Copyright. Files in this archive are copyright Jeff Holinski 1994. You can use them in any animations you wish, but the archive can't be included in a commercial package without prior permission. The archive contains a nebula I threw together for use in some of my space scenes. The archive should contain the following files: Nebula -- A flat plane the nebula is mapped onto Nebula.no_twist.256 -- The 256 greyscale transparency and luminosity map Nebula.scn -- A scene of the LW spacefighter flying past the camera with the nebula in the background. targetnullobject -- The point that the camera tracks in nebula.scn. nebula.txt -- This readme file. To use the nebula simply load it into your own space scene and size it to suit your animation. Make sure you leave the nebula surface to double sided so you don't have it disappear on you. This archive brought to you by the Liquid Light Construction Company. Custom modeling/animation also available. For more info contact Jeff Holinski at the following e-mail addresses: Or User number 71172,1417 on Compuserve Jeff H... LLCC