows news reader version 0.99-3 path: /unzipped/comm/wv169903/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3dv2.dll 21648 10-14-93 genasync.dll 8080 04-22-95 gwinsock.dll 7792 04-22-95 pwksock.dll 7392 11-04-94 readme.txt 35587 04-22-95 winvn.exe 291632 04-22-95 winvn.hlp 101022 12-14-94 winvnfaq.txt 35233 02-14-95 wvtb.dll 10196 04-13-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Demonstrations path: /unzipped/demo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3drender/ 3D RenderLib wire frames (rendering) cbdemo/ Combo Toolbox Demo (sample code for SQLwindows) clock5/ Demo Clock v5.0 for Windows (good) enetdemo/ E-Net demo; buildings energy economic eval | NN-Tool gcadp201/ GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, | expireware helpm133/ An easy way to do Windows help -files landa100/ 3D landscape viewer/Virtual Reality application, | K.Wolley mpegview/ Demo version of MPEG player for Windows oknademo/ The Desktop Set demo for Windows v3.0 osf112/ OSFrame v1.1 demo (gives you more 3-D look) | (good) packrat/ Polaris PackRat v2.0 demo PIMS recbse10/ RecBase specialized database for Audio Recordings rocks/ hDC MicroApp Manager Demo & Rocks game spice52a/ Design Center Evaluation version for circuit | analysis 1/2 spice52b/ Design Center Evaluation version for circuit | analysis 2/2 td20g/ td30edem/ Windows Font Editor for Type 1 and TrueType fonts td_eng/ Type-Designer demo v1.1 tdl09/ Three Dimensional Laboratory (produce stereograms | and animatio) thedrums/ Pattern editor for MIDI drum parts (demo) trekdemo/ Star Trek Referencer demo vinedemo/ Vineyard Self-Running Demo - groupware | application winmor/ WinImages: morph - An image morphing program demo ----------------------------------------------------------- 3D RenderLib wire frames (rendering) path: /unzipped/demo/3drender/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bol2.ses 9660 03-31-92 chapter1.wri 30464 04-06-92 chess.ses 364520 03-31-92 funcview.wri 38528 04-06-92 readme.1st 2423 04-06-92 rlibdemo.dll 204432 03-29-92 rlibdemo.exe 124912 03-31-92 rlibdemo.wri 6912 03-30-92 rliborde.txt 1707 03-30-92 teapot.ses 263676 03-31-92 tmsrf.fon 76160 01-30-90 vw.ses 61468 03-31-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Combo Toolbox Demo (sample code for SQLwindows) path: /unzipped/demo/cbdemo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cbdemo.apt 34049 01-18-91 cbdemo.dll 3264 01-18-91 cbdemo.ico 766 01-18-91 cbdemo.run 37420 01-18-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Demo Clock v5.0 for Windows (good) path: /unzipped/demo/clock5/ ----------------------------------------------------------- clock.ini 504 05-31-91 clock.wri 44032 05-20-91 demo.exe 113525 05-31-91 readme 63 05-20-91 tools.dll 28688 05-31-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- E-Net demo; buildings energy economic eval path: /unzipped/demo/enetdemo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- enet.ex_ 81574 05-28-93 enet.hl_ 64570 05-26-93 enet.in_ 708 05-28-93 files.tx_ 626 05-28-93 fin_manu.do_ 126462 05-25-93 input0.da_ 5605 05-27-93 input1.da_ 5202 05-26-93 input2.da_ 4666 05-26-93 input3.da_ 4457 05-27-93 lk1.ne_ 4725 05-27-93 lk11.ne_ 4958 05-27-93 lk11.xl_ 15190 05-28-93 lk12.ne_ 4339 05-27-93 lk13.ne_ 4725 05-27-93 los1.ne_ 4955 05-28-93 los11.ne_ 4955 05-28-93 los11.xl_ 10032 05-28-93 ltar1.ne_ 4700 05-26-93 ltar11.ne_ 4700 05-26-93 ltar11.xl_ 17917 05-28-93 ltar12.ne_ 4720 05-26-93 ltar13.ne_ 4961 05-27-93 manual.do_ 122426 05-26-93 mwatch.dl_ 3002 02-26-93 neurowin.dl_ 30539 11-20-92 order.tx_ 369 05-13-93 picclip.vb_ 8898 10-21-92 readme.tx_ 1455 05-28-93 setup.exe 14848 10-21-92 setup.lst 40 10-21-92 setup1.ex_ 11179 05-28-93 setupkit.dl_ 3657 10-21-92 tals1.ne_ 4925 05-28-93 tals11.ne_ 4925 05-28-93 tals11.xl_ 11279 05-28-93 threed.vb_ 31220 10-21-92 vbrun200.dl_ 246403 10-21-92 winplay.dl_ 1820 02-26-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, path: /unzipped/demo/gcadp201/ ----------------------------------------------------------- amp.sym 490 10-04-95 ant_dip.sym 340 10-04-95 ant_gen.sym 340 10-04-95 arrestor.sym 324 10-04-95 arrow.sym 416 10-04-95 bat1.sym 340 10-04-95 bat2.sym 440 10-04-95 bedd.sym 690 10-04-95 bedk.sym 990 10-04-95 bedq.sym 990 10-04-95 bmark.sym 756 10-04-95 breaker.sym 298 10-04-95 bush1.sym 6490 10-04-95 bush2.sym 4540 10-04-95 bush3.sym 4840 10-04-95 bush4.sym 8890 10-04-95 bush5.sym 6290 10-04-95 cap_pol.sym 448 10-04-95 cap_var.sym 624 10-04-95 capacitr.sym 348 10-04-95 car.sym 1390 10-04-95 chair1.sym 922 10-04-95 chair2.sym 1436 10-04-95 chair3.sym 824 10-04-95 civil.dll 53248 10-04-95 con_fem.sym 290 10-04-95 con_male.sym 290 10-04-95 couch1.sym 972 10-04-95 ctl3d 21648 08-16-93 d_arrow.sym 240 10-04-95 digitizr.sym 1440 10-04-95 diode.sym 440 10-04-95 diode2.sym 482 10-04-95 dir_one.sym 416 10-04-95 dir_two.sym 515 10-04-95 dishwash.sym 802 10-04-95 door24.sym 248 10-04-95 door24cw.sym 248 10-04-95 door30.sym 248 10-04-95 door30cw.sym 248 10-04-95 door36.sym 248 10-04-95 door36cw.sym 248 10-04-95 drawers.sym 340 10-04-95 dresser.sym 390 10-04-95 dryer.sym 602 10-04-95 dsk42x19.sym 390 10-04-95 dsk60x30.sym 340 10-04-95 elect1.dll 58368 10-04-95 elect2.dll 58368 10-04-95 elect3.dll 28672 10-04-95 eval.hlp 8532 10-04-95 examp1.hlp 82273 10-04-95 examp2.hlp 20009 10-04-95 examp3.hlp 40107 10-04-95 file_id.diz 441 10-04-95 firepl1.sym 590 10-04-95 floorpl.gc1 30543 10-04-95 floorpl1.dll 58368 10-04-95 floorpl2.dll 36352 10-04-95 frige.sym 948 10-04-95 furnitur.dll 60928 10-04-95 fuse.sym 390 10-04-95 gcadp.hlp 822105 10-04-95 gcadp2.exe 1168384 10-04-95 ground.sym 340 10-04-95 ground2.sym 340 10-04-95 ground3.sym 390 10-04-95 hedge1.sym 34390 10-04-95 hedge2.sym 4990 10-04-95 heptagon.sym 490 10-04-95 hexagon.sym 440 10-04-95 hov.sym 340 10-04-95 hydrant.sym 282 10-04-95 ind_adj1.sym 706 10-04-95 ind_adj2.sym 706 10-04-95 ind_mag.sym 530 10-04-95 ind_tap.sym 530 10-04-95 inductor.sym 530 10-04-95 inductr2.sym 430 10-04-95 install.hlp 6726 10-04-95 install.txt 737 10-04-95 jack.sym 532 10-04-95 kit_sink.sym 824 10-04-95 lamp.sym 866 10-04-95 lamp_bal.sym 948 10-04-95 lamp_fl.sym 682 10-04-95 lamp_inc.sym 340 10-04-95 lav36x22.sym 382 10-04-95 lav48x22.sym 382 10-04-95 lc_arrow.sym 606 10-04-95 light1.sym 640 10-04-95 lscape.dll 60928 10-04-95 lt_pole.sym 382 10-04-95 man_hole.sym 266 10-04-95 microphn.sym 348 10-04-95 mouse.sym 556 10-04-95 n_arrow.sym 840 10-04-95 network.dll 23552 10-04-95 nite_std.sym 340 10-04-95 octagon.sym 540 10-04-95 order.hlp 11241 10-04-95 order.txt 1389 10-04-95 pc_desk.sym 1648 10-04-95 pc_tower.sym 1648 10-04-95 pentagon.sym 390 10-04-95 plug.sym 482 10-04-95 polygons.dll 26112 10-04-95 pool1.sym 572 10-04-95 pool2.sym 940 10-04-95 printer.sym 1922 10-04-95 pwr_pole.sym 232 10-04-95 rc_arrow.sym 606 10-04-95 readme.txt 2940 10-04-95 res_adj1.sym 716 10-04-95 res_adj2.sym 716 10-04-95 res_tap.sym 540 10-04-95 resistor.sym 440 10-04-95 rug1.sym 1436 10-04-95 rug2.sym 2990 10-04-95 run.txt 296 10-04-95 sample.gc1 5279 10-04-95 scale.sym 3890 10-04-95 setup.exe 196608 10-04-95 setup.inf 3822 10-04-95 shower.sym 490 10-04-95 sidewlk1.sym 3940 10-04-95 sidewlk2.sym 7340 10-04-95 sign.sym 232 10-04-95 speaker.sym 590 10-04-95 square.sym 340 10-04-95 st_arrow.sym 490 10-04-95 st_drain.sym 890 10-04-95 stair1.sym 340 10-04-95 stair2.sym 540 10-04-95 stair3.sym 740 10-04-95 stairc.sym 390 10-04-95 stove.sym 508 10-04-95 swamp.sym 490 10-04-95 switch1.sym 290 10-04-95 switch2.sym 340 10-04-95 tbl48x24.sym 340 10-04-95 tbl60x30.sym 340 10-04-95 toilet.sym 482 10-04-95 transf1.sym 920 10-04-95 transf2.sym 920 10-04-95 transist.sym 290 10-04-95 tree1.sym 1440 10-04-95 tree2.sym 14240 10-04-95 tree3.sym 14440 10-04-95 tree4.sym 4340 10-04-95 tree5.sym 2340 10-04-95 tree6.sym 8890 10-04-95 tri_sta.sym 332 10-04-95 triangle.sym 290 10-04-95 tub60x32.sym 548 10-04-95 tutor1.hlp 11448 10-04-95 tutor10.hlp 7511 10-04-95 tutor2.hlp 30475 10-04-95 tutor3.gc1 810 10-04-95 tutor3.hlp 97235 10-04-95 tutor4.hlp 9889 10-04-95 tutor5.gc1 2863 10-04-95 tutor5.hlp 31241 10-04-95 tutor6.gc1 618 10-04-95 tutor6.hlp 37675 10-04-95 tutor7.hlp 27960 10-04-95 tutor8.gc1 1093 10-04-95 tutor8.hlp 66303 10-04-95 tutor9.hlp 15723 10-04-95 tv1.sym 548 10-04-95 tv2.sym 548 10-04-95 valve.sym 282 10-04-95 variable.sym 416 10-04-95 vdoor.sym 540 10-04-95 vendinfo.diz 22818 10-04-95 washer.sym 594 10-04-95 window30.sym 390 10-04-95 window36.sym 390 10-04-95 window48.sym 390 10-04-95 window72.sym 390 10-04-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- An easy way to do Windows help -files path: /unzipped/demo/helpm133/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addition.wri 12544 11-02-94 ctl3d.dl_ 11511 12-14-93 examples/ helpdump.ex_ 162115 02-22-94 helpdump.hl_ 5180 02-20-94 helpmake.ex_ 116413 11-17-94 helpmake.hl_ 21552 11-17-94 helpmake.ske 121 01-27-94 install.exe 139776 11-02-94 install.ini 1550 11-02-94 order.hlp 21832 11-25-94 readme.txt 3860 04-25-94 register.chk 49 04-25-94 register.ed 55 02-12-94 rtf2txt.ex_ 176456 11-25-94 rtf2txt.hl_ 5903 02-20-94 runhc.bat 45 06-10-94 runhc.pif 545 01-12-94 system/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/demo/helpm133/examples/ ----------------------------------------------------------- commands.txt 5381 11-17-94 contexts.h 471 01-27-94 helpmake.dat 148 11-02-94 helpmake.hpj 204 11-17-94 helpmake.txt 6933 11-17-94 macros.txt 5034 11-17-94 print.bmp 358 08-26-93 simple.dat 96 01-27-94 simple.hpj 124 01-29-94 simple1.bmp 630 01-03-94 simple1.txt 523 01-04-94 simple2.bmp 518 01-03-94 simple2.txt 403 01-24-94 syntax.txt 9982 11-17-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/demo/helpm133/system/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 57492 06-10-92 ctl3dv2.dl_ 12261 02-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- 3D landscape viewer/Virtual Reality application, path: /unzipped/demo/landa100/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bivbx11.dl_ 44814 02-15-95 file_id.diz 357 10-18-95 install.exe 92160 09-16-94 install.inf 879 10-18-95 install.txt 784 10-17-95 landanim.ex_ 244105 10-18-95 landanim.hl_ 107294 10-18-95 mhrun300.dl_ 29946 09-22-93 mhsl200.vb_ 9809 09-27-93 order.txt 5290 10-18-95 readme.txt 418 10-18-95 tatras.bm_ 183524 10-16-95 tatras.le_ 57150 10-18-95 vendinfo.diz 6802 10-18-95 vendinfo.doz 9980 10-18-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Demo version of MPEG player for Windows path: /unzipped/demo/mpegview/ ----------------------------------------------------------- compaq.txt 2014 08-27-93 copyrite.txt 951 09-21-93 dmfw.exe 87568 08-27-93 lookchip.dll 10256 02-10-93 mcimpeg.drv 38928 07-18-93 mpeg.exe 116044 08-27-93 mpeg160.dll 87056 08-25-93 mpeg320.dll 87568 08-25-93 mpegdll.txt 2606 08-27-93 msnd_mp2.dll 54288 08-24-93 msnd_wav.dll 13328 08-24-93 oemsetup.inf 157 08-27-93 readme2.txt 3993 08-27-93 xingit.hlp 62439 08-27-93 xtitle.mpg 3160 08-27-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Desktop Set demo for Windows v3.0 path: /unzipped/demo/oknademo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- book.exe 157184 06-20-90 dial.exe 67072 06-20-90 firm.mov 133 06-20-90 home.mov 128 06-20-90 install.exe 22016 06-20-90 manual.wri 50560 06-20-90 oknademo.dll 16205 06-20-90 readme.1st 604 06-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- OSFrame v1.1 demo (gives you more 3-D look) path: /unzipped/demo/osf112/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ccard.wri 3328 03-01-91 check.wri 2944 03-01-91 order.wri 3328 03-01-91 osfdemo.exe 12784 03-01-91 osframe.txt 466 03-01-91 osframe.wri 12288 03-01-91 readme.txt 245 03-01-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Polaris PackRat v2.0 demo PIMS path: /unzipped/demo/packrat/ ----------------------------------------------------------- demo.ovr 130488 10-20-89 demo.xlm 2561 08-30-89 packrat2.exe 413856 11-13-89 packrat2.hlp 97176 03-08-89 readme 3390 03-04-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- RecBase specialized database for Audio Recordings path: /unzipped/demo/recbse10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- album.rel 169929 06-12-93 commdlg.dll 89248 06-12-93 ctl3d.dll 19568 06-12-93 help.doc 16050 06-12-93 help.wri 15232 06-12-93 readme 1292 06-13-93 recbase.exe 179712 06-13-93 recbase.hlp 27927 06-12-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- hDC MicroApp Manager Demo & Rocks game path: /unzipped/demo/rocks/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hdclib.dll 657365 12-12-90 microman.exe 65024 12-27-90 microman.hlp 35426 12-27-90 microman.prf 333 01-08-91 readme.wri 9856 12-27-90 rocks.hlp 20021 12-21-90 rocks.ma 47472 12-21-90 rocks.prf 516 12-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Design Center Evaluation version for circuit path: /unzipped/demo/spice52a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk.id 90 08-03-92 distrib.by 200 07-31-92 eval.inf 9488 08-04-92 msim.ini 1989 08-03-92 psched1.001 914216 08-03-92 readme.dc3 37316 07-29-92 setup.exe 209037 12-12-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Design Center Evaluation version for circuit path: /unzipped/demo/spice52b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk.id 90 08-03-92 psched1.002 1190769 08-03-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/demo/td20g/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 148240 12-29-92 read-me.wri 5760 06-09-93 td.exe 349184 06-09-93 td.hlp 152590 05-26-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Font Editor for Type 1 and TrueType fonts path: /unzipped/demo/td30edem/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ansi.krn 2939 07-04-95 atmapi.dll 5344 10-22-94 bwcc.dll 151984 10-27-92 comsc___.pfb 66657 10-10-95 comsc___.pfm 782 10-10-95 comsc___.ttf 65108 10-10-95 install.exe 35328 10-10-95 install.hlp 10233 09-16-95 isolat1.enc 3325 09-29-93 mac.enc 3346 09-29-93 pmgrpapi.dll 33000 06-23-93 readme.wri 10624 12-27-95 td.hlp 235936 10-19-95 td30.exe 652800 12-13-95 tdhelv.fon 21088 02-21-95 tdnewdsp.fon 15872 02-21-95 test.txt 1883 09-08-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Type-Designer demo v1.1 path: /unzipped/demo/td_eng/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 123312 01-17-92 comsc___.afm 10369 10-13-92 comsc___.pfb 54822 10-13-92 comsc___.pfm 680 10-13-92 demo____.afm 833 10-13-92 demo____.pfb 4493 10-13-92 demo____.pfm 668 10-13-92 install.exe 29184 10-14-92 install.hlp 3308 08-14-92 read-me.wri 4736 10-14-92 td.exe 250624 10-14-92 td.hlp 120107 10-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Three Dimensional Laboratory (produce stereograms path: /unzipped/demo/tdl09/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.exe 34145 04-27-94 license.txt 2535 04-28-94 order.frm 1930 04-28-94 readme.txt 5067 04-28-94 sware.cmp 1196679 04-28-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Pattern editor for MIDI drum parts (demo) path: /unzipped/demo/thedrums/ ----------------------------------------------------------- d110.kb_ 258 04-04-93 d110_gm.cn_ 391 04-04-93 fmctrl.dl_ 18084 02-11-93 genmidi.kb_ 291 03-01-93 gm2m1.cn_ 375 04-04-93 gm2mt32.cn_ 360 04-04-93 hr16.kb_ 247 10-18-92 kawk3.kb_ 245 05-05-91 m1.kb_ 282 01-12-93 meter.dll 9232 06-11-92 mt32.kb_ 275 02-28-93 mt32_gm.cn_ 388 04-04-93 proteus.kb_ 224 03-02-92 register.fr_ 1419 10-28-93 rok1vari.td_ 6856 04-09-93 setup.exe 41488 06-11-92 setup.inf 2465 05-06-93 sr16.kb_ 254 03-30-93 sy22.kb_ 256 03-30-93 td.st_ 291 04-13-93 tdlib2.dl_ 7947 06-27-93 tdpro.ex_ 61736 10-28-93 tdpro.hl_ 20680 10-28-93 tdreadme.wr_ 4425 10-28-93 u20.kb_ 250 12-31-92 u20latin.kb_ 276 03-22-92 u20mix.kb_ 273 03-22-92 various.td_ 8421 04-05-93 various2.td_ 9023 04-05-93 yamrx5.kb_ 262 05-06-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Star Trek Referencer demo path: /unzipped/demo/trekdemo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- episodes.trk 244426 01-13-93 install.txt 535 01-16-93 threed.vbx 60720 10-21-92 trekdemo.exe 50225 01-16-93 trekref.hlp 16641 01-16-93 vbrun200.dll 356992 10-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Vineyard Self-Running Demo - groupware path: /unzipped/demo/vinedemo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 390 05-03-94 readme.txt 3750 05-03-94 vinedemo.exe 1425154 05-03-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinImages: morph - An image morphing program demo path: /unzipped/demo/winmor/ ----------------------------------------------------------- appendix.txt 1948 04-30-93 firegirl.iff 131508 01-19-93 frogorig.iff 46362 03-30-93 girlfrog.mpr 86 01-19-93 girlfrog.mpt 4401 01-19-93 morph.exe 463360 04-30-93 readme.txt 5331 04-30-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Desktop utilities path: /unzipped/desktop/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dvcp22/ Visual Calendar Planner 2.2 for Windows, B.Lo animdsk1/ 3D Desktop Animator (backround), L.Ron apdock2c/ Application Dock v2.0 NeXT -like toolbar (great) aporia14/ Aporia v1.4 desktop enhancements appbar33/ Application Bar v3.3 (NeXT-like AppDock) (good) apppad40/ Application Pad v4.0 backdesk/ BackMenu (popupmenu) v2.30 & BigDesk (virtual) | v2.30 (great) barclk23/ Puts info (time, mem, etc.) in menu bar of active | window bkgfade/ Windows background fader (good) bmpldr25/ Bitmap Loader v2.50 load a bitmap on the desktop | randomly cb210/ Configurable icon bar for windows, R.Smith chgcrs22/ Change Cursor utility v2.2 click13/ Click! Filer v1.3 file mgmt or replace progman | manager cmdp72d/ Command Post desktop v7.2d & Browser v3.94 co39/ Chez Otto rel3.9 (was: Otto Menu) (good) cpostutl/ Suggested changes for Command Post v7.0e dashv09/ System monitor dashboard (mem, dsk, FSR), | D.Wright deus/ Mac-like interface for File Manager (promising) disktool/ Disk Tools v1.0 file maintenance program | (copy,move,erase) dsktop/ Bitmap randomizer v1.1a dtools11/ Personal Information Manager fclip41a/ Replace File Manager with Clipboard Enhancements folder31/ Folders program v3.1 adds depth to prg mngr | groups frontw20/ Front Window v2.00 (utilities) file manager icoba151/ IcoBar v1.51 file launcher/viewer & NeXT-like | dock (good) icomin16/ Manages minimized icons on the Windows desktop, | P.Jakins launch11/ Launcher v1.1 (NeXT-like) Application Dock | (great) layout/ A desktop arranger v1.0 ledclock/ Clock program for Windows with a LED display lens13/ Lens 1.3 Windows screen magnifier lnch201/ Launch v2.01 (pop-up menu) for Windows loader13/ Windows wallpaper and sound changer by J. and L. | Chang logo212/ A program to change the Windows startup logo metz_dlr/ METZ dialer v2.0 metz_dn/ METZ desktop navigator v2.43 metz_dt/ METZ desktop manager v3.1 metz_fm/ METZ freemem v3.4 metz_lk/ METZ lock v1.2 metz_ph/ METZ phones v3.3 metz_rnr/ METZ runner v1.0 metzcp/ Metz task manager under CP PC Tools for Windows nmfw146e/ Win4/Unix like Win 3.1-Shell and enhancement, | R.Kommer nwutils/ HP New Wave utilities ofold10/ O'Folder, stand-alone program manager om37/ OttoMenu v3.7 menu only system popmnu02/ Userdefineable popup menus for Windows, S.Huseby quick_10/ Program manager replacement and application | launcher rem31/ Quick-and-easy to use appointment reminder, | D.Wriedt resmon/ Dr.Bob's Resource Monitor for Windows run002c/ Multiple associations in FileManager, A.Styles sinfo104/ System information/Task Manager replacement | J.Aguirregabiria sl20/ Simple Launcher 2.0 Program Manager replacement slpman12/ Sloop Manager v1.2b; program manager replacement stat40c/ StatLine - date, time, memory, resources, hard | drive space tlbar230/ Drag and drop toolbar and shell replacement | J.Aguirregabiria trashcan/ TrashCan v1.0.005d usher14c/ Usher v1.4c pop-up menu of applications vdt/ Virtual Desktop,Group Manager,Disk Manager | (promising) wbaskt31/ Wastebasket - file deletion utility wcc12/ Wallpaper control center v1.2 swap wallpapers win4hier/ Program Manager group subdirectory utility | v0.3beta wincmd78/ WCL - a Command Line Processor for Windows windv10/ DesqView-like Mark/Transfer in Windows winez/ Winez v2.1 add two buttons/menus for easy launch | (good) winmnu15/ Menu program/shell for starting applications winsaver/ Brings up the desktop as you left it with | winsaver v1.0 xecute1/ Execute; program executer shell ----------------------------------------------------------- Visual Calendar Planner 2.2 for Windows, B.Lo path: /unzipped/desktop/3dvcp22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- apiguide.dll 7568 11-28-92 cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 ctl3d.dll 21008 03-31-94 dwspydll.dll 67072 07-31-93 file_id.diz 624 02-06-95 fontname.dll 4736 01-13-95 install.exe 28433 02-05-95 mhgcmb.vbx 128368 10-22-93 mhgtxt.vbx 33600 10-23-93 msaes110.dll 33280 04-28-93 msajt110.dll 710752 05-20-93 orderfrm.wri 2048 02-09-95 planner.exe 288610 02-05-95 planner.hlp 171514 02-06-95 planner.ini 1610 02-06-95 readme.txt 2689 02-05-95 sbchook.vbx 67360 08-04-93 setupkit.dll 7008 04-28-93 threed.vbx 64432 07-16-93 utility.exe 17752 02-05-95 vbdb300.dll 95200 04-28-93 vendor.doc 1782 02-05-95 whatsnew.txt 1084 02-06-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- 3D Desktop Animator (backround), L.Ron path: /unzipped/desktop/animdsk1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- animdsk.doc 4197 03-31-94 animdsk.exe 167732 03-31-94 animdsk.ini 34 03-31-94 animdsk.m3d 260 03-31-94 animdsk.reg 2677 03-31-94 box.3d2 300 03-31-94 prop.3d2 300 03-31-94 pyr.3d2 198 03-31-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Application Dock v2.0 NeXT -like toolbar (great) path: /unzipped/desktop/apdock2c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adread.me 3175 08-03-91 apdckico.zip 26112 08-10-91 appdock.exe 16226 08-03-91 appdock.ini 774 08-03-91 appdock.wri 15232 08-03-91 blankbut.ico 766 07-18-91 calc.ico 766 07-14-91 cntrlpnl.ico 766 07-13-91 comm.ico 766 07-14-91 doswind.ico 766 07-14-91 edit.ico 766 07-14-91 filemgr.ico 766 07-14-91 files.txt 1426 08-03-91 notepad.ico 766 07-14-91 paint.ico 766 07-18-91 vbrun100.dll 271264 05-10-91 vendor.txt 2119 07-26-91 win1.ico 766 07-13-91 write.ico 766 07-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Aporia v1.4 desktop enhancements path: /unzipped/desktop/aporia14/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aif_16.exe 15479 10-01-90 aif_256.exe 12701 10-15-90 ap_icons.exe 4725 09-24-90 ap_read.me 8351 10-16-90 aplib.exe 2165 10-12-90 aporia.exe 144752 10-15-90 aporia.grp 724 08-06-90 changes.txt 12252 10-16-90 imagemkr.exe 33778 08-10-90 notes.txt 341 02-02-90 order.txt 2208 10-16-90 setup_ap.exe 26283 10-13-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Application Bar v3.3 (NeXT-like AppDock) (good) path: /unzipped/desktop/appbar33/ ----------------------------------------------------------- appbar.exe 59904 09-03-92 appbar.wri 18432 09-03-92 appmore.exe 57856 09-02-92 appmore.wri 10368 09-02-92 appsetup.exe 75264 09-02-92 appsetup.wri 13568 09-02-92 icondlls.zip 31905 04-21-92 morsetup.exe 69632 09-02-92 morsetup.wri 4224 09-02-92 tip13.zip 19286 09-03-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Application Pad v4.0 path: /unzipped/desktop/apppad40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- apdll.dll 11685 07-16-93 apppad.exe 204800 09-06-93 apppad.hlp 138529 09-01-93 apppad4.ini 1256 09-09-93 apsetup.exe 26044 09-09-93 blankscr.dll 32039 08-08-93 bwcc.dll 152304 03-09-93 new.txt 568 09-09-93 order.frm 1762 09-09-93 readme.1st 2392 09-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- BackMenu (popupmenu) v2.30 & BigDesk (virtual) path: /unzipped/desktop/backdesk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- backhist.txt 4079 07-24-91 backmenu.exe 42432 07-24-91 backmenu.ini 1776 06-13-91 backmenu.wri 43904 07-24-91 backmlib.dll 6336 07-22-91 bigdesk.exe 82704 07-24-91 bigdesk.wri 34688 07-24-91 bigdhist.txt 1191 07-24-91 bigdlib.dll 2944 07-22-91 ordernow.wri 14976 07-24-91 wincom.dll 36320 11-09-90 winstart.exe 1924 07-24-91 wrun.exe 2929 07-24-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Puts info (time, mem, etc.) in menu bar of active path: /unzipped/desktop/barclk23/ ----------------------------------------------------------- barclk.dll 1792 10-03-93 barclock.exe 39728 10-10-93 barclock.wri 24704 10-03-93 register.wri 3456 10-03-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows background fader (good) path: /unzipped/desktop/bkgfade/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bkg.doc 1842 10-09-91 bkg.exe 13824 10-08-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Loader v2.50 load a bitmap on the desktop path: /unzipped/desktop/bmpldr25/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bmploadr.exe 28592 10-12-92 bmploadr.txt 3699 10-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Configurable icon bar for windows, R.Smith path: /unzipped/desktop/cb210/ ----------------------------------------------------------- add-in.h_ 387 05-30-94 add-in.in_ 304 05-30-94 c-calend.c_ 4212 05-30-94 c-calend.de_ 370 05-30-94 calend.cl_ 5748 05-30-94 calend.pa_ 3953 05-30-94 calend.re_ 960 05-30-94 catalog.hl_ 81032 05-26-94 cbconfig.ex_ 77004 05-30-94 cbsdk.wr_ 11973 05-30-94 clysarow.dl_ 6369 05-30-94 clysbar.ex_ 97929 05-30-94 clysbar.hl_ 140449 05-30-94 clysbar.in_ 1417 05-30-94 clysbarx.ex_ 19934 05-30-94 clysclok.fo_ 1129 05-30-94 clysdial.dl_ 8206 05-30-94 clysicon.dl_ 13645 05-30-94 clysmail.cl_ 12459 05-30-94 ctl3dv2.dl_ 12261 03-23-94 file_id.diz 403 05-30-94 groupcvt.ex_ 15509 05-30-94 install.exe 73984 05-30-94 lines.cl_ 2546 05-30-94 lines.pa_ 2054 05-30-94 lines.re_ 488 05-30-94 moon.cl_ 34776 05-30-94 moon.hl_ 58103 05-30-94 moon.in_ 206 05-30-94 paper.ex_ 14639 05-30-94 readme.wri 30336 05-30-94 recycler.cl_ 3617 05-30-94 run.ex_ 16321 05-30-94 sysinfo.cl_ 9459 05-30-94 viewrama.ex_ 10389 05-30-94 vrhook.dl_ 1199 05-30-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Change Cursor utility v2.2 path: /unzipped/desktop/chgcrs22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bigarrow.cur 326 01-08-92 bigibeam.cur 326 01-08-92 chngcrsr.exe 57856 01-08-92 chngcrsr.hlp 20971 01-08-92 chngcrsr.txt 1455 01-08-92 dog.cur 326 01-08-92 eagle.cur 326 01-08-92 eye.cur 326 01-08-92 hand.cur 326 01-08-92 heart.cur 326 01-08-92 pencil.cur 326 01-08-92 pizza.cur 326 01-08-92 sleep.cur 326 01-08-92 wand.cur 326 01-08-92 watch.cur 326 01-08-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Click! Filer v1.3 file mgmt or replace progman path: /unzipped/desktop/click13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ckhotkey.dll 19968 03-09-91 click.exe 174080 03-09-91 click.wri 19456 03-09-91 read.me 1295 03-09-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Command Post desktop v7.2d & Browser v3.94 path: /unzipped/desktop/cmdp72d/ ----------------------------------------------------------- browser.ex$ 64480 03-20-92 cmdpost.cp$ 47340 03-20-92 cmdpost.ex$ 165682 03-18-92 cmdpost.ma$ 218130 02-27-92 cmduser.cp$ 6690 02-27-92 cp__ver.72d 102 02-27-92 cp_attr1.dl$ 341 02-27-92 cp_attr2.dl$ 247 02-27-92 cp_blnk.ex$ 11792 03-18-92 cp_dlla.dl$ 6160 03-18-92 cp_pause.ba$ 35 02-27-92 cp_tree.ex$ 16000 02-29-92 cp_virt.ba$ 1013 02-27-92 newstuff.ma$ 127249 02-27-92 readme.txt 4991 03-21-92 readme2.txt 14494 03-20-92 taskmanr.ex$ 4576 02-29-92 taskmanr.ma$ 2034 02-27-92 wbinxz.exe 51808 03-20-92 wininfo.ex$ 9216 02-23-92 wsetup.exe 5248 02-27-92 wsetup.inf 1553 03-21-92 wwwdealr.dl$ 2800 03-16-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Chez Otto rel3.9 (was: Otto Menu) (good) path: /unzipped/desktop/co39/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bitmap.pas 6916 08-10-92 buttons.pas 11916 08-10-92 co.exe 116224 08-10-92 co.ini 1304 08-10-92 co.pas 42170 08-10-92 co.res 33183 08-10-92 co.wri 44928 08-10-92 cologo.bmp 11518 08-10-92 filecopy.pas 13118 08-10-92 filecopy.res 1040 08-10-92 page1.ico 766 08-10-92 page2.ico 766 08-10-92 page3.ico 766 08-10-92 page4.ico 766 08-10-92 sclptext.pas 4875 08-10-92 wfplus.pas 4769 08-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Suggested changes for Command Post v7.0e path: /unzipped/desktop/cpostutl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdpost.cpm 20267 06-18-90 cmduser.cpm 6339 06-18-90 cpchangs.txt 4775 06-18-90 format.pif 369 12-13-89 format12.pif 369 12-13-89 format14.pif 369 12-13-89 format3.pif 369 12-13-89 format7.pif 545 06-06-90 post21.arc 33489 09-24-89 read-me.512 1802 05-24-90 to_pcl.txt 15 08-15-89 to_ps.txt 13 08-15-89 ----------------------------------------------------------- System monitor dashboard (mem, dsk, FSR), path: /unzipped/desktop/dashv09/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152304 03-09-93 dashdll.dll 3584 01-07-94 dashv09.exe 86016 01-08-94 dashv09.hlp 14960 01-08-94 ord_frm.txt 1312 01-08-94 ord_frm.wri 2048 01-08-94 readme.txt 5267 01-10-94 reg_ver.bmp 76918 01-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Mac-like interface for File Manager (promising) path: /unzipped/desktop/deus/ ----------------------------------------------------------- deus.exe 142643 04-24-91 readme 3695 04-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Disk Tools v1.0 file maintenance program path: /unzipped/desktop/disktool/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 3021 04-22-91 tools.exe 53760 04-22-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap randomizer v1.1a path: /unzipped/desktop/dsktop/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 desktop.exe 26624 10-31-92 desktop.wri 16640 10-31-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Personal Information Manager path: /unzipped/desktop/dtools11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- c4dll.dll 299956 09-23-93 commdlg.dll 89248 03-10-92 ctl3d.dll 14416 03-23-93 desktool.exe 374272 01-30-94 desktool.hlp 82100 01-15-94 mscomstf.dll 74528 10-14-93 mscuistf.dll 44164 12-05-93 msdetstf.dll 24544 10-14-93 msinsstf.dll 65440 10-14-93 msshlstf.dll 14928 10-14-93 msuilstf.dll 6144 10-14-93 order.txt 1331 12-26-93 readme.txt 3091 01-01-94 setup.exe 32460 12-26-93 setup.inf 758 01-30-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Replace File Manager with Clipboard Enhancements path: /unzipped/desktop/fclip41a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152304 03-09-93 catalog.txt 18650 12-10-93 file_id.diz 383 12-07-93 fileclip.exe 304640 03-04-94 fileclip.hlp 55024 11-29-93 install.exe 36160 11-29-93 install.inf 1239 12-07-93 license.doc 7381 11-29-93 ombudsmn.asp 916 11-29-93 packing.lst 779 11-29-93 readme.txt 749 01-11-94 relnotes.txt 3167 12-07-93 sysops.doc 2145 11-29-93 trash.exe 15872 11-29-93 vendor.doc 12394 11-29-93 wprint.exe 22016 11-29-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Folders program v3.1 adds depth to prg mngr path: /unzipped/desktop/folder31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- finstall.exe 17712 03-01-91 fld0000.fl0 23 02-27-91 folders.exe 56352 03-22-91 folders.hlp 31294 03-01-91 folders.ini 173 02-21-91 folders.wri 23936 03-19-91 orderfrm.txt 1198 03-19-91 readme.txt 8092 03-19-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Front Window v2.00 (utilities) file manager path: /unzipped/desktop/frontw20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- fw.exe 244627 04-20-92 fw.hlp 41455 11-23-91 fw.ini 556 04-20-92 fw.wri 100736 04-20-92 fw_read.txt 9709 04-05-92 fwlib.dll 25078 04-05-92 read.me 1033 04-22-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- IcoBar v1.51 file launcher/viewer & NeXT-like path: /unzipped/desktop/icoba151/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ib.ini 0 09-06-92 ib.wri 15872 08-29-92 iconbar.exe 46592 09-06-92 readme.txt 1625 08-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Manages minimized icons on the Windows desktop, path: /unzipped/desktop/icomin16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- apiguide.dl_ 4935 07-09-93 cmdialog.vb_ 10865 09-08-94 ddeml.dl_ 23971 10-12-93 file_id.di_ 331 12-10-95 iconmini.ex_ 26620 12-10-95 iconmini.hl_ 59350 12-10-95 imrun.ex_ 5723 12-10-95 install.tx_ 1395 12-10-95 license.tx_ 1597 12-10-95 order.tx_ 960 12-10-95 readme.tx_ 882 12-10-95 setup.exe 19152 08-12-95 setup.inf 611 12-10-95 setup1.ex_ 13732 12-10-95 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 threed.vb_ 33489 07-16-93 vendor.tx_ 1809 12-10-95 ver.dl_ 9696 11-01-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Launcher v1.1 (NeXT-like) Application Dock path: /unzipped/desktop/launch11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- afterdrk.bmp 1270 03-14-92 blank.bmp 1270 03-24-92 cad.bmp 1270 03-24-92 calc.bmp 1270 03-24-92 calendar.bmp 1270 03-24-92 cardfile.bmp 1270 03-24-92 colors.bmp 1270 03-14-92 controlp.bmp 1270 03-14-92 doswind.bmp 1270 03-14-92 edit.bmp 1270 03-14-92 edit2.bmp 1270 03-14-92 excel.bmp 1270 03-14-92 folder.bmp 1270 03-14-92 jukebox.bmp 1270 03-24-92 launcher.bmp 1270 03-23-92 launcher.exe 31232 03-25-92 launcher.ini 1865 03-25-92 modem.bmp 1270 03-23-92 money.bmp 1270 03-24-92 music.bmp 1270 03-14-92 music2.bmp 1270 03-24-92 norton.bmp 1270 03-24-92 notepad.bmp 1270 03-14-92 paint.bmp 1270 03-14-92 pbrush.bmp 1270 03-14-92 pifedit.bmp 1270 03-24-92 progman.bmp 1270 03-14-92 readme.txt 4479 03-25-92 recorder.bmp 1270 03-24-92 setup.bmp 1270 03-24-92 sol.bmp 1270 03-24-92 sysedit.bmp 1270 03-14-92 tpw.bmp 1270 03-18-92 winfile.bmp 1270 03-24-92 wingif.bmp 1270 03-14-92 winword.bmp 1270 03-24-92 write.bmp 1270 03-24-92 wrt.bmp 1270 03-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- A desktop arranger v1.0 path: /unzipped/desktop/layout/ ----------------------------------------------------------- layout.exe 23552 08-12-90 layout.txt 688 08-12-90 layout.wri 16384 08-10-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Clock program for Windows with a LED display path: /unzipped/desktop/ledclock/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 244 05-27-94 ledclock.exe 248832 05-27-94 ledclock.txt 2587 05-27-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Lens 1.3 Windows screen magnifier path: /unzipped/desktop/lens13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- lens.doc 3618 08-08-92 lens.exe 11264 08-08-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Launch v2.01 (pop-up menu) for Windows path: /unzipped/desktop/lnch201/ ----------------------------------------------------------- launch.exe 9946 07-06-91 launch.inv 1831 07-06-91 launch.txt 14220 07-06-91 lsetup.exe 12748 07-06-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows wallpaper and sound changer by J. and L. path: /unzipped/desktop/loader13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ldrunner.exe 12126 09-15-93 loader.exe 36032 09-15-93 loader.hlp 17114 09-15-93 loader.ini 519 09-15-93 readme.txt 2970 09-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- A program to change the Windows startup logo path: /unzipped/desktop/logo212/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 738 07-14-94 foyeh2.dll 20976 07-14-94 history.txt 1617 07-14-94 order.frm 2055 07-14-94 readme.now 2486 07-14-94 register.txt 6064 07-14-94 rles.exe 118606 07-14-94 winlogo.exe 81664 07-14-94 winlogo.hlp 23439 07-14-94 winlogo.ini 444 07-14-94 winlogo.txt 8308 07-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- METZ dialer v2.0 path: /unzipped/desktop/metz_dlr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dlr.exe 26190 05-20-90 readme.txt 1026 05-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- METZ desktop navigator v2.43 path: /unzipped/desktop/metz_dn/ ----------------------------------------------------------- apps.wri 3072 05-16-90 desknav.bmp 1402 11-05-89 desknav.doc 27105 06-01-90 desknav.exe 116944 06-01-90 desknav.tls 251 04-05-90 metz.ord 2559 05-18-90 metzdll.exe 2197 05-19-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- METZ desktop manager v3.1 path: /unzipped/desktop/metz_dt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dt.exe 74890 05-20-90 readme.txt 1026 05-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- METZ freemem v3.4 path: /unzipped/desktop/metz_fm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- fm.exe 14065 05-20-90 readme.txt 1026 05-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- METZ lock v1.2 path: /unzipped/desktop/metz_lk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- lk.exe 23401 05-20-90 readme.txt 1026 05-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- METZ phones v3.3 path: /unzipped/desktop/metz_ph/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ph.exe 43901 05-20-90 readme.txt 1026 05-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- METZ runner v1.0 path: /unzipped/desktop/metz_rnr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 1026 05-21-90 rnr.exe 19336 05-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Metz task manager under CP PC Tools for Windows path: /unzipped/desktop/metzcp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- metzcptm.exe 59168 04-06-93 metzcptm.txt 2714 04-06-93 metzhook.dll 20096 04-06-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Win4/Unix like Win 3.1-Shell and enhancement, path: /unzipped/desktop/nmfw146e/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addons.dll 79360 08-22-95 addons.mnu 11041 08-22-95 ctl3d.dll 25104 08-22-95 extrmnu.exe 52224 08-22-95 extrmnu.wri 3712 08-22-95 file_id.diz 482 08-22-95 history.wri 65536 08-22-95 loginhlp.txt 736 08-22-95 nmntly.dll 28672 08-22-95 ntlayer.exe 28672 08-22-95 oldmmh.dll 10240 08-22-95 oldmmode.exe 43008 08-22-95 oldmmode.wri 5376 08-22-95 patchdrv.wri 5120 08-22-95 pfe.mnu 1326 08-22-95 ptchdrv.zip 62700 08-22-95 readme.wri 29824 08-22-95 register.wri 9984 08-22-95 rrkmeng.dll 268288 08-22-95 rrkmeng.hlp 242296 08-22-95 rrkmenu.exe 796160 08-22-95 rrkmenu.ini 4571 08-22-95 rrkmndll.dll 23040 08-22-95 sdn.id 2025 08-22-95 vendinfo.diz 9473 08-23-95 vendor.doc 14445 08-22-95 vscreen.ini 102 08-22-95 win95inf.wri 4096 08-22-95 write.mnu 236 08-22-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- HP New Wave utilities path: /unzipped/desktop/nwutils/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agent.nw 3993 01-23-92 bridges.lst 5900 01-23-92 bridges.ser 613470 01-23-92 custom.clr 98 01-23-92 default.pre 13464 01-23-92 dos5.nw 27617 01-23-92 en004.nw 4142 01-23-92 fastle.nw 7070 01-23-92 fixser.exe 8507 01-23-92 fls.exe 70243 01-23-92 fls.in$ 2475 01-23-92 flserrs.txt 6472 01-23-92 flss.ico 766 01-23-92 flsu.ico 766 01-23-92 hpsl10.des 6807 01-23-92 newwave.bmp 12918 01-23-92 notice 2461 01-23-92 nwcp.hlp 7531 01-23-92 nwcp.in$ 852 01-23-92 nwcp.nwe 97792 01-23-92 nwcps.ico 1086 01-23-92 nwcpu.ico 1086 01-23-92 nwxl.ser 65858 01-23-92 nwxlfix.doc 3510 01-23-92 read.me 2292 01-23-92 readme.1st 3869 01-23-92 readme.txt 6918 01-23-92 shrink.nw 2802 01-23-92 surfer.ann 1694 01-23-92 wave.bmp 153102 01-23-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- O'Folder, stand-alone program manager path: /unzipped/desktop/ofold10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ofolder.ex_ 71075 05-26-94 ofolder.hl_ 23809 05-26-94 setup.bmp 14518 05-26-94 setup.exe 78048 05-26-94 setup.inf 833 05-26-94 setup.txt 345 05-26-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- OttoMenu v3.7 menu only system path: /unzipped/desktop/om37/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bitmap.pas 6916 04-27-92 buttons.pas 9237 04-27-92 om.exe 71424 04-27-92 om.ini 966 04-27-92 om.pas 35269 04-27-92 om.res 17068 04-27-92 om.wri 67072 04-27-92 omlogo.bmp 11518 04-27-92 sclptext.pas 4686 04-27-92 wfplus.pas 4687 04-27-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Userdefineable popup menus for Windows, S.Huseby path: /unzipped/desktop/popmnu02/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 276 03-13-94 popmenu.exe 25600 03-13-94 popmenu.hlp 25863 03-13-94 whatsnew.txt 110 03-13-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Program manager replacement and application path: /unzipped/desktop/quick_10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 349 07-23-93 install.bat 1329 07-23-93 qsetup.exe 29992 07-23-93 quick.dbs 822 07-23-93 quick.exe 112478 07-23-93 quick.hlp 21114 07-23-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Quick-and-easy to use appointment reminder, path: /unzipped/desktop/rem31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152064 09-06-95 file_id.diz 407 10-26-95 order.wri 1920 12-13-95 reminder.exe 73216 12-13-95 reminder.wri 5120 12-13-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dr.Bob's Resource Monitor for Windows path: /unzipped/desktop/resmon/ ----------------------------------------------------------- resmon 670 08-12-95 resmon.exe 168120 07-21-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Multiple associations in FileManager, A.Styles path: /unzipped/desktop/run002c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- alan.ini 12962 10-24-95 alan.reg 3561 10-24-95 file_id.diz 423 08-07-95 newpaper.exe 15872 09-20-95 newpaper.hlp 11947 08-29-94 read.me 423 08-07-95 run.exe 8192 09-20-95 run2.exe 39168 09-20-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- System information/Task Manager replacement path: /unzipped/desktop/sinfo104/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme 711 08-23-94 sinfo.exe 89616 08-18-94 sinfo.hlp 37408 08-19-94 sinfo.wri 67584 08-18-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Simple Launcher 2.0 Program Manager replacement path: /unzipped/desktop/sl20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bugfixes.txt 394 01-02-94 file_id.diz 548 01-03-94 hmeter.vbx 8732 08-29-91 hotkeys.txt 1169 12-12-93 register.txt 2377 12-20-93 sl.exe 437765 01-08-94 sl.hlp 30521 01-02-94 sl.idx 950 12-20-93 slprefs.dat 199 12-20-93 updates.txt 1891 08-27-93 vbprint.dll 21392 03-08-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sloop Manager v1.2b; program manager replacement path: /unzipped/desktop/slpman12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 124304 11-11-91 grpconv.exe 32617 01-26-92 install.exe 92301 01-26-92 meter.dll 15537 02-21-91 orderfrm.txt 1512 02-01-92 readme.txt 10086 02-01-92 setup.inf 1145 01-26-92 sloopman.exe 111312 01-31-92 sloopman.fl1 410 01-07-92 sloopman.hlp 41136 01-29-92 sloopman.icl 32568 12-26-91 sloopman.wri 25856 02-01-92 slpman.exe 4170 01-23-92 slpman.ini 599 01-08-92 smtools.dll 10416 01-27-92 smtrash.exe 46076 01-29-92 trouble.txt 5341 02-10-92 vendor.doc 3489 01-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- StatLine - date, time, memory, resources, hard path: /unzipped/desktop/stat40c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 440 05-13-94 install.exe 26336 05-13-94 order.frm 2581 05-13-94 stat.exe 169152 05-13-94 stat.hlp 109563 05-13-94 whatsnew.40 18170 05-13-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Drag and drop toolbar and shell replacement path: /unzipped/desktop/tlbar230/ ----------------------------------------------------------- demo.zip 24472 10-03-93 readme 1448 09-27-94 scrsvrdl.dll 2816 07-19-94 scrsvrdl.wri 1280 07-19-94 toolba4.dll 11776 08-18-94 toolbac.dll 20480 08-18-94 toolbai.dll 12800 08-18-94 toolbam.dll 11264 08-18-94 toolbar.exe 83984 08-18-94 toolbar.hlp 81357 09-27-94 toolbar.wri 146944 09-27-94 toolbas.dll 11776 08-18-94 toolbat.dll 24064 08-18-94 toolbav.dll 9728 08-18-94 toolbaw.dll 11264 08-18-94 toolbax.dll 11264 08-18-94 toolbay.dll 11264 08-18-94 tooldll.pas 1021 08-06-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- TrashCan v1.0.005d path: /unzipped/desktop/trashcan/ ----------------------------------------------------------- trashcan.exe 15232 03-31-92 trashcan.txt 407 03-31-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Usher v1.4c pop-up menu of applications path: /unzipped/desktop/usher14c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- usher.exe 25088 08-07-91 usher.ini 2611 07-09-91 usher.wri 22656 08-07-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Desktop,Group Manager,Disk Manager path: /unzipped/desktop/vdt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bc30rtl.dll 143802 12-16-92 bwcc.dll 130224 12-16-92 owl31.dll 154240 12-16-92 readme.1st 6528 12-16-92 tclass31.dll 68444 12-16-92 vdm.exe 163328 12-17-92 vdt.exe 124928 12-16-92 vdt.wri 897536 12-16-92 vgm.exe 90112 12-17-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wastebasket - file deletion utility path: /unzipped/desktop/wbaskt31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 3808 02-23-93 wbaskt31.exe 213234 02-23-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wallpaper control center v1.2 swap wallpapers path: /unzipped/desktop/wcc12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wcc12.exe 62935 09-01-92 wcc12.wri 5760 09-01-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Program Manager group subdirectory utility path: /unzipped/desktop/win4hier/ ----------------------------------------------------------- win4hier.exe 34909 02-23-92 win4hier.wri 7808 02-23-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WCL - a Command Line Processor for Windows path: /unzipped/desktop/wincmd78/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bigwcl.exe 265728 02-12-95 bwcc.dll 157472 04-20-94 faq.wcl 5265 02-12-95 file_id.diz 749 02-12-95 files.wcl 1761 02-12-95 gendll1.dll 64256 02-12-95 history.txt 3519 02-12-95 install.exe 32256 02-12-95 install2.ex_ 72947 02-12-95 keys.wcl 499 02-12-95 menu-b.wcl 205 02-12-95 menu-s.wcl 167 02-12-95 order.frm 3292 02-12-95 readme.txt 14348 02-12-95 register.txt 10606 02-12-95 setupwcl.cbf 3248 02-12-95 uninstal.exe 82688 02-12-95 wcl.exe 152576 02-12-95 wcl.hlp 144728 02-12-95 wcl.ini 10915 02-12-95 wcl.sum 1362 02-12-95 wcl_ext.zip 9596 02-12-95 wclcfg.exe 56320 02-12-95 wclcfg.txt 1231 02-12-95 wclcode.dll 11008 02-12-95 wclcode2.dll 31488 02-12-95 wclshar1.wxx 36864 02-12-95 wclshar2.wxx 7592 02-12-95 winstalc.dll 2560 02-12-95 winstall.hlp 14261 02-12-95 winstall.inf 15946 02-12-95 winstall.txt 3519 02-12-95 winstalp.dll 26368 02-12-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- DesqView-like Mark/Transfer in Windows path: /unzipped/desktop/windv10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- windv.doc 10621 05-27-94 windv.exe 26608 05-27-94 windvset.exe 11264 05-27-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winez v2.1 add two buttons/menus for easy launch path: /unzipped/desktop/winez/ ----------------------------------------------------------- register.exe 11824 09-23-91 winez.exe 32080 10-10-91 winez2.doc 33249 10-18-91 winezgrp.exe 23808 08-23-91 winezrun.exe 14544 08-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Menu program/shell for starting applications path: /unzipped/desktop/winmnu15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.doc 869 06-22-93 register.doc 1057 06-22-93 winmenu.doc 12504 06-22-93 winmenu.exe 55552 06-22-93 winmenu.hlp 18917 06-22-93 winmenu.ini 408 06-22-93 winmenu.mnu 627 06-22-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Brings up the desktop as you left it with path: /unzipped/desktop/winsaver/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winsaver.bas 199229 04-16-91 winsaver.c 17751 02-11-91 winsaver.doc 2689 04-16-91 winsaver.exe 38912 03-01-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Execute; program executer shell path: /unzipped/desktop/xecute1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- execute.exe 25811 04-05-93 execute.txt 2880 04-05-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- DLL path: /unzipped/dlls/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agrep301/ Approx. & regular expression search DLL, | Y.Roumazeilles bwcc/ Borland BWCC.DLL foyeh201/ General purpose functions for programmers by | A.Olowofoyeku vbrun100/ Visual Basic v1.00 VBRUN100.DLL vbrun200/ Visual Basic v2.00 VBRUN200.DLL vbrun300/ Visual Basic v3.00 VBRUN300.DLL ----------------------------------------------------------- Approx. & regular expression search DLL, path: /unzipped/dlls/agrep301/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agrep.dll 41984 04-10-94 agrep.h 3667 02-26-94 agrep.hlp 34496 04-10-94 agrep.lib 2048 04-10-94 agrep.txt 3105 03-15-94 bitlist.h 2448 03-02-94 bitlist.txt 2738 03-15-94 bugs_rep.inf 1344 04-01-94 cluster.txt 3206 03-13-94 order.txt 2928 04-01-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Borland BWCC.DLL path: /unzipped/dlls/bwcc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152304 03-09-93 bwcc.h 3945 03-09-93 bwcc.txt 353 03-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- General purpose functions for programmers by path: /unzipped/dlls/foyeh201/ ----------------------------------------------------------- foyeh1.dll 48384 10-04-93 foyeh1.int 23361 10-04-93 foyeh1.pas 9050 10-04-93 foyeh1.sum 2490 10-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Visual Basic v1.00 VBRUN100.DLL path: /unzipped/dlls/vbrun100/ ----------------------------------------------------------- vbrun100.dll 271264 05-10-91 vbrun100.doc 806 06-09-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Visual Basic v2.00 VBRUN200.DLL path: /unzipped/dlls/vbrun200/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hello.exe 5894 11-09-92 vbrun200.dll 356992 10-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Visual Basic v3.00 VBRUN300.DLL path: /unzipped/dlls/vbrun300/ ----------------------------------------------------------- vbrun300.dll 394384 04-28-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Various documents path: /unzipped/doc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- authwn07/ Email addresses of 65 Windows shareware and PD | authors hag/ Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft memtip/ MS-Windows advanced memory topics mscdex21/ Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions v2.1 | documentation sbjan95a/ SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 1/4, | A.Testad sbjan95b/ SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 2/4, | A.Testad sbjan95c/ SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 3/4, | A.Testad sbjan95d/ SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 4/4, | A.Testad start/ Change the screen win3 displays at startup start2/ Change the screen win3 displays at startup; | information tsfrv1n1/ The Shareware/Freeware Report: Nov/Dec 1993 undocwin/ Undocumented Windows information sheet | (programming) vbtips13/ Visual Basic Tips & Tricks (Windows Help File) whag/ Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft (.doc) win3_nfs/ Use Win3 with PC-NFS win86/ Assist PC/XT users in running win3 faster winemm/ Windows/286 & /386 WIN.INI memory switches ww0323t/ Information about win3 and networks ww0525/ Microsoft Product Support Services Application | Note ww0527/ Microsoft Product Support Services Application | Note ww0530/ Microsoft Product Support Services Application | Note ----------------------------------------------------------- Email addresses of 65 Windows shareware and PD path: /unzipped/doc/authwn07/ ----------------------------------------------------------- authorwn.lst 31559 04-19-94 readmail.tip 1899 08-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft path: /unzipped/doc/hag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hag.hlp 702416 02-09-93 readme.txt 1683 02-10-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- MS-Windows advanced memory topics path: /unzipped/doc/memtip/ ----------------------------------------------------------- memory.txt 74481 07-29-89 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions v2.1 path: /unzipped/doc/mscdex21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mscdex21.doc 132780 05-30-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 1/4, path: /unzipped/doc/sbjan95a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- alland.mem 60 12-19-94 alldb1.doc 913 12-29-94 alldb2.doc 963 01-04-95 alldb3.doc 900 07-17-94 alldbf.mem 5155 12-19-94 alldbf.ovr 71354 01-04-95 alled.ndx 159744 01-04-95 allev.dbf 3575746 01-03-95 allfilt.dbf 9562 07-08-94 allfilt.ndx 10240 01-04-95 allinst.txt 7488 12-28-94 allitt.ret 4817 02-23-94 allitt01.ret 4798 03-07-94 allitt3.ret 4817 03-07-94 allmalad.ret 3704 05-06-94 allman1.ret 4501 03-07-94 allman2.ret 17816 05-06-94 allman3.ret 15894 05-06-94 allman4.ret 15898 05-06-94 allman5.ret 3059 09-05-94 allname.ndx 177152 01-04-95 allnews.ndx 159744 01-04-95 allocrep.ret 3994 03-07-94 allocsup.ret 3826 03-07-94 allpri1.ret 5895 03-07-94 allprt.mem 42343 03-26-94 allref.ndx 116736 01-04-95 allrefd3.ndx 131072 01-04-95 allsale.ndx 159744 01-04-95 allsear2.prg 695 12-31-94 allsearc.frm 1990 01-03-95 allstd.ret 6006 04-30-94 allstd2.ret 6167 05-05-94 allstru.txt 15787 12-28-94 allsupp.ret 3751 03-07-94 allsupp1.ret 4411 03-07-94 allsupp2.ret 3777 03-07-94 allsupp3.ret 4668 03-19-94 atemp.dbf 5300 01-04-95 dbfast.ini 445 08-15-93 file_id.diz 454 12-28-94 order.txt 4109 11-13-94 readme.bat 190 01-06-93 sbdec94.txt 9421 12-01-94 sbjan95.cds 19380 01-04-95 sbjan95.ci$ 117543 01-03-95 sbjan95.int 18023 01-04-95 sbjan95.mdm 56768 01-04-95 sbjan95.new 127332 01-03-95 sbjan95.txt 9449 01-04-95 sbjan95.www 20564 01-03-95 softbase.ico 766 07-02-93 softbase.ini 445 08-15-93 test.txt 7803 12-27-94 win31.bmp 5634 03-24-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 2/4, path: /unzipped/doc/sbjan95b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- all1.dbf 6724990 01-03-95 file_id.diz 594 12-28-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 3/4, path: /unzipped/doc/sbjan95c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- allcho.bmp 5858 01-03-93 alldb.bmp 16966 01-05-93 allfin.bmp 2758 01-03-93 allhead.bmp 4934 01-02-93 allprt.bmp 9922 01-03-93 allthink.bmp 12494 02-22-93 cdrom1.bmp 2006 02-04-93 dbfnrun$.dat 174 06-26-93 dbfrsc.dll 137728 05-21-93 ddeml.dll 36864 05-21-93 err.dat 12559 05-21-93 file_id.diz 94 12-28-94 hardw1.bmp 1878 02-04-93 qelib.dll 64512 05-21-93 qeutil.dll 60592 05-21-93 qldbf.dll 176672 05-21-93 retlogo.dll 90992 05-21-93 s$ext.dat 162 05-21-93 softbase.exe 494080 07-01-93 softw1.bmp 1742 02-04-93 win31.bmp 5634 03-24-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 4/4, path: /unzipped/doc/sbjan95d/ ----------------------------------------------------------- caret$.dat 188 05-21-93 caret.dot 6311 05-21-93 caret.ini 156 10-22-94 caretrun.exe 685040 05-21-93 file_id.diz 99 12-28-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Change the screen win3 displays at startup path: /unzipped/doc/start/ ----------------------------------------------------------- startup.bat 1395 11-27-90 startup.txt 4915 12-14-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Change the screen win3 displays at startup; path: /unzipped/doc/start2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- startup2.txt 14291 01-30-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Shareware/Freeware Report: Nov/Dec 1993 path: /unzipped/doc/tsfrv1n1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.sdi 357 11-01-93 file_id.diz 357 11-01-93 tsfr.ico 766 11-01-93 tsfrv1n1.hlp 366110 11-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Undocumented Windows information sheet path: /unzipped/doc/undocwin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- undocwin.txt 7771 06-21-92 undocwin.wri 9984 06-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Visual Basic Tips & Tricks (Windows Help File) path: /unzipped/doc/vbtips13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.sdi 325 01-03-94 file_id.diz 325 01-03-94 readme.1st 2691 09-30-93 vbtips.hlp 223777 01-03-94 vbtips.ico 766 01-03-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft (.doc) path: /unzipped/doc/whag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- api.doc 38352 01-14-93 author.doc 103064 01-14-93 baggage.doc 24171 01-14-93 contents.doc 5877 01-14-93 custom.doc 42444 01-14-93 design.doc 90368 01-14-93 dll.doc 68179 01-14-93 errors.doc 109644 01-14-93 format.doc 44516 01-14-93 graphics.doc 64727 01-14-93 guides.doc 57545 01-14-93 hc.doc 36512 01-14-93 hlpapp.doc 74958 01-14-93 hotspot.doc 66443 01-14-93 hpj.doc 72827 01-14-93 hyper.doc 47727 01-14-93 intro.doc 28453 01-14-93 macroref.doc 83318 01-14-93 macros.doc 45204 01-14-93 mrbc.doc 18559 01-14-93 readme.txt 1683 02-10-93 rtf.doc 153680 01-14-93 simple.doc 47516 01-14-93 sysbody1.dot 9478 01-14-93 topics.doc 59646 01-14-93 vkcodes.doc 15454 01-14-93 windows.doc 70022 01-14-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Use Win3 with PC-NFS path: /unzipped/doc/win3_nfs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 1387 10-30-90 win3-nfs.exe 7196 10-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Assist PC/XT users in running win3 faster path: /unzipped/doc/win86/ ----------------------------------------------------------- abcdef.bat 429 07-16-91 abort.com 4176 07-16-91 auto.com 4176 07-11-91 check.com 4176 07-11-91 confsys.com 4176 07-11-91 latest.com 4176 07-11-91 newrick.com 4176 07-11-91 rick.txt 6935 07-16-91 sniffer.com 199 07-15-91 wff.com 4176 07-16-91 winfast.bat 144 07-16-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows/286 & /386 WIN.INI memory switches path: /unzipped/doc/winemm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winemm 9002 02-25-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Information about win3 and networks path: /unzipped/doc/ww0323t/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ww0323t.txt 61858 11-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Product Support Services Application path: /unzipped/doc/ww0525/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ww0525.txt 13570 03-31-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Product Support Services Application path: /unzipped/doc/ww0527/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ww0527.txt 21917 03-30-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Product Support Services Application path: /unzipped/doc/ww0530/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ww0530t.txt 38313 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 24pin/ Enhanced drivers for Epson 24-pin and compat. 34win3/ Genoa VGA drivers 5426dr13/ Cirrus Logic GD542x drivers v1.3 adlibw/ Adlib WAVeform driver for Win 3.1 atiwin3/ ATI VGAWONDER 800x600x16 & 1024x768x16 drivers | v2.0 cirruswd/ Cirrus Logic VGA controller drivers disk_drv/ Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) disk_wrk/ Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) diskroot/ Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) djetdsk1/ HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 1 djetdsk2/ HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 2 et4k0192/ Tseng Drivers (01/92) et4win31/ Tseng ET4000 Windows 3.1 (Turbo) drivers evga800/ Everex EVGA 800x600x16 & 512x480x256 drivers genoadrv/ GENOA SVGA 6000 drivers (1024x768 & 800x600) k5426_d2/ Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows k542x_d1/ Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows lj3drv38/ HP LaserJet III driver v3.38 llwin103/ MCI Videodisc drivers for Windows 3.x mmext/ Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) mscdex/ Microsoft CD-ROM extensions msexe/ Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) necpnser/ Nec 24-pin Pinwriter(s) driver v1.37 oak_drv/ Oak drivers oakwin31/ Oak drivers pan24/ Panasonic 24 pin printer drivers parawin3/ Paradise SVGA drivers for Win3 rel 2 pro2w31/ Orchid Technology Prodesigner II Series drivers pscrp353/ PostScript printer driver v3.53 psd34a/ pvga1024/ PVGA (Paradise, Western Digital) drivers sbpw31/ Sound Blaster Pro drivers for Win 3.1 speak/ Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) trident/ Trident Windows drivers release C3.0 (May 91) ts3k_w31/ Tseng ET3000 Prerelease Windows 3.1 beta 061d tseng4k/ Tseng ET4000 VGA SVGA 16 & 256 color drivers tvga30/ Trident Windows drivers Release 3 (May 91) tvgac401/ Trident 8900C Windows drivers Release 4.01 (Feb | 92) tvgaw31a/ Trident release drivers for Win 3.1 tvgaw31b/ Trident release drivers for Win 3.1 tweak3/ Tweak Win v3.0 to work at 800x564x16 with normal | VGA card v3.0 v7win3/ Video Seven V-RAM & VGA 1024i 16 color & | 720x512x256 drivers vgawin/ ATI VGA 800x600 driver for Win3 w31et4/ March 1993 version of Tseng 4000 drivers for Win | 3.1 wdl_aud1/ Windows Drivers Library Sound wdl_dsp1/ Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 1 wdl_dsp2/ Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 2 wdl_msc1/ Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 1 (kbds,mouse | etc) wdl_msc2/ Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 2 (kbds,mouse | etc) wdl_ptr1/ Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 1 wdl_ptr2/ Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 2 win30drv/ Paradise VGA drivers (incl. Fast VGA) win31acc/ ATI line of accelerator card drivers winsdl1/ Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #1 winsdl2/ Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #2 winsdl3/ Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #3 winsdl4/ Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #4 winsdl5/ Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #5 winsdl6/ Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #6 winsdl7/ Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #7 wizard/ VGA Wizard drivers (800x600x16 & 1024x768x16) wrk_doc/ Windows 3.1 Resource Kit Docs (WinWord2) zyvgaw3/ Appian (ZyVGA) drivers ----------------------------------------------------------- Enhanced drivers for Epson 24-pin and compat. path: /unzipped/drivers/24pin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- epdriver.wri 3712 03-20-91 epson24.dra 49952 09-06-90 epson24.drb 49952 09-06-90 tmsrq.fon 108544 03-19-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Genoa VGA drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/34win3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- g640256.drv 72192 01-24-91 g800256.drv 76416 01-23-91 gvga1k.drv 82000 01-12-91 gvga86.drv 72144 07-13-90 read.me 2173 12-04-90 setup.inf 48723 12-04-90 vddgvga.386 39996 11-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cirrus Logic GD542x drivers v1.3 path: /unzipped/drivers/5426dr13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 512k/ avga.3gr 15360 03-10-92 disk.id 63 04-12-93 install.exe 66748 04-12-93 install.inf 1652 04-12-93 meter.dll 15537 02-21-91 oemsetup.inf 7928 04-12-93 setres/ system/ vdd542x.386 42429 01-27-93 vgacolor.2gr 4484 03-10-92 vgalogo.lg_ 1245 03-02-92 vgalogo.rl_ 9204 03-02-92 win.cn_ 10101 03-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/5426dr13/512k/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 256_1280.drv 114432 03-19-93 readme 345 04-12-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/5426dr13/setres/ ----------------------------------------------------------- setres.exe 27264 04-12-93 setres.hlp 10008 03-08-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/5426dr13/system/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 16_1280.drv 135558 04-12-93 16m_640.drv 127752 03-18-93 256_1280.drv 109680 04-12-93 64k_1024.drv 110144 04-12-93 8514fix.fo_ 3646 03-02-92 8514oem.fo_ 4237 03-02-92 8514sys.fo_ 3633 03-02-92 avga.3gr 15360 03-10-92 cga40850.fo_ 3729 03-02-92 cga40woa.fo_ 3563 03-02-92 cga80850.fo_ 3049 03-02-92 cga80woa.fo_ 3039 03-02-92 coure.fo_ 8612 03-02-92 courf.fo_ 11021 03-02-92 ega40850.fo_ 4058 03-02-92 ega40woa.fo_ 3933 03-02-92 ega80850.fo_ 3243 03-02-92 ega80woa.fo_ 3259 03-02-92 modern.fo_ 4376 03-02-92 roman.fo_ 6356 03-02-92 script.fo_ 5502 03-02-92 serife.fo_ 21454 03-02-92 seriff.fo_ 27241 03-02-92 setres.ini 178 04-12-93 smalle.fo_ 12501 03-02-92 smallf.fo_ 10489 03-02-92 sserife.fo_ 21643 03-02-92 sseriff.fo_ 27627 03-02-92 symbole.fo_ 21296 03-02-92 symbolf.fo_ 27198 03-02-92 vdd542x.386 42429 01-27-93 vga850.fo_ 3264 03-10-92 vga860.fo_ 3237 03-10-92 vga861.fo_ 3260 03-10-92 vga863.fo_ 3266 03-10-92 vga865.fo_ 3261 03-10-92 vgafix.fo_ 2715 03-10-92 vgaoem.fo_ 3219 03-10-92 vgasys.fo_ 3111 03-02-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adlib WAVeform driver for Win 3.1 path: /unzipped/drivers/adlibw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adlibwv.drv 6430 06-15-92 adlibwv.txt 2486 06-13-92 oemsetup.inf 131 06-13-92 vadlibwd.386 4673 06-15-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- ATI VGAWONDER 800x600x16 & 1024x768x16 drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/atiwin3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.bat 935 06-20-90 vgawin3.ati 93897 06-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cirrus Logic VGA controller drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/cirruswd/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 376 04-14-92 vddvga.386 44980 09-28-90 vga640.drv 71504 09-28-90 vga720.drv 71504 09-28-90 vga800.drv 71504 09-28-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) path: /unzipped/drivers/disk_drv/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mcimixer.drv 5474 02-03-92 midimap.cfg 6422 02-21-92 mmmixer.dll 3742 02-03-92 mvfm.drv 10587 02-19-92 mvmixer.drv 10994 02-03-92 mvproaud.drv 11739 03-13-92 sasbid.dll 3059 02-14-92 sbpaux.drv 2423 02-26-92 sbpfm.drv 8089 02-26-92 sbpmixer.cpl 13176 02-01-92 sbpsnd.drv 10502 02-17-92 sndbrd.drv 17376 02-14-92 vasbid.386 4156 02-14-92 vpd.386 9287 03-11-92 vsbd.386 2463 02-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) path: /unzipped/drivers/disk_wrk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 31readme.wr$ 28932 04-06-92 3270.wr$ 5812 03-07-92 bmpview.ex$ 43440 03-07-92 commqa.wr$ 11293 03-13-92 filesize.dl$ 7226 03-06-92 layouts.wr$ 12812 03-12-92 mouseqa.wr$ 7100 03-13-92 netapp.ex$ 19448 03-05-92 networks.wr$ 23812 03-04-92 printers.wr$ 13515 03-05-92 readme.wr$ 11280 03-13-92 smartmon.ex$ 13740 03-12-92 smartmon.hl$ 6940 03-04-92 sysini.wr$ 45964 03-03-92 sysmeter.ex$ 11331 03-12-92 sysmeter.hl$ 6121 03-05-92 t2hints.wr$ 2888 03-11-92 td_tutor.ex$ 47892 03-06-92 topdesk.ex$ 36755 03-13-92 topdesk.hl$ 12341 03-10-92 tophook.dl$ 3522 03-13-92 vbrun100.dl$ 171074 11-25-91 videoqa.wr$ 11078 03-13-92 winini.wr$ 29515 03-03-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) path: /unzipped/drivers/diskroot/ ----------------------------------------------------------- decomp.exe 40695 08-13-91 detcmd.dl_ 13280 12-06-91 oemsetup.inf 1099 03-13-92 readme.txt 643 04-03-92 setup.exe 22016 12-06-91 setup.ini 149 08-13-91 stfsetup.ex_ 82444 01-04-92 stfsetup.in_ 13418 03-12-92 ver.dl_ 8358 08-13-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 1 path: /unzipped/drivers/djetdsk1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dj500c.drv 192480 01-24-92 dj500c.hlp 36730 01-24-92 djcolor1.hpm 61132 10-11-91 gdiout.dll 24859 10-11-91 hpcolor.dll 17771 10-11-91 ifcll.dll 53335 10-11-91 ifsupp.mrg 490615 10-11-91 oemsetup.inf 1618 01-25-92 readme.txt 17843 01-25-92 sfi.dll 114080 10-14-91 sfi.hlp 11521 10-14-91 symbol.wri 6784 10-11-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 2 path: /unzipped/drivers/djetdsk2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 92500.typ 80816 10-11-91 92504.typ 82000 10-11-91 93950.typ 94896 10-11-91 93952.typ 94176 10-11-91 94021.typ 59536 10-11-91 94023.typ 60192 10-11-91 proto.out 432294 10-11-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tseng Drivers (01/92) path: /unzipped/drivers/et4k0192/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.doc 3435 01-15-92 setup.w30 52015 01-15-92 setup.w3a 47141 01-15-92 vddtli4.386 39996 01-15-92 vga414.drv 79152 01-15-92 vga443.drv 85952 01-15-92 vga446.drv 85952 01-15-92 vga448.drv 73632 01-15-92 vga463.drv 87952 01-15-92 vga463s.drv 86272 01-15-92 vga464.drv 73360 01-15-92 vga464s.drv 71680 01-15-92 vga466.drv 87952 01-15-92 vga466s.drv 86272 01-15-92 vga468.drv 80464 01-15-92 vga468s.drv 78784 01-15-92 vga474.drv 79088 01-15-92 vga478.drv 75664 01-15-92 vgacolrx.gr2 4297 01-15-92 vgamonox.gr2 4297 01-15-92 win30drv.doc 2213 01-15-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tseng ET4000 Windows 3.1 (Turbo) drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/et4win31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8514fix.fon 3646 04-16-92 8514oem.fon 4237 04-16-92 8514sys.fon 3633 04-16-92 cga40850.fon 3729 04-16-92 cga40woa.fon 3563 04-16-92 cga80850.fon 3049 04-16-92 cga80woa.fon 3039 04-16-92 coure.fon 8612 04-16-92 courf.fon 11021 04-16-92 diskt 8 04-16-92 ega40850.fon 4058 04-16-92 ega40woa.fon 3933 04-16-92 ega80850.fon 3243 04-16-92 ega80woa.fon 3259 04-16-92 mmtlhi.drv 43925 04-16-92 mmtllo.drv 43533 04-16-92 modern.fon 4376 04-16-92 oemsetup.inf 5812 04-16-92 readme.doc 3624 05-30-92 roman.fon 6356 04-16-92 script.fon 5502 04-16-92 serife.fon 21454 04-16-92 seriff.fon 27241 04-16-92 smalle.fon 12501 04-16-92 smallf.fon 10489 04-16-92 sserife.fon 21643 04-16-92 sseriff.fon 27627 04-16-92 symbole.fon 21296 04-16-92 symbolf.fon 27198 04-16-92 v7vga.3gr 8960 04-16-92 vddtli4.386 18964 04-16-92 vga.drv 43952 04-16-92 vga414.drv 45588 04-16-92 vga414s.drv 45413 04-16-92 vga443.drv 41995 04-16-92 vga446.drv 41995 04-16-92 vga448.drv 38669 04-16-92 vga463.drv 42201 04-16-92 vga463s.drv 42039 04-16-92 vga464.drv 42404 04-16-92 vga464s.drv 42240 04-16-92 vga466.drv 42201 04-16-92 vga466s.drv 42039 04-16-92 vga468.drv 40994 04-16-92 vga468s.drv 40837 04-16-92 vga474.drv 45536 04-16-92 vga474s.drv 45364 04-16-92 vga478.drv 38848 04-16-92 vga478s.drv 38685 04-16-92 vgacolrx.gr2 3499 04-16-92 vgafix.fon 2715 04-16-92 vgalogo.lgo 1245 04-16-92 vgalogo.rle 9204 04-16-92 vgaoem.fon 3219 04-16-92 vgasys.fon 3111 04-16-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Everex EVGA 800x600x16 & 512x480x256 drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/evga800/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ev673x4.gr3 15360 05-22-90 evga800.drv 72144 05-24-90 oemsetup.inf 2914 06-23-90 readme.doc 1562 08-09-90 vdd673.386 54218 08-08-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- GENOA SVGA 6000 drivers (1024x768 & 800x600) path: /unzipped/drivers/genoadrv/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gvga1k.drv 81696 06-14-90 gvga86.drv 72144 05-31-90 readme.w3 2402 06-25-90 setup.inf 50783 01-11-80 vdd640.386 40385 06-22-90 vddgvga.386 40385 06-19-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows path: /unzipped/drivers/k5426_d2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 512k/ avga.3gr 15360 03-10-92 disk.id 67 08-19-93 install.exe 66651 06-17-93 install.inf 1897 04-22-93 meter.dll 15537 02-21-91 oemsetup.inf 8031 08-19-93 setres/ setres.ini 240 08-19-93 system/ vdd542x.386 42437 07-15-93 vgacolor.2gr 4484 03-10-92 vgalogo.lg_ 1245 03-02-92 vgalogo.rl_ 9204 03-02-92 win.cn_ 10101 03-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k5426_d2/512k/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 256_1280.drv 116512 06-14-93 readme 345 04-12-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k5426_d2/setres/ ----------------------------------------------------------- setres.exe 37936 07-22-93 setres.hlp 10619 07-22-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k5426_d2/system/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 16_1280.drv 135019 06-07-93 16m_640.drv 127784 07-22-93 256_1280.drv 122880 08-19-93 64k_1024.drv 113248 08-19-93 8514fix.fo_ 3646 03-02-92 8514oem.fo_ 4237 03-02-92 8514sys.fo_ 3633 03-02-92 avga.3gr 15360 03-10-92 cga40850.fo_ 3729 03-02-92 cga40woa.fo_ 3563 03-02-92 cga80850.fo_ 3049 03-02-92 cga80woa.fo_ 3039 03-02-92 coure.fo_ 8612 03-02-92 courf.fo_ 11021 03-02-92 ega40850.fo_ 4058 03-02-92 ega40woa.fo_ 3933 03-02-92 ega80850.fo_ 3243 03-02-92 ega80woa.fo_ 3259 03-02-92 modern.fo_ 4376 03-02-92 oem542x.inf 8031 08-19-93 roman.fo_ 6356 03-02-92 script.fo_ 5502 03-02-92 serife.fo_ 21454 03-02-92 seriff.fo_ 27241 03-02-92 setres.ini 240 08-19-93 smalle.fo_ 12501 03-02-92 smallf.fo_ 10489 03-02-92 sserife.fo_ 21643 03-02-92 sseriff.fo_ 27627 03-02-92 symbole.fo_ 21296 03-02-92 symbolf.fo_ 27198 03-02-92 vdd542x.386 42437 07-15-93 vga850.fo_ 3264 03-10-92 vga860.fo_ 3237 03-10-92 vga861.fo_ 3260 03-10-92 vga863.fo_ 3266 03-10-92 vga865.fo_ 3261 03-10-92 vgafix.fo_ 2715 03-10-92 vgaoem.fo_ 3219 03-10-92 vgasys.fo_ 3111 03-02-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acadp/ clutils.red 141199 07-09-93 disk.id 54 08-20-93 gem3vp3/ install.dat 37520 08-20-93 install.exe 90304 09-28-92 lotus.red 23989 01-18-93 lotus2x/ lotus30/ read.me 1135 08-24-92 word/ wordstar/ wp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/acadp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dldext.rlm 25987 01-03-93 font0715.dld 6875 01-03-93 font0814.dld 8274 01-03-93 font1220.dld 9623 01-03-93 install.exe 12395 05-10-93 rcturboc.exp 427217 08-16-93 read.me 4435 05-10-93 turbodld.hlp 23852 03-18-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/gem3vp3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gemsetup.txt 457 11-27-91 sdv600.vga 49152 10-02-92 sdv768.vga 50688 10-02-92 vp2_0.txt 742 11-27-91 vpdrv2_0.exe 13418 09-26-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/lotus2x/ ----------------------------------------------------------- avgagr.drv 2875 06-12-92 tc132x25.drv 1185 06-12-92 tc132x43.drv 1185 06-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/lotus30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- l13avga1.dld 14292 07-30-91 l13avga2.dld 15934 08-06-91 vgas31cc.vbd 991 07-31-91 vgas40cc.vbd 991 08-05-91 vgas42cc.vbd 991 07-31-91 vgas54cc.vbd 991 08-05-91 vgas75cc.vbd 991 07-31-91 vgas96cc.vbd 991 08-05-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/word/ ----------------------------------------------------------- screen.vid 20001 09-25-92 screen8.vid 20001 09-25-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/wordstar/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cl1024.wgd 2792 09-25-92 cl800.wgd 2468 09-25-92 grfpix.exe 13991 11-12-91 preview.msg 8914 12-19-91 preview.ovr 52982 02-04-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/k542x_d1/wp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cirrus.vrs 6218 11-11-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- HP LaserJet III driver v3.38 path: /unzipped/drivers/lj3drv38/ ----------------------------------------------------------- finstall.dll 201248 10-25-91 finstall.hlp 28821 10-25-91 hppcl5a.drv 426656 10-25-91 hppcl5a.hlp 27683 10-25-91 oemsetup.inf 1014 10-25-91 readme.txt 6225 10-31-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- MCI Videodisc drivers for Windows 3.x path: /unzipped/drivers/llwin103/ ----------------------------------------------------------- oemsetup.inf 1378 01-29-94 p2200.drv 18432 01-29-94 p2400.drv 18432 01-29-94 p4200.drv 18432 01-29-94 p4400.drv 18432 01-29-94 p6000.drv 17920 01-29-94 p6000a.drv 17920 01-29-94 p6010.drv 17920 01-29-94 p8000.drv 18432 01-29-94 pan150.drv 18944 01-29-94 pan30.drv 18944 01-29-94 readme 7629 01-29-94 s1000.drv 17920 01-29-94 s1200.drv 17920 01-29-94 s1500.drv 17920 01-29-94 s1550.drv 17920 01-29-94 s2000.drv 17920 01-29-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) path: /unzipped/drivers/mmext/ ----------------------------------------------------------- license.txt 2769 03-19-92 mscdex.exe 25431 02-04-92 mscdex.txt 925 03-19-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft CD-ROM extensions path: /unzipped/drivers/mscdex/ ----------------------------------------------------------- license.txt 2769 03-19-92 mscdex.exe 25431 02-04-92 mscdex.txt 925 03-19-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) path: /unzipped/drivers/msexe/ ----------------------------------------------------------- license.txt 2769 03-19-92 msdos.exe 44608 03-12-92 msdosexe.txt 604 03-19-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Nec 24-pin Pinwriter(s) driver v1.37 path: /unzipped/drivers/necpnser/ ----------------------------------------------------------- necpnser.drv 217408 04-09-91 necpnser.hlp 11843 04-09-91 readw3.doc 4710 04-23-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Oak drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/oak_drv/ ----------------------------------------------------------- setup.inf 50014 02-27-91 vddokvga.386 40448 03-14-91 vga1024.drv 82880 09-20-90 vga10244.drv 77696 01-03-80 vga256c6.drv 75696 12-12-90 vga256c8.drv 75856 12-12-90 vga7684.drv 78208 01-03-80 win3_800.drv 72112 07-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Oak drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/oakwin31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- oak81kl.drv 74256 01-23-92 oak8640l.drv 71872 01-23-92 oak8801.drv 75984 05-06-91 oemsetup.350 2444 04-15-92 oemsetup.525 2488 04-17-92 readme.txt 107 04-23-92 vddokvga.386 40385 01-21-92 vga1280l.drv 85216 01-28-92 vga1280n.drv 85584 01-28-92 vga1k4.drv 78928 01-22-92 vga1kl.drv 83584 01-28-92 vga1knl.drv 83968 01-28-92 vga768l.drv 84688 01-28-92 vga768nl.drv 85104 01-28-92 vga800.drv 72112 07-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Panasonic 24 pin printer drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/pan24/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dmcolor.dll 18480 04-03-92 license.txt 3807 10-20-92 oemsetup.inf 547 12-10-92 panson24.drv 21024 10-16-92 printer.txt 2608 03-23-92 unidrv.dll 128240 09-15-92 unidrv.hlp 45107 06-05-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Paradise SVGA drivers for Win3 rel 2 path: /unzipped/drivers/parawin3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cga40850.fon 3445 05-01-90 cga40woa.fon 3278 05-01-90 cga80850.fon 2792 05-01-90 cga80woa.fon 2780 05-01-90 colors.exe 7840 06-01-90 ega40850.fon 3768 05-01-90 ega40woa.fon 3649 05-01-90 ega80850.fon 2961 05-01-90 ega80woa.fon 2983 05-01-90 oemdisk1 177 01-31-90 oemsetup.inf 933 07-30-90 pvga.gr3 13824 07-06-90 pvga480.drv 71936 05-08-90 readme 3027 07-25-90 vddvga.386 40119 05-07-90 vga1024.drv 77360 07-10-90 vga800.drv 72752 07-10-90 vgacolor.gr2 3509 05-01-90 vgafix.fon 2453 05-01-90 vgalogo.lgo 1085 05-01-90 vgalogo.rle 5696 05-01-90 vgaoem.fon 2989 05-01-90 vgasys.fon 2620 05-01-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Orchid Technology Prodesigner II Series drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/pro2w31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.exe 49152 05-28-92 read.me 199 05-21-92 v7vga.3gr 13824 03-01-92 v7vga.gr3 13824 02-18-92 vddtli4.386 40508 04-16-92 vga443.drv 86464 03-01-92 vga448.drv 73696 03-01-92 vga463s.drv 86784 03-01-92 vga464s.drv 71696 03-01-92 vga468s.drv 78848 03-01-92 vga474.drv 79104 03-01-92 vga474s.drv 77424 03-01-92 vga478.drv 75728 03-01-92 vga478s.drv 72864 03-01-92 vgacolrx.gr2 4297 03-01-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- PostScript printer driver v3.53 path: /unzipped/drivers/pscrp353/ ----------------------------------------------------------- license.txt 4046 06-22-92 printer.txt 2608 03-26-92 pscript.drv 318128 07-16-92 pscript.hlp 43793 03-05-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/drivers/psd34a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pscript.drv 275375 11-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- PVGA (Paradise, Western Digital) drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/pvga1024/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8514fix.fon 3646 01-18-93 8514oem.fon 4237 01-18-93 8514sys.fon 3633 01-18-93 cga40850.fon 3729 01-18-93 cga40woa.fon 3563 01-18-93 cga80850.fon 3049 01-18-93 cga80woa.fon 3039 01-18-93 coure.fon 8612 01-18-93 courf.fon 11021 01-18-93 dosapp.fon 16721 01-18-93 ega40850.fon 4058 01-18-93 ega40woa.fon 3933 01-18-93 ega80850.fon 3243 01-18-93 ega80woa.fon 3259 01-18-93 mmwd480.drv 51062 01-18-93 mmwd600.drv 50407 01-18-93 mmwd768.drv 50785 01-18-93 nmmwd480.drv 51045 01-18-93 nmmwd600.drv 50391 01-18-93 nmmwd768.drv 50768 01-18-93 oemdisk1 177 01-18-93 oemsetup.inf 5582 01-18-93 p32k480.drv 52170 01-18-93 p32k600.drv 52222 01-18-93 pvga.gr2 3996 01-18-93 pvga600.drv 45412 01-18-93 read.me 2327 01-18-93 serife.fon 21454 01-18-93 seriff.fon 27241 01-18-93 smalle.fon 12501 01-18-93 smallf.fon 10489 01-18-93 sserife.fon 21643 01-18-93 sseriff.fon 27627 01-18-93 svga1024.drv 47253 01-18-93 svga1280.drv 47258 01-18-93 svga960.drv 47260 01-18-93 symbole.fon 21296 01-18-93 symbolf.fon 27198 01-18-93 v7vga.3gr 8960 01-18-93 vddpvga.386 19642 01-18-93 vgafix.fon 2715 01-18-93 vgalogo.lgo 1245 01-18-93 vgalogo.rle 9204 01-18-93 vgaoem.fon 3219 01-18-93 vgasys.fon 3111 01-18-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sound Blaster Pro drivers for Win 3.1 path: /unzipped/drivers/sbpw31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- midimap.cfg 44182 04-06-92 mmcbox.exe 22016 03-28-92 mmjbox.exe 22016 03-30-92 oemsetup.inf 420 04-06-92 readme.1st 7764 04-07-92 sbpaux.drv 4208 04-02-92 sbpfm.drv 12848 04-02-92 sbpmixer.exe 29024 04-02-92 sbpsnd.drv 15552 04-02-92 vsbpd.386 5640 04-02-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) path: /unzipped/drivers/speak/ ----------------------------------------------------------- audio.txt 1139 03-19-92 license.txt 2769 03-19-92 oemsetup.inf 245 03-27-92 speaker.drv 7056 03-30-92 speaker.txt 1715 04-02-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trident Windows drivers release C3.0 (May 91) path: /unzipped/drivers/trident/ ----------------------------------------------------------- oemsetup.inf 3955 06-17-91 readme.txt 2724 06-17-91 t1024.drv 38422 03-11-91 t1024c.drv 38540 05-01-91 t1024f.drv 38602 03-11-91 t1024fc.drv 38703 05-01-91 t640.drv 38446 03-11-91 t640c.drv 38560 05-01-91 t800-5.drv 38818 05-29-91 t800.drv 38401 03-11-91 t800c.drv 38544 05-01-91 trident 119 06-18-90 tvga.gr3 8478 06-19-90 vddtvga.386 18698 12-21-90 w1024.drv 44869 03-11-91 w1024c.drv 45041 05-01-91 w1024f.drv 45045 03-11-91 w1024fc.drv 45231 05-01-91 w800.drv 42493 06-08-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tseng ET3000 Prerelease Windows 3.1 beta 061d path: /unzipped/drivers/ts3k_w31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- diskt 8 01-15-92 oemsetup.w31 5278 01-15-92 readme.doc 2612 01-15-92 readme.w31 2018 01-15-92 setup.w30 50583 01-15-92 setup.w3a 45709 01-15-92 vddtli3.386 39996 01-15-92 vga348.drv 73632 01-15-92 vga364.drv 73360 01-15-92 vga364s.drv 71680 01-15-92 vga368.drv 80496 01-15-92 vga368s.drv 78816 01-15-92 vga374.drv 79088 01-15-92 vgacolrx.gr2 4297 01-15-92 vgamonox.gr2 4297 01-15-92 win30drv.doc 2214 01-15-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tseng ET4000 VGA SVGA 16 & 256 color drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/tseng4k/ ----------------------------------------------------------- setup.inf 50384 05-29-90 vddtli4.386 39996 05-19-90 vga448.drv 70016 05-18-90 vga464.drv 71280 05-22-90 vga468.drv 70016 05-18-90 vga478.drv 69984 05-18-90 vgacolrx.gr2 4297 05-14-90 vgamonox.gr2 4297 05-29-90 win30.doc 2176 05-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trident Windows drivers Release 3 (May 91) path: /unzipped/drivers/tvga30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- oemsetup.inf 3668 11-07-90 readme.txt 2672 06-26-91 t1024.drv 38422 03-11-91 t1024f.drv 38602 03-11-91 t640.drv 38446 03-11-91 t800.drv 38430 04-29-91 trident 119 06-18-90 tvga.gr3 8478 06-19-90 vddtvga.386 18698 12-21-90 w1024.drv 44794 05-01-91 w1024f.drv 44976 05-01-91 w800.drv 42493 06-08-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trident 8900C Windows drivers Release 4.01 (Feb path: /unzipped/drivers/tvgac401/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hi512.drv 37570 12-04-91 hi51264k.drv 37551 12-04-91 hi640.drv 37678 12-04-91 hi64064k.drv 37662 12-04-91 oemsetup.inf 4067 12-06-91 readme.txt 3693 01-10-92 t1024c.drv 38601 01-10-92 t1024fc.drv 38766 01-10-92 t640c.drv 38629 01-09-92 t800-5.drv 39215 01-10-92 t800c.drv 38613 01-10-92 trident 119 06-18-90 tvga.gr3 8478 06-19-90 vddtvga.386 18758 08-01-91 w1024c.drv 45041 05-01-91 w1024fc.drv 45231 05-01-91 w800.drv 42493 06-08-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trident release drivers for Win 3.1 path: /unzipped/drivers/tvgaw31a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ega80woa.fon 3259 03-10-92 sserife.fon 21643 03-10-92 supervga.drv 44303 03-10-92 t1024.drv 39574 05-29-92 t1024f.drv 40007 05-29-92 t640.drv 39608 05-29-92 t800-5.drv 39879 04-27-92 t800.drv 39581 05-29-92 w1024.drv 45371 04-30-92 w1024f.drv 45795 04-30-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trident release drivers for Win 3.1 path: /unzipped/drivers/tvgaw31b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8514fix.fon 3646 03-10-92 8514oem.fon 4237 03-10-92 8514sys.fon 3633 03-10-92 cga40850.fon 3729 03-10-92 cga40woa.fon 3563 03-10-92 cga80850.fon 3049 03-10-92 cga80woa.fon 3039 03-10-92 coure.fon 8612 03-10-92 courf.fon 11021 03-10-92 ega40850.fon 4058 03-10-92 ega40woa.fon 3933 03-10-92 ega80850.fon 3243 03-10-92 modern.fon 4376 03-10-92 oemsetup.inf 3744 04-29-92 readme.txt 1950 06-09-92 roman.fon 6356 03-10-92 script.fon 5502 03-10-92 serife.fon 21454 03-10-92 seriff.fon 27241 03-10-92 smalle.fon 12501 03-10-92 smallf.fon 10489 03-10-92 sseriff.fon 27627 03-10-92 symbole.fon 21296 03-10-92 symbolf.fon 27198 03-10-92 trident 122 04-21-92 v7vga.3gr 8960 03-10-92 vddtvga.386 18758 08-01-91 vgacolor.2gr 3658 03-10-92 vgafix.fon 2715 03-10-92 vgalogo.lgo 1245 03-10-92 vgalogo.rle 9204 03-10-92 vgaoem.fon 3219 03-10-92 vgasys.fon 3111 03-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tweak Win v3.0 to work at 800x564x16 with normal path: /unzipped/drivers/tweak3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- tweak.asm 4769 09-12-90 tweak.exe 733 09-12-90 tweak.txt 1667 03-07-91 vga800.drv 72079 09-17-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Video Seven V-RAM & VGA 1024i 16 color & path: /unzipped/drivers/v7win3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 1936 05-22-90 v7512256.drv 74176 05-22-90 v754016.drv 71104 05-22-90 v760016.drv 71104 05-22-90 v776816.drv 74672 05-22-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- ATI VGA 800x600 driver for Win3 path: /unzipped/drivers/vgawin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.1st 1804 05-25-90 vddvga.386 40438 04-24-90 win3-54b.drv 72256 04-10-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- March 1993 version of Tseng 4000 drivers for Win path: /unzipped/drivers/w31et4/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8514fix.fon 3646 03-01-93 8514oem.fon 4237 03-01-93 8514sys.fon 3633 03-01-93 cga40850.fon 3729 03-01-93 cga40woa.fon 3563 03-01-93 cga80850.fon 3049 03-01-93 cga80woa.fon 3039 03-01-93 coure.fon 8612 03-01-93 courf.fon 11021 03-01-93 diskt 8 03-01-93 ega40850.fon 4058 03-01-93 ega40woa.fon 3933 03-01-93 ega80850.fon 3243 03-01-93 ega80woa.fon 3259 03-01-93 mmtlhi.drv 43613 03-01-93 mmtllo.drv 43225 03-01-93 modern.fon 4376 03-01-93 oemsetup.inf 5798 03-01-93 readme.doc 3688 03-01-93 roman.fon 6356 03-01-93 script.fon 5502 03-01-93 serife.fon 21454 03-01-93 seriff.fon 27241 03-01-93 smalle.fon 12501 03-01-93 smallf.fon 10489 03-01-93 sserife.fon 21643 03-01-93 sseriff.fon 27627 03-01-93 symbole.fon 21296 03-01-93 symbolf.fon 27198 03-01-93 v7vga.3gr 8960 03-01-93 vddtli4.386 19997 03-01-93 vga.drv 43952 03-01-93 vga414.drv 46897 03-01-93 vga414s.drv 46491 03-01-93 vga443.drv 43058 03-01-93 vga446.drv 43058 03-01-93 vga448.drv 40018 03-01-93 vga463.drv 43517 03-01-93 vga463s.drv 43102 03-01-93 vga464.drv 43583 03-01-93 vga464s.drv 43181 03-01-93 vga466.drv 43517 03-01-93 vga466s.drv 43102 03-01-93 vga468.drv 42509 03-01-93 vga468s.drv 42097 03-01-93 vga474.drv 46831 03-01-93 vga474s.drv 46426 03-01-93 vga478.drv 40390 03-01-93 vga478s.drv 39981 03-01-93 vgacolrx.gr2 3499 03-01-93 vgafix.fon 2715 03-01-93 vgalogo.lgo 1245 03-01-93 vgalogo.rle 9204 03-01-93 vgaoem.fon 3219 03-01-93 vgasys.fon 3111 03-01-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Drivers Library Sound path: /unzipped/drivers/wdl_aud1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acpa.dr_ 22227 04-07-92 acpadd.sy_ 22398 04-07-92 audio.dl_ 50644 04-07-92 ibmauds.ds_ 6307 04-07-92 ibmpcmp.ds_ 3421 04-07-92 ibmpcmr.ds_ 3732 04-07-92 mcimixer.dr_ 5474 04-07-92 midimap.cf_ 6422 04-07-92 midimap.ibm 29249 04-07-92 mix.ex_ 13200 04-07-92 mmmixer.dl_ 3742 04-07-92 mvfm.dr_ 10587 04-07-92 mvmixer.dr_ 12011 04-07-92 mvproaud.dr_ 11798 04-07-92 oemsetup.inf 1397 04-07-92 promix.ex_ 12404 04-07-92 sasbid.dl_ 3059 04-07-92 sbpaux.dr_ 2423 04-07-92 sbpfm.dr_ 8089 04-07-92 sbpmixer.cp_ 13176 04-07-92 sbpsnd.dr_ 10502 04-07-92 sndbrd.dr_ 17376 04-07-92 speaker.dr_ 5077 04-07-92 speaker.txt 1715 04-07-92 tbwave.dr_ 10403 04-07-92 vasbid.38_ 4156 04-07-92 vsbd.38_ 2463 04-07-92 vtbd.38_ 2491 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 1 path: /unzipped/drivers/wdl_dsp1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8514fix.fo_ 3646 04-07-92 8514oem.fo_ 4237 04-07-92 8514sys.fo_ 3633 04-07-92 car1280.dr_ 53065 04-07-92 car1k.dr_ 52742 04-07-92 car640.dr_ 52721 04-07-92 car645k.dr_ 52901 04-07-92 car800.dr_ 52724 04-07-92 carvga.2g_ 3509 04-07-92 carvga.3g_ 8967 04-07-92 cga.2g_ 1768 04-07-92 cga.3g_ 6343 04-07-92 cga.dr_ 26451 04-07-92 cga40850.fo_ 3729 04-07-92 cga40woa.fo_ 3563 04-07-92 cga80850.fo_ 3049 04-07-92 cga80woa.fo_ 3039 04-07-92 cgafix.fo_ 2560 04-07-92 cgalogo.lg_ 902 04-07-92 cgalogo.rl_ 3815 04-07-92 cgaoem.fo_ 3008 04-07-92 cgasys.fo_ 2667 04-07-92 coura.fo_ 6417 04-07-92 coure.fo_ 8612 04-07-92 courf.fo_ 11021 04-07-92 dgis.dr_ 86096 04-07-92 dgisvga.38_ 39085 04-07-92 disk1 8 04-07-92 ega40850.fo_ 4058 04-07-92 ega40woa.fo_ 3933 04-07-92 ega80850.fo_ 3243 04-07-92 ega80woa.fo_ 3259 04-07-92 egafix.fo_ 2534 04-07-92 egaoem.fo_ 3027 04-07-92 egasys.fo_ 2879 04-07-92 lrfix.fo_ 2752 04-07-92 lrhelv.fo_ 2592 04-07-92 lrhelvb.fo_ 2601 04-07-92 lroem.fo_ 3112 04-07-92 lrsys.fo_ 3198 04-07-92 mcga256.dr_ 39116 04-07-92 modern.fo_ 4376 04-07-92 oemsetup.inf 10455 04-07-92 rgdi.2g_ 3658 04-07-92 rgdi.38_ 20113 04-07-92 rgdi.3g_ 8602 04-07-92 rgdi.dr_ 62966 04-07-92 roman.fo_ 6356 04-07-92 script.fo_ 5502 04-07-92 serifa.fo_ 15314 04-07-92 serife.fo_ 21454 04-07-92 seriff.fo_ 27241 04-07-92 smalle.fo_ 12501 04-07-92 smallf.fo_ 10489 04-07-92 sserife.fo_ 21643 04-07-92 sseriff.fo_ 27627 04-07-92 symbola.fo_ 16037 04-07-92 symbole.fo_ 21296 04-07-92 symbolf.fo_ 27198 04-07-92 ultra.dr_ 49543 04-07-92 ultra640.dr_ 48986 04-07-92 ultrabig.dr_ 48822 04-07-92 v7vga.3g_ 8960 04-07-92 vddcar.38_ 18780 04-07-92 vgalogo.lg_ 1245 04-07-92 vgalogo.rl_ 9204 04-07-92 win.cn_ 10101 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 2 path: /unzipped/drivers/wdl_dsp2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk2 8 04-07-92 sserifa.fo_ 15025 04-07-92 vddcga.38_ 8906 04-07-92 vddtli4.38_ 18964 04-07-92 vddultra.38_ 40255 04-07-92 vddvga30.38_ 19651 04-07-92 vga.dr_ 43952 04-07-92 vga30.3g_ 9803 04-07-92 vga414.dr_ 45588 04-07-92 vga414s.dr_ 45413 04-07-92 vga443.dr_ 42582 04-07-92 vga446.dr_ 42582 04-07-92 vga448.dr_ 39161 04-07-92 vga463.dr_ 42800 04-07-92 vga463s.dr_ 42627 04-07-92 vga464.dr_ 42404 04-07-92 vga464s.dr_ 42240 04-07-92 vga466.dr_ 42800 04-07-92 vga466s.dr_ 42627 04-07-92 vga468.dr_ 41483 04-07-92 vga468s.dr_ 41316 04-07-92 vga474.dr_ 45536 04-07-92 vga474s.dr_ 45364 04-07-92 vga478.dr_ 39332 04-07-92 vga478s.dr_ 38720 04-07-92 vgacolor.2g_ 3658 04-07-92 vgacolrx.gr_ 3499 04-07-92 vgadib.3g_ 10382 04-07-92 vgafix.fo_ 2715 04-07-92 vgagray.dr_ 46651 04-07-92 vgaoem.fo_ 3219 04-07-92 vgapal.dr_ 46755 04-07-92 vgasys.fo_ 3111 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 1 (kbds,mouse path: /unzipped/drivers/wdl_msc1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- access.exe 31744 04-07-92 access30.hlp 93548 04-07-92 access31.hlp 96131 04-07-92 accessu.dll 12432 04-07-92 ap-kbd.drv 12801 04-07-92 ap-kbdhp.drv 13729 04-07-92 ap-kbdol.drv 12897 04-07-92 ap-mou.drv 5152 04-07-92 courc.fon 12640 04-07-92 courd.fon 20928 04-07-92 disk1 8 04-07-92 emsnetx.exe 65083 04-07-92 ibmmkeys.bmp 51902 04-07-92 ipx.obj 20340 04-07-92 ipxodi.com 20903 04-07-92 lsl.com 7662 04-07-92 monoumb.386 8783 04-07-92 mscdex.exe 25431 04-07-92 msdos.exe 44608 04-07-92 netware.drv 125712 04-07-92 netware.hlp 34348 04-07-92 netx.com 52443 04-07-92 newipx.exe 20197 04-07-92 nwpopup.exe 2992 04-07-92 oemsetup.inf 6936 04-07-92 reversi.exe 17264 04-07-92 serifc.fon 37424 04-07-92 serifd.fon 56800 04-07-92 skwin.bmp 55934 04-07-92 sserifc.fon 38768 04-07-92 sserifd.fon 57984 04-07-92 tbmi2.com 17999 04-07-92 vipx.386 19197 04-07-92 vnetware.386 10102 04-07-92 vpd.386 9287 04-07-92 xmsnetx.exe 62051 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 2 (kbds,mouse path: /unzipped/drivers/wdl_msc2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- access.wri 66048 04-07-92 comm.drv 9280 04-07-92 disk2 8 04-07-92 hpebios.386 9348 04-07-92 hpmouse.drv 4896 04-07-92 hpsystem.drv 2832 04-07-92 kbdmouse.drv 1408 04-07-92 lmouse.com 34658 04-07-92 lmouse.drv 12928 04-07-92 lvmd.386 9688 04-07-92 mmsound.drv 3440 04-07-92 msc3bc2.drv 4832 04-07-92 mscmouse.drv 4960 04-07-92 mscvmd.386 9327 04-07-92 newipx.wri 7936 04-07-92 nomouse.drv 416 04-07-92 power.drv 15504 04-07-92 power.hlp 13100 04-07-92 sl.dll 16512 04-07-92 sl.hlp 15841 04-07-92 sysini.wri 198016 04-07-92 system.drv 2304 04-07-92 vpowerd.386 9426 04-07-92 winini.wri 129152 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 1 path: /unzipped/drivers/wdl_ptr1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk1 8 04-07-92 la70.drv 8112 04-07-92 la75.drv 8112 04-07-92 la75plus.drv 8144 04-07-92 lj250.drv 8448 04-07-92 ln03.drv 28560 04-07-92 oemsetup.inf 5742 04-07-92 okiled.drv 63984 04-07-92 p351sx2.drv 17872 04-07-92 pcl4x.drv 303280 04-07-92 pscript.drv 313280 04-07-92 pscript.hl_ 32727 04-07-92 sf4019.ex_ 33539 04-07-92 sfinst2.ex_ 35498 04-07-92 star24e.drv 78528 04-07-92 star9e.drv 30160 04-07-92 testps.txt 2640 04-07-92 ti08_450.wp_ 574 04-07-92 ti15_470.wp_ 745 04-07-92 uni24.drv 21280 04-07-92 uni24.txt 666 04-07-92 unidrv.dll 119344 04-07-92 unidrv.hl_ 23210 04-07-92 unisyslz.drv 61632 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 2 path: /unzipped/drivers/wdl_ptr2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- brother9.drv 18480 04-07-92 brothr24.drv 51792 04-07-92 canon800.drv 10560 04-07-92 ch4100.drv 9856 04-07-92 ch5500.drv 8448 04-07-92 dec1100.drv 34416 04-07-92 dec2100.drv 34400 04-07-92 dec2200.drv 34432 04-07-92 dec3200.drv 34464 04-07-92 disk2 8 04-07-92 dj1000.drv 53520 04-07-92 dj2000.drv 53232 04-07-92 dm124.drv 7952 04-07-92 dmcolor.dl_ 14744 04-07-92 epsonlzr.drv 146608 04-07-92 escp2.drv 8000 04-07-92 exprss24.drv 13888 04-07-92 finstall.dl_ 110030 04-07-92 finstall.hl_ 15386 04-07-92 gendrv.dl_ 49648 04-07-92 ibm239x.drv 27184 04-07-92 ibm4029.drv 91200 04-07-92 jp150.drv 110000 04-07-92 jp350s.drv 109488 04-07-92 la324.drv 8176 04-07-92 oemsetup.inf 5742 04-07-92 starjet.drv 7952 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Paradise VGA drivers (incl. Fast VGA) path: /unzipped/drivers/win30drv/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8514fix.fon 11408 05-01-90 8514oem.fon 12720 05-01-90 8514sys.fon 9136 05-01-90 bw1024.drv 49216 07-10-90 cga40850.fon 6704 05-01-90 cga40woa.fon 6704 05-01-90 cga80850.fon 4672 05-01-90 cga80woa.fon 4672 05-01-90 colors.exe 7840 06-01-90 ega40850.fon 8736 05-01-90 ega40woa.fon 8736 05-01-90 ega80850.fon 5680 05-01-90 ega80woa.fon 5680 05-01-90 egahires.drv 71408 10-30-90 oemdisk1 177 01-31-90 oemsetup.inf 1892 12-07-90 pvga.gr3 13824 07-06-90 pvga400.drv 72960 12-18-90 pvga480.drv 71936 11-10-90 pvga600.drv 73120 12-18-90 readme 3027 07-25-90 vddvga.386 40846 12-19-90 vga.drv 42515 05-01-90 vga.gr3 14848 05-01-90 vga1024.drv 79040 08-24-90 vga800.drv 72752 07-10-90 vgacolor.gr2 4326 05-01-90 vgafix.fon 5776 05-01-90 vgalogo.lgo 1120 05-01-90 vgalogo.rle 14782 05-01-90 vgaoem.fon 5584 05-01-90 vgasys.fon 6368 05-01-90 wd1024b.drv 75200 12-12-90 wd800b.drv 72272 12-12-90 wdvga.drv 72112 10-30-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- ATI line of accelerator card drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/win31acc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.bat 4326 04-06-92 readme.1st 1644 04-06-92 win31ult.exe 239154 04-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #1 path: /unzipped/drivers/winsdl1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 4513l600.drv 71600 09-20-90 4523l600.drv 70096 09-20-90 cpqivgs.drv 74288 09-20-90 license.txt 3714 10-16-90 netsdl.txt 7157 09-20-90 oemsetup.inf 17182 09-20-90 readme.txt 12400 09-20-90 v776816.drv 77184 09-20-90 vddati.386 40967 09-20-90 vddchip.386 40460 09-20-90 vgap45x.gr3 13888 09-20-90 win3-54b.drv 72096 09-20-90 win3-55b.drv 80896 09-20-90 win3l768.drv 73696 09-20-90 win3p480.drv 62880 09-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #2 path: /unzipped/drivers/winsdl2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dgis3hi.drv 86224 09-20-90 dgis3lo.drv 84544 09-20-90 dgisvga.gr3 14848 09-20-90 license.txt 3714 10-16-90 netsdl.txt 7157 09-20-90 oemsetup.inf 17292 09-20-90 pvga.gr3 13824 09-20-90 pvga480.drv 71936 09-20-90 readme.txt 12400 09-20-90 v7480256.drv 74064 09-20-90 v760016.drv 71104 09-20-90 vddpara.386 40119 09-20-90 vga1024.drv 79040 09-20-90 vga800.drv 72752 09-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #3 path: /unzipped/drivers/winsdl3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- access.exe 31072 09-20-90 access.wri 53248 09-20-90 ap-kbd.drv 11105 09-20-90 ap-kbdhp.drv 12033 09-20-90 ap-kbdol.drv 11201 09-20-90 ap-mou.drv 5024 09-20-90 license.txt 3714 10-16-90 netsdl.txt 7157 09-20-90 netware.drv 47008 09-20-90 netware.hlp 26607 09-20-90 nwpopup.exe 3862 09-20-90 oemsetup.inf 17292 09-20-90 readme.txt 12400 09-20-90 vipx.386 14281 09-20-90 vnetware.386 10067 09-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #4 path: /unzipped/drivers/winsdl4/ ----------------------------------------------------------- accel.drv 41840 09-20-90 brohl.drv 315168 09-20-90 broth24.drv 12528 09-20-90 broth24.hlp 2887 09-20-90 broth9.drv 7152 09-20-90 broth9.hlp 4135 09-20-90 canon10e.drv 4976 09-20-90 canon10e.hlp 2295 09-20-90 canon130.drv 6496 09-20-90 canon130.hlp 3568 09-20-90 dmcolor.dll 17781 09-20-90 genlib.dll 65792 09-20-90 license.txt 3714 10-16-90 netsdl.txt 7157 09-20-90 oemsetup.inf 17292 09-20-90 readme.txt 12400 09-20-90 starm24.drv 26656 09-20-90 starm24.hlp 2884 09-20-90 starm9.drv 10752 09-20-90 starm9.hlp 2708 09-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #5 path: /unzipped/drivers/winsdl5/ ----------------------------------------------------------- finstall.dll 104128 09-20-90 finstall.hlp 16770 09-20-90 hppcl5a.drv 411776 09-20-90 hppcl5a.hlp 13871 09-20-90 license.txt 3714 10-16-90 netsdl.txt 7157 09-20-90 oemsetup.inf 17182 09-20-90 oki24pls.drv 84128 09-20-90 readme.txt 12400 09-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #6 path: /unzipped/drivers/winsdl6/ ----------------------------------------------------------- finstall.dll 104128 09-20-90 finstall.hlp 16770 09-20-90 hppcl.drv 278080 09-20-90 hppcl.hlp 12193 09-20-90 license.txt 3714 10-16-90 netsdl.txt 7157 09-20-90 oemsetup.inf 17182 09-20-90 pscript.drv 264705 09-20-90 pscript.hlp 20898 09-20-90 readme.txt 12400 09-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #7 path: /unzipped/drivers/winsdl7/ ----------------------------------------------------------- can_adf.exe 68288 09-20-90 ch5500.drv 7360 09-20-90 dcnx150.drv 9296 09-20-90 dcnx150p.drv 14752 09-20-90 dm309.drv 6000 09-20-90 flex.drv 25184 09-20-90 gendrv.exe 71808 09-20-90 hpiid522.wpd 4574 09-20-90 hpiii522.wpd 4500 09-20-90 hpiip522.wpd 4537 09-20-90 ibm17521.wpd 2571 09-20-90 ibm39521.wpd 5041 09-20-90 ibm5204.drv 8752 09-20-90 jdl850.drv 5008 09-20-90 lbpiii.drv 82784 09-20-90 license.txt 3714 10-16-90 n2090522.wpd 4212 09-20-90 n2290520.wpd 4312 09-20-90 netsdl.txt 7157 09-20-90 oemsetup.inf 17292 09-20-90 ol820.drv 58272 09-20-90 ol840518.wpd 4592 09-20-90 printers.ini 474 09-20-90 q2200510.wpd 5166 09-20-90 q820_517.wpd 4926 09-20-90 readme.txt 12400 09-20-90 sf820.exe 66400 09-20-90 sfflex.exe 66400 09-20-90 tim17521.wpd 2696 09-20-90 tim35521.wpd 4698 09-20-90 u9415470.wpd 4304 09-20-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- VGA Wizard drivers (800x600x16 & 1024x768x16) path: /unzipped/drivers/wizard/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 1866 08-10-90 setup.inf 48099 08-06-90 vddvga.386 40388 07-13-90 win480.drv 72144 05-01-90 win600.drv 71632 06-12-90 win768.drv 79136 06-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 3.1 Resource Kit Docs (WinWord2) path: /unzipped/drivers/wrk_doc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 01welw.doc 19312 02-21-92 02welw.doc 302373 02-21-92 0cover.doc 3611 02-21-92 0cpage.doc 14323 02-20-92 0part.doc 23242 02-21-92 0toc.doc 21835 02-21-92 1fileww.doc 41748 02-21-92 1iniw.doc 263745 02-21-92 1instww.doc 279826 02-21-92 1setupw.doc 105072 02-21-92 2memww.doc 174748 02-21-92 2tipw.doc 143610 02-21-92 3appw.doc 152094 02-21-92 3pifw.doc 277895 02-19-92 4fontw.doc 767803 02-19-92 4olew.doc 214538 02-21-92 4printw.doc 249802 02-20-92 5netw.doc 65264 02-21-92 6trbl.doc 112372 02-21-92 6utilw.doc 227657 02-21-92 7a.doc 100728 02-24-92 7b.doc 43071 02-21-92 7c.doc 124505 02-22-92 7d.doc 498434 02-21-92 7feedbk.doc 5118 02-19-92 7glossw.doc 44017 02-20-92 7index.doc 66185 02-24-92 normal.dot 3738 02-01-92 readme.wri 21248 02-22-92 template.dot 3743 01-24-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Appian (ZyVGA) drivers path: /unzipped/drivers/zyvgaw3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ap400h.drv 72352 12-04-90 ap600l.drv 72192 10-23-90 apvdd.drv 40293 11-27-90 oemsetup.inf 3527 12-11-90 readme.w3 941 12-12-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Editors for windows path: /unzipped/editor/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mewin10/ MicroEmacs v3.11c for Windows Update 1.0 (great) mewri/ MicroEmacs for Windows docs nedit11a/ Nutty Edit v1.1 for Windows, J.Chan notebk16/ Notebook v1.6; A text editor for docs to max heap | avail ue312win/ MicroEmacs v3.12 for MS-Windows webed12/ Hypertext markup language editor for Windows wed13b/ WinEdit v1.3b programmer's editor wine05bx/ Win-Emacs v1.00.05 beta (GNU Lucid Emacs 19.4) | (huge) wintex20/ Text editor dedicated to TeX/LaTeX editing wpa06/ WPEdit v0.6 programmer's text editor zeusv105/ Zeus for Windows 3.x Program (Brief like) Editor ----------------------------------------------------------- MicroEmacs v3.11c for Windows Update 1.0 (great) path: /unzipped/editor/mewin10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cua.cmd 9644 04-18-92 dosbox.pif 545 12-21-91 dosexec.pif 545 12-21-91 emacs.ini 1632 04-17-92 emacs.rc 5056 04-17-92 mdi.cmd 3271 04-17-92 mewin.exe 219152 04-17-92 readme 15589 04-18-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- MicroEmacs for Windows docs path: /unzipped/editor/mewri/ ----------------------------------------------------------- emacs.wri 241664 12-09-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Nutty Edit v1.1 for Windows, J.Chan path: /unzipped/editor/nedit11a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 cntr.vbx 15840 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 89248 03-20-93 keystat.vbx 25648 04-28-93 nedit.exe 261514 08-29-95 nedit.txt 1493 08-28-95 spin.vbx 22528 04-28-93 threed.vbx 64544 04-28-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Notebook v1.6; A text editor for docs to max heap path: /unzipped/editor/notebk16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- notebkbw.ico 766 04-28-91 notebook.exe 53248 07-08-91 notebook.hlp 38269 07-07-91 noteinfo 4448 07-08-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- MicroEmacs v3.12 for MS-Windows path: /unzipped/editor/ue312win/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mewin.exe 445188 04-23-93 read.me 15044 04-27-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hypertext markup language editor for Windows path: /unzipped/editor/webed12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 310 08-24-95 setup.exe 947375 08-30-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinEdit v1.3b programmer's editor path: /unzipped/editor/wed13b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- changes.tx$ 11903 03-19-92 commdlg.dl$ 88992 02-06-92 edmacro.dl$ 14592 02-05-92 edtemp.pi$ 545 09-26-91 readme.txt 13790 03-15-92 tee.co$ 1081 03-11-92 wbinxz.exe 51776 03-10-92 we__ver.13b 92 10-03-91 we_ext.dl$ 6112 03-02-92 weextsrc.zi$ 13251 01-24-92 winedit.ex$ 206848 03-13-92 winedit.hl$ 29937 01-24-92 winedit.tx$ 37815 03-19-92 wsetup.exe 5248 12-05-91 wsetup.inf 1263 03-19-92 wwwdealr.dl$ 2800 03-16-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Win-Emacs v1.00.05 beta (GNU Lucid Emacs 19.4) path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bin/ changes 1676 06-09-93 etc/ info/ lisp/ lock/ readme 13086 06-09-93 readme.dos 10169 06-09-93 register.txt 347 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/bin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- emacs.dat 709400 06-09-93 prop-cb.dll 354802 06-09-93 rgb.txt 17730 06-09-93 temacs.dll 850910 03-20-93 winemacs.exe 87996 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/etc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _emacs 80 06-09-93 copying 12737 06-09-93 distrib 1900 06-09-93 doc 431356 06-09-93 dos4gw.exe 231179 06-09-93 emacs.nam 5444 06-09-93 etags.exe 53544 06-09-93 news 168522 06-09-93 spook.lin 733 06-09-93 tutorial 33852 06-09-93 xdefault.ini 161 06-09-93 yow.lin 38353 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/info/ ----------------------------------------------------------- calendar 47954 06-09-93 copying 12737 06-09-93 dir 1407 06-09-93 dired 2931 06-09-93 dired.1 47945 06-09-93 dired.2 48780 06-09-93 dired.3 33559 06-09-93 edebug 69101 06-09-93 elisp 14242 06-09-93 elisp.1 50186 06-09-93 elisp.10 50912 06-09-93 elisp.11 50398 06-09-93 elisp.12 50831 06-09-93 elisp.13 49176 06-09-93 elisp.14 48956 06-09-93 elisp.15 47570 06-09-93 elisp.16 50348 06-09-93 elisp.17 49146 06-09-93 elisp.18 50990 06-09-93 elisp.19 50981 06-09-93 elisp.2 50808 06-09-93 elisp.20 49517 06-09-93 elisp.21 48480 06-09-93 elisp.22 50076 06-09-93 elisp.23 37115 06-09-93 elisp.24 66967 06-09-93 elisp.3 49117 06-09-93 elisp.4 48996 06-09-93 elisp.5 50496 06-09-93 elisp.6 50013 06-09-93 elisp.7 50705 06-09-93 elisp.8 48986 06-09-93 elisp.9 48509 06-09-93 emacs 8642 06-09-93 emacs.1 50943 06-09-93 emacs.10 46421 06-09-93 emacs.11 49109 06-09-93 emacs.12 49493 06-09-93 emacs.13 49501 06-09-93 emacs.14 43029 06-09-93 emacs.15 32754 06-09-93 emacs.16 22177 06-09-93 emacs.17 44160 06-09-93 emacs.18 18270 06-09-93 emacs.2 49404 06-09-93 emacs.3 47426 06-09-93 emacs.4 44675 06-09-93 emacs.5 45817 06-09-93 emacs.6 50876 06-09-93 emacs.7 51035 06-09-93 emacs.8 47888 06-09-93 emacs.9 47874 06-09-93 ilisp 69718 06-09-93 info 27227 06-09-93 texinfo 4174 06-09-93 texinfo.1 48681 06-09-93 texinfo.2 49559 06-09-93 texinfo.3 48741 06-09-93 texinfo.4 34536 06-09-93 vip 2028 06-09-93 vip.1 49472 06-09-93 vip.2 24898 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bytecomp/ calendar/ comint/ dired/ electric/ emulator/ modes/ packages/ prim/ readme.lsp 3045 06-09-93 term/ utils/ x11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/bytecomp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bc-runti.elc 4374 06-09-93 byte-opt.elc 22660 06-09-93 bytecomp.elc 66734 06-09-93 disass.elc 3531 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/calendar/ ----------------------------------------------------------- appt.elc 12204 06-09-93 calendar.elc 85590 06-09-93 diary-ad.elc 5469 06-09-93 diary.elc 55588 06-09-93 holiday.elc 12841 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/comint/ ----------------------------------------------------------- backgrou.elc 2244 06-09-93 comint.elc 26264 06-09-93 dbx.elc 4382 06-09-93 gdb.elc 8792 06-09-93 history.elc 3217 06-09-93 inf-lisp.elc 7371 06-09-93 kermit.elc 2450 06-09-93 shell.elc 9179 06-09-93 telnet.elc 5574 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/dired/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ange-ftp.elc 108129 06-09-93 dired-cd.elc 4193 06-09-93 dired-cw.elc 1236 06-09-93 dired-gu.elc 2266 06-09-93 dired-li.elc 2304 06-09-93 dired-ls.elc 3156 06-09-93 dired-ns.elc 7923 06-09-93 dired-nu.elc 2675 06-09-93 dired-rc.elc 1981 06-09-93 dired-tr.elc 5585 06-09-93 dired-vm.elc 4935 06-09-93 dired-x.elc 36955 06-09-93 dired.elc 77010 06-09-93 direddos.elc 2830 06-09-93 find-dir.elc 4396 06-09-93 gmhist-a.elc 3267 06-09-93 gmhist-c.elc 948 06-09-93 gmhist-m.elc 8867 06-09-93 gmhist.elc 22480 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/electric/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ebuff-me.elc 6484 06-09-93 echistor.elc 4534 06-09-93 ehelp.elc 6630 06-09-93 electric.elc 3016 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/emulator/ ----------------------------------------------------------- evi.elc 81984 06-09-93 gosmacs.elc 2859 06-09-93 mlconver.elc 7311 06-09-93 mlsuppor.elc 9096 06-09-93 vi.elc 38000 06-09-93 vip.elc 81885 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/modes/ ----------------------------------------------------------- abbrev.elc 7400 06-09-93 ada.elc 13841 06-09-93 awk-mode.elc 1889 06-09-93 bib-mode.elc 5128 06-09-93 bibtex.elc 20154 06-09-93 c-commen.elc 6538 06-09-93 c-fill.elc 3309 06-09-93 c-mode.elc 14005 06-09-93 c-style.elc 2931 06-09-93 cl-inden.elc 5774 06-09-93 cmacexp.elc 1262 06-09-93 cxx-mode.elc 48572 06-09-93 fortran-.elc 4134 06-09-93 fortran.elc 26765 06-09-93 hideif.elc 16551 06-09-93 icon.elc 9217 06-09-93 lisp-mod.elc 10501 06-09-93 mail-abb.elc 10826 06-09-93 mim-mode.elc 16992 06-09-93 mim-synt.elc 1499 06-09-93 modula2.elc 8804 06-09-93 nroff-mo.elc 4511 06-09-93 old-cxx-.elc 16141 06-09-93 outline.elc 10282 06-09-93 perl-mod.elc 11453 06-09-93 picture.elc 17644 06-09-93 postscri.elc 5851 06-09-93 prolog.elc 5835 06-09-93 scheme.elc 7868 06-09-93 scribe.elc 6691 06-09-93 sendmail.elc 15438 06-09-93 simula.elc 15531 06-09-93 tex-mode.elc 24436 06-09-93 texnfo-u.elc 30818 06-09-93 text-mod.elc 3574 06-09-93 view-les.elc 7669 06-09-93 view.elc 10107 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/packages/ ----------------------------------------------------------- add-log.elc 2141 06-09-93 apropos.elc 3965 06-09-93 array.elc 22039 06-09-93 auto-sav.elc 8395 06-09-93 autoinse.elc 1526 06-09-93 bg-mouse.elc 6346 06-09-93 blackbox.elc 9422 06-09-93 blink-pa.elc 2229 06-09-93 buff-men.elc 9660 06-09-93 chistory.elc 4710 06-09-93 compare-.elc 2611 06-09-93 compile.elc 11421 06-09-93 conx.elc 13824 06-09-93 crypt.elc 14414 06-09-93 dabbrev.elc 3925 06-09-93 diff.elc 4870 06-09-93 dissocia.elc 1532 06-09-93 doctex.elc 4344 06-09-93 doctor.elc 34233 06-09-93 edebug.elc 51768 06-09-93 emacsbug.elc 861 06-09-93 emerge.elc 67720 06-09-93 etags.elc 23878 06-09-93 feedmail.elc 10377 06-09-93 field.elc 2349 06-09-93 flame.elc 9594 06-09-93 font-loc.elc 9505 06-09-93 ftp.elc 8512 06-09-93 gomoku.elc 21377 06-09-93 hanoi.elc 2448 06-09-93 helper.elc 2903 06-09-93 hexl.elc 15652 06-09-93 info.elc 18604 06-09-93 informat.elc 6442 06-09-93 ispell.elc 11816 06-09-93 ledit.elc 3438 06-09-93 lhilit.elc 5601 06-09-93 life.elc 5218 06-09-93 lispm-fo.elc 3169 06-09-93 lpr.elc 2067 06-09-93 man.elc 7337 06-09-93 medit.elc 2834 06-09-93 mh-e.elc 61158 06-09-93 netunam.elc 3910 06-09-93 page-ext.elc 9582 06-09-93 pending-.elc 1199 06-09-93 r2bibtex.elc 14184 06-09-93 refbib.elc 14396 06-09-93 remote.elc 10194 06-09-93 reportma.elc 17488 06-09-93 resume.elc 1380 06-09-93 rnews.elc 21954 06-09-93 rnewspos.elc 8910 06-09-93 saveconf.elc 5383 06-09-93 server.elc 5989 06-09-93 session.elc 934 06-09-93 shell-fo.elc 1894 06-09-93 spell.elc 2770 06-09-93 spook.elc 1798 06-09-93 studly.elc 1089 06-09-93 sup-mous.elc 3295 06-09-93 tar-mode.elc 26113 06-09-93 terminal.elc 21718 06-09-93 texinfmt.elc 26058 06-09-93 texinfo.elc 9785 06-09-93 time.elc 2145 06-09-93 uncompre.elc 1532 06-09-93 underlin.elc 1110 06-09-93 upd-copy.elc 2815 06-09-93 vt100-le.elc 1213 06-09-93 wais.elc 48297 06-09-93 webster-.elc 16451 06-09-93 webster.elc 8420 06-09-93 xscheme.elc 24056 06-09-93 yow.elc 1527 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/prim/ ----------------------------------------------------------- debug.elc 7529 06-09-93 demacs.elc 2916 06-09-93 dos-fns.elc 3676 06-09-93 faces.elc 11369 06-09-93 files.elc 35811 06-09-93 fill.elc 3165 06-09-93 float-su.elc 1108 06-09-93 help.elc 11203 06-09-93 inc-vers.elc 937 06-09-93 indent.elc 4950 06-09-93 isearch-.elc 23866 06-09-93 iso8859-.elc 2115 06-09-93 keydefs.elc 7376 06-09-93 lisp.elc 6574 06-09-93 loaddefs.elc 90765 06-09-93 loadup.elc 2662 06-09-93 macros.elc 3670 06-09-93 makesum.elc 1493 06-09-93 menubar.elc 15666 06-09-93 minibuf.elc 26600 06-09-93 misc.elc 956 06-09-93 mode-mot.elc 5319 06-09-93 mouse.elc 12162 06-09-93 novice.elc 2380 06-09-93 oisearch.elc 7231 06-09-93 options.elc 2886 06-09-93 page.elc 2391 06-09-93 paragrap.elc 4859 06-09-93 rect.elc 4988 06-09-93 register.elc 4223 06-09-93 replace.elc 8449 06-09-93 repositi.elc 2425 06-09-93 screen.elc 10917 06-09-93 simple.elc 36302 06-09-93 sort.elc 8667 06-09-93 sound.elc 1884 06-09-93 startup.elc 14077 06-09-93 subr.elc 11415 06-09-93 tabify.elc 1078 06-09-93 timer.elc 12423 06-09-93 userlock.elc 5736 06-09-93 window.elc 3186 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/term/ ----------------------------------------------------------- x-win.elc 1823 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/utils/ ----------------------------------------------------------- abbrevli.elc 869 06-09-93 backquot.elc 5082 06-09-93 cl.elc 50146 06-09-93 highligh.elc 3081 06-09-93 mail-uti.elc 3403 06-09-93 mailpost.elc 1656 06-09-93 meese.elc 789 06-09-93 rfc822.elc 4122 06-09-93 symbol-s.elc 1816 06-09-93 with-tim.elc 2499 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lisp/x11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- x-compos.elc 11428 06-09-93 x-faces.elc 9526 06-09-93 x-iso885.elc 5553 06-09-93 x-mouse.elc 4745 06-09-93 xselect.elc 10327 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/editor/wine05bx/lock/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dummy 6 06-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Text editor dedicated to TeX/LaTeX editing path: /unzipped/editor/wintex20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 138768 02-10-92 dosexec.pif 545 10-17-93 latex.bat 51 11-06-89 latex.cmd 5568 10-15-93 latex.hlp 153717 01-13-93 set-tex.bat 86 10-21-93 texcad.bat 121 10-22-93 wintex.exe 738816 11-10-93 wintex.hlp 38056 11-09-93 wintex.ini 656 11-10-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WPEdit v0.6 programmer's text editor path: /unzipped/editor/wpa06/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 5206 03-24-91 wpedit.exe 105205 03-24-91 wpedit.hlp 16660 03-24-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Zeus for Windows 3.x Program (Brief like) Editor path: /unzipped/editor/zeusv105/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cc.ba_ 803 07-29-95 ccpp.txt 384 05-28-95 cobol.txt 465 05-28-95 commdlg.dll 89248 06-10-92 ctl3d.dll 21008 02-01-94 expand.exe 16378 11-01-93 file_id.diz 440 05-15-95 history.txt 11644 07-28-95 meter.dll 15537 02-21-91 order.txt 1848 07-18-95 pas.txt 381 05-27-95 readme.txt 996 07-16-95 setup.exe 106000 07-31-95 setup.inf 1730 07-26-95 strip.ex_ 10323 04-06-95 zeus.cf_ 104 07-31-95 zeus.el_ 839 02-07-95 zeus.ex_ 333380 07-31-95 zeus.hl_ 44266 07-31-95 zeus.wr_ 4727 07-26-95 zeus.zi_ 618 04-18-95 zeusdos.pi_ 354 07-04-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Educational games path: /unzipped/educgame/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1merlin/ Board style game - find treasures and get them to | destination amaze321/ Amazeing v3.21 3D, find a way out of the maze aquiz00/ Quiz program with facility to create your own | questions arachnid/ Arachnid card game, I.Heath bcubes/ BrainCubes, remember and repeat button sequences, | M.Dvorkin bg4win30/ Traditional Backgammon against computer, G.Sutty bog/ Bog, Boggle-like word finding game, | E.Bergman-Terrell butmad/ Button Madness puzzle, D.Palmer carom10/ A carom billiards simulator with C source, | C.Markus cartiv20/ Cartivor, package of 100 solitaire type games crypto20/ Cryptogram puzzle game, K.Reek cstone1/ Cornerstone puzzle by F.Poulin deapsea/ Familiar grid game - find ships before yours are | found draw530/ Draw 5 v3.0 video poker eurwin22/ "Europe!" Version 2.2 for Windows gaz1/ Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman gaz2/ Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman gaz3/ Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman hangman/ Hangman word guessing game for Windows math090/ This is a Windows math program for anybody | 2-years & above maxit101/ A Game of skill, wit, mathmatics, G. Klemans mind12b/ Another MasterMind for Windows, D.Slamnig mines/ Minefield game, I.Heath mrmind/ MasterMind Logic Game poker/ Draw Poker, A.Haroutunian puzzle11/ Sliding Tile Puzzle (pictures, BMPs as tiles), | P.Beckingham pzl8/ Sliding puzzle (numbers as tiles), | E.Bergman-Terrell stwv150/ Story Twister for Windows Version 1.50 taipei/ Taipei (mahjong), by D.Norris w_hop/ Hop-Over puzzle, D.Feinleib watorw/ Windows fish & sharks population evolution game, | L.Kovach winpoker/ Windows Poker v1.0 winpool3/ Winpool v1.3 billiards winprobl/ Finger problems puzzle winzee/ Yahtzee dice game for windows v2.21 wmake5/ Wmake5 v1.0 5-in-a-row game yat105/ Yet Another Tetris v1.05 for Win3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Board style game - find treasures and get them to path: /unzipped/educgame/1merlin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- island1.dat 6513 11-09-92 island2.dat 6513 11-09-92 islanda.dat 204 10-15-92 islandb.dat 204 10-24-92 merlin.cfg 6 11-25-92 merlin.doc 5811 11-26-92 merlin.exe 484096 11-26-92 myupload.inf 1359 11-26-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Amazeing v3.21 3D, find a way out of the maze path: /unzipped/educgame/amaze321/ ----------------------------------------------------------- amazeing.exe 134656 06-13-93 amazeing.hlp 33172 06-13-93 amazeing.rev 2713 06-13-93 readme.txt 810 06-13-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Quiz program with facility to create your own path: /unzipped/educgame/aquiz00/ ----------------------------------------------------------- banner.ans 1436 11-12-95 default.qs_ 5934 11-10-95 file_id.diz 275 11-10-95 quizzy.ex_ 247554 11-10-95 readme.1st 1787 11-10-95 sdn.id 970 11-10-95 setup.exe 105832 11-10-95 vendinfo.diz 6720 11-10-95 vendor.doc 216 11-10-95 winstall.inf 372 11-10-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Arachnid card game, I.Heath path: /unzipped/educgame/arachnid/ ----------------------------------------------------------- arachnid.exe 410443 02-08-91 arachnid.hlp 20867 02-08-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- BrainCubes, remember and repeat button sequences, path: /unzipped/educgame/bcubes/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bcubes.exe 20032 09-10-92 bcubes.hlp 9805 09-10-92 readme 2305 09-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Traditional Backgammon against computer, G.Sutty path: /unzipped/educgame/bg4win30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bg.doc 1204 01-30-91 bg.exe 43792 01-16-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bog, Boggle-like word finding game, path: /unzipped/educgame/bog/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bog.exe 31760 10-27-92 bog.hlp 4330 10-27-92 bog_dict.txt 23497 09-21-92 users_gd.wri 3456 02-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Button Madness puzzle, D.Palmer path: /unzipped/educgame/butmad/ ----------------------------------------------------------- btnmad.exe 23597 08-19-91 btnmad.txt 1093 08-21-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- A carom billiards simulator with C source, path: /unzipped/educgame/carom10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- carom.exe 79360 08-14-94 carom.hlp 17619 02-18-94 caromsrc.zip 54598 08-14-94 readme.txt 2380 08-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cartivor, package of 100 solitaire type games path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cws.exe 193280 04-24-95 cws.hlp 35382 04-24-95 cwsdll.dll 71680 02-15-95 exe/ exe.dir 11 04-18-95 gra/ install.exe 30720 05-04-95 install.inf 174 05-05-95 license.wri 2176 05-01-95 order.frm 1033 05-01-95 snd/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/exe/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.dib 9 06-16-94 cards/ cards.dir 7 05-01-95 logic/ logic.dir 17 05-01-95 worker/ worker.dir 8 05-01-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/exe/cards/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.dib 9 05-01-95 accordio.bmp 1654 05-01-95 accordio.cvc 1822 04-30-95 andre2.bmp 1654 02-13-95 andre2.cvc 1822 04-30-95 andre3.bmp 1654 02-13-95 andre3.cvc 1822 04-30-95 azur.bmp 1654 02-13-95 azur.cvc 1822 04-30-95 babel.bmp 1654 02-13-95 babel.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bankruss.bmp 1654 02-13-95 bankruss.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bigwheel.bmp 1654 02-13-95 bigwheel.cvc 1822 04-30-95 calculat.bmp 1654 02-13-95 calculat.cvc 1822 04-30-95 canfield.bmp 1654 02-13-95 canfield.cvc 1822 04-30-95 cecile.bmp 1654 02-13-95 cecile.cvc 1822 04-30-95 charles.bmp 1687 01-08-94 charles.cvc 8119 04-11-95 clock11.bmp 1654 02-13-95 clock11.cvc 1822 04-30-95 couples.bmp 1654 02-13-95 couples.cvc 1822 04-30-95 cruel.bmp 1654 02-13-95 cruel.cvc 1822 04-30-95 discard.bmp 1654 02-13-95 discard.cvc 1822 04-30-95 doubfun.bmp 1654 02-13-95 doubfun.cvc 1822 04-30-95 doubtrbl.bmp 1654 05-01-95 doubtrbl.cvc 1822 04-30-95 elfer.bmp 4181 03-23-95 elfer.cvc 8586 04-11-95 fortune.bmp 1654 02-13-95 fortune.cvc 1822 04-30-95 golf.bmp 1654 02-13-95 golf.cvc 1822 04-30-95 guess.bmp 1654 02-13-95 guess.cvc 1822 04-30-95 h.bmp 1654 02-13-95 h.cvc 1822 04-30-95 heilige.bmp 4183 03-23-95 heilige.cvc 8692 04-11-95 klondike.bmp 1688 01-08-94 klondike.cvc 8381 04-11-95 lady.bmp 1654 02-13-95 lady.cvc 1822 04-30-95 lebut.bmp 1654 02-13-95 lebut.cvc 1822 04-30-95 letapis.bmp 1654 05-01-95 letapis.cvc 1822 04-30-95 maire.bmp 1654 02-13-95 maire.cvc 1822 04-30-95 mirroir2.bmp 1654 02-13-95 mirroir2.cvc 1822 04-30-95 moncarlo.bmp 1654 02-13-95 moncarlo.cvc 1822 04-30-95 napoleon.bmp 1654 02-13-95 napoleon.cvc 1822 04-30-95 nicole.bmp 1654 02-13-95 nicole.cvc 1822 04-30-95 paires.bmp 1654 02-13-95 paires.cvc 1822 04-30-95 pairs.bmp 1654 02-13-95 pairs.cvc 1822 04-30-95 poker.bmp 1654 05-01-95 poker.cvc 1822 04-30-95 pttnapol.bmp 4190 03-23-95 pttnapol.cvc 10160 04-11-95 pyramid.bmp 1654 05-01-95 pyramid.cvc 1822 04-30-95 royal.bmp 1654 02-13-95 royal.cvc 1822 04-30-95 s.bmp 1654 02-17-95 s.cvc 1822 04-30-95 s2.bmp 1654 02-17-95 s2.cvc 1822 04-30-95 scarecro.bmp 1654 02-13-95 scarecro.cvc 1822 04-30-95 solii.bmp 1654 02-13-95 solii.cvc 1822 04-30-95 spider.bmp 1654 02-13-95 spider.cvc 1822 04-30-95 streets.bmp 1654 02-13-95 streets.cvc 1822 04-30-95 tamo.bmp 1654 02-13-95 tamo.cvc 1822 04-30-95 thirteen.bmp 1654 02-13-95 thirteen.cvc 1822 04-30-95 tower4.bmp 1654 02-13-95 tower4.cvc 1822 04-30-95 variete.bmp 1654 05-01-95 variete.cvc 1822 04-30-95 vegas.bmp 1654 05-01-95 vegas.cvc 1822 04-30-95 violon.bmp 1654 02-13-95 violon.cvc 1822 04-30-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/exe/logic/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.dib 9 05-01-95 bpeg01.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg01.cvc 5582 04-24-95 bpeg02.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg02.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg03.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg03.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg04.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg04.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg05.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg05.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg06.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg06.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg07.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg07.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg08.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg08.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg09.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg09.cvc 1822 04-30-95 bpeg10.bmp 1654 05-01-95 bpeg10.cvc 1822 04-30-95 chainr.bmp 1654 05-01-95 chainr.cvc 1822 04-30-95 jump.bmp 1654 05-01-95 jump.cvc 1822 04-30-95 l3hollow.bmp 1654 05-01-95 l3hollow.cvc 1822 04-30-95 magicdbl.bmp 1654 05-01-95 magicdbl.cvc 1822 04-30-95 mahjong.bmp 1654 05-01-95 mahjong.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg01.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg01.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg02.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg02.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg03.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg03.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg04.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg04.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg05.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg05.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg06.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg06.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg07.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg07.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg08.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg08.cvc 1822 04-30-95 peg09.bmp 1654 05-01-95 peg09.cvc 1822 04-30-95 reverse.bmp 1654 05-01-95 reverse.cvc 5690 04-24-95 schamb.bmp 1654 05-01-95 schamb.cvc 1822 04-30-95 taquin.bmp 1654 05-01-95 taquin.cvc 3680 04-24-95 tchouka.bmp 1654 05-01-95 tchouka.cvc 4433 04-24-95 tchouka2.bmp 1654 05-01-95 tchouka2.cvc 1822 04-30-95 tchouka3.bmp 1654 05-01-95 tchouka3.cvc 1822 04-30-95 tiles.bmp 1654 05-01-95 tiles.cvc 8427 04-24-95 worm.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worm.cvc 1822 04-30-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/exe/worker/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.dib 9 03-18-95 dwork01.bmp 1654 05-01-95 dwork01.cvc 1822 04-30-95 dwork02.bmp 1686 04-03-95 dwork02.cvc 20578 04-30-95 dwork03.bmp 1654 05-01-95 dwork03.cvc 1822 04-30-95 dwork04.bmp 1654 05-01-95 dwork04.cvc 1822 04-30-95 gab003.bmp 1654 05-01-95 gab003.cvc 1822 04-30-95 lunchtim.bmp 1654 05-01-95 lunchtim.cvc 1822 04-30-95 rightmov.bmp 1654 05-01-95 rightmov.cvc 1822 04-30-95 wayup.bmp 1654 05-01-95 wayup.cvc 1822 04-30-95 worker02.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worker02.cvc 1822 04-30-95 worker03.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worker03.cvc 1822 04-30-95 worker04.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worker04.cvc 1822 04-30-95 worker05.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worker05.cvc 1822 04-30-95 worker06.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worker06.cvc 1822 04-30-95 worker07.bmp 1694 04-03-95 worker07.cvc 20918 04-30-95 worker08.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worker08.cvc 1822 04-30-95 worker10.bmp 1654 05-01-95 worker10.cvc 1822 04-30-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/gra/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.dib 9 04-26-95 andromed.bmp 8118 05-01-95 bin/ boom.bmp 7094 05-25-94 boxes/ dots.bmp 2518 05-18-94 face.bmp 630 05-25-94 fleur.bmp 630 05-19-94 flocon.bmp 630 05-19-94 klingon.bmp 4990 05-25-94 monde.bmp 6518 05-26-94 ncc1701.bmp 8118 05-01-95 paysage.bmp 7110 05-25-94 pomme.bmp 2494 05-25-94 portee.bmp 630 05-25-94 saturn.bmp 8118 05-25-94 terre.bmp 9622 05-01-95 tileflr.bmp 4214 05-19-94 tiles/ worker/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/gra/bin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bin00.bmp 2166 02-28-95 bin01.bmp 2166 02-28-95 bin02.bmp 2166 02-28-95 bin03.bmp 2166 03-01-95 bin04.bmp 2166 03-01-95 rbin00.bmp 1142 03-04-95 rbin01.bmp 1142 03-04-95 rbin02.bmp 1142 03-04-95 rbin03.bmp 1142 03-04-95 rbin04.bmp 1142 03-04-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/gra/boxes/ ----------------------------------------------------------- box.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box0.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box1.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box10.bmp 2166 06-08-94 box11.bmp 2166 03-06-95 box12.bmp 2166 03-06-95 box13.bmp 2166 03-06-95 box14.bmp 2166 03-06-95 box15.bmp 2166 03-06-95 box2.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box3.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box4.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box5.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box6.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box7.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box8.bmp 2166 06-07-94 box9.bmp 2166 06-07-94 boxk.bmp 2166 06-07-94 boxx.bmp 2166 06-07-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/gra/tiles/ ----------------------------------------------------------- tile.bmp 1490 01-23-94 tile0.bmp 1490 03-27-94 tile1.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile10.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile11.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile12.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile13.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile14.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile15.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile16.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile17.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile18.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile19.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile2.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile20.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile21.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile22.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile23.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile24.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile25.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile26.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile27.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile28.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile29.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile3.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile30.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile31.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile32.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile33.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile34.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile35.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile36.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile37.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile38.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile39.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile4.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile40.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile5.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile6.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile7.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile8.bmp 1490 03-23-94 tile9.bmp 1490 03-23-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/gra/worker/ ----------------------------------------------------------- antigrav.bmp 2166 04-03-95 bluebox.bmp 2166 04-03-95 boss.bmp 2166 04-04-95 dantigra.bmp 2166 04-03-95 dbluebox.bmp 2166 04-03-95 dboss.bmp 2166 04-04-95 detonat2.bmp 2166 04-03-95 detonate.bmp 2166 04-03-95 dgravito.bmp 2166 04-03-95 dleftton.bmp 2166 04-04-95 drightto.bmp 2166 04-04-95 dynaman.bmp 2166 04-03-95 dynamite.bmp 2166 04-03-95 explode.bmp 2166 04-03-95 godown.bmp 2166 04-03-95 goup.bmp 2166 04-03-95 graviton.bmp 2166 04-03-95 hammer.bmp 2166 04-03-95 leftton.bmp 2166 04-04-95 lunch.bmp 2166 04-03-95 man.bmp 2166 04-03-95 mgodown.bmp 2166 04-03-95 mgoup.bmp 2166 04-03-95 nothing.bmp 2166 04-03-95 redbox.bmp 2166 04-03-95 rightton.bmp 2166 04-04-95 saw.bmp 2166 04-03-95 tourvis.bmp 2166 04-04-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/educgame/cartiv20/snd/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ding.wav 11598 09-04-94 uhoh.wav 16216 12-16-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cryptogram puzzle game, K.Reek path: /unzipped/educgame/crypto20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 157120 01-25-94 crypto.cqi 1000 02-05-95 crypto.cqt 14736 02-05-95 crypto.exe 253952 03-13-95 crypto.hlp 29456 03-13-95 crypto.txt 4686 04-09-95 file_id.diz 401 04-09-95 register.txt 3680 04-09-95 sdn.id 853 04-09-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cornerstone puzzle by F.Poulin path: /unzipped/educgame/cstone1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- commande.doc 2431 09-29-92 cstone.exe 139264 05-18-93 cstone.hlp 37951 05-18-93 lisezmoi.svp 8594 05-18-93 readme.1st 7694 05-18-93 register.doc 2207 09-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Familiar grid game - find ships before yours are path: /unzipped/educgame/deapsea/ ----------------------------------------------------------- deapsea.exe 362000 10-11-91 deapsea.scr 420 10-11-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Draw 5 v3.0 video poker path: /unzipped/educgame/draw530/ ----------------------------------------------------------- draw5.exe 142848 10-14-92 draw5.hlp 15793 10-14-92 draw5.wri 11392 10-18-92 file_id.diz 199 10-14-92 install.exe 38912 09-28-92 install.ini 223 09-14-92 order.frm 1004 10-18-92 readme.atw 488 10-17-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- "Europe!" Version 2.2 for Windows path: /unzipped/educgame/eurwin22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- eurowin.exe 385533 07-21-95 eurowin.txt 3734 07-21-95 file_id.diz 287 07-21-95 license.txt 2474 07-28-95 order.txt 2275 07-28-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman path: /unzipped/educgame/gaz1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk1.zip 1366180 10-08-94 setup.txt 6773 10-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman path: /unzipped/educgame/gaz2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk2.zip 1295268 10-08-94 readme.txt 6773 10-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman path: /unzipped/educgame/gaz3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk3.zip 715759 10-08-94 install.txt 6773 10-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hangman word guessing game for Windows path: /unzipped/educgame/hangman/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hangman.dat 146312 10-05-91 hangman.exe 25616 10-27-92 hangman.hlp 3338 10-27-92 users_gd.wri 3456 02-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a Windows math program for anybody path: /unzipped/educgame/math090/ ----------------------------------------------------------- history 1203 08-17-95 math.ex_ 84533 08-16-95 mmsystem.dl_ 35478 11-01-93 readme.1st 1592 08-17-95 setup.exe 15312 04-28-93 setup.lst 49 08-17-95 setup1.ex_ 13285 08-17-95 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 threed.vb_ 33649 04-28-93 vbrun300.dl_ 276684 05-12-93 ver.dl_ 9008 04-28-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- A Game of skill, wit, mathmatics, G. Klemans path: /unzipped/educgame/maxit101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 247 06-11-95 maxit.exe 62976 06-04-95 maxit.hlp 16512 04-27-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Another MasterMind for Windows, D.Slamnig path: /unzipped/educgame/mind12b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mind.doc 607 06-15-94 mind.exe 417012 06-15-94 mindhelp.hlp 15641 05-01-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Minefield game, I.Heath path: /unzipped/educgame/mines/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mines.exe 29940 07-13-90 mines.wri 28032 07-13-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- MasterMind Logic Game path: /unzipped/educgame/mrmind/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mrmind.exe 20464 08-23-90 mrmind.hlp 12264 08-23-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Draw Poker, A.Haroutunian path: /unzipped/educgame/poker/ ----------------------------------------------------------- poker.exe 58368 12-11-90 poker.txt 764 12-11-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sliding Tile Puzzle (pictures, BMPs as tiles), path: /unzipped/educgame/puzzle11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- puzzle.exe 32256 09-10-90 puzzle.hlp 13554 09-10-90 puzzle.wri 1152 09-11-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sliding puzzle (numbers as tiles), path: /unzipped/educgame/pzl8/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pzl8.exe 22544 10-27-92 pzl8.hlp 3346 10-27-92 users_gd.wri 3456 02-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Story Twister for Windows Version 1.50 path: /unzipped/educgame/stwv150/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adj.bnk 168 08-10-94 adverb.bnk 83 08-10-94 celeb.bnk 294 08-10-94 city.bnk 620 08-10-94 color.bnk 152 08-10-94 country.bnk 370 08-10-94 ctl3dv2.dll 21648 08-10-94 file_id.diz 248 08-10-94 forsale.str 1265 08-10-94 ingword.bnk 226 08-10-94 install.exe 24592 08-10-94 lastname.bnk 222 08-10-94 name.bnk 281 08-10-94 noun.bnk 241 08-10-94 number.bnk 242 08-10-94 park.str 658 08-10-94 pt.str 1021 08-10-94 saying.bnk 1637 08-10-94 sfc.txt 4531 08-10-94 sfcwin.exe 44560 08-10-94 sfcwin.hlp 8564 08-10-94 state.bnk 524 08-10-94 stories.txt 1141 08-10-94 story.exe 121360 08-10-94 story.hlp 11211 08-10-94 story.txt 14330 08-10-94 twas.str 2894 08-10-94 vacation.str 1246 08-10-94 vendor.txt 1468 08-10-94 verb.bnk 161 08-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Taipei (mahjong), by D.Norris path: /unzipped/educgame/taipei/ ----------------------------------------------------------- tp3.exe 86448 05-18-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hop-Over puzzle, D.Feinleib path: /unzipped/educgame/w_hop/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hop.exe 8928 07-26-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows fish & sharks population evolution game, path: /unzipped/educgame/watorw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 4909 01-13-93 watorw.exe 81408 01-14-93 watorw.hlp 16852 01-13-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Poker v1.0 path: /unzipped/educgame/winpoker/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winp.exe 183808 11-04-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winpool v1.3 billiards path: /unzipped/educgame/winpool3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.wri 6656 06-15-93 winpool.exe 135846 06-15-93 winpool.hlp 83614 06-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Finger problems puzzle path: /unzipped/educgame/winprobl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- no.bmp 1494 07-11-93 ok.bmp 1494 07-11-93 problems.exe 47299 07-12-93 readme.txt 2976 07-12-93 readme.wri 4736 07-12-93 winprobl.txt 241 07-13-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Yahtzee dice game for windows v2.21 path: /unzipped/educgame/winzee/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winzee.exe 72192 03-04-93 winzee.hlp 66688 03-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wmake5 v1.0 5-in-a-row game path: /unzipped/educgame/wmake5/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wmake5.exe 55296 05-15-92 wmake5.hlp 10438 05-15-92 wmake5.txt 1096 05-15-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Yet Another Tetris v1.05 for Win3 path: /unzipped/educgame/yat105/ ----------------------------------------------------------- yatetris.doc 3562 03-15-92 yatetris.exe 69632 03-23-92 yatetris.fig 3227 09-05-91 yatetris.hlp 19001 03-23-92 yatetris.hsc 1277 03-15-92 yatetris.ini 223 01-27-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap fonts path: /unzipped/fonts/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dmppfm14/ Printer Font Metrics Dumper v1.4 europe20/ Add European characters to your system (example | font incl.) ifw11a/ HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet | IIIxx) v1.1 ifw11b/ HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet | IIIxx) v1.1 kaufmann/ Kaufmann Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) | (good) mariage/ Mariage (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) (good) news/ News (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) oldtown/ Old Town (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) pa50/ Printer's Apprentice screen & printer font util | (good) refont11/ Refont v1.1; convert Mac type 1 fonts for Windows roissy/ Roissy Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) symbol8/ Symbol (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) tkrtape/ Stock ticker tape letters & symbols font (TTF & | ATM) torahsfr/ Torah Sofer - Torah style Hebrew font (TTF & ATM) vectrfon/ Vector fonts wgreek17/ WinGreek v1.7 greek and hebrew package ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer Font Metrics Dumper v1.4 path: /unzipped/fonts/dmppfm14/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dumppfm.exe 33152 10-25-91 readme.doc 5141 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Add European characters to your system (example path: /unzipped/fonts/europe20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- eurhelv.afm 13078 11-29-93 eurhelv.pfb 43161 11-29-93 eurhelv.pfm 997 11-29-93 eurhelv.ttf 36624 11-29-93 history.doc 1631 11-29-93 readme.1st 5305 11-29-93 register.doc 6243 11-29-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet path: /unzipped/fonts/ifw11a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ifw.exe 12288 10-25-91 ifw.hlp 22186 10-25-91 ifwdos.exe 172118 10-25-91 ifwguide.wri 57984 10-25-91 ifwsetup.exe 15537 10-25-91 somesum.lst 17 10-25-91 summary.lst 33 10-25-91 system/ system.lst 75 10-25-91 td/ windows.lst 33 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/fonts/ifw11a/system/ ----------------------------------------------------------- finstall.dll 201248 10-25-91 finstall.hlp 28821 10-25-91 hppcl5a.drv 426656 10-25-91 hppcl5a.hlp 27683 10-25-91 ifw.drv 104128 10-25-91 pcleo.dll 68695 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/fonts/ifw11a/td/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hq3.fnt 444 10-25-91 if.dsc 1152 10-25-91 if.fnt 369 10-25-91 if.ss 18846 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet path: /unzipped/fonts/ifw11b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ifwput.exe 5632 10-25-91 ifwsetup.bat 108 10-25-91 td/ typeface.lst 126 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/fonts/ifw11b/td/ ----------------------------------------------------------- type/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/fonts/ifw11b/td/type/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 92500.typ 80816 10-25-91 92501.typ 91744 10-25-91 92504.typ 82000 10-25-91 92505.typ 93104 10-25-91 94021.typ 59536 10-25-91 94022.typ 66912 10-25-91 94023.typ 60192 10-25-91 94024.typ 65472 10-25-91 hq3updt.tyq 76470 10-25-91 plugin.tyq 264324 10-25-91 screen.tys 93248 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Kaufmann Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) path: /unzipped/fonts/kaufmann/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ef020100.fon 79904 08-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Mariage (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) (good) path: /unzipped/fonts/mariage/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ef05dd00.fon 76272 08-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- News (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) path: /unzipped/fonts/news/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ef0af100.fon 76864 08-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Old Town (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) path: /unzipped/fonts/oldtown/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ef09f800.fon 63376 08-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer's Apprentice screen & printer font util path: /unzipped/fonts/pa50/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dlabel.vbx 10907 08-13-92 enumfont.dll 5567 08-13-92 grid.vbx 38029 08-13-92 pa.exe 188671 08-13-92 pa.hlp 181107 08-13-92 pacontrl.exe 35148 08-13-92 readme.txt 4751 08-13-92 ss3d.vbx 47408 08-13-92 ss3d2.vbx 86592 08-13-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Refont v1.1; convert Mac type 1 fonts for Windows path: /unzipped/fonts/refont11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- refont.doc 2589 07-08-91 refont.exe 39436 07-04-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Roissy Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) path: /unzipped/fonts/roissy/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ef0fa000.fon 87408 08-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Symbol (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) path: /unzipped/fonts/symbol8/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ef01ed00.fon 79888 08-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Stock ticker tape letters & symbols font (TTF & path: /unzipped/fonts/tkrtape/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.1st 5150 02-12-94 register.doc 5153 02-12-94 tkrtape.afm 4319 02-10-94 tkrtape.inf 553 02-10-94 tkrtape.pfb 13866 02-10-94 tkrtape.pfm 756 02-10-94 tkrtape.ttf 13472 02-10-94 tkrtape.wri 5504 02-12-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Torah Sofer - Torah style Hebrew font (TTF & ATM) path: /unzipped/fonts/torahsfr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- alephbet.wri 896 02-12-94 readme.1st 5318 02-12-94 register.doc 5163 02-11-94 torah.afm 4268 02-10-94 torah.inf 510 02-10-94 torah.pfb 16555 02-10-94 torah.pfm 745 02-10-94 torah.ttf 14512 02-10-94 torah.wri 7296 02-12-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Vector fonts path: /unzipped/fonts/vectrfon/ ----------------------------------------------------------- fonts.doc 2972 01-26-90 gothge.fon 12176 01-26-90 romanc.fon 8128 01-26-90 scrips.fon 7808 01-26-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinGreek v1.7 greek and hebrew package path: /unzipped/fonts/wgreek17/ ----------------------------------------------------------- about_wg.doc 9572 01-23-93 about_wg.txt 5943 01-23-93 cnv_util.zip 75452 01-23-93 contents.txt 2312 01-23-93 cop_font.zip 31535 01-23-93 grk_font.zip 143873 01-23-93 heb_font.zip 49036 01-23-93 install.wri 52864 01-23-93 readme.txt 691 01-23-93 register.wri 32000 01-23-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- atm-fonts path: /unzipped/fontsatm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 36psfnts/ 36 Type 1 fonts (ATM) arc13p/ Architect font (ATM) atm8/ Cascade, Cloister_Black, Howard, Korina, Paradox atm_ball/ BalletEngraved atm_flor/ Florence atm_murl/ Muriel atm_otwn/ Old-Town atm_pant/ PostAntiqua atm_tekt/ Tekton atmfix/ ATM & Ventura fix atmfnta/ Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfntb/ Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfntc/ Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfntd/ Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfnts1/ Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 1 atmfnts2/ Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 2 atmfnts3/ Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 3 atmfnts4/ Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 4 atmfnts5/ Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 5 atmfnts6/ Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 6 atmfnts7/ Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 7 atmfruti/ Frutiger (also PCLFONTS for smaller sizes) atmv1d1/ Misc fonts (good) atmv1d2/ RSxxxx fonts atmv1d3/ RSxxxx fonts blkcha/ BlackChancery (ATM) caligu/ Caligula fonts (ATM) capri/ Sinaloa chitown/ ChiTown font (ATM) crillee/ Crillee cunei/ CuneiFont-Light diego1/ Diego fonts (ATM) frquad/ FrizQuadrata-Thin & Bold garmnd1/ Garamond font (ATM) gralig/ GraphicLight font (ATM) heidelbe/ Heidelberg font (ATM) iglesia/ Iglesia font (ATM) luxembrg/ Luxembourg midd1/ Middleton font (ATM) sntfra/ SaintFrancis font (ATM) wfn2atm/ Using Wfnboss convert the .wfn fonts to Adobe | Type 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- 36 Type 1 fonts (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/36psfnts/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agate.pfb 29822 01-06-91 agate.pfm 677 01-06-91 agateb.pfb 29560 01-06-91 agateb.pfm 675 01-06-91 agatei.pfb 29979 01-06-91 agatei.pfm 684 01-06-91 baskvl.pfb 41195 01-01-91 baskvl.pfm 689 01-01-91 baskvlb.pfb 41415 01-01-91 baskvlb.pfm 687 01-01-91 baskvli.pfb 43859 01-01-91 baskvli.pfm 696 01-01-91 becker.pfb 29821 01-07-91 becker.pfm 679 01-07-91 blippo.pfb 32916 12-29-90 blippo.pfm 678 12-29-90 bodoni.pfb 40373 12-29-90 bodoni.pfm 679 12-29-90 bodonib.pfb 40151 12-29-90 bodonib.pfm 677 12-29-90 bodonii.pfb 42010 12-29-90 bodonii.pfm 686 12-29-90 boecklin.pfb 49977 01-06-91 boecklin.pfm 698 01-06-91 brushscr.pfb 54669 12-29-90 brushscr.pfm 698 12-29-90 calig___.afm 8227 11-15-90 calig___.pfb 23587 11-15-90 calig___.pfm 676 11-15-90 cooprblk.pfb 50239 12-29-90 cooprblk.pfm 678 12-29-90 coronet.pfb 30439 01-05-91 coronet.pfm 690 01-05-91 engravrl.pfb 28758 01-05-91 engravrl.pfm 682 01-05-91 eras.pfb 29344 01-06-91 eras.pfm 675 01-06-91 erasb.pfb 29486 01-06-91 erasb.pfm 673 01-06-91 erasblkb.pfb 29984 01-06-91 erasblkb.pfm 689 01-06-91 eraselt.pfb 29037 01-06-91 eraselt.pfm 686 01-06-91 erasltra.pfb 30194 01-06-91 erasltra.pfm 692 01-06-91 erasmed.pfb 29292 01-06-91 erasmed.pfm 689 01-06-91 eurost.pfb 34900 12-29-90 eurost.pfm 685 12-29-90 frquad.pfb 33613 01-05-91 frquad.pfm 689 01-05-91 frquadb.pfb 33430 01-05-91 frquadb.pfm 689 01-05-91 ftpstrps.pfb 23527 01-01-91 ftpstrps.pfm 692 01-01-91 garmndmi.pfb 43654 01-06-91 garmndmi.pfm 1060 01-06-91 goudyo.pfb 51549 01-06-91 goudyo.pfm 697 01-06-91 goudyob.pfb 55372 01-06-91 goudyob.pfm 695 01-06-91 goudyoi.pfb 53603 01-06-91 goudyoi.pfm 704 01-06-91 oldcnd-r.pfb 36625 10-16-90 oldcnd-r.pfm 690 10-16-90 oldext-r.pfb 36946 10-16-90 oldext-r.pfm 690 10-16-90 oldtwn-r.pfb 36749 11-06-90 oldtwn-r.pfm 683 11-06-90 parkave.pfb 44972 01-06-91 parkave.pfm 688 01-06-91 readme.txt 677 01-09-91 slogan.pfb 52266 01-06-91 slogan.pfm 679 01-06-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Architect font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/arc13p/ ----------------------------------------------------------- archi___.afm 8100 11-29-90 archi___.pfb 20447 11-29-90 archi___.pfm 678 11-29-90 intro.txt 1794 11-18-90 readme.txt 6403 11-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cascade, Cloister_Black, Howard, Korina, Paradox path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atm8/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cascade.pfb 31135 01-25-91 cascade.pfm 680 01-25-91 cloister.pfb 36087 01-25-91 cloister.pfm 694 01-25-91 howrdfat.pfb 27176 01-25-91 howrdfat.pfm 686 01-25-91 hwrdlite.pfb 27322 01-25-91 hwrdlite.pfm 678 01-25-91 kornital.pfb 36472 01-25-91 kornital.pfm 688 01-25-91 kornlite.pfb 35099 01-25-91 kornlite.pfm 678 01-25-91 paradox.pfb 44020 01-25-91 paradox.pfm 680 01-25-91 pixel.pfb 97793 01-25-91 pixel.pfm 700 01-25-91 readme.txt 739 01-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- BalletEngraved path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atm_ball/ ----------------------------------------------------------- balleeng.afm 10714 03-05-91 balleeng.pfb 23553 03-05-91 balleeng.pfm 1474 03-05-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Florence path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atm_flor/ ----------------------------------------------------------- florenc1.afm 10134 01-22-91 florence.afm 6688 12-08-90 florence.pfb 32722 12-30-90 florence.pfm 682 12-30-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Muriel path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atm_murl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- murie___.afm 8266 01-28-91 murie___.pfb 18486 01-28-91 murie___.pfm 1730 01-28-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Old-Town path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atm_otwn/ ----------------------------------------------------------- old-town.afm 10845 02-04-91 old-town.pfb 29571 02-04-91 old-town.pfm 678 02-04-91 readme.txt 585 02-04-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- PostAntiqua path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atm_pant/ ----------------------------------------------------------- postanti.pfb 25315 01-24-91 postanti.pfm 1308 01-24-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tekton path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atm_tekt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- tekton.pfb 24253 01-24-91 tekton.pfm 1754 01-24-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- ATM & Ventura fix path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfix/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atmfix.txt 10620 11-13-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnta/ ----------------------------------------------------------- st000034.pfb 32521 01-30-91 st000034.pfm 681 01-30-91 st000036.pfb 33687 01-30-91 st000036.pfm 681 01-30-91 st000039.pfb 29825 01-30-91 st000039.pfm 686 01-30-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfntb/ ----------------------------------------------------------- st000041.pfb 33541 02-01-91 st000041.pfm 683 02-01-91 st000042.pfb 36756 02-02-91 st000042.pfm 699 02-02-91 st000043.pfb 35809 02-02-91 st000043.pfm 694 02-02-91 st000044.pfb 40233 02-02-91 st000044.pfm 714 02-02-91 st000045.pfb 36814 02-02-91 st000045.pfm 699 02-02-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfntc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- st000046.pfb 36852 02-02-91 st000046.pfm 696 02-02-91 st000047.pfb 41938 02-02-91 st000047.pfm 708 02-02-91 st000048.pfb 41960 02-02-91 st000048.pfm 698 02-02-91 st000049.pfb 36362 02-02-91 st000049.pfm 700 02-02-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfntd/ ----------------------------------------------------------- st000050.pfb 34740 02-02-91 st000050.pfm 699 02-02-91 st000051.pfb 36652 02-02-91 st000051.pfm 706 02-02-91 st000052.pfb 38301 02-02-91 st000052.pfm 703 02-02-91 st000053.pfb 40440 02-02-91 st000053.pfm 704 02-02-91 st000054.pfb 35902 02-02-91 st000054.pfm 694 02-02-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 1 path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnts1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aachen.pfb 33956 01-15-91 aachen.pfm 678 01-15-91 antique.otl 24211 01-15-91 antique.pfb 38063 01-15-91 antique.pfm 688 01-15-91 ariston.pfb 51027 01-15-91 ariston.pfm 691 01-15-91 avanthin.pfb 32994 01-15-91 avanthin.pfm 692 01-15-91 avntgard.pfb 31498 01-15-91 avntgard.pfm 685 01-15-91 bauheav.pfb 31349 01-15-91 bauheav.pfm 691 01-15-91 baulite.pfb 33264 01-15-91 baulite.pfm 692 01-15-91 bauthin.pfb 31141 01-15-91 bauthin.pfm 679 01-15-91 readme.txt 748 01-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 2 path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnts2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bengbold.pfb 38890 01-15-91 bengbold.pfm 681 01-15-91 benglite.pfb 38824 01-15-91 benglite.pfm 682 01-15-91 carta.pfb 41144 01-15-91 carta.pfm 675 01-15-91 caslite.pfb 38060 01-15-91 caslite.pfm 678 01-15-91 casopen.pfb 60335 01-15-91 casopen.pfm 695 01-15-91 centlite.pfb 37106 01-15-91 centlite.pfm 696 01-15-91 centthin.pfb 39747 01-15-91 centthin.pfm 699 01-15-91 chancery.pfb 39987 01-15-91 chancery.pfm 697 01-15-91 ctnwood.pfb 50940 01-15-91 ctnwood.pfm 685 01-15-91 dingbats.pfb 47963 01-15-91 dingbats.pfm 681 01-15-91 readme.txt 748 01-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 3 path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnts3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- domcas.pfb 42330 01-15-91 domcas.pfm 683 01-15-91 eurobold.pfb 37805 01-15-91 eurobold.pfm 683 01-15-91 fetfrak.pfb 48066 01-15-91 fetfrak.pfm 693 01-15-91 flora-b.pfb 46648 01-15-91 flora-b.pfm 675 01-15-91 flora.pfb 45840 01-15-91 flora.pfm 677 01-15-91 frankhvy.pfb 32477 01-15-91 frankhvy.pfm 709 01-15-91 franklte.pfb 32244 01-15-91 franklte.pfm 694 01-15-91 fusion-b.pfb 35507 01-15-91 fusion-b.pfm 677 01-15-91 fusion.pfb 34765 01-15-91 fusion.pfm 679 01-15-91 readme.txt 748 01-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 4 path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnts4/ ----------------------------------------------------------- futura1.pfb 30125 01-15-91 futura1.pfm 697 01-15-91 futura2.pfb 31189 01-15-91 futura2.pfm 715 01-15-91 futura3.pfb 30819 01-15-91 futura3.pfm 707 01-15-91 futura4.pfb 31183 01-15-91 futura4.pfm 677 01-15-91 helvblak.pfb 32208 01-15-91 helvblak.pfm 699 01-15-91 helvblk2.pfb 31352 01-15-91 helvblk2.pfm 719 01-15-91 helvcond.pfb 31193 01-15-91 helvcond.pfm 703 01-15-91 helvins.pfb 31796 01-15-91 helvins.pfm 713 01-15-91 helvlite.pfb 31700 01-15-91 helvlite.pfm 716 01-15-91 hobo.pfb 44648 01-15-91 hobo.pfm 673 01-15-91 juniper.pfb 40284 01-15-91 juniper.pfm 679 01-15-91 readme.txt 748 01-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 5 path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnts5/ ----------------------------------------------------------- kaufmann.pfb 49544 01-15-91 kaufmann.pfm 681 01-15-91 latinwyd.pfb 41861 01-15-91 latinwyd.pfm 687 01-15-91 linotext.pfb 48726 01-15-91 linotext.pfm 682 01-15-91 lnoscrpt.pfb 49470 01-15-91 lnoscrpt.pfm 686 01-15-91 ltrgothc.pfb 31993 01-15-91 ltrgothc.pfm 689 01-15-91 machine.pfb 27643 01-15-91 machine.pfm 680 01-15-91 marriage.pfb 55617 01-15-91 marriage.pfm 681 01-15-91 mystical.pfb 62099 01-15-91 mystical.pfm 681 01-15-91 readme.txt 748 01-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 6 path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnts6/ ----------------------------------------------------------- nbskrvl.pfb 39041 01-15-91 nbskrvl.pfm 694 01-15-91 newsgoth.pfb 35428 01-15-91 newsgoth.pfm 689 01-15-91 nwsgth-b.pfb 35674 01-15-91 nwsgth-b.pfm 687 01-15-91 optima.pfb 35705 01-15-91 optima.pfm 677 01-15-91 palathin.pfb 41022 01-15-91 palathin.pfm 688 01-15-91 palatino.pfb 39662 01-15-91 palatino.pfm 681 01-15-91 paris.pfb 39037 01-15-91 paris.pfm 681 01-15-91 peiglite.pfb 30276 01-15-91 peiglite.pfm 691 01-15-91 peignot.pfb 31877 01-15-91 peignot.pfm 679 01-15-91 postcry_.afm 7693 11-15-90 postcry_.pfb 35147 11-15-90 postcry_.pfm 712 11-15-90 present.pfb 44542 01-15-91 present.pfm 691 01-15-91 readme.txt 748 01-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 7 path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfnts7/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 748 01-15-91 revue.pfb 29914 01-15-91 revue.pfm 675 01-15-91 roissy-b.pfb 36195 01-15-91 roissy-b.pfm 677 01-15-91 roissy.pfb 36249 01-15-91 roissy.pfm 679 01-15-91 souvenir.pfb 42578 01-15-91 souvenir.pfm 682 01-15-91 symbol.pfb 35552 01-15-91 symbol.pfm 678 01-15-91 tiffhevy.pfb 45497 01-15-91 tiffhevy.pfm 691 01-15-91 tiffthin.pfb 45698 01-15-91 tiffthin.pfm 679 01-15-91 typwrite.pfb 50139 01-15-91 typwrite.pfm 702 01-15-91 umbrathn.pfb 38150 01-15-91 umbrathn.pfm 675 01-15-91 uncial.pfb 54543 01-15-91 uncial.pfm 697 01-15-91 univers.pfb 35084 01-15-91 univers.pfm 695 01-15-91 univlite.pfb 30865 01-15-91 univlite.pfm 692 01-15-91 unvrsblk.pfb 31397 01-15-91 unvrsblk.pfm 691 01-15-91 vaground.pfb 36889 01-15-91 vaground.pfm 685 01-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Frutiger (also PCLFONTS for smaller sizes) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmfruti/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atmini.add 14711 02-02-91 pcl.txt 19232 01-30-91 pclfruti.zip 127870 01-30-91 readme.atm 6683 02-02-91 st000132.pfb 32952 01-10-91 st000132.pfm 688 01-10-91 st000133.pfb 33388 01-10-91 st000133.pfm 694 01-10-91 st000134.pfb 33541 01-10-91 st000134.pfm 688 01-10-91 st000135.pfb 33830 01-10-91 st000135.pfm 694 01-10-91 st000136.pfb 33630 01-10-91 st000136.pfm 688 01-10-91 st000137.pfb 33268 01-10-91 st000137.pfm 681 01-10-91 st000138.pfb 33102 01-10-91 st000138.pfm 690 01-10-91 st000139.pfb 33537 01-10-91 st000139.pfm 696 01-10-91 st000140.pfb 33850 01-10-91 st000140.pfm 690 01-10-91 st000141.pfb 34047 01-10-91 st000141.pfm 696 01-10-91 st000142.pfb 33725 01-10-91 st000142.pfm 690 01-10-91 st000143.pfb 33310 01-10-91 st000143.pfm 683 01-10-91 wfntlook.up 11304 01-29-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Misc fonts (good) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmv1d1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.bak 64 03-01-91 1.bat 68 02-27-91 2.bat 64 03-01-91 afutblk_.pfb 28236 12-30-90 afutblk_.pfm 2549 12-30-90 archi.doc 6402 11-29-90 archi___.pfb 20447 11-29-90 archi___.pfm 678 11-29-90 atmfont.doc 2428 03-01-91 blackcha.doc 5067 11-09-90 blackcha.pfb 16290 12-03-90 blackcha.pfm 2672 12-03-90 calig___.pfb 23587 11-15-90 calig___.pfm 676 11-15-90 go.bat 31 03-01-91 graphlig.doc 5763 11-18-90 graphlig.pfb 20934 11-20-90 graphlig.pfm 1314 11-20-90 list.com 9209 09-29-88 list.doc 61808 09-29-88 menu.txt 1242 03-01-91 paris.pfb 39037 01-15-91 paris.pfm 681 01-15-91 postcry.doc 4263 11-15-90 postcry_.pfb 35147 11-15-90 postcry_.pfm 712 11-15-90 rsali___.pfb 27336 01-08-91 rsali___.pfm 676 01-08-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- RSxxxx fonts path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmv1d2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- rsand___.doc 3681 11-27-90 rsand___.pfb 31786 01-08-91 rsand___.pfm 682 01-08-91 rscanai.doc 6822 01-26-91 rscanai.pfb 27292 01-08-91 rscanai.pfm 678 01-08-91 rscavema.pfb 13324 01-08-91 rscavema.pfm 678 01-08-91 rschacha.pfb 16390 01-09-91 rschacha.pfm 2412 01-09-91 rschasli.doc 12800 10-09-90 rschasli.pfb 22598 01-09-91 rschasli.pfm 680 01-09-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- RSxxxx fonts path: /unzipped/fontsatm/atmv1d3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- rschitow.pfb 24947 01-09-91 rschitow.pfm 678 01-09-91 rscunfon.doc 4107 04-10-87 rscunfon.pfb 12951 01-09-91 rscunfon.pfm 682 01-09-91 rsdayton.doc 11416 12-22-88 rsdayton.pfb 33472 01-09-91 rsdayton.pfm 678 01-09-91 rsdeusex.doc 532 01-16-90 rsdeusex.pfb 14413 01-09-91 rsdeusex.pfm 676 01-09-91 rselgar_.pfb 32277 01-09-91 rselgar_.pfm 682 01-09-91 rsflifon.doc 2591 01-26-91 rsflifon.pfb 14490 01-09-91 rsflifon.pfm 682 01-09-91 rsfutbol.pfb 19548 01-09-91 rsfutbol.pfm 684 01-09-91 rsfutura.pfb 15078 01-09-91 rsfutura.pfm 676 01-09-91 rsgordon.pfb 15586 01-09-91 rsgordon.pfm 676 01-09-91 rsgralig.doc 2690 01-03-90 rsgralig.pfb 21851 01-09-91 rsgralig.pfm 688 01-09-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- BlackChancery (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/blkcha/ ----------------------------------------------------------- blackcha.afm 12281 12-03-90 blackcha.pfb 16290 12-03-90 blackcha.pfm 2672 12-03-90 intro.txt 1794 11-18-90 readme.txt 5068 11-09-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Caligula fonts (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/caligu/ ----------------------------------------------------------- calig___.afm 8227 11-15-90 calig___.pfb 23587 11-15-90 calig___.pfm 676 11-15-90 readme.txt 4479 11-15-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sinaloa path: /unzipped/fontsatm/capri/ ----------------------------------------------------------- capri.afm 4027 12-31-90 capri.pfb 10581 12-30-90 capri.pfm 402 12-30-90 capri.wfn 9041 12-31-90 read.me 1686 01-13-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- ChiTown font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/chitown/ ----------------------------------------------------------- chitown.pfb 26371 12-23-90 chitown.pfm 680 12-23-90 chitread.me 1175 12-23-90 readme.1st 775 12-23-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Crillee path: /unzipped/fontsatm/crillee/ ----------------------------------------------------------- crillee.pfb 40437 03-15-91 crillee.pfm 1034 03-15-91 crillee.txt 868 03-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- CuneiFont-Light path: /unzipped/fontsatm/cunei/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cunei.pfb 16436 04-07-91 cunei.pfm 684 04-07-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Diego fonts (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/diego1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- diego1.pfb 45387 12-23-90 diego1.pfm 678 12-23-90 heidread.me 8584 02-05-90 readme.1st 775 12-23-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- FrizQuadrata-Thin & Bold path: /unzipped/fontsatm/frquad/ ----------------------------------------------------------- frquad.pfb 33613 01-05-91 frquad.pfm 689 01-05-91 frquadb.pfb 33430 01-05-91 frquadb.pfm 689 01-05-91 readme.txt 771 01-10-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Garamond font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/garmnd1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- garmnd.pfb 43712 01-06-91 garmnd.pfm 1057 01-06-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- GraphicLight font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/gralig/ ----------------------------------------------------------- graphlig.afm 8028 11-20-90 graphlig.pfb 20934 11-20-90 graphlig.pfm 1314 11-20-90 readme.txt 5763 11-18-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Heidelberg font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/heidelbe/ ----------------------------------------------------------- heidelbe.pfb 32283 12-23-90 heidelbe.pfm 682 12-23-90 heidread.me 8584 02-05-90 readme.1st 775 12-23-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Iglesia font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/iglesia/ ----------------------------------------------------------- iglesia.pfb 47546 12-23-90 iglesia.pfm 680 12-23-90 readme.1st 775 12-23-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Luxembourg path: /unzipped/fontsatm/luxembrg/ ----------------------------------------------------------- luxembrg.pfb 16240 03-15-91 luxembrg.pfm 680 03-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Middleton font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/midd1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- middleto.fon 31968 09-23-90 middleto.pfb 33084 09-23-90 middleto.pfm 684 09-23-90 middleto.pm3 47616 09-24-90 middleto.wfn 20137 09-23-90 read.me 2298 09-24-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- SaintFrancis font (ATM) path: /unzipped/fontsatm/sntfra/ ----------------------------------------------------------- intro.txt 1794 11-18-90 readme.txt 5807 12-01-90 saintfra.afm 5823 12-01-90 saintfra.pfb 15699 11-29-90 saintfra.pfm 684 11-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Using Wfnboss convert the .wfn fonts to Adobe path: /unzipped/fontsatm/wfn2atm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atmfix.wri 3968 12-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- TrueType fonts path: /unzipped/fontstt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cyrilttf/ Cyrillic Truetype fonts dfonts/ Truetype fonts (origin?) fmonst35/ Font Monster - Edit, group, catalog, preview | Type1 & TT fonts fontc123/ Fast Type1/TrueType font installer, S.Fox hebttf10/ Hebrew TrueType Fonts for Windows 3.1 quenya16/ Tengwar Quenya 1.6 - TT & ATM font w/ docs & util ttfonts1/ Truetype fonts part 1 ttfonts2/ Truetype fonts part 2 ttfonts3/ Truetype fonts part 3 ttfonts4/ Truetype fonts part 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- Cyrillic Truetype fonts path: /unzipped/fontstt/cyrilttf/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cyril1.ttf 36452 05-14-93 cyril2.ttf 36780 05-14-93 cyril3.ttf 42824 05-14-93 cyril4.ttf 43556 05-14-93 cyrttf.doc 3253 05-14-93 cyrttf.wri 2048 05-14-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Truetype fonts (origin?) path: /unzipped/fontstt/dfonts/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ahronbd.ttf 33096 06-08-93 chelv.ttf 23540 06-08-93 chelvbd.ttf 24136 06-08-93 chelvbi.ttf 25732 06-08-93 chelvi.ttf 25576 06-08-93 ctime.ttf 33604 06-08-93 ctimebd.ttf 33728 06-08-93 ctimebi.ttf 36824 06-08-93 ctimei.ttf 37280 06-08-93 david.ttf 34740 06-08-93 davidbd.ttf 34968 06-08-93 dor.ttf 42940 06-08-93 dorbd.ttf 42672 06-08-93 frank.ttf 37772 06-08-93 frankbd.ttf 40100 06-08-93 hadas.ttf 35268 06-08-93 hadasbd.ttf 34952 06-08-93 hayimbd.ttf 28856 06-08-93 koren.ttf 39236 06-08-93 korenbd.ttf 39932 06-08-93 kpi.ttf 33404 06-08-93 mriam.ttf 36276 06-08-93 nrkis.ttf 39376 06-08-93 nrkisbd.ttf 39804 06-08-93 ntam.ttf 32840 06-08-93 ntambd.ttf 32932 06-08-93 ntamli.ttf 33012 06-08-93 ophir.ttf 35580 06-08-93 rashi.ttf 38924 06-08-93 rod.ttf 38824 06-08-93 sivan.ttf 38588 06-08-93 stam.ttf 43548 06-08-93 vilna.ttf 39844 06-08-93 vilnabd.ttf 40564 06-08-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Font Monster - Edit, group, catalog, preview path: /unzipped/fontstt/fmonst35/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vb_ 10865 04-28-93 ctl3d.dl_ 11921 08-16-93 file_id.diz 587 06-06-94 fmonst.dl_ 8483 06-06-94 fmonster.ex_ 286295 06-06-94 fmonster.hl_ 77812 06-06-94 fmonster.tx_ 287 06-06-94 msgblast.vb_ 14460 05-24-94 readme.txt 4178 06-06-94 setup.exe 45073 06-06-94 threed.vb_ 33489 07-17-93 vendor.txt 3923 06-06-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Fast Type1/TrueType font installer, S.Fox path: /unzipped/fontstt/fontc123/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 540 12-05-94 fontcpl.dll 11040 12-05-94 fontctrl.exe 127316 12-05-94 fontctrl.hlp 110062 12-05-94 msaes110.dll 33280 04-28-93 msajt110.dll 710752 05-20-93 readme.txt 4887 12-05-94 setup.exe 44305 12-05-94 vbdb300.dll 95200 04-28-93 vendor.txt 4695 12-05-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hebrew TrueType Fonts for Windows 3.1 path: /unzipped/fontstt/hebttf10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- heb_ttf.txt 1215 05-14-94 kur2siv.ttf 46284 02-03-94 pni2na.ttf 46208 02-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tengwar Quenya 1.6 - TT & ATM font w/ docs & util path: /unzipped/fontstt/quenya16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- macro.txt 10383 02-27-95 quenya.afm 7523 01-05-95 quenya.doc 104448 05-01-95 quenya.inf 534 01-05-95 quenya.pfb 27618 01-05-95 quenya.pfm 751 01-05-95 quenya.ttf 30876 01-05-95 quenya1.wri 46080 05-01-95 quenya2.wri 59136 05-01-95 read_me.txt 8266 05-01-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Truetype fonts part 1 path: /unzipped/fontstt/ttfonts1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aap_____.ttf 24152 08-19-91 andes__0.ttf 22528 08-19-91 andes___.ttf 34272 08-17-91 architic.ttf 31160 03-30-91 arial.ttf 59900 08-27-91 arialb.ttf 54082 06-07-91 arialbd.ttf 54082 08-27-91 arialbi.ttf 58896 08-27-91 ariali.ttf 57288 08-27-91 ashley__.ttf 27888 08-19-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Truetype fonts part 2 path: /unzipped/fontstt/ttfonts2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bebl____.ttf 23260 08-17-91 becc____.ttf 17892 08-19-91 cab_____.ttf 28000 08-19-91 cacc____.ttf 43012 08-19-91 chm_____.ttf 33812 08-19-91 cour.ttf 64340 08-27-91 courbd.ttf 63996 08-27-91 courbi.ttf 65332 08-27-91 couri.ttf 69752 08-27-91 crf_____.ttf 31620 08-19-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Truetype fonts part 3 path: /unzipped/fontstt/ttfonts3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- deseret_.ttf 33876 08-19-91 dow_____.ttf 28280 08-19-91 dup_____.ttf 57844 08-19-91 elgar___.ttf 51488 08-19-91 gocmp___.ttf 69760 08-19-91 goudyhun.ttf 28884 04-09-91 grcc____.ttf 17964 08-19-91 grdo____.ttf 59320 08-19-91 grdr____.ttf 34312 08-19-91 grds____.ttf 67136 08-19-91 grdso___.ttf 55112 08-19-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Truetype fonts part 4 path: /unzipped/fontstt/ttfonts4/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hocc____.ttf 15968 08-19-91 igl_____.ttf 32608 08-19-91 inter___.ttf 84204 08-19-91 kaste___.ttf 21504 08-19-91 kik_____.ttf 46100 08-19-91 kl______.ttf 10644 08-17-91 kokk____.ttf 32632 08-19-91 mazam___.ttf 31744 08-17-91 premi___.ttf 20312 08-17-91 rhyol___.ttf 15544 08-17-91 rop_____.ttf 19376 08-17-91 symbol.ttf 55688 08-27-91 times.ttf 72060 08-27-91 timesb.ttf 67962 06-07-91 timesbd.ttf 67962 08-27-91 timesbi.ttf 71188 08-27-91 timesi.ttf 68300 08-27-91 wid_____.ttf 49164 08-17-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Graphics programs and utilities path: /unzipped/graphics/ ----------------------------------------------------------- daub15/ Vector-based calligraphic drawing program, | F.Feingold gcad110/ GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, | F.Feingold gif2bmp/ GIF to BMP v1.0 gs252win/ GhostScript v2.5.2 exe for Windows gwswin10/ Graphics Workshop v1.0a (great) himage11/ Script enabled image editor for Windows horse/ Galloping horse & YinYang v1.0 ib11/ I-Bank v1.0 a clipboard extender for graphic | images kdraw140/ KwikDraw freeware v1.40 object drawing (great) land350/ 3D landscape modelling / GIS application, | K.Woolley lviewp19/ Image file editor for Microsoft Windows 3.1 mpegwin/ MPEG Player for windows pholab18/ Photolab v1.8a image processing tool (great) pshape11/ Pro-Shape v1.1 a drawing program (good) randot1a/ Random Dot Stereogram generator 1.0a, G.Hausheer rds200/ Repeated Dot Stereogram generator for Windows, | D.Wischik stars/ Space like background uclp15/ UltraClip v1.5 (good) enhanced clipboard vuepri43/ VuePrint 4.3 - Fast JPEG/GIF Viewer for Windows vuesav22/ VueSav 2.2 - Fast JPEG/GIF Windows Screen Saver, | E.Hamrick win3d/ Windows Function Visualizer (two variables) winfr171/ Fractint v17.00 for Windows (great) winjp160/ WinJpeg v1.6 Jpeg viewer winmrf16/ Morphing program for Windows, M.Marjamaa wlabv30b/ Image processing package for MS-Windows, G.Desoli worm/ Worms everywhere... xvtdraw/ XVT-Draw v1.5 object oriented drawing prg ----------------------------------------------------------- Vector-based calligraphic drawing program, path: /unzipped/graphics/daub15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-08-92 comp.wri 4352 08-27-94 daub.exe 328960 08-27-94 daub.wri 78208 08-27-94 daubfree.exe 388096 10-13-94 file_id.diz 462 10-12-94 install.exe 90880 08-14-94 install.inf 1390 08-27-94 misc.dob 35300 02-28-94 order.txt 5048 10-14-94 readme.txt 3178 10-12-94 register.txt 7751 10-14-94 vendor.txt 5843 10-12-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, path: /unzipped/graphics/gcad110/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bedq.sym 990 09-23-94 bush1.sym 6490 09-23-94 capacitr.sym 348 09-23-94 car.sym 1390 09-23-94 chair1.sym 922 09-23-94 chair2.sym 1436 09-23-94 couch1.sym 972 09-23-94 d_arrow.sym 240 09-23-94 digitizr.sym 1440 09-23-94 diode.sym 440 09-23-94 door24.sym 248 09-23-94 dsk60x30.sym 340 09-23-94 file_id.diz 415 09-23-94 floorpl.gc1 30543 09-23-94 gcad.exe 354304 09-23-94 gcad.hlp 38473 09-23-94 ground.sym 340 09-23-94 heptagon.sym 490 09-23-94 hexagon.sym 440 09-23-94 inductor.sym 530 09-23-94 lav36x22.sym 382 09-23-94 light1.sym 640 09-23-94 lt_pole.sym 382 09-23-94 man_hole.sym 266 09-23-94 manual.wri 146048 09-23-94 mouse.sym 556 09-23-94 n_arrow.sym 840 09-23-94 octagon.sym 540 09-23-94 pc_desk.sym 1648 09-23-94 pc_tower.sym 1648 09-23-94 pentagon.sym 390 09-23-94 printer.sym 1922 09-23-94 readme.txt 4138 09-23-94 register.txt 1838 09-23-94 resistor.sym 440 09-23-94 sample.gc1 5279 09-23-94 scale.sym 3890 09-23-94 setup.exe 26112 09-23-94 setup.inf 1515 09-23-94 sharewar.txt 8140 09-23-94 square.sym 340 09-23-94 st_drain.sym 890 09-23-94 toilet.sym 709 09-23-94 transist.sym 290 09-23-94 tree1.sym 1440 09-23-94 tree2.sym 4340 09-23-94 triangle.sym 290 09-23-94 tub60x32.sym 548 09-23-94 vendor.txt 5514 09-23-94 window48.sym 390 09-23-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- GIF to BMP v1.0 path: /unzipped/graphics/gif2bmp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gif2bmp.exe 51778 01-23-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- GhostScript v2.5.2 exe for Windows path: /unzipped/graphics/gs252win/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gswin.exe 433152 09-20-92 readme 14766 09-09-92 readme.1st 5347 08-24-92 readme.2nd 2472 09-18-92 readme.doc 4067 09-01-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Graphics Workshop v1.0a (great) path: /unzipped/graphics/gwswin10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- example1.img 62630 08-28-91 example2.gif 24499 03-12-92 example3.gif 28739 03-12-92 gws.exe 238592 03-29-92 gws.hlp 52505 03-30-92 gws.wri 87168 03-30-92 order.frm 3021 03-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Script enabled image editor for Windows path: /unzipped/graphics/himage11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- setup.arv 1428000 10-15-95 setup.exe 22016 10-15-95 setupmn.arv 69412 10-15-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Galloping horse & YinYang v1.0 path: /unzipped/graphics/horse/ ----------------------------------------------------------- horse.exe 8704 08-26-90 horse.wri 4992 08-26-90 yinyang.exe 8960 08-26-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- I-Bank v1.0 a clipboard extender for graphic path: /unzipped/graphics/ib11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- buttons.pas 11736 08-03-92 clipobj.pas 14032 08-03-92 ib.exe 44800 08-03-92 ib.pas 19210 08-03-92 ib.res 6228 08-03-92 ib.wri 13824 08-03-92 sclptext.pas 4875 08-03-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- KwikDraw freeware v1.40 object drawing (great) path: /unzipped/graphics/kdraw140/ ----------------------------------------------------------- car.kwk 3832 07-01-93 flow.kwk 2217 07-01-93 kdraw_fw.exe 144384 07-02-93 kwikdraw.txt 9574 07-07-93 kwikhelp.hlp 57838 07-01-93 landscp2.kwk 22819 06-30-93 logic.kwk 8561 07-01-93 order.txt 2069 07-01-93 read.me 1496 07-09-92 schematc.kwk 6691 07-01-93 train.kwk 11173 07-01-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- 3D landscape modelling / GIS application, path: /unzipped/graphics/land350/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agree.txt 2147 09-13-95 bwcc.dl_ 59699 04-20-94 crater.le_ 9770 10-01-95 file_id.diz 401 01-10-95 install.exe 92160 09-16-94 install.inf 1686 10-01-95 install.txt 784 09-13-95 inter.dl_ 58630 04-25-95 land.ex_ 173580 10-01-95 land.hl_ 129874 10-01-95 landman.do_ 190891 09-13-95 lomond.le_ 16458 10-01-95 mingulay.le_ 12939 10-01-95 order.txt 5049 10-01-95 overlay.bm_ 161676 10-01-95 readme.txt 380 09-13-95 sample.bm_ 20124 11-06-94 sum256.bm_ 30135 11-11-94 sysmeter.ex_ 12835 10-13-93 sysmeter.hl_ 7007 10-13-93 vendinfo.diz 7682 01-10-95 vpdem.dl_ 14943 12-23-94 win256.bm_ 30565 11-11-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Image file editor for Microsoft Windows 3.1 path: /unzipped/graphics/lviewp19/ ----------------------------------------------------------- changes.txt 6565 10-25-94 ctl3dv2.dll 21648 08-17-93 iregistr.txt 1657 11-17-94 lviewp.hlp 102404 11-17-94 lviewp19.exe 543232 11-13-94 readme.1st 3053 09-08-94 sregistr.txt 2132 11-17-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- MPEG Player for windows path: /unzipped/graphics/mpegwin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disk1.zip 659168 03-30-93 mpegplay.exe 163328 03-30-93 mpegplay.hlp 30611 03-30-93 readme.txt 2069 03-30-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Photolab v1.8a image processing tool (great) path: /unzipped/graphics/pholab18/ ----------------------------------------------------------- photolab.exe 210272 05-13-93 photolab.flt 1806 05-13-93 photolab.hlp 29767 05-13-93 read.me 3659 05-13-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Pro-Shape v1.1 a drawing program (good) path: /unzipped/graphics/pshape11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- g_tape1.psp 2868 03-11-91 loops1.psp 2235 03-11-91 loops2.psp 2235 03-11-91 manual.wri 31488 03-11-91 meeting.psp 584 03-11-91 pshape11.exe 93856 03-11-91 readme.bat 18 02-22-91 readme.txt 957 03-11-91 win87em.exe 11440 01-29-88 ----------------------------------------------------------- Random Dot Stereogram generator 1.0a, G.Hausheer path: /unzipped/graphics/randot1a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 157120 01-25-94 new.txt 2272 06-23-94 randot.doc 17982 06-21-94 randot.exe 205077 06-23-94 randot.hlp 64117 06-23-94 randot1a.txt 493 06-23-94 stereo1.bmp 38478 06-21-94 stereo2.bmp 38478 06-21-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Repeated Dot Stereogram generator for Windows, path: /unzipped/graphics/rds200/ ----------------------------------------------------------- rds.exe 56064 03-21-94 rds.hlp 18027 03-21-94 rds.ini 110 03-21-94 rds.txt 465 03-21-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Space like background path: /unzipped/graphics/stars/ ----------------------------------------------------------- stars.exe 8192 08-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- UltraClip v1.5 (good) enhanced clipboard path: /unzipped/graphics/uclp15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- uc.exe 120320 01-03-93 uc.hlp 54219 01-03-93 uc.wri 19968 01-03-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- VuePrint 4.3 - Fast JPEG/GIF Viewer for Windows path: /unzipped/graphics/vuepri43/ ----------------------------------------------------------- vuepri43.exe 352388 12-09-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- VueSav 2.2 - Fast JPEG/GIF Windows Screen Saver, path: /unzipped/graphics/vuesav22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- vuesav.doc 5352 04-28-94 vuesav.scr 174336 04-28-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Function Visualizer (two variables) path: /unzipped/graphics/win3d/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 151984 10-27-92 donut.w3d 352 09-12-93 peanut.w3d 360 09-12-93 readme 1355 09-12-93 roundtop.w3d 364 09-12-93 sphere.w3d 351 09-12-93 win3d.exe 176128 09-12-93 win3d.hlp 28670 09-09-93 x4y3.w3d 357 09-12-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Fractint v17.00 for Windows (great) path: /unzipped/graphics/winfr171/ ----------------------------------------------------------- altern.map 3393 06-04-89 blues.map 3370 04-18-91 chroma.map 4222 07-16-89 default.map 2794 06-06-89 firestrm.map 3373 02-25-91 fractint.frm 16312 10-13-91 fractint.ifs 5795 04-09-91 fractint.l 11163 05-11-91 gamma1.map 3350 10-15-89 gamma2.map 3136 10-15-89 glasses1.map 3328 01-27-90 glasses2.map 3328 01-25-90 goodega.map 3712 05-16-90 green.map 3456 11-26-90 grey.map 3060 06-06-89 grid.map 3330 02-09-90 headache.map 3372 04-17-91 landscap.map 2552 09-17-89 lyapunov.map 3328 10-08-91 neon.map 3358 04-18-91 paintjet.map 313 04-17-91 penrose.l 5453 08-29-91 royal.map 3362 04-18-91 tiling.l 3589 06-26-91 topo.map 3411 01-21-90 volcano.map 3366 04-17-91 white.map 3344 09-09-91 winfract.doc 1249 02-01-92 winfract.exe 422912 02-08-92 winfract.hlp 44815 02-08-92 winfract.map 5572 02-08-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinJpeg v1.6 Jpeg viewer path: /unzipped/graphics/winjp160/ ----------------------------------------------------------- commdlg.dll 89248 03-10-92 order.frm 1632 11-16-92 readme.1st 6413 11-16-92 shell.dll 41600 04-01-92 whats.new 5446 11-16-92 winjpeg.exe 182272 11-16-92 winjpeg.hlp 21576 11-16-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Morphing program for Windows, M.Marjamaa path: /unzipped/graphics/winmrf16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bc30rtl.dll 143802 06-10-92 cheeta.bmp 65078 07-11-94 girl.bmp 65078 07-11-94 girlchta.mrf 3489 10-05-93 order.frm 2299 01-05-80 owl31.dll 154240 06-10-92 press.txt 1354 01-05-80 tclass31.dll 68444 06-10-92 winmorph.doc 34168 08-18-94 winmorph.exe 87056 09-25-94 winmorph.hlp 24414 08-18-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Image processing package for MS-Windows, G.Desoli path: /unzipped/graphics/wlabv30b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- about.dll 330752 08-18-94 ctl3d.dll 21008 10-15-93 imglab.dll 538376 10-25-94 install.txt 985 10-25-94 intsupp.dll 15376 06-01-94 intsupp.ini 39511 10-24-94 licence.txt 6812 10-13-94 netproto.exe 60432 08-18-94 order.txt 1402 10-13-94 readme.txt 1126 10-25-94 tools.dll 152865 09-12-94 winlab.exe 412176 10-29-94 winlab.hlp 93249 10-25-94 wpp_b3l1.dll 311808 06-02-94 wpp_b3l2.dll 315392 06-02-94 wpp_b3l3.dll 111382 06-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Worms everywhere... path: /unzipped/graphics/worm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- worm.exe 14304 06-13-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- XVT-Draw v1.5 object oriented drawing prg path: /unzipped/graphics/xvtdraw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 776 09-11-90 xvt-draw.hlp 35491 09-11-90 xvtdraw.exe 144112 09-11-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Icons and related utilities path: /unzipped/icons/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dosicons/ Icons for popular Dos programs icolib02/ Icon Library v2.196 group icons into libraries | (good) icon330/ Icon Library; a large collection of good quality | icons icondr12/ IconDraw v1.2 icons/ Icon collection imstr12a/ IconMaster v1.2a; icon editor, viewer and mgmt | system is110a/ IcoShow v1.10a icon management utility pbicon/ PBIcon v1.1; customize icons tamr11/ IconTamer v1.01 (req's Icon Editor) viewicon/ Viewicon, geticon, puticon ----------------------------------------------------------- Icons for popular Dos programs path: /unzipped/icons/dosicons/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dea.icn 766 06-29-90 dos.icn 766 06-30-90 logitech.icn 766 06-28-90 lotus123.icn 766 06-28-90 norton.icn 766 06-28-90 pctools.icn 766 06-30-90 pk-zip.icn 766 06-28-90 qbasic.icn 766 06-29-90 quickc.icn 766 06-29-90 readme.txt 993 06-30-90 shez.icn 766 06-28-90 wordperf.icn 766 06-29-90 x10.icn 766 06-30-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Icon Library v2.196 group icons into libraries path: /unzipped/icons/icolib02/ ----------------------------------------------------------- afterdrk.icl 16408 01-02-93 aircraft.icl 22072 01-02-93 amipro.icl 16408 01-02-93 animals.icl 32568 01-02-93 arrows.icl 47112 01-02-93 books.icl 46312 01-02-93 burning.icl 3480 01-02-93 buterfly.icl 16408 01-02-93 calc.icl 12376 01-02-93 calculat.icl 16408 01-02-93 cardfile.icl 15608 01-02-93 cards.icl 17224 01-02-93 castle.icl 187704 01-02-93 charts.icl 31768 01-02-93 clips.icl 7528 01-02-93 clockcal.icl 22872 01-02-93 comms.icl 55192 01-02-93 corel.icl 16408 01-02-93 cursors.icl 40648 01-02-93 dice.icl 7528 01-02-93 disks.icl 63272 01-02-93 drive.icl 16408 01-02-93 eyecolor.icl 16408 01-02-93 eyes.icl 12376 01-02-93 f16.icl 16408 01-02-93 files.icl 52776 01-02-93 flags.icl 22072 01-02-93 games.icl 52776 01-02-93 globe.icl 9944 01-02-93 hands.icl 13176 01-02-93 hourglas.icl 8328 01-02-93 icolib.exe 19200 01-02-93 icolib.hlp 27395 01-07-93 icolib.ini 2391 01-01-93 keyboard.icl 12376 01-02-93 locks.icl 7528 01-02-93 lotus123.icl 16408 01-02-93 mail.icl 39032 01-02-93 meter.icl 9944 01-02-93 monopoly.icl 258808 01-02-93 moon.icl 6712 01-02-93 mouse.icl 11560 01-02-93 ms-dos.icl 50344 01-02-93 numbers.icl 14792 01-02-93 objects.icl 117416 01-02-93 orderfrm.txt 2157 01-07-93 paint.icl 16408 01-02-93 painting.icl 30152 01-02-93 people.icl 55192 01-02-93 phones.icl 30152 01-02-93 plants.icl 21256 01-02-93 printer.icl 23688 01-02-93 printing.icl 47112 01-02-93 rabbit.icl 16408 01-02-93 raisin.icl 16408 01-02-93 readme.txt 670 01-02-93 rose.icl 16408 01-02-93 scanner.icl 4296 01-02-93 screens.icl 89944 01-02-93 shuttle.icl 16408 01-02-93 slot.icl 16408 01-02-93 software.icl 245880 01-02-93 sound.icl 18840 01-02-93 sports.icl 73784 01-02-93 stars.icl 9944 01-02-93 symbols.icl 83480 01-02-93 traffic.icl 22072 01-02-93 trashcan.icl 14792 01-02-93 wine.icl 16408 01-02-93 world.icl 13176 01-02-93 writing.icl 56808 01-02-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Icon Library; a large collection of good quality path: /unzipped/icons/icon330/ ----------------------------------------------------------- iconlib.exe 532992 07-23-90 iconlib.txt 1164 07-23-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- IconDraw v1.2 path: /unzipped/icons/icondr12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- at.ico 766 06-10-90 beer.ico 766 06-26-90 camera.ico 766 06-25-90 chart.ico 766 06-13-90 disk.ico 766 06-13-90 dos.ico 766 06-10-90 email.ico 766 06-10-90 eye.ico 766 06-13-90 icondraw.exe 73700 07-13-90 rain.ico 766 06-13-90 readme.txt 2401 07-16-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Icon collection path: /unzipped/icons/icons/ ----------------------------------------------------------- icon.dll 80432 01-28-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- IconMaster v1.2a; icon editor, viewer and mgmt path: /unzipped/icons/imstr12a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- euroreg.txt 2076 04-30-92 iconmstr.exe 177664 04-30-92 iconmstr.hlp 82280 04-12-92 iconmstr.wri 94336 04-30-92 imunzip.pif 545 01-18-92 imzip.pif 545 01-18-92 readme.txt 3579 04-30-92 regform.txt 2835 04-30-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- IcoShow v1.10a icon management utility path: /unzipped/icons/is110a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- filelist.txt 243 07-09-92 icoinst.bat 1059 06-30-92 icoshow.exe 129024 07-09-92 icoshow.hlp 34891 07-09-92 icoshow.ini 230 07-09-92 icoshowh.dll 11264 06-30-92 readme 2940 07-09-92 whats.new 447 07-09-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- PBIcon v1.1; customize icons path: /unzipped/icons/pbicon/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pbicon.bmp 512 07-12-90 pbicon.doc 9072 07-12-90 pbicon.exe 23360 07-12-90 pbicon.icn 766 07-12-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- IconTamer v1.01 (req's Icon Editor) path: /unzipped/icons/tamr11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 16color.ico 766 11-16-90 8color.ico 766 11-16-90 cga.ico 198 11-16-90 color8.ico 766 11-16-90 icontamr.exe 44192 12-01-90 icontamr.wri 18944 12-01-90 license.agm 5921 11-16-90 mono.ico 326 11-16-90 readme.1st 2960 12-01-90 register.frm 3608 11-16-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Viewicon, geticon, puticon path: /unzipped/icons/viewicon/ ----------------------------------------------------------- geticon.exe 13652 10-03-90 puticon.exe 9156 10-03-90 readme.doc 5255 10-07-90 viewicon.exe 12020 10-03-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Warehouse path: /unzipped/misc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 16550_10/ Ignore the FIFO enable bits in the 16550A IIR ahandy11/ 30 utilities, games etc. in one single program, | nag arch308/ Archives v3.08; the compressed file manager ayli12/ As You Like It Windows E-book reader ccizip20/ CCiZip v2.0 archive file manager (good) ccwin31/ Crossword Compiler for Windows, A.Lewis color12/ Color My World - multimedia tutor abt colors for | children elana11/ Elana v1.1 sys config tool enigma11/ Enigma v1.1 (german version) encrypt/decrypt fixgrp/ FixGroup; fix group files when moving freemem/ Freemem v1.0 show amount of free memory fundmn83/ Portfolio management with graphs and reports gander10/ GANDER v1.0 text and binary file viewer (ASCII & | HEX) lifepl5a/ LifePlan for maintaining your personal goals mod1/ Delrina's (Winfax Pro) beta release of mod.exe | V.32bis morecn/ More Control v1.1 Control Panel enhancement | (good) ot170/ One Touch II glucometer data application, | K.Uusitalo paramd15/ Paramind, configurable brainstorming program qnzip21/ QuinZip v2.1 Windows Zip/UnZip util strack12/ SofTrack - software/hardware inventory database tm/ Taskman v1.0 replace Windows task manager ucook10/ The USENET Cookbook in WinHelp format wexit12e/ Windows Exit Button v1.2 (good) winzoo21/ Zoo v2.1 for Windows wnspd/ Winspeed v1.0 Windows 3.0 performance anal tool wotd_201/ What happened on this day (historical database) wuna222/ Windows Unarchive v2.22 (ZIP ARJ) wunz20x/ Freeware windows unzipper version 2.0 (good) zm301/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Ignore the FIFO enable bits in the 16550A IIR path: /unzipped/misc/16550_10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 16550_10.hlp 525 12-23-91 pat16550.c 5685 12-23-91 pat16550.com 8833 12-23-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- 30 utilities, games etc. in one single program, path: /unzipped/misc/ahandy11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 442 10-31-95 handy.ex_ 743369 10-31-95 readme.1st 9229 10-31-95 sdn.id 1793 10-31-95 setup.exe 105832 10-31-95 vendinfo.diz 18814 10-31-95 winstall.inf 342 10-31-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Archives v3.08; the compressed file manager path: /unzipped/misc/arch308/ ----------------------------------------------------------- arch.bat 167 07-04-91 arch.pif 545 07-04-91 arch_ini.txt 3966 07-04-91 archhelp.zip 42740 07-04-91 archives.hlp 65525 07-04-91 archv.ini 303 07-04-91 archv286.exe 175984 07-04-91 changes.txt 18783 07-04-91 question.txt 13165 07-04-91 readme.txt 4236 07-04-91 register.frm 3402 07-04-91 tutor.txt 26153 07-04-91 vendor.txt 3909 07-04-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- As You Like It Windows E-book reader path: /unzipped/misc/ayli12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 01001.ayl 17139 02-28-95 20801.ayl 84210 02-28-95 all.def 9420 02-28-95 ayli.ded 258 02-28-95 ayli.dic 133570 02-28-95 ayli.exe 68096 02-28-95 ayli.hlp 41839 02-28-95 ayli.not 726 02-28-95 ayli.suf 1058 02-28-95 desc.sdi 61 02-28-95 file_id.diz 415 02-28-95 fonzie 1286 02-28-95 howard 1286 02-28-95 instaldr.exe 68352 02-28-95 install.exe 7936 02-28-95 install.inf 2326 02-28-95 joanie 1286 02-28-95 marian 1286 02-28-95 read_me.1st 171 02-28-95 read_me.bat 440 02-28-95 readme.txt 2312 02-28-95 readme.wri 4096 02-28-95 richie 1286 02-28-95 vendinfo.diz 16036 02-28-95 vendor.doc 216 02-28-95 vendor.txt 216 02-28-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- CCiZip v2.0 archive file manager (good) path: /unzipped/misc/ccizip20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 ccizip.exe 415248 09-03-92 ccizip.hlp 43260 09-03-92 ccizip.wri 55680 09-03-92 ccizsh.exe 12240 05-15-92 ccizsh.pif 545 09-03-92 readme.cci 903 09-03-92 register.txt 248 09-03-92 uuencode.zip 31751 06-08-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Crossword Compiler for Windows, A.Lewis path: /unzipped/misc/ccwin31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- american.cwd 1656 06-22-94 anagram.cwd 677 03-29-95 blank1.cwd 237 03-28-95 blank2.cwd 237 03-28-95 blank3.cwd 237 03-28-95 blank4.cwd 237 03-28-95 blank5.cwd 237 03-28-95 blankus.cwd 266 03-28-95 ccw.cfg 656 04-20-95 ccw.exe 244992 09-24-95 ccwhelp.hlp 118287 09-26-95 cryptic.cwd 1432 04-16-95 english 2958 12-31-94 features.txt 2709 09-26-95 file_id.diz 428 09-26-95 files.txt 1555 09-26-95 freeform.cwd 540 06-22-94 linkpuz.cwd 929 06-21-94 onlybrit 21234 04-19-95 onlyusa 23220 04-19-95 order.wri 2944 09-24-95 orderus.wri 2560 09-24-95 readme.txt 2718 09-24-95 shorts.x10 20126 04-19-95 shorts.x3 702 04-19-95 shorts.x4 2942 04-19-95 shorts.x5 6049 04-19-95 shorts.x6 10999 04-19-95 shorts.x7 15254 04-19-95 shorts.x8 18303 04-19-95 shorts.x9 20969 04-19-95 words.x10 62784 04-19-95 words.x3 1102 04-19-95 words.x4 5163 04-19-95 words.x5 14318 04-19-95 words.x6 29566 04-19-95 words.x7 51171 04-19-95 words.x8 69084 04-19-95 words.x9 70174 04-19-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Color My World - multimedia tutor abt colors for path: /unzipped/misc/color12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- black.wav 4120 08-23-93 blue.wav 4482 08-23-93 colormw.exe 31401 08-23-93 colormw.hlp 13157 08-23-93 cyan.wav 5644 08-23-93 green.wav 5416 08-23-93 magenta.wav 4798 08-23-93 readme.txt 2034 08-23-93 red.wav 3790 08-23-93 white.wav 4066 08-23-93 yellow.wav 5964 08-23-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Elana v1.1 sys config tool path: /unzipped/misc/elana11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- comp.rle 30622 01-26-91 elana.exe 83600 04-04-91 elana.hlp 93426 04-02-91 hand.rle 17408 02-02-91 readme.wri 3328 04-04-91 sadmac.rle 10240 02-02-91 welcom.rle 18862 02-02-91 wintrek.rle 20835 02-02-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Enigma v1.1 (german version) encrypt/decrypt path: /unzipped/misc/enigma11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 138800 04-04-93 enigma.exe 153616 04-04-93 enigma.hlp 33110 04-04-93 info.txt 5701 04-04-93 readme.txt 22004 04-04-93 register.txt 2544 04-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- FixGroup; fix group files when moving path: /unzipped/misc/fixgrp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 107 07-11-92 fixgroup.doc 1533 07-11-92 fixgroup.exe 32928 07-11-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Freemem v1.0 show amount of free memory path: /unzipped/misc/freemem/ ----------------------------------------------------------- freemem.exe 20480 06-18-93 freemem.pas 3092 06-18-93 freemem.res 1006 06-18-93 read.me 1113 06-18-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio management with graphs and reports path: /unzipped/misc/fundmn83/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adi.da_ 408 07-30-95 cy.da_ 415 07-30-95 ffii.da_ 3118 07-30-95 fhlt.da_ 3527 07-30-95 file_id.diz 413 09-26-95 fm.ex_ 197034 09-25-95 fm.hl_ 113009 09-26-95 fram.da_ 385 07-30-95 gwf.da_ 455 07-30-95 ibm.da_ 610 07-30-95 install.exe 43744 09-26-95 isp.da_ 422 07-30-95 jfnd.da_ 3671 07-30-95 jtwn.da_ 2518 08-03-95 jwrl.da_ 1854 07-30-95 packing.lst 455 09-26-95 readme.txt 15329 09-26-95 register.tx_ 766 09-26-95 tult.da_ 2302 07-30-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- GANDER v1.0 text and binary file viewer (ASCII & path: /unzipped/misc/gander10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gander.exe 66358 09-02-91 gander.hlp 20269 09-01-91 gander.ini 322 09-02-91 gander.txt 13013 09-01-91 register.txt 2184 09-01-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- LifePlan for maintaining your personal goals path: /unzipped/misc/lifepl5a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mssetup.su_ 6622 03-15-94 _mstest.ex_ 49647 03-15-94 auditprn.cd$ 455 09-17-95 auditprn.db$ 121 09-17-95 audittrl.cd$ 449 09-17-95 audittrl.db$ 120 09-17-95 category.cd$ 836 09-17-95 category.db$ 322 09-17-95 category.fp$ 3167 09-17-95 commdlg.dl_ 46406 03-15-94 config.fp$ 70 09-17-95 cv.cd$ 455 10-10-95 cv.db$ 93 10-10-95 cv.fp$ 87 10-10-95 ddeml.dl_ 21273 03-15-94 distsplt.db$ 628 09-17-95 file_id.diz 446 10-23-95 foxprint.fo_ 376 03-15-94 foxprint.tt_ 50739 03-15-94 foxpro.in$ 18894 09-17-95 foxrun.pi$ 213 09-17-95 foxuser.db$ 2336 09-17-95 foxuser.fp$ 8308 09-17-95 foxw2600.es$ 363520 08-03-94 foxw2601.es$ 363520 08-03-94 foxw2602.es$ 363520 08-03-94 foxw2603.es$ 218648 08-03-94 goal.cd$ 2099 10-10-95 goal.db$ 252 10-10-95 goal.fp$ 89 10-10-95 lifepl5a.txt 4152 10-23-95 lifepla2.ex$ 209449 10-10-95 lifeplan.ex$ 363520 10-10-95 linkfile.cd$ 1261 10-10-95 linkfile.db$ 125 10-10-95 lp2.ic$ 268 09-17-95 macros.fk$ 186 10-10-95 menudtls.cd$ 776 09-17-95 menudtls.db$ 201 09-17-95 menutext.cd$ 502 09-17-95 menutext.db$ 403 10-10-95 menutext.fp$ 8290 10-10-95 mscomstf.dl_ 38146 03-15-94 mscuistf.dl_ 27030 03-15-94 msdetstf.dl_ 14026 03-15-94 msinsstf.dl_ 37207 03-15-94 msshlstf.dl_ 7785 03-15-94 msuilstf.dl_ 3773 03-15-94 notes.cd$ 452 10-10-95 notes.db$ 145 10-10-95 notes.fp$ 90 10-10-95 objects.cd$ 676 10-10-95 objects.db$ 180 10-10-95 objects.fp$ 92 10-10-95 olecli.dl_ 41083 03-15-94 olesvr.dl_ 13129 03-15-94 params.cd$ 452 09-17-95 params.db$ 330 10-10-95 params.fp$ 22654 10-10-95 people.cd$ 674 10-10-95 people.db$ 416 10-10-95 people.fp$ 91 10-10-95 prntdfts.cd$ 448 09-17-95 prntdfts.db$ 153 09-17-95 read.me 446 10-23-95 setup.exe 24624 03-15-94 setup.in_ 10533 03-15-94 setup.inf 5281 10-10-95 setup.lst 607 10-10-95 setup.ms_ 6746 03-15-94 shell.dl_ 23293 03-15-94 system.cd$ 446 09-17-95 system.db$ 644 10-10-95 toolhelp.dl_ 9213 03-15-94 users.cd$ 958 09-17-95 users.db$ 236 09-17-95 ver.dl_ 5653 03-15-94 wfhelp.hl$ 52782 09-17-95 wizard2.bm$ 349 09-17-95 y.$ 25 09-17-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Delrina's (Winfax Pro) beta release of mod.exe path: /unzipped/misc/mod1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mod.exe 63488 05-28-92 readme 696 05-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- More Control v1.1 Control Panel enhancement path: /unzipped/misc/morecn/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mcspin.dll 13424 05-05-92 morecon.cpl 21264 05-19-92 morecon.hlp 5872 05-17-92 morecon.txt 2044 05-17-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- One Touch II glucometer data application, path: /unzipped/misc/ot170/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18400 10-21-92 mscomm.vbx 32768 10-21-92 onetouch.exe 81204 06-15-95 onetouch.wr_ 419975 06-15-95 readme.txt 1629 06-15-95 sample.glc 3462 01-28-95 setup.exe 14848 10-21-92 setup.lst 40 10-21-92 setup1.ex_ 10256 01-29-95 setupkit.dl_ 3657 10-21-92 vbrun200.dl_ 246403 10-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Paramind, configurable brainstorming program path: /unzipped/misc/paramd15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.exe 16896 03-26-93 inwin.exe 68864 04-18-94 inwin.inf 1271 11-10-94 inwin.squ 29682 04-01-93 parasw.exe 341381 11-10-94 pminstal.txt 323 11-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- QuinZip v2.1 Windows Zip/UnZip util path: /unzipped/misc/qnzip21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 distrib.txt 617 02-05-93 dll.txt 948 02-05-93 file_id.diz 186 02-05-93 license.txt 4129 02-05-93 quinzip.exe 84848 02-05-93 quinzip.hlp 47116 02-05-93 quinzip.reg 555 02-05-93 readme.txt 3812 02-05-93 register.frm 3385 02-05-93 whatsnew.txt 889 02-05-93 whisper.txt 3967 02-05-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- SofTrack - software/hardware inventory database path: /unzipped/misc/strack12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 2045 08-22-93 softrack.hlp 14516 08-22-93 softrack.ico 766 10-06-93 softrack.mdb 262144 08-22-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Taskman v1.0 replace Windows task manager path: /unzipped/misc/tm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.1st 445 07-01-92 tm.exe 58368 07-01-92 tm.hlp 29194 07-01-92 tmlib.dll 3328 07-01-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- The USENET Cookbook in WinHelp format path: /unzipped/misc/ucook10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cookbk_i.hlp 869784 10-16-93 cookbk_m.hlp 867403 10-16-93 cookbook.ico 766 10-06-93 readme 1435 10-18-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Exit Button v1.2 (good) path: /unzipped/misc/wexit12e/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winexit.doc 2967 08-15-92 winexit.exe 36352 08-15-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Zoo v2.1 for Windows path: /unzipped/misc/winzoo21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 1571 03-04-92 winzoo.exe 98352 03-04-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winspeed v1.0 Windows 3.0 performance anal tool path: /unzipped/misc/wnspd/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winspeed.exe 123904 01-14-92 winspeed.hlp 14730 01-02-92 winspeed.txt 423 01-19-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- What happened on this day (historical database) path: /unzipped/misc/wotd_201/ ----------------------------------------------------------- birthday.apr 1420 10-30-94 birthday.aug 1541 10-30-94 birthday.dec 1626 10-30-94 birthday.feb 1464 10-30-94 birthday.jan 1519 10-30-94 birthday.jul 1633 10-30-94 birthday.jun 2262 10-30-94 birthday.mar 1548 10-30-94 birthday.may 1757 10-30-94 birthday.nov 1668 10-30-94 birthday.oct 1617 10-30-94 birthday.sep 1691 10-30-94 cmp.doc 2424 10-30-94 cmp.exe 25980 10-30-94 commdlg.dll 89248 10-30-94 desc.sdi 379 10-30-94 describe.doc 6778 10-30-94 diag.doc 3203 10-30-94 diag.exe 11306 10-30-94 events.apr 1929 10-30-94 events.aug 1848 10-30-94 events.dec 2095 10-30-94 events.feb 1981 10-30-94 events.jan 2240 10-30-94 events.jul 2013 10-30-94 events.jun 3480 10-30-94 events.mar 1847 10-30-94 events.may 1877 10-30-94 events.nov 1933 10-30-94 events.oct 1981 10-30-94 events.oth 369 10-30-94 events.sep 1766 10-30-94 file_id.diz 379 10-30-94 license.doc 6788 10-30-94 packing.lst 2824 10-30-94 products.doc 2822 10-30-94 read.me 1957 10-30-94 register.doc 2778 10-30-94 religion 1405 10-30-94 shr-ware.doc 28606 10-30-94 sysop.doc 4446 10-30-94 ucmp.com 10658 10-30-94 ucmp.doc 2339 10-30-94 vendor.doc 7546 10-30-94 warranty.doc 2699 10-30-94 winotd.exe 91136 10-30-94 winotd.hlp 38458 10-30-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Unarchive v2.22 (ZIP ARJ) path: /unzipped/misc/wuna222/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152304 03-09-93 history.txt 2260 08-20-93 ordrfrm.wri 3328 08-02-93 swreg.wri 1664 08-23-93 wuna.exe 228864 08-03-93 wuna.hlp 32731 08-02-93 wuna.wri 10112 08-23-93 wunacp.dll 36864 07-30-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Freeware windows unzipper version 2.0 (good) path: /unzipped/misc/wunz20x/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme 2057 07-13-93 wizunzip.exe 122368 07-13-93 wizunzip.hlp 50599 07-13-93 wizunzip.wav 15572 05-19-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/misc/zm301/ ----------------------------------------------------------- prndocs.com 2568 10-21-90 readme.1st 4643 10-22-90 register.frm 3454 10-21-90 update.doc 2416 10-22-90 zm.exe 93184 10-22-90 zm.hlp 41229 10-22-90 zm31.doc 69686 10-22-90 zmdiag.txt 11010 10-21-90 zmscan.exe 12505 10-21-90 zmscan.pif 545 10-17-90 zmshell.exe 11203 10-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Multimedia related programs and utilities path: /unzipped/multimed/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cd_tbk/ Compact Disk Library "stack" (ToolBook) formgx34/ Formula Graphics Multimedia System 3.4 hifinanc/ Hi, Finance! (ToolBook) v1.01 winhurri/ Control program for the moviegrabber board | (hicolor) ----------------------------------------------------------- Compact Disk Library "stack" (ToolBook) path: /unzipped/multimed/cd_tbk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cd.tbk 25390 12-03-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Formula Graphics Multimedia System 3.4 path: /unzipped/multimed/formgx34/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ball.sx_ 325 10-14-95 demo.b0_ 273181 12-16-95 demo.bx_ 7485 12-16-95 demo.ex_ 3498 08-16-95 demo.sx_ 1383 12-16-95 file_id.diz 431 12-16-95 formsync.dl_ 360 01-24-95 formula.ex_ 263229 12-16-95 formula.hl_ 88741 12-16-95 killbdss.sx_ 490 08-16-95 killfire.sx_ 413 08-16-95 killmain.sx_ 1505 12-16-95 killsold.sx_ 439 08-29-95 readme.txt 7013 12-16-95 setup.exe 20512 10-14-95 vivaldi.mi_ 8406 09-13-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Finance! (ToolBook) v1.01 path: /unzipped/multimed/hifinanc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hifinanc.tbk 434876 08-12-90 hifinanc.txt 2140 08-11-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Control program for the moviegrabber board path: /unzipped/multimed/winhurri/ ----------------------------------------------------------- duck1.flm 960608 06-02-93 duck2.flm 442976 06-02-93 pch.jpg 58498 05-28-93 products.doc 13636 06-02-93 tvbox.jpg 45850 05-28-93 tvcard.jpg 53893 05-28-93 winhurri.doc 5594 06-02-93 winhurri.exe 301568 06-10-93 winhurri.txt 6714 06-02-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Plotting related material path: /unzipped/plot/ ----------------------------------------------------------- digi138/ Digitize v1.38 x,y plot digitizer (scanned plot | to x,y points) splt220w/ Splot v2.20 the pen plotter simulator (HP7475A) | (good) ----------------------------------------------------------- Digitize v1.38 x,y plot digitizer (scanned plot path: /unzipped/plot/digi138/ ----------------------------------------------------------- digitize.exe 89675 05-11-93 digitize.hlp 41959 06-01-93 digitize.txt 3480 06-01-93 instscrl.vbx 10400 09-17-92 order.wri 2816 06-01-93 scanned.bmp 32966 10-12-92 spin.vbx 22528 10-21-92 threed.vbx 60720 10-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Splot v2.20 the pen plotter simulator (HP7475A) path: /unzipped/plot/splt220w/ ----------------------------------------------------------- about.txt 4038 06-01-93 ascii.plt 6173 06-01-93 demo.plt 17842 06-01-93 file_id.diz 394 06-01-93 licence.txt 7031 06-01-93 order.txt 2384 06-01-93 plotters.txt 30521 06-01-93 readme.txt 1519 06-01-93 splotc.dll 23678 06-01-93 sploten.hlp 275783 06-01-93 splotl.dll 33280 06-01-93 splotp.dll 11264 06-01-93 splotw.exe 112640 06-01-93 tests/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/plot/splt220w/tests/ ----------------------------------------------------------- t2-11.bas 286 07-22-91 t2-11.plt 914 07-22-91 t3-10.plt 95 07-22-91 t3-12.plt 132 07-22-91 t3-13.plt 161 07-22-91 t3-14.bas 411 07-22-91 t3-14.plt 390 07-22-91 t3-17.plt 241 07-22-91 t3-19.plt 91 07-22-91 t3-20.plt 108 07-22-91 t3-24.plt 113 07-22-91 t3-25.plt 193 07-22-91 t3-27.plt 136 07-22-91 t3-29.plt 217 07-22-91 t3-33.plt 112 07-22-91 t3-36.plt 174 07-22-91 t3-7.plt 115 07-22-91 t3-8.plt 83 07-22-91 t4-2.plt 68 07-22-91 t4-4.bas 459 07-22-91 t4-4.plt 620 07-22-91 t4-5.plt 224 07-22-91 t5-11.plt 257 07-22-91 t5-13.plt 133 07-22-91 t5-15.plt 174 07-22-91 t5-17.plt 77 07-22-91 t5-18.plt 180 07-22-91 t5-19.plt 73 07-22-91 t5-2.plt 125 07-22-91 t5-22-1.bas 349 07-22-91 t5-22-1.plt 870 07-22-91 t5-22-2.plt 113 07-22-91 t5-23.plt 87 07-22-91 t5-29.bas 427 07-22-91 t5-29.plt 187 07-22-91 t5-5.plt 60 07-22-91 t5-6.plt 212 07-22-91 t8-10.bas 1816 07-22-91 t8-10.plt 1327 07-22-91 t8-13.bas 1518 07-22-91 t8-13.plt 606 07-22-91 t8-7.bas 1538 07-22-91 t8-7.plt 1610 07-22-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer utilities path: /unzipped/printer/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ddp20b/ Drag and Drop Printing Utility dump31/ Dumper v3.1 dump files to the printer plx17/ Paper Express v1.7 program list printer shell printf16/ PrintFlip - Printer changer and setup utility spoolf20/ Windows Util Printing to File, P.Poellinger wprt103/ Windows Printer Control Utility, P.Poellinger wrptp20/ RPTPwin v2.0 yacpu20/ Calendar printing utility for Windows ----------------------------------------------------------- Drag and Drop Printing Utility path: /unzipped/printer/ddp20b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 20976 07-31-94 ddp.hlp 34632 07-31-94 ddp2.doc 38994 07-31-94 ddp20b.exe 50528 07-31-94 ddpq_a.doc 1844 07-31-94 ddpspin.dll 9728 07-31-94 file_id.diz 414 07-31-94 install.bin 53597 07-31-94 install.bmp 2950 07-31-94 install.exe 5888 07-31-94 install.inf 2066 07-31-94 order.frm 2218 07-31-94 orderfr.frm 1350 07-31-94 read_me.1st 216 07-31-94 vendinfo.diz 17912 07-31-94 vendor.doc 216 07-31-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dumper v3.1 dump files to the printer path: /unzipped/printer/dump31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dump31.exe 123648 09-05-92 dump31.hlp 14336 09-04-92 readme.txt 1843 09-04-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Paper Express v1.7 program list printer shell path: /unzipped/printer/plx17/ ----------------------------------------------------------- buttons.pas 11736 06-14-92 meter.pas 4045 06-14-92 meter.res 9087 06-14-92 plx.exe 88832 06-14-92 plx.pas 28122 06-14-92 plx.res 25223 06-14-92 plx.wri 18304 06-14-92 printer.pas 11048 06-14-92 printer.res 217 06-14-92 sclptext.pas 4678 06-14-92 textstrm.pas 2849 06-14-92 wfplus.pas 4769 06-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- PrintFlip - Printer changer and setup utility path: /unzipped/printer/printf16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- apiguide.dll 7568 11-28-92 printf.exe 22371 11-18-93 printf.hlp 17616 11-18-93 readme.txt 3441 11-18-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Util Printing to File, P.Poellinger path: /unzipped/printer/spoolf20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.bin 51798 03-18-94 install.bmp 12278 09-19-94 install.exe 14336 03-09-94 install.inf 399 09-20-94 peli_raw.drv 5248 10-09-94 peliware.ini 871 11-19-94 read.me 15750 11-19-94 spoolfle.exe 64000 11-19-94 x_spool.exe 13312 10-09-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Printer Control Utility, P.Poellinger path: /unzipped/printer/wprt103/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.bin 51798 03-18-94 install.bmp 12278 04-09-94 install.exe 14336 03-09-94 install.inf 382 04-09-94 peliware.dll 32944 04-09-94 peliware.ini 170 04-09-94 read.me 9789 09-05-94 winptr.exe 252416 08-04-94 winptr.hlp 230098 04-09-94 wptr_tip.txt 1017 04-14-94 x_winptr.exe 13312 04-09-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- RPTPwin v2.0 path: /unzipped/printer/wrptp20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- order.txt 3809 11-17-91 rlprog.txt 5456 12-03-91 rptpwin.doc 5953 12-03-91 rptpwin.exe 21504 12-03-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Calendar printing utility for Windows path: /unzipped/printer/yacpu20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 1539 03-29-95 yacpu.exe 473600 03-29-95 yacpu.hol 5850 03-28-95 yacpu.ini 355 03-28-95 yacpu.lng 4341 03-21-95 yacpu.wri 26112 03-29-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Programming material path: /unzipped/programm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bascde12/ Basic Source Code Librarian (e.g. for VB), | M.Brewerton boyer03/ Boyer-Moore Fast Text Search for Windows 3.x in C bstrcw12/ Restructure Your VB/Basic Source Code, | M.Brewerton button/ Buttons! v1.0.1 BWCC button editor catch/ Catch v1.00 batch programming language for | Windows cenviw9/ C-Interpreter/Batch/Script/Automator cxtw107/ C Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, | J.Mueller dxtw107/ DBASE Eploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, | J.Mueller fxtw107/ FORTRAN Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, | J.Mueller ha30/ Help Assistant for Windows help developers to | create hypertext hpgn12/ HelpGen Help File Generator, M.Burton intl/ Internationalizing DLL v1.0 for Windows lxtw107/ LISP Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, | J.Mueller makemdi2/ Generic Windows Mdi appl generator msdn200/ MS Developers Network/SoftLib index reader, | F.Robijn msjmar93/ Diag & MemMan newspy/ NewSpy v1.00 (like Spy in SDK) oot_104d/ OO Documentation Tool v1.04d Obj-oriented anal | doc tool pb3ico10/ PowerHelper Function Syntax Utility for | PowerBldr, P.Poellinger ppfont10/ Windows font family, list, textmetrics DLL, | P.Poellinger pprtr44/ DLL to get/set windows printers and settings, | P.Poellinger progress/ Progress meter for lengthy operations (w/source) | by T.Ravnholt prtrk203/ Tracks problem reports in network database, | R.Stimpson rc2hdk30/ Help Template generator from RC files by R.Loewy snoopy13/ Debug monitor, trap error msgs, exit codes etc, | H.Boch swtools/ Shareware Tools (expiration & registration) tdwin31/ TDWIN.DLL for Windows 3.1 thlis103/ TheLister 1.03 advanced Pascal source lister tprint/ TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows tps/ Horizontal tiling facility to TP for Win 1.5 tpwin31/ Turbo Pascal for Windows 3.1 compatibility files ucb/ UCB WordPlan; application programmer assistant undocfct/ List all undocumented entry points & external | refs vba_bkma/ VBA Native Functions DLL - most common API calls vbbld11/ Design VB Programs, For Better Structure, | M.Brewerton vbptu10/ VB program testing unit, logs test info, | M.Brewerton wpjv1n1/ Windows Programmer's Journal vol1 #1 wthrds/ EDI threads; multi-threading library (C&PAS) xlispw/ Xlisp-plus v2.1d for Windows xspawn10/ Spawn programs from Windows App and Wait, G.Yaniv ----------------------------------------------------------- Basic Source Code Librarian (e.g. for VB), path: /unzipped/programm/bascde12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bascode.exe 48688 02-21-94 bascode.ico 766 02-21-94 bascode.lib 4388 02-21-94 bascode.wri 10880 02-21-94 cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 97936 11-01-93 register.wri 1664 02-21-94 threed.vbx 64432 07-16-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Boyer-Moore Fast Text Search for Windows 3.x in C path: /unzipped/programm/boyer03/ ----------------------------------------------------------- boyer.c 7633 08-22-94 boyer.doc 9337 08-22-94 boyer.h 877 08-22-94 demo.c 6310 05-23-94 demo.def 246 04-06-94 demo.exe 38592 08-22-94 demo.h 69 04-06-94 demo.rc 306 04-06-94 dll/ makefile 1408 04-06-94 read.me 2640 08-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/programm/boyer03/dll/ ----------------------------------------------------------- boyer.c 7996 08-22-94 boyer.def 420 08-22-94 boyer.dll 31292 08-22-94 boyer.h 977 08-22-94 boyer.lib 1536 08-22-94 makefile 1433 08-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Restructure Your VB/Basic Source Code, path: /unzipped/programm/bstrcw12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- basstruc.exe 41313 01-28-94 basstruc.wri 8832 01-28-94 bastruc.ico 766 01-27-94 cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 97936 11-01-93 register.wri 1536 01-28-94 threed.vbx 64432 07-16-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Buttons! v1.0.1 BWCC button editor path: /unzipped/programm/button/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bitlib.dll 8464 12-17-92 buttons.exe 113664 04-02-93 buttons.hlp 17545 04-02-93 bwcc.dll 151984 10-27-92 example.zip 11784 04-02-93 file_id.diz 526 01-25-93 files.lst 325 12-22-92 read.me 6411 03-30-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Catch v1.00 batch programming language for path: /unzipped/programm/catch/ ----------------------------------------------------------- catch.exe 72704 09-27-92 choice.wbf 578 03-04-93 directs.wbf 293 03-04-93 helpbox.exe 52736 09-03-92 instruct.doc 19084 03-04-93 manip.wbf 522 03-04-93 orderfrm.doc 1287 03-04-93 readme.doc 6109 03-04-93 register.doc 948 03-04-93 run.wbf 451 03-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- C-Interpreter/Batch/Script/Automator path: /unzipped/programm/cenviw9/ ----------------------------------------------------------- additem.cmm 1639 09-19-94 allsave.cmm 2221 08-20-94 ascii.cmm 559 03-09-94 autofax.cmm 1728 09-04-94 barclock.cmm 1674 05-31-94 battmem.cmm 7147 08-22-94 bmp.lib 12081 09-02-94 bmpview.cmm 3409 09-02-94 booted1.cmm 1886 03-09-94 booted2.cmm 1115 03-09-94 bughunt.cmm 3107 03-09-94 cenvi.doc 59152 11-30-94 cenvi.exe 167312 03-09-94 cenvilib.doc 29258 11-30-94 clipbrd.lib 4850 03-09-94 clipsort.cmm 1778 03-15-94 cmm_vs_c.doc 16913 11-30-94 cmmedit.cmm 15556 03-24-94 cmmgroup.cmm 3559 03-09-94 cmmtutor.doc 44398 11-30-94 comm.lib 21047 03-09-94 commkybd.cmm 3557 05-23-94 dde.lib 6808 09-23-94 ddecli.cmm 1809 09-23-94 ddecli.lib 17351 09-23-94 ddedir.cmm 855 08-15-94 ddesrv.cmm 3061 09-23-94 ddesrv.lib 16230 10-20-94 delold.cmm 4123 07-22-94 dirdiff.cmm 6710 04-18-94 dlgctrl.lib 8947 05-21-94 dos_boss.lib 18066 08-17-94 dos_echo.cmm 3605 06-01-94 dos_look.cmm 4474 06-01-94 dosintr.lib 4733 09-15-94 dostime.cmm 997 03-09-94 dropper.cmm 4520 11-11-94 examinew.cmm 9433 09-22-94 exitwin.cmm 4983 09-04-94 fibonacc.cmm 1490 03-04-94 file_id.diz 355 03-09-94 frantick.cmm 1328 03-04-94 fullscrn.cmm 705 10-11-94 gdi.cmm 2032 03-09-94 gdi.lib 1201 08-29-94 globlmem.lib 2837 09-09-94 hello.cmm 351 03-04-94 hexdump.cmm 3285 03-09-94 icon.lib 2410 11-12-94 iconmany.cmm 701 11-12-94 icons.cmm 268 03-09-94 idletime.cmm 5470 03-09-94 inputbox.cmm 4450 07-05-94 inputbox.lib 14025 08-17-94 install.cmm 11697 04-18-94 keycode.cmm 376 03-09-94 keyghost.cmm 1918 09-06-94 keypush.lib 14759 08-20-94 killdos.cmm 1260 04-27-94 license.doc 6083 11-30-94 menuctrl.lib 11137 08-19-94 menunot.cmm 2987 08-20-94 message.lib 7157 03-09-94 msgbox.lib 3996 03-09-94 msgboxes.cmm 1175 03-09-94 mycal.cmm 1100 08-20-94 numlock.cmm 316 03-09-94 oneprog.cmm 2360 09-14-94 ontop.cmm 2531 08-15-94 opencmm.cmm 496 03-09-94 optparms.lib 2324 03-08-94 os2sessn.cmm 5975 09-21-94 pgroups.cmm 1517 09-05-94 pickfile.lib 2579 03-09-94 pmbutt.cmm 10580 10-29-94 pmcorner.cmm 904 03-09-94 pongtime.cmm 3616 03-09-94 print.cmm 1854 07-20-94 profile.lib 5219 09-28-94 progman.lib 12771 09-19-94 quote.cmm 1693 03-09-94 readme.doc 7696 11-30-94 rebootnt.cmm 602 10-23-94 register.doc 4731 11-30-94 rndwalls.cmm 3793 03-23-94 runagain.cmm 1536 05-24-94 runtime.cmm 3806 09-07-94 safefman.cmm 1033 09-09-94 savescrn.cmm 185 10-10-94 serveos2.cmm 13111 03-09-94 servewin.com 1803 05-26-94 shellexe.cmm 1127 08-03-94 shellexe.lib 2665 08-08-94 taskbutt.cmm 8369 04-17-94 terminal.cmm 2969 03-09-94 whoryou.cmm 12621 07-05-94 winbeep.cmm 515 03-09-94 window.lib 13481 03-09-94 winexec.lib 1833 08-01-94 winexecs.cmm 1028 03-09-94 winlist.cmm 861 03-09-94 winmsg.cmm 913 03-09-94 winrun.bat 2126 05-27-94 winrun.cmm 4083 05-31-94 winshell.bat 1232 03-09-94 wintools.cmm 3102 03-09-94 wintools.lib 18198 09-14-94 winutil.lib 1890 03-09-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- C Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, path: /unzipped/programm/cxtw107/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cftn.exe 26186 07-21-95 cftnwin.dll 32544 07-21-95 cftnwin.h 5189 07-21-95 cftnwin.lib 2048 07-21-95 cftwin.exe 353648 07-21-95 cstn.exe 26506 07-21-95 cstnwin.dll 32832 07-21-95 cstnwin.h 5189 07-21-95 cstnwin.lib 2048 07-21-95 cstwin.exe 356944 07-21-95 ctl3d.dll 25104 08-23-94 cxt.cm 21251 07-21-95 cxt_me.cmd 12068 07-21-95 cxt_qedt.dat 566 07-21-95 cxtkeys.cb 5602 07-21-95 cxtkeys.cm 2485 07-21-95 example.doc 24382 07-21-95 file_id.diz 376 07-21-95 gcc233.fct 5517 07-21-95 history.doc 9694 07-21-95 html_rtf.doc 5495 07-21-95 install.doc 2046 07-21-95 msvc15.fct 8402 07-21-95 new107.win 929 07-21-95 new233.doc 5778 07-21-95 problems.doc 6731 07-21-95 products.doc 3636 07-21-95 readme.doc 6841 07-21-95 register.ger 10178 07-21-95 register.us 9787 07-21-95 sxt.doc 229920 07-21-95 sxtnview.doc 16651 07-21-95 sxtnview.exe 19168 07-21-95 sxtnview.frm 14155 07-21-95 sxtnview.ico 1086 07-21-95 sxtnview.mak 117 07-21-95 sxtwin.doc 4041 07-21-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- DBASE Eploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, path: /unzipped/programm/dxtw107/ ----------------------------------------------------------- clipper5.fct 3297 07-21-95 ctl3d.dll 25104 08-23-94 dbase.fct 2938 07-21-95 dftn.exe 25914 07-21-95 dftnwin.dll 31552 07-21-95 dftnwin.h 5189 07-21-95 dftnwin.lib 2048 07-21-95 dftwin.exe 277776 07-21-95 dxt.cm 17800 07-21-95 dxt_me.cmd 9024 07-21-95 dxt_qedt.dat 309 07-21-95 dxtkeys.cb 4420 07-21-95 dxtkeys.cm 1530 07-21-95 file_id.diz 384 07-21-95 history.doc 9694 07-21-95 html_rtf.doc 5495 07-21-95 install.doc 2046 07-21-95 new107.win 929 07-21-95 new133.doc 2551 07-21-95 problems.doc 6731 07-21-95 products.doc 3636 07-21-95 readme.doc 5922 07-21-95 register.ger 10178 07-21-95 register.us 9787 07-21-95 sxt.doc 229920 07-21-95 sxtnview.doc 16651 07-21-95 sxtnview.exe 19168 07-21-95 sxtnview.frm 14155 07-21-95 sxtnview.ico 1086 07-21-95 sxtnview.mak 117 07-21-95 sxtwin.doc 4041 07-21-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- FORTRAN Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, path: /unzipped/programm/fxtw107/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 25104 08-23-94 fftn.exe 26154 07-21-95 fftnwin.dll 31808 07-21-95 fftnwin.h 5189 07-21-95 fftnwin.lib 2048 07-21-95 fftwin.exe 308640 07-21-95 file_id.diz 388 07-21-95 fxt.cm 17783 07-21-95 fxt_me.cmd 9027 07-21-95 fxt_qedt.dat 309 07-21-95 fxtkeys.cb 4422 07-21-95 fxtkeys.cm 1530 07-21-95 history.doc 9694 07-21-95 html_rtf.doc 5495 07-21-95 install.doc 2046 07-21-95 new107.win 929 07-21-95 new133.doc 2822 07-21-95 problems.doc 6731 07-21-95 products.doc 3636 07-21-95 readme.doc 5765 07-21-95 register.ger 10178 07-21-95 register.us 9787 07-21-95 sxt.doc 229920 07-21-95 sxtnview.doc 16651 07-21-95 sxtnview.exe 19168 07-21-95 sxtnview.frm 14155 07-21-95 sxtnview.ico 1086 07-21-95 sxtnview.mak 117 07-21-95 sxtwin.doc 4041 07-21-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Help Assistant for Windows help developers to path: /unzipped/programm/ha30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- demo.hlp 293653 02-19-94 hcp.pif 545 07-10-93 helpass.dll 15426 06-28-93 helpass.dot 129536 02-25-94 helpass.hlp 599964 02-20-94 helpass.ini 218 02-25-94 helpproj.hpj 294 02-25-94 helpproj.ini 294 02-25-94 install.bat 417 02-25-94 licence.txt 7196 02-25-94 readme.txt 1456 02-25-94 uninstal.bat 226 02-25-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- HelpGen Help File Generator, M.Burton path: /unzipped/programm/hpgn12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- buhlprtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 buhpjrtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 burtfrtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 bwcc.dll 130224 09-06-94 closertf.bmp 566 09-06-94 demo.bmp 566 09-06-94 demo.hlp 17445 09-06-94 demo.hpj 2919 09-06-94 demo.mac 11156 09-06-94 edhpjrtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 edmacrtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 file_id.diz 439 09-06-94 helprtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 hlpgen.bmp 630 09-06-94 hlpgen.exe 95744 09-06-94 hlpgen.hlp 40533 09-06-94 hlpgen.hpj 2926 09-06-94 hlpgen.mac 50315 09-06-94 hlpgen.wav 67372 09-06-94 hlpgen.wri 97024 09-06-94 openrtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 printrtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 read_me.1st 216 09-06-94 testrtf.bmp 566 09-06-94 vendinfo.diz 17434 09-06-94 vendor.doc 216 09-06-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internationalizing DLL v1.0 for Windows path: /unzipped/programm/intl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- iniinfoa.txt 2541 04-08-92 iniinfoo.txt 2541 04-08-92 intl.dll 24716 04-08-92 intl.h 982 04-08-92 intl.ini 36631 04-08-92 intl.lib 2048 04-08-92 intl31.lzh 26495 04-08-92 intladv.hlp 9954 04-08-92 intlapi.txt 13174 04-08-92 intldemo.exe 30218 04-08-92 intldemo.ini 3546 04-08-92 intldemo.lzh 8761 04-08-92 intldemo.txt 597 04-08-92 intlwin.hlp 33642 04-08-92 packlist.txt 845 04-08-92 readme.txt 8425 05-26-92 registr.frm 1593 04-08-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- LISP Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, path: /unzipped/programm/lxtw107/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 25104 08-23-94 file_id.diz 382 07-21-95 gnulisp.fct 9014 07-21-95 history.doc 9694 07-21-95 html_rtf.doc 5495 07-21-95 install.doc 2046 07-21-95 lftn.exe 25898 07-21-95 lftnwin.dll 31520 07-21-95 lftnwin.h 5189 07-21-95 lftnwin.lib 2048 07-21-95 lftwin.exe 275232 07-21-95 lxt.cm 17804 07-21-95 lxt_me.cmd 9025 07-21-95 lxt_qedt.dat 309 07-21-95 lxtkeys.cb 4419 07-21-95 lxtkeys.cm 1530 07-21-95 new107.win 929 07-21-95 new133.doc 1793 07-21-95 problems.doc 6731 07-21-95 products.doc 3636 07-21-95 readme.doc 5815 07-21-95 register.ger 10178 07-21-95 register.us 9787 07-21-95 sxt.doc 229920 07-21-95 sxtnview.doc 16651 07-21-95 sxtnview.exe 19168 07-21-95 sxtnview.frm 14155 07-21-95 sxtnview.ico 1086 07-21-95 sxtnview.mak 117 07-21-95 sxtwin.doc 4041 07-21-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Generic Windows Mdi appl generator path: /unzipped/programm/makemdi2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- app.c 3961 11-25-92 app.h 2371 11-25-92 app.rc 477 11-06-92 chart.c 15516 11-25-92 chart.h 2807 11-25-92 chart.ico 766 02-21-91 chart.rc 4735 11-06-92 client.c 1370 11-25-92 client.h 1105 11-25-92 frame.c 30995 11-25-92 frame.h 7183 11-25-92 frame.rc 2200 11-06-92 makefile 2688 11-25-92 makemdi.bat 2304 11-26-92 makemdi.c 343 11-25-92 makemdi.def 177 11-06-92 makemdi.h 920 11-25-92 makemdi.ico 766 02-21-91 makemdi.rc 153 11-06-92 makemdi2.bat 130 01-18-92 rep.exe 48966 03-10-92 resource.h 4295 11-25-92 ribbon.c 3764 11-25-92 ribbon.h 1607 11-25-92 ribbon.rc 1289 11-06-92 sheet.c 15394 11-25-92 sheet.h 2807 11-25-92 sheet.ico 766 02-21-91 sheet.rc 4743 11-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- MS Developers Network/SoftLib index reader, path: /unzipped/programm/msdn200/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 156544 05-12-94 bwcc.h 4858 12-02-93 msdn.exe 181760 06-21-94 msdn.hlp 62400 06-21-94 msdn2db.exe 24284 06-21-94 msdnbor.exe 59392 06-21-94 readme.txt 1262 06-21-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Diag & MemMan path: /unzipped/programm/msjmar93/ ----------------------------------------------------------- diag.zip 241812 01-19-93 memman.zip 198394 01-20-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- NewSpy v1.00 (like Spy in SDK) path: /unzipped/programm/newspy/ ----------------------------------------------------------- newspy.doc 4356 08-03-91 newspy.exe 33536 08-14-91 newspy.hlp 10162 08-04-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- OO Documentation Tool v1.04d Obj-oriented anal path: /unzipped/programm/oot_104d/ ----------------------------------------------------------- info.txt 3525 11-16-92 ooa.exe 177168 11-15-92 ooahelp.hlp 77182 06-02-92 readmeoo.txt 2125 10-05-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- PowerHelper Function Syntax Utility for path: /unzipped/programm/pb3ico10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.bin 51798 03-18-94 install.bmp 12278 04-10-94 install.exe 14336 03-09-94 install.inf 415 04-14-94 pb3icon.exe 62464 04-10-94 pb3icon.hlp 214742 04-10-94 pb3icon.mnu 41215 08-25-94 peliware.dll 32944 04-10-94 peliware.ini 425 04-10-94 read.me 6911 04-14-94 sendkeys.dll 11792 04-10-94 x_pb3ico.exe 13312 04-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows font family, list, textmetrics DLL, path: /unzipped/programm/ppfont10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ppfont.bas 5960 04-27-93 ppfont.dll 7830 10-18-93 ppfont.frm 9273 04-28-93 ppfont.lib 1536 04-27-93 ppfont.mak 68 04-28-93 ppfont.txt 3961 04-25-93 ppfontnm.bas 4610 04-26-93 ppfontnm.frm 2916 04-27-93 ppfontnm.mak 72 04-27-93 ppglobal.txt 3705 04-25-93 read.me 7659 07-13-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- DLL to get/set windows printers and settings, path: /unzipped/programm/pprtr44/ ----------------------------------------------------------- devcap.txt 3388 04-28-93 ppglobal.txt 9136 10-27-93 pprtr.bas 8507 08-24-93 pprtr.dll 12288 08-09-94 pprtr.frm 17024 07-07-94 pprtr.h 382 10-27-93 pprtr.lib 1024 08-20-94 pprtr.mak 123 07-07-94 pprtrbas.txt 8579 07-07-94 pprtrfrm.txt 15943 07-07-94 pprtrsmp.exe 24578 07-07-94 print.txt 5489 02-18-93 read.me 20586 08-25-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Progress meter for lengthy operations (w/source) path: /unzipped/programm/progress/ ----------------------------------------------------------- about.dlg 516 11-09-93 progress.c 4138 11-09-93 progress.h 390 11-09-93 progress.txt 1073 11-09-93 test.c 5115 11-09-93 test.def 262 11-09-93 test.exe 15872 11-09-93 test.h 582 11-09-93 test.ico 766 11-09-93 test.rc 566 11-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Tracks problem reports in network database, path: /unzipped/programm/prtrk203/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1_0001.pr 1396 06-05-95 1_0002.pr 1093 08-06-95 1_0003.pr 1180 06-05-95 1_0004.pr 873 08-06-95 1_0005.pr 986 06-05-95 1_0006.pr 782 06-05-95 1_0007.pr 842 08-06-95 1_0008.pr 690 08-06-95 1_0009.pr 706 08-06-95 1_0010.pr 696 08-06-95 1_0011.pr 681 06-05-95 1_0012.pr 606 06-05-95 1_0013.pr 1110 08-06-95 1_0014.pr 614 06-06-95 1_0015.pr 515 06-05-95 1_0016.pr 598 06-06-95 1_0017.pr 536 06-05-95 1_0018.pr 666 06-05-95 1_0019.pr 533 06-06-95 1_0020.pr 546 06-05-95 2_0001.pr 1004 08-06-95 2_0002.pr 1164 06-06-95 2_0003.pr 923 08-06-95 2_0004.pr 1112 08-06-95 2_0005.pr 694 08-06-95 2_0006.pr 703 08-06-95 2_0007.pr 1316 08-06-95 2_0008.pr 696 06-05-95 2_0009.pr 738 06-06-95 2_0010.pr 566 06-06-95 dbrepair.ex_ 22290 12-03-95 demo1.cfg 1305 06-06-95 demo1.mdb 65536 06-06-95 demo2.cfg 1347 06-06-95 demo2.mdb 65536 06-06-95 license.txt 2640 06-11-95 msaes110.dl_ 18931 04-28-93 msajt110.dl_ 424588 05-18-93 prtrack.ex_ 79540 12-03-95 prtrack.hlp 73917 12-04-95 readme.txt 638 12-04-95 setup.exe 18304 04-09-95 setup.inf 777 06-11-95 setup1.ex_ 26851 12-03-95 setupkit.dl_ 7008 04-28-93 vbdb300.dl_ 59761 04-28-93 vbrun300.dl_ 398416 05-12-93 ver.dl_ 9008 04-28-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Help Template generator from RC files by R.Loewy path: /unzipped/programm/rc2hdk30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- programs.txt 7883 04-25-94 rc2hdk.doc 9519 04-25-94 rc2hdk.edu 3259 04-25-94 rc2hdk.exe 57024 04-25-94 rc2hdk.hlp 14466 04-25-94 rc2hdk.reg 3194 04-25-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Debug monitor, trap error msgs, exit codes etc, path: /unzipped/programm/snoopy13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- snoopy.doc 4263 11-17-94 snoopy.exe 23584 11-17-94 snoopy.hst 392 11-17-94 snoopy.lst 222 11-17-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Shareware Tools (expiration & registration) path: /unzipped/programm/swtools/ ----------------------------------------------------------- makedate.exe 14592 03-10-93 scramble.exe 15616 03-10-93 swdemo.dgb 22 03-10-93 swdemo.exe 25344 03-10-93 swdemo.pas 11167 03-10-93 swdemo.res 745 05-03-93 swreadme.txt 1511 03-10-93 swtools.dll 14336 03-10-93 swtools.hlp 45290 03-10-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- TDWIN.DLL for Windows 3.1 path: /unzipped/programm/tdwin31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 2680 04-07-92 tdwin.dll 13312 03-26-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- TheLister 1.03 advanced Pascal source lister path: /unzipped/programm/thlis103/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 151984 10-27-92 file_id.diz 338 02-14-94 lister.exe 182784 02-16-94 listman.wri 30336 01-31-94 readme.txt 5940 02-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows path: /unzipped/programm/tprint/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pdevice.pas 9264 05-11-91 printer.doc 49581 05-21-91 printer.pas 5979 05-11-91 prt.res 125 05-03-91 repprn.pas 2804 05-11-91 test.res 188 05-21-91 testprn1.pas 2322 05-10-91 testprn2.pas 2385 05-10-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal tiling facility to TP for Win 1.5 path: /unzipped/programm/tps/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 1183 09-06-92 tps.exe 1536 09-06-92 tps.pas 1160 09-06-92 tpslib.dll 9472 09-06-92 tpslib.pas 3175 09-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Pascal for Windows 3.1 compatibility files path: /unzipped/programm/tpwin31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- idepatch.zip 7808 04-06-92 oledemo.zip 9870 04-06-92 pascal.zip 69939 04-06-92 readme 2850 04-06-92 ttdemo.zip 4428 04-06-92 windebug.zip 5229 04-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- UCB WordPlan; application programmer assistant path: /unzipped/programm/ucb/ ----------------------------------------------------------- childwin.000 220 12-02-90 dialog.000 262 12-02-90 dialog.001 262 12-02-90 dialog.002 228 12-02-90 dialog.003 2967 12-02-90 menuitem.000 1094 12-02-90 menuitem.001 360 12-02-90 menuitem.002 550 12-02-90 menuitem.003 1001 12-02-90 readme 10632 12-17-90 submenu.000 749 12-02-90 submenu.001 287 12-02-90 submenu.002 293 12-02-90 submenu.003 928 12-02-90 ucb.000 13824 12-11-90 ucb.001 3328 12-11-90 ucb.com 56882 12-11-90 windows 25997 12-16-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- List all undocumented entry points & external path: /unzipped/programm/undocfct/ ----------------------------------------------------------- undocfct.doc 5387 08-28-91 undocfct.exe 40960 08-28-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- VBA Native Functions DLL - most common API calls path: /unzipped/programm/vba_bkma/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bkma_vba.exe 19004 07-07-94 readme.txt 1689 07-04-94 testdll.mak 191 07-03-94 vba_bkma.dll 26240 07-07-94 vba_bkma.frm 5858 07-07-94 vba_bkma.frx 770 07-07-94 vba_bkma.hlp 41477 07-07-94 vba_bkma.mdb 131072 07-04-94 vba_bkma.txt 4878 07-07-94 vba_bkma.wri 20608 07-04-94 vba_ini.frm 7173 07-03-94 vba_stri.frm 3915 07-03-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Design VB Programs, For Better Structure, path: /unzipped/programm/vbbld11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- build.ico 766 02-14-94 cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 97936 11-01-93 example.tpl 1619 02-14-94 register.wri 1920 02-14-94 threed.vbx 64432 07-16-93 vbbuild.exe 65628 02-14-94 vbbuild.wri 9856 02-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- VB program testing unit, logs test info, path: /unzipped/programm/vbptu10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 97936 11-01-93 dbg.bas 209 03-02-94 dbg.frm 2913 03-02-94 debug.ico 766 03-02-94 register.wri 1664 03-02-94 threed.vbx 64432 07-16-93 vb_ptu.exe 16797 03-02-94 vbptu.wri 9600 03-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Programmer's Journal vol1 #1 path: /unzipped/programm/wpjv1n1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- linklist.c 5588 01-02-93 linklist.def 273 12-30-92 linklist.h 255 12-30-92 linklist.ico 766 12-28-92 linklist.mak 387 12-30-92 linklist.rc 202 12-30-92 makelist.bat 53 12-30-92 pmdde.c 4206 01-02-93 read.me 822 01-02-93 submit.txt 1641 01-02-93 trash.pas 5670 01-02-93 trash.rc 3340 01-02-93 wpjv1n1.txt 72567 01-02-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- EDI threads; multi-threading library (C&PAS) path: /unzipped/programm/wthrds/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.txt 408 06-08-92 install.exe 39424 06-01-92 install.in$ 480 06-05-92 readme.txt 411 06-08-92 thrdapi.h 3273 05-29-92 thrdapi.pas 3847 05-29-92 thrdutls.dll 13312 06-05-92 thrdutls.lib 2048 05-29-92 threads.c 6660 05-29-92 threads.exe 11776 06-05-92 threads.hlp 46221 06-08-92 threads.pas 8934 05-30-92 threads.res 5237 06-01-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Xlisp-plus v2.1d for Windows path: /unzipped/programm/xlispw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bin/ docs/ lsp/ read.me 1572 04-10-93 sources/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/programm/xlispw/bin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- xlisp.cmd 1210 04-10-93 xlisp.exe 251408 04-08-93 xlisp.hlp 182318 04-02-93 xsdemo.exe 11280 03-01-93 xserver.dll 9792 04-03-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/programm/xlispw/docs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- xlisp.hpj 92 04-02-93 xlisp.rtf 399925 04-02-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/programm/xlispw/lsp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ackerman.lsp 120 01-14-92 akalah.lsp 10218 01-14-92 akavect.lsp 10551 01-14-92 art.lsp 2455 01-14-92 backquot.lsp 1739 01-14-92 blocks.lsp 5726 01-14-92 change.lsp 613 01-14-92 classes.lsp 6286 01-14-92 common.lsp 11094 01-14-92 dragon.lsp 1285 01-14-92 edit.lsp 1586 01-14-92 evalenv.lsp 1149 01-14-92 example.lsp 1717 01-14-92 fact.lsp 77 01-14-92 fib.lsp 213 01-14-92 gblocks.lsp 11323 01-14-92 hanoi.lsp 480 01-14-92 hdwr.lsp 9362 01-14-92 ifthen.lsp 7088 01-14-92 infix.lsp 2086 01-14-92 init.lsp 2684 01-14-92 match.lsp 2911 01-14-92 matrix.lsp 1213 01-14-92 pp.lsp 16146 01-14-92 prolog.lsp 4405 01-14-92 qa.lsp 38509 01-14-92 queens.lsp 1406 01-14-92 queens2.lsp 2110 01-14-92 read.me 1839 01-14-92 repair.lsp 16256 01-14-92 search.lsp 5027 01-14-92 sendmacr.lsp 369 01-14-92 sort.lsp 1605 01-14-92 step.lsp 4745 01-14-92 stepper.doc 4746 01-14-92 stepper.lsp 9432 01-14-92 tak.lsp 177 01-14-92 tconc.lsp 830 01-14-92 turtle.lsp 3886 01-14-92 turtles.lsp 5024 01-14-92 wildcard.lsp 1377 01-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/programm/xlispw/sources/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dldmem.c 29265 02-08-93 dlimage.c 15576 02-08-93 osdefs.h 313 02-03-92 osptrs.h 483 02-03-92 winstuff.c 34084 04-08-93 winstuff.h 399 04-02-93 xlbfun.c 19435 02-08-93 xlcont.c 37416 02-08-93 xldbug.c 5407 02-08-93 xldmem.h 12524 02-08-93 xleval.c 27640 02-08-93 xlfio.c 29772 02-08-93 xlftab.c 18097 02-03-92 xlftab.h 5379 02-03-92 xlglob.c 4485 02-27-93 xlinit.c 14792 02-28-93 xlio.c 6247 02-03-92 xlisp.c 7415 03-01-93 xlisp.def 305 03-01-93 xlisp.dsk 189 04-10-93 xlisp.h 39905 02-28-93 xlisp.ico 766 02-23-93 xlisp.prj 12285 04-08-93 xlisp.rc 1463 04-02-93 xlisp.res 1542 04-02-93 xljump.c 4479 02-08-93 xllist.c 31343 02-08-93 xlmath.c 13264 02-08-93 xlmath2.c 45766 02-08-93 xlobj.c 17646 02-08-93 xlpp.c 3793 02-08-93 xlprin.c 18226 02-08-93 xlread.c 26283 02-08-93 xlseq.c 47198 02-08-93 xlstr.c 13267 02-08-93 xlstruct.c 14171 02-08-93 xlsubr.c 10805 02-08-93 xlsym.c 8924 02-08-93 xlsys.c 18115 02-08-93 xsdemo.c 3811 03-01-93 xsdemo.def 398 03-01-93 xsdemo.h 72 03-01-93 xsdemo.prj 5213 03-01-93 xsdemo.rc 528 03-01-93 xsdemo.res 198 03-01-93 xserver.c 9304 04-03-93 xserver.def 378 03-02-93 xserver.h 517 03-01-93 xserver.prj 4957 04-03-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Spawn programs from Windows App and Wait, G.Yaniv path: /unzipped/programm/xspawn10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- contents.txt 931 08-12-94 cowldemo.zip 70883 08-12-94 powldemo.zip 12014 08-11-94 readme.1st 901 08-12-94 register.frm 1537 08-04-94 vbdemo.zip 11734 07-25-94 xados.exe 43118 08-11-94 xant.exe 32256 08-17-94 xaos2.exe 38683 08-11-94 xawin16.exe 5376 08-15-94 xexec.dll 11520 08-15-94 xexec.lib 1536 08-12-94 xexecd.bas 2677 07-25-94 xexecd.h 3771 07-25-94 xexecd.pas 4372 07-25-94 xspawn.hlp 31573 08-15-94 xspawn.txt 33024 08-15-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous science related material path: /unzipped/science/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cvxpt114/ Curve fitting with nonlin regression & splines, | D.Hyams funex116/ Math teaching program. Draw curve of any | function, J.Saalbach isoln11/ Create isoline diagrams and cross-sections, | W.Diestel ozw101a/ OzGiz spatial data display and analysis data 1/12 | (w/demo) ozw101b/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 2/12 ozw101c/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 3/12 ozw101d/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 4/12 ozw101e/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 5/12 ozw101f/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 6/12 ozw101g/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 7/12 ozw101h/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 8/12 ozw101i/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 9/12 ozw101j/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 10/12 ozw101k/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 11/12 ozw101l/ OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 12/12 piw131/ Compute Pi to a million decimal places w/C++ src, | H.Smith stats1/ Statistics (Win3.1) help file wfit122/ Winfit v1.22 non linear least squares fitting ----------------------------------------------------------- Curve fitting with nonlin regression & splines, path: /unzipped/science/cvxpt114/ ----------------------------------------------------------- beanroot.da_ 231 12-02-95 bwcc.dl_ 43434 12-02-95 car.da_ 169 12-02-95 ctl3dv2.dl_ 10325 12-02-95 curves.in_ 778 12-02-95 curvlib.dl_ 8799 12-02-95 curvres.dl_ 38501 12-02-95 curxpt.ex_ 133572 12-02-95 curxpt.hl_ 208162 12-02-95 density.da_ 556 12-02-95 diagext.dl_ 19612 12-02-95 eta.da_ 1514 12-02-95 file_id.diz 565 12-02-95 fimain.ex_ 89561 12-02-95 history.txt 9143 12-02-95 install.exe 35344 12-02-95 install.hl_ 6818 12-02-95 kcopper.da_ 60 12-02-95 kviscous.da_ 243 12-02-95 llatsni.ex_ 56632 12-02-95 lzpunz.dll 19984 12-02-95 onion.da_ 448 12-02-95 prandtl.da_ 225 12-02-95 readme.txt 5908 12-02-95 reynold.da_ 8828 12-02-95 sales.da_ 163 12-02-95 tank.da_ 4949 12-02-95 tconduct.da_ 234 12-02-95 temptime.da_ 427 12-02-95 vendor.txt 3602 12-02-95 viscous.da_ 253 12-02-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Math teaching program. Draw curve of any path: /unzipped/science/funex116/ ----------------------------------------------------------- figures.fun 1157 09-18-94 funex.exe 281600 09-18-94 funex.txt 10900 09-18-94 read-me.txt 1728 09-18-94 standard.fun 466 09-18-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Create isoline diagrams and cross-sections, path: /unzipped/science/isoln11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- exampl1.nvl 4360 08-05-94 exampl2.nvl 1499 08-05-94 exampl3.nvl 1893 08-05-94 exampl4.nvl 1449 08-05-94 exampl5.nvl 16634 08-05-94 exampl6.nvl 1261 08-05-94 exampl7.nvl 2177 08-05-94 history.txt 551 08-17-94 install.exe 124416 07-19-94 install.inf 1842 08-17-94 isolinie.exe 272128 08-17-94 isolinie.hlp 36350 08-17-94 math.dll 19456 08-17-94 oldfiles.dll 1536 07-19-94 readme.txt 2126 08-17-94 registrg.wri 2432 08-17-94 werbung.txt 1070 05-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGiz spatial data display and analysis data 1/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- demo.doc 792 04-25-93 demo1.ras 30352 05-01-93 demo10.ras 21802 04-09-93 demo10.txt 1433 09-12-93 demo11.ras 68368 04-09-93 demo11.txt 1227 04-14-93 demo12.ras 40134 08-24-93 demo12.txt 838 08-18-93 demo13.ras 25658 09-28-93 demo13.txt 1254 09-29-93 demo15.ras 22266 04-14-93 demo15.txt 870 04-14-93 demo20.ras 32476 04-09-93 demo20.txt 862 05-01-93 demo22.ras 13772 09-29-93 demo22.txt 928 06-06-93 demo23.ras 39614 06-06-93 demo23.txt 225 06-06-93 demo25.ras 12130 10-01-93 demo25.txt 362 05-01-93 demo30.ras 17896 04-09-93 demo30.txt 621 04-13-93 demo40.ras 28902 04-10-93 demo40.txt 600 04-14-93 demo45.ras 32738 04-10-93 demo45.txt 844 06-14-93 demo50.ras 21448 04-09-93 demo50.txt 1144 05-01-93 demo52.ras 11122 04-09-93 demo52.txt 960 05-01-93 demo55.ras 76162 06-27-93 demo55.txt 1639 06-27-93 demo60.ras 20284 04-09-93 demo60.txt 403 04-13-93 demo61.ras 24598 04-09-93 demo61.txt 726 05-02-93 demo62.ras 18936 04-09-93 demo62.txt 300 04-13-93 demo70.ras 122126 04-09-93 demo70.txt 607 04-13-93 demo75.ras 133094 04-13-93 demo75.txt 637 05-01-93 demo80.ras 30076 04-10-93 demo80.txt 1130 05-01-93 demo85.ras 31196 04-10-93 demo85.txt 1228 05-01-93 demo98.txt 1542 06-27-93 ds1.doc 2247 05-02-93 ds2.doc 2769 05-19-93 ds3.doc 1613 04-10-93 ds4.doc 1101 07-03-93 index.doc 610 08-18-93 mapdata.doc 8149 07-03-93 order.doc 2863 09-11-93 ozdemo.exe 144201 09-07-93 temp.ras 38028 08-18-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 2/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.bat 1019 09-12-93 orderfrm.doc 2863 09-11-93 ozgis.ini 2171 06-13-93 read.me 7664 09-11-93 sciplot.ini 663 08-14-91 wotsnew.doc 3147 08-28-93 wozgis.hlp 75640 09-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 3/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- c16bv1.dat 13333 09-05-93 c16bv2.dat 13331 09-05-93 c16bv3.dat 13332 09-05-93 c16sv1.dat 13369 09-05-93 c16sv2.dat 13427 09-05-93 c16sv3.dat 13427 09-05-93 c16sv4.dat 13427 09-05-93 c16sv5.dat 13428 09-05-93 c16sv6.dat 13429 09-05-93 c16sv7.dat 13428 09-05-93 c16sv8.dat 13427 09-05-93 c16sv9.dat 25105 09-05-93 c256bv1.dat 21486 09-05-93 c256bv2.dat 21485 09-05-93 c256bv3.dat 21486 09-05-93 c256sv1.dat 22045 09-05-93 c256sv10.dat 22771 09-05-93 c256sv2.dat 22764 09-05-93 c256sv3.dat 22764 09-05-93 c256sv4.dat 22764 09-05-93 c256sv5.dat 22764 09-05-93 c256sv6.dat 22764 09-05-93 c256sv7.dat 22764 09-05-93 c256sv8.dat 22684 09-05-93 c256sv9.dat 22764 09-05-93 circle.dat 802 12-29-90 cns.dat 38354 12-29-90 csimbv1.dat 21862 09-05-93 csimbv2.dat 21862 09-05-93 csimbv3.dat 21862 09-05-93 csimsv1.dat 22235 09-05-93 csimsv2.dat 22961 09-05-93 csimsv3.dat 22961 09-05-93 csimsv4.dat 22961 09-05-93 csimsv5.dat 22961 09-05-93 csimsv6.dat 22961 09-05-93 csimsv7.dat 22961 09-05-93 csimsv8.dat 22961 09-05-93 csimsv9.dat 22961 09-05-93 czvgas1.dat 19199 04-13-91 diamond.dat 125 12-29-90 hatchbv1.dat 24984 09-05-93 hatchsv1.dat 25002 09-05-93 hbar.dat 138 12-29-90 nabla.dat 115 04-07-91 plus.dat 284 11-10-90 square.dat 127 12-29-90 temp.dat 20856 09-04-93 triangle.dat 119 12-29-90 vbar.dat 138 12-29-90 winbv.dat 13295 09-05-93 winsv.dat 13320 09-05-93 x11-bgr.dat 36389 11-16-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 4/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101d/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wozgis.doc 797873 09-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 5/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101e/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ozgis.men 484352 09-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 6/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101f/ ----------------------------------------------------------- c16sv1.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv2.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv3.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv4.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv5.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv6.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv7.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv8.dev 13312 09-05-93 c16sv9.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256bv1.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256bv2.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256bv3.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv1.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv10.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv2.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv3.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv4.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv5.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv6.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv7.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv8.dev 13312 09-05-93 c256sv9.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimbv1.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimbv2.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimbv3.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv1.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv2.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv3.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv4.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv5.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv6.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv7.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv8.dev 13312 09-05-93 csimsv9.dev 13312 09-05-93 default.dev 13312 09-05-93 defhard.dev 13312 09-05-93 demo123.dat 1951 08-22-91 demo123.wk1 1951 08-22-91 demoaddr.dat 1795 08-19-92 demoattr.dat 663 12-29-90 democoln.dat 1105 11-21-91 democomb.dat 300 12-29-90 democomd.dat 824 12-28-91 demofc.dat 2136 10-13-91 demogina.dat 2605 01-30-91 demolamm.dat 709 08-19-91 demoline.dat 1556 11-06-91 demomtch.dat 899 03-27-93 demoname.dat 52 12-29-90 demopoin.dat 252 11-06-91 demosasa.dat 1065 12-29-90 demosasg.dat 1112 02-19-92 demotext.dat 787 11-25-92 demozone.dat 1825 12-29-90 demozseg.dat 1120 12-29-91 hatchbv1.dev 13312 09-05-93 hatchsv1.dev 13312 09-05-93 oz-a.dat 4152 04-20-91 oz-g.dat 89190 12-29-90 oz.att 4096 09-08-93 oz.cmb 2048 05-16-93 oz.geo 97280 06-03-93 ozgis2.dat 102 03-27-93 winbv.dev 13312 09-05-93 winsv.dev 13312 09-05-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 7/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101g/ ----------------------------------------------------------- circle.mrk 2048 11-10-90 diamond.mrk 2048 11-10-90 fea-a.dat 8543 12-29-90 fea-g.dat 96332 03-31-91 fea.att 6144 08-29-93 fea.geo 99328 04-04-93 hbar.mrk 2048 11-10-90 lowe-a1.dat 564 03-30-91 lowe-a2.dat 633 03-30-91 lowe-g.dat 20575 03-30-91 lowe-s1.dat 355 03-30-91 lowe-s1.geo 2048 08-24-93 lowe-s2.dat 348 03-30-91 lowe-s2.geo 2048 08-24-93 lowe.geo 22528 07-03-93 lowe1.att 2048 09-11-93 lowe2.att 2048 09-08-93 nabla.mrk 2048 12-22-91 ozgis10.tut 3209 10-30-92 ozgis12.tut 2021 01-05-92 ozgis14.tut 1679 12-27-91 ozgis15.tut 1961 10-30-92 ozgis16.tut 1197 01-05-92 ozgis18.tut 39988 10-30-92 ozgis20.tut 6259 10-30-92 ozgis21.tut 14264 01-04-92 ozgis22.tut 5291 10-30-92 ozgis23.tut 2639 01-04-92 ozgis24.tut 1120 10-30-92 ozgis25.tut 1156 10-30-92 ozgis26.tut 990 10-30-92 ozgis28.tut 2716 10-30-92 ozgis29.tut 1054 10-30-92 ozgis30.tut 4620 05-31-93 ozgis35.tut 7101 10-30-92 ozgis40.tut 1759 10-30-92 ozgis50.tut 3656 10-30-92 ozgis52.tut 3111 10-30-92 ozgis60.tut 3923 10-30-92 ozgis65.tut 3028 05-31-93 ozgis70.tut 3412 10-30-92 ozgis75.tut 2035 10-30-92 ozgis80.tut 2765 10-30-92 ozgis85.tut 3352 12-10-92 ozgis91.tut 2377 07-03-93 ozgis92.tut 4141 07-03-93 ozgis93.tut 13098 07-03-93 plus.mrk 2048 11-10-90 square.mrk 2048 11-10-90 stf1a.prm 60015 07-21-92 triangle.mrk 2048 11-10-90 usamatch.prm 16266 08-07-92 vbar.mrk 2048 11-10-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 8/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101h/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wozgis.exe 1447424 09-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 9/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101i/ ----------------------------------------------------------- africa.att 7168 08-28-93 africa.dat 120693 08-07-92 africa.geo 59392 04-24-93 death.dvc 1024 07-13-93 death.geo 38912 08-14-93 death.vec 17408 07-13-93 hawdlgab.dat 38377 08-20-92 hawdlgab.geo 17408 06-12-93 hawdlgrd.dat 106026 12-01-91 hawdlgrd.geo 30720 04-04-93 hawdlgst.dat 61746 12-01-91 hawdlgst.geo 15360 04-04-93 hawdlgwb.dat 71655 10-17-91 hawdlgwb.geo 34816 06-12-93 pump.dvc 1024 07-13-93 pump.geo 3072 08-14-93 pump.vec 512 07-13-93 street.dvc 1024 07-13-93 street.geo 54272 08-15-93 street.vec 30720 07-13-93 vicrail.dxf 16016 03-06-92 vicshire.dxf 16316 03-06-92 victown.dxf 3040 03-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 10/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101j/ ----------------------------------------------------------- washrail.geo 23552 04-09-93 washroad.geo 1508352 04-09-93 washtrac.att 44032 06-07-93 washtrac.geo 449536 04-10-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 11/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101k/ ----------------------------------------------------------- chrset01.sci 6966 05-18-86 chrset02.sci 12104 05-18-86 chrset03.sci 11320 05-18-86 chrset04.sci 18544 05-18-86 chrset05.sci 10158 05-18-86 chrset06.sci 13498 05-18-86 chrset07.sci 11938 05-18-86 chrset08.sci 18020 05-18-86 chrset09.sci 7294 05-18-86 chrset10.sci 11346 05-18-86 chrset11.sci 20928 05-18-86 chrset12.sci 21692 05-18-86 chrset13.sci 17614 05-18-86 chrset14.sci 13852 05-18-86 vector.exe 421427 08-09-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 12/12 path: /unzipped/science/ozw101l/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wozmap.exe 963968 09-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Compute Pi to a million decimal places w/C++ src, path: /unzipped/science/piw131/ ----------------------------------------------------------- multifdw.cpp 37339 07-29-94 multifdw.h 6701 07-29-94 multiidw.cpp 76627 07-29-94 multiidw.h 22504 07-29-94 piw.cpp 4606 07-29-94 piw.def 396 04-30-94 piw.doc 13489 07-29-94 piw.exe 348173 07-29-94 piw.ico 1086 12-27-92 piw.ide 31668 07-29-94 piw.txt 8877 07-29-94 piw500k.log 2780 12-15-92 piw500ka.log 13672 12-18-92 read-me 749 07-29-94 whatfor 1644 07-29-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Statistics (Win3.1) help file path: /unzipped/science/stats1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 3704 04-18-94 stats1.hlp 752094 09-04-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winfit v1.22 non linear least squares fitting path: /unzipped/science/wfit122/ ----------------------------------------------------------- fit.dat 48 07-21-92 grid.vbx 53936 10-21-92 info.txt 1322 05-11-93 order.wri 2816 06-01-93 threed.vbx 60720 10-21-92 winfit.dll 51270 05-02-93 winfit.exe 89161 05-11-93 winfit.hlp 29927 05-11-93 winfit.txt 582 05-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screensavers and screen handling utilities path: /unzipped/screen/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dmania3/ 3DMania & Nerd's Galore Screen Saver Modules adslid12/ Programmable slide show for After Dark 2.0 bounce/ After Dark module; bounce (good) colpal21/ ColPal v2.1 Color Palette Display program decay10/ Decay screen saver module; melting screen ferkel/ Ferkel screen saver module; push you desktop away ghost/ Ghost Module for After Dark v2.0 screen saver magic140/ Magic ScreenSaver v1.40; incl. password | protection (good) mazespx/ Screen Peace saver module (good) ms20b/ Monitor saver v2.0b newspxs/ Screen Peace Saver modules (Solids & Dragon | Kites) psych11/ Hypnotic screen savers for Windows (16 & 32 bits) qixspx/ Screen Peace Module (256 color) resta21a/ Resta v2.1a screen saver scrpe12/ Screen Peace v1.2 - Screen Saver (good) scrutl91/ Scrutil & scrblank v9.1 (was:egautil) shf12spx/ Shuffler spx for Screen Peace spextn/ Screen Peace Saver extensions spx2/ Screen Peace saver modules v1.2 spx_logo/ HLS & LOGO Saver (.spx) modules uc11/ UltraClip v1.1 extends Windows clipboard wneko/ Neko v1.03 (good) wp_spx/ WP Invader(s) .spx (good) ----------------------------------------------------------- 3DMania & Nerd's Galore Screen Saver Modules path: /unzipped/screen/3dmania3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dmania.doc 6300 01-26-95 3dmania.ins 376 01-26-95 3dmania.scr 112702 01-09-94 box.3d2 300 04-11-94 bwcc.dll 164928 09-08-94 ctl3dv2.dll 21648 04-16-94 edi3d.bin 10779 06-08-94 hact.hlp 76596 01-25-95 hlpdkdll.dll 183552 01-25-95 install.bin 52992 06-08-94 install.exe 14080 06-08-94 install.inf 563 01-26-95 nerds.ini 32 04-11-94 nerds.m3d 352 01-26-95 nerds.scr 178479 04-11-94 prop.3d2 300 04-11-94 pyr.3d2 198 04-11-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Programmable slide show for After Dark 2.0 path: /unzipped/screen/adslid12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.wri 8320 10-05-93 slides.ad 30912 10-05-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- After Dark module; bounce (good) path: /unzipped/screen/bounce/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bounce.ad 26649 07-12-92 bounce.txt 1728 07-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- ColPal v2.1 Color Palette Display program path: /unzipped/screen/colpal21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- colpal.exe 29952 09-14-92 colpal.wri 3840 10-18-92 read.me 624 09-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Decay screen saver module; melting screen path: /unzipped/screen/decay10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- decay.doc 1707 10-28-93 decay.scr 20992 10-28-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Ferkel screen saver module; push you desktop away path: /unzipped/screen/ferkel/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ferkel.doc 1509 06-23-93 ferkel.scr 68096 06-23-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Ghost Module for After Dark v2.0 screen saver path: /unzipped/screen/ghost/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ghost.ad 35328 05-06-93 ghost.txt 849 05-06-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Magic ScreenSaver v1.40; incl. password path: /unzipped/screen/magic140/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.exe 14320 02-27-92 magic.exe 59088 03-06-92 magic.wri 25216 03-06-92 magiclib.dll 4224 03-05-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen Peace saver module (good) path: /unzipped/screen/mazespx/ ----------------------------------------------------------- maze.doc 1217 09-20-90 maze.spx 8704 09-19-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Monitor saver v2.0b path: /unzipped/screen/ms20b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ms.exe 24064 10-11-90 ms20.doc 17085 10-30-90 register.frm 3138 10-30-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen Peace Saver modules (Solids & Dragon path: /unzipped/screen/newspxs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dragon.spx 8704 08-13-90 readme.wri 1280 08-13-90 solids.spx 93696 07-28-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hypnotic screen savers for Windows (16 & 32 bits) path: /unzipped/screen/psych11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ad30.zip 69539 10-25-95 file_id.diz 279 08-02-95 license.txt 4603 08-02-95 readme.txt 4493 09-23-95 win16.zip 94236 10-25-95 win32.zip 142895 10-25-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen Peace Module (256 color) path: /unzipped/screen/qixspx/ ----------------------------------------------------------- qixrec.spx 64241 08-29-91 read.me 272 08-29-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Resta v2.1a screen saver path: /unzipped/screen/resta21a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bugs.ico 766 03-13-92 bugs2.ico 326 03-16-92 readme.txt 497 06-28-92 resta.bug 674 06-28-92 resta.exe 42496 06-27-92 resta.hlp 38683 06-28-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen Peace v1.2 - Screen Saver (good) path: /unzipped/screen/scrpe12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bitmap.spx 4848 06-27-90 blocks.spx 3504 06-29-90 flex.spx 3952 06-23-90 kalscope.spx 5648 06-29-90 saver.exe 16336 06-30-90 saverdll.dll 2592 06-29-90 scrnpeac.doc 19904 06-30-90 snow.spx 5168 06-27-90 sticks.spx 2224 06-30-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Scrutil & scrblank v9.1 (was:egautil) path: /unzipped/screen/scrutl91/ ----------------------------------------------------------- scrblank.exe 1984 08-22-91 scrutil.com 5637 08-22-91 scrutil.doc 3153 08-22-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Shuffler spx for Screen Peace path: /unzipped/screen/shf12spx/ ----------------------------------------------------------- shuffler.spx 5632 02-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen Peace Saver extensions path: /unzipped/screen/spextn/ ----------------------------------------------------------- newsaver.c 9406 06-15-90 newsaver.exe 14753 06-15-90 spext.doc 5456 06-15-90 sticks 462 06-14-90 sticks.c 4264 06-15-90 sticks.def 271 06-13-90 sticks.dlg 726 06-15-90 sticks.h 269 06-13-90 sticks.rc 46 06-15-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen Peace saver modules v1.2 path: /unzipped/screen/spx2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aquarium.spx 54352 06-28-90 contents.doc 1502 07-06-90 eyes.spx 6112 06-28-90 fade.spx 1776 06-28-90 fire.spx 4976 07-05-90 flash.spx 3584 06-28-90 klok.spx 8864 06-28-90 puzzle.spx 3040 07-06-90 space.spx 3024 06-28-90 spheres.spx 8352 07-04-90 wall.spx 2256 07-05-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- HLS & LOGO Saver (.spx) modules path: /unzipped/screen/spx_logo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hls.spx 8704 09-01-91 logo.spx 13312 09-01-91 readme.wri 4736 09-01-91 saver.ini 3602 09-01-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- UltraClip v1.1 extends Windows clipboard path: /unzipped/screen/uc11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- buttons.pas 11916 08-18-92 clipobj.pas 18245 08-18-92 sclptext.pas 4875 08-18-92 uc.exe 52224 08-18-92 uc.pas 21527 08-18-92 uc.res 6059 08-18-92 uc.wri 13952 08-18-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Neko v1.03 (good) path: /unzipped/screen/wneko/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wneko.doc 1069 05-23-91 wneko.exe 29184 04-16-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- WP Invader(s) .spx (good) path: /unzipped/screen/wp_spx/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wpinvade.spx 15872 08-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sound utilities and some samples path: /unzipped/sound/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 34wavs/ Wav sounds collection abcd20/ Super CD-ROM player and database 16bit & 32bit alcomp11/ Aleatoric Composer - probabilistic music | composition btmstr11/ Sequencer software for Windows cdplyr20/ CD Player with songnames, X. Alvarez cdppro45/ Play audio CD's, database manager included fmsound/ Use FM synthesis abilities of your sound card gldwav30/ Wave editor/player/recorder, dual oscilloscopes | C.Craig guitar21/ Guitar Scales and Modes v2.1 jp100/ Sound file player (WAV/AU) soundcard req, | J.Willinghoefer juker50/ Multimedia jukebox (MID/WAV/AVI/etc) 16 & 32bit k4v301/ K4 patch editor for MIDI (& driver) v3.01 kbmidi/ Keyboard MIDI Player v1.0 mbtt20/ Midi file to guitar tablature translator, | M.Brazeau micplay1/ Player for .WAV and .MID files, supports 4DOS | description minicd13/ Audio CD player mozrt12a/ Music processor. WYSIWYG. Win 3.1 1of2, D.Webber mozrt12b/ Music processor. WYSIWYG. Win 3.1 2of2, D.Webber mrouter/ Route MIDI messages between Win 3.1 apps, | Z.Janosy mstud41/ MIDI Studio, Windows MIDI Sequencer music_01/ WAV(E) music samples music_02/ WAV(E) music samples music_03/ WAV(E) music samples music_04/ WAV(E) music samples music_06/ WAV(E) music samples muzika3/ A musical notation package for windows, N.Amir noismstr/ Noisemaster v1.0 from New Noise WAV&VOC editor | (good) nosnd01/ Vnosound v0.1 disables PC speaker sound sculpt17/ MIDI Sequencer with Keyboard Window, G.Struben sndtoo25/ SoundTool v2.5; convert,manipulate,play sound | (good) sounder/ Sounder v2.0; digitalized sound player (incl. | dsound.dll) tran09/ Transcribe v0.9 how to play various songs wavr15/ WaveRave 1.5 Windows WAVE Player - Instant play wavutl23/ The Wave Utilities - Loop And Play Wave Files wavwor11/ WaveWorks Wave editor wincdp33/ Windows CD Audio Player with database support, | T.Wu winjam22/ Full-Featured MIDI Sequencer v2.21 for Windows ----------------------------------------------------------- Wav sounds collection path: /unzipped/sound/34wavs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ahoo.wav 16254 04-14-92 baby.wav 28125 04-14-92 bad.wav 120876 04-21-92 block.wav 23724 04-17-92 bumtoo.wav 36568 04-17-92 claric.wav 15661 04-14-92 correct1.wav 7984 04-17-92 doctor1.wav 39322 04-17-92 doctor2.wav 21416 04-17-92 doctor3.wav 34798 04-17-92 doctor4.wav 48508 04-17-92 doctor5.wav 19912 04-17-92 doctor6.wav 16851 04-17-92 error.wav 11404 04-14-92 gddy2die.wav 60585 04-17-92 goodmo.wav 53128 04-12-92 goodmo1.wav 79148 04-14-92 gravit.wav 28588 04-17-92 hand.wav 39468 04-17-92 hihal.wav 79687 04-17-92 himan.wav 5445 04-17-92 mf-think.wav 25874 03-03-92 mind.wav 42596 04-14-92 mkmydy.wav 34184 04-14-92 powerl.wav 26412 04-14-92 proverb.wav 51584 04-14-92 spockd.wav 24620 04-17-92 st-sex.wav 39742 04-21-92 sw1usef.wav 34076 01-29-92 tohuman2.wav 61488 03-20-92 trash.wav 45868 04-17-92 unwise.wav 23468 04-17-92 vista.wav 27688 04-14-92 wavlist.txt 2722 04-23-92 whistle.wav 15404 04-17-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Super CD-ROM player and database 16bit & 32bit path: /unzipped/sound/abcd20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mstest.exe 89504 03-23-92 a-b-cd.hl_ 90688 01-10-95 a-b-cd.in_ 216 12-19-94 a-b-cd16.ex_ 446464 01-10-95 a-b-cd32.ex_ 294912 01-10-95 cdalb.id_ 500 12-19-94 ctl3d32.dl_ 28672 10-15-93 ctl3dv2.dl_ 21648 06-10-94 file_id.diz 300 12-26-94 mmsft2.dl_ 7168 11-28-94 mscomstf.dll 74528 03-23-92 mscuistf.dll 71339 12-26-94 msdetect.inc 22097 03-23-92 msdetstf.dll 24544 03-23-92 msinsstf.dll 65440 03-23-92 msshlstf.dll 14928 03-23-92 msuilstf.dll 6144 03-23-92 readme.txt 140 12-23-94 setup.exe 24624 03-23-92 setup.inf 960 01-10-95 setup.lst 569 12-26-94 setup.mst 6905 01-03-95 setupapi.inc 55620 03-23-92 survey.tx_ 1108 12-29-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Aleatoric Composer - probabilistic music path: /unzipped/sound/alcomp11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- alcomp.exe 314368 12-29-93 alcomp.hlp 46605 12-29-93 bwcc.dll 152304 07-05-93 cmajor.cmc 94 07-10-93 cmajor.mid 250 07-10-93 drumsolo.cmc 628 07-12-93 drumsolo.mid 4174 07-12-93 foster.cmc 247 08-12-93 foster.mid 321 08-12-93 foster2.cmc 346 07-21-93 foster2.mid 3118 08-12-93 fun4ths.cmc 508 08-12-93 fun4ths.mid 3005 08-12-93 progrand.cmc 298 08-12-93 progrand.mid 6040 08-12-93 readme.1st 1838 12-29-93 register.wri 3072 12-29-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sequencer software for Windows path: /unzipped/sound/btmstr11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bc30rtl.dll 143802 06-10-92 beatmstr.exe 834291 09-14-93 beatmstr.hlp 15510 07-18-93 beatmstr.txt 2435 07-01-93 bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 chinese.mid 12400 06-09-93 owl31.dll 154240 06-10-92 readme 192 08-03-93 seqdll.dll 170403 07-19-93 tclass31.dll 68444 06-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- CD Player with songnames, X. Alvarez path: /unzipped/sound/cdplyr20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cddata.dat 10109 12-01-95 cdplay.exe 308824 11-30-95 readme.txt 2140 11-21-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Play audio CD's, database manager included path: /unzipped/sound/cdppro45/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 151984 10-27-92 cdmanagr.exe 46848 01-02-94 cdppro.exe 164096 01-02-94 cdppro.hlp 25200 01-02-94 cdppro.txt 940 01-02-94 cdppro.wri 25088 01-02-94 cdpprod.fon 1600 02-10-93 cdppscrs.scr 142592 09-15-93 file_id.diz 678 01-02-94 m0.bmp 17168 01-02-94 m1.bmp 17902 01-02-94 m2.bmp 17028 01-02-94 m3.bmp 13600 01-02-94 m4.bmp 9338 01-02-94 m5.bmp 12998 01-02-94 m6.bmp 16466 01-02-94 m7.bmp 17842 01-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Use FM synthesis abilities of your sound card path: /unzipped/sound/fmsound/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bach.rol 18747 10-12-90 bnk835.bnk 36316 11-10-90 fm.drv 7495 01-22-91 install.doc 10265 01-22-91 instedit.doc 4378 01-22-91 instedit.exe 22528 01-22-91 magnif7.rol 5967 07-30-90 player.doc 2595 01-22-91 player.exe 31232 01-22-91 sheba.rol 13451 08-19-90 spring.rol 7341 04-05-88 sweetdrm.rol 6931 04-25-90 thunder2.rol 21629 02-12-89 traet.rol 10713 01-08-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wave editor/player/recorder, dual oscilloscopes path: /unzipped/sound/gldwav30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 164928 02-28-95 express.eqx 761 09-29-95 goldwave.exe 1043968 09-29-95 goldwave.hlp 55777 09-29-95 gwpreset.ini 4471 09-29-95 order.txt 1443 09-29-95 order.wri 2432 09-29-95 readme.txt 9650 09-29-95 whatsnew.txt 5828 09-29-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Guitar Scales and Modes v2.1 path: /unzipped/sound/guitar21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- guitar.exe 32256 08-10-90 guitar.wri 13440 08-10-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sound file player (WAV/AU) soundcard req, path: /unzipped/sound/jp100/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 jp.exe 347664 12-05-93 jp.hlp 397511 12-05-93 jp1.dll 5872 12-01-93 readme.txt 896 12-05-93 register.txt 1914 12-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Multimedia jukebox (MID/WAV/AVI/etc) 16 & 32bit path: /unzipped/sound/juker50/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mstest.exe 89504 03-23-92 ctl3d32.dl_ 28672 10-15-93 ctl3dv2.dl_ 21648 06-10-94 default.al_ 56 01-10-95 file_id.diz 302 12-26-94 g.mi_ 50054 06-11-94 ibyul.mi_ 17445 06-11-94 juker.hl_ 113819 01-10-95 juker.in_ 324 12-22-94 juker16.ex_ 432640 01-10-95 juker32.ex_ 286720 01-10-95 liye.mi_ 17732 06-11-94 mmsft2.dl_ 7168 11-28-94 mscomstf.dll 74528 03-23-92 mscuistf.dll 71339 12-26-94 msdetect.inc 22097 03-23-92 msdetstf.dll 24544 03-23-92 msinsstf.dll 65440 03-23-92 msshlstf.dll 14928 03-23-92 msuilstf.dll 6144 03-23-92 onlyodin.mi_ 28948 06-11-94 readme.txt 140 12-23-94 setup.exe 24624 03-23-92 setup.inf 1273 01-10-95 setup.lst 572 12-23-94 setup.mst 7122 01-05-95 setupapi.inc 55620 03-23-92 song6.mi_ 37600 06-11-94 survey.tx_ 1108 12-29-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- K4 patch editor for MIDI (& driver) v3.01 path: /unzipped/sound/k4v301/ ----------------------------------------------------------- common.dyn 5791 11-11-90 dca.dyn 2776 11-11-90 dcf.dyn 3312 11-11-90 drum.dyn 2963 11-11-90 effect.dyn 2176 11-11-90 identity.txt 32 11-11-90 k4.exe 53616 11-16-90 k4help.txt 9446 11-11-90 mididrv.sys 2586 11-11-90 multi.dyn 3453 11-11-90 scroll.dyn 1084 11-11-90 single.dyn 831 11-11-90 sources.dyn 2073 11-11-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard MIDI Player v1.0 path: /unzipped/sound/kbmidi/ ----------------------------------------------------------- kbmidi.bcp 372 01-22-92 kbmidi.c 28681 01-28-92 kbmidi.def 385 01-22-92 kbmidi.exe 11776 01-28-92 kbmidi.msc 332 01-22-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Midi file to guitar tablature translator, path: /unzipped/sound/mbtt20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- setup.arv 381048 11-17-95 setup.exe 24320 10-05-95 setupmn.arv 67839 11-17-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Player for .WAV and .MID files, supports 4DOS path: /unzipped/sound/micplay1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 248 07-18-93 mci.vb_ 16556 10-21-92 mhml200.vb_ 7174 10-23-92 mhrun200.dl_ 15268 12-08-92 micplay.ex_ 16773 07-19-93 micplay.tx_ 845 07-19-93 micplay.wr_ 135677 07-19-93 picclip.vb_ 8898 02-15-93 readme.1st 2423 07-19-93 register.tx_ 1120 07-19-93 setup.exe 14848 10-21-92 setup.lst 40 10-21-92 setup1.ex_ 10542 07-19-93 setupkit.dl_ 3657 10-21-92 sysop.tx_ 1793 07-19-93 threed.vb_ 31220 10-21-92 vbrun200.dl_ 246403 10-21-92 vendor.tx_ 2406 07-19-93 warranty.tx_ 703 07-19-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Audio CD player path: /unzipped/sound/minicd13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- minicd.exe 136704 05-12-94 minicd.hlp 35797 01-16-94 minicd.ovl 102799 05-12-94 minicd.txt 747 05-12-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Music processor. WYSIWYG. Win 3.1 1of2, D.Webber path: /unzipped/sound/mozrt12a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- diary.wr_ 955 11-27-94 file_id.diz 278 10-20-94 mozart.ex_ 345072 11-27-94 mozart.hl_ 88214 11-27-94 mozart0.dl_ 37718 11-27-94 mozartf.dl_ 61742 11-27-94 mozarts.dl_ 35976 11-27-94 mwcntl.dl_ 19755 01-20-94 readme.1st 3740 11-11-94 readme.txt 10204 11-11-94 register.wri 2816 11-04-94 vendor.txt 6765 11-19-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Music processor. WYSIWYG. Win 3.1 2of2, D.Webber path: /unzipped/sound/mozrt12b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _osetup.exe 105296 10-28-94 _osetup.inf 2278 11-20-94 _osetup.txt 460 11-04-94 bachtpi1.mz 7520 10-25-94 brit.mz 11136 10-26-94 bwcc.dl_ 59699 04-20-94 bwcc0007.dl_ 24707 04-20-94 bwcc0009.dl_ 25741 04-20-94 bwcc000c.dl_ 24783 04-20-94 ctl3dv2.dl_ 12279 11-23-93 etude1.mz 4610 10-25-94 morley.mz 8693 10-25-94 mzduet1.mz 4843 10-25-94 setup.exe 6256 10-28-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Route MIDI messages between Win 3.1 apps, path: /unzipped/sound/mrouter/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mrouter.drv 7120 11-14-94 oemsetup.inf 111 11-11-94 readme.txt 1517 11-14-94 source.zip 6804 11-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- MIDI Studio, Windows MIDI Sequencer path: /unzipped/sound/mstud41/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 bwccxxxx.dll 11434 04-26-94 drum.wav 1688 02-01-95 ds55_a.syn 1178 08-10-95 ds55_b.syn 1021 04-25-94 file_id.diz 299 07-27-95 hihat.wav 1194 02-01-95 license.txt 5863 12-07-94 mstudio.exe 380928 08-11-95 mstudio.hlp 35577 07-26-95 mstudio.ini 155 08-13-95 musical.fot 1324 02-22-93 musical.ttf 37644 06-02-92 orderfrm.txt 1476 07-27-95 packing.txt 289 07-27-95 readme.txt 6551 07-27-95 register.txt 1779 08-15-95 studio.dll 22016 10-25-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- WAV(E) music samples path: /unzipped/sound/music_01/ ----------------------------------------------------------- badams.wav 67124 01-15-93 bjoel.wav 112102 01-16-93 bluesbro.wav 111034 01-15-93 chicag17.wav 74508 01-16-93 direstra.wav 87720 01-15-93 lcohen.wav 95530 01-16-93 simongar.wav 63370 01-15-93 springst.wav 114392 01-14-93 totoiv.wav 112956 01-16-93 tturner.wav 91956 01-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WAV(E) music samples path: /unzipped/sound/music_02/ ----------------------------------------------------------- avbehind.wav 52634 01-16-93 avbookof.wav 97918 01-16-93 avcavern.wav 90408 01-16-93 avdance.wav 104524 01-15-93 avdmoon.wav 90420 01-15-93 avwhitew.wav 95340 01-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WAV(E) music samples path: /unzipped/sound/music_03/ ----------------------------------------------------------- y1980.wav 92754 01-15-93 ybaby.wav 100962 01-14-93 yclaro.wav 84740 01-15-93 yflag.wav 89196 01-14-93 yjungleb.wav 86154 01-16-93 yonesec.wav 108728 01-15-93 yrace.wav 97438 01-16-93 ysolid.wav 80512 01-15-93 ystella.wav 87626 01-14-93 yyougot.wav 119242 01-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WAV(E) music samples path: /unzipped/sound/music_04/ ----------------------------------------------------------- jmjchina.wav 126320 01-18-93 jmjcitie.wav 72070 01-16-93 jmjequin.wav 64372 01-16-93 jmjmagne.wav 83784 01-15-93 jmjoxyge.wav 86544 01-15-93 jmjrendz.wav 93224 01-16-93 jmjrevol.wav 71832 01-16-93 jmjwaiti.wav 82850 01-16-93 jmjzoolo.wav 76746 01-16-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WAV(E) music samples path: /unzipped/sound/music_06/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cfranke.wav 91998 01-16-93 clannad.wav 93538 01-16-93 dgrusin.wav 107910 01-15-93 enigma.wav 113428 01-15-93 enya.wav 80380 01-16-93 foster.wav 85798 01-14-93 jonvanpa.wav 96746 01-14-93 jonvanpc.wav 118014 01-15-93 oldfield.wav 128256 01-16-93 royalphi.wav 92876 01-16-93 tangdrea.wav 62176 01-15-93 vangelis.wav 75570 01-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- A musical notation package for windows, N.Amir path: /unzipped/sound/muzika3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- akhnaten.mu3 9717 09-11-94 bolero.mu3 54251 09-11-94 bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 muzika.hlp 34719 09-18-94 muzika_3.exe 580096 09-18-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Noisemaster v1.0 from New Noise WAV&VOC editor path: /unzipped/sound/noismstr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 noismstr.exe 102928 04-01-93 readme.txt 9037 04-01-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Vnosound v0.1 disables PC speaker sound path: /unzipped/sound/nosnd01/ ----------------------------------------------------------- vnosound.386 9287 06-10-92 vnosound.txt 748 06-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- MIDI Sequencer with Keyboard Window, G.Struben path: /unzipped/sound/sculpt17/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 17632 02-19-93 dig.mid 4854 04-25-93 entertnr.mid 18367 04-25-93 fairsun.mid 1950 04-25-93 fifthsym.mid 14678 04-25-93 file_id.diz 374 09-01-94 furelise.mid 6648 04-25-93 icon.bmp 630 03-22-94 install.bin 53634 12-09-93 meter.dll 9232 06-11-92 midiincb.dll 5632 09-02-94 midioutc.dll 13824 09-02-94 muscroll.dll 14336 03-21-94 music.exe 241152 09-02-94 music.ini 91 05-22-94 ombudsmn.txt 1672 03-20-94 readme.txt 216 09-01-94 setup.exe 5888 11-02-93 setup.inf 1258 03-23-94 tell.mid 50359 04-25-93 vendinfo.diz 10117 09-01-94 winmusic.hlp 50864 09-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- SoundTool v2.5; convert,manipulate,play sound path: /unzipped/sound/sndtoo25/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bass.snd 7616 04-10-91 btz13rec.sll 15360 02-28-92 cat_call.au 83252 04-22-87 dsound.dll 9216 10-03-91 readme.wri 20864 04-04-92 sndtool.exe 243056 04-04-92 sndtool.hlp 131158 04-04-92 sound.xlm 3673 09-22-91 sound.xls 1914 09-22-91 sounder.wri 9088 10-08-91 speaker.sll 5632 04-04-92 that_s_a.nxt 69796 04-22-87 w4wsound.doc 4589 10-04-91 yesokay.sou 22737 02-11-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sounder v2.0; digitalized sound player (incl. path: /unzipped/sound/sounder/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 20th_cen.snd 136928 09-04-90 beam.sou 22954 08-23-90 dsound.dll 4096 01-20-91 dsound.h 606 02-24-91 dsound.lib 1536 01-20-91 illcheer.sou 24384 05-29-90 sndcntrl.exe 34816 02-23-91 sounder.exe 8704 01-25-91 sounder.wri 30848 02-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Transcribe v0.9 how to play various songs path: /unzipped/sound/tran09/ ----------------------------------------------------------- tran.exe 86204 02-10-93 tran.hlp 4374 01-26-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WaveRave 1.5 Windows WAVE Player - Instant play path: /unzipped/sound/wavr15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- waver150.exe 1399474 07-13-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Wave Utilities - Loop And Play Wave Files path: /unzipped/sound/wavutl23/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152304 03-09-93 file_id.diz 455 12-10-93 looper.exe 46336 12-10-93 loopme01.wav 66150 12-10-93 loopme02.wav 1416 12-10-93 player.exe 48384 12-10-93 playme01.wav 14978 12-10-93 readme.txt 8205 12-10-93 register.frm 2997 12-10-93 waveutil.hlp 53781 12-10-93 waveutil.rev 2734 12-10-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WaveWorks Wave editor path: /unzipped/sound/wavwor11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 readme 3044 10-09-93 wavework.ini 10844 10-09-93 wavwor11.exe 295936 10-09-93 wavwor11.hlp 45907 10-09-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows CD Audio Player with database support, path: /unzipped/sound/wincdp33/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 21008 10-15-93 msdntb.dll 9376 01-22-95 register.txt 2398 01-22-95 vendor.txt 1519 01-22-95 wincddll.dll 5232 01-22-95 wincdp.exe 58368 01-22-95 wincdp.hlp 53225 01-22-95 wincdp.txt 10877 01-22-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Full-Featured MIDI Sequencer v2.21 for Windows path: /unzipped/sound/winjam22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- chinese.mid 12251 09-21-92 greensl.mid 15524 09-21-92 midilib.dll 47616 09-21-92 min-g.mid 5542 09-21-92 palette.mid 27219 09-21-92 readme 6566 09-21-92 songs.doc 1366 09-21-92 whatsnew.doc 6901 09-21-92 winjammr.exe 166912 09-21-92 winjammr.hlp 104745 09-21-92 wjmrplay.exe 37888 09-21-92 wjmrplay.hlp 24072 09-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Source code material path: /unzipped/source/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mewin10s/ MicroEmacs for Windows source ----------------------------------------------------------- MicroEmacs for Windows source path: /unzipped/source/mewin10s/ ----------------------------------------------------------- basic.c 16239 07-11-91 bind.c 23401 03-09-92 buffer.c 14462 03-09-92 char.c 8361 03-09-92 crypt.c 7898 03-12-91 display.c 44434 03-09-92 dolock.c 9201 03-09-92 ebind.h 12515 03-09-92 edef.h 19843 03-14-92 efunc.h 8474 03-14-92 elang.h 661 06-11-91 english.h 10819 03-09-92 epath.h 1497 03-09-92 eproto.h 38550 03-15-92 estruct.h 32174 03-15-92 eval.c 35106 04-01-92 evar.h 9468 03-11-92 exec.c 33861 03-15-92 file.c 22158 03-11-92 fileio.c 6362 01-25-92 input.c 22602 03-15-92 isearch.c 15733 03-11-92 line.c 29263 03-12-92 lock.c 4080 02-15-91 main.c 25924 04-02-92 mewin.def 1942 03-01-92 mewin.mak 3037 03-15-92 mewin.rc 468 02-28-92 mouse.c 15703 11-11-91 mswabout.dlg 2472 04-03-92 mswapp.ico 2038 06-27-91 mswcur.cur 326 11-21-91 mswdisp.c 18676 04-13-92 mswdrv.c 20629 02-21-92 mswemacs.c 9088 03-15-92 mswexec.c 11201 02-28-92 mswfile.c 17400 04-17-92 mswfile.dlg 1067 06-07-91 mswfont.c 20273 04-13-92 mswfonts.dlg 1480 02-24-92 mswhelp.h 93 12-13-91 mswin.h 6527 02-28-92 mswinput.c 7934 04-02-92 mswmem.c 11426 02-23-92 mswmenu.c 40656 03-16-92 mswmenu.h 6401 04-14-92 mswmenu.rc 7072 02-21-92 mswmlh.dlg 301 11-20-91 mswmodes.dlg 1348 01-17-92 mswnot.cur 326 10-04-90 mswprg.dlg 285 02-28-92 mswrid.h 1576 01-17-92 mswscr.ico 2038 06-07-91 mswsys.c 32399 04-10-92 mswwait.ico 766 10-20-91 random.c 33199 03-12-92 readme.src 5503 04-18-92 region.c 16254 03-12-92 screen.c 11315 03-16-92 search.c 43320 03-12-92 tags.c 12716 08-17-90 window.c 21649 11-20-91 word.c 17070 03-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Pascal material path: /unzipped/turbopas/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bpwing02/ Windows WinG Demo in BP7 w/src, L.Fosdal ctl3dpas/ CTL3D.DLL and CTL3DV2.DLL libraries with prog. | examples dropk_10/ A drag & drop batch file system (with BP source), | D.Cook hugecoll/ Implement huge collection in TP for Windows janusw/ DialogWindow & tJanusDialogWindow objects tooltip2/ ToolTip unit for Borland Pascal and TPW, A.Lewis wintl100/ International info pascal library, T.Bargholz ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows WinG Demo in BP7 w/src, L.Fosdal path: /unzipped/turbopas/bpwing02/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bpwing.exe 21504 11-25-94 bpwing.inf 836 11-25-94 bpwing.pas 14346 11-25-94 bpwing.res 1238 11-25-94 wing.pas 2522 11-11-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- CTL3D.DLL and CTL3DV2.DLL libraries with prog. path: /unzipped/turbopas/ctl3dpas/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 20976 08-17-93 ctl3d.pas 2763 10-04-93 ctl3dv2.dll 21648 08-16-93 ctl3dv2.pas 2791 10-04-93 readme.txt 570 10-04-93 sample3d.pas 3414 10-04-93 sample3d.res 764 10-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- A drag & drop batch file system (with BP source), path: /unzipped/turbopas/dropk_10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 156544 10-21-93 dropkick.exe 65792 03-13-94 dropkick.inc 1414 03-13-94 dropkick.pas 37643 03-13-94 dropkick.rc 37177 03-13-94 dropkick.txt 7536 03-13-94 print.dk 1740 10-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Implement huge collection in TP for Windows path: /unzipped/turbopas/hugecoll/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hugecoll.pas 16914 07-25-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- DialogWindow & tJanusDialogWindow objects path: /unzipped/turbopas/janusw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dialogwn.pas 11671 07-26-92 dlgtest.exe 33040 07-26-92 dlgtest.pas 4886 07-26-92 dlgtest.rc 17398 07-26-92 dlgtest.res 5828 07-26-92 januswn.pas 5361 07-26-92 readme.txt 2701 07-26-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- ToolTip unit for Borland Pascal and TPW, A.Lewis path: /unzipped/turbopas/tooltip2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- demo.pas 1448 11-08-94 demo.rc 9911 10-11-94 demo.res 3055 10-11-94 democ.pas 594 10-09-94 tooltip.tpw 10432 11-17-94 tooltip.txt 11525 11-17-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- International info pascal library, T.Bargholz path: /unzipped/turbopas/wintl100/ ----------------------------------------------------------- example.pas 1808 09-12-94 file_id.diz 239 09-12-94 wintl.pas 6937 09-12-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities from broad category path: /unzipped/util/ ----------------------------------------------------------- achart12/ Ascii char table and more v1.2 aclock/ Astronomy clock v1.12 advent/ Advent Calendar v1.0 aimspice/ Aim-Spice (student version) v1.1 alm30f/ Almanac for Windows v3.0f (great) alw113/ Astronomy Lab v1.13 alwin15/ Active Life v1.5 time management system (good) am_bb40/ Bank Book for Windows - bank account tracker am_bc40/ Book/Magazine Catalog for Windows am_ca41/ Car Book Plus for Windows am_cb41/ Contact Book Plus for Windows am_cc40/ Coin Catalog for Windows am_cr40/ Calendar/Reminder for Windows am_dn40/ Daily Notes for Windows -keep track of your notes am_hc40/ Hardware Catalog for Windows am_ib42/ Internet Book for Windows am_mc40/ Movie Catalog for Windows, simple & easy to use am_mu40/ Music Catalog for Windows (casettes, CDs, | records) am_pb41/ Phone Book for Windows with dial function am_sc40/ Software Catalog for Windows am_so40/ Student Organizer for Windows am_sp40/ Sport Card Catalog for Windows am_st40/ Stamp Catalog for Windows at12/ Application Timer v1.2 launches programs at a | speci time atlus/ Atlus v1.00 computer-based US Atlas (good) audit/ Heap Auditor; a utility to monitor the GDI, user | & global heaps backee28/ Backup and directory/file synchronizer, B. Cordes bcalc2/ Business Calculator v2.00 benchg11/ PC mag Windows benchmark v1.1 (also PM) (works?) brythm/ Biorythm utility for MS-Excel builder/ The application builder/launcher v2.1 cbill13/ Client Biller invoice maker and client tracker ccplus12/ Credit card database chgcrs10/ Allows you to change the arrow and hourglass | cursors cinstp22/ Chief's Windows Installer, A.A Olowofoyeku clinr2/ Prints case liners for audio cassettes v2.1 clockr23/ A personal/network program scheduler clust104/ File cluster viewer with approx. search, | Y.Roumazeilles cman11/ ClockMan v1.1; Clock Manager - alarms (good) cookie/ COOKIE v2.0; cookies cpuuse14/ CPU usage meter v1.4 cripwin2/ Text file scramble/unscramble utility, req. | VBRUN300.DLL cswism12/ System Resource Monitor for Windows cswiwe14/ WinExit Fast windows exit utility cura22/ Curacao v2.2 a simul. of the sterile insect | release method cursor/ Choose cursor (good) cusbut10/ Custom buttons v1.0 datcon10/ Data Conversion v1.0 db11us/ dbf-Browser v1.1; shows dBase files dc111/ Single pass disk copier v1.11 delta3_2/ Windows uninstaller, reports changes and undoes | them dimcalc2/ Calculator/converter of dimensioned quantities, | G.Hart dllchk10/ Reports which DLLs Windows program calls and vica | versa dngr20/ Word for Windows macro; Dinger insert dingbat | chars dr6win/ DR DOS 6.0 update for Win 3.1 drwat079/ Dr Watson v0.79; UAE Diagnostic & Log Utility dskmfw30/ DiskMan hard disk, floppy etc. cataloguing dtaphn11/ Dataphone - A practical phonebook ecu13/ The Earth Centered Universe v1.3a sky | visualization (good) edesk/ Executice desk Windows PIM utility epsflt/ EPS file Import filter DLL for Word for Windows | v1.1 eqs/ Eyes (works?), qtime v1.3, status v2.4 exit/ Exit button v1.0 (works?) finst152/ Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v1.52, K. Tong flipper/ Flipper; change orientation of the printer | port/land fmapp11b/ Applications menu for Windows File Manager, | H.Knight fmgrd208/ File Manager Guard v.1.5, A.Belogortseff fmsu326/ File Manager StepUp, adds features to FM, | A.Belogortseff fmtb224/ File Manager Toolbar by A.Belogortseff fracview/ FracView for Windows v1.03 glue/ Glue v1.0; glues DOS programs to Windows programs graph/ Graph f(x) v2.0 grepw30/ GREP for windows, A.Catorcini gtools/ GTOOLS.DOC v1.0; WinWord macros hbw20/ Home budget - Manage your home budget, S.Drew helllp23/ Winhelp help file author tool for WinWord helllp24/ WinHelp author tool for WinWord 2.0 & 6.0, E.Guy hotkey/ Hotkey; assign prgms to a keystroke & StartUp; | from any dir hpcalc/ HP like calculator v3.00 hyptrk32/ WinHelp extender; | tracking/word-search/multi-print inform1b/ Informant v1.00 (beta 1) system load graph inspro/ EDI install pro v1.0; installer for Windows inswin/ EDI install v1.3; installation program ipmgr_10/ IP Manager - manage IP addresses, S.Davenport issumn12/ Issue Manager issue/problem tracking system, | G.Reinacker jafclc11/ JafCalc 1.1 - Calculator for Windows, | J.A.Ferguson jargona/ The online jargon file v2.9.8 (Help file format) jwps16/ Windows PGP Shell v 1.6, J.Snyder keepkey1/ Modify keyboard and mouse functions kf200/ K-Free v2.0; display free mem & disk, win info kiviat/ KIVIAT v1.0 sys information graphically lalaunch/ Windows launch utility for LaTeX progs, G.Gutt lblwiz21/ Versatile Label Program for Win 3.1, F.Pellegrino litz200/ Compresses, encrypts, uuencodes / decompresses, | decrypts mark30/ MARK30 v1.33; mark old Windows Apps for new | Windows v3.0 match110/ Match v1.10 a text file comparison prg (good) mathgraf/ Mathgraf v2.4.1 define & plot math functions | (problems...) met10/ PeekMessage - polling perf. meter for windows, | T.Ronkko moontl04/ Current phase of the moon v0.4 (MoonTool) motto/ Motto program ms20/ Monitor Saver v2.0 mscpls21/ Music cataloguing system multip/ Multipad v3.00 notepad with multiple files poss. | (w C) neweye/ Interactive eyes v1.0 nonag/ Mark old Windows executables for Win3 nonag2/ Gets rid of those annoying nag/brag screens | (works?) nswitc22/ Trap loading of notepad if file too big, | M.Brewerton omnicn10/ Unit conversion util for Windows 3.x, P.Jones org140/ Organize! your desktop (appointments) PIM v1.4 | (good) osetup21/ O'Setup, Windows application installation utility panic221/ Program manager/task manager enhancements pd0805/ Microsoft Smartdrive v4.2 (slower disk-write) perfm202/ Performance Meter v2.02 pgpwin11/ PGP MS-Win Shell (+ Vis-Basic src) v1.1 pinup13/ Pinup Notes v1.3 post-it notes polltakr/ Poll Taker v1.0 automatic questionnaire (good) pprboy/ Picks wallpapers randomly pshell29/ Pshell v2.09 command-line shell (slow) pwrm154/ Win 3.1 notebook battery monitor, H.Boch qrun205/ Program launching utility for Windows, P.Damsten qtask13/ Taskmanager with commnd line, history, emacs | completion raise105/ Auto-Raise windows v1.05 (good) rcalc103/ RPN Calculator v1.03 rcpwin20/ Recipe Maker v2.0; recipe organization (good) recrun/ Recorder Run; attach icons to macros v1.0 restpm/ Restore the Windows program manager riteon23/ Send keystrokes by right and middle mouse buttons rotcube/ Rotating cube for Screen Peace rp105/ RunProg v1.05, run maximized,minimized etc (good) rpncl12c/ Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, P.Mattila rptvw21/ Report viewer and data extract system, R. Cecrle runit10/ RunIt! v1.0; fast alternative to Program Manager savebmp/ Utility to handle .bmp pictures, P.Foggia scicalc1/ Scientific Calculator for Windows, R.Loewy seeker12/ SEEKER - Search For Many Words In Many Files, | M.Brewerton sked122/ Windows appointment scheduler, F.Feingold sl_10/ SuperLoad v1.0 (enhance run&load in win.ini) smesme2a/ Transfer files between computers (with floppy | disks) snagit16/ SnagIt v1.6; screen capture and screen print | (even color) spacem30/ Powerful duplicate file search and delete utility spells13/ Spelling checker, checks Text/Write/Clipboard stdm15/ Demo/Tutorial Builder, M.Kvitchko strip10/ Stripcalc v1.0 calculates transmission line props suprrm/ SoftBlox resource monitor v1.00 (great) sw/ StopWatch v1.02 sysgraf4/ System Graph v4.00 (good) sysuse13/ Sysuse v1.3 system load graph tame260/ TAME v2.60; reduce overhead of the multitasking | programs tclk106/ Talking Clock v1.06 timclk11/ Time/project usage tracking program tits/ The Interactive Task Switcher (tits) tm101/ Taskman v1.01 Task Manager tsd20/ Create, search & print student directory, | R.Summers turing/ Turbo Turing Machine v1.0 (computer simulation) typemate/ Delay before typematic starts v1.4 uc12/ Ultraclip v1.2 clipboard utility unictrl1/ Keyboard simulator for physical deficients univ20/ Universe v2.0 star simulation utl105/ Close(r), Run, Exitw & Clean uucode16/ Windows Uuencoder/decoder v1.6 (good) vlnch22a/ File viewer and launcher, P.Mattila vmerg126/ Visual File Diff/Merge Utility v1.26, | O.Cherkasova w3setcom/ Stuff com3&4 memory addresses into low memory (w | ASM) wab2b/ Winascii v0.02b (like Unix 'strings') wck30n/ WinCheck v3.0n checkbook progr (great) wcmd110/ Windows Command Line Interface v1.10 wcron23a/ Wcron v2.3a periodical Task Scheduler wdbwin10/ WindBase v1.0 Windows database (promising) wexec101/ Command Line Editor Wexec v1.01 (great) wfind30/ Powerful File Finder for Win 3.1, D.Branson wfview02/ Textfile viewer, alone or on File Manager's menu, | S.Huseby wfx304/ Winfax Pro 3.0 -> 3.04 update whisk26a/ Whiskers v2.6a mouse utility wimatk20/ Winimage transaltion kit - translate to foreign | language winalt21/ Alter date, time, & file attributes in Windows, | J.Bair winaux/ Winox directs Aux output to the mono display wincli3/ WinCLi v3.00; command line interface wincrd/ Windows cardfile text conversion program windig20/ Win3.1 data digitalization prog. , D.Lovy windiz10/ A Windows zip file ID reader/generator wineyes/ WinEyes v1.02 (xeyes/eyecon) winfnd10/ WinFind v1.0 find file (promising) winhv20/ Win Hex View v2.0 winima22/ Winimage 2.2 Disk image utility winlite1/ Rosenthal WinLite compress Windows programs winpark/ Park hard disk heads winprb10/ Parabola v1.0 numerical | differeniator/curve-fitter winsp201/ WinSpell v2.01 check spelling in any appl (good) winutil/ Ascii, Colours, Freemem winwait/ To Windows or not to Windows ... wipew20/ Wipes files under Windows 3.1, C.Feroldi wnbrag/ Change the screen win3 displays at startup | (easily) womenu31/ Powerful/easy menu to launch Windows applications wordweb/ Utility that finds definitions, synonyms etc. wpost32b/ WinPost v3.2b - electronic Post-It Notes (good) wrksft15/ Workshift v1.5 organize groups of programs wru311/ WRU v3.11 file finder (where are you) (great) wsc_217e/ McAfee VirusScan for Windows wscan117/ McAfee VirusScan for Windows V117 wsmooth/ A text browsing utility (PC mag) WinSmooth v1.c | (w C)w wtch11/ WTouch v1.1 set date/time stamp wtime20/ World Time display time in 150 metrop/geographic | locations xantippe/ Xantippe v1.59; hyperlink information workbench | (good) xtimlog2/ Application for personal time usage recording yrpswd16/ Manage users and their encrypted passwords, | Y.Rochat zipsco13/ Zipscope 1.3 zip viewer & browser, M.Fadda zpad210/ Dictionary lookup (also for DOS) and spell check | by L.Zou ----------------------------------------------------------- Ascii char table and more v1.2 path: /unzipped/util/achart12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- achart.doc 3863 06-07-91 achart.exe 25537 06-07-91 achart.hlp 10743 06-07-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Astronomy clock v1.12 path: /unzipped/util/aclock/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aclock.dat 6764 01-15-92 aclock.exe 48656 10-27-92 aclock.hlp 14007 10-27-92 users_gd.wri 3328 02-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Advent Calendar v1.0 path: /unzipped/util/advent/ ----------------------------------------------------------- advent.dll 798720 12-02-90 advent.exe 120144 12-04-90 advent.ima 273390 12-04-90 advent.txt 2342 12-04-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Aim-Spice (student version) v1.1 path: /unzipped/util/aimspice/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mstest.exe 89504 03-27-93 aimgpp.ex_ 100388 03-27-93 aimspice.ex_ 621726 03-27-93 aimspice.in_ 469 03-27-93 aimspice.inf 968 03-27-93 aimspice.mst 4352 03-27-93 diffpair.cir 440 03-27-93 docs.txt 83 04-19-93 docs.zip 620185 04-19-93 mes.cir 336 03-27-93 mscomstf.dll 74528 03-27-93 mscuistf.dll 11840 03-27-93 msdetect.inc 22097 03-27-93 msdetstf.dll 24544 03-27-93 msinsstf.dll 65440 03-27-93 msshlstf.dll 14928 03-27-93 msuilstf.dll 6144 03-27-93 opamp.cir 695 03-27-93 pz2.cir 334 03-27-93 readme.txt 3430 03-27-93 rtlinv.cir 403 03-27-93 setup.exe 24624 03-27-93 setup.lst 538 03-27-93 setupapi.inc 55620 03-27-93 tutorial.out 20561 03-27-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Almanac for Windows v3.0f (great) path: /unzipped/util/alm30f/ ----------------------------------------------------------- alm30.hl_ 27785 07-22-92 alm31.hl_ 34250 07-22-92 almacent.da_ 190 07-22-92 almanac.ex_ 163037 07-22-92 almfontb.fo_ 951 07-22-92 almfonte.fo_ 1005 07-22-92 almfontf.fo_ 1197 07-22-92 almlocn.da_ 4053 07-22-92 almlzexp.dll 9936 03-10-92 can_hday.al_ 575 07-22-92 chrstian.al_ 238 07-22-92 commdlg.dl_ 50924 03-10-92 default.al_ 331 07-22-92 fra_hday.al_ 181 07-22-92 gbr_hday.al_ 287 07-22-92 jewish.al_ 304 07-22-92 jpn_hday.al_ 562 07-22-92 readme.txt 9346 07-22-92 register.tx_ 2140 07-22-92 setup.exe 40800 07-22-92 setup.inf 1113 07-22-92 smallb.fo_ 10928 03-10-92 smalle.fo_ 12501 03-10-92 smallf.fo_ 10489 03-10-92 usa_hday.al_ 655 07-22-92 ver.dl_ 6307 03-10-92 whatsnew.tx_ 2441 07-22-92 xlateald.ex_ 7282 07-22-92 xlateald.tx_ 1184 07-22-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Astronomy Lab v1.13 path: /unzipped/util/alw113/ ----------------------------------------------------------- alw.exe 390160 08-21-92 alw.hlp 333301 08-21-92 cities.dat 9074 08-12-92 commdlg.dll 89248 06-10-92 readme.wri 6272 08-21-92 stars.dat 39418 07-26-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Active Life v1.5 time management system (good) path: /unzipped/util/alwin15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- al.exe 171792 12-21-90 alnb.exe 54480 12-21-90 guide.lst 166 12-24-90 guide1.gui 15053 12-27-90 guide2.gui 51267 12-27-90 guide3.gui 35870 12-28-90 guide4.gui 7197 12-27-90 guide5.gui 19189 12-26-90 guide6.gui 13847 12-28-90 readme.txt 3810 01-06-91 sample.nbk 397 12-29-90 sample.pak 2532 05-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bank Book for Windows - bank account tracker path: /unzipped/util/am_bb40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bank.cat 263 05-30-95 bank.ex_ 167644 09-08-95 bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color_t.lst 191 06-19-95 data.dat 213 05-30-95 example1.dat 1758 06-01-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 425 01-16-95 files.dat 269 09-08-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1832 09-07-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4427 09-07-95 vendinfo.diz 10834 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Book/Magazine Catalog for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_bc40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- book.cm_ 106 11-10-94 bookmag.ex_ 153298 09-08-95 bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color_t.lst 199 06-19-95 data.dat 2028 06-01-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 428 01-16-95 files.dat 258 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1841 09-07-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4388 09-07-95 vendinfo.diz 10846 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Car Book Plus for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_ca41/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 car.cat 191 01-08-95 car_data.dat 853 06-01-95 car_exam.dat 2719 01-09-95 carexp.ex_ 168530 09-23-95 cartrip.ex_ 160820 09-23-95 color.lst 72 09-23-95 color1.lst 72 09-23-95 color_t.lst 183 06-19-95 color_t1.lst 183 06-19-95 data.dat 662 01-09-95 example.dat 1140 09-24-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 394 01-16-95 files.dat 392 09-07-95 install.exe 71936 09-23-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1844 09-07-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4497 09-07-95 regtrips.std 274 01-09-95 vendinfo.diz 11329 09-24-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Contact Book Plus for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_cb41/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 cnttype.cm_ 134 10-30-94 color_t.lst 199 06-19-95 color_t1.lst 167 06-19-95 contact.ex_ 175120 10-17-95 country.cm_ 88 10-30-94 daily.ex_ 124283 09-08-95 data.cnt 1736 07-14-95 data.dat 1883 07-14-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 456 01-16-95 files.dat 550 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 letters.dat 2614 07-14-95 license.txt 1843 09-07-95 prefix.lst 37 05-30-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4450 09-07-95 sender.lst 164 05-30-95 vendinfo.diz 11261 10-17-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Coin Catalog for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_cc40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 coin.ex_ 154817 09-08-95 coinctr.cmb 89 06-01-95 color_t.lst 183 06-19-95 cond.cmb 67 06-01-95 data.dat 2520 06-04-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 430 01-16-95 files.dat 298 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1840 09-07-95 locat.cmb 36 06-01-95 metcnt.cmb 94 06-01-95 mint.cmb 36 06-01-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4483 09-07-95 vendinfo.diz 10995 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Calendar/Reminder for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_cr40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 calendar.ex_ 74366 09-06-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 448 07-05-94 files.dat 136 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4492 09-07-95 vendinfo.diz 10517 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Daily Notes for Windows -keep track of your notes path: /unzipped/util/am_dn40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color_t1.lst 264 06-04-95 daily.ex_ 124294 09-08-95 data.dat 1379 05-30-95 diary.opt 89 05-30-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 424 05-23-95 files.dat 239 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1843 09-07-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4493 09-07-95 vendinfo.diz 10907 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hardware Catalog for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_hc40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color_t.lst 199 06-19-95 data.dat 1367 06-04-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 428 01-16-95 files.dat 283 09-07-95 hardcat.cmb 124 05-30-95 hardcat.ex_ 154212 09-08-95 hardprod.cmb 36 05-30-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1852 09-07-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4507 09-07-95 vendinfo.diz 10929 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Book for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_ib42/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 categ.cmb 118 06-04-95 color.lst 64 11-06-95 color_t.lst 167 06-19-95 country.cmb 43 06-04-95 data.$$$ 3624 09-09-95 data.dat 3891 11-06-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 438 03-08-95 files.dat 293 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 internet.ex_ 187018 11-06-95 license.txt 1849 09-07-95 primasof.xyz 113333 11-06-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4499 09-07-95 type.cmb 52 06-04-95 vendinfo.diz 11475 11-06-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Movie Catalog for Windows, simple & easy to use path: /unzipped/util/am_mc40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color.lst 80 06-19-95 color_t.lst 199 06-19-95 data.dat 1591 06-01-95 dir.cmb 254 06-01-95 example.dat 6395 06-04-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 422 01-16-95 files.dat 321 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1848 09-07-95 movie.ex_ 155237 09-08-95 music.cmb 46 06-01-95 rating.cmb 38 06-01-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4460 09-07-95 star.cmb 508 06-01-95 studio.cmb 192 06-01-95 type.cmb 117 06-01-95 vendinfo.diz 11178 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Music Catalog for Windows (casettes, CDs, path: /unzipped/util/am_mu40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color_t.lst 183 06-19-95 data.dat 5655 05-30-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 434 09-07-95 files.dat 255 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1848 09-07-95 music.cmb 118 06-07-95 music.ex_ 154501 09-08-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4459 09-07-95 vendinfo.diz 10868 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Phone Book for Windows with dial function path: /unzipped/util/am_pb41/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color.lst 52 05-30-95 color_t.lst 228 06-01-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 430 01-16-95 files.dat 278 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1840 09-07-95 phones.dat 96 06-04-95 phones.ex_ 111260 10-17-95 prefix.lst 98 05-30-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4466 09-07-95 sender.lst 168 05-30-95 vendinfo.diz 11994 10-17-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Software Catalog for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_sc40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color_t.lst 199 06-19-95 data.dat 4326 06-04-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 422 04-13-95 files.dat 268 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1852 09-07-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4526 09-07-95 soft.ex_ 156430 09-08-95 softcat.cmb 154 05-30-95 softprod.cmb 33 05-30-95 vendinfo.diz 10976 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Student Organizer for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_so40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- book.cm_ 81 11-18-94 bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color1.lst 64 06-19-95 color2.lst 80 06-19-95 color3.lst 64 06-19-95 color_t1.lst 167 06-19-95 color_t2.lst 201 06-19-95 color_t3.lst 167 06-19-95 course.ex_ 136250 09-08-95 data.dat 1364 05-31-95 example1.da_ 2140 11-18-94 example2.da_ 1144 11-18-94 example3.da_ 2749 11-18-94 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 428 01-16-95 files.dat 815 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1856 09-07-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 refer.ex_ 145647 09-08-95 register.txt 4493 09-07-95 term.ex_ 120500 09-08-95 vendinfo.diz 11932 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sport Card Catalog for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_sp40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- brand.cm_ 367 05-22-94 bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color.lst 64 06-19-95 color_t.lst 167 06-19-95 data.dat 1364 06-02-95 example.da_ 1232 11-30-94 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 426 01-16-95 files.dat 346 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1859 09-07-95 position.cm_ 358 05-22-94 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4501 09-07-95 sport.cm_ 59 05-22-94 sport.ex_ 164723 09-09-95 team.cm_ 779 05-22-94 type.cm_ 735 05-22-94 vendinfo.diz 11212 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Stamp Catalog for Windows path: /unzipped/util/am_st40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dl_ 55520 01-14-93 color_t.lst 183 06-19-95 condit.cmb 52 06-04-95 data.dat 2025 06-04-95 faq.txt 5387 09-07-95 file_id.diz 430 01-16-95 files.dat 284 09-07-95 install.exe 71168 09-08-95 install.txt 748 11-01-94 license.txt 1843 09-07-95 locat.cmb 69 06-04-95 read_me.1st 216 10-13-94 read_me.bat 364 01-05-95 readme2.txt 13773 09-07-95 register.txt 4460 09-07-95 stamp.ex_ 153300 09-08-95 stampctr.cmb 95 06-04-95 vendinfo.diz 10956 09-09-95 vendor.txt 216 10-13-94 warranty.txt 1448 09-07-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Application Timer v1.2 launches programs at a path: /unzipped/util/at12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- at.exe 28400 01-14-91 at.wri 4352 01-15-91 readme 784 01-14-91 register.wri 1536 01-11-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Atlus v1.00 computer-based US Atlas (good) path: /unzipped/util/atlus/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atl20000.dat 155680 06-21-91 atl20000.key 9760 06-21-91 atl20001.dat 16416 06-16-91 atl20001.key 3104 06-15-91 atlus.exe 236619 06-21-91 atlus.hlp 36367 06-19-91 atlus.wri 18688 06-22-91 atlusdb2.dbd 1460 06-13-91 dbserver.exe 38912 05-24-91 readme.txt 836 06-23-91 register.txt 740 06-16-91 register.wri 1408 06-16-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Heap Auditor; a utility to monitor the GDI, user path: /unzipped/util/audit/ ----------------------------------------------------------- audit.exe 32768 04-27-92 audit.pas 9623 04-27-92 audit.res 6207 04-27-92 audit.wri 3072 04-27-92 sclptext.pas 4686 04-27-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Backup and directory/file synchronizer, B. Cordes path: /unzipped/util/backee28/ ----------------------------------------------------------- backer.exe 386048 11-24-95 backer.hlp 128721 11-23-95 bwcc.dll 164928 11-10-94 file_id.diz 447 11-23-95 readme.txt 3593 11-23-95 system.bac 182 10-17-95 tmpbak.bac 159 10-17-95 vendinfo.diz 8206 11-24-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Business Calculator v2.00 path: /unzipped/util/bcalc2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bcalc.exe 263168 02-04-93 bcalc.hlp 56565 01-25-93 bcalc.wri 9600 02-04-93 file_id.diz 319 02-09-93 install.exe 53754 03-04-92 meter.dll 6786 03-04-92 readme.txt 2055 02-01-93 setup.inf 901 01-07-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- PC mag Windows benchmark v1.1 (also PM) (works?) path: /unzipped/util/benchg11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pmbench.exe 102032 06-01-90 read.me 2310 06-01-90 readme.pm 24358 06-01-90 readme.win 21654 06-01-90 register.pm 3070 06-01-90 register.win 3047 06-01-90 winbench.exe 106416 06-01-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Biorythm utility for MS-Excel path: /unzipped/util/brythm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 7dayk.xls 7081 04-14-92 93day.xls 20903 04-14-92 btg.doc 1387 04-14-92 btg.xla 11512 04-14-92 clserr.xlc 5401 04-14-92 colerr.xlc 3604 04-14-92 note.doc 1178 04-14-92 xyerr.xlc 4923 04-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- The application builder/launcher v2.1 path: /unzipped/util/builder/ ----------------------------------------------------------- builder.exe 8704 08-27-89 builder.ico 766 08-27-89 builder.wri 5120 08-27-89 ----------------------------------------------------------- Client Biller invoice maker and client tracker path: /unzipped/util/cbill13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cbiller.exe 156080 05-29-94 cbiller.hlp 322360 05-29-94 file_id.diz 440 05-29-94 order.frm 2645 05-29-94 readme.txt 469 05-29-94 whatsnew.13 3296 05-29-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Credit card database path: /unzipped/util/ccplus12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ccplus12.ex_ 39782 04-29-94 ccplus12.hl_ 49685 04-29-94 cmdialog.vb_ 10865 04-28-93 commdlg.dl_ 54547 12-31-93 file_id.diz 873 04-29-94 grid.vb_ 27975 06-16-93 register.tx_ 555 04-29-94 sample.cc_ 705 04-29-94 setup.exe 15312 04-28-93 setup.lst 35 04-29-94 setup1.ex_ 13685 05-02-94 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 ver.dl_ 9696 03-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Allows you to change the arrow and hourglass path: /unzipped/util/chgcrs10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bigarrow.cur 326 11-28-90 chngcrsr.exe 38400 12-01-90 chngcrsr.hlp 18371 11-28-90 chngcrsr.txt 1064 12-01-90 hand.cur 326 10-06-90 heart.cur 326 10-22-90 pencil.cur 326 10-06-90 sleep.cur 326 10-04-90 watch.cur 326 10-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Chief's Windows Installer, A.A Olowofoyeku path: /unzipped/util/cinstp22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- autocalc.exe 104676 10-10-95 autocalc.hlp 26066 10-10-95 autocalc.ini 912 10-10-95 autodll.exe 65112 10-10-95 blank.ico 766 10-10-95 chief.faq 12732 10-10-95 chief.hlp 130542 10-10-95 chiefpro.chf 6451 10-10-95 compile.exe 9357 10-10-95 ctl3dv2.dll 25808 08-23-94 file_id.diz 909 10-10-95 history.txt 26534 10-10-95 install.exe 192928 10-10-95 loop.chf 188 10-10-95 misc.chf 482 10-10-95 order.frm 2272 10-10-95 readme.txt 9026 10-10-95 register.txt 8513 10-10-95 sample1.inf 686 10-10-95 sample2.inf 1396 10-10-95 sample3.inf 2179 10-10-95 sample4.inf 4306 10-10-95 setup.chf 2649 10-10-95 setup.exe 35632 10-10-95 setupinf.inf 514 10-10-95 showlog.exe 5685 10-10-95 showlog.txt 2159 10-10-95 sysini.chf 1175 10-10-95 totoolz.exe 11772 10-10-95 uninst.zip 7026 10-10-95 uninstal.exe 71076 10-10-95 winstalc.dll 11474 10-10-95 winstall.hlp 14261 10-10-95 winstall.inf 13197 10-10-95 winstall.msg 654 10-10-95 winstall.txt 26534 10-10-95 winstall.zip 19649 10-10-95 winstalp.dll 29372 10-10-95 winstalz.dll 25152 10-10-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Prints case liners for audio cassettes v2.1 path: /unzipped/util/clinr2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- caselinr.exe 36512 10-03-90 caselinr.wri 10112 10-08-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- A personal/network program scheduler path: /unzipped/util/clockr23/ ----------------------------------------------------------- clocker.exe 118800 01-08-94 clocker.hlp 30481 01-08-94 clocker.txt 29682 01-08-94 ctl3d.dll 20272 06-23-93 example1.bat 154 01-08-94 example1.clk 81 01-08-94 example1.pif 545 01-08-94 example2.clk 81 01-08-94 example2.pif 545 01-08-94 examples.txt 1508 01-08-94 install.txt 1013 01-08-94 orderfrm.txt 2651 01-08-94 readme.txt 2124 01-08-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- File cluster viewer with approx. search, path: /unzipped/util/clust104/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agrep.dll 41984 04-10-94 agrep.txt 3105 03-15-94 bitlist.txt 2738 03-15-94 bugs_rep.inf 1344 04-01-94 cluster.exe 108800 04-06-94 cluster.hlp 41547 04-01-94 cluster.txt 3206 03-13-94 order.txt 2928 04-01-94 others/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/util/clust104/others/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cluster.ini 687 03-04-94 cluster.reg 663 12-21-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- ClockMan v1.1; Clock Manager - alarms (good) path: /unzipped/util/cman11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- clockman.deu 826 05-27-92 clockman.exe 162370 05-27-92 clockman.fra 799 05-27-92 clockman.hlp 247121 05-27-92 clockman.ini 3038 05-27-92 clok-chg.txt 4037 05-28-92 clokread.txt 10236 05-27-92 samples.alr 7322 05-27-92 samples.pif 545 05-27-92 setup.exe 86194 05-27-92 setup.inf 1708 05-27-92 testwin.bat 1090 05-27-92 v1.1 1 05-27-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- COOKIE v2.0; cookies path: /unzipped/util/cookie/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cookie.dat 19817 04-16-90 cookie.exe 16896 01-07-91 cookie.txt 1419 01-07-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- CPU usage meter v1.4 path: /unzipped/util/cpuuse14/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cpuuse.exe 14336 09-30-91 cpuuse.txt 3629 09-30-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Text file scramble/unscramble utility, req. path: /unzipped/util/cripwin2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 cripwin.exe 138421 10-01-94 readme.1st 3021 10-01-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- System Resource Monitor for Windows path: /unzipped/util/cswism12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cswinfo.exe 19358 03-10-94 ctl3d.dll 20272 12-14-93 desc.sdi 63 03-10-94 file_id.diz 133 03-10-94 sysmon.exe 47354 03-10-94 sysmon.hlp 21627 03-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinExit Fast windows exit utility path: /unzipped/util/cswiwe14/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cswinfo.exe 19586 04-20-94 ctl3dv2.dll 21648 08-16-93 desc.sdi 66 04-20-94 file_id.diz 140 04-20-94 winexit.exe 47574 04-20-94 winexit.hlp 22849 04-20-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Curacao v2.2 a simul. of the sterile insect path: /unzipped/util/cura22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- curacao.exe 121344 11-22-91 curacao.hlp 24332 11-21-91 curacao.wri 68224 11-25-91 curaquiz.wri 13056 11-21-91 keyhook.dll 3584 12-11-90 quizkey.wri 1024 11-21-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Choose cursor (good) path: /unzipped/util/cursor/ ----------------------------------------------------------- curse.exe 15232 06-16-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Custom buttons v1.0 path: /unzipped/util/cusbut10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cusbtn.dll 29008 06-21-90 cusbut.exe 8192 06-19-90 cusbut.man 4291 06-21-90 u-can.reg 3119 05-26-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Data Conversion v1.0 path: /unzipped/util/datcon10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- chngaddr.txt 1073 01-01-90 data.exe 38512 01-01-90 data.ini 327 01-01-90 help.hlp 14158 01-01-90 logtile2.bmp 1126 01-01-90 readme.txt 3032 01-01-90 register.txt 1590 01-01-90 tsoflog2.bmp 918 01-01-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- dbf-Browser v1.1; shows dBase files path: /unzipped/util/db11us/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dbrowser.exe 51200 11-12-90 dbrowser.wri 4864 11-12-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Single pass disk copier v1.11 path: /unzipped/util/dc111/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dc.doc 395 03-15-91 dc.exe 33794 03-15-91 dc.frm 1966 03-15-91 dc.grp 2180 03-15-91 dc.hlp 20101 03-15-91 dc.hst 536 03-15-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows uninstaller, reports changes and undoes path: /unzipped/util/delta3_2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 164928 11-17-94 delta.ex_ 72577 04-10-95 delta.hl_ 55876 04-10-95 install.exe 55824 04-10-95 lzmav.dl_ 4294 04-10-95 order.txt 2100 04-10-95 readme.txt 8241 04-10-95 restart.ex_ 9190 12-10-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Calculator/converter of dimensioned quantities, path: /unzipped/util/dimcalc2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dimcalc.dat 16104 09-27-94 dimcalc.def 11660 09-27-94 dimcalc.exe 70764 01-26-95 dimcalc.hlp 64705 01-25-95 dimcalc.usr 2398 11-22-94 readme.txt 1708 01-26-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Reports which DLLs Windows program calls and vica path: /unzipped/util/dllchk10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 20976 09-15-93 dllcheck.exe 91664 05-07-94 dllcheck.hlp 20903 05-07-94 order.txt 1787 05-07-94 readme.txt 2510 05-07-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Word for Windows macro; Dinger insert dingbat path: /unzipped/util/dngr20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dngr20.doc 133505 02-14-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- DR DOS 6.0 update for Win 3.1 path: /unzipped/util/dr6win/ ----------------------------------------------------------- open_up.zip 118016 04-07-92 readme.bat 31 04-07-92 readme.txt 5760 04-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dr Watson v0.79; UAE Diagnostic & Log Utility path: /unzipped/util/drwat079/ ----------------------------------------------------------- drwatson.exe 26256 08-27-91 toolhelp.dll 17728 08-27-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- DiskMan hard disk, floppy etc. cataloguing path: /unzipped/util/dskmfw30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- barney.ic_ 439 09-01-94 bugs.ic_ 364 09-01-94 bwcc.dl_ 59699 04-20-94 commdlg.dl_ 50924 03-21-94 daffy.ic_ 319 09-01-94 desc.sdi 32 09-01-94 diskman.ex_ 126945 10-24-94 diskman.hl_ 86513 09-01-94 file_id.diz 432 09-01-94 fred.ic_ 436 09-01-94 install.exe 90880 09-01-94 install.inf 905 10-24-94 install.wr_ 681 10-24-94 label.de_ 2772 09-01-94 label.ty_ 275 09-01-94 main.bo_ 4459 09-01-94 none.ic_ 315 09-01-94 read_me.bat 401 09-01-94 readme.wri 4096 09-01-94 vendinfo.diz 13117 09-01-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dataphone - A practical phonebook path: /unzipped/util/dtaphn11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- crpe.dl_ 385005 04-28-93 crystal.vb_ 15060 04-28-93 dataphon.ex_ 90120 06-01-94 dataphon.rp_ 1731 06-01-94 ddeml.dl_ 23477 04-28-93 dtaphone.md_ 27589 06-01-94 honda.wa_ 58152 04-18-94 leeme.tx_ 725 05-22-94 msaes110.dl_ 18931 04-28-93 msajt110.dl_ 424588 05-20-93 msmasked.vb_ 18430 04-28-93 pdbjet.dl_ 39672 04-28-93 readme.tx_ 628 05-22-94 setup.exe 19056 08-23-93 setup.lst 37 06-01-94 setup1.ex_ 13742 06-01-94 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 threed.vb_ 33489 07-16-93 vbdb300.dl_ 59761 04-28-93 ver.dl_ 9696 09-10-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Earth Centered Universe v1.3a sky path: /unzipped/util/ecu13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ecu.gif 16555 06-08-92 ecu.txt 4756 06-08-92 ecusha.exe 261649 06-08-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Executice desk Windows PIM utility path: /unzipped/util/edesk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- edesk.cmp 491590 09-30-94 expert.bmp 1598 09-29-94 file1.lis 611 09-29-94 file_id.diz 440 09-29-94 install.ex$ 103141 09-29-94 install.ins 2305 09-29-94 license.doc 4406 09-29-94 order.doc 1814 09-29-94 policy.doc 2508 09-29-94 setup.exe 49664 09-29-94 vendor.doc 5602 09-29-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- EPS file Import filter DLL for Word for Windows path: /unzipped/util/epsflt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- epsimp.flt 71072 02-07-91 readme.txt 359 03-16-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Eyes (works?), qtime v1.3, status v2.4 path: /unzipped/util/eqs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- eyes.exe 12352 06-21-90 qtime.exe 8416 06-21-90 status.exe 5680 06-21-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Exit button v1.0 (works?) path: /unzipped/util/exit/ ----------------------------------------------------------- exit.exe 4400 08-09-90 exit.wri 1536 08-09-90 logout.exe 4384 08-09-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v1.52, K. Tong path: /unzipped/util/finst152/ ----------------------------------------------------------- b31fins.pr_ 2386 07-30-94 b31flib.li_ 85808 08-26-94 b40fins.id_ 10872 07-30-94 b40flib.li_ 94545 08-26-94 bmletter.bm_ 1807 07-30-94 fctor.ex_ 83573 08-26-94 file_id.diz 922 08-26-94 finstall.cp_ 532 07-30-94 finstall.de_ 173 07-30-94 finstall.h_ 291 07-30-94 finstall.hl_ 52947 08-26-94 finstall.rc_ 2886 08-05-94 finstall.re_ 4296 08-05-94 iconfins.ic_ 353 07-30-94 iconhard.ic_ 205 07-30-94 iconsetu.ic_ 405 07-30-94 ictrller.h_ 1369 07-30-94 iinfo.h_ 1097 07-30-94 inimgr.h_ 348 07-30-94 install.exe 210960 08-26-94 install.inf 6947 09-01-94 installr.h_ 2639 07-30-94 llatsni.ex_ 85081 08-26-94 oprdr.h_ 1081 07-30-94 orderfrm.txt 4343 08-26-94 qinimgr.h_ 419 07-30-94 readme.txt 3386 09-01-94 resmgr.h_ 362 07-30-94 resource.h_ 291 07-30-94 runinwin.ex_ 6539 08-26-94 saint.h_ 275 07-30-94 timer.h_ 244 07-30-94 v10fins.ma_ 1232 07-30-94 v10flib.li_ 104227 08-26-94 v15fins.ma_ 1236 07-30-94 v15flib.li_ 87010 08-25-94 vendor.txt 2092 08-26-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Flipper; change orientation of the printer path: /unzipped/util/flipper/ ----------------------------------------------------------- flipper.exe 15622 11-03-90 flipper.wri 1536 07-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Applications menu for Windows File Manager, path: /unzipped/util/fmapp11b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aaintro.txt 3371 12-15-93 fmappdef.ini 6029 12-15-93 fmapplic.dll 114000 12-15-93 fmapplic.hlp 117515 12-15-93 install.exe 29696 12-15-93 install.txt 677 12-15-93 packing.lst 459 12-15-93 readme.txt 3079 12-17-93 register.txt 1904 12-15-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- File Manager Guard v.1.5, A.Belogortseff path: /unzipped/util/fmgrd208/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cslfmgr.dll 51712 09-05-95 ctl3d.dll 21008 09-05-95 file_id.diz 346 09-05-95 fmguard.dll 43520 09-05-95 fmguard.sys 11983 09-05-95 order.txt 15812 09-05-95 password.exe 47104 09-05-95 readme.txt 43627 09-05-95 setup.exe 77312 09-05-95 vendinfo.diz 17933 09-05-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- File Manager StepUp, adds features to FM, path: /unzipped/util/fmsu326/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cslfmsu.dll 51712 09-05-95 ctl3d.dll 21008 09-05-95 file_id.diz 415 09-05-95 fmstepup.dll 98816 09-05-95 fmstepup.hlp 100352 09-05-95 order.txt 15812 09-05-95 readme.txt 26087 09-05-95 setup.exe 77312 09-05-95 vendinfo.diz 18246 09-05-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- File Manager Toolbar by A.Belogortseff path: /unzipped/util/fmtb224/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cslfmtb.dll 51712 09-05-95 cstb.dll 21504 09-05-95 ctl3d.dll 21008 09-05-95 file_id.diz 406 09-05-95 fmtb.dll 43008 09-05-95 fmtb.hlp 43008 09-05-95 order.txt 15812 09-05-95 readme.txt 18358 09-05-95 setup.exe 77312 09-05-95 vendinfo.diz 17882 09-05-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- FracView for Windows v1.03 path: /unzipped/util/fracview/ ----------------------------------------------------------- fracview.exe 29200 10-27-92 fracview.hlp 9665 10-27-92 users_gd.wri 3584 02-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Glue v1.0; glues DOS programs to Windows programs path: /unzipped/util/glue/ ----------------------------------------------------------- glue.doc 2860 06-08-91 glue.exe 11488 06-08-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Graph f(x) v2.0 path: /unzipped/util/graph/ ----------------------------------------------------------- graph.exe 59904 09-13-92 graph.pas 21594 09-13-92 graph.wri 1152 09-11-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- GREP for windows, A.Catorcini path: /unzipped/util/grepw30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 14480 04-28-93 gauge.vbx 31440 10-21-92 wingrep.exe 122000 07-27-94 wingrep.hlp 24576 07-27-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- GTOOLS.DOC v1.0; WinWord macros path: /unzipped/util/gtools/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gtools.doc 66723 09-28-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Home budget - Manage your home budget, S.Drew path: /unzipped/util/hbw20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 21008 10-15-93 hb.exe 317984 08-24-94 hb.hlp 40964 08-24-94 license.txt 1218 08-24-94 readme.txt 1748 08-24-94 sample.acc 2544 08-23-94 sample.atp 112 08-23-94 sample.trn 12180 08-24-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winhelp help file author tool for WinWord path: /unzipped/util/helllp23/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.sdi 21 06-14-94 desc1500.txt 1246 06-11-94 desc250.txt 250 06-14-94 file_id.diz 312 06-14-94 helllp.exe 356361 06-16-94 read_me.1st 216 06-14-94 read_me.bat 414 06-14-94 vendinfo.diz 12132 06-16-94 vendor.doc 216 06-14-94 vendor.txt 216 06-14-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinHelp author tool for WinWord 2.0 & 6.0, E.Guy path: /unzipped/util/helllp24/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.sdi 21 11-19-94 desc1500.txt 1246 06-11-94 desc250.txt 249 11-12-94 desc4500.txt 4422 11-21-94 file_id.diz 322 11-19-94 helllp.exe 434373 11-21-94 read_me.1st 216 11-19-94 read_me.bat 414 11-19-94 vendinfo.diz 12267 11-21-94 vendor.doc 216 11-19-94 vendor.txt 216 11-19-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Hotkey; assign prgms to a keystroke & StartUp; path: /unzipped/util/hotkey/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hotkey.exe 21069 08-02-90 hotkey.hlp 6262 06-20-90 key.dll 2208 08-02-90 readme.txt 168 06-20-90 startup.exe 4160 07-24-90 startup.txt 2303 08-02-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- HP like calculator v3.00 path: /unzipped/util/hpcalc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hpcalc.exe 34576 10-26-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinHelp extender; path: /unzipped/util/hyptrk32/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hc.pif 545 09-29-93 hc31.bat 80 04-22-93 hyperdoc.dll 67072 11-03-93 hyperdoc.doc 148127 11-03-93 hyperdoc.dot 110815 11-04-93 hyperdoc.hlp 109893 11-03-93 hyperdoc.hpj 5429 11-03-93 hyperdoc.ico 766 02-24-93 hyperdoc.key 16992 10-29-93 hypertrk.exe 183808 11-03-93 hypertrk.txt 5727 11-04-93 intro.txt 10974 11-04-93 readme.txt 3526 11-04-93 register.txt 3347 11-03-93 testing.doc 3724 11-03-93 v1tbar.bmp 8590 09-29-93 v2tbar.bmp 8590 09-29-93 v3tbar.bmp 8590 09-29-93 v4tbar.bmp 8590 09-29-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Informant v1.00 (beta 1) system load graph path: /unzipped/util/inform1b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- inform.exe 72192 10-07-92 inform.txt 2066 10-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- EDI install pro v1.0; installer for Windows path: /unzipped/util/inspro/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.txt 523 04-29-92 install.bmp 4338 04-24-92 install.exe 85504 04-29-92 install.inf 1821 04-29-92 install.wri 46464 04-28-92 instlib.pas 15318 04-29-92 ordrform.ico 766 04-29-92 ordrform.txt 2280 04-28-92 readme.txt 583 04-28-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- EDI install v1.3; installation program path: /unzipped/util/inswin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.txt 415 04-28-92 install.exe 38400 04-28-92 install.inf 1299 04-28-92 install.wri 44544 04-28-92 ordrform.txt 2275 04-28-92 readme.txt 414 04-28-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- IP Manager - manage IP addresses, S.Davenport path: /unzipped/util/ipmgr_10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- devices.ipm 65536 04-11-94 ipmgr.exe 34618 04-11-94 ipmgr.hlp 110314 04-11-94 ipmgr_10.txt 1370 04-14-94 msaes110.dll 33280 05-21-93 msajt110.dll 710752 05-21-93 profiles.___ 65536 04-11-94 readme.txt 563 04-11-94 threed.vbx 64544 04-28-93 vbdb300.dll 95200 04-28-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Issue Manager issue/problem tracking system, path: /unzipped/util/issumn12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3dv2.$00 11027 09-06-94 edi3d.bin 10779 09-06-94 install.bin 53057 09-06-94 install.exe 14080 09-06-94 install.inf 483 09-06-94 install.txt 607 09-06-94 issueman.$00 119730 09-06-94 issueman.$01 55135 09-06-94 issueman.$02 14858 09-06-94 orderfrm.$00 1011 09-06-94 readme.txt 2895 09-06-94 version.$00 494 09-06-94 wv.bmp 5166 09-06-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- JafCalc 1.1 - Calculator for Windows, path: /unzipped/util/jafclc11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 478 10-28-94 jafcalc.exe 109056 10-27-94 jafcalc.hlp 27784 10-21-94 jafclc11.txt 1770 10-28-94 jafled10.dll 46080 10-18-94 order.frm 1169 10-20-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- The online jargon file v2.9.8 (Help file format) path: /unzipped/util/jargona/ ----------------------------------------------------------- jargona.hlp 1423113 02-20-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows PGP Shell v 1.6, J.Snyder path: /unzipped/util/jwps16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- basrook.wa_ 32800 04-22-94 cmdialog.vb_ 10865 04-22-94 commdlg.dl_ 54547 04-22-94 jwps.ex_ 52562 04-22-94 jwps.hl_ 38816 04-22-94 jwps.tx_ 3603 04-22-94 jwps.txt 6188 04-22-94 jwps.wr_ 4441 04-22-94 jwps.wri 7808 04-22-94 keys.as_ 19433 04-22-94 msmasked.vb_ 18430 04-22-94 setup.exe 28177 04-22-94 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-22-94 sign.as_ 1587 04-22-94 threed.vb_ 33649 04-22-94 vbini.vb_ 19199 04-22-94 ver.dl_ 6307 04-22-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Modify keyboard and mouse functions path: /unzipped/util/keepkey1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- advanced.txt 20499 09-18-94 keepkey.exe 138752 09-18-94 kk30.dll 12327 09-18-94 kk31.dll 12757 09-18-94 read-me.txt 13125 09-18-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- K-Free v2.0; display free mem & disk, win info path: /unzipped/util/kf200/ ----------------------------------------------------------- delib.dll 20832 07-08-90 install.bat 1539 07-10-90 install.doc 3275 07-10-90 kfree.exe 21232 07-17-90 kfree.fil 774 07-17-90 kfree.hst 1568 07-10-90 kfree.ini 74 07-10-90 kfree.wri 8832 07-10-90 license.wri 10368 07-10-90 order.wri 11904 07-11-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- KIVIAT v1.0 sys information graphically path: /unzipped/util/kiviat/ ----------------------------------------------------------- kdef.h 184 10-15-90 kiviat 1092 10-17-90 kiviat.c 13144 10-17-90 kiviat.def 851 10-14-90 kiviat.dlg 2011 10-15-90 kiviat.exe 26624 10-17-90 kiviat.h 329 10-14-90 kiviat.ico 766 10-14-90 kiviat.rc 98 10-14-90 kiviat.res 1431 10-15-90 readme.txt 1414 11-05-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows launch utility for LaTeX progs, G.Gutt path: /unzipped/util/lalaunch/ ----------------------------------------------------------- lalaunch.cfg 4860 09-21-95 lalaunch.exe 570696 09-21-95 readme.txt 17473 09-21-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Versatile Label Program for Win 3.1, F.Pellegrino path: /unzipped/util/lblwiz21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- av.lwt 851 03-20-94 file_id.diz 292 03-20-94 floppy.lwt 857 03-20-94 floppy1.lwl 4851 03-20-94 jcard1.lwl 1822 03-20-94 jcards.lwt 6761 03-20-94 labelwiz.exe 195040 03-20-94 labelwiz.hlp 220348 03-20-94 mail.lwt 2028 03-20-94 mail1.lwl 4625 03-20-94 readme.1st 3304 03-20-94 samples.txt 355 03-20-94 test.lwt 715 03-20-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Compresses, encrypts, uuencodes / decompresses, path: /unzipped/util/litz200/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 152064 09-06-95 file_id.diz 170 10-26-95 litz.exe 75776 10-23-95 litz.wri 11264 10-26-95 order.wri 1920 10-23-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- MARK30 v1.33; mark old Windows Apps for new path: /unzipped/util/mark30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mark30.doc 4737 06-02-90 mark30.exe 22820 06-02-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Match v1.10 a text file comparison prg (good) path: /unzipped/util/match110/ ----------------------------------------------------------- match.exe 78547 05-27-91 match.hlp 38498 05-27-91 readme.txt 1766 05-27-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Mathgraf v2.4.1 define & plot math functions path: /unzipped/util/mathgraf/ ----------------------------------------------------------- box.mgf 442 05-14-90 ceil.mgf 442 05-12-90 curve1.mgf 442 09-02-91 ellipse.mgf 442 11-30-91 face.mgf 442 10-19-91 ii.mgf 442 08-11-91 invoice.doc 1492 12-22-91 manysin.mgf 442 09-23-90 mathgraf.doc 5203 12-22-91 mathgraf.exe 55312 12-22-91 mathgraf.hlp 4589 12-15-91 mercury.mgf 442 11-30-91 sawtooth.mgf 442 09-22-90 select.dll 3072 06-01-90 sincos.mgf 442 10-19-91 test.mgf 442 10-19-91 val.mgf 442 09-22-90 valley.mgf 442 05-12-90 w.mgf 442 05-12-90 xarctanx.mgf 442 08-05-91 zzz.mgf 442 11-17-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- PeekMessage - polling perf. meter for windows, path: /unzipped/util/met10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- copyrght.txt 235 03-30-94 met.c 19280 04-08-94 met.dsk 50 04-01-94 met.exe 25088 04-08-94 met.prj 5815 04-08-94 met.rc 4473 03-30-94 met.res 1228 04-08-94 met.txt 5137 04-08-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Current phase of the moon v0.4 (MoonTool) path: /unzipped/util/moontl04/ ----------------------------------------------------------- moontool.exe 47104 04-17-91 moontool.txt 5504 04-17-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Motto program path: /unzipped/util/motto/ ----------------------------------------------------------- motto.dat 53168 07-03-93 motto.exe 11170 07-06-93 readme.1st 479 07-03-93 vbrun100.dll 271264 05-10-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Monitor Saver v2.0 path: /unzipped/util/ms20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ms.exe 19968 07-04-90 ms20.doc 14726 07-05-90 readme.1st 887 07-05-90 register.frm 3056 07-05-90 utlpak30.wri 6400 07-05-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Music cataloguing system path: /unzipped/util/mscpls21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vb_ 10865 04-28-93 commdlg.dl_ 54547 12-31-93 convert.ex_ 6818 04-05-94 convert.tx_ 288 04-29-94 file_id.diz 172 04-30-94 mscpls21.ex_ 46561 04-30-94 mscpls21.hl_ 78133 04-30-94 register.tx_ 572 04-30-94 sample.ms_ 2661 04-29-94 setup.exe 15312 04-28-93 setup.lst 35 04-30-94 setup1.ex_ 13719 05-02-94 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 ver.dl_ 9696 03-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Multipad v3.00 notepad with multiple files poss. path: /unzipped/util/multip/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mpfile.c 11497 01-04-90 multipad.exe 16304 01-10-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Interactive eyes v1.0 path: /unzipped/util/neweye/ ----------------------------------------------------------- eyes.doc 169 07-24-90 eyes.exe 26624 07-24-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Mark old Windows executables for Win3 path: /unzipped/util/nonag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- nonag.c 1828 05-30-90 nonag.com 9186 05-30-90 nonag.doc 1315 06-14-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Gets rid of those annoying nag/brag screens path: /unzipped/util/nonag2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- nonag2.exe 12288 04-10-92 nonag2.txt 803 04-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trap loading of notepad if file too big, path: /unzipped/util/nswitc22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- n-switch.exe 15129 01-30-94 n-switch.ini 64 01-30-94 ns.ico 766 11-09-93 nswitch2.txt 3258 01-30-94 nswitch2.wri 4608 01-30-94 register.wri 1280 01-30-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Unit conversion util for Windows 3.x, P.Jones path: /unzipped/util/omnicn10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.sdi 366 05-23-94 file_id.diz 382 05-23-94 omnicn10.exe 175933 05-31-94 omnicn10.hlp 140637 05-31-94 readme.wri 7424 05-28-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Organize! your desktop (appointments) PIM v1.4 path: /unzipped/util/org140/ ----------------------------------------------------------- example.dn 66008 12-03-90 invoice.txt 909 10-03-90 manual.wri 35072 12-19-90 order.txt 3742 12-05-90 organize.exe 113152 01-03-91 packing.txt 866 12-29-90 readnow.txt 6992 12-05-90 whatsnew.txt 2519 12-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- O'Setup, Windows application installation utility path: /unzipped/util/osetup21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _osetup.bmp 9334 06-20-95 _osetup.exe 98713 06-20-95 _osetup.inf 1279 06-20-95 _osetup.txt 372 06-20-95 compress.ex_ 11349 03-23-92 extra.zip 8365 06-20-95 osetup.hl_ 62411 06-20-95 osplit.ex_ 45467 06-20-95 ostamp.ex_ 37747 06-20-95 oswizard.ex_ 204396 06-20-95 register.wr_ 982 06-20-95 setup.exe 6896 06-20-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Program manager/task manager enhancements path: /unzipped/util/panic221/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bc402rtl.$00 95646 08-26-94 bids402.$00 25774 08-26-94 camira10.$00 43221 03-14-95 ctl3dv2.$00 11027 08-26-94 edi3d.bin 10779 06-08-94 extract.exe 24720 06-08-94 install.bin 53061 06-14-94 install.exe 14080 06-08-94 install.inf 519 04-02-95 install1.bmp 308280 12-18-94 owl202.$00 243629 08-26-94 panempty.grp 44 01-19-95 panic.$00 104107 10-12-95 panic.$01 99415 12-07-94 panic.ini 1097 04-20-95 readme.txt 638 10-12-95 readme.wri 2432 04-02-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Smartdrive v4.2 (slower disk-write) path: /unzipped/util/pd0805/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 2958 06-18-93 smartdrv.exe 42585 06-09-93 smartdrv.txt 909 06-16-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Performance Meter v2.02 path: /unzipped/util/perfm202/ ----------------------------------------------------------- perfmetr.exe 8960 08-06-91 perfmetr.txt 6132 08-06-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- PGP MS-Win Shell (+ Vis-Basic src) v1.1 path: /unzipped/util/pgpwin11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pgpc.asc 203 09-04-93 pgpc.exe 8488 09-04-93 pgpc.frm 5340 09-04-93 pgpc.mak 50 09-04-93 pgpcomp.bat 175 07-22-93 pgpcomp.pif 545 07-29-93 pgpkeys.bat 66 09-03-93 pgpkeys.pif 545 09-03-93 pgpr.asc 203 09-04-93 pgpr.exe 4209 07-29-93 pgpr.frm 1599 07-29-93 pgpr.mak 62 07-29-93 pgpread.bat 27 07-29-93 pgpread.pif 545 07-29-93 readme.txt 5587 09-04-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Pinup Notes v1.3 post-it notes path: /unzipped/util/pinup13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pinup13.exe 66048 02-27-93 pinup13.txt 8926 02-27-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Poll Taker v1.0 automatic questionnaire (good) path: /unzipped/util/polltakr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- orderfrm.wri 75136 07-25-92 poll.exe 40168 07-20-92 polltakr.hlp 14374 07-17-92 readme.1st 695 07-20-92 sample.pol 7938 06-24-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Picks wallpapers randomly path: /unzipped/util/pprboy/ ----------------------------------------------------------- paperboy.exe 20439 06-25-90 paperboy.txt 688 06-25-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Pshell v2.09 command-line shell (slow) path: /unzipped/util/pshell29/ ----------------------------------------------------------- history.txt 14246 03-31-92 pshell.exe 72448 03-31-92 pshell.hlp 29335 03-24-92 pshell.txt 22856 03-31-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Win 3.1 notebook battery monitor, H.Boch path: /unzipped/util/pwrm154/ ----------------------------------------------------------- apmcheck.exe 7332 10-11-94 bwcc.dll 151984 10-27-92 pmdos.com 1040 08-31-94 pmdos.doc 2578 08-31-94 pmdosset.exe 14146 08-31-94 pmlog.exe 9216 04-18-95 pmsetup.exe 14336 04-18-95 powermon.doc 5977 04-18-95 powermon.exe 22528 04-18-95 powermon.hst 952 04-18-95 powermon.lst 563 04-18-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Program launching utility for Windows, P.Damsten path: /unzipped/util/qrun205/ ----------------------------------------------------------- legal.txt 1038 10-25-94 qexit.exe 10208 03-26-94 qexit.txt 507 03-26-94 quickrun.exe 111904 10-25-94 quickrun.hlp 35058 10-25-94 quickrun.ini 114 10-25-94 quickrun.prp 1714 10-25-94 quickrun.wri 56832 10-25-94 version.txt 295 10-25-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Taskmanager with commnd line, history, emacs path: /unzipped/util/qtask13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 20976 10-18-93 file_id.diz 289 07-18-94 qtaskman.exe 12400 07-18-94 qtaskman.hlp 15547 07-18-94 qtaskman.txt 1533 07-18-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Auto-Raise windows v1.05 (good) path: /unzipped/util/raise105/ ----------------------------------------------------------- raise.exe 9648 01-22-91 raise.wri 9216 01-22-91 rlib.dll 2080 01-22-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- RPN Calculator v1.03 path: /unzipped/util/rcalc103/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.wav 14380 06-30-92 1.wav 14380 06-30-92 2.wav 16428 06-30-92 3.wav 16428 06-30-92 4.wav 16428 06-30-92 5.wav 14380 06-30-92 6.wav 18320 09-21-92 7.wav 18476 06-30-92 8.wav 18162 09-21-92 9.wav 20524 06-30-92 add.wav 18476 06-30-92 back.wav 24620 06-30-92 ch_sgn.wav 28716 06-30-92 clear.wav 22572 06-30-92 div.wav 24620 06-30-92 drop.wav 20524 06-30-92 e.wav 18476 06-30-92 enter.wav 26668 06-30-92 error.wav 18476 07-01-92 minus.wav 20524 06-30-92 mult.wav 26668 06-30-92 plus.wav 22572 06-30-92 point.wav 18476 06-30-92 raise.wav 22572 06-30-92 rcalc.exe 43536 10-27-92 rcalc.hlp 8108 10-27-92 recip.wav 28716 06-30-92 sqrt.wav 28716 06-30-92 square.wav 22572 06-30-92 sub.wav 24620 06-30-92 swap.wav 24620 06-30-92 users_gd.wri 3456 07-02-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Recipe Maker v2.0; recipe organization (good) path: /unzipped/util/rcpwin20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- recipe.doc 13667 11-20-90 recipe.exe 122800 11-27-90 recipe.hlp 15594 11-27-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Recorder Run; attach icons to macros v1.0 path: /unzipped/util/recrun/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.ok 911 06-23-90 recrun.exe 37775 06-23-90 recrun.hlp 6762 06-22-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Restore the Windows program manager path: /unzipped/util/restpm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- restpm.doc 1830 10-17-92 restpm.exe 13762 10-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Send keystrokes by right and middle mouse buttons path: /unzipped/util/riteon23/ ----------------------------------------------------------- appsetup.inf 756 04-13-94 changes.txt 1490 05-14-94 credtcrd.wri 2176 05-13-94 ctl3d.dll 20976 08-17-93 install.exe 65582 04-13-94 readme.txt 2355 05-14-94 register.wri 4608 05-13-94 righton.exe 70160 04-16-94 righton.hlp 48178 05-14-94 trmbu.dll 12352 03-21-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Rotating cube for Screen Peace path: /unzipped/util/rotcube/ ----------------------------------------------------------- rotcube.spx 35840 04-20-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- RunProg v1.05, run maximized,minimized etc (good) path: /unzipped/util/rp105/ ----------------------------------------------------------- runprog.doc 11267 12-29-90 runprog.exe 18432 12-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, P.Mattila path: /unzipped/util/rpncl12c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- rpnclc12.exe 29635 12-09-94 rpnclc12.txt 929 12-10-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Report viewer and data extract system, R. Cecrle path: /unzipped/util/rptvw21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ansicc.rpt 7500 03-16-95 asciiff.prn 7468 08-22-94 cable.dll 435760 03-21-94 obj3d.dll 7488 03-21-94 plaintxt.rpt 171 03-17-95 rlzrun20.rts 546768 03-21-94 rptview.exe 275434 10-28-95 rptview.hlp 131182 10-24-95 rptvw.ttf 44956 10-27-95 rvinstal.txt 5602 10-28-95 rvlang.ini 8409 10-26-95 rvmanual.wri 57856 10-27-95 rvorder.txt 2050 10-24-95 rvordupg.txt 2049 10-28-95 rvsurvey.txt 1998 10-25-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- RunIt! v1.0; fast alternative to Program Manager path: /unzipped/util/runit10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 432 04-02-91 runit.exe 12800 03-25-91 runit.wri 8192 03-31-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Utility to handle .bmp pictures, P.Foggia path: /unzipped/util/savebmp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 810 09-19-95 savebmp.exe 32272 06-25-95 savebmp.hlp 19013 09-19-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Scientific Calculator for Windows, R.Loewy path: /unzipped/util/scicalc1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- edi3d.bin 10779 06-08-94 hact.doc 32231 11-01-94 hact.hlp 38896 11-01-94 install.bin 52992 06-08-94 install.exe 14080 06-08-94 install.inf 446 11-01-94 parser.dll 81699 09-08-94 readme.1st 212 11-02-94 scicalc.doc 4167 11-01-94 scicalc.hlp 12544 11-01-94 threed.vbx 64544 04-28-93 vbdemo.exe 19595 10-26-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- SEEKER - Search For Many Words In Many Files, path: /unzipped/util/seeker12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 97936 11-01-93 example.wli 196 09-13-94 file_id.diz 161 09-13-94 register.wri 1536 09-13-94 seeker.exe 34189 09-13-94 seeker.ico 766 09-13-94 seeker.wri 10624 09-13-94 threed.vbx 64432 07-16-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows appointment scheduler, F.Feingold path: /unzipped/util/sked122/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-08-92 file_id.diz 483 11-02-94 help.wri 30848 06-17-94 install.exe 90880 08-14-94 install.inf 1160 08-26-94 order.txt 5319 10-14-94 readme.txt 1911 11-02-94 register.txt 7721 10-14-94 skedezy.exe 87040 11-02-94 vendor.txt 3532 11-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- SuperLoad v1.0 (enhance run&load in win.ini) path: /unzipped/util/sl_10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- suprload.exe 19522 11-25-91 suprload.txt 801 11-25-91 suprload.wri 6912 11-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Transfer files between computers (with floppy path: /unzipped/util/smesme2a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vb_ 10865 04-28-93 commdlg.dl_ 50924 03-10-92 ctl3d.dl_ 11511 08-16-93 ddeml.dl_ 23477 10-21-92 desc.sdi 431 01-26-94 dskspc.dl_ 2970 09-01-93 file_id.diz 431 01-26-94 gauge.vb_ 17529 10-21-92 percnt2.vb_ 6768 10-26-93 samesame.ex_ 61088 01-24-94 samesame.hl_ 28445 01-19-94 sample.cf_ 46 01-19-94 setup.exe 19056 01-19-94 setup.lst 37 01-19-94 setup1.ex_ 13692 01-19-94 setupkit.dl_ 3657 04-28-93 threed.vb_ 33489 07-16-93 ver.dl_ 8736 07-06-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- SnagIt v1.6; screen capture and screen print path: /unzipped/util/snagit16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 907 02-02-91 snagit.doc 69704 02-01-91 snagit.exe 50185 02-02-91 snagit.prn 19587 02-02-91 snagit.reg 2992 02-02-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Powerful duplicate file search and delete utility path: /unzipped/util/spacem30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3dv2.dl_ 14230 08-23-94 desc.sdi 68 03-20-95 file_id.diz 417 07-07-95 install.exe 274856 06-20-95 install.ini 232 07-09-95 readme.txt 1724 07-09-95 register.wri 4224 07-09-95 spacemkr.exe 531984 07-09-95 spacemkr.hlp 65311 07-09-95 spacemkr.wri 7296 07-09-95 warranty.wri 2176 07-09-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Spelling checker, checks Text/Write/Clipboard path: /unzipped/util/spells13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- install.txt 2342 04-10-94 ombudsmn.txt 622 01-29-94 orderfrm.txt 1810 04-05-94 readme.txt 3460 04-09-94 register.txt 4523 04-09-94 spellsen.exe 205312 04-10-94 spellsen.hlp 29242 04-09-94 spellsen.wri 37248 04-09-94 ssce.ld 244132 01-04-94 ssce.li 46072 01-04-94 ssce1024.txt 7745 03-16-94 ssceam.ld 9570 03-14-94 ssceam.li 45714 03-14-94 sscebr.ld 9548 03-14-94 sscebr.li 45714 03-14-94 sscewd.dll 44158 04-10-94 vendor.doc 1493 04-09-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Demo/Tutorial Builder, M.Kvitchko path: /unzipped/util/stdm15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addon.txt 10799 02-13-94 hist.txt 3761 02-13-94 readme.txt 30298 02-13-94 script.txt 9350 02-13-94 stdemo.diz 420 02-13-94 stdemo.exe 49568 02-13-94 sthook.dll 4033 02-13-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Stripcalc v1.0 calculates transmission line props path: /unzipped/util/strip10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 strip10.txt 757 12-08-92 stripcal.exe 53248 12-08-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- SoftBlox resource monitor v1.00 (great) path: /unzipped/util/suprrm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- sbicntl.dll 43120 10-25-91 superrm.doc 3407 10-25-91 superrm.exe 16384 10-25-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- StopWatch v1.02 path: /unzipped/util/sw/ ----------------------------------------------------------- sw.exe 18960 10-27-92 sw.hlp 3168 10-27-92 users_gd.wri 3328 02-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- System Graph v4.00 (good) path: /unzipped/util/sysgraf4/ ----------------------------------------------------------- source.zip 15416 08-15-91 sysgraph.exe 39002 08-15-91 sysgraph.txt 4041 06-06-91 sysgraph.wri 4864 06-06-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sysuse v1.3 system load graph path: /unzipped/util/sysuse13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- sysuse13.exe 34048 09-12-92 sysuse13.txt 6608 09-07-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- TAME v2.60; reduce overhead of the multitasking path: /unzipped/util/tame260/ ----------------------------------------------------------- geiger.bat 78 01-12-91 read.me 3543 02-18-91 register.frm 1091 10-13-90 tame-anl.doc 1684 02-18-91 tame-anl.exe 19385 02-18-91 tame-res.com 2617 02-23-91 tame-run.bat 223 03-29-89 tame.doc 71538 02-18-91 tame.exe 50434 02-23-91 tametune.bat 1077 02-15-90 update.doc 8626 02-18-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Talking Clock v1.06 path: /unzipped/util/tclk106/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0_hrs.wav 20524 07-02-92 10_hrs.wav 20524 07-02-92 11_hrs.wav 22572 07-02-92 12_hrs.wav 18476 07-02-92 13_hrs.wav 22572 07-02-92 14_hrs.wav 22572 07-02-92 15_hrs.wav 26668 07-02-92 15_mins.wav 26668 07-02-92 16_hrs.wav 22572 07-02-92 17_hrs.wav 22572 07-02-92 18_hrs.wav 20524 07-02-92 19_hrs.wav 20524 07-02-92 1_hrs.wav 16428 07-02-92 20_hrs.wav 24620 07-02-92 21_hrs.wav 30764 07-02-92 22_hrs.wav 26668 07-02-92 23_hrs.wav 30764 07-02-92 2_hrs.wav 14380 07-02-92 30_mins.wav 20524 07-02-92 3_hrs.wav 18476 07-02-92 45_mins.wav 28716 07-02-92 4_hrs.wav 16428 07-02-92 5_hrs.wav 20524 07-02-92 6_hrs.wav 22572 07-02-92 7_hrs.wav 16428 07-02-92 8_hrs.wav 22572 07-02-92 9_hrs.wav 20524 06-30-92 after.wav 44 10-02-92 before.wav 44 10-02-92 hundred.wav 20054 10-27-92 oclock.wav 22572 07-02-92 tclock.exe 24592 10-27-92 tclock.hlp 12841 10-27-92 users_gd.wri 2816 07-09-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Time/project usage tracking program path: /unzipped/util/timclk11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 364 04-09-95 project.txt 1847 10-14-94 register.txt 5202 04-09-95 sdn.id 1652 04-09-95 tcreport.exe 278016 11-05-94 timeclk.exe 172544 11-05-94 timeclk.ini 1378 11-05-94 timeclk.log 24785 06-28-94 timeclk.txt 36809 04-08-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Interactive Task Switcher (tits) path: /unzipped/util/tits/ ----------------------------------------------------------- tits.exe 149401 09-14-92 tits.hlp 24478 09-14-92 tits.txt 2033 09-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Taskman v1.01 Task Manager path: /unzipped/util/tm101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- changes.txt 218 07-31-92 readme.1st 445 06-30-92 tm.exe 66048 07-31-92 tm.hlp 37440 07-31-92 tmlib.dll 3328 07-04-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Create, search & print student directory, path: /unzipped/util/tsd20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 193 09-20-94 readme.txt 5512 09-20-94 register.txt 1511 09-17-94 tsd20.exe 301365 10-18-94 vendbbs.txt 803 09-20-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Turing Machine v1.0 (computer simulation) path: /unzipped/util/turing/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bin_down.tur 693 01-02-80 dec_down.tur 1287 08-31-92 replace.tur 454 01-01-80 turing.doc 9246 09-11-92 turing.exe 100352 09-11-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Delay before typematic starts v1.4 path: /unzipped/util/typemate/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.doc 1774 04-20-91 setspeed.exe 1536 04-20-91 typemate.exe 18432 04-20-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Ultraclip v1.2 clipboard utility path: /unzipped/util/uc12/ ----------------------------------------------------------- buttons.pas 11916 08-26-92 clipobj.pas 20352 08-26-92 sclptext.pas 4875 08-26-92 uc.exe 54272 08-26-92 uc.pas 22357 08-26-92 uc.res 6216 08-26-92 uc.wri 13568 08-26-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard simulator for physical deficients path: /unzipped/util/unictrl1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- leiame.txt 13031 05-03-94 readme.txt 9474 05-03-94 unicdll.dll 6458 04-28-94 unictrl.exe 40960 04-28-94 unictrl.ini 289 05-03-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Universe v2.0 star simulation path: /unzipped/util/univ20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- database.txt 27059 05-21-92 erde.bmp 98766 04-03-92 erde2.bmp 72318 05-16-92 jupiter.bmp 78118 05-09-92 jupiter2.bmp 91922 05-09-92 m1.bmp 56950 05-19-92 m104.bmp 67152 05-18-92 m20.bmp 64186 05-18-92 m27.bmp 96886 05-19-92 m31.bmp 79234 05-20-92 m42.bmp 77448 05-18-92 m57.bmp 54614 05-19-92 m8.bmp 100488 05-18-92 mars.bmp 108536 05-09-92 merkur.bmp 101496 05-09-92 mond.bmp 68518 05-17-92 neptun.bmp 76056 04-14-92 ngc2024.bmp 64186 05-18-92 ngc2264.bmp 120118 05-19-92 ngc5128.bmp 116920 05-18-92 saturn.bmp 72118 05-10-92 saturn2.bmp 97752 02-15-92 sonne.bmp 81766 05-10-92 ssystem.bmp 61270 05-18-92 stars.dat 658 05-14-92 universe.exe 65415 05-23-92 universe.ini 253 05-19-92 universe.wri 43008 05-19-92 uranus.bmp 69894 05-10-92 vbrun100.dll 271264 05-10-91 venus.bmp 78118 05-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Close(r), Run, Exitw & Clean path: /unzipped/util/utl105/ ----------------------------------------------------------- clean.exe 9216 07-08-90 closer.exe 8336 07-08-90 closer.txt 1842 07-10-90 exitw.exe 6656 07-08-90 license.wri 10368 07-10-90 order.wri 11904 07-11-90 readme.utl 1213 07-10-90 run.exe 5872 07-08-90 run.txt 3215 07-10-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Uuencoder/decoder v1.6 (good) path: /unzipped/util/uucode16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- barctrl.dll 8126 07-01-91 uucode.exe 21791 10-18-91 uucode.wri 13824 10-18-91 whio.dll 7349 07-01-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- File viewer and launcher, P.Mattila path: /unzipped/util/vlnch22a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- threed.vbx 64432 07-16-93 vbio.vbx 21760 12-24-94 vlaunch.exe 46863 05-04-95 vlaunch.hlp 81633 12-29-94 vlaunch.ini 752 12-23-94 vlnch22.txt 2540 05-03-95 vlnch22n.exe 46863 05-04-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Visual File Diff/Merge Utility v1.26, path: /unzipped/util/vmerg126/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 256 11-20-95 readme.txt 11209 11-18-95 vmerge.hlp 18910 11-18-95 vmerge.ini 213 11-11-95 vmergev.exe 173568 11-19-95 vmrgev32.exe 126976 11-19-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Stuff com3&4 memory addresses into low memory (w path: /unzipped/util/w3setcom/ ----------------------------------------------------------- comhelp.txt 1327 07-04-90 setcom.asm 232 06-30-90 setcom.com 25 06-30-90 stdmac.inc 2992 06-29-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winascii v0.02b (like Unix 'strings') path: /unzipped/util/wab2b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wascrev.txt 554 09-01-91 winascii.exe 36608 09-01-91 winascii.wri 2816 09-01-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinCheck v3.0n checkbook progr (great) path: /unzipped/util/wck30n/ ----------------------------------------------------------- accrunn.rp$ 212 10-31-91 b.wc$ 1864 10-31-91 balance.ex$ 32064 12-11-91 balance.tx$ 4272 10-31-91 book.tu$ 95 12-06-91 changes.tx$ 8576 12-11-91 chekname.rp$ 200 10-31-91 chkhdr.tu$ 277 12-06-91 common.tu$ 12400 12-06-91 correct.tx$ 6375 10-31-91 credit.rp$ 188 10-31-91 dde.tx$ 20231 12-11-91 dde_sdk.zi$ 10911 10-31-91 dde_vb.zi$ 9364 10-31-91 debit.rp$ 200 10-31-91 epson.wc$ 1018 12-06-91 feb91.tu$ 29748 12-06-91 h.wc$ 3519 10-31-91 hb.wc$ 5241 10-31-91 how2-wck.tx$ 17597 10-31-91 intlstr.dl$ 9952 11-07-91 jan91.tu$ 29748 12-06-91 laserchk.wc$ 1018 10-31-91 mar91.tu$ 28922 12-06-91 memos.rp$ 200 10-31-91 natures.tu$ 758 12-06-91 payroll.ex$ 14000 12-17-91 quick34.ex$ 25680 10-31-91 quicken.tx$ 4570 10-31-91 readme.txt 22680 12-18-91 rrbydn.rp$ 200 10-31-91 rssbc.rp$ 212 10-31-91 settings.tu$ 242 10-31-91 setup.exe 5248 12-05-91 ssbydn.rp$ 200 10-31-91 ssbynd.rp$ 200 10-31-91 ssbyndu.rp$ 200 10-31-91 tax.rp$ 200 10-31-91 wbinxz.exe 48288 12-18-91 wc__ver.30n 92 08-02-91 wctools.in$ 234 10-31-91 wincheck.ex$ 519776 12-17-91 wincheck.hl$ 94620 12-08-91 wsetup.inf 2822 12-18-91 wwwdbms.dl$ 28951 11-20-91 wwwddec.dl$ 6864 10-31-91 wwwdealr.dl$ 2912 12-13-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Command Line Interface v1.10 path: /unzipped/util/wcmd110/ ----------------------------------------------------------- license.txt 8231 03-26-92 order.txt 1922 03-26-92 readme.txt 8921 04-04-92 release.txt 1897 04-01-92 run.bat 47 01-19-92 sample.hst 55 03-24-92 unix.wcb 772 03-24-92 wclib.dll 44800 04-04-92 wcommand.exe 127488 04-04-92 wcommand.hlp 92614 04-03-92 wcommand.mnu 3847 03-14-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wcron v2.3a periodical Task Scheduler path: /unzipped/util/wcron23a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-10-92 clicense.txt 1195 03-11-93 commdlg.dll 89248 03-10-92 licenses.txt 974 03-11-93 readme.txt 3172 03-12-93 remind.exe 16351 12-15-91 shell.dll 41600 03-10-92 trimfile.exe 28156 08-20-92 wcron.exe 117248 03-12-93 wcron.hlp 39611 03-12-93 wcron.txt 11520 03-12-93 winhelp.exe 256192 03-10-92 winhelp.hlp 26960 03-10-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WindBase v1.0 Windows database (promising) path: /unzipped/util/wdbwin10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- windbase.doc 21749 09-27-91 windbase.exe 108736 09-22-91 windbase.hlp 21394 09-27-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Command Line Editor Wexec v1.01 (great) path: /unzipped/util/wexec101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- read.me 1293 09-29-92 wexec.exe 22272 09-29-92 wexec.frm 2913 09-25-92 wexec.wri 6912 09-29-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Powerful File Finder for Win 3.1, D.Branson path: /unzipped/util/wfind30/ ----------------------------------------------------------- catalog 2467 10-11-94 ctl3dv2.dll 21648 07-12-94 file_id.diz 369 08-08-94 history 4224 08-08-94 ombudsmn.txt 638 11-11-93 readme 2732 09-27-94 sharewar.txt 4216 08-31-94 vendor.doc 9562 08-31-94 wfind.exe 121200 10-11-94 wfind.hlp 31756 09-27-94 wfind.reg 2790 10-11-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Textfile viewer, alone or on File Manager's menu, path: /unzipped/util/wfview02/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 230 03-13-94 wfview.exe 44544 03-13-94 wfview.hlp 21348 03-13-94 wfviewfm.dll 7378 03-13-94 whatsnew.txt 110 03-13-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winfax Pro 3.0 -> 3.04 update path: /unzipped/util/wfx304/ ----------------------------------------------------------- patch.exe 78129 01-19-93 readme 11730 05-11-93 winfax.rtd 6443 05-11-93 winfax.rtp 378948 05-11-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Whiskers v2.6a mouse utility path: /unzipped/util/whisk26a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- invoice.txt 3447 09-16-91 w-header.txt 464 09-16-91 whiskers.dll 7854 09-16-91 whiskers.exe 28160 09-16-91 whiskers.txt 9629 09-16-91 whiskpro.wri 6784 09-16-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winimage transaltion kit - translate to foreign path: /unzipped/util/wimatk20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 250 03-23-94 makefile 337 03-23-94 readme.txt 4901 03-23-94 resource.h 18836 03-02-94 ver_info.rcv 6838 03-02-94 winimafr.rc 37760 03-02-94 winimafr.rtf 273342 03-02-94 winimafr.t16 18352 03-02-94 winimar2.mak 2281 03-02-94 winimar6.mak 2180 03-02-94 winimarc.cpp 310 03-02-94 winimarc.def 182 03-02-94 winimarc.hpj 333 03-02-94 winimarc.pas 245 03-02-94 winimaus.rc 35699 03-02-94 winimaus.rtf 288211 03-02-94 winimaus.t16 16512 03-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Alter date, time, & file attributes in Windows, path: /unzipped/util/winalt21/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bbsinfo.txt 3111 11-23-95 file_id.diz 410 11-23-95 instalwa.ex_ 31249 11-23-95 read_me.1st 548 11-23-95 setup.exe 17888 09-20-95 setup.inf 800 11-23-95 setupkit.dl_ 7008 10-09-95 vendinfo.diz 20287 11-23-95 vendor.txt 3117 11-23-95 wamanual.tx_ 23053 11-23-95 winalter.ex_ 192096 11-23-95 winalter.in_ 216 11-23-95 winalter.tx_ 9442 11-23-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winox directs Aux output to the mono display path: /unzipped/util/winaux/ ----------------------------------------------------------- auxsub.asm 2516 02-05-90 readme.txt 731 12-12-90 winaux 383 03-06-90 winaux.c 8385 12-12-90 winaux.cur 326 02-03-90 winaux.def 225 02-02-90 winaux.dlg 430 03-08-90 winaux.exe 5664 04-23-90 winaux.h 882 03-08-90 winaux.ico 766 03-06-90 winaux.rc 540 04-23-90 winox 217 02-03-90 winox.asm 12255 03-06-90 winox.doc 1145 12-12-90 winox.sys 3005 02-03-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinCLi v3.00; command line interface path: /unzipped/util/wincli3/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.txt 532 01-12-92 ordr-cdn.txt 1442 01-12-92 ordr-us.txt 1447 01-12-92 pressrel.wri 5632 01-12-92 readme.txt 403 01-12-92 specsht.wri 5760 11-14-91 wclishut.dll 30976 11-10-91 wclishwr.hlp 33879 01-12-92 wincli.exe 45824 01-12-92 wincli.wri 15488 01-12-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows cardfile text conversion program path: /unzipped/util/wincrd/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wincrd.com 15781 08-27-86 wincrd.doc 2738 08-27-87 wincrd.pif 369 08-27-86 ----------------------------------------------------------- Win3.1 data digitalization prog. , D.Lovy path: /unzipped/util/windig20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- example.bmp 50806 11-26-94 grafiles.dll 76898 06-10-95 readme.txt 2335 07-28-95 windig.exe 161792 07-31-95 windige.hlp 23854 07-31-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- A Windows zip file ID reader/generator path: /unzipped/util/windiz10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- desc.sdi 354 12-11-93 file_id.diz 354 12-11-93 fmdrop1.vbx 9152 09-28-93 gttbar.vbx 26624 11-28-93 percnt2.vbx 10864 10-26-93 spin.vbx 22528 10-21-92 unzip.pif 545 12-07-93 windiz.exe 40303 12-09-93 windiz.hlp 52803 12-11-93 windiz.wri 42880 12-07-93 zip.pif 545 12-07-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinEyes v1.02 (xeyes/eyecon) path: /unzipped/util/wineyes/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wineyes.exe 15456 06-13-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinFind v1.0 find file (promising) path: /unzipped/util/winfnd10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winfnd10.exe 41472 09-18-92 winfnd10.txt 6582 09-15-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Win Hex View v2.0 path: /unzipped/util/winhv20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- register.txt 2246 07-24-91 winhv.doc 11129 07-24-91 winhv.exe 68150 07-24-91 winhv.hlp 15894 07-24-91 winhv.ini 98 07-24-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winimage 2.2 Disk image utility path: /unzipped/util/winima22/ ----------------------------------------------------------- fdread.exe 2170 07-21-91 file_id.diz 590 09-04-95 whatsnew.txt 3402 09-04-95 wim1632s.dll 6848 09-04-95 wim16t95.dll 7104 09-04-95 wim32t95.dll 5632 09-04-95 wimaini.txt 854 09-04-95 winimade.hlp 48879 09-04-95 winimade.t16 18464 09-04-95 winimade.t32 31232 09-04-95 winimaes.hlp 50544 09-04-95 winimaes.t16 19088 09-04-95 winimaes.t32 32768 09-04-95 winimafr.hlp 54644 09-04-95 winimage.exe 184048 09-04-95 winimant.exe 221184 09-04-95 winimaus.hlp 47580 09-04-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Rosenthal WinLite compress Windows programs path: /unzipped/util/winlite1/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mssetup.exe 9813 09-20-93 _mstest.exe 89504 09-20-93 asp_asad.doc 5748 09-27-93 mscomstf.dll 74528 09-20-93 mscuistf.dll 22384 09-16-93 msdetect.inc 22097 09-20-93 msdetstf.dll 24544 09-20-93 msinsstf.dll 65440 09-20-93 msregdb.inc 4437 09-20-93 msshared.inc 3603 09-20-93 msshlstf.dll 14928 09-20-93 msuilstf.dll 6144 09-20-93 read_me.1st 884 09-27-93 readme.wri 5632 09-20-93 rwl.hlp 43189 09-20-93 setup.exe 24624 09-20-93 setup.in_ 660 09-20-93 setup.inf 620 09-27-93 setup.lst 568 09-20-93 setupapi.inc 55620 09-20-93 winlite.exe 30224 09-26-93 winlite.mst 5081 09-26-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Park hard disk heads path: /unzipped/util/winpark/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winpark.exe 4848 07-06-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Parabola v1.0 numerical path: /unzipped/util/winprb10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bwcc.dll 130224 06-08-92 parabext.exe 53760 11-16-92 parabola.exe 55040 11-16-92 read.me 6948 11-16-92 read.wri 7808 11-16-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinSpell v2.01 check spelling in any appl (good) path: /unzipped/util/winsp201/ ----------------------------------------------------------- common.dct 11856 02-22-92 full.dct 360533 02-22-92 install.exe 37376 02-22-92 readme.txt 4221 02-22-92 winspdll.dll 3510 02-22-92 winspell.exe 68299 02-01-92 winspell.hlp 16047 02-22-92 winspell.wri 215596 02-22-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Ascii, Colours, Freemem path: /unzipped/util/winutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ascii.exe 30224 10-07-91 colours.exe 33808 10-07-91 freemem.exe 31248 10-07-91 winutil.doc 856 10-07-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- To Windows or not to Windows ... path: /unzipped/util/winwait/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 1489 07-29-92 winwait.exe 4176 07-25-92 winwait.pas 1223 07-25-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wipes files under Windows 3.1, C.Feroldi path: /unzipped/util/wipew20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mssetup.ex_ 6622 03-23-92 _mstest.ex_ 49647 03-23-92 file-id.diz 352 09-11-94 loadwipe.dl_ 3322 09-11-94 mscomstf.dl_ 37722 03-23-92 mscuistf.dl_ 13512 09-07-94 msdetect.in_ 3742 03-23-92 msdetstf.dl_ 13519 03-23-92 msinsstf.dl_ 36858 03-23-92 msshlstf.dl_ 8234 03-23-92 msuilstf.dl_ 3611 03-23-92 setup.exe 24624 03-23-92 setup.lst 563 09-11-94 setupapi.in_ 11015 03-23-92 wipew20.ex_ 21071 09-11-94 wipew20.hl_ 36559 09-11-94 wipewin.in_ 559 03-23-92 wipewin.ms_ 1846 09-16-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Change the screen win3 displays at startup path: /unzipped/util/wnbrag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winbrag.exe 6720 01-29-91 winbrag.pas 3587 01-29-91 winbrag.rle 31214 01-29-91 winbrag.txt 4670 01-29-91 ----------------------------------------------------------- Powerful/easy menu to launch Windows applications path: /unzipped/util/womenu31/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18688 05-02-94 commdlg.dll 97936 03-02-94 dm-ad.exe 70215 01-30-95 mlist.vbx 41184 01-02-95 vbctl3d.vbx 80644 11-23-94 womenu.doc 38698 02-17-95 womenu.exe 128791 02-19-95 wometer.exe 31525 02-05-95 woorder.doc 2438 02-17-95 woreadme.doc 970 01-29-95 worev.doc 1467 02-17-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Utility that finds definitions, synonyms etc. path: /unzipped/util/wordweb/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 911 09-26-95 readme.txt 1601 09-25-95 wordweb.dat 5124547 07-25-95 wordweb.dll 259128 09-25-95 wordweb.hlp 48157 09-13-95 wordweb.idx 1869914 09-05-95 wweb.exe 2356 09-25-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinPost v3.2b - electronic Post-It Notes (good) path: /unzipped/util/wpost32b/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 383 07-01-93 packing.lst 1358 07-01-93 readme.txt 873 07-01-93 setup.exe 45056 07-01-93 setup.inf 1403 07-01-93 vendor.doc 7874 07-01-93 winpost.ex_ 60545 07-01-93 winpost.hl_ 13059 07-01-93 winpost.wr_ 48007 07-01-93 wpsvc.dl_ 1390 07-01-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Workshift v1.5 organize groups of programs path: /unzipped/util/wrksft15/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disclaim.txt 586 08-28-92 readme.txt 117 08-27-92 regform.txt 1340 08-24-92 wrkshift.exe 91152 08-25-92 wrkshift.wri 153984 08-27-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- WRU v3.11 file finder (where are you) (great) path: /unzipped/util/wru311/ ----------------------------------------------------------- file_id.diz 325 10-14-92 install.exe 38912 09-28-92 install.ini 226 10-09-92 readme.atw 1821 10-18-92 wru.doc 26512 10-18-92 wru.exe 97536 10-16-92 wru.hlp 31045 10-16-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- McAfee VirusScan for Windows path: /unzipped/util/wsc_217e/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agents.txt 31197 03-08-95 clean.dat 62907 03-08-95 compuser.txt 6252 03-08-95 file_id.diz 155 03-08-95 filename.txt 1950 03-08-95 license.txt 22941 03-08-95 names.dat 162713 03-08-95 packing.lst 1278 03-08-95 profile1.prf 4 03-08-95 profile2.prf 8 03-08-95 readme.1st 1869 03-08-95 register.txt 9857 03-08-95 scan.dat 158317 03-08-95 validate.exe 15958 03-08-95 validate.txt 3560 03-08-95 viruscan.txt 234467 03-08-95 wscan.exe 320594 03-08-95 wscan.hlp 281815 03-08-95 wscan.ini 1254 03-08-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- McAfee VirusScan for Windows V117 path: /unzipped/util/wscan117/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agents.txt 29106 07-27-94 compusrv.txt 6338 10-16-92 french.msg 16090 11-29-93 language.doc 444 07-27-94 license.doc 23033 07-30-93 readme.now 4300 07-15-94 register.doc 10171 07-22-93 scan.exe 164319 07-15-94 scan.ico 766 01-14-93 scan.pif 545 10-15-91 scanhlp.hlp 69853 07-15-94 spanish.msg 17045 11-29-93 validate.com 12197 03-24-92 validate.doc 2415 05-15-94 virlist.txt 122098 07-14-94 winstall.exe 19606 07-15-94 wscan117.exe 76868 07-15-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- A text browsing utility (PC mag) WinSmooth v1.c path: /unzipped/util/wsmooth/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wsmooth.c 17951 10-04-90 wsmooth.doc 2365 10-08-90 wsmooth.exe 30208 10-05-90 wsmsrc.zip 20583 10-08-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- WTouch v1.1 set date/time stamp path: /unzipped/util/wtch11/ ----------------------------------------------------------- sclptext.pas 4686 05-13-92 wtouch.exe 28928 05-13-92 wtouch.pas 7477 05-13-92 wtouch.res 1474 05-13-92 wtouch.wri 2176 05-13-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- World Time display time in 150 metrop/geographic path: /unzipped/util/wtime20/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 4504 06-01-92 wtime20.exe 91648 06-01-92 wtime20.hlp 25474 06-01-92 wtime20.ini 279 06-01-92 wtime20.txt 19407 06-01-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Xantippe v1.59; hyperlink information workbench path: /unzipped/util/xantippe/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _antippe.exe 122063 03-02-92 _antippe.hlp 51762 02-15-92 _antippe.xan 37605 02-15-92 appsetup.inf 432 02-03-92 install.exe 26528 01-11-92 readme.txt 2773 03-02-92 ----------------------------------------------------------- Application for personal time usage recording path: /unzipped/util/xtimlog2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- commdlg.dll 89248 03-10-92 ddeml.dll 36864 03-10-92 manual.wri 34944 06-08-93 readme.txt 6020 06-08-93 xtimelog.exe 178736 06-08-93 xtimelog.hlp 40111 06-08-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Manage users and their encrypted passwords, path: /unzipped/util/yrpswd16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dlldoc/ password.dll 286664 11-29-95 password.ini 26 11-29-95 yrmain.dfm 1349 11-29-95 yrmain.pas 2670 11-29-95 yrpasswd.dcr 455 11-29-95 yrpasswd.dcu 3856 11-29-95 yrpasswd.pas 12273 11-29-95 yrpasswd.txt 11488 11-29-95 yrpswd.dpr 206 11-29-95 yrpswd.exe 186404 11-29-95 yrpswd.opt 279 11-29-95 yrpswd.res 794 11-29-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/util/yrpswd16/dlldoc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dll-info.txt 2210 11-29-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Zipscope 1.3 zip viewer & browser, M.Fadda path: /unzipped/util/zipsco13/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cmdialog.vbx 18688 04-28-93 commdlg.dll 89248 03-23-92 compress.dll 28192 06-14-93 desc.sdi 60 10-22-95 edi3d.bin 10779 01-17-95 file_id.diz 163 10-22-95 install.bin 53471 01-26-95 install.exe 13312 01-17-95 install.inf 399 10-22-95 orderfrm.txt 1793 10-22-95 read_me.1st 171 10-22-95 read_me.bat 422 10-22-95 threed.vbx 64544 04-28-93 vbrun300.dll 398416 05-12-93 vendinfo.diz 6212 10-22-95 vendor.txt 2155 10-22-95 zipscope.exe 162352 10-21-95 zipscope.hlp 70372 10-22-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary lookup (also for DOS) and spell check path: /unzipped/util/zpad210/ ----------------------------------------------------------- lookup.exe 49372 11-24-93 zpad.doc 4166 11-24-93 zpad.exe 55020 11-24-93 zspell.dll 45812 11-24-93 zspell.wor 393868 11-23-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Sockets (Winsock) applications and utilities path: /unzipped/winsock/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cello101/ Cello WWW Browser Release 1.01a ewan1052/ Free winsock telnet client program inetcon2/ WinSock DLL, utilities, tools & sample sources qvtnt381/ WinQvt/Net v3.81 | (telnet,rlogin,ftp,news,mail,lpr) (good) serweb03/ World Wide Web Server for Windows 3.1 and NT wgopher/ Gopher for Windows Version 2.2 winpanda/ Gopher, ftp, e-mail and news clients for Winsock winsock/ Trumpet Winsock ver 1.0, P.Tattam wlprs40/ LPR Network printer spooler wmos20a7/ NCSA Mosaic v. 2.0 alpha 7 - World Wide Web | client wrsh16/ Execute a command remotely on another host, | W.Cheung ws_ftp/ WS_FTP v2.01 - FTP client for winsock, J.Junod ws_ping/ Windows Sockets PING Client Application, J.Junod wsirc14/ Winsock Internet relay chat client for Windows wtar15u/ Backup hard disk to local/remote storage medium, | W.Cheung wtwsk10a/ Trumpet NNTP Newsreader ----------------------------------------------------------- Cello WWW Browser Release 1.01a path: /unzipped/winsock/cello101/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1024-768.sty 1872 02-17-94 640-480.sty 936 02-17-94 800-600.sty 936 02-17-94 cello.bak 643 02-18-94 cello.bmk 2048 02-17-94 cello.exe 533273 03-17-94 cello.ini 633 03-17-94 cello.sig 122 02-17-94 cello.sty 1872 02-16-94 clohelp.hlp 373685 02-18-94 default.htm 6349 03-17-94 readme.1st 8443 03-17-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Free winsock telnet client program path: /unzipped/winsock/ewan1052/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ansi.dl_ 16646 01-18-95 bwcc.dl_ 55675 03-09-93 config.cf_ 325 11-22-94 ctl3dv2.dl_ 12261 08-16-93 emacs.ke_ 167 01-15-95 ewan.ex_ 99343 01-18-95 ewan.hl_ 34891 01-18-95 install.exe 29456 08-09-94 setup.bak 2462 12-13-94 setup.inf 2458 12-21-94 swe.ic_ 72 11-07-94 swemap.ke_ 82 10-09-94 vt100.cf_ 228 11-22-94 vt100.dl_ 16507 01-18-95 vt100key.ke_ 214 01-15-95 vt52.dl_ 13427 01-18-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinSock DLL, utilities, tools & sample sources path: /unzipped/winsock/inetcon2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- _mssetup.ex_ 7543 03-23-92 _mstest.ex_ 55370 03-23-92 announce.tx_ 2332 06-13-94 core.in_ 1009 06-09-94 coreins.dl_ 2616 03-25-94 coreins.in_ 214 03-25-94 coretcp.dl_ 32926 07-03-94 corewsds.in_ 922 07-04-94 corewsds.ms_ 5572 06-06-94 dllpatch.dl_ 3711 12-12-93 hosts._ 355 12-12-93 lmsetup.tx_ 373 01-24-94 mscomstf.dl_ 41320 03-23-92 mscuistf.dl_ 13393 06-06-94 msdetect.in_ 4726 03-23-92 msdetstf.dl_ 14949 03-23-92 msinsstf.dl_ 40805 03-23-92 msregdb.in_ 1361 03-23-92 msshlstf.dl_ 9226 03-23-92 msuilstf.dl_ 3970 03-23-92 ndispkt.dos 4533 05-20-91 nwsetup.tx_ 361 01-24-94 oemsetup.inf 1151 06-06-94 order.tx_ 801 06-12-94 pktnull.co_ 3179 03-02-94 problem.tx_ 1703 07-02-94 problem.wr_ 2214 07-02-94 protocol._ 238 07-17-93 readme.1s_ 309 06-06-94 relnotes.wr_ 14837 07-04-94 relnotes.wri 29184 07-04-94 resolver.cf_ 68 12-12-93 services._ 1082 12-12-93 setup.exe 24624 03-23-92 setup.lst 655 02-08-94 setupapi.in_ 13492 03-25-94 ver.dl_ 6307 03-23-92 vxdwsa.38_ 9984 07-04-94 wfinger.ex_ 11025 07-03-94 winpkt.co_ 1913 07-04-94 winsock.dl_ 30722 07-03-94 winsock.h_ 10245 12-04-93 winsock.hl_ 171083 08-08-93 winsock.ic_ 325 01-02-94 winsock.li_ 1822 04-27-94 wping.ex_ 15569 07-03-94 wsaconf.ex_ 8074 06-11-94 wsacore.ex_ 19344 07-03-94 wsaspy.ex_ 12687 07-01-94 wsatrap.dl_ 11162 12-12-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- WinQvt/Net v3.81 path: /unzipped/winsock/qvtnt381/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dlltask.exe 5120 06-16-93 passwd.exe 11203 12-31-91 pktint.com 722 10-21-92 qvtnet.ini 13750 06-03-93 read1st.ws 691 06-19-93 readme.wri 54656 08-22-93 relnotes.wri 44032 08-19-93 setups.txt 5975 12-31-92 tnstart.exe 6736 11-11-92 vt220.fon 125440 01-08-91 wnnetdll.dll 66496 08-19-93 wnnetdll.sym 5284 08-19-93 wnqvtnet.exe 365040 08-19-93 wnqvtnet.hlp 46718 03-27-93 wnqvtnet.sym 11252 08-19-93 wnqvtwsk.exe 364736 08-22-93 wnqvtwsk.sym 11380 08-22-93 wnsetup.hlp 8673 02-16-93 wnwskdll.dll 18432 08-19-93 wnwskdll.sym 2772 08-19-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- World Wide Web Server for Windows 3.1 and NT path: /unzipped/winsock/serweb03/ ----------------------------------------------------------- closed.htm 230 11-03-93 editor.vcw 90 09-30-93 editor.wsp 1174 09-30-93 mainfrm.cpp 1123 10-01-93 mainfrm.h 683 10-01-93 mainfrm.sbr 0 10-12-93 nofile.htm 262 11-03-93 period.htm 229 11-03-93 present 0 10-12-93 resource.h 671 10-02-93 retry.htm 252 10-02-93 serweb.aps 15687 10-05-93 serweb.clw 1757 10-04-93 serweb.cpp 5315 11-03-93 serweb.def 350 09-30-93 serweb.exe 78640 10-12-93 serweb.h 1150 10-02-93 serweb.ico 768 09-30-93 serweb.ini 706 10-06-93 serweb.mak 3497 10-12-93 serweb.pdb 166154 10-12-93 serweb.rc 6695 10-05-93 serweb.rc2 1543 09-30-93 serweb.res 5890 10-12-93 serweb.sbr 0 10-12-93 serweb.vcw 90 10-13-93 serweb.wri 7168 11-03-93 serweb.wsp 712 10-13-93 serwedoc.cpp 1755 09-30-93 serwedoc.h 1235 09-30-93 serwedoc.sbr 0 10-12-93 serwevw.cpp 28878 10-12-93 serwevw.h 4338 10-12-93 serwevw.sbr 0 10-12-93 stdafx.cpp 204 09-30-93 stdafx.h 283 09-30-93 stdafx.sbr 343811 10-12-93 winsock.h 29396 09-08-93 winsock.lib 4096 08-28-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Gopher for Windows Version 2.2 path: /unzipped/winsock/wgopher/ ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt 2034 01-28-94 sample.ini 204 01-28-94 wgopher.exe 305959 01-28-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Gopher, ftp, e-mail and news clients for Winsock path: /unzipped/winsock/winpanda/ ----------------------------------------------------------- debug.out 1130 12-15-93 general.txt 10146 12-15-93 newsrc.cnf 50 12-15-93 winpanda.exe 688128 09-13-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trumpet Winsock ver 1.0, P.Tattam path: /unzipped/winsock/winsock/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bugs.lst 8387 02-02-94 bye.cmd 58 01-11-94 disclaim.txt 662 02-03-94 hosts 153 08-13-93 install.doc 48117 02-03-94 install.txt 60278 02-03-94 login.cmd 1172 01-11-94 protocol 441 07-08-93 readme.msg 364 02-02-94 services 2840 10-10-93 tcpman.exe 93184 02-03-94 winpkt.com 3516 10-02-93 winsock.dll 105216 02-02-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- LPR Network printer spooler path: /unzipped/winsock/wlprs40/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d.dll 21008 10-15-93 ctrld10b.txt 711 01-26-94 ctrld10b.zip 9454 01-26-94 wlpr2.asc 10294 03-17-94 wlpr2.dll 59975 03-16-94 wlpr2.doc 326303 03-17-94 wlprspl.asc 28503 03-17-94 wlprspl.doc 34904 03-17-94 wlprspl.exe 88599 03-18-94 wsaidcnf.cpl 19776 03-14-94 wsockaid.asc 3641 03-17-94 wsockaid.dll 24703 03-15-94 wsockaid.doc 5147 03-17-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- NCSA Mosaic v. 2.0 alpha 7 - World Wide Web path: /unzipped/winsock/wmos20a7/ ----------------------------------------------------------- faq.wri 19200 09-07-94 install.wri 29952 09-09-94 mosaic.exe 702464 09-09-94 mosaic.ini 9945 09-09-94 readme.wri 5376 09-09-94 slip.txt 4056 09-09-94 update.wri 11392 09-09-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Execute a command remotely on another host, path: /unzipped/winsock/wrsh16/ ----------------------------------------------------------- winrsh/ ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/winsock/wrsh16/winrsh/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3d32.dll 28672 08-17-93 ctl3dv2.dll 21648 02-01-94 license.txt 17982 11-28-93 readme.txt 13032 11-07-94 src/ winrsh.exe 79454 11-07-94 winrsh32.exe 72284 11-07-94 xterm 111 10-31-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- path: /unzipped/winsock/wrsh16/winrsh/src/ ----------------------------------------------------------- err.c 2072 11-07-94 err.h 1328 11-07-94 msg.c 4714 11-07-94 msg.h 1416 11-07-94 rsh.c 20021 11-07-94 rsh.h 1933 11-07-94 wprintf.c 8254 11-07-94 wprintf.h 1707 11-07-94 wrsh.c 25027 11-07-94 wrsh.def 300 11-07-94 wrsh.h 1732 11-07-94 wrsh.ide 34796 11-07-94 wrsh.rc 6055 11-07-94 wrsh32.ide 27496 11-07-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- WS_FTP v2.01 - FTP client for winsock, J.Junod path: /unzipped/winsock/ws_ftp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ws_ftp.exe 118656 07-24-94 ws_ftp.ext 54 07-13-94 ws_ftp.hlp 44998 07-24-94 ws_ftp.ini 1861 07-17-94 ws_ftp.txt 8543 07-24-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Sockets PING Client Application, J.Junod path: /unzipped/winsock/ws_ping/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ws_ping.exe 59988 01-23-94 ws_read.me 2342 01-27-94 wspi_src.zip 35133 01-27-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Winsock Internet relay chat client for Windows path: /unzipped/winsock/wsirc14/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bc30rtl.dll 143802 06-10-92 bwcc.dll 152304 03-09-93 owl31.dll 154240 06-10-92 pvplus.dll 174080 03-06-94 readme.txt 10578 07-16-94 servers.txt 21307 03-21-94 tclass31.dll 68444 06-10-92 winctl.dll 267264 03-06-94 wsirc.exe 282640 07-16-94 wsirc.hlp 55560 07-16-94 wsirc.txt 532 07-16-94 wsircg.exe 281616 07-16-94 ----------------------------------------------------------- Backup hard disk to local/remote storage medium, path: /unzipped/winsock/wtar15u/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctl3dv2.dll 26992 04-04-95 licence.txt 2411 11-29-95 readme.txt 5145 11-29-95 wintar.exe 238592 11-29-95 wintar.hlp 87096 11-29-95 wintar.ini 209 11-29-95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Trumpet NNTP Newsreader path: /unzipped/winsock/wtwsk10a/ ----------------------------------------------------------- disclaim.txt 621 08-29-93 readme.txt 3974 08-29-93 wintrump.hlp 88154 05-06-93 wt_wsk.exe 238080 08-29-93 wtdoc.doc 40777 08-29-93 ----------------------------------------------------------- VBRUN Library files for Visual Basic programs path: /vbrun/ ----------------------------------------------------------- vbrun100.dll 271264 05-10-91 Visual basic run time libary. Often | needed. ver. 1 vbrun200.dll 356992 10-21-92 Visual Basic run time libary. Often | needed. ver. 2 vbrun300.dll 398416 05-12-93 Visual basic run time libary. Often | needed. ver. 3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Compressed files path: /zipped/ ----------------------------------------------------------- artifici\ Neural networks and related material astronom\ Astronomy related programs and utilities bitmaps\ Bitmap pictures comm\ Communication programs and utilities demo\ Demonstrations desktop\ Desktop utilities dlls\ DLL doc\ Various documents drivers\ Drivers editor\ Editors for windows educgame\ Educational games fonts\ Bitmap fonts fontsatm\ atm-fonts fontstt\ TrueType fonts graphics\ Graphics programs and utilities icons\ Icons and related utilities misc\ Warehouse multimed\ Multimedia related programs and utilities plot\ Plotting related material printer\ Printer utilities programm\ Programming material science\ Miscellaneous science related material screen\ Screensavers and screen handling utilities sound\ Sound utilities and some samples source\ Source code material turbopas\ Turbo Pascal material util\ Utilities from broad category winsock\ Windows Sockets (Winsock) applications and utilities ----------------------------------------------------------- Neural networks and related material path: /zipped/artifici/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ainet100.zip 647483 03-30-95 Multi-purpose artificial neural network neural22.zip 191918 04-16-94 Back propagation neural net simulator w/src, | C.Marais nnga410.zip 327221 08-22-94 Neural GA program for forecasting ----------------------------------------------------------- Astronomy related programs and utilities path: /zipped/astronom/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hubble19.zip 410780 01-29-95 Astronomy Planetarium Simulator, G.Lee skymap30.zip 1729767 10-20-95 SkyMap Win3/Win95 planetarium, C.Marriott ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap pictures path: /zipped/bitmaps/ ----------------------------------------------------------- astro.lzh 43174 06-15-90 Bitmap (BMP) Astronaut bride.zip 82390 03-06-91 Bitmap (256 color) earth.zip 75721 06-08-90 Whole Earth in picture (bitmap) hr_012.zip 494146 12-04-92 1024*768*256 (neat) mst3k.zip 7339 01-28-94 Silhouette of Joel & the 'bots from MST3K, | A.Bouvier shutle1s.zip 639364 09-14-91 1023x800x256 wallpaper from shuttle1.gif (good) univcolr.zip 42148 06-15-90 Bitmap wall91.lzh 75100 12-19-90 1991 Calendar & ANSI character set wallpapers | (good) wallmac.zip 4752 07-19-90 Macintosh desktops (BMP) wallppr.zip 5522 07-29-92 Wallpaper Bitmaps ----------------------------------------------------------- Communication programs and utilities path: /zipped/comm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- allov12.zip 1010200 08-24-94 Serial communication program for Windows, | H.Mansur cmm21f.zip 385298 05-20-92 Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (full) for internet | mail cmm21s.zip 177698 05-20-92 Cinetic Mail Manager v2.1 (short) for internet | mail comt101.zip 113271 08-09-94 Use COM port as telnet modem, req. WinSock 1.1 courier.zip 182535 11-18-95 Send and receive mail between MS Mail and the | internet fax_v501.zip 717753 11-25-95 Adds a button to all Windows Programs, | J.Krahmer hottrm01.zip 94371 01-27-94 A Windows Terminal Enhancer, I.King mlk105.zip 224155 04-17-94 Microlink term comm program modsta17.zip 158903 04-25-95 MODEMSTA Modem status iconic indicator, | T.Johansson opmail11.zip 142136 10-13-95 Windows-based MIME mailer for UUPC, O.P. Jensen pcucp101.zip 106050 04-22-93 PCUCP v1.01 comm prg between PC & Unix, serial | line Dos+Win pcucp11a.zip 86131 08-08-93 PCUCP v1.01a comm btw PC & Unix, serial line, | Win 3.x rfdml123.zip 813763 09-12-94 RFD Mail: Windows offline email, D. Yon send10a.zip 236884 01-09-94 IRC - "half-client" for Windows terminal and | dialup IRC snuz100.zip 85975 06-24-91 Snuz v1.0; simple netnews reading program | (NNTP&SMTP) softerm4.zip 4464717 09-19-95 Complete internet communications package for | Windows uc3d.zip 329140 06-05-92 Unicom v3.0d term comm program uniqwk21.zip 150103 07-11-93 UniQWK QWK off-line mail reader v2.1 | (multimedia) vcomm225.zip 417288 11-13-95 Windows telecom program with good interface, T. | Liverseed vocg21_1.zip 894282 12-29-95 Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 1/3 vocg21_2.zip 837936 12-29-95 Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 2/3 vocg21_3.zip 823384 11-20-95 Voice-Response & Fax-On-Demand system 3/3 w3pktdr2.zip 72802 07-16-90 Packet drivers for windows (oldish) wdial110.zip 13415 08-16-93 Wdial autodialer for modems win30k.zip 78265 05-19-91 Win100 Terminal Emulator v2.4 (Kermit) (only | Com1&2) wmail11a.zip 57282 11-14-91 WinMail v1.1a; Windows UUPC mail reader wnbff20a.zip 67074 02-06-94 Windows 3.1 mail notification for | UUPC/Waffle/PMail wnkerm23.zip 228130 10-27-91 Win100 v2.3; basic comm program wnmail10.zip 507241 07-06-93 Internet mail prgm wnqvt478.zip 177432 03-11-92 WinQVT VT220 comm & terminal program v4.78 | (good) wr13.zip 73669 11-12-90 WinRead v1.3 off-line mail reader (good) wrn093.zip 29227 10-27-92 Windows/Waffle read news v0.93 wv169903.zip 268235 04-22-95 WinVN Windows news reader version 0.99-3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Demonstrations path: /zipped/demo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3drender.zip 468428 04-06-92 3D RenderLib wire frames (rendering) cbdemo.zip 26781 01-18-91 Combo Toolbox Demo (sample code for SQLwindows) clock5.zip 63854 05-30-91 Demo Clock v5.0 for Windows (good) enetdemo.zip 797401 05-28-93 E-Net demo; buildings energy economic eval | NN-Tool gcadp201.zip 1022709 10-04-95 GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, | expireware helpm133.zip 630345 02-19-95 An easy way to do Windows help -files hfp95lb.zip 1349791 12-08-95 Professional visual forms processor, nagware landa100.zip 671582 10-18-95 3D landscape viewer/Virtual Reality application, | K.Wolley mpegview.zip 189989 09-21-93 Demo version of MPEG player for Windows oknademo.zip 135212 06-20-90 The Desktop Set demo for Windows v3.0 osf112.zip 18012 03-01-91 OSFrame v1.1 demo (gives you more 3-D look) | (good) packrat.zip 274625 03-04-90 Polaris PackRat v2.0 demo PIMS pubtech.zip 332111 09-05-90 PubTech demo for Windows v3.0 (nice) recbse10.zip 149998 06-12-93 RecBase specialized database for Audio | Recordings rocks.zip 288028 01-08-91 hDC MicroApp Manager Demo & Rocks game spice52a.zip 1016410 08-04-92 Design Center Evaluation version for circuit | analysis 1/2 spice52b.zip 1176410 08-03-92 Design Center Evaluation version for circuit | analysis 2/2 td20g.zip 239818 06-09-93 td30edem.zip 598243 12-27-95 Windows Font Editor for Type 1 and TrueType | fonts td_eng.zip 263917 10-13-92 Type-Designer demo v1.1 tdl09.zip 820342 04-28-94 Three Dimensional Laboratory (produce | stereograms and animatio) thedrums.zip 164195 10-27-93 Pattern editor for MIDI drum parts (demo) timwin.zip 1428138 10-01-93 Scientific Image Processing program by R.Ekkers trekdemo.zip 329214 01-16-93 Star Trek Referencer demo vinedemo.zip 434469 05-02-94 Vineyard Self-Running Demo - groupware | application winmor.zip 344667 04-30-93 WinImages: morph - An image morphing program | demo ----------------------------------------------------------- Desktop utilities path: /zipped/desktop/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dvcp22.zip 744770 02-09-95 Visual Calendar Planner 2.2 for Windows, B.Lo animdsk1.zip 75368 03-30-94 3D Desktop Animator (backround), L.Ron apdock2c.zip 205699 08-09-91 Application Dock v2.0 NeXT -like toolbar (great) aporia14.zip 149628 10-15-90 Aporia v1.4 desktop enhancements appbar33.zip 141137 09-03-92 Application Bar v3.3 (NeXT-like AppDock) (good) apppad40.zip 180080 09-08-93 Application Pad v4.0 backdesk.zip 103889 07-23-91 BackMenu (popupmenu) v2.30 & BigDesk (virtual) | v2.30 (great) barclk23.zip 34548 10-10-93 Puts info (time, mem, etc.) in menu bar of | active window bkgfade.zip 7018 10-08-91 Windows background fader (good) bmpldr25.zip 15459 10-11-92 Bitmap Loader v2.50 load a bitmap on the desktop | randomly cb210.zip 664880 05-29-94 Configurable icon bar for windows, R.Smith chgcrs22.zip 38149 01-08-92 Change Cursor utility v2.2 click13.zip 68533 03-08-91 Click! Filer v1.3 file mgmt or replace progman | manager cmdp72d.zip 269335 03-20-92 Command Post desktop v7.2d & Browser v3.94 co39.zip 96012 08-10-92 Chez Otto rel3.9 (was: Otto Menu) (good) cpostutl.zip 45469 06-18-90 Suggested changes for Command Post v7.0e dashv09.zip 77224 01-10-94 System monitor dashboard (mem, dsk, FSR), | D.Wright deskcat.zip 120864 03-30-94 Cat on the desktop follows the mouse cursor deus.zip 53314 04-24-91 Mac-like interface for File Manager (promising) disktool.zip 19098 04-22-91 Disk Tools v1.0 file maintenance program | (copy,move,erase) drift.zoo 8890 11-09-91 Drift v0.01 Windows drifting away ... dsktop.zip 66991 10-31-92 Bitmap randomizer v1.1a dtools11.zip 527735 01-30-94 Personal Information Manager fclip41a.zip 210327 03-03-94 Replace File Manager with Clipboard Enhancements folder31.zip 63815 03-21-91 Folders program v3.1 adds depth to prg mngr | groups frontw20.zip 189112 04-22-92 Front Window v2.00 (utilities) file manager htspt1.zoo 18221 11-26-91 HotSpot v1.0 launch appls quickly icoba151.zip 22148 09-06-92 IcoBar v1.51 file launcher/viewer & NeXT-like | dock (good) icomin16.zip 196686 12-10-95 Manages minimized icons on the Windows desktop, | P.Jakins launch11.zip 30523 03-25-92 Launcher v1.1 (NeXT-like) Application Dock | (great) layout.zip 16308 08-12-90 A desktop arranger v1.0 ledclock.zip 79289 05-27-94 Clock program for Windows with a LED display lens13.zip 9066 08-08-92 Lens 1.3 Windows screen magnifier lnch201.zip 20935 07-06-91 Launch v2.01 (pop-up menu) for Windows loader13.zip 28365 09-14-93 Windows wallpaper and sound changer by J. and L. | Chang logo212.zip 204639 07-13-94 A program to change the Windows startup logo metz_dlr.zip 27333 05-20-90 METZ dialer v2.0 metz_dn.zip 72515 06-01-90 METZ desktop navigator v2.43 metz_dt.zip 76031 05-20-90 METZ desktop manager v3.1 metz_fm.zip 15206 05-20-90 METZ freemem v3.4 metz_lk.zip 24542 05-20-90 METZ lock v1.2 metz_ph.zip 45042 05-20-90 METZ phones v3.3 metz_rnr.zip 20479 05-20-90 METZ runner v1.0 metzcp.zip 48862 04-06-93 Metz task manager under CP PC Tools for Windows nmfw146e.zip 654891 08-22-95 Win4/Unix like Win 3.1-Shell and enhancement, | R.Kommer nwutils.zip 317251 01-23-92 HP New Wave utilities ofold10.zip 136841 05-25-94 O'Folder, stand-alone program manager om37.zip 89962 04-26-92 OttoMenu v3.7 menu only system popmnu02.zip 29702 03-12-94 Userdefineable popup menus for Windows, S.Huseby quick_10.zip 66366 07-23-93 Program manager replacement and application | launcher rem31.zip 72680 12-13-95 Quick-and-easy to use appointment reminder, | D.Wriedt resmon.zip 83526 08-12-95 Dr.Bob's Resource Monitor for Windows route1p1.zip 935019 08-13-94 Route 1 Pro - premiere shell for Windows, D.Karp run002c.zip 32926 10-24-95 Multiple associations in FileManager, A.Styles sinfo104.zip 83309 08-22-94 System information/Task Manager replacement | J.Aguirregabiria sl20.zip 162797 01-08-94 Simple Launcher 2.0 Program Manager replacement slpman12.zip 236075 02-10-92 Sloop Manager v1.2b; program manager replacement stat40c.zip 154524 05-13-94 StatLine - date, time, memory, resources, hard | drive space tlbar230.zip 216729 09-26-94 Drag and drop toolbar and shell replacement | J.Aguirregabiria trashcan.zip 8630 03-30-92 TrashCan v1.0.005d usher14c.zip 19342 08-07-91 Usher v1.4c pop-up menu of applications vdt.zip 402871 12-16-92 Virtual Desktop,Group Manager,Disk Manager | (promising) wbaskt31.zip 215647 07-06-93 Wastebasket - file deletion utility wcc12.zip 34541 08-31-92 Wallpaper control center v1.2 swap wallpapers win4hier.zip 19230 02-22-92 Program Manager group subdirectory utility | v0.3beta wincd.zoo 14007 10-03-91 Windows Change Directory v1.1e wincmd78.zip 592939 02-12-95 WCL - a Command Line Processor for Windows windv10.zip 29215 05-26-94 DesqView-like Mark/Transfer in Windows winez.zip 47212 10-18-91 Winez v2.1 add two buttons/menus for easy launch | (good) winmnu15.zip 43843 06-22-93 Menu program/shell for starting applications winsaver.zip 36460 04-16-91 Brings up the desktop as you left it with | winsaver v1.0 xecute1.zip 10364 04-04-93 Execute; program executer shell ----------------------------------------------------------- DLL path: /zipped/dlls/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agrep301.zip 53250 04-10-94 Approx. & regular expression search DLL, | Y.Roumazeilles bwcc.zip 48535 03-10-93 Borland BWCC.DLL foyeh201.zip 31818 10-04-93 General purpose functions for programmers by | A.Olowofoyeku vbrun100.zip 170141 06-16-93 Visual Basic v1.00 VBRUN100.DLL vbrun200.zip 220319 06-16-93 Visual Basic v2.00 VBRUN200.DLL vbrun300.zip 228521 04-27-93 Visual Basic v3.00 VBRUN300.DLL ----------------------------------------------------------- Various documents path: /zipped/doc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- authwn07.zip 12970 04-18-94 Email addresses of 65 Windows shareware and PD | authors hag.zip 604734 02-10-93 Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft memtip.zip 26464 07-29-89 MS-Windows advanced memory topics mscdex21.zip 45319 05-30-92 Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions v2.1 | documentation sbjan95a.zip 723727 01-04-95 SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 1/4, | A.Testad sbjan95b.zip 738029 01-03-95 SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 2/4, | A.Testad sbjan95c.zip 466710 12-28-94 SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 3/4, | A.Testad sbjan95d.zip 264015 12-28-94 SoftBase: Products/suppliers, Jan 95 4/4, | A.Testad serihack.txt 4550 03-12-91 Patch win3 for serial mouse other than COM1&COM2 start.zip 3562 12-14-90 Change the screen win3 displays at startup start2.zip 6699 01-30-91 Change the screen win3 displays at startup; | information tsfrv1n1.zip 285651 11-04-93 The Shareware/Freeware Report: Nov/Dec 1993 undocwin.zip 8436 06-21-92 Undocumented Windows information sheet | (programming) vbtips13.zip 70946 01-03-94 Visual Basic Tips & Tricks (Windows Help File) vectfont.lzh 1314 05-06-90 Use vector fonts with MS-Windows Write whag.zip 552170 02-10-93 Windows Help Authoring Guide by Microsoft (.doc) win3_nfs.zip 6005 10-29-90 Use Win3 with PC-NFS win86.zip 10553 07-15-91 Assist PC/XT users in running win3 faster winemm.zip 3985 02-24-90 Windows/286 & /386 WIN.INI memory switches wrk_doc1.exe 752115 06-21-92 Windows Resource Kit beta release (MS-WORD docs) ww0323t.zip 20053 11-27-90 Information about win3 and networks ww0525.zip 5432 03-31-92 Microsoft Product Support Services Application | Note ww0527.zip 8926 03-30-92 Microsoft Product Support Services Application | Note ww0530.zip 13739 04-07-92 Microsoft Product Support Services Application | Note ----------------------------------------------------------- Drivers path: /zipped/drivers/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 24pin.zip 69012 06-09-95 Enhanced drivers for Epson 24-pin and compat. 34win3.zip 170359 06-09-95 Genoa VGA drivers 5426dr13.zip 614937 06-09-95 Cirrus Logic GD542x drivers v1.3 673w30.exe 79981 06-09-95 Everex EVGA drivers (800x600x16 & 512x480x256) adlibw.zip 6836 06-09-95 Adlib WAVeform driver for Win 3.1 atiwin3.zip 94898 06-09-95 ATI VGAWONDER 800x600x16 & 1024x768x16 drivers | v2.0 cirruswd.zip 125442 06-09-95 Cirrus Logic VGA controller drivers disk_drv.zip 113444 06-09-95 Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) disk_wrk.zip 580485 06-09-95 Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) diskroot.zip 150150 06-09-95 Windows 3.1 Resource Kit (part of) djetdsk1.zip 606452 06-09-95 HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 1 djetdsk2.zip 569793 06-09-95 HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 disk 2 djetdsks.txt 154 06-09-95 HP Deskjet drivers v2.1 information djwin3.lzh 150885 06-09-95 HP 500 DeskJet printer driver et4k0192.zip 541692 06-09-95 Tseng Drivers (01/92) et4win31.zip 1149037 06-09-95 Tseng ET4000 Windows 3.1 (Turbo) drivers evga800.zip 67557 06-09-95 Everex EVGA 800x600x16 & 512x480x256 drivers genoadrv.zip 121218 06-09-95 GENOA SVGA 6000 drivers (1024x768 & 800x600) k5422_d2.zip 602330 06-09-95 Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows k5426_d2.zip 630580 06-09-95 Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows k542x_d1.zip 570880 06-09-95 Cirrus v1.3 drivers for Windows lj3drv38.zip 277574 06-09-95 HP LaserJet III driver v3.38 llwin103.zip 136906 06-09-95 MCI Videodisc drivers for Windows 3.x mmext.zip 17780 06-09-95 Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) mscdex.zip 17460 06-09-95 Microsoft CD-ROM extensions msexe.zip 27502 06-09-95 Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) necpnser.zip 91468 06-09-95 Nec 24-pin Pinwriter(s) driver v1.37 oak_drv.zip 239631 06-09-95 Oak drivers oakwin31.zip 416428 06-09-95 Oak drivers pan24.zip 112061 06-09-95 Panasonic 24 pin printer drivers paradise.zip 140635 06-09-95 Paradise SVGA drivers for Win3 parawin3.zip 181066 06-09-95 Paradise SVGA drivers for Win3 rel 2 pro2w31.zip 373877 06-09-95 Orchid Technology Prodesigner II Series drivers pscrp353.zip 141704 06-09-95 PostScript printer driver v3.53 psd34a.zip 82416 06-09-95 pvga1024.zip 851671 06-09-95 PVGA (Paradise, Western Digital) drivers sbpw31.zip 56939 06-09-95 Sound Blaster Pro drivers for Win 3.1 speak.zip 8686 06-09-95 Windows 3.1 Driver Library (part of) stlwin31.exe 667061 06-09-95 Diamond Stealth VRAM win 3.1 drivers sv800.arc 50782 06-09-95 Generic 800x600x4 graphics driver for Win3 trident.zip 598759 06-09-95 Trident Windows drivers release C3.0 (May 91) ts3k_w31.zip 264648 06-09-95 Tseng ET3000 Prerelease Windows 3.1 beta 061d tseng4k.zip 164498 06-09-95 Tseng ET4000 VGA SVGA 16 & 256 color drivers tvga30.zip 316672 06-09-95 Trident Windows drivers Release 3 (May 91) tvgac401.zip 506838 06-09-95 Trident 8900C Windows drivers Release 4.01 (Feb | 92) tvgaw31a.zip 359986 06-09-95 Trident release drivers for Win 3.1 tvgaw31b.zip 274521 06-09-95 Trident release drivers for Win 3.1 tweak3.zip 39496 06-09-95 Tweak Win v3.0 to work at 800x564x16 with normal | VGA card v3.0 v7win3.zip 142923 06-09-95 Video Seven V-RAM & VGA 1024i 16 color & | 720x512x256 drivers vgawin.zip 53634 06-09-95 ATI VGA 800x600 driver for Win3 w31et4.zip 1169989 06-09-95 March 1993 version of Tseng 4000 drivers for Win | 3.1 wdl.txt 9452 06-09-95 Windows 3.1 Driver Library Info (part of) wdl_aud1.zip 268565 06-09-95 Windows Drivers Library Sound wdl_dsp1.zip 1088134 06-09-95 Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 1 wdl_dsp2.zip 997606 06-09-95 Windows Drivers Library Display Disk 2 wdl_msc1.zip 498786 06-09-95 Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 1 (kbds,mouse | etc) wdl_msc2.zip 172765 06-09-95 Windows Drivers Library Misc Disk 2 (kbds,mouse | etc) wdl_ptr1.zip 473305 06-09-95 Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 1 wdl_ptr2.zip 474803 06-10-95 Windows Drivers Library Printer Disk 2 win30drv.zip 471076 06-10-95 Paradise VGA drivers (incl. Fast VGA) win31acc.zip 241881 06-10-95 ATI line of accelerator card drivers winsdl.txt 16203 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library info winsdl1.zip 341000 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #1 winsdl2.zip 309298 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #2 winsdl3.zip 116153 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #3 winsdl4.zip 191232 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #4 winsdl5.zip 245816 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #5 winsdl6.zip 254254 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #6 winsdl7.zip 234807 06-10-95 Microsoft Supplemental Drivers Library #7 wizard.zip 139249 06-10-95 VGA Wizard drivers (800x600x16 & 1024x768x16) wrk_doc.zip 877801 06-10-95 Windows 3.1 Resource Kit Docs (WinWord2) zyvgaw3.zip 86574 06-10-95 Appian (ZyVGA) drivers ----------------------------------------------------------- Editors for windows path: /zipped/editor/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mewin10.zip 107252 04-17-92 MicroEmacs v3.11c for Windows Update 1.0 (great) mewri.zip 84589 12-09-91 MicroEmacs for Windows docs nedit11a.zip 151058 08-28-95 Nutty Edit v1.1 for Windows, J.Chan notebk16.zip 42827 07-07-91 Notebook v1.6; A text editor for docs to max | heap avail ue312win.zip 199394 04-26-93 MicroEmacs v3.12 for MS-Windows webed12.zip 937836 08-30-95 Hypertext markup language editor for Windows wed13b.zip 225448 03-19-92 WinEdit v1.3b programmer's editor wine05bx.zip 3273875 06-09-93 Win-Emacs v1.00.05 beta (GNU Lucid Emacs 19.4) | (huge) wintex20.zip 248467 11-10-93 Text editor dedicated to TeX/LaTeX editing wpa06.zip 52508 03-24-91 WPEdit v0.6 programmer's text editor zeusv105.zip 493820 07-31-95 Zeus for Windows 3.x Program (Brief like) Editor ----------------------------------------------------------- Educational games path: /zipped/educgame/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1merlin.zip 180209 11-25-92 Board style game - find treasures and get them | to destination amaze321.zip 52033 06-12-93 Amazeing v3.21 3D, find a way out of the maze aquiz00.zip 299604 11-12-95 Quiz program with facility to create your own | questions arachnid.zip 80322 02-08-91 Arachnid card game, I.Heath bcubes.zip 18523 09-14-92 BrainCubes, remember and repeat button | sequences, M.Dvorkin bg4win30.zip 23051 01-30-91 Traditional Backgammon against computer, G.Sutty bog.zip 29883 10-26-92 Bog, Boggle-like word finding game, | E.Bergman-Terrell butmad.zip 9989 08-21-91 Button Madness puzzle, D.Palmer carom10.zip 101183 08-13-94 A carom billiards simulator with C source, | C.Markus cartiv20.zip 379883 05-05-95 Cartivor, package of 100 solitaire type games chess321.zoo 227161 08-25-91 GNUCHESS (3.21) for Windows (good) crypto20.zip 170882 08-10-95 Cryptogram puzzle game, K.Reek cstone1.zip 66238 05-17-93 Cornerstone puzzle by F.Poulin deapsea.zip 111655 10-10-91 Familiar grid game - find ships before yours are | found draw530.zip 70212 10-18-92 Draw 5 v3.0 video poker eurwin22.zip 161749 07-28-95 "Europe!" Version 2.2 for Windows gaz1.zip 1367725 10-14-94 Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman gaz2.zip 1292050 10-14-94 Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman gaz3.zip 718897 10-14-94 Monopoly in outer space, N.Kokubo S.Hoffman hangman.zip 75595 10-26-92 Hangman word guessing game for Windows math090.zip 432905 08-17-95 This is a Windows math program for anybody | 2-years & above maxit101.zip 36063 06-11-95 A Game of skill, wit, mathmatics, G. Klemans mind12b.zip 88581 06-15-94 Another MasterMind for Windows, D.Slamnig mines.zip 19302 07-13-90 Minefield game, I.Heath mrmind.zip 18858 08-23-90 MasterMind Logic Game poker.zip 20906 12-11-90 Draw Poker, A.Haroutunian puzzle11.zip 23731 09-10-90 Sliding Tile Puzzle (pictures, BMPs as tiles), | P.Beckingham pzl8.zip 14889 10-26-92 Sliding puzzle (numbers as tiles), | E.Bergman-Terrell stwv150.zip 111304 08-10-94 Story Twister for Windows Version 1.50 taipei.zip 27909 05-17-90 Taipei (mahjong), by D.Norris w_hop.zip 4844 07-26-90 Hop-Over puzzle, D.Feinleib watorw.zip 43410 01-13-93 Windows fish & sharks population evolution game, | L.Kovach winpoker.zip 51367 11-03-90 Windows Poker v1.0 winpool3.zip 68903 06-15-93 Winpool v1.3 billiards winprobl.zip 12696 07-13-93 Finger problems puzzle wintris.arc 18412 08-18-90 Tetris for Win3 winzee.zip 48437 03-03-93 Yahtzee dice game for windows v2.21 wmake5.zip 25390 05-14-92 Wmake5 v1.0 5-in-a-row game yacht1.zoo 15299 12-23-90 Windows Yacht v1.00 yat105.zip 42385 03-23-92 Yet Another Tetris v1.05 for Win3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap fonts path: /zipped/fonts/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dmppfm14.zip 23167 10-25-91 Printer Font Metrics Dumper v1.4 europe20.zip 67751 11-28-93 Add European characters to your system (example | font incl.) fonts.lzh 931681 08-18-90 A large number of PS screen fonts (great) ifw11a.zip 453073 10-25-91 HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet | IIIxx) v1.1 ifw11b.zip 769837 10-25-91 HP Intellifont printer-screen font driver (LJet | IIIxx) v1.1 kaufmann.zip 27305 08-27-90 Kaufmann Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) | (good) mariage.zip 27299 08-27-90 Mariage (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) (good) news.zip 23335 08-27-90 News (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) oldtown.zip 18972 08-27-90 Old Town (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) pa50.zip 239075 08-12-92 Printer's Apprentice screen & printer font util | (good) refont11.zip 27312 07-07-91 Refont v1.1; convert Mac type 1 fonts for | Windows roissy.zip 25857 08-27-90 Roissy Bold (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) symbol8.zip 13339 08-27-90 Symbol (font) 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA) tkrtape.zip 32114 02-11-94 Stock ticker tape letters & symbols font (TTF & | ATM) torahsfr.zip 35177 02-11-94 Torah Sofer - Torah style Hebrew font (TTF & | ATM) vectrfon.zip 12423 01-26-90 Vector fonts wgreek17.zip 351739 01-23-93 WinGreek v1.7 greek and hebrew package ----------------------------------------------------------- atm-fonts path: /zipped/fontsatm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 36psfnts.zip 1380381 01-08-91 36 Type 1 fonts (ATM) arc13p.zip 28786 11-28-90 Architect font (ATM) atm_ball.zip 29490 03-04-91 BalletEngraved atm_flor.zip 40259 01-21-91 Florence atm_murl.zip 23617 01-28-91 Muriel atm_otwn.zip 34669 02-03-91 Old-Town atm_pant.zip 26805 01-24-91 PostAntiqua atm_tekt.zip 26103 01-24-91 Tekton atm8.zip 340157 01-25-91 Cascade, Cloister_Black, Howard, Korina, Paradox atmfix.zip 4682 11-12-90 ATM & Ventura fix atmfnta.zip 97973 01-29-91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfntb.zip 185677 02-01-91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfntc.zip 159253 02-01-91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfntd.zip 188496 02-02-91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc. atmfnts1.zip 306416 01-14-91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 1 atmfnts2.zip 439447 01-14-91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 2 atmfnts3.zip 362008 01-14-91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 3 atmfnts4.zip 373186 01-14-91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 4 atmfnts5.zip 372113 01-14-91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 5 atmfnts6.zip 417919 01-14-91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 6 atmfnts7.zip 557459 01-14-91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 7 atmfruti.zip 552326 02-02-91 Frutiger (also PCLFONTS for smaller sizes) atmv1d1.zip 259624 03-01-91 Misc fonts (good) atmv1d2.zip 126052 01-25-91 RSxxxx fonts atmv1d3.zip 222145 01-26-91 RSxxxx fonts blkcha.zip 27224 12-03-90 BlackChancery (ATM) caligu.zip 30182 11-14-90 Caligula fonts (ATM) capri.zip 19632 01-13-91 Sinaloa chitown.zip 28706 12-22-90 ChiTown font (ATM) crillee.zip 42100 03-15-91 Crillee cunei.zip 17198 04-06-91 CuneiFont-Light diego1.zip 51040 12-22-90 Diego fonts (ATM) frquad.zip 69190 01-09-91 FrizQuadrata-Thin & Bold garmnd1.zip 45036 01-05-91 Garamond font (ATM) gralig.zip 28683 11-19-90 GraphicLight font (ATM) heidelbe.zip 37901 12-22-90 Heidelberg font (ATM) iglesia.zip 49019 12-22-90 Iglesia font (ATM) luxembrg.zip 14292 03-15-91 Luxembourg midd1.zip 68367 09-24-90 Middleton font (ATM) sntfra.zip 22971 11-30-90 SaintFrancis font (ATM) wfn2atm.zip 2098 12-21-90 Using Wfnboss convert the .wfn fonts to Adobe | Type 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- TrueType fonts path: /zipped/fontstt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cyrilttf.zip 102862 05-13-93 Cyrillic Truetype fonts dfonts.zip 702682 06-07-93 Truetype fonts (origin?) fmonst35.zip 441636 06-06-94 Font Monster - Edit, group, catalog, preview | Type1 & TT fonts fontc123.zip 553537 12-04-94 Fast Type1/TrueType font installer, S.Fox hebttf10.zip 62022 08-11-94 Hebrew TrueType Fonts for Windows 3.1 quenya16.zip 117076 05-01-95 Tengwar Quenya 1.6 - TT & ATM font w/ docs & | util ttfonts1.zip 294326 08-27-91 Truetype fonts part 1 ttfonts2.zip 313436 08-27-91 Truetype fonts part 2 ttfonts3.zip 374059 08-18-91 Truetype fonts part 3 ttfonts4.zip 559350 08-27-91 Truetype fonts part 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- Graphics programs and utilities path: /zipped/graphics/ ----------------------------------------------------------- daub15.zip 343514 10-14-94 Vector-based calligraphic drawing program, | F.Feingold gcad110.zip 235657 09-22-94 GammaCAD, CAD program for Windows 3.1 or later, | F.Feingold gif2bmp.zip 24002 01-23-90 GIF to BMP v1.0 gs252win.zip 190829 09-20-92 GhostScript v2.5.2 exe for Windows gwswin10.zip 259017 03-29-92 Graphics Workshop v1.0a (great) himage11.zip 1488297 10-18-95 Script enabled image editor for Windows horse.zip 11206 08-25-90 Galloping horse & YinYang v1.0 ib11.zip 42074 08-02-92 I-Bank v1.0 a clipboard extender for graphic | images kdraw140.zip 101510 07-07-93 KwikDraw freeware v1.40 object drawing (great) land350.zip 877121 10-01-95 3D landscape modelling / GIS application, | K.Woolley lviewp19.zip 304215 11-16-94 Image file editor for Microsoft Windows 3.1 mpegwin.zip 736691 03-30-93 MPEG Player for windows pattern.txt 980 11-29-90 Some background patterns pholab18.zip 125718 05-12-93 Photolab v1.8a image processing tool (great) pshape11.zip 69622 03-10-91 Pro-Shape v1.1 a drawing program (good) randot1a.zip 210485 06-23-94 Random Dot Stereogram generator 1.0a, G.Hausheer rds200.zip 35320 03-21-94 Repeated Dot Stereogram generator for Windows, | D.Wischik stars.zip 3132 08-28-90 Space like background uclp15.zip 81346 01-02-93 UltraClip v1.5 (good) enhanced clipboard vuepri43.zip 324725 12-09-95 VuePrint 4.3 - Fast JPEG/GIF Viewer for Windows vuesav22.zip 64566 04-28-94 VueSav 2.2 - Fast JPEG/GIF Windows Screen Saver, | E.Hamrick win3d.zip 124101 09-11-93 Windows Function Visualizer (two variables) winarty.zoo 9077 05-19-91 Winarty v1.0 draws symmetrical lines (pretty) winfr171.zip 240666 02-08-92 Fractint v17.00 for Windows (great) wingif14.zoo 69547 08-05-91 WinGif v1.4; Windows image viewer/enhancer | (great) winjp160.zip 170900 11-15-92 WinJpeg v1.6 Jpeg viewer winmrf16.zip 288753 09-25-94 Morphing program for Windows, M.Marjamaa wlabv30b.zip 856011 10-28-94 Image processing package for MS-Windows, | G.Desoli worm.zip 9633 06-13-90 Worms everywhere... xvtdraw.zip 84733 09-11-90 XVT-Draw v1.5 object oriented drawing prg ----------------------------------------------------------- Icons and related utilities path: /zipped/icons/ ----------------------------------------------------------- demoico.lzh 7904 07-07-90 Demo icons for IconDraw dosicons.zip 4914 06-30-90 Icons for popular Dos programs icolib02.zip 527916 01-07-93 Icon Library v2.196 group icons into libraries | (good) icon330.zip 61229 07-22-90 Icon Library; a large collection of good quality | icons icondr12.zip 34101 07-16-90 IconDraw v1.2 icons.zip 12281 01-27-90 Icon collection imstr12a.zip 134435 04-29-92 IconMaster v1.2a; icon editor, viewer and mgmt | system is110a.zip 78252 07-08-92 IcoShow v1.10a icon management utility pbicon.zip 17712 07-12-90 PBIcon v1.1; customize icons tamr11.zip 30858 12-01-90 IconTamer v1.01 (req's Icon Editor) viewicon.zip 37291 10-07-90 Viewicon, geticon, puticon ----------------------------------------------------------- Warehouse path: /zipped/misc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 16550_10.zip 9107 12-23-91 Ignore the FIFO enable bits in the 16550A IIR ahandy11.zip 769690 10-31-95 30 utilities, games etc. in one single program, | nag arch308.zip 200573 07-04-91 Archives v3.08; the compressed file manager ayli12.zip 232917 02-28-95 As You Like It Windows E-book reader ccizip20.zip 245572 09-02-92 CCiZip v2.0 archive file manager (good) ccwin31.zip 426846 09-26-95 Crossword Compiler for Windows, A.Lewis color12.zip 40413 08-22-93 Color My World - multimedia tutor abt colors for | children dvimswin.arc 46592 01-14-90 TeX .dvi previewer for MS-Windows v1.03 or > | (req's win87em) elana11.zip 109727 04-03-91 Elana v1.1 sys config tool enigma11.zip 106965 04-03-93 Enigma v1.1 (german version) encrypt/decrypt fixgrp.zip 18260 07-11-92 FixGroup; fix group files when moving freemem.zip 11543 06-18-93 Freemem v1.0 show amount of free memory fundmn83.zip 360991 09-26-95 Portfolio management with graphs and reports gander10.zip 46135 09-01-91 GANDER v1.0 text and binary file viewer (ASCII & | HEX) lifepl5a.zip 2374350 10-23-95 LifePlan for maintaining your personal goals mod1.zip 27328 05-29-92 Delrina's (Winfax Pro) beta release of mod.exe | V.32bis morecn.zip 22693 05-18-92 More Control v1.1 Control Panel enhancement | (good) ot170.zip 474014 06-15-95 One Touch II glucometer data application, | K.Uusitalo paramd15.zip 388876 11-10-94 Paramind, configurable brainstorming program qnzip21.zip 112451 02-05-93 QuinZip v2.1 Windows Zip/UnZip util strack12.zip 77343 10-05-93 SofTrack - software/hardware inventory database tm.zip 39659 06-30-92 Taskman v1.0 replace Windows task manager ucook10.zip 1366285 10-18-93 The USENET Cookbook in WinHelp format wexit12e.zip 19569 08-15-92 Windows Exit Button v1.2 (good) winzoo21.zip 45011 03-04-92 Zoo v2.1 for Windows wnspd.zip 51200 08-05-92 Winspeed v1.0 Windows 3.0 performance anal tool wotd_201.zip 193695 10-30-94 What happened on this day (historical database) wuna222.zip 134313 08-23-93 Windows Unarchive v2.22 (ZIP ARJ) wunz20x.zip 83852 07-12-93 Freeware windows unzipper version 2.0 (good) zm301.zip 88541 10-22-90 ----------------------------------------------------------- Multimedia related programs and utilities path: /zipped/multimed/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cat10.exe 165057 08-02-91 Catalist v1.0 Internet Library list (req's | Toolbook 1.5) cd_tbk.zip 10124 12-03-90 Compact Disk Library "stack" (ToolBook) formgx34.zip 635418 12-16-95 Formula Graphics Multimedia System 3.4 fullcat.exe 717620 08-02-91 Catalist v1.0 (incl. ToolBook 1.5 Runtime | library) hifinanc.zip 150299 08-12-90 Hi, Finance! (ToolBook) v1.01 hmcv14_1.zip 1066907 01-09-95 HM_Card, Hypermedia authoring system (1/2) hmcv14_2.zip 589977 12-26-94 HM_Card, Hypermedia authoring system | documentation (2/2) winhurri.zip 1411447 06-09-93 Control program for the moviegrabber board | (hicolor) ----------------------------------------------------------- Plotting related material path: /zipped/plot/ ----------------------------------------------------------- digi138.zip 104513 06-01-93 Digitize v1.38 x,y plot digitizer (scanned plot | to x,y points) splt220w.zip 241195 05-31-93 Splot v2.20 the pen plotter simulator (HP7475A) | (good) ----------------------------------------------------------- Printer utilities path: /zipped/printer/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ddp20b.zip 141745 07-30-94 Drag and Drop Printing Utility dump31.zip 48902 09-04-92 Dumper v3.1 dump files to the printer plx17.zip 67362 06-14-92 Paper Express v1.7 program list printer shell printf16.zip 25128 11-17-93 PrintFlip - Printer changer and setup utility spoolf20.zip 88544 11-19-94 Windows Util Printing to File, P.Poellinger wprt103.zip 202166 09-05-94 Windows Printer Control Utility, P.Poellinger wrptp20.zip 16791 12-03-91 RPTPwin v2.0 yacpu20.zip 191362 03-29-95 Calendar printing utility for Windows ----------------------------------------------------------- Programming material path: /zipped/programm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bascde12.zip 106105 02-20-94 Basic Source Code Librarian (e.g. for VB), | M.Brewerton boyer03.zip 41948 08-21-94 Boyer-Moore Fast Text Search for Windows 3.x in | C bstrcw12.zip 102315 01-28-94 Restructure Your VB/Basic Source Code, | M.Brewerton button.zip 118994 04-02-93 Buttons! v1.0.1 BWCC button editor catch.zip 43383 03-03-93 Catch v1.00 batch programming language for | Windows cenviw9.zip 305225 11-29-94 C-Interpreter/Batch/Script/Automator cxtw107.zip 542083 07-20-95 C Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, | J.Mueller dxtw107.zip 298038 07-20-95 DBASE Eploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, | J.Mueller fxtw107.zip 308419 07-20-95 FORTRAN Exploration Tools - Source Code | Analysis, J.Mueller ha30.zip 222381 02-24-94 Help Assistant for Windows help developers to | create hypertext hdcnv100.zip 205389 07-21-95 C DLL header file to delphi conversion hpgn12.zip 193726 09-05-94 HelpGen Help File Generator, M.Burton intl.zip 115683 05-25-92 Internationalizing DLL v1.0 for Windows lxtw107.zip 296837 07-20-95 LISP Exploration Tools - Source Code Analysis, | J.Mueller makemdi2.zip 73118 11-25-92 Generic Windows Mdi appl generator msdn200.zip 176758 06-21-94 MS Developers Network/SoftLib index reader, | F.Robijn msjmar93.zip 424225 01-20-93 Diag & MemMan newexe.zoo 33376 11-26-91 Detailed information about the Windows NE EXE | file v0.01 newspy.zip 25699 08-14-91 NewSpy v1.00 (like Spy in SDK) oot_104d.zip 104124 11-15-92 OO Documentation Tool v1.04d Obj-oriented anal | doc tool pb3ico10.zip 181145 08-24-94 PowerHelper Function Syntax Utility for | PowerBldr, P.Poellinger ppfont10.zip 24769 07-12-94 Windows font family, list, textmetrics DLL, | P.Poellinger pprtr44.zip 44603 08-24-94 DLL to get/set windows printers and settings, | P.Poellinger progress.zip 13271 11-09-93 Progress meter for lengthy operations (w/source) | by T.Ravnholt prtrk203.zip 916191 12-04-95 Tracks problem reports in network database, | R.Stimpson rc2hdk30.zip 39624 04-25-94 Help Template generator from RC files by R.Loewy snoopy13.zip 9873 11-16-94 Debug monitor, trap error msgs, exit codes etc, | H.Boch swtools.zip 56019 05-03-93 Shareware Tools (expiration & registration) tdwin31.zip 6902 04-07-92 TDWIN.DLL for Windows 3.1 thlis103.zip 112213 02-15-94 TheLister 1.03 advanced Pascal source lister tprint.zip 24894 05-21-91 TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows tps.zip 9817 09-06-92 Horizontal tiling facility to TP for Win 1.5 tpwin31.zip 99515 04-06-92 Turbo Pascal for Windows 3.1 compatibility files ucb.zip 53376 12-16-90 UCB WordPlan; application programmer assistant undocfct.zip 25318 08-28-91 List all undocumented entry points & external | refs vba_bkma.zip 69093 07-07-94 VBA Native Functions DLL - most common API calls vbbld11.zip 102126 02-13-94 Design VB Programs, For Better Structure, | M.Brewerton vbptu10.zip 95407 03-02-94 VB program testing unit, logs test info, | M.Brewerton wpjv1n1.zip 37722 01-01-93 Windows Programmer's Journal vol1 #1 wthrds.zip 58136 06-08-92 EDI threads; multi-threading library (C&PAS) xlispw.zip 461629 04-09-93 Xlisp-plus v2.1d for Windows xspawn10.zip 197229 08-16-94 Spawn programs from Windows App and Wait, | G.Yaniv ----------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous science related material path: /zipped/science/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cvxpt114.zip 669233 12-02-95 Curve fitting with nonlin regression & splines, | D.Hyams funex116.zip 102714 09-17-94 Math teaching program. Draw curve of any | function, J.Saalbach isoln11.zip 190242 08-17-94 Create isoline diagrams and cross-sections, | W.Diestel ozw101a.zip 348290 10-01-93 OzGiz spatial data display and analysis data | 1/12 (w/demo) ozw101b.zip 32068 09-11-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 2/12 ozw101c.zip 116280 09-05-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 3/12 ozw101d.zip 142170 09-11-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 4/12 ozw101e.zip 57213 09-11-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 5/12 ozw101f.zip 133728 09-08-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 6/12 ozw101g.zip 174203 09-11-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 7/12 ozw101h.zip 482980 09-11-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 8/12 ozw101i.zip 229225 08-28-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 9/12 ozw101j.zip 409838 06-06-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 10/12 ozw101k.zip 130580 08-08-92 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 11/12 ozw101l.zip 295848 09-11-93 OzGIS WINDOWS mapping of census/GIS data 12/12 piw131.zip 196409 07-29-94 Compute Pi to a million decimal places w/C++ | src, H.Smith salch15a.zip 914993 12-04-95 P-table, elements database, constants&formulas, | C.G.Hansen stats1.zip 257029 04-17-94 Statistics (Win3.1) help file wfit122.zip 128835 06-01-93 Winfit v1.22 non linear least squares fitting ----------------------------------------------------------- Screensavers and screen handling utilities path: /zipped/screen/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dmania3.zip 357655 01-26-95 3DMania & Nerd's Galore Screen Saver Modules adslid12.zip 22418 10-04-93 Programmable slide show for After Dark 2.0 boink05.zip 466650 11-08-95 Boink moves .bmp images while playing .wavs, B. | Eychenie bounce.zip 14114 07-12-92 After Dark module; bounce (good) colpal21.zip 16314 10-18-92 ColPal v2.1 Color Palette Display program decay10.zip 10021 10-28-93 Decay screen saver module; melting screen ferkel.zip 34144 06-23-93 Ferkel screen saver module; push you desktop | away ghost.zip 13004 05-05-93 Ghost Module for After Dark v2.0 screen saver magic140.zip 46000 03-06-92 Magic ScreenSaver v1.40; incl. password | protection (good) mazespx.zip 4825 09-19-90 Screen Peace saver module (good) ms20b.zip 17008 10-29-90 Monitor saver v2.0b newspxs.zip 21237 08-12-90 Screen Peace Saver modules (Solids & Dragon | Kites) psych11.zip 311229 11-08-95 Hypnotic screen savers for Windows (16 & 32 | bits) qixspx.zip 9471 08-29-91 Screen Peace Module (256 color) resta21a.zip 37687 06-28-92 Resta v2.1a screen saver scrpe12.zip 33657 06-30-90 Screen Peace v1.2 - Screen Saver (good) scrutl91.zip 6370 08-21-91 Scrutil & scrblank v9.1 (was:egautil) shf12spx.zip 2655 02-14-91 Shuffler spx for Screen Peace shoot12.zip 15481 05-28-92 Shoot! v1.2; Yet another screen grabber (good) spextn.zip 19763 06-15-90 Screen Peace Saver extensions spx2.zip 43803 07-06-90 Screen Peace saver modules v1.2 spx_logo.zip 11919 09-01-91 HLS & LOGO Saver (.spx) modules uc11.zip 47481 08-17-92 UltraClip v1.1 extends Windows clipboard wneko.zip 15364 05-23-91 Neko v1.03 (good) wp_spx.zip 5044 08-25-91 WP Invader(s) .spx (good) ----------------------------------------------------------- Sound utilities and some samples path: /zipped/sound/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 34wavs.zip 927434 04-23-92 Wav sounds collection abcd20.zip 527662 01-10-95 Super CD-ROM player and database 16bit & 32bit alcomp11.zip 181875 12-29-93 Aleatoric Composer - probabilistic music | composition btmstr11.zip 533509 09-13-93 Sequencer software for Windows cdplyr20.zip 154259 12-01-95 CD Player with songnames, X. Alvarez cdppro45.zip 255404 01-02-94 Play audio CD's, database manager included fmsound.zip 67006 01-21-91 Use FM synthesis abilities of your sound card gldwav30.zip 424644 10-04-95 Wave editor/player/recorder, dual oscilloscopes | C.Craig guitar21.zip 20579 08-10-90 Guitar Scales and Modes v2.1 jp100.zip 232185 12-05-93 Sound file player (WAV/AU) soundcard req, | J.Willinghoefer juker50.zip 563280 01-10-95 Multimedia jukebox (MID/WAV/AVI/etc) 16 & 32bit k4v301.zip 40364 11-16-90 K4 patch editor for MIDI (& driver) v3.01 kbmidi.zip 14576 01-28-92 Keyboard MIDI Player v1.0 mbtt20.zip 456434 11-18-95 Midi file to guitar tablature translator, | M.Brazeau micplay1.zip 453060 07-19-93 Player for .WAV and .MID files, supports 4DOS | description minicd13.zip 125209 05-11-94 Audio CD player mozrt12a.zip 574616 11-27-94 Music processor. WYSIWYG. Win 3.1 1of2, D.Webber mozrt12b.zip 217418 11-19-94 Music processor. WYSIWYG. Win 3.1 2of2, D.Webber mrouter.zip 12310 11-14-94 Route MIDI messages between Win 3.1 apps, | Z.Janosy mstud41.zip 239856 08-14-95 MIDI Studio, Windows MIDI Sequencer music_01.zip 797479 01-15-93 WAV(E) music samples music_02.zip 454090 01-15-93 WAV(E) music samples music_03.zip 812154 01-15-93 WAV(E) music samples music_04.zip 645514 01-18-93 WAV(E) music samples music_05.zip 908561 01-18-93 WAV(E) music samples music_06.zip 980440 01-15-93 WAV(E) music samples muzika3.zip 225595 09-17-94 A musical notation package for windows, N.Amir noismstr.zip 74107 04-06-93 Noisemaster v1.0 from New Noise WAV&VOC editor | (good) nosnd01.zip 1631 06-09-92 Vnosound v0.1 disables PC speaker sound sculpt17.zip 238757 09-01-94 MIDI Sequencer with Keyboard Window, G.Struben sndtoo25.zip 343741 04-03-92 SoundTool v2.5; convert,manipulate,play sound | (good) sounder.zip 183540 02-25-91 Sounder v2.0; digitalized sound player (incl. | dsound.dll) tran09.zip 44884 02-10-93 Transcribe v0.9 how to play various songs wavr15.zip 1399862 07-12-94 WaveRave 1.5 Windows WAVE Player - Instant play wavutl23.zip 159065 12-10-93 The Wave Utilities - Loop And Play Wave Files wavwor11.zip 165211 10-09-93 WaveWorks Wave editor wincdp33.zip 80983 01-22-95 Windows CD Audio Player with database support, | T.Wu winjam22.zip 201218 09-21-92 Full-Featured MIDI Sequencer v2.21 for Windows winplay.zoo 30482 04-08-91 Polyphonic music player v1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Source code material path: /zipped/source/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mewin10s.zip 269290 04-17-92 MicroEmacs for Windows source muzsrc1.zip 74709 08-05-92 Muzika source ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Pascal material path: /zipped/turbopas/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bpwing02.zip 17090 11-24-94 Windows WinG Demo in BP7 w/src, L.Fosdal ctl3dpas.zip 26238 10-04-93 CTL3D.DLL and CTL3DV2.DLL libraries with prog. | examples dropk_10.zip 84169 03-12-94 A drag & drop batch file system (with BP | source), D.Cook hugecoll.zip 5306 07-24-92 Implement huge collection in TP for Windows janusw.zip 27571 07-26-92 DialogWindow & tJanusDialogWindow objects tooltip2.zip 12724 11-17-94 ToolTip unit for Borland Pascal and TPW, A.Lewis wintl100.zip 3364 09-12-94 International info pascal library, T.Bargholz ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities from broad category path: /zipped/util/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acctmn13.zip 163528 01-07-94 Time usage tracking program for Windows 3.1 achart12.zip 18637 06-07-91 Ascii char table and more v1.2 aclock.zip 34425 10-26-92 Astronomy clock v1.12 advent.zip 307879 12-03-90 Advent Calendar v1.0 aimspice.zip 1542294 04-19-93 Aim-Spice (student version) v1.1 alm30f.zip 372511 07-22-92 Almanac for Windows v3.0f (great) alw113.zip 385442 08-20-92 Astronomy Lab v1.13 alwin15.zip 172893 01-05-91 Active Life v1.5 time management system (good) am_bb40.zip 272497 09-08-95 Bank Book for Windows - bank account tracker am_bc40.zip 257735 09-08-95 Book/Magazine Catalog for Windows am_ca41.zip 437317 11-11-95 Car Book Plus for Windows am_cb41.zip 407080 11-11-95 Contact Book Plus for Windows am_cc40.zip 259825 11-11-95 Coin Catalog for Windows am_cr40.zip 175604 11-11-95 Calendar/Reminder for Windows am_dn40.zip 228114 11-11-95 Daily Notes for Windows -keep track of your | notes am_hc40.zip 258219 11-11-95 Hardware Catalog for Windows am_ib42.zip 372789 11-11-95 Internet Book for Windows am_mc40.zip 264474 11-11-95 Movie Catalog for Windows, simple & easy to use am_mu40.zip 260534 11-11-95 Music Catalog for Windows (casettes, CDs, | records) am_pb41.zip 215568 11-11-95 Phone Book for Windows with dial function am_sc40.zip 261641 11-11-95 Software Catalog for Windows am_so40.zip 514575 11-11-95 Student Organizer for Windows am_sp40.zip 272807 11-11-95 Sport Card Catalog for Windows am_st40.zip 257804 11-11-95 Stamp Catalog for Windows at12.zip 18275 01-14-91 Application Timer v1.2 launches programs at a | speci time atlus.zip 119983 06-22-91 Atlus v1.00 computer-based US Atlas (good) audit.zip 18559 04-26-92 Heap Auditor; a utility to monitor the GDI, user | & global heaps backee28.zip 260146 11-23-95 Backup and directory/file synchronizer, B. | Cordes bcalc2.zip 171148 02-09-93 Business Calculator v2.00 benchg11.zip 108179 06-01-90 PC mag Windows benchmark v1.1 (also PM) (works?) brythm.zip 20506 04-13-92 Biorythm utility for MS-Excel builder.zip 6793 08-27-89 The application builder/launcher v2.1 cbill13.zip 158596 05-28-94 Client Biller invoice maker and client tracker ccplus12.zip 208233 05-02-94 Credit card database checkers.exe 33280 09-01-90 (Freeware) Checkers Program v1.0 chgcrs10.zip 27626 11-30-90 Allows you to change the arrow and hourglass | cursors cinstp22.zip 492593 10-12-95 Chief's Windows Installer, A.A Olowofoyeku clinr2.zip 22816 10-07-90 Prints case liners for audio cassettes v2.1 clockr23.zip 111294 01-07-94 A personal/network program scheduler clust104.zip 115429 04-10-94 File cluster viewer with approx. search, | Y.Roumazeilles cman11.zip 193380 05-27-92 ClockMan v1.1; Clock Manager - alarms (good) cookie.zip 17029 01-06-91 COOKIE v2.0; cookies cpuuse14.zip 8031 09-30-91 CPU usage meter v1.4 cripwin2.zip 81387 09-30-94 Text file scramble/unscramble utility, req. | VBRUN300.DLL cswism12.zip 42325 03-09-94 System Resource Monitor for Windows cswiwe14.zip 44291 04-19-94 WinExit Fast windows exit utility cura22.zip 92857 11-25-91 Curacao v2.2 a simul. of the sterile insect | release method cursor.zip 7104 06-16-90 Choose cursor (good) cusbut10.zip 16846 06-21-90 Custom buttons v1.0 datcon10.zip 30198 01-01-90 Data Conversion v1.0 db11us.zip 25737 11-12-90 dbf-Browser v1.1; shows dBase files dc111.zip 26425 03-15-91 Single pass disk copier v1.11 delta3_2.zip 198276 04-10-95 Windows uninstaller, reports changes and undoes | them dimcalc2.zip 88356 01-26-95 Calculator/converter of dimensioned quantities, | G.Hart dllchk10.zip 58272 05-06-94 Reports which DLLs Windows program calls and | vica versa dngr20.zip 54790 02-14-91 Word for Windows macro; Dinger insert dingbat | chars dr6win.zip 120586 04-07-92 DR DOS 6.0 update for Win 3.1 drwat079.zip 24604 08-27-91 Dr Watson v0.79; UAE Diagnostic & Log Utility dskmfw30.zip 365264 10-23-94 DiskMan hard disk, floppy etc. cataloguing dtaphn11.zip 1182334 05-31-94 Dataphone - A practical phonebook dvimsw24.arc 47155 03-13-91 TeX .dvi previewer v2.4 for Win3 ecu13.zip 280937 06-08-92 The Earth Centered Universe v1.3a sky | visualization (good) edesk.zip 629163 09-30-94 Executice desk Windows PIM utility epsflt.zip 37143 03-15-91 EPS file Import filter DLL for Word for Windows | v1.1 eqs.zip 16216 06-20-90 Eyes (works?), qtime v1.3, status v2.4 exit.zip 6061 08-09-90 Exit button v1.0 (works?) finst152.zip 682126 09-01-94 Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v1.52, K. Tong flipper.zip 7316 11-03-90 Flipper; change orientation of the printer | port/land fmapp11b.zip 140060 12-16-93 Applications menu for Windows File Manager, | H.Knight fmgrd208.zip 135112 09-05-95 File Manager Guard v.1.5, A.Belogortseff fmsu326.zip 169399 09-05-95 File Manager StepUp, adds features to FM, | A.Belogortseff fmtb224.zip 134601 09-05-95 File Manager Toolbar by A.Belogortseff fracview.zip 20295 10-26-92 FracView for Windows v1.03 glue.zip 9045 06-08-91 Glue v1.0; glues DOS programs to Windows | programs graph.zip 33268 09-13-92 Graph f(x) v2.0 grepw30.zip 95590 07-27-94 GREP for windows, A.Catorcini gtools.zip 30935 09-28-90 GTOOLS.DOC v1.0; WinWord macros hbw20.zip 213130 08-23-94 Home budget - Manage your home budget, S.Drew helllp23.zip 363232 06-15-94 Winhelp help file author tool for WinWord helllp24.zip 446802 11-20-94 WinHelp author tool for WinWord 2.0 & 6.0, E.Guy hotkey.zip 19822 08-02-90 Hotkey; assign prgms to a keystroke & StartUp; | from any dir hpcalc.zip 19206 10-25-90 HP like calculator v3.00 hyptrk32.zip 249378 11-03-93 WinHelp extender; | tracking/word-search/multi-print inform1b.zip 35992 10-06-92 Informant v1.00 (beta 1) system load graph inspro.zip 60051 04-28-92 EDI install pro v1.0; installer for Windows inswin.zip 34276 04-28-92 EDI install v1.3; installation program ipmgr_10.zip 504053 04-14-94 IP Manager - manage IP addresses, S.Davenport issumn12.zip 278238 09-05-94 Issue Manager issue/problem tracking system, | G.Reinacker jafclc11.zip 71115 10-28-94 JafCalc 1.1 - Calculator for Windows, | J.A.Ferguson jargona.zip 694821 02-19-92 The online jargon file v2.9.8 (Help file format) jwps16.zip 304822 04-21-94 Windows PGP Shell v 1.6, J.Snyder keepkey1.zip 75398 09-17-94 Modify keyboard and mouse functions kf200.zip 34810 07-16-90 K-Free v2.0; display free mem & disk, win info kiviat.zip 23434 11-05-90 KIVIAT v1.0 sys information graphically lalaunch.zip 19575 09-21-95 Windows launch utility for LaTeX progs, G.Gutt lasvegas.crd 6664 08-18-90 Important phone numbers from Las Vegas lblwiz21.zip 172355 03-20-94 Versatile Label Program for Win 3.1, | F.Pellegrino litz200.zip 74380 10-26-95 Compresses, encrypts, uuencodes / decompresses, | decrypts mark30.zip 15359 06-02-90 MARK30 v1.33; mark old Windows Apps for new | Windows v3.0 match110.zip 57600 05-27-91 Match v1.10 a text file comparison prg (good) mathgraf.zip 37910 12-21-91 Mathgraf v2.4.1 define & plot math functions | (problems...) met10.zip 22311 04-07-94 PeekMessage - polling perf. meter for windows, | T.Ronkko moontl04.zip 25924 04-17-91 Current phase of the moon v0.4 (MoonTool) motto.zip 185691 07-06-93 Motto program ms20.zip 17940 07-04-90 Monitor Saver v2.0 mscpls21.zip 221569 05-02-94 Music cataloguing system multip.zip 12030 01-09-90 Multipad v3.00 notepad with multiple files poss. | (w C) muzpak1.zip 48907 08-05-92 Muzika v1.0 musical notes editor neweye.zip 5982 07-24-90 Interactive eyes v1.0 nonag.zip 8722 06-14-90 Mark old Windows executables for Win3 nonag2.zip 6299 04-10-92 Gets rid of those annoying nag/brag screens | (works?) nosheet1.xlm 999 10-12-90 No open sheet during Excel startup nswitc22.zip 12139 01-30-94 Trap loading of notepad if file too big, | M.Brewerton omnicn10.zip 82732 05-30-94 Unit conversion util for Windows 3.x, P.Jones org140.zip 82858 01-03-91 Organize! your desktop (appointments) PIM v1.4 | (good) osetup21.zip 453735 06-20-95 O'Setup, Windows application installation | utility panic221.zip 769650 10-12-95 Program manager/task manager enhancements pd0805.zip 14368 06-18-93 Microsoft Smartdrive v4.2 (slower disk-write) perfm202.zip 7595 08-06-91 Performance Meter v2.02 pgpwin11.zip 13825 09-03-93 PGP MS-Win Shell (+ Vis-Basic src) v1.1 pinup13.zip 30848 02-27-93 Pinup Notes v1.3 post-it notes polltakr.zip 33753 07-25-92 Poll Taker v1.0 automatic questionnaire (good) pprboy.zip 8290 06-24-90 Picks wallpapers randomly pshell29.zip 64572 03-31-92 Pshell v2.09 command-line shell (slow) pw1118.zip 1232117 10-27-94 Run 32-bit Apps under Win3.1 pwrm154.zip 81970 04-18-95 Win 3.1 notebook battery monitor, H.Boch qrun205.zip 81435 10-25-94 Program launching utility for Windows, P.Damsten qtask13.zip 26873 07-17-94 Taskmanager with commnd line, history, emacs | completion raise105.zip 10536 01-21-91 Auto-Raise windows v1.05 (good) rcalc103.zip 261826 10-26-92 RPN Calculator v1.03 rcpwin20.zip 73394 11-26-90 Recipe Maker v2.0; recipe organization (good) recrun.zip 19921 06-22-90 Recorder Run; attach icons to macros v1.0 restpm.zip 7948 10-17-92 Restore the Windows program manager riteon23.zip 98525 05-13-94 Send keystrokes by right and middle mouse | buttons rotcube.zip 15027 04-19-91 Rotating cube for Screen Peace rp105.zip 12847 12-29-90 RunProg v1.05, run maximized,minimized etc | (good) rpncl12c.zip 12074 12-09-94 Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, P.Mattila rptp12.lzh 8753 05-25-91 Ron's print to printer program v1.2 rptvw21.zip 728937 10-28-95 Report viewer and data extract system, R. Cecrle runit10.zip 9036 04-02-91 RunIt! v1.0; fast alternative to Program Manager savebmp.zip 23008 09-18-95 Utility to handle .bmp pictures, P.Foggia scicalc1.zip 190165 11-02-94 Scientific Calculator for Windows, R.Loewy secch2.zoo 16374 11-26-91 Second Chance v2.0 associate files (good) seeker12.zip 101612 09-12-94 SEEKER - Search For Many Words In Many Files, | M.Brewerton sitex10.exe 355024 08-16-95 StuffIt Expander 1.0 for Windows sked122.zip 125217 11-01-94 Windows appointment scheduler, F.Feingold sl_10.zip 14050 11-25-91 SuperLoad v1.0 (enhance run&load in win.ini) smesme2a.zip 272739 01-26-94 Transfer files between computers (with floppy | disks) snagit16.zip 52735 02-02-91 SnagIt v1.6; screen capture and screen print | (even color) spacem30.zip 386950 07-09-95 Powerful duplicate file search and delete | utility spells13.zip 315828 04-10-94 Spelling checker, checks Text/Write/Clipboard stdm15.zip 49357 02-12-94 Demo/Tutorial Builder, M.Kvitchko strip10.zip 68122 12-08-92 Stripcalc v1.0 calculates transmission line | props suprrm.zip 25324 10-25-91 SoftBlox resource monitor v1.00 (great) sw.zip 12581 10-26-92 StopWatch v1.02 sysgraf4.zip 39327 08-15-91 System Graph v4.00 (good) sysuse13.zip 18864 09-11-92 Sysuse v1.3 system load graph tame260.zip 75710 02-23-91 TAME v2.60; reduce overhead of the multitasking | programs tcc100s.zip 77866 04-13-94 Customizable Unit Converter, C.Malamas tclk106.zip 263711 10-26-92 Talking Clock v1.06 timclk11.zip 177693 08-10-95 Time/project usage tracking program tits.zip 65453 09-13-92 The Interactive Task Switcher (tits) tm101.zip 45606 07-30-92 Taskman v1.01 Task Manager tsd20.zip 293960 10-18-94 Create, search & print student directory, | R.Summers turing.zip 51282 09-11-92 Turbo Turing Machine v1.0 (computer simulation) typemate.zip 9979 04-20-91 Delay before typematic starts v1.4 uc12.zip 47918 08-25-92 Ultraclip v1.2 clipboard utility unictrl1.zip 21188 05-03-94 Keyboard simulator for physical deficients univ20.zip 833892 05-23-92 Universe v2.0 star simulation utl105.zip 21262 07-10-90 Close(r), Run, Exitw & Clean uucode16.zip 23938 10-17-91 Windows Uuencoder/decoder v1.6 (good) vlnch22a.zip 97388 05-04-95 File viewer and launcher, P.Mattila vmerg126.zip 143282 11-19-95 Visual File Diff/Merge Utility v1.26, | O.Cherkasova w3setcom.zip 3019 07-04-90 Stuff com3&4 memory addresses into low memory (w | ASM) wab2b.zip 18884 09-01-91 Winascii v0.02b (like Unix 'strings') wck30n.zip 421423 12-17-91 WinCheck v3.0n checkbook progr (great) wcmd110.zip 115267 04-04-92 Windows Command Line Interface v1.10 wcron23a.zip 354529 03-11-93 Wcron v2.3a periodical Task Scheduler wdbwin10.zip 70533 09-26-91 WindBase v1.0 Windows database (promising) wexec101.zip 17121 09-29-92 Command Line Editor Wexec v1.01 (great) wfind30.zip 98724 10-11-94 Powerful File Finder for Win 3.1, D.Branson wfview02.zip 38276 03-12-94 Textfile viewer, alone or on File Manager's | menu, S.Huseby wfx304.zip 432761 05-11-93 Winfax Pro 3.0 -> 3.04 update whisk26a.zip 24224 09-16-91 Whiskers v2.6a mouse utility wimatk20.zip 97989 03-23-94 Winimage transaltion kit - translate to foreign | language winalt21.zip 119785 11-23-95 Alter date, time, & file attributes in Windows, | J.Bair winaux.zip 15326 12-11-90 Winox directs Aux output to the mono display winb30a.zip 234125 03-07-91 WinBatch v3.0a Batch Language wincli3.zip 65812 01-12-92 WinCLi v3.00; command line interface wincrd.zip 13367 08-27-87 Windows cardfile text conversion program windig20.zip 97446 08-10-95 Win3.1 data digitalization prog. , D.Lovy windiz10.zip 66632 12-10-93 A Windows zip file ID reader/generator wineyes.zip 10562 06-13-90 WinEyes v1.02 (xeyes/eyecon) winfnd10.zip 21559 09-17-92 WinFind v1.0 find file (promising) winhv20.zip 37960 07-24-91 Win Hex View v2.0 winima22.zip 375559 09-04-95 Winimage 2.2 Disk image utility winlite1.zip 242251 09-27-93 Rosenthal WinLite compress Windows programs winpark.zip 2677 07-06-90 Park hard disk heads winprb10.zip 100020 07-06-93 Parabola v1.0 numerical | differeniator/curve-fitter winsp201.zip 686391 02-22-92 WinSpell v2.01 check spelling in any appl (good) winstart.zoo 24812 01-27-91 WinStart Installer v1.0 automatic applications | loader winutil.zip 53186 10-06-91 Ascii, Colours, Freemem winwait.zip 5221 07-29-92 To Windows or not to Windows ... winzip56.exe 294736 02-24-95 WinZip 5.6 w/Built-in ZIP TAR gzip & compress wipew20.zip 259225 09-15-94 Wipes files under Windows 3.1, C.Feroldi wnbrag.zip 12324 01-28-91 Change the screen win3 displays at startup | (easily) womenu31.zip 173174 02-18-95 Powerful/easy menu to launch Windows | applications wordweb.zip 3884262 09-26-95 Utility that finds definitions, synonyms etc. wpost32b.zip 139704 07-09-93 WinPost v3.2b - electronic Post-It Notes (good) wrksft15.zip 48016 08-28-92 Workshift v1.5 organize groups of programs wru311.zip 80246 10-18-92 WRU v3.11 file finder (where are you) (great) wsc_217e.zip 570612 03-08-95 McAfee VirusScan for Windows wscan117.zip 311412 07-26-94 McAfee VirusScan for Windows V117 wsmooth.zip 42530 10-08-90 A text browsing utility (PC mag) WinSmooth v1.c | (w C)w wtch11.zip 19766 05-12-92 WTouch v1.1 set date/time stamp wtime20.zip 54405 06-01-92 World Time display time in 150 metrop/geographic | locations xantippe.zip 227746 03-01-92 Xantippe v1.59; hyperlink information workbench | (good) xtimlog2.zip 177410 06-08-93 Application for personal time usage recording yrpswd16.zip 225744 11-29-95 Manage users and their encrypted passwords, | Y.Rochat zipsco13.zip 491681 10-22-95 Zipscope 1.3 zip viewer & browser, M.Fadda zpad210.zip 177975 11-23-93 Dictionary lookup (also for DOS) and spell check | by L.Zou zps410.exe 359599 08-04-95 ZipShell Pro 4.10 Windows archiving shell ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Sockets (Winsock) applications and utilities path: /zipped/winsock/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cello101.zip 328650 03-17-94 Cello WWW Browser Release 1.01a ewan1052.zip 256295 01-17-95 Free winsock telnet client program inetcon2.zip 624178 07-03-94 WinSock DLL, utilities, tools & sample sources qvtnt381.zip 484267 08-22-93 WinQvt/Net v3.81 | (telnet,rlogin,ftp,news,mail,lpr) (good) serweb03.zip 277770 11-03-93 World Wide Web Server for Windows 3.1 and NT slnot100.zip 1193818 11-21-94 World Wide Web browser for dial-up Unix users | (no SLIP req.) wgopher.zip 110213 01-28-94 Gopher for Windows Version 2.2 winelm.zip 259819 12-10-93 E-mail reader for Winsock winpanda.zip 184187 12-15-93 Gopher, ftp, e-mail and news clients for Winsock winsock.zip 120835 02-02-94 Trumpet Winsock ver 1.0, P.Tattam wlprs40.zip 153776 03-18-94 LPR Network printer spooler wmos20a7.zip 288670 09-09-94 NCSA Mosaic v. 2.0 alpha 7 - World Wide Web | client wrsh16.zip 146271 11-06-94 Execute a command remotely on another host, | W.Cheung ws_ftp.zip 95149 07-23-94 WS_FTP v2.01 - FTP client for winsock, J.Junod ws_ping.zip 59639 01-27-94 Windows Sockets PING Client Application, J.Junod wsirc14.zip 486649 07-15-94 Winsock Internet relay chat client for Windows wtar15u.zip 152214 11-29-95 Backup hard disk to local/remote storage medium, | W.Cheung wtwsk10a.zip 167867 08-28-93 Trumpet NNTP Newsreader