Quickcam black and white video frame grabber
for the nph-SyncImageStream1.3 video streamserver
Qcam-grabber Provides a tcp video stream to
a host (on the same machine, via localhost)
running the Ulm web "streamserver" and "nph-SyncImageStream".
Most of the code is from the qcam developers effort
and depends on Scott Laird's freely distributable
qcam library, modified to present a non-inverse bitmap
over TPC to the streamserver.
Patches were made to nph-SyncImageStream1.3,
for properly imaging the qcam output,
by Jim MacKinnon (jmack@Phys.UAlberta.CA).
Version qcam-grabber-0.91 is a rewrite of
Jim MacKinnon's v0.2 code by Bob Williams
(bob@bob.usuf2.usuhs.mil) October, 1997.
This version conforms with qcamlib version 0.91,
co-exists better with other apps using the same
qcam, and most qcamlib options now work in qcam-grabber.
Also included are icon.gif and properties files for
the Ulm CowBrow configuration.
GPL, depends on "distributable" Copyright (C) 1996 by Scott Laird for qcam-0.91
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