NOTE : The Acrostix program contains a self-verifying routine to protect it against Computer Viruses. When you run the program you will see a brief message if the program is clear. A warning message will be displayed if the program has been altered in any way. ACROSTIX is a computer game which encourages creativity and thinking. If you like to be challenged intellectually or like to challenge others then this game is for you! The program is in two parts. You can solve Acrostics or you can create them for others to solve. Since there is no challenge in solving puzzles you have created yourself, share them with others - your spouse, children, friends, colleagues or the world at large. Just give them a copy of ACROSTIX and the Acrostix files you have created, and let them have fun meeting your challenge. Or upload them to your favorite Bulletin Boards or Compuserve ( the IBM NEW WordGames Forum or the Education Forum) and get fame for your ability to create Acrostix. Your name will be displayed on the Acrostix files you create! And remember to upload them to our Bulletin Board - The Knowledge Transfer BBS - at (713) 370-5804 (24 hours 2400 - 14400 N81). It has a special area for Acrostix and Krypto. Upload yours and download others! To run the program, type ACROSTIX. ACRO24 contains the following files : ACROSTIX.EXE - the Program. ACROSTIX.ACR - an Acrostix file to challenge you. IES.ICO - I.E.S. Windows Icon. FILE_ID.DIZ - Description of the program. README.ACX - this file.